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By: Ryne I. Sicam
• An ocean is a body of saline water that composes much
of a planets hydrosphere. Salinity is a main defining
component of the ocean, and it is the amount of dissolved
solid material in the water. Although there are many
dissolved salts in seawater, sodium chloride (commonly
known as salt) is the most abundant. This is what makes
oceans unique to other aquatic ecosystems. The amount of
salt water required to maintain and balance the ocean is
greater than the amount of fresh water needed.
• Oceans of the earth take up about 140 million square
miles covering neatly 71% of the earth’s surface. The
deepest point in the ocean is 36,198 feet! The five world
oceans are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic
Oceans. Ocean ecosystems have distinct characteristics
and contain various life forms found only in this
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.
The Formation of Ocean Currents
When the wind blows persistently in a particular direction, the wind stress on the sea surface
causes the water in the upper layer to move bodily and a current is thereby formed. These windinduced currents may be permanent in regions of strong prevailing winds but they do not flow in
the same direction as the wind. In the Northern Hemisphere they are deflected to the right of the
wind direction and in the Southern Hemisphere to the left by an angle varying between 30 and 60
degrees. This deflection is an effect of the earth's rotation.
• Winds
• Wind is the primary force driving surface currents in the
ocean. The sun heats the surface of the earth unevenly
because of the shape and tilt of the earth. Warm air
masses form where the sun’s radiation is most intense,
which is at the equator. Cold air masses form at the
poles, where the sun’s radiation is less intense. Warmer
air masses rise into the atmosphere, creating areas of
low pressure. As air masses cool high in the
atmosphere, they sink and create areas of high
pressure. The rising and sinking of air masses in the
earth’s atmosphere create winds.
• The Coriolis Effect
• If the earth did not rotate, rising air at the equator and
sinking air at higher latitudes would move straight from
the poles to the equator. In reality, the air moves in a
curved direction relative to the surface of the earth as it
flows (creating winds in westerly and northeasterly
directions) because the earth is rotating beneath the air.
Imagine that you are strong enough to throw a ball from
New England to Costa Rica. The ball would travel in a
straight line, but the earth rotates beneath the path of
the ball. Because of this, it would appear that the ball
moves to the right relative to the surface of the earth,
when really the earth is moving relative to the path of
the ball. This is known as the Coriolis effect. Put
simply, the Coriolis Effect makes things (like planes or
currents of air) traveling long distances around
Earth appear to move at a curve as opposed to a
straight line.
• The motion of the winds and deflection of water towards the right (northern hemisphere) and left (southern hemisphere) of th
prevailing wind directions generates large circular current systems in the world’s oceans known as gyres.
Deflection of water towards the center of the gyre due to the Coriolis effect causes water to “pile up” in the center of the gyre
creating an area of slightly higher elevation on the surface of the ocean. Gravity then pulls the water back down the slope to
area of lower elevation, fueling further rotation of the gyre.
Currents along the western side of gyres are called western boundary currents, while currents along the eastern side of gy
are called eastern boundary currents. The westerly flowing currents that are created where the North Pacific and South
Pacific gyres meet are known as the equatorial currents .
Western boundary currents flow deeper and stronger than eastern boundary currents. This means that cool, nutrient-rich wa
is closer to the surface in eastern boundary currents than western boundary currents. This results in the creation of rich
upwelling zones in areas with eastern boundary currents, such as the California Current.