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Digital Marketing for SMEs: Building Brand Awareness Overseas

How Can SMEs Effectively
Integrate Digital Marketing into
Their Business Model in order to
raise brand awareness overseas?
• Digital Marketing is defined as: “an adaptive, technology-enabled process
by which firms collaborate with customers and partners to jointly create,
communicate, deliver, and sustain value for all stakeholders”. Digital
marketing is simply the advertising through digital channels.
• The main aim of this research article was to assess how digital marketing
tactics can impact a company and examine how small and medium sized
enterprises “ SMEs” can use digital media to enhance brand awareness
outside their domestic market. Moreover, despite the increases in the
adaptation of digital marketing, little empirical research has been
conducted on how best SMEs can exploit the full potential of digital
technologies, therefore, this article was also aimed at bridging these gaps
in research.
The Digital Revolution
 The number of Internet users
globally reached 4.021 billion
worldwide (Kemp, 2018), that
means more than half of the
world’s population is now
conneted to the internet. The
number monthly active users
on Facebook alone, the biggest
social network, is 2.27 billion
(Statista, 2019). Therfore, it is
imperative for businesses to tap
into this vast network of users
to insure their products are
well marketed while
maintaining a competitve edge.
• The study aimed at constructing insights on how to leverage digital
media and tools to raise brand awareness and drive sales while
bridging the knowledge gap, brought about by the lack of proper
empirical research on how best SMEs can effectively use digital
marketing tools, by investigating consumer online habits and
buyer behavior in order provide recommendations to SMEs.
• Through the research question; How a local SME can use digital
media to raise brand awareness beyond local boundaries?
Coherent objectives were set to identify the online behavior of
consumers, identify which digital media can have the greatest
impact on consumers and produce the highest positive effect on
consumer engagement, to determine how a company can engage
consumers through combinations of selected digital marketing
tools; and identify the needs of an SME as it seeks to increase
brand awareness and reach wider audiences.
Research strategy
• Based on the nature of the research “ it required the gathering
of opinions and facts”, it was determined that the most
appropriate Methodology for this research was The Survey
Methodology as it would contribute to a generalizable overview
of consumers’ online behavior and habits. A well established
Cyprus SME was chosen for this study. The company was
operating in the service sector, the research sought to measure
the impact of digital marketing in this sector as the service
sector contributes to most of the gross domestic product in
developed countries (Christofi, Leonidou, Vrontis,Kitchen, &
Papasolomou, 2015)
Questionnaire development
• The survey consisted of four question groups, which contained sets of
questions related to the outlined objectives. Each set of questions had
it’s own variables that vary with respondent.
• The first group of questions sought to identify the demographic profile
of gender, age and nationality of the targeted recipients of the survey.
The results would ultimately help identify whether these variables
influence the respondents answers, hence, revealing differences in
opinions with different people.
• The second set or group of questions contained questions that would
give insights into the online behavior and habits of the company’s
• The third group of questions was aimed at identifying the attitudes of
customers towards online advertising.
• The last group of questions was aimed identifying methods in which
consumers want to interact with companies.
Sample size
• Initially 300 questionnaires were sent via digital means, aiming for
participation at an international scale. The recipients were the
company’s customers and partners in nine countries, namely:
Cyprus, Greece, Australia, Russia, England, Romania, German,
Bulgaria and Ukraine.
• From the 300 questionnaires sent, 200 questionnaires made the
final usable sample. And from the 200 recipients, 65.5% were
women (n=125). The sample was obtained from people of different
ages grouped in four categories. Ages 18-25 comprised of 20% of
the population, ages 26-30 and 31-40 comprised of 37.5% of the
population each (total=75%) and lastly ages 40-50 comprise of 5%
of the total population.
2,5 2,5
Internet usage, patterns and habits
• The findings review that 97% of the respondents surf the internet every
day. With 67% using the internet all day and 30% several times a day. It
was found that 67% of the respondents used smart phones, while the
33% and 23% indicated they use more than one device. 7% surfed the
internet using computer and 3% using a tablet.
• mobile instant messaging emerged, as the favorite activity for both
sexes, followed by information finding and reading news. However, it
was found that men hesitated more to online payments, since non of
them chose any of the purchase related activities.
• Lastly, it is noteworthy to mention that the greatest proportion of
respondents between 18-25 appeared to favor online videos. Favorability
to videos decreased with the advance in age.
Internet usage, patterns and habits
• Based on these findings, companies should not only invest in a
mobile presence but also optimize the entire organization for a
mobile centric world in order to build better connections with
their audience.
• Furthermore, since some of the findings revealed that none of the
male respondents opted for any purchase related- activities (pay
bills, purchasing products), It is essential that a digital campaign
should exhibit brand competence and sincerity so that consumers
will perceive the company as credible and trustworthy, having
their best interest at heart.
Usage of Social media platforms and content making
• The data collected reviewed that 73% of the respondents had multiple
social media profiles and 5% of the respondents didn’t have any social
account at all. In terms of popularity, Facebook was leading the pack
(33%), followed by Instagram (22%), LinkedIn (18%), YouTube(17%),
and Twitter (8%). Not only was Facebook leading the pack, it had the
highest proportion of respondent engagement (62%), confirming the
results of prior researches (Kemp, 2018).
• Therefore, it can be advised that companies use the appropriate
channel or platform “the channel with the highest engagement and
the appropriate content for the target audience” of advertising to be
very effective. Coca-Cola for example created a website (Coca-Cola
Journey, 2016). But people were not interested in viewing the site
despite the fact they liked the products of the brand. They were not
interested in the content (Holt, 2016).
Perception of online advertising
• Data was collected on how the respondents viewed online advertising,
showing the degree of influence on their buyer decision. According to the
data collected, it was found that 27% of respondents trusted
recommendations from friends and family (word of mouth). 22%
indicated advertising is an important factor, it influences their decision,
while 20% of respondent stated they consider their personal preferences.
Surprisingly, the endorsement of celebrities had an opposite effect on the
influence of consumer’s purchase decisions as none of the participants
selected the option “seeing famous people use the product or service”.
• Gender-based tendencies were prevalent, 35% of men would agree to
purchase a product if given an expert advice on it while 7% of women
would be willing to purchase a product given expert advice. Therefore, It
was advised that companies should segment their market based on age,
gender and geographical location, depending on the market’s unique
demographic characteristics.
Company-customer interaction
• The way the respondents want to interact, receive regular updates and
promotions from companies, was also investigated. The reviews showed
that most of the respondents preferred to be followed on social media,
followed by the option “subscribe to receive email updates” and “receive
updates via text messages”.
• The respondents were also asked seven possible website characteristics
they would like to see in a website and they were also asked to indicate the
importance of each characteristic. Functionality emerged as the most
important characteristic, with 31% total respondents choosing this option.
Quality content was considered the second most critical characteristic,
with 18% respondents choosing this option, while simplicity trailed in the
third place, with 17 percent. Figure 1.0 summarizes the rest of the
Figure 1.0 Distribution of Sample by the Reasons that Drive the
Company’s Customers Continue Visiting a Website (percent)
Source: the authors
Company-customer interaction
• It had been investigated, for companies seeking to reach their customers
through apps, several statistics revealed thousands of apps are not download,
despite wide use of smartphones. And some studies show the average user
has thirty apps running on their device but they only use three or four apps
on a regular basis (Ingram, 2016).
• According to the findings, roughly 13% of the respondents would want to
download an app for updates. Furthermore, the findings show social
networking apps were the most preferred by 28% of the respondents, while
17% and 14% of respondents chose music and shopping apps respectively.
• The finds also showed the main parameters that would trigger the
participants into downloading an app. It was discovered that 44% of people
downloaded an app because it was free, 17% because the app met a certain
need or interest and 16% of the respondents downloaded an because of word
of mouth recommendation. Figure 2.o and3.0 summarize the main app
categories preferred and the main reasons that would trigger the
participants into downloading an app respectively.
• Figure 2.0
Distribution of
Sample by
Most Preferred
Mobile App
• Source: The
• Figure 3.0
Distribution of
Sample by
Factors that
Trigger Them to
Download an
App (percent)
• Source: The
Final data analysis and discussions/recommendations
• According data showed in the figures, it would be advisable for companies to
invest into having a strong social media presence than developing of apps as
they is a high chance they will be under utilized.
• companies should also segment their markets based on age and gender, not
only by geographical location.
• The findings also indicate that word-of-mouth has the biggest influence on
consumers’ purchasing decisions, followed by online advertising. With regards
to online advertising, a company must create customized online ad campaigns
since there are differences in how the sexes behave as shoppers, and the impact
of advertising repetition varies based on demographic variables.
• Lastly, companies should not only invest in a mobile presence but also optimize
the entire organization for a mobile centric world in order to build better
connections with their audience. Moreover, their digital marketing campaign
must be centered around the most prevalent activities their customers engage
themselves in and be based on brand competence and sincerity so that
consumers will perceive the company is credible and trustworthy.
• The study only gave a onetime snap shot of the company’s customer’s online
preferences and behaviors. Therefore, the results could change overtime as
consumer online behavior and habits change over time not forgetting digital
marketing is constantly evolving.
• Secondly, the survey studied only a specific number of people who are
customers of a specific company. This greatly limited the research and if the
research was based on a wider range of consumers, preferably from
international markets and in different industries, the research would yield to a
better understanding of various markets and their unique buyer behavior.
• The results revealed that there are observable differences in how male/female
behave. However, the study didn’t go in depth and further research into gender
differentials is needed in order to help companies and marketers customize
their marketing efforts so as to entice both male and female audiences.
- Consumer electronics, -apparel, vehicles & accessories, sports and entertainment,
-Beauty & personal care, furniture, jewel, luggage
• MISSION: make doing business everywhere, enable them to transform
the way they market, sell, operate and improve their efficiency easily
• TARGET AUDIENCE: It is a business to business website, catering for
the needs of suppliers and buyers
• COMPETITIVE ADDVANTAGE: Its competitive advantage is the
network effect. It has command over more than half of the e-commerce
market share.
• FACEBOOK: the company has a Facebook page with over 19 million
followers, they use such a large platform to disseminate information
about their company and online trade shows events in order to create
brand awareness.
social media
• TWITTER: the company also has a twitter handle, which they use to
frequently tweet to stay engaged with its customers and promoting new
products on arrival.
social media
• INSTAGRAM: Alibaba group has an official Instagram account of 1.5
million followers which it utilises to inform their customers about
changes and upgrades in their transactional methods, in its digital
marketing strategies, it also promotes its brands by extensively
promoting them with the heavy use of promotional Instagram ads.
social media
• LINKEDIN : Alibaba in its digital marketing strategies has a LinkedIn
account with over 500 thousand followers all this enabling for a better
engagement and potential increase in its audience target.
social media
• YouTube: to reach its preferred target, Alibaba benefits from youtube
services, as it is used to keep the audience informed and clarified about
the services offered.
• Alibaba uses internet marketing to educate its customers through
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), emails, and content creation with
promotions. For a big company like Alibaba, internet marketing is
affordable and convenient for targeting the right type of audience.
• Use of paid ads on google as a digital strategy is also used.
• SEO: Alibaba uses search engines optimisation to help get countless
visits to their website.
• GOOGE ADWORDS: The use of popular words will be used to help
attract customers to their website. Google Paid Ads, AdWords would
consist of their offered product line.
• GOOGLE ANALYTICS: these will be used to figure out the
demographic and the amount of viewers that visit the website.
Makrides, Vrontis and Christofi (2019) ‘The Gold Rush of Digital
Marketing: Assessing Prospects of Building Brand Awareness
Overseas’, Business Perspectives and Research, vol 8(1) 4–20
available on
accessed on 15th june, 2021.