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Cohort Seminar Assignment: Reflective Teaching & Technology

C339 - Cohort Seminar
Instructor: Melanie Shafaat
Student: Fady Masoud (SID: 002237533)
1 & 2.
Reflective practitioners
I have found that one of the most valuable and exciting aspects of teaching is reflective practices. I
learned that reflection is an ongoing process that happens continuously before, during, and after a
lesson or a meeting with other professionals. I will apply reflection practices in the way it has been
modeled to me and which I agree with as follows:
I will be reflecting on my lesson plans or meetings before the start of a lesson or a meeting. I will
be taking a few minutes to review my lesson plan or meeting agenda and ask myself what I
believe will work well, what I believe might not work well, what are some potential issues that I
might face, and how can I prepare for some of the issues that I can foresee.
I will also be reflecting during my lesson plans or meeting. This can be a bit challenging however
very useful. I noticed, in my time in the classroom, that often lessons do not go as planned.
Rather than continue with the lesson as planned, I will be taking a few seconds to reflect on how
the class is progressing and make adjustments to the lesson to make the class effective.
I will also be reflecting after my lesson plans or meetings. This might prove to be the most
useful. I will be mentally gathering information on how the lesson plan or meeting went and
writing down notes after a lesson using questions such as:
How was my classroom management?
What instructional techniques did I deploy?
What did I do good?
What did I do not as well?
What would I change next time?
Technologically proficient
I have been fortunate with my host school that deploys technology in a significant way. I learned that
using technology can bring tremendous value for all students and a special value to English learners and
students with special needs. I will apply technology in the following ways:
Use tools that engage students beyond the typical classroom strategies. As an example,
Kahoot.com is an online platform that allows students to answer multiple-choice questions
interactively. This works much like a clicker device. This technology provides students with an
engaging way to interact with the course materials and it provides teachers with immediate
feedback and understanding of the knowledge of the students.
Use tools to translate English to other languages for English learning students. As an example,
Microsoft Powerpoint has a feature that will translate live audio into one of 50 languages. This
can be extremely powerful in assisting students (especially emerging English learners) in
explaining course content and engaging with them in the classroom.
Use wireless tablets that allow me to circulate the room while writing on the tablet. This will
help me manage the classroom while providing instruction to the students. As I walk the
classroom and can assess students on whether they are engaged and whether I need to
introduce additional support to aid them in learning the lesson.