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EMI Impact on Senior High School Students' Perceptions

Chapter I
Background of the Study
English was declared as the official language after the independence in 1947
English medium schools were supported by Christian’s missions. English has
become more integrated into the field of education day by day. Language policies
of education institutions are determined by the English necessities of related
countries. In this respect, English as Medium of Instruction has started to play a
vital role in the education of universities in Turkey by virtue of realizing the
importance of English and new language policies were enacted to boost English
learning by Turkish Government. According to Karakas (2016), the Bologna
process was started to establish new EMI universities in 2001, which aimed at
increasing student and teacher mobility,
The wealthy communities shifted their attentions towards these English Medium
school. A lot of subject were taught both in English and Urdu language. But the science
subject was taught in English. A lot of people learn English at school, where English is a
common subject. According to destabilization, ILM (2017) English is transversal lines of
action and research are partially encompassed in the term "English as a Medium of
Instruction (EMI)". To put it simply, EMI is the use of English to teach academic subjects
in countries or areas where English is not the language of most of the population. English
serves as the medium of instruction in our country. It is the language of the academec and
therefore it has the ability to reach a great number of people. As it is used in school,
English is helping mold the minds of the children who are to become the future of the
Philippines. English can be used in the transition of our country to a Filipinized education
by enlightening the minds of both the educated and those who are still in school. English
can be used to promote and teach the Filipino ideals, culture, and traditions which can
imbed a love for one’s country in the young. It must become a tool used in the schooling
of young minds to see the potential and importance of the national language.
Mean while the students' perceptions of school events, the nature of teachers'
expectations, and the patterns of interaction between students and teachers
have an impact on their academic attitudes and behaviors. The way we look at
situations, places, and things reflects the way we view the world and influences
the conclusions and decisions we make. The perceptions are often the result of
automatic processing, and while automaticity is efficient for processing much
information quickly, it is not always accurate. In learning, perceptual process by
which the ability of sensory systems to respond to stimuli is improved through experience.
Perceptual learning occurs through sensory interaction with the environment as well as
through practice in performing specific sensory tasks. The changes that take place in
sensory and perceptual systems as a result of perceptual learning occur at the levels of
behaviour and physiology. Examples of perceptual learning include developing an ability
to distinguish between different odours or musical pitches and an ability to discriminate
between different shades of colours. In the latter part of the 20th century, researchers
demonstrated that human adult perceptual systems are in fact highly mutable. (For more
information on the ability of neural pathways to change with learning, see
neuroplasticity.) The discovery suggested that the properties of low-level cognitive processes,
which involve areas of the brain that are the first to receive sensory
information, could be reshaped by perceptual learning. Although it did not rule out the
involvement of high-level cognitive processes in perceptual learning, the discovery
prompted researchers to focus on simple sensory tasks and stimuli, which provide basic
information about the changes that are occurring within a perceptual system as learning
is taking place. Mechanisms of perceptual learning
Although in some instances there is clear evidence that perceptual learning is
associated with changes in cognitive processing, the mechanisms behind perceptual
learning have been difficult to identify. It was thought, for example, that visual learning 1
could not transfer across orientations, positions, or eyes. Hence, rather than occurring
as a result of a generalized high-level learning process, visual learning was attributed to
changes in neural processing that tuned acuity to a narrow range of orientations and a
particular region of the visual field on the basis of input from one eye. As a result, the
physiological locus of learning in a vernier acuity task was thought to lie in the primary
visual cortex, where the first stages of visual cortical processing are carried out.
However, research conducted in the late 1990s and early 2000s indicated that perceptual
learning can in some instances transfer between different visual tasks. The transfer of
learning from one task to another depends on some degree of overlap in neural
processing pathways as well as on the complexity of the visual training tasks involved.
Scientists have presented various ideas on the mechanisms behind perceptual learning
for visual tasks. Some of those ideas can be understood from the perspective of
computational models. Examples of such models include representation modification
and reweighting (or read-out modification). In representation modification, learning is
associated with changes in the properties of neurons in the early stages of visual
processing. Reweighting, on the other hand, suggests that learning is associated with changes in
the strength of connections between cortical sensory representations and mid
- or high-level brain areas. Still other models are based on different mechanisms, such as
the modification by perceptual learning of neural connections in a single visual area or
of cortical top-down connections that feed into early-stage processing areas from high-level
In the perception of learners, the important of learning English as the third most
widely spoken language in the world, especially in the used of any school curriculum for
today, there are certain students who doesn't understand the English as a language of their
modular learning and some of topic here is not familiar with them, because teachers are
not always discussing the topic and did not spend more time for students due to this
However, there are comprehensive, but the perception of learners in english has a
vital role owns life specially in learning and whenever there is a important details that a
certain people need to express the idea with confidence through speaking English.
The researchers seek to find the solution for this study for the purpose of
improving the English perception of students. The purpose also of this study is to give
more attention and be priorities the English instruction of teachers for senior high school
learners in AMPSC.
The researchers believe that this research will contribute to the principals of
teacher, school’s administrators and students. There are ideas behind the scene in the
school that need to be guide in problems of the senior high school learners in their
perception in English as a medium instruction of teachers.
Statement of the problem
This study will determine how English as a medium instruction will affect the
students' perception of senior high school in Adiong memorial polytechnic state college
during this pandemic.
Specifically, this study aims to provide answers to the following questions.
1.) What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of the following questions?
a) age
b) Gender
c) parents' educational attainment
d) parent’s occupation
e) Family income
2.) What is the perception of senior high school learners toward English as a medium of
3.) What recommendations can be drawn from the results of the study?
Objective of the study
1. To find out the demographic profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, parents'
educational attainment, parents occupation and Family income.
2. To find out the perception of senior high school learners toward English as a medium
of instruction.
3. What recommendations may be drawn based on the findings of the study?
Significance of the Study
This study is being created to benefit the following.
Senior high Learners- The study will benefits its senior high learners because
they are the subject of the research and will lead also to an advice if there’s a negative
Students. This will beneficial thing for students because they will use this
reference to see if there is implication of English as a medium instruction from the
perception of learners nowadays.
Teachers. This study will benefits the teachers for the purpose of having a
knowledge about the implications of English as a medium instruction from the perception
of learners.
Parents. The study will benefit the parents for them to know if they need to guide a
support their children after the implication was summarize.
Future Researchers. This research will benefit the future researchers for them to
have references as related studies or literature to their future studies.
The Scope and Limitation of the Study
The target respondents of this study are all senior high school learners. The scope
of this research will circle in school AMPSC and the perception of students.
Theoretical Framework
This chapter prevents the related literature and related that are relevant to the
Relevant theories
Winneba, Ghana (2015) It was identified that in theory, Ghana has a language
policy that uses English as medium of instruction from Primary Four (P4) to JHS and
beyond but in practice, this language policy of education is violated. Teachers use both
the L1 and English (L2) in such classrooms. The main reason found to be the cause of the
present situation is the students’ lack of proficiency in the use of English in the
classroom. The study also found that the violation of the policy is due to the monolingual
nature of the classrooms, teachers’ willingness to use Ghanaian language in teaching,
and lack of enforcement of the language policy. It was also observed that the main
strategies teachers used included translation, code-switching/mixing, concurrent use of
the two languages, and safe-talk. It was again noted that the use of English at the Upper
primary and JHS can be improved by strict enforcement of the language policy of
education, improvement in the teaching of English, extension of the use of L1 as MoI,
and creation of a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to the use of English.
According to this Theory, The main reason found to be the cause of the present
situation is the student's lack of proficiency in the use of English because of the
monolingual nature of classrooms and lack of enforcement of the language policy as
mentioned in the theory. This theory leads the researcher to the possible outcome of this
study that English as a medium instruction was the one of the factors affecting the
perception of learners.
Central theoretical assumption of both the SLM and the PAM-L2 is that
deviations in L2 speech production are perceptually motivated (Strange 2007). It is
assumed that ’the perception of L2 segments is somehow influenced by or ’filtered
through’ the over-learned and automatic perceptual strategies by which incoming
phonetic segments are recognized as exemplars of L1 phonological categories’, which in
turn results in L1 interference (Strange 2007 , pp. 36’37). It seems logical to assume a
similar perceptual basis to the difficulties adult learners face when attempting to produce
L2 intonation.
The researcher that significant assumed that the perception of L2 segments is
somehow influenced by or "filtered through" the over learned and automatic perception
strategies by which incoming phonetic segments. This theory was having something to do
with perception of learners. it has stage and students can have it but different from each
The theory mentioned above truly the researcher that English as a medium
instruction can affect the students' perception in learning.
Since perception of learners stages, it is still depending on its factors.
The goal of this research is to find if the perception of Grade 10 learners
AMPSC are affected by English as a medium instruction during this pandemics.
Conceptual Framework
Among Senior high school learners.
The Figure shows the concept of this research entitled ’ Perception of senior
highschool learners in Adiong memorial polytechnic state college toward English as a
medium instruction. Basis for intervention program, S.Y. 2021-2022 ’.
The Independent variable is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of
their Age, gender. Parents education attainment, Parent occupation and family income.
The Dependent variable is the perception of learners toward emglish as a Medium
on instruction.
Conceptual Model
Perception of
senior high school
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the conceptual framework of the study.
Definition of Terms
Administrator A person who manages or directs something. The official
provides support in school mainly include principals and assistant principals. District and
school administrators play a critical role in improving the learning environment and
overall academic progress of their students. Without their leadership, creating meaningful
learning environment improvements is difficult.
EMI (English as a Medium Instruction) A term more frequently used in higher
education and secondary school contexts and use to describe teaching curricular
subjects in English. EMI involves a lot of listening to lectures and reading texts.
Most teachers in EMI programmers think of themselves as subject teachers rather
than language teachers.
Instruction. Was defined previously as "the purposeful direction of the learning
process" and is one of the major teacher class activities (along with planning and
management). Professional educators have developed a variety of models of instruction,
each designed to produce classroom learning.
A statement of what to do that must be
obeyed by those concerned. One of the major teacher class activities along with planning
and management to developed a variety of models of instruction each designed to
produce learning. It was defined previously as "the purposeful direction of the learning
Intervention. The act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a
condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning). an occurrence
in which a person with a problem (such as a drug addiction) is confronted by a
group (as of friends or family members) whose purpose is to compel the person
to acknowledge and deal with the problem. In learning the classroom intervention is
a set of steps a teacher takes to help a child improve in their area of need by removing
educational barriers.
Medium of instruction. A language used in teaching. It may or may not be the
official language of the country or territory. If the first language of students is different
from the official language, it may be used as the medium of instruction for part or all of
Perception. Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of
sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or
environment. All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system, which
in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system. The awareness
of the elements of environment through physical sensation. In learning it is the action of
perceiving and awareness of learners which related to previous knowledge. In learning it
is process by which the ability of sensory systems to respond to stimuli is improved
through experience.
Pandemic. An epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large
region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of
individuals. A widespread endemic disease with a stable number of infected individuals
is not a pandemic. An outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area
(such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affects significant proportion of
the population and the product of sudden rapid spread, growth, or development.
Chapter II
This chapter presents the review of literature and studies pertinent to and
essential to the completion of this study.
Related Literature
According to Christian Jensen and Jacob Thøersen (2011) they said through their
journal using English in research and higher education increasing by the subject of
heated debate in Denmark and other European countries over the last years. Using
English in many countries where it is not the national language because they used their
traditional language and there has been a shift towards English-medium instruction in
higher education (Hughes, 2008). This is the result of an ongoing ’internationalization’
of higher education and Wächter & Maiworm (2008) for a discussion of the situation in
Europe), where ’internationalization’ means to be synonymous with English-medium
instruction (hereafter EMI).
English as a medium it ruction (EMI) is the language shift involved in such
internationalization that have been the subject of many research.
In the section on EMI as a global trend, one of the author St. Byun et al. (2011)
sing mixed methods (survey and interviews) they identify three areas which require
attention for EMI to be a success. These are: 1) the students’ and the instructors’
language proficiencies; 2) the varying demands of different academic subjects; and 3) a
facilitative body which can support EMI implementation. In the second stage of analysis,
the researcher reviewed the sources in full with these three areas in mind to see how they
related to the themes which emerged from the first stage of analysis. A manual systematic
approach to analysis was selected to increase intimacy with the data (see Bergin, 2011).
This second stage involved a much closer read of the sources by individually examining
the opportunities and challenges discussed in each area. see also Mellion, 2008). They
state that without consideration of the above, the implementation of EMI can have
negative side effects (see also Park, J.K., 2009). According to Guangwei Hu Lubna
Alsagoff (2017) the English medium instruction initiative in terms of four principles that
can guide policy evaluations, namely normative justification,
Main while instructors used EMI and as a global trend, it has a positive and
negative side effects from learners because some of higher education used English
language as a usual instruction for all learning material but other schools English is
difficulties because of their mother thong proficiency.
In addition, according to Guangwei Hu Lubna Alsagoff (2017) the English
medium instruction initiative in terms of four principles that can guide policy evaluations,
namely normative justification, practical feasibility, allocative effectiveness and
distributive justice. And Stephen H. Moore (2017) The EMI courses at the university
investigated are a blend of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and contentbased teaching (CBT) in a B(Ed) program that graduates hundreds of qualified high
school English teachers annually. The research focused on how learning was evaluated in
three key subjects, one with a language-only focus (’Core English’), and two with an
additional content focus (’Literature Studies’ and ’Global Studies’), with a view to
seeing how practices varied according to content focus. Using interviews, a focus group
and document analysis, the study found that evidence for the Year 2 and 3 subjects LS
and GS being content-based was only partly accurate: content was construed by the
leading teachersas primarily ’life skills’ (Literature Studies) and ’language for social
life’ (Global Studies). Despite the differences amongst the various subjects in the EMI
curriculum, their assessment practices conformed strongly to the institutional norm for all
subjects. It seems that understanding current assessment practices requires deeper
consideration of a complex ecology of cultural and linguistic practices.
However, according to the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology
2,4King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
126 Pracha-utid Road,
Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangko (2010) nowadays English is emerges as the predominant
medium of international business and academic discourse, and it's perceived as the key
to the socio-cultural advancement. Policy makers, language planners, educators and
teachers in Thailand are intensively addressing the need to increase student proficiency in
English language skills. In order to achieve all of this, over the decade, national policies
and syllabuses have been moving towards various versions of language teaching.
Adoption of and change in medium instruction in higher education can be seen widely
currently; however mostly involve adopters, implementers, suppliers, but the clients or
students who are one of major components.
However, this study explained the Perception is an important factor in Englishmedium because it is influential and interferes in learning performance and achievement.
Student ’s perceptions are coming from their insight belief. They could understand and
see the value of English-medium instruction in which they could use in their daily lives.
However, to provide the appropriate experience in English-medium instruction, the right
and new knowledge, creation of good surrounding and environment, and opportunity to
practice could enable students the positive perceptions of English language as a medium
of instruction.
According to the author Ghazi Ghaiththe (2001) entitle " Learners' perceptions of
their STAD cooperative experience The results",
indicated that the male learners
perception were more clear than the females about the procedure of STAD and that they
perceived that they had learned more than the females.
Truly that the above mentioned related literatures from author, EMI and
perception of learners is very important to the learning nowadays specially for those who
are starting their English as a medium instruction at the perception at the young age. This
study wants to find the relationship of the two variables which is coming up with the
concept of doe's perception of learners can affect the EMI of instructors and does EMI
also affect the perception of learner.Through the result of this research the researcher will
conclude accepting the one of the hypotheses the remaining.
Related studies
According to Takumi Uchihara , Tetsuo Harada (2018) There was a study about
Roles of Vocabulary Knowledge for Success in English-Medium Instruction: SelfPerceptions and Academic Outcomes of Japanese Undergraduates. The purpose of this
study investigated the relationship between vocabulary knowledge (written and aural
receptive vocabulary size and self-rating of vocabulary knowledge) and self-perceptions
of four language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) targeting undergraduate
students in English-medium instruction (EMI) courses in Japan. The students’ academic
performance (course grades and quiz scores) was also compared to their vocabulary
knowledge. Results showed that learners with larger aural vocabulary sizes were more
confident in spoken language use, and those who self-rated higher on their vocabulary
knowledge were more likely to perceive themselves as proficient in productive language
skills. Interestingly, learners with larger written vocabulary sizes tended to perceive
themselves as less proficient in performing EMI tasks. Results also showed that none of
the vocabulary measures were significantly associated with academic outcomes.
Interview data suggest that EMI students’ performance could be affected by the complex
interplay of various factors, though not necessarily a large vocabulary size alone. Based
on these findings, implications are discussed in terms of teaching and assessing
vocabulary knowledge in EMI courses.
The relationship of this study from the Takumi Uchihara , Tetsuo Harada is that
the perception of the learners can be low and it has relationship with the English as
medium instruction (EMI) and it lead the researchers to come up with the research
method to make it descripted method like what the Takumi Uchihara , Tetsuo Harada
does or done.
However, according to Yasmin (2014) in has study entitled Medium Instruction at
Engineering Departments of Higher Education: A Study on Partial English Medium
Instruction at Some State Universities in Turkey
English-medium instruction (EMI) is
expanding in Turkey and especially at higher education. Universities with EMI are more
favored and popular for students and parents in comparison to universities without EMI.
There are integrative and instrumental reasons to prefer universities with EMI. Therefore,
English, in a way, competes with Turkish the medium of instruction, especially at higher
education. bEnglish is partially used as a medium of instruction at some universities
which offer one third of the lectures in English and the others in Turkish. However, views
of lecturers on whether EMI is a requisite and benignant in terms of instructional goals
are generally ignored. This paper reports on the results of a survey of 63 lecturers that
have different titles at university, such as professors, associate professors, assistant
professors, and assistants from engineering faculties of two universities with partial EMI.
This research aims to compare their attitudes towards EMI. A Lickert-type scale
questionnaire was used in the study to collect data on attitudes of lecturers. The findings
may provide some insights into lecturers’ perceptions of their teaching in English:
lecturers in partial EMI programs may consider that they are less capable of performing
their teaching duties or may feel some aspects of teaching to be more difficult.
In Journal of Education and Practice. Translation can be used as a learning
strategy by students who learn their academic subjects through English as the Medium of
Instruction (EMI). Taylor & Francis (2017) in this
study the main purpose
is to
investigate the perceptions of students towards the use of translation at university level
courses offered in English at various departments. This qualitative research characterized
as a case study consists of an interview developed to interpret how students relate
translation to developing subject matter knowledge. The data were collected through
written interviews with students of international relations, political science, international
trade and marketing, and business administration. The data were analyzed using
qualitative methods and suggest that most students turn to translation as a tool for both
understanding the subject matter and learning new vocabulary; however, they were found
to have limited knowledge of and even some misconceptions towards the potential uses
of translation. The findings also provide implications for learning and researching
through activities that involve translation, thus enabling learners to actively participate in
the process of acquisition of content knowledge through active translation.
In addition, Taylor & Francis (2017) the Learners' Perceptions of Translation in
English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) at University Level. In this study many
Turkish universities provide undergraduate the degree courses through the medium of
English. Kim, B Tatar - Journal of Language, Identity & Education, (2017) Despite a
growing popularity of English medium universities, very little actual information is
available about what attracts students to an English-medium education. The present study
aims to identify the primary sources of motivation underlying students’ decision for
selecting an English-medium education, students’ assessment of their English language
skills, and their perceptions of difficulties they may have studying through the medium of
English. With regard to motivational patterns, it was found that students prioritized a mix
of integrative and instrumental motivations, and had a fairly positive self-assessment of
their English. Problems identified by the students centered on the detrimental effects of
learning subjects through another language such as a feeling of being distanced from their
native language and culture. It is argued that more studies are needed in this area to assist
universities in policy making.
With an increase in English-medium courses in universities in non-English
speaking countries, various concerns have been raised such as difficulty of students’
lecture comprehension and ineffective interaction between lecturers and students.
YoonJu Joe & Hee-Kyung Lee(2013)
This study scrutinized relationships among
Korean medical students’ comprehension of and satisfaction with English- medium
lectures and their general English proficiency. Sixty-one medical students taking a
required medical course participated in the study. The students’ data concerning their
lecture comprehension and perceptions were collected by means of pre- and post- tests
and survey questionnaires during English-medium and Korean-medium lectures. It was
found that the medium of instruction had no effect on the understanding of the lecture
and that students’ general English proficiency was not related to their lecture
comprehension. In the survey, students expressed diverse needs for English such as LI
summaries of main points and remedial English courses in general or medical English.
Based on the results, suggestions and recommendations for the implementation of EMI
courses in Korea are suggested.
Chapter III
This chapter presents the research design; locale of the study , respondents of the
study , instrument of the study , data gathering procedure and statistical tools used.
Research Design
This study will being utilize the descriptive design to the use of toward English as
a medium of instruction: a basis for intervention program, S.Y. 2021-2022 among grade
10 learners in AMPSC . Descriptive survey involves a set of data which were analyzed,
summarized and interpreted along this line of study. A self-made questionnaire was used.
Locale of the study
This study will be conducted in Adiong Memorial Polytechnic State College that
was originally established as a National High School in 1988 , the Adiong Memorial
Polytechnic State College located in Dilimbayan Ditsa-an Ramain Lanao Del Sur .
Respondents Of The Study
The respondents of this study will be include some grade 10 learners of AMPSC , both male and
female irregardless of what strand they are enrolled in the respondents officially enrolled in the
school year of 2021-2022.
Respondents of The Study
The respondents of this study will be include senior high school learners of AMPSC , both male
and female irregardless of what strand they are enrolled in the respondents officially enrolled in
the school year of 2021-2022.
Instrument of The Study
In the analysis of the problem of this study , a survey questionnaire will be adopted.
The questionnaire will be divided into two parts. Part I , includes some personal information
about the respondents age , gender , parent occupation , parents educational attainment, and
family income. Part II on the other hand , were the toward english as a medium of instruction: a
basis for intervention program , s.y. 2021-2022 among senior high learners in AMPSC.
Data Gathering Procedure
For a systematic gathering data the researchers will first ask permission from the principal and
teachers of the AMPSC , Senior High School Department , during the school year 2021-2022 ,
upon the approval of the request , the researchers themselves personally the response to the
questionnaire and the evaluation result will be tallied , tabulated and analyzed.
Statistical Tools Used
Frequency and percentage distribution will be used to determined the profile of the
respondents in terms of their age , gender , parents occupation, parents educational attainment
and family income.
Where :
P= Percentage
F= Frequency
N= Total Number
100 constant
Weighted mean will be used to determine the toward english as a medium of instruction: a
basis for intervention program , s.y. 2021-2022 among senior hign learners , the weighted
means will be used.
Wx= fx/n
Where :
Wx= Weighted mean
F= Frequency
N= Total Number of respondents
All collected data will be computed and treated statistical with the use of percentage of
frequency distribution and weighted means.
Part I . Respondents Profile
Direction: please indicate a check ( √ ) mark on your respective answer on the space provided in
each question.
Name: (Optional)
A. Age:
( ) 16-17 Yrs Old
( ) 18-19 Yrs Old
( ) 20- 21 Yrs Old
( ) 22- 23 Yrs Old
B. Gender :
( ) Male
( ) Female
D. Family Income :
( ) 1,000-5,000
( ) 6,000-10,000
( ) 11,000-15,000
( ) 16,000-20,000
Fig. 2 Map of Ditsa-an Ramain
For each the statements below, please indicate the extent of your agreement or
disagreement by checking (✔) the appropriate box where,
SA= strongly agree
A= Agree
UD= disagree
SDA= strongly disagree
1. I think I can understand the use of English well.
2. I use English to
communicate with my
3. I feel confident speaking in English.
4. I easily understand what is written in the
module even if English is used.
5. I have no difficulty answering the quizzes and
activities given by the teacher in our modules.
6. I understand more listening to explanations
coupled with reading using English.
7. I have the courage to speak English in front of
many people.
communication between students and teacher.
9. English make teaching and learning more
effective: because it integrates padrilles all forms
of media, print, audio, video and animation.
10. Using English is interesting and useful.
11. I like using English because its help me to
develop knowledge of computer and internet.
12. I feel more confident when I use English
online then when I use it in the class.
13. Using English help me to use time effectively.
14. I benefit from the feedback given by my
intrusive through module.
15. I think socially isolated when I use English.
16. Using English is difficult to handle and
therefore frustrating to use.
17. I use the internet so that I can understand well
the English written in the modules.
18. I face technical problem when I use English.
20. The instructions provided on modules are
difficult to follow.
21. Our department should increase the number of
online blended courses.
22. The number of internet labs should be
23. All technical problem should be solved.
24. English training should be provided to all
25. Provide solid instruction to student in the use
of English.