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One of Us Is Lying Book Review

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Title of the book: One of us is Lying
Author: Karen McManus
Genre: Mystery
Number of Pages: 368
Rating (On a Scale of 1-5): 5
Reviewed by: Sydney
Major Characters:
Bronwyn Rojas: Bronwyn is one of the five students in detention at Bayview High School and she
is the “brain” of the group. She has a clean reputation and her dream is to attend Yale University.
Nate Macauley: Nate is one of the five students in detention at Bayview High School and he is the
“criminal” of the group. He is a playboy, a drug dealer, on probation for dealing Marijuana, and has
earned a bad reputation for himself over the years.
Cooper Clay: Cooper is one of the five students in detention at Bayview High School and he is the
“jock” of the group. He is kind, pure, well-intentioned and a popular, all-star athlete who seems
destined for greatness as a baseball pitcher. Originally from Mississippi, Cooper is incredibly close
with his tight-knit family and intensely focused on his athletic career.
Addy Prentiss: Addy is one of the five students in detention at Bayview High School and she is
the “princess” of the group. She is a popular and beautiful girl who has been dating her equally
popular and beautiful boyfriend, Jake, since their freshman year. Addy has been raised by a
mother who values the physical above all else and has instilled in Addy and her sister Ashton the
belief that their sole purpose in life should be to attract men who will hopefully support them
financially throughout their lives. Addy has internalized this information deeply and has allowed her
relationship with Jake to turn abusive without even knowing it.
Simon Kelleher: Simon is one of the five students in detention at Bayview High School, however,
he is the one that did not make it out alive. Simon runs a popular gossip app called About That
which writes about the juiciest gossip in school. His reports are daily, and they are almost always
accurate. He uses his fellow students’ initials to avoid being accused of lying or harassment, but it
is always obvious who the gossip is about.
One day after school, five students at Bayview High, Bronwyn, Addy, Cooper, Nate, and Simon, walk
into detention. However, Simon never makes it out of that classroom because before the end of
detention, Simon dies from an allergic reaction and according to investigators, his death was not an
accident. On Monday he died, but on Tuesday he had planned to post juicy reveals about all four of the
students from detention, which makes all four of them suspects in his murder. Throughout the book, the
group tries to clear their names and figure out who really caused Simon’s death, all while dealing with
their own personal drama. For example, Addy’s abusive relationship with Jake, Bronwyn having a
boyfriend that no one would expect and her parents definitely wouldn’t approve of, Nate’s probation
and his dysfunctional family, and Cooper being in a relationship that his Southern, conservative family
definitely wouldn’t approve of. So, who committed the crime? Is it one or all of them? Is it someone
from the outside? You will have read and find out.
I really like the flow and structure of this book. Every few pages, the narrator and point of view changes
to either Bronwyn, Addy, Cooper, or Nate. I like this because it lets the reader hear every side of the
story, which I think is very important, and it also lets the reader in on each character’s personal
thoughts and lives. By doing this, the author keeps the book flowing and interesting, since sometimes
at the end of a character’s segment it will end with a cliff hanger and you have to wait until their next
segment to see what happens next, which makes you want to keep reading.
I would recommend this book because it is very suspenseful, and it really keeps you on your toes. I
think teen readers will like this book because it is about high school students so they might be able to
relate to some of the struggles they are facing. Throughout the book, I kept changing who I thought
committed the crime and I really enjoyed putting all the clues together and trying to figure out who did
it. If you are into mysteries or books with a lot of suspense, I think you will really enjoy this book.
The Smithtown Library Teen Department
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