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Practical research 1 final summative test

Practical Research 1
Summative Test
Name: _______________________________________
Grade and Section: ____________________________
Date: ______________
Score: _____________
Test 1: Multiple Choice
Direction: Select the correct answer in each item by encircling the letter of your choice.
1. What type of research requires non-numerical data which means that the research uses words rather than
the number to express results?
a. Action research
b. correlational research
c. experimental research d. qualitative research
2. Which of the following best describes the purpose of research?
a. To work independently.
c. To improve reading.
b. To have knowledge.
d. To gather and interpret data.
For items 3-6, identify the characteristics of research in the statements in each item. Choose your answer in
the box provided.
a. accuracy
b. objectiveness
c. timeliness d. relevance
3. It must give correct or accurate data which notes and bibliographical entries should honestly and
appropriately documented.
4. It must deal with facts, not with mere opinions arising from assumption.
5. It must work on a topic that is fresh, new and interesting to the present society.
6. Its topic must be instrumental in improving society.
7. When the researcher expresses his discoveries by using simple, direct, concise and correct language,
what characteristic of research subscribe to?
a. clarity b. relevance c. systematic
d. timeliness
8. A researcher writes his data interpretation in an organized and orderly manner. What research
characteristic did he adhere to?
a. clarity b. relevance c. systematic
d. timeliness
9. Which of the following is NOT a concern of qualitative research?
a. attitudes
b. behavior c. experiences d. statistics
10. Ethnography belongs to what kind of research?
a. action research
b. experimental research
c. correlational research
d. qualitative research
11. What is employed in qualitative research in using large scale surveys?
a. behavior
b. design c. sampling d. statistics
12. To what area of interest the following research tittle can be fallen? “Perceptions of Students Towards the
Use of Social Media”
a. agriculture
b. arts
c. business
d. communication
13. What type of qualitative study describes a person, thing or any creature explaining the reasons of its
a. case study b. ethnography c. historical study d. phenomenology
14. What type of qualitative study focuses on certain cultural group or organization to obtain knowledge on
their characteristics, organizational set up and relationship of the group members?
a. case study b. ethnography c. historical study d. phenomenology
15. What qualitative research design tells you the right research method to determine the reasons for changes
or permanence of things in a physical world in a certain period?
a. case study b. ethnography c. historical study d. phenomenology
16. What qualitative study does the following research title belong? “Telephones from the Nuclear Era to Digital
a. case study b. ethnography c. historical study d. phenomenology
17. What do you call the process in qualitative research wherein you examine data yielded by the internal traits
of the subject individuals?
a. contextualization
b. internal analysis c. generalization
d. specificity
18. What takes place when you discover new theory to underlie your study at the time of data collection and
a. case study b. internal analysis
c. Historical analysis
d. Grounded theory
19. Which of the following research projects is related to daily life?
a. Availability of Mobile Phones
c. Cultural Practices of IPs in the Community
b. Learning Styles of the Students
d. Perceptions of Students on Deforestation Cases
20. Which is NOT involved in writing a research title?
a. data
b. intervention c. location
d. respondents
21. What research topics may depend greatly on the writer’s opinion, tends to biased and should be avoided?
a. Controversial topics b.Highly technical subjects c. Too broad subjects
d. vague subjects
22. How to state research questions?
a. Identify the location of the study.
b. Identify the theory involved.
c. Identify the respondents.
d. Identify the objectives.
23. Which one aims at investigating specific aspects of the research problem?
a. RRL b. introduction
c. research questions
d. methodology
24. Which is NOT included in the scope and delimitation of the study?
a. location
b. problem
c. respondents d. sampling technique
25. A qualitative study limits only to:
a. figures b. method c. statistics
d. words
26. Which one centers on the scope and delimitation of the study?
a. discussion
b. methodology
c. RRL d. title
27. What references direct the researcher to the location of other sources in related literature?
a. general references
b. primary sources c. secondary sources
d. tertiary sources
28. Which source directly report or present a person’s own experiences?
a. general references b. primary sources c. secondary sources
d. tertiary sources
29. What sources report or describe other people’s experiences or worldviews?
a. general references b. primary sources c. secondary sources
d. tertiary sources
30. What APA stands for?
a. African Psychology Association
c. American Psychology Association
b. African Psychological Association
d. American Psychological Association
31. What MLA stands for?
a. Modern Language Association
c. Modern Linguistic Association
b. Modern Literature Association
d. Modern Library Association
32. Which of the following is an APA format?
a. (Bird, 2010)
b. (Bird, 210)
c. (Bird, 211)
d. (Bird, 201)
33. Which of the following is an MLA format?
a. Bird (2012)
b.(Bird, 2012)
c. (Bird, 2011)
d. Bird (201)
34. What technique involves summarizing ideas briefly and should follow the themes and concepts with critical
assessment of the material?
a. annotated bibliography
b. literature c. method d. sampling
35. Words like “additionally, similarly, however” are examples of what?
a. nouns
b. pronouns
c. transitional devices d. verbs
36. Which one is correct?
a. MLA cites last name and first name.
c. APA cites last name only.
b. MLA cites last name and first initial.
D. APA cites first name.
For items 37-39, identify the qualitative research designs that may correspond in the given statements in each
item. Choose your
answers in the box provided.
a. case study
b. ethnography
c. historical study
d. phenomenology
37. The researcher wants to increase his understanding on the burial practices of Mangyans.
38. The researcher wants to study the rise and fall of the twenty-year reign of former President Ferdinand E.
39. The researcher wants to study the learning styles of a student with dyslexia.
For items 40-43, identify the sampling procedures and the sample that correspond to the statements below.
Choose your answers in
the box provided.
a. convenience sampling
b. purposive sampling
c. random sampling
d. quota
40. Each subject has a known probability of being selected.
41. In this type of sampling, it is not possible to specify the possibility of one person being included in the
42. The researcher decides that he wants to interview a sample of all people within the school.
43. The researcher is a teacher himself and decides to interview his colleagues, as he has limited time and
resources available to him.
44. Which of the following refers to the list of sampling units organized by the researchers?
a. parameter b. sample
c. sampling frame
d. statistic
45. The researcher identifies the relevant stratum and their actual representation in the population. What
sampling technique the researcher adheres to?
a. random
b. systematic
c. stratified d. quota
46. The researcher is interested in getting an inexpensive approximation of data. What sampling technique the
researcher adheres to?
a. random
b. convenience
c. stratified d. quota
47. What will be considered if the researcher focuses on numerical characteristics of the population?
a. parameter
b. population c. sampling d. statistic
48. What particular units are non-overlapping collections of elements from the population?
a. element
b. population c. sampling d. statistic
49. What errors might be occurred due to the interview, respondent, instrument or method of data collection?
a. Type 1 error
b. error 2
c. errors of observation
d. errors of non-observation
50. What kind of errors arise if there is inability of the respondent responding to come up with answer?
a. Type 1 error
b. error 2
c. errors of observation
d. errors of non-observation
11. d
12. d
13. a
14. b
16. c
17. b
d 20. a
23. c
24. d
25. d
26. d
28. b
29. c
30. d
32. a
33. d
34. a
38. c
39. a
40. c
41. b
43. a
44. c
46. b
48. c