MED-SURG CARDIAC SYSTEM Nurse in the making © 2020 NurseInTheMaking LLC Nurse in the making WWW.ETSY.COM/SHOP/NURSEINTHEMAKING @KRISTINE_NURSEINTHEMAKING @NURSESINTHEMAKING KRISTINE@ANURSEINTHEMAKING.COM @NURSEINTHEMAKINGKRISTINE By purchasing this material, you agree to the following terms and conditions: you agree that this ebook and all other media produced by NurseInTheMaking LLC are simply guides and should not be used over and above your course material and teacher instruction in nursing school. When details contained within these guides and other media differ, you will defer to your nursing school’s faculty/staff instruction. Hospitals and universities may differ on lab values; you will defer to your hospital or vnursing school’s faculty/staff instruction. These guides and other media created by NurseInTheMaking LLC are not intended to be used as medical advice or clinical practice; they are for educational use only. You also agree to not distribute or share these materials under any circumstances; they are for personal use only. © 2021 NurseInTheMaking LLC. All content is property of NurseInTheMaking LLC and Replication and distribution of this material is prohibited by law. All digital products (PDF files, ebooks, resources, and all online content) are subject to copyright protection. Each product sold is licensed to an individual user and customers are not allowed to distribute, copy, share, or transfer the products to any other individual or entity, they are for personal use only. Fines of up to $10,000 may apply and individuals will be reported to the BRN and their school of nursing. © 2020 NurseInTheMaking LLC HYPERTENSION (HTN) HYPERtension = HIGH BP Most accurate diagnosis for HTN Systolic Diastolic (Squeeze) (Decompress) Normal < 120 < 80 Pre-htn 120 - 139 80 - 89 Stage 1 htn 140 - 159 90 - 99 Stage 2 htn > 160 > 100 HTN crisis > 180 congestive heart failure (chf) affected organs categories Overworking of the heart muscle (ventricle enlarges) stroke Weak & narrow vessels could lead to rupture of vessels renal failure Too much blood flowing to the kidneys at a fast rate & high pressure visual changes Damages blood vessels in the retina (blurred vision, can’t focus on objects) > 120 RISK FACTORS MOST COMMON Primary HTN Also called essential or idiopathic HTN • Cause is unknown • Not curable, only controllable secondary HTN F A • Has a direct cause / preexisting condition Family HX Advanced age ↑ Cholesterol Too much caffeine Smoking T O R Low K+ & vitamin D levels S Sleep apnea Race (African Americans) Intake of Na/ETOH • Chronic kidney disease • Diabetes • Hypo/Hyperthyroidism • Cushing syndrome • Pregnancy • Certain drugs (oral contraceptives) Obesity Restricted activity TAKING A PROPER BLOOD PRESSURE • Look for the brachial artery! SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Usually asymptomatic! Commonly called the “silent killer” • Do not smoke, exercise, drink caffeinated beverages or alcohol within 30 minutes Symptoms: • Blurred vision (if seen) • Headache • Chest pain • Nose bleeds • Instruct the client to... - Sit in a chair with legs uncrossed - Arm at level - Correct size cuff q EDUCATION • Limit sodium intake • Limit alcohol intake • Smoking cessation • Exercise programs for weight loss if needed ANTIHYPERTENSIVE MEDICATION OVERVIEW “ ABCDD “ © 2020 NurseInTheMaking LLC • NO BP in arms with.... Too small = false high BP - HX mastectomy Too large = false low BP - HX of AV shunt - Blood clots - Current IV in the arm • Teach how to measure BP & keep a record SUFFIXES A B C D D ACE inhibitors -PRIL BETA Blockers -OLOL Calcium Channel Blockers -PINE -AMIL Digoxin Diuretics