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A&P Test 5 Review: Chapters 45-48

A&P Test 5 Review (Chapters 45-48)
Use the following learning objectives from each of your lectures to both guide your
studying and to review lecture content for Exam 5. Please direct any questions
concerning specific objectives or lecture content to your classmates then Professor
Mosley if you need further clarification. Remember to review all of the slides, that is how
you are going to get a fuller picture and better understanding of the content.
Chapter 45 (Male Reproductive System)
1. Explain how the end result of normal function of the reproductive system differs
from the end result of normal function in any other organ system in the body.
2. List and discuss the male functions in reproduction.
3. List the essential and accessory organs of the male reproductive system and
give the generalized function of each.
4. Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of the testes.
5. Discuss the primary functions of testosterone and identify the cell type
responsible for its secretion.
6. Describe the structure of a mature spermatozoon.
7. Trace the passage of an individual sperm cell, in sequence, from its point of
formation, through the genital ducts, to the exterior of the body.
8. Describe the structure, location, and function(s) of the following: seminal
vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands.
9. Identify the components and functions of the male external genitals.
10. Discuss the composition and course of seminal fluid.
11. Discuss male fertility.
12. Discuss disorders of the male reproductive system.
Chapter 46 (Female Reproductive System)
1. List the essential and accessory sex organs of the female reproductive system
and give the generalized functions of each.
2. Explain the clinical importance of the perineum during childbirth.
3. Describe the structure of the ovaries and explain the steps in the development of
mature ova from ovarian follicles.
4. Identify the two functions of the ovaries.
5. With regard to the uterus:
a. Provide details of its wall layers, size, shape, cavities, blood supply, and
b. Locate it in the pelvic cavity and compare its position with the abnormal
position of retroflexion.
c. Identify its functions.
6. Discuss the location, structure, divisions, and functions of the uterine tubes.
7. Discuss the location, structure, and primary functions of the vagina.
8. Identify the structures that together constitute the female external genitalia.
9. Identify the phases of the endometrial, or menstrual, cycle.
10. Explain the hormonal control of cyclical changes that occur in the ovaries and
11. Discuss the importance of the female reproductive cycles, infertility, use of fertility
drugs, and methods of contraception.
12. Compare and contrast menarche and menopause.
13. Describe the structure of the breasts and the mechanism controlling lactation.
14. Discuss disorders of the female reproductive system.
Chapter 47 (Growth and Development)
Describe the process of meiosis and how it differs from mitosis.
Compare and contrast spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
Outline the steps involved in ovulation, insemination, and fertilization.
Describe the early stages in the development of the human embryo, and explain
the meaning of developmental biology.
5. Identify the developmental and structural features of the placenta.
6. Outline the developmental changes that occur during the trimesters of
7. Identify the different types of stem cells.
8. Explain the formation of the three primary germ layers.
9. Explain the meanings of histogenesis and organogenesis.
10. Identify and describe the stages of labor.
11. Explain two different processes that can result in twinning, or double birth.
12. Give a brief description of the four most common postnatal periods, including the
major growth and developmental changes.
13. Describe, by system, the effects of aging, and the leading causes of death in the
United States.
14. Discuss disorders of pregnancy and early development.
Chapter 48 (Genetics and Heredity)
1. Define genetics and describe the mechanism of gene function.
2. Describe the human genome.
3. Discuss the distribution of chromosomes to offspring; specifically, meiosis and
the principle of independent assortment.
4. Differentiate between the following sets of terms: dominant/recessive,
genotype/phenotype, homozygous/heterozygous.
5. Explain the terms polygenic and codominance and give examples.
6. Explain how certain traits demonstrate sex-linked inheritance.
7. Identify how genetic mutations may occur.
8. Differentiate between genetic diseases resulting from an abnormality in a single
gene and those resulting from chromosome breakage or from the abnormal
presence or absence of entire chromosomes.
9. Describe the single-gene diseases, epigenetic conditions, and chromosomal
diseases profiled in the chapter.
10. Identify the various hypotheses relating to the genetic basis of cancer.
11. Define and describe a pedigree, the Punnett square, and the karyotype.
12. Identify various treatments of genetic diseases.
Vocabulary List
ovaries, uterine ducts, mesovarium, uterus, ovarian follicles, medulla of ovary,
spermatozoon, spermatogonia, spermatid, primary and secondary spermatocyte,
mammary glands, accessort sex organs of male and female reproductive systems,
sertoli cells, rete testes, tunical albuginea, interstitial cells, urethra, seminal vesicle,
prostate gland, bulbourethral gland, sexual reproduction vs asexual reproduction,
mitosis, meiosis, cells of leydig, testosterone, estrogen, blastocyst, vasectomy, length of
gestation, mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm, haploid, diploid, clitoris, oxytocin,
progesterone, fimbriae, ampulla, isthmus, infundibulum, fallopian tubes, arteriosclerosis,
atherosclerosis, hypertension, oogenesis, spermatogenesis, polar bodies, urethral
orifice, fertilization, zygote, morula, corpus cavernosum, GnRH, Luteinizing hormone,
FSH, Cowper glands, Ejaculatory ducts, corpus albicans, cervix
Chapter 45 (Male Reproductive System)
1. Which of these is a gamete?
A. testis
B. scrotum
C. sperm
D. zygote
2. After moving from the testis, sperm enter the ________ .
A. fallopian tube
B. ductus deferens
C. prostate
D. epididymis
E. scrotum
3. Which structure ascends from the scrotum and passes through the inguinal canal
as part of the spermatic cord into the abdominal cavity?
A. fallopian tube
B. ductus deferens
C. prostate
D. epididymis
4. Which of these hormones is responsible for the development of the male
secondary sexual characteristics?
A. estrogen
B. progesterone
D. oxytocin
E. prolactin
5. A male can father a child from ________ .
A. birth to death
B. birth to mid-adulthood
C. puberty to mid-adulthood
D. puberty to death
E. early adulthood to mid-adulthood
Chapter 46 (Female Reproductive System)
1. After ovulation, the ovum enters the ________.
A. ductus deferens
B. uterus
C. uterine tube
D. cervix
E. vagina
2. Which of the following is NOT a layer of the wall of the uterus?
A. endometrium
B. peritoneum
C. myometrium
D. epimetrium
3. Which of these hormones is responsible for the development of the primary
female sexual characteristics?
A. estrogen
B. progesterone
C. testosterone
D. oxytocin
E. prolactin
4. Which hormone is thought to trigger ovulation?
D. estrogen
E. prolactin
5. Breast size is not as dependent on the amount of _____ tissue as much as it is
on the amount of _____ tissue present.
A. connective, glandular
B. adipose, connective
C. glandular, adipose
D. adipose, epithelial
6. A Pap smear is the staining and microscopic examination of cells from the
A. labia
B. vagina
C. cervix
D. uterine body
E. ovaries
Chapter 47 (Growth and Development)
1. The study of the prebirth stages of biological development is called ________ .
A. histology
B. natology
C. pre-anatomy
D. embryology
E. microbiology
2. Fertilization is most likely to occur in the ________ .
A. uterine tube
B. uterus
C. cervix
D. ovarian follicle
E. vagina
3. After the embryonic stage of human development comes the ________ .
A. infancy stage
B. fetal stage
C. labor and delivery
D. senescence stage
E. puberty stage
4. The stage of adolescence in which a person becomes sexually mature is called
A. neonatal
B. fetal
C. postnatal
D. senescence
E. puberty
5. Histogenesis is the ________________________.
A. study of tissues
B. study of development
C. differentiation of new organs during development
D. differentiation of new tissues during development
E. birth process
6. True or false: It is possible to extend the length of a person’s life through good
nutrition, exercise, and stress management.
A. true
B. false
Chapter 48 (Genetics and Heredity)
1. The entire collection of proteins encoded in a human cell is termed ________ .
C. a chromosome
D. a genome
E. a proteome
2. A person who is a genetic carrier is a ________ .
A. heterozygous genotype
B. heterozygous phenotype
C. homozygous genotype
D. homozygous phenotype
3. Cystic fibrosis is a _______-gene disease.
A. single
B. double
C. poly
D. multiple
4. Traits carried on sex chromosomes are called _____ traits.
A. polygenic
B. codominant
C. sex-linked
D. gene-linked
5. What chromosome is involved in Down syndrome?
A. 4
B. 7
C. 12
D. 21
E. 23