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Potato Battery Project: Electrochemistry Worksheet

Let’s Get Started!
Plan Your Ideas
1. Find your passion (What do you want to learn about)
We want to learn about chemistry, more specifically electrochemistry. We both want to do
this, so there is no conflict, and we don’t think anyone else is going to do this.
2. Inquire (What question will you ask to begin your research?)
Can you power a 220v light bulb with potatoes? If it is possible then how many potatoes would it take,
and how long until it dies out?
3. Make (What do you think you would like to make?)
We think that we would like to make a 220v lightbulb that’s powered by potatoes. We plan to use three
potatoes to achieve this
4. Share (How will you share your learning?)
We will share our findings and results through a slide presentation. This will be a fairly long and
sophisticated slide presentation, that will clearly convey our research and results
Inquire (research)
A potato gives off electricity through the use of two metals stuck inside of it.
These metals, which are copper and zinc, work together to make the potato give
off electricity.
When zinc and copper conductors are stuffed inside a potato, the zinc starts
to rust, or give off ions to the copper nail. This copper nail, through the use of wire,
passes some of its energy into the zinc nail (assuming you have multiple
potatoes), which then rusts faster, and repeats the process. This eventually
produces enough electricity to charge something like a lightbulb.
Don’t forget to put research into your own words to avoid plagiarism. Also, record the name of the website/
book that you have used to in order reference your sources.
Attach a picture of your created item here. Add some notes to explain the learning process. You may even
want to label your picture to show it’s parts.
Create something to share your ideas. You may use this template to share your creation (photos, video,
creation link, etc).