Republic of the Philippines Department of Health OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY January 24, 2022 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM No. 2022 - TO: DOH-CENTRAL OFFICE BUREAUS/ SERVICES/ TECHNICAL OFFICES/ REGIONAL OFFICE DIRECTORS/ CHIEFS OF RETAINED/ SPECIALTY HOSPITALS/ TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION CENTERS/ HEADS OF ATTACHED AGENCIES SUBJECT: Guidelines on the Preparation and Submission of FY 2021 Gender and Development (GAD) Accomplishment Report Republic Act No. 9710, or the Magna Carta of Women (MCW) mandates all national government agencies including their attached agencies, offices, bureaus, and other government instrumentalities to allocate and utilized at least five percent (5%) of the agency's total budget appropriations to implement the GAD plan. The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) Memorandum Circular No. 2021-06 entitled, “Submission of FY 2021 GAD Accomplishment Report”, details the guidelines on the submission of consolidated GAD Accomplishment Reports of line agencies for fiscal year 2022 through the Gender Mainstreaming and Monitoring System. Pursuant fo RA 9710 and MC 2021-06, we are requesting all concerned offices to submit their respective Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 GAD Accomplishment Report (AR). Please see the table below for guidance on submission of the requested report. Originating Office/Unit Regional and Retained Hospitals* Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers* Centers for Health and Development DOH Central Office Bureaus/ ‘Where to Submit Respective CHDs Respective CHDs HPDPB HPDPB Services/ Technical Offices Bureau of Quarantine HPDPB Food and Drug Administration HPDPB 12 Metro Manila Hospitals HPDPB *to be consolidated by CHDs and then submitted to HPDPB Deadline of Submission February 14, 2022 February 14, 2022 February 21, 2022 February 21, 2022 February 21, 2022 February 21, 2022 February 21, 2022 Further, please refer to the attached GAD Accomplishment Report Development Manual for the appropriate procedures and templates. Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila ® Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1108, 1111, 1112, 1113 Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 e URL:; e-mail: If you have further inquiries, please contact Ms. Gicelle Artuyo of the Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau at For your guidance and appropriate action. By Authority of the Secretary of Health: VILLAVERDE, MD, MPH, MPM, CESO Undefsegfgtary of Health Healt] icy and Systems Development Team 1 Gender and Development (GAD) Accomplishment Report Development Manual for FY 2021 Prepared by Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau Department of Health Table of Contents Title 1. IL General Guidelines Process of Submission Annexes A. Secretary of Health's Approved and PCW-endorsed DOH 2021 GAD Plan and Budget B. Expenses which can and cannot be charged to GAD C. Process of Submission Flowchart Page 1-3 3 General Guidelines L In the preparation and submission of the FY 2021 GAD Accomplishment Report, the following must be observed: 1. The online submission and review of the FY 2021 GAD AR shall follow the same submission line for the FY 2021 GAD Plans and Budget (GPB). Line departments such as the Department of Health shall submit a consolidated FY 2021 GAD AR to PCW through the PCW Gender Mainstreaming Monitoring System (GMMS). Specialty Philippine Children’s Insurance Philippine respective directly to Hospitals (i.e. National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI), Heart Center (PHC), Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP) and Philippine Medical Center (PCMC)) and Attached Agencies (Philippine Health Corporation (PhilHealth), National Nutrition Council (NNC) and Institute for Traditional Health Care (PITAHC) shall formulate their 2021 GAD ARs based on their PCW-endorsed 2021 GPB and submit PCW through the GMMS. Considering that the GAD AR shall be consolidated by agency, the GAD expenditure of a regional office (i.e. Centers for Health and Development (CHDs)) or a constituent unit (i.e. DOH Bureaus/Services/Technical Offices, Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 12 Metro Manila Hospitals (MMH), Retained Hospitals and Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers (TRCs)) may not necessarily reach 5% of its approved total annual budget for as long as the agency as a whole meets the minimum 5% GAD expenditure based on the agency’s total budget appropriations. The Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau (HPDPB) as the Head of the DOH GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) Secretariat shall review and consolidate the FY 2021 GAD ARs of the Regions, DOH Central Office Bureaus/ Services/ Technical Offices, BOQ, FDA and 12 MMHs, and encode in the GMMS the DOH consolidated FY 2021 GAD AR. CHDs shall consolidate the FY 2021 GAD ARs of the regional and retained hospitals and TRCs within their jurisdiction. All GAD activities which were completed/ accomplished as of December 31, 2021 based on Secretary of Health’s approved and PCW-endorsed DOH consolidated FY 2021 GPB shall be reported. A pre-filled FY 2021 GAD AR excel file based on the Secretary of Health's approved and PCW-endorsed DOH consolidated FY 2021 GPB, incorporating the individually submitted adjusted 2021 GPBs in view of the Coronavirus Pandemic shall be the main reference and template for the FY 2021 GAD AR of the DOH Central Office bureaus/units, BOQ, FDA, CHDs, MMH, Regional and Retained Hospitals and TRCs. The said template may be downloaded through this link: GADARtemp. DOH Bureaus/ Services/ Technical Offices, Metro Manila Hospitals, CHDs, Regional and Retained Hospitals and TRCs which did not submit their adjusted 2021 GPBs and were not included in the Secretary of Health’s approved and PCWendorsed DOH consolidated FY 2021 GPB, may submit their FY 2021 GAD ARS (see link: for the non-pre-filled GAD AR still 1 = template), aligning their accomplished GAD activities to the main GAD activities stipulated in the Secretary of Health’s approved and PCW-endorsed DOH consolidated FY 2021 GPB (see Annex A), or identify gender issues unique to their respective mandates and experience which were addressed by implementing GAD activities within the FY 2021. For reference on expenses which can and cannot be charged to GAD see Annex B. 8. To attribute the expenditure of the major DOH programs (i.e. to GAD in the FY 2021 GAD AR, program managers or their technical staff shall accomplish the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) Project Implementation and Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation (PIMME) checklist to assess the gender-responsiveness of the implementation of the program. a. In accomplishing the HGDG PIMME checklist, agencies shall fill-out the Remarks column of the HGDG checklist for items in which the agency answered “yes” or “partly yes,” and indicate the relevant means of verification (MOV) facilitate the validation of the HGDG score. to b. The score in the HGDG assessment shall be the basis in the determining the actual cost/expenditure that can be attributed to GAD and reflected in the GAD AR. The percentage score of the expenditure of the agency’s major program/project that may be attributed to the GAD: Provided, that programs/projects with HGDG PIMME scores below 4.0 shall not be eligible for attribution. The formula shall be as follows: ya)% of annual program expenditure HGDG PIMME Score x 100% Total HGDG Points . . attributable to GAD of annual program budget attributable to GAD x annual program budget = attributable amount to GAD % eg 183 x 100% = 82.5% 82.5% x Php50 million = Php41,250,000.00 c. 9. PDF copies of the results of HGDG PIMME checklist, the program brief and accomplishment report; details of expenditure; as well as the relevant MOVs for the agency self-rating, such as attendance sheets, monitoring tools, or list of sex-disaggregated data or gender statistics have been used and/or collected among others, shall be attached to the agency’s GAD AR submission. The DOH consolidated FY 2021 GAD AR submitted to PCW shall be authenticated by the GMMS with a barcode. The GMMS-authenticated GAD AR signed by the HPDPB Director / DOH GFPS Secretariat Head, with initials for endorsement by the Health Policy Systems and Development Team Lead / DOH GFPS Steering Committee Chair and approved by the Secretary of Health, shall be submitted to PCW and the DOH COA Audit Team. provide feedback and recommendations to improve implementation of GAD programs, activities, and projects. As provided in PCW-NEDA-DBM Joint Circular 2012-01, the PCW does not endorse GAD ARS unlike the GAD Plans and Budget. Section 10.0 of said Joint Circular provides for the submission of annual GAD ARs by national government agencies, which shall be the basis of PCW in preparing the GAD Budget Report. 10. PCW shall review and, as necessary, Process of Submission (see Annex C for the flowchart) IL. . Bureaus/Services/Technical Offices and the 12 Metro Manila Hospitals shall submit the scanned and editable (MS Excel) (printed copies will no longer be entertained) of the duly signed and approved FY 2021 GAD AR to Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau (HPDPB) on or before 21 February 2022 through email at, for review, consolidation, encoding and submission to PCW through the Gender Mainstreaming Monitoring System (GMMS). Deadlines shall be observed strictly. 2021 GAD ARs which will be submitted beyond the deadline will no longer be accepted and included in the DOH’s consolidated FY 2021 GAD AR. . . for Health Development (CHDs) shall consolidate the scanned and editable (MS excel) (printed copies will no longer be entertained) copies of the duly signed and approved 2021 GAD ARs of their respective retained hospitals and TRCs on or before 14 February 2022, and submit their consolidated 2021 GAD ARs along with the performance indicators for the main GAD activities (i.e. Administrative data of clients sex and age disaggregated per service provided) to HPDPB on or before 21 February 2022 through email at, for review, consolidation, encoding and submission to PCW through GMMS. HPDPB shall no longer accept 2021 GAD AR individually submitted by regional and retained hospitals and TRCs. Deadlines shall be observed strictly. 2021 GAD ARs which will be submitted beyond the deadline will no longer be accepted and included in the DOH’s consolidated FY 2021 GAD AR. Centers Only the prescribed templates shall be used for FY 2021 GAD AR. Customized template shall no longer be accepted by the HPDPB. The CHD:s shall ensure the use of the prescribed GAD AR template of their respective regional and retained hospitals and TRCs. e Prefilled prescribed templates can be downloaded through this link: https:/ GADARtemp. * Non-pre-filled prescribed template for the offices/units/facilities which are not included in the Secretary of Health’s approved and PCW-endorsed DOH consolidated FY 2021 GPB can be downloaded through this link: Annex A Secretary of Health Approved and PCW-endorsed DOH 2021 GAD Plan and Budget ~~ ANNUAL GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT (GAD) PLAN AND BUDGET FY 2021 Organization: Department of Health Organization Hierarchy: Department Organization Category: National Government, Line Agency of Health Total Budget/GAA of Organization: 127,286,935,000.00 Total GAD Budget 19,754,408,948.26 Primary Sources Other Sources % of GAD Aliocatlon: = 19,754,408,948.26 0.00 15.52% Cause Gender Issun GAD Mandste Gender GAD of Issue, GAD 9710 Magna Carta of Woren IRR Sec. 20 Women's Right to Health A. Comprehensive Health Maternal care to Services Include pre-natal services, delivery and post-natal $0rvices to address pregnancy and infant health RA 1 Prevalence of underweight, stunning and thinnies among infants and young children in the country To conduct training on orientation on management of acute malnutrition to hospitals Activity 5 CLIENT-FOCUSED 1 vi Parformance Relevant Organizetion MFQPAP or PPA s 2 1 Result Pobiyenia Access to and Preventive health care services MFO: 001: Promotive GAD Budont of 7 6 Source Budget Responsible Unit office 8 5 ACTIVITIES Number of participents Crientation on Simple Approaches to Manega Acute Malnutrition DOH Health Emergency Management Bureau improved and nutrition 2 Magna Carta of Wamen IRR Sec. 20 Women's Right lo Health Comprehensive Health Services RA 9710 = A. Inadequate health risk information on gender based violence, Family planning, safe motherhood HIV/STUAIDS &nd migration In travel To intensily risk communication and key messages on Sexual Repreductive Haalth and services among Women Reproductive Age in travel and migration MFO: 003; Access to Safe and Quality Health Commodities, and Facifilies Devices Ensurad Dissemination Distribution of Information Education and Communication materiels on Sexual ang Reproductive Health in all Bureau Querantine Stations FRAN THIS IS 10 CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS Loss LARIL, MP] AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING BUREAU Ne. of of QUE III, MD, FRANCIS! aE Informaticn Education and Communication Materials produced distributed ic OF HEALTH 250,000.00 GAA DOH Bureau of Quarantine and REPORT GENERATED: 24 PAGE10F 04/21/2021 GAD Resuit Statsmeat GAD Objective Cause of Gander lssus Gender Issue GAD Nancate Relevant Orgenizetion NFOPAP or PPA a 3 RA 10398 National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of VAWC Violence against women still and children prevalent isthe country. Increase public awareness on GBY and VAWC in to order prevent this, there is a need to raise the pubiic's awareness. In GAD a Performanca Indicators Margets Activity 5 6 of MFO: O01: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved O02: Access to Curative and Rehabilitative Health Care Services Improved Health Facilities Oparation Program 003: Access Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilties Ensured Observance the 18-day campaign to end through promoYonal/advacacy activities Accass to and Preventive health care services Referral of pregnant women ta haspials during daivery VAW No. of activities 7 dore in Centers Development 1,309,200.00 observance to ihe 18-day campalgn to end VAW RA 9710 Magna Canta of Women Section 13 Women Affected by Disasters, Calamitios, and Other Crisis Situations. Responses to disaster situations shall include the provision in Pragnant OFW women Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities (TTMF) for To ensure thal pragnant wamen are referred to a hospital for delivery safe COVID-19 MFO: 001: Promotive GAA Centers for Health GAA and Development, DOH Hospitals, GAA Rehabilitation Centers, DOH GAA Disease Centers 1.185,700.00 Prevention and Control Bureau, Health Promotion Bureau end Food ang Drug Administration DOH Hospitals 4,140,323.40 DOH Food and Crug Acministration 150,000.00 repatiates In TTMF Number of referred pregnant women MiMaRoPa CHD 152,000.00 GAA MiMaRoPa Center for Heath and Development improved have limited access to prenatal care of services, such as psychosocial support. livelihood support, education and comprehensive health services, including protection during pregnancy. 5 RA 9710 Magna Cana of Women Section 20 Women's Right to Health. A. Comprehensive Health Services 2. Promotion of troastiseding and proper nutrition for lactating mothers Mothers In the evacuation centers need protection whilg Promotion of breastfeeding during emergencies and disasters breastfeeding MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive herith care services of Procurement breastfeeding KisPrintng of fipchart of breastiecding in emergenciesPrinting of posters treastteading In emorgencios of Number of breastfeeding kits procured - 5,000 kils 2,000 pcs Number of 2,000 pes SR ROSE MARIL, MP OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEA! POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU FRAD GY IS TO CERTIFY THAI THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS ‘THIS ELGO-M] Breastfeeding kits 2,500,000.00 GAA - Printing of fiipehart 400,000.00 posters printed- Printing of 0,000.00 DOH Health Emergency GAA Number of fiipchart printad improved Unit office Treatment a Treatment and Rehabilitation Responsible 8 for Health and to 4 Source of Budget Budget GAD Managemant Bureau GAA poster LES REPORT GENERATED: (4/21/2021 PAGE20F 24 Rosuit Statement Objective GAD Gonder Issue Mandsto /GAD Roievent Organization MFQ/PAP or PPA /GAD GAD 5 1 6 Perlormance Indicators Margets Activity of RA 9710 Magna Women Section 13 Women Affected by Disasters, Calamities and Other Crisis Situations 3. Timely, Canta adequate and culturally-appropriate provision of relief goods and services such as food, water, sanitary packs, psychosocial support, livelihood, education and comprehensive health services including implementation of the MISP for sexual and reproductive health at the early stage of Exposure to disasters and emergencies causes immense and unquantifieble suffering in the lives of those affected, especially the pregnant and lactating women, the poor, and parsons with disabilities, whose capacity to cope with a disaster limited enhance capacity MHPSS providers and help raduce the emotional trauma brought about by affacted emergencies of To inoividuals to MFO: 601: Access to Promotive and Preventive Finalization of the Training Service Providers GAD Budget for MHPSS Number activity health care services Number Improved of finalization conducted of participants Sreastreeding kits 2,500,000.00 Responsible Unit office 8 7 6 Manual Source of Budget GAA DOH Health GAA Emergency Managamant Printing of flipchart Bureau 400,000.00 Printing of 30,000.00 poster is the crisis 7 8 RA 11166 Philippine HIV and Sec. AIDS Policy Act Article 23 c-d: Information, Education and Communication c. Universal awareness of and access to evidence basad and relevant information and education, and medically safe, legally affordable, effective, and quality treatment d. knowledge of the health, civil, political, economic, and social rights of PLHIV and their families. Thera is & need to conduct AIDs candlelight RA 9710 Magna Carta of Women Section 20 Women's Right to Health A. Comprehensive Heslth In order to attain better health outcome there a need to implement tho stated mandate |i ‘memorial commemoration and World AIDS Day to promote universal awaraness of HIV AIDS. Affected Population in accessing HIV and AIDS MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services services Improved Empower PLHIV anc Key Observance of the 2021 Philippine Intemational Candislight Mamorial and World AIDS Day 2021 AIDS Two (2) HIV and AIDS activities panticipaled/attended Salary Atribution (2 PNAC GAA DOH Disease Prevention and Control Bureau and Centers for Health and Development 10,000.00 and is Ensure access of women and children to essential commodities MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved Provide vaccinss for infants, adolescents, pregnant women and senior citizen % of fully immunized children 476,000,000.00 Services ung 0g) TE Secretariat GAA particpating/attending technical staff) «A NA FRAN: IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS ‘THIS S ROSE ELGO-MAJMARIL, ) OTC-DIRECTOR TV, HEA! POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU T. DUQUE 111, MD, MSC SECRETARY OF HEALTH FRANCISC4 REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE3 OF 24 Gendor Issuo GAD Mandate Cause of Gondor lasuo 1 2 GAD Objective Relevant Organization MFOQPAP or PPA GAD a GAD Ensure access of women and children to essential health commodities of RA 9710 Megna Women Section 20 Women's A. Health to Right Comprehensive Health Lack of information and quality health services Maintain the delivery of essential health services for men and women in all stages of Ife and disease considerations MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved RA 6849 National Women's Day, Proclamaticn No. 227 Observance of the month of March as "Women's Role in History Month" and Proclamation No. 224 Declaring first week of March of every year as Women's week and March 8 as “Women's Rights and International Peace Day" There is a need to observe the stated celebration to promote women's empowerment Promote women's empowerment amang MFO: 001: Access to Promolive and Praventve Health Care Services improved 002: Access to Curative and Rehabitative Health Care Services Improved Health Faciities Operation Program CO3: Access to Safe and Quallly Health Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured Improved Budget of Source Budget Provide micronutrient supplementation and ‘management of acute malnulriion to vulnerable population and family planning commacities ta reproductive age poor women Mader Contraceptive Services 12 RA 11166 Philippine HIV AIDS Policy Act Article |, 5-i: Functions of PNAC i. and Sec. Coordinate, organize, and work in partnership with foreign and intematicnal organizations regarding funding, data collection, research and pravantion and treatment modalities on HIV end AIDS, and ensure foreign fundsd programs are aligned ta the national response. is HIV and AIDS both a health and development issue that requires a collaborative multi-sectoral response. clients and health workers Ensure the data generation, analysis, and use of strategic information for evidence-based of MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved J Ee Procurement of NIP Manuals, Cold chain Management and Logistics manus No. of Zamboanga CHD £0,000.00 GAA Zamboange Centers for Health and GAA Development 814,734.61 Centers Health and Development, GAA DOH Treatment and GAA of Celsbrats the women's month trough promotionsi/advocacy activities for women and men No. of Manuals procured activities done during women's month Center for Health and Development for Hospitals, Treatment and Rehabilitation 2,157.576.00 DOH Rehabilitation Centers and DOH Centers GAA Food and Drug Administration GAA PNAC Hospitals 28,097.902.53 DOH Food and Drug Administration 100,000.00 Conduct Stakehaicers Forum for the evelopment the PNAC HIV and AIDS Research and Evaluation Agenda of One (1) Stakeholders Forum Conducted Salary Attribution (5 Assisting Technical staff) Secretariat 20,000.00 improvement plan implementation and policy development for HIV and AIDS. log uel WP FRANCES ROSE 10 CERTIFY ‘THA ‘THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS ‘THIS IS Unit DOH Disease Prevention and Control Bureau and Centers for Health and Development | Priggine Commasion on Women otc GAA 585,079,000.00 Prevalence Rate Services Carta Rosponsible 7 5 MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services In order to attain batter health outcome there is a noed to implement the stated mandate RA 8710 Magna Carta of Women Section 20 Women's Rignt to Haalth A Comprehensive Health Performance Indieato Margets Activity ELGO-MAARIL, MP] OIC-DIRECTOR TV, HEA POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU QUE UI, MD, FRANCISC C SECRET. OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: PAGE4OF 24 04/21/2021 ~~ Causo of Gendor asus Gender Issue Mandeto /GAD Carta of RA 9710 Magna Women Rule IV Rights and Section 13 B Empowsrment No 3, Timely, adequate and culturally-appropriate provisian of relief goods and services such as food, water, 13 Relevant Organization MFQPAP or PPA GAD Limited access to SAH services during natural and health emergencies andshifts in government implemented measures To improve or enhance program implementation in time with recent national ang intemational mandates and policies such as the UHC, F1 Plus as well as the recent! disasters and pandemic experiences such that SAH services would be more available and accessible Rate of To increase voluntary blood donation In the community. sanitary packs, psychosocial support, livelinood, education and comprehensive health services including implementation of the MISP Patformance Indicators Activity health care services Policy Review of the AQ 00S series 2016 National Guidelines of the MISP-SRH Implamantation Number of meetings conducted - Budge! Source of Budget Responsible Unit 1otfice 9 7 5 5 MFO: 001: Access ta Promotive and Preventive GAD Merges 3 2 1 Result Statement Objective GAD 1GAD Salary Attribution (5 Assisting Technical staff) GAA DOH Health Emergency Managomont Bureau GAA Weslem Visayas and Zamboanga Centers for Health 20,000.00 improved for sexual anc reproductive health at the early stage of the crisis, Inadequate supply of safe blood use of mothers 14 birthing facilities. in Blood Donation 10/1000 of the total population in which at least 96% comes from MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive health care services improved Advocacy on Donor Recruitment, Retention, and Care No. of bleed units collected No. of Lab supplies procured Voluntary of Donatien. GAA Valenzuela Medical Sox-disaggregated number participants Non-Remunerated Blocd Western Visayas and Zamboanga CHDs 1,320,500.00 Canter and Development and Valenzuela Medical Center 3,320,000.00 No. of Mokile Blood Donation conducted 15 There is & continuing Increase on the average of pacple newly diagnose with HIV per day. (DOH EB HARP 2018) Apri) Persons Who Inject Drugs (PWID) are nol only prone to dependence but ere also atrisk of infections such as HIV/AIDS ang Hepatitis To address the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among PWID MFO: O02; Access to Curative and Rehabilitative Health Care Services Improved Health Fadliies Canduct HIV/AIDS Awareness and Pravention Screening Tests lo patients Sex-disaggregated na. of in-patient who have undergone screening test Preps 1 (§ Cperation Program C THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS DOH Treatment and Rohabilitation Centers Sex-uisaggregaled no. of out-patient who have undergone screening test Sex-disaggregated no. participants Commason on Woman 1,077,950.00 ) FRANCIS( ELGO-MAYIARIL, OIC-DIRECTOR IV. HEA! SECRET POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU III, DUQUE MD, SC Y OF HEALTH of REPORT GENERATED: PAGESOF 24 04/21/2021 Gender Issue /GAD Mandate Couse of Gander (asus Men have higher rates of use or dependence on llicit drugs and alcohol than women co. However, women just as likely 8s men to develop & substance use disorder. In addition, women may be more susceptible to craving and relapse, which are key phases of the addiction cycle. arc 17 Objective Relevant Organization MFOPAP or PPA Urjustified x-ray exposure of women, pregnant women and children. (Based on research, compared to adult males; women, pregnant women, embyos, fews and chitdren sre mere sensitive to radiation from X-ray, CT scan and other radiation emiting equipment most especially from malfunctioning X-ray Men and face unique issues when it comas to substance use. These differences influenced by sex (differences based on biology) and gender (differences based on culturally defined rolas) Women are Malfunctioning GAD a 2 1 16 Fipsut Statement GAD GAD x-ray machines and unsafe radiation emitting equipment for pregnant women and children Ensure access of women and men to holistic and gencer-rasponsive treatment and rehabilitative address services substance abuse. lo To eliminate exposure of womerJpregnant woman and ehildren from unjustifiable x-ray exposures. Performance Indicators Margets Activity 5 MFO: 002: Access to Curative and Rehabilitative Hoalth Care Services Improved Herlth Facilities. 6 Administrative and Administrative data {sex-cisaggregated) out-patient served Number inspections! monitoring visits, quality audit, and conformance of Source of Budget Responsible wotico Unit 46,143,398.00 GAA DOH Treatment and Rehabiltation Centers 500,000.00 GAA DOH Food and Drug Administration 46,900.00 GAA 0.00 GAA of of Canduct of inspactionsfeciity compliance monitoring visits of ionizing radiation faciities, radiological equipment, and quality audi cantormancs testing of x-ray machines Budgat & data {sex-tisaggregated) of in-patient served Provide hoistic and cender-tesponsive treatment and renakifialive services and inerventions to men women drug dependents Operation Program MFO: 003; Access to Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured GAD testing done Percentage of x-ray facilities compliant policies to regulatory machines) 18 Inadequate gender-sensitive, child, senior citizen and PWD friendly facilities Increase number of clients which have gender related issues such as sensitive medical Improve health tacilties for gonder-sensitive and inclusive access MFC: 003: Accass to Safe and Quality Hoalth Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured Toinclude SOGIE orientation on the community engagement, data dissemination and utization activities in 2021 OC1: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved Establishmant of gencar-sansitive medical consultation area the Vaccinalion Section Ne. of medical in consuttation area establisned DOH Bureau of Quarartina information’ histery (HIV/AIDS), pregnancy, adolescence, efc. 19 Existing stigma community dus information and on LGBTQ to lack of which could misconceptions affect an accessing health services = Inadequate knowledge and awareness on Sexual Orientation. Gender Identity and Exprassion (SOGIE) IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS ‘THIS MFO: Orientation on Sexual Orientstion Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) during the online: teleconference for the Community Engagement, dissaminetion and Utilization o FRANCISCO OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEAI POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU SECRETAR Number of activities conducted / Number HBSS sites JUE 111, MD, 'F HEALTH of 2018 DOH Epidemiology Bureau REPORT GENERATED: PAGE 6 OF 24 04/21/2021 21 to for Newboms be protected from preventable diseases that can can be detected after birth Need IGAD Relevant Organization MFOPAP or PPA Objective to be Nead for Newboms protected from preventable diseases that can can be catected after birth for Inadequate supplies the conduct of newbom screaming newbom and and be able sustain the deciing in To improve child health 10 GAD 4 2 1 20 Resut Statement GAD Cause of Gandor Issus Gender issue Mandate /GAD To ensureprotection of children through newbom screening and Newborn Hearing screening that can detect preventable diseases Increase number of infant and young children mortality and morbidity cases infant mortality with regional IMR of 4.08 and 4.48 UFMR, through improve access and utilization of quality newborn and child health Performance Indicators Activity 5 MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Provision of GAD Targets § Newborn Screening kits No. of NBS kits Source of Budget Budget Respansioie iotlico Unit 7 procured Zamboanga CHD GAA 38,500,000.00 Zamboanga Center for Health and Development Improved MFO; 001: Access to Promative and Preventive Health Care Services Improved ‘Assistance to Newbom Screening patients for confirmatory testing/monitoring and treatment {GEPD Confirmatory testing, CH Canfirmatory and monitoring tasts: TSH, FT4, 2D Echo), CAH Confirmatory: 170HP of patients for confirmatory testing provided with technical No. Zamboanga CHD 250,000.00 GAA Cordillera CHD GAA Zamboanga for Health Center and Development assistance services 22 Programs, projocts and activities arp not aligned to national goals and gender needs of men, women and children, especially in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) Genders needs of men, women and children especially in GIDA and underserved areas nat consciously prioritized during planning activities. are To prioritize genders needs of men, women children especially in GIDA and undarserved areas curing planning activities. and Access to promtive and preventive health care services MFO: CO1: improved Incorporate GAD planning and budgeling ta the canduct af Annual Operational Planning (AOF) workshop for 2022 Budget ProposalWorkshop for 2022 Work and Finandial PlanExpanced Mansgement Committee (MANCOM) mastings. Number of AOP Workshop conducted 261,000.00 Cordillera Center for Health and Development Number of PPAs in the ACP addressing the gender of needs men, women and children especially in GIDA and underserved areas. and underserved areas. Numer of WFP Workshop conducted of Number Meetings including 23 Limited information not only makes men and women vulnerable to a number health risks; it also influences their health-seeking behaviour, delaying or preventing access to care. (WHO's Gender Health in the Western Pacific of Inadequale mechanisms on promotingpublic health programs of DOH. the Intensity health education for men and women in all and disease stages of considerations. fe MFO: 001: Accass to Promative and Preventive Heath Care Services Improved MANCOM conducted the agenda GAD in SBCCHP Pian for DOH Develop and implement Social anc Behavior Chenga Communication (SBCC)/ Health Promotion (HP) Plan for DOH programs lika Maternal health, RPRH, Ereastieading. ‘Adolescent Heath, HIV and COVID-19 safety protocols and 2.500,000.00 GAA COVID-19 programs safety protocols. IEC materials on DOH programs and DOH Healtn Promotion Bureau and COVID-18 safety protocols Region 2014) Phsgpne Comymsen on Waren ty IS 10 CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS UE IT, MD, FRANCISCO ‘THIS POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU SECRETA! JF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE70F 24 Cause of Gondor Issue Gender lasus GAD Mande /GAD t Objective Relevant Organization NFOQPAP or PPA against women remains a major global public health and women's health thraat during emergencies. VAW tends increase during every type of emergency, including epidemics. Women who are displaced, refugees, Violence lo and living in Stress, the disruption of social and protective networks, and decreased services access of exacerbate the gender-based violence for women, Ensure accass of women and children to health services which addresses Girls and young women about their parents not having work, lack of money to buy basic necessities, not receiving government aid, violence observed and experienced offline and online, inabiity to go outsids, and shifting of classes online. These thraaten their emotional and mental wel-baing (Plan International's Through Her Lens: The Impact of COVID-18 on Filipino Girls and Young Women, 2020) men, and girls and access to mental health sarvices to risk GBV and VAWC Porformanca Indicators Activity Margen 4 1 24 GAD 6 5 MFO: 002. Access to Curative and Rehabilitative Health Care Services Improved Health Facilities GAD Budget 7 of Source Budgot Responsible 8 5 Provision of comprehensive hoalth services to victim-survivors of gender-based violence and Violanca against women and children data (sex and age-disaggregated) of served 14,176,031.73 GAA DOH Hospitals clients Provide gender-responsive mental and emotional suppan frough psychosociel and wellness and boys programs to women, men. Acministrative data (sex and age-disaggregated) of diients served 8.383,081.76 GAA DOH Hospitals Administrative Operation Program confiict-attected areas are particularly vulnerable. COVID-18 affects the mental and emotional well-being of girls and young women Boredom, anxiety, depression, fear, and failure to be - productive are among the their mental indicators and emotional health are suffering. (Plan International's Through Her Lens: The Impact of COVID-18 on Filipino Girls and Young Women 2020) that Praga Commission on Women ty worry VYomen oys hava THIS 1S 10 CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS MFO: 002: Access to Curative and Rehabilitative Health Care Services Improved Health Unit ottico gts - Facllities Operation Program ES ROSE ELGO-M MARL, MPSS OIC-DIREC ORV, AlAH POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU FRANCIS, SECRI NERATED: 04/21/2021 REPORT GI PAGER OF 24 ~~ Cause Gonder lasun GAD Mandste Result Statement Objective GAD of lsu Gondor a 2 26 The gender disparities on health concerns of women not fully and men ars addressed due to their inadequate involvement in planning and policy development, pera Relevant Organlzsti /GAD No mechanism or regular venue for participation of man and women major stakeholders for the regional planning, budgeting, monitoring activities, performance evaluation and other relevant activities. To establish mechanism or regular venue participation of all health players in the region for the regional planning, budgeting, monitoring activities, performance evaluation and other relevant activities. for GAD 5 4 MFO: 001: Petformance Indicators Margets Activity Access to promotive and preventive health care services improvod ” GAD 6 Involve women and man es stakehciders and Partners to acdross gender disparties on health particularly in the planning and poicy development through conduct of quarterly regional mplemantation and coordination team (RICT) meeting and civ Society organization consukation Number of conducted meetings Pe Budget Source of Budget Responsible 1oflc 8 7 8 GAA Cordilera Center for Health and Development 8,500,000.00 GAA DOHHealth Emergency Management Bureau 9.500.000.00 GAA DOH Health Emergency Management Bureau Cordillera CHD 18,000.00 Number of resolutions guintDovelopment CF goal Committee addressing concerns among men and women major health stakeholders the region. in Number of agreements action upon to address the health concems among men and women from the CSOs. 27 28 Need to improve matemal and newborn health among women of reproductive age (WRA) to include adolescents during cisaster and emargency situations Pacr access to matemal and women's health services ka FP, GBY, safe motherhood and Provision of minimum Initial Inadequate provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiane (WASH) needs services including water and sanitalion facilities that ere needed by women and children during disaster and emargency STVHIV/AIDS services emergencies and disastar during for women and children that resulted in poor health and walkbeing due to interruptions and loss of facities and services To decrease morality and merbidity among WRA by improving access to health information and services during emergencies and Minimum disasters using Initial Sarvice Package on Sexual Reproductive Healtn {MISF on SRH) 00 MFO: 1: Access to Promotive and Preventive Procurement and distribution WRA of hygiene kits for health care services Number of hygiene kits procured (10,000 pes} improved the To for disseminate to Centers Heit Development, Ministry of Health, and Local Government Units the WASH in Emergency Policy and Technical Guidelina that MFO: 001: Promotive health cars Access to and Preventive Dissemination of WASH and Technical Guidstine in Emergenciss Policy services. improved Number of activity Number dissemination of participants will guide and ensure the coordinated deiivery of WASH services in emergencies and disasters to help improve health and wellbeing of mothers and children Prilppne Commasen on Women egJ THIS 1S TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS HEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS FRAMES ROSE FRANCISC ELGO-MAMARIL, MP] OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEAIAH AND SECRET! POLICY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING BUREAU "QUE IIT, MD, © OF HEALTH Unit REPORT GENERATED: PAGES OF 24 04/21/2021 Gender Issue GAD Mandnte Result Statement GAD Cause of Gonder Issus (GAD Objective Raovent Organization NFOPAP or PPA 2 28 Need to improve capacity to render health services curing disaster and emergency situations particularly to ‘women or reproductive age. infants, adolescents and persons wih diseblity a to Thare Is a need secure the Sexual and Reproductive Health the {SRH) nceds communities during emorganicies and disasters. However, not all Local Government of Units (LGUs) GAD are Ta ensure minimum initial service package (MISP) for reproductive heath is givan attention during proper Activity GAD s 5 for MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive health caro services improved Finalizaticn Manuals Training on Nutrtion in Emergencies and Information Managemant {Funding Support to National Nutrion Counc) of MISP SRH Localization Training Number activity of locakzation conducted Source of Budgat Budgat 7 Unit 5 8 8,500,000.00 GAA DOH Health Emergency Managament Bureau 10,000,000.00 GAA DOH Health Emergency Manzgement Bureau GAA Centers for Health Number of participants emergencies and disasters Responsible 1ottics actively and proactively implementing EY 31 a2 1t of training of participants Young children, pragnant and breastfeeding women extremely vulnerable In emergencies Emergency situations are characterized limited access to adequate safe food and water and disruption in health and nutrition services To conduct training on manual on Nutrition In Emergencies for trainers that wil be tapped to conduct trainings at the provincial, municipal and city lavels MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive health care services Disruption in access and provision of essential health services (population-based and individuak-based) caused mare gender, sexual and reproduclive health issues for bath men and women. Often times, it burdens the wornen and girls more cus lo their prescribed caregiving roles at home. Exhaustion of resources on addressing COVID-18 Maintain the delivery of essential health services for men and women in all stages of fe and disease considerations MFO: 001: Accass to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved Provide technical assistance and support to LGUs and haath faciities on cominuous provision of ‘essential health services for men ang women In ail and disease considerations and stages canduct health scucation activities 15 CHDs (excluding Eastern Visayas) have at least 75% specific target technical assistance/support to LGUS and health partners, and health education done 370,453,844.24 Disruption in access and provision of essantial health Exhaustion of resources on addressing COVID-19 and imposition of community quarantine measures MFO; 002: Access to Curative and Rehabiitative Health Care Services Improved Health Fadilties. Operation Program Continuous provision of essential health services for men and women In stages of ife sno ¢isease considerations and conduc! health sducation activities Administrative data (sex and age-disaggregated) of clients served 829,420,725.53 ars services (population-based and individual-based) caused more gender, sexual and reproductive health issues for both men and women. Often times, it burdens the by Maintain the delivery of essential health services for men and women of Ife and stages considorations in all ciseass Number conducted Number improved of fe ll and GAA Development DOH Hospitals women and girls more cue to their prescribed caregiving roles at hom. Sef THIS IS 10 CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS S ROSE FRANCISC ELGO-MAYARIL, M] OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEA] POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND SECRET PLANNING BUREAU (QUE 111, MD, SC OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE10OF 24 Gender I33v0 GAD Mandste Cause of Gender Issue GAD Result Statement GAD Objective ror Aa pA a 4 Performance <AD a3 RA 10028 Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act IRR Section 10 Minimum Requirements Estabiishment Stations In of the Lactation is hereby mandated thet health and non-health faciities, establishments or MFO: 003: Access to Sefe and Quality GAD Budget Source of Budget Responsible Unit [offic § 5 ORGANIZATION-FOCUSED Ensure access of women fo health faciities based on thoir gender specific neads It ies Activity ACTIVITIES Establehment or Maintenance of Lactation Station Health Commodities, Devices and Facilties Ensured of Establishment a lully furnished Lecistion Station of satisfied user Lactation Station % institutions, including public places, shail establish lactation of 43,000.00 GAA DOH Bureau Quarantine GAA Centars for Hoalth of the stations as appropriate. 94 RA 9710 Magne Carta of Women IRA Sac. 18 Special Leave Benefits for Women / Sec. 21 Special Leave Benefits for Women ths health Majority of work force are women, the depariment acknowledges Enable women employaes lo avail leave credits during their gynecological surgical their gender needs and ensure that they have harmonious work environment through Implementatio- mandate of procedures & this MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive health care services Improved 002: Access Curative and Rehabilitative Health Care of Attribution salary of women employees who underwent gynecological surgical procedures to No. of female employoes who underwent gynecological procedures 2 J THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS Health Facilities Operation Program and GAA DOH Development, Hospitals, Treatment and GAA Rehabilitation Centers and DOH GAA Fooo and Drug Administration DOH Hospitals 15,151,780.98 to Safe and FRAN{/ES ROSE ELGO-MAMARIL, OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEAWTH POLICY DEYELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU Health and 1.467.128.66 Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured Phsppina Commeson oa Warman for Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers Services Improved 003:Access Centers Development 500,000.00 DOH Foed and Orug Administration 100,000.00 FRANCISCH SECRET. UE 11, MD, OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE 11 OF 24 Couseof Gendar issue Gender lasue GAD Nsndzte GAD Result Statament GAD Objective RA No. 11210 Expanded Malemity Leava Act and RA 8187 or the Patemity Leave Act of 1996 ths heath are women, the department acknowledges their gender needs and ensure that they have a harmonious work Majority of work force Enable women and men avail maternity employees and paternity leave to GAD 4 3 1 35 Reievant Organization MFOPAP or PPA MFO: 001: Promotive Performance Indicators [Targets Activity GAD 5 Access to and Preventive health care services ta improved 002: Access Curative and Rehabilitative Health Care Sex-disaggregated no. of employees who avail maternity, patemity and solo parent leaves Centers for Health and anc Health Facilities to GAA Development 500,000.00 Treatment Rehabilitation Operation Program 003:Access Safe and mandate. Source of Budget Responsible Unit /ottics 7 Attribution of salary of women and men employaes who avail materrily, patemity and solo parent loavas Services Improved environment through Implementation of this Budge GAA Centers 1,723,087.15 GAA DOH Hogpitals GAA 58,645,083.47 Quality Health Commodities Devices and Facilities Ensured Centers for Health and Development, DOH Hospitals, Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, DOH Food and Drug Administration and Bureau of Quarantine DOH Food and Drug Administration 400,000.00 DOH Bureau ul Quarantine $00,000.00 36 CSC Resolution No. 01-0940 Administrative Disciplinary Rules on Sexual Harassment Cases In ths Civil Service", Rule VI - Section 7 states that "A Commits on Decorum all and Investigation (CODI) national or Jocal agencies of * in the govemment state collages and universities, including govemment-owned or controlied corporation with original charter.” Prager Commasean on Women & COD shall receive complaints of sexual harassment and Promote a sale and harmonious werk Investigate sexual harassment complaint in accordance with prescribed procedures and perform such other functions as may deem proper in the course of its emplayess environment for ail it operations and in MFO: 002. Access to Curative and Rehablitative Health Care Services Improved Health Facilities Personnel Order for CODI Creaia/Maintain Committee on Decorum and Investigation of for Operation Program 003:Access to Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured Bicutan TRC 148,750.00 GAA GAA GAA DOH Hospitals, Mega DTRC, Bicutan TRC end Food and Drug Administration GAA DOH Hospitals men and women employee who were sexually harassed in the % of accordance with the CSC workplace Resolution No. 01-0340, among others lo ensure that health work force have a harmonious work environment through implementation of the said CSC Resolution. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS of Sexual Harassment cases Investigatsd (No. actual cases investigated! Total no. of cases Investigation) % Moga Drug Rehabilitaion Center 25,000.00 901,255.00 Food and Drug Administration DOH 75,000.00 “i of men and women patients who were sexually harassed by a healticare provider FRANCIS( POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU SECRET YUQUE III, MD, \ OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: PAGE 120F 24 04/21/2021 Gender Issue BAD Mandate Cause of Gondor [ssup GAD 3 2 37 RA 9710 Magna Carta of Women IRR SEC. 25. Right to Decent Work. Employers both in the public and private sectors shall provide services in support to balancing family obiigations and work Majority of the healtn work force &re women, the department acknowledges their Promote a decent work environment for women employees gender needs and ensure that they have a harmanious work environment responsibilities. Resut Statement GAD Objective through implementation of this mandate. Relevant Organization MFQPAP or PPA GAD Porormance Indicators Activtty GAD Targets a 5 MFO: 002: Access to Curative and Rehabilitative Health Care Services Improved Health Facilities Operailon Program 003: Access to Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Davices and Fadiiities Ensured Conduct of Ant-Sexual all employees Source of Budgot Budgst Responsible 10tfice Unit 7 Harassment Seminar for no. of Sex-dissagregate Seminar on participants Antl-Sexual Harassment to Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers 1.237,572.00 GAA DOH Legal Service GAA GAA 99,800.00 DOH Hospitals, Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, DOH Legal Service and Food and Drug Administration DOH Hospitals 1,882,300 00 DOH Food and Drug Administration 532,350.00 38 11166 Philippine HIV and Policy Act Arlicle |, Sec. Functions of PNAC a. Develop the AIDS Mecium Term Plan (AMTP) in collaboration with relevant government agencies, CSOs, tha PLHIV community, and other stakeholders; Artide |, RA AIDS 5-2: Sec. 8: HIV epidemic continues to rapidly increase thus, the need to scale up and synchronize the country's response becomes more significant. Facilitate multi-sectoral consultations and dialogue with PNAC members and stakeholders, and sncouraging partnarship driven development in the planning and implementation of HIV and AIDS responses. MFO: 001; Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved Conduct Preparatory activities for the development of Ihe 7th AIDS Medium Term Plan 2023-2028 Two (2) preparatory workshops/aclivilies conducted GAA Salary Attribution (5 Assisting Technical staff) PNAC Secretariat 20,000.00 AIDS Medium Term Plan Tha PNAC shall formulale and perlogically upcele the six (6)-year AMTP, a national multi-sectoral strategic plan to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS in the country. ty Commasin on Women THIS 1S 10 CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS FRANI/EN ROSE FRANCISC, ELGO-M{MARIL, ) OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEA] POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND SECRETA' PLANNING BUREAU QUE III, MD, C OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE13 OF 4 Rosult Statement Objective GAD Cause of Gender lasus Gonder Issue GAD Nandsto /GAD 3 RA 11166 Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act Article |, Sec. 10: Protection of Human Rights The country's response lo the HIV and AIDS situation shall be anchored on the principles of human rights and human dignity. Public Heaith concems shall be aligned with Intemationally 39 Stigma, discrimination, and human rights relgtes barriers among PLHIV and key affected population in accessing HIV and AIDS services Provide gender-responsive, age-sensitive, context-spacific, and culturally appropriate Relevant Orgenizatin NFOPAP or PPA GAD 4 Activity Performancs Indicators Musgets GAD 5 MFO: 001: Accass to Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Impraved Development of PNAC Roadmap to Address Barriers in Accessing HIV and AIDS Services. Budym 7 Three (3) Preparatory activites/meetings conducted Salary Attribution (3 Assisting Technical staff) Source of Budget Responsible 1otfico 9 8 GAA PNAC Secretariat 15,000.00 comprehensive packages of interventions to PLHIV and key affected populations lo access more responsive hsalth services. of recognized human rights instruments and standards. Towards members this end, the of the PNAC, in cooperation with CSOs, and collaboration with the Department of Justice (DOJ) end the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), shall ensurs the delivery of non-discriminatory HIV and AIDS services by government and private HIV and AIDS service providers. Further, the coordination DOJ and CHR with PNAC, shall take lsac in developing redress mechanisms for PLHIV and key affectad populations ensure that their civil, political, economic and social fights aro protocted. The PNAC shall cooperate with local govemment units (LGUs) to strengthen existing madtation and reconciliation mechanisms al the local level in in to Prone Commrasea on Women = J TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS ‘THIS 1S OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEA POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU Unit REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE 14 OF 24 ~~ Result Stmemont GAD Cause of Gandor Issue Gender Issue GAD Mandms GAD Objective a 40 Department Order 2020-0518 Ravised Guidelines for the DOH Institutionalization Gender and Focal Point Mainstream Department of the Development System to Gender in the of Health The GFPS was first established in year 2013 through Department Order 2013-0022 in the Department of Health. Despite the presence of the said policy, the institutionalization of GFPS was not fully GFPS ara fully and committed Relovent Organization MFOQPAP or PPA GAD mainstreaming MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive the implemented dus to the following reasons; 1. Lack of awareness and support the top No. of Meetings Minutes of Budget of Beta 7 6 Establish GAD Focal Point System and regular conduct of GFPS Meetings health care services Improved 002: Access to Curative and Rehabilitative Hsalth Services Improved Health Facilities Operation Program GAD Targets 5 % equipped on gender Porformance Indicators Activity conducted GFPS Mestings Centers for Health and Development 163,200.00 Treatment and Rehabilitation Canters 376,400.00 Care Responsible Otfice Unit 8 GAA GAA GAA Centers for Health and Development, DOH Hospitals and Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers DOH Hospitals 8,085.18 by management an their roles and respensibiitics as GFPS Steering Committes and 2. Fast turn over of GFPS Steering Committee. TWG, en Secratariat of resuting te failuro sustainability in the knowledge transfor on GAD. a1 42 Pape Commasca an¥imen PCW-NEDA JMC 2016-01 Guidelines for Creation, Strengthening and Institutionkization of a Regional Gender and Development Committee under the Reglong! Development Council the RA 9710 - Section A Planning, Budgeting. Menitoring and Evaluation for GAD Q \_3 Presence of VAWC related issues and be concems that need tackied by the committee, the during especially COVID 18 pandemic to Strengthened coflabaration and networking of IAC-VAWC and GADCC through Inter-Agency or consullations meelings with discussions on COVID 18 prevention and MFO: 001: Access to Premotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved - Public Health Program Hasting of LCAT-VAWC/GADCC- TWG enc Full commitiee meetings/consultations and other coliaborativa activites, Io ba attended by GFPS Membars/secretariat No. of LCAT-VAWC/GADCCand Full commitiee meetings and other collaborative activities hosted/conducted - 4 LCAT-VAWC/RGADC Meetings January lo December 2021 MFO: O01: Access ta Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved - Public Health Program Seml-annual coordination meelings wih the Provinclal GAD Coordinators and Regional Universal counterparts (Applying the principias Healtn Care to Gender and Develoament Planning and Budgeting) No. of meeting conducted- 2 batches of meeting conducted on the 2nd and 4th quarter of 2021 management strategies Lack of monitoring and evaluation activities to supsrvisa implementation of GAD and related programs To strengthen implementation of GAD and ts related programe THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS ELGO-MAMARIL, MF] OIC-DIRECT#R LY, HEA POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU of FRANCIS SECRETWRY DUQUE isc OF II, MD, HEALTH TWG CARAGA CHD 126,000.00 216,000.00 GAA CARAGA Center for Health and Development GAA CALABARZON Center for Health and Davelopmant REPORT GENERATED: (4/21/2021 PAGE 15 OF 24 Gender Issue GAD Mandsie Cause Gondor of lsu 1 Lack of GAD 44 Noed database GAD-related to attendseminars to activities and update the level of knowledge and awaraness for better implementation of GAD PAPs 45 Need to monitor the implementation of GAD activities, programs and projects No assigned staff responsible to do the task In establishing database that wil generate reports on GAD to Limited access related activities and seminars on GAD GAD Resutt Statement GAD Objective Relevant Orgenizalion NFQPAP or PPA a 4 To establish and develop GAD databass that will generate GAD related information To enhance knowledge, skills and awareness on GAD-related concepts, tools and policies MFO: Performance Indicators Margotn GAD Activity, GAD Budget Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Fagililies Ensured Access to and Preventive health care services MFO: 001: Promotive of JO Development of GAD databaseHiring persomel to maintain GAD database and gencrats GAD related information Attendance lo seminars GAD Responsibe Unit ottica 7 5 003: Access to Saurce of Budget GAD database developed and updated en & monthly 186,288.00 GAA 188,268.00 GAA DOH Bureau of Quarantine besis related activities, training and improved of Number GAD-relaled acilvitles, tralning and seminar. At least 1-2 GAD-relatod activities, trainings and seminars DOH Health Emergency Menagement Bursau attended Lack of opportunity to canvene th concemad and personnel to discuss the staff the To regularly monitor GAD implementaticn in the bureau MFO: 001: Access to Promoive and Preventive health care servicss Conduct of regular meeting to tevisw and monitor the GAD implementation in the bureau GAA 186,288.00 DOH Health Emergency Management meetings. Bureau improved Implementation of GAD activities, programs projects Number of meetings conducted - 2 semestral Number of ang stat anc personne attended the meeting. - 5-10 stall and personnel 43 Lack of knowledge end information among employees on Gender and Davaiopmant (GAD) Inadequate information materials on GAD due absence of a physical and online platforms to of a physical Establishment and online GAD Corner MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive health care services Improved 002: Access to Curative and Rehabilitative Health Care Services Improved Heath Facilities Establishment and or Maintenance {physical and online) Operation Program 003: Access Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices anc Facilities Ensured to of GAD Comer No. of GAD Corner (physical and online) established and maintained Centers for Health and GAA Development 50,000.00 GAA for Centers Health and Development, DOH Hospitals, Treatment and Treatment and Rehabilitation 196,304.00 GAA Rehabilitation Centers and DOH Centers GAA Food and Drug Administration DOH Hospitals 3,901,872.00 DOH Food and Drug Administration 50,000.00 Prgpion Commasion on Woman ty 1S TO CERTIFY THAN THLS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS ‘THIS OIC-DIRECTUR LY, HE POLICY DEVELOPMEN AND PLANNING BUREAU ERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE 16 OF 24 ~~ Gondor lsaua GAD Nondate Result Statement Objective GAD Cause of Gondor Issue 1GAD Uneven level of GAD a 1 47 Ralovant Organization MFO/PAP or PPA awareness and appreciation on GAD Issues and concepts among personnel Lack of awareness on GAD issues and concepts among porsannel increase awareness on GAD issues and concepts among personnal To Performance Indicators Activity 5 to MFO: 801: Access Promotive and Preventive health care services improved Conduct of Basic GAD GAD Targets Number of personnel undergo Basic GAD Origntation who of Source Budget Responsible /ottice 8 7 6 Orientation Budget Centers for Health and Development 50,000.00 GAA DOH Health GAA Emergency Management Treatment and GAA Bureau Rehabilitation Centers 196,304.00 QAA DOH Hospitals 3,901,872.00 DOH Food and Drug Adminisiration 50,000.00 Unevan level of understanding of the program managers on GAD and its integration to policies, programs and projects Priggine Corsvisen on omen INSg< J Lack of awareness on integrating and applying GAD concepts in policies and programs To integrate GAD perspective in policies, plans and programs to achieve gender mainstreaming ln DARM-H THIS IS 10 CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REYIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS Access to and Preventive health care services MFO: 001: Promotive Conduct of GAD Czpaciky Builting on DRRM-H for Program Managsrs Number of personnel who undergo GAD Capability Training 22,400.00 DOH Health Emergency Management Bursau improved FRAMES ROSE FRANCIS! ELGO-MAMARIL, MPH) OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEALTH POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND SECRETAf) PLANNING BUREAU YUQUE 11, MD, SC OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE 17 OF 24 Unit [ Gender lasue Mendste Gonder /GAD 1 43 Inadequate crientationraining on Gender mainstreaming and gender-responsive health service delivery Inadequate knowledge on capacity on gender-responsive health GAD and service delivery Result Statement Objective GAD Issue Relevent Orgenizetion MFOPAP or PPA /GAD GAD 3 Performance Indicators Activity workers on gender-responsiveness on health end cultural-sensitivity service delivery MFO: 001; Access to Promotive and Preventive health care services Improved O02: Access to Curative and Rehabllitative Health Care Services Improved - Budge: 6 5 Promote gender-sensitivity among DOH employees, and capacilate health GAD Targets Conduct/Atiend to Gender mainstreaming Orientations/ Training/ Workshops and service raining with gender dimensions GFPS, service providers and employees for speci No. of Tralning/Orlentation/ Workshops conducted No. of Source of Budget Centers for Health and Development, Centers for Health and Development GAA Treatment and GAA Centers Rehabilitation end Fadiities Ensured DOH Hospitals, Treatment and Training/Orientation/ Health Facilities Operation Program 003:Access to Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices Unit office 7 5,155,420.00 Worksheps attended to RAesponsltie Rehabilitation Centers, DOH 6.885,564.00 GAA DOH Health Promotion Bureau 200,000.00 GAA GAA DOH Legal Service GAA Health Promotion Bureau, Legal Servics, Food and Drug Administration and Bureau of Quarantine 67,800.00 DOH Hospitals 38,895,085.14 DOH Food and Drug Administration 582,350.00 DOH Bureau of Quarantine 895,200.00 50 High rates of COVID-18 infections among medical professionals, recognizing disproportionate risk to women who total 76% of healincare workers In Insufticient the the gandar-responsive facilities to accommodate the men and women Quarantine officers. medical Establish gender-responsive factity for men and women quarantine medical officers to ensure their safety and MFO: 003: Access to Set-up gandar-responsive quarters women quarantine medical officers Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured for men snd Sex-disagreggated number quarantine cfficers accommodated 1,200,000.00 GAA DOH Bureau of Quarantine GAA Centers for Health GAA and Development, DOH Hospitals of protection from COVID-19 transmission Philippines. 51 Inadequate gender-sensitive, senior citizen and PWD friendly facilities child, Budget are allocated to other priority program, activities and projects Improve inclusive health facies for access MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive health care services improved 002: Accass Curative and Rehabilitative Health of Construction/renovationirepair/maintenance facilities to maka it gendar-sansitiva, child, senior citizen and PWD friendly Ne. of gender-gensitive, child, senlor citizen and PWD friendly facilities established/maintained 10 Centers for Health and Development 483,480.00 Treatment and Care Rehabilitation Services Improved Health Fadiitios Operation Program GAA Centers and Treatment and Rehabiitation Centers 2,169,000.00 DOH Hospitals 77,875,150.00 Blicrnd —— c J THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS DUQUE HII, MD, MSC SECRE[JRY OF HEALTH . OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEA POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE 18 OF 24 ~~ Gender Issue /GAD Mendste 52 Gender mainstreaming the remains a challenge DOH in Cause of Gandor Issue Lack of awareness and support the top management on their roles and responsibilities as GFPS Steering Committee and fast tum over of GFPS Steering by Committee, TWG, GAD Result Statement GAD Objective Relevant Organization MFQ/PAP or PPA 3 4 Effective implamentation of GAD and monitoring Initiatives. ta Budget Source of Budget Regular implementation, monitoring and documentation of GAD initiatives the DOH CO, in CHD, Hospitals end TACS through Cecicated Job order staff Sex-disaggregated no. of GAD staff hired hiring of for GAD Centers for Health and Development 3,867595.19 Treatment and GAA GAA GAA Rehabftation Center - 1.335.565 60 GAA Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau 531,203.00 GAA Health Facilities Operation Program 003: Secretariat resulting to failure of sustainability in the knowledge on GAD. GAD Marge Health Care Services Improved and Performanca Indicators Activity Access 10 Sats and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured transfer Responsible Jottice Unit 7 MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive health care services improved O02: Access Curative and Rehabilitative GAD for Centers Health and Development, DOH Hospitals, Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, DOH Heahn Policy Development and Planning Burgau and Food and Orug Administration DOH Hospitals 8,342,008.70 DOH Food and Drug Administration 300,000.00 53 Gender mainstreaming remains a challenge inthe DOH Gender and Effective Davolgpment Mainstreaming Framework with Indicators are yet to be Insthutionallzed In BIHC and monitoring of GAD implementation initiatives. system and policies MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive health care services improved Rguler implementation. monitoring end documentation of GAD Infiatives in the DOH CO, Hospita's and TRC through: Discussion /gander-related ismues in Intornationa! Health Partners Meeling and Management ReviewFinalization, inclusion and implementation of GAD Ingicators in IHP Intervantion/Projact Manitoring FormsFinalization, inclusion and implemantation of GAD indicators in the IHP Scorecardinsiitutionalization end rol out of the BIHC GAD Mainstreaming Framework / Indicators CHDS, on GAD Number of IHP Meetings /MR with discussion on GAD! gender issues (At least one [HP/MR) Number of Indicators included in the Field Monitoring Forms imemational projects/programs implemented for and Number of GAD indicators included and implemented in the [HP Scorecard for the Policy developad Institutionalization and Implementation of BIHC Gender Mainstreaming Centers for Hesith and Development 3,867,593.19 GAA Treatment and GAA GAA DOH Bureau International Health Cooperation Rehabilitation Center 1,335,568.60 GAA Health Folicy Development and Planning Bureau 531,203.00 DOH Hospitals 8,342,008.70 DOH Food and Drug Administration 300,000.00 Framework an at ¢ J 10 CER1LEY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS ‘THIS IS FRANCISC( ELGO-MAMARIL, MPI OIC-DIRECTOR LV, HEA! SECRETARY POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU ‘QUE III, MD, ( OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE 19 OF 24 of 54 Gonder Issue BAD Mandate GAD Result Statement GAD Objective 1 a Inconsistent Collection of sex disaggregated data and gendor relatad information in all Buroau of Quarantine Services High rates of COVID-19 Infections among health fronting workors, recognizing the disproportionate risk to women who totel 76% of healthcare workers in the of To maintain a database sex-cisaggregated data sex disaggregated data and gender-related information as basis and reference to determine gender issues is not institutionailzed and gender-related information is not Lack of sufficient and gender appropriate PPE. scrub suits and safety ‘equipment for Bureau of Quarantine Frontliner GAD Performance Indicators Activity MFO: Strengthened protection of Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured MFO: 003: Access to Sale and Quality Health Commodities, and Facilities Issuance of policy 15 Institutionglizs the collection of sex disaggregalec data and generation of gander related informationPreparaiion of mechanism infrastructure/equipment pecple ta collect and, store. retrieve generated data Use data in all Information Education and Communication materials anc policy recommendetions Devices Provision of gender appropriate sized PPES and other protective wearables to men and women 80Q fronting workers Policy Ensured Low cancer prevention consciousness and mos! cancer patient seek vascular system (Philippine Health Statistics 2009). Among Filipino men, the & of cancer most common diagnosed in 2010 (Globocan) were lung, liver, colon/rectum, prostate, stomach, and leukemia. Amang Filipino women the 8 most commen advanced slages. is consultation only at Increase cancer prevention consciousness among BOQ and women employses man MFO: 003; Access to Safe and Quality Health Commoditias, and Facilities Davicas 7 issuance 134,500.00 Responsible Unit fottico 9 8 GAA DOH Bureau of Quarantine of 100% Bureau of Quarenting frontiner 17,111,580 00 GAA DOH Bureau of Quarantine 2,660,000.00 GAA DOH Bureau of Quarantine GAA DOH Bureau of Quarantine washable coveralls small: (female) 75 freesize: (female) 195 (male) 285 3x): (famale) (mala) 15 30 Cancer the third leading cause of mortsicily and mortality In the country after diseases of the heart and the Source of Budgat Mechanisms! Infrastructure/equipment/ people ere set up to Implement regular and consistent collection and use of sex disaggregatad data allocated: Philippines. 58 Buoget 6 003: Access to as BOQ men and women fronting workers GAD Targets 4 Coliection of generated that may elucidate on gender issues 55 Relevant Orgenizstion MFOPAP or PPA Conduct awareness campaign on cancer eravention and diagnostic exam among BOQ men and women employees Ensured Sex-disaggregated no of BOQ employees who undergoas diagnostic exam for cancer sites sites diagnosed were breast, cervix, lung, ovary 57 and colonrectum, liver. Lack of strategic directions on gender mainstreaming in the Bureau of Quarantine Absence of BOQ GAD Agenda Ensure gender mainstreaming within the Bureau of Quarantine MFO: 003; Access to Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilities Ensured Dsvalop Buraau of Quarantine manitoring/ evaluation System GAD Agenda and Midyear and Annual GAD planing and evaluation 78,644.00 Preparation of BOQ GAD Agenda (short, medium term) Preparation of annual GAD Plan and Budget and Accomplishment Report 1510 CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS "THIS ELGO-MA/ AL Mee OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEA POLICY DEVELOPMENT AN PLANNING BUREAU FRANCIS SECR sc II, JQUE {) 1 Y MD, OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: 0421/2021 PAGE 20 OF 24 ~~ Gender Issue BAD Mandela Cause Result Statement GAD of Gondor lasua GAD Objective Relevant Orgenlzation MFQ/PAP or PPA is not yet Gender dimension incorporated in BOQ's policies and activities Continue Gender -based fully Performanca Indicators Activity GAD Targets Budgst Source of Budget Responsible f0tflce Unit 4 1 58 GAD monitoring and evaluation of bureau policies and activities Lack of mechanism to integrate gender dimension on policy development in the BOQ need to raview of Bureau of Quarantine policies. and PPAs to ensure Bureau of Quarantine policies, people, PPAs and othar enabling mechanisms are gander sensitive 003: Access to Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Faditties Ensured MFO: Review of Bureau of Quarantine policies and 1) Guidelines in formulating gender sensitive bureau policies and activities (indicators) PPA 0 ensure gender sensilivityMonitor/ Evaluation UP-PGH GAD Pian Implemantation WCPU 60,644.00 GAA 38,400.00 GAA DOH Bureau of Quarantine CALABARZON CHD aaa CALABARZON Center for Health and Development DOH Bureau of Quarantine AM gender sensitivity Under-utifization of the required GAD budget to implement GAD PAPs 59 Non-prioritization of GAD PAPs due to low precedence on the importance of gender mainstreaming in increase knowledge of the units/offices leadership on gender mainstreaming that would facilites MFO: 003: Access to Safe and Quality Health Commodities, Devices and Facilties Ensured Conduct of GAD exacutive briefing or Conduat of orientation on Gendor Mainstreaming for laadors the office/agency of implementation of the planned GAD PAF's 1. Exacutive Briofing conducted by end march 2021 with 80% attendance of personnel occupying strategic positions in the office/agency of 2. Orientation on Gender Mainstreaming conducted by end of March 2021 with 80% attendance of personnel occupying strategic positions in the officefagency 60 women and children friendly spaces to evacuation centers during disasters and quarantine facilities Lack of There is no child friendly evacuation spaces centers and quarantine tucities lo Wornen and children friendly evacuation spaces centers during disasters and quarantine facilities are 10 established MFO: 001: Access to Promolive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved - Public Health Program Coordination mesting witn Department of Socal Wel'are and Development (DSWD) and Camp Manegars on the establishments of Child Friendly spaces to evacuation centers during disasters and selected quarantine facility. Coordination masting with tha Mega-quarantine faciltias on the provision of Isolation facilty for the newty rescued Women and Children of staff from DSWD and Camp Managers par pravince attended meeling - 50 staff from DSWD and Camp Managers Ne. the 232,000.00 attended the meeting an the 1st quarter of 2021 No. of staff from Mega-quarantine facilities altandad the meeting - 40 staff from DSWD and Camp Managers attended maeting on the 1st quarter te of 2021 SER Prilgooe on Women THIS IS 10 CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS £5 ROSE FRAN! ELGO-M.}MARIL, OIC-DIRECTOR IV, HEATH POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING BUREAU FRANCISCY, QUE HI, MD, C SECRETAMY OF HEALTH REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE21OF 4 ~~ GAD Result Statemont GAD Objective Gonder Issue GAD Mandate Relevant Organization NFOPAP or PPA Low lovel of awareness on GAD concepts, tools and policies among communtty. peopla In the opportunity to become updated on GAD related mechanisms, tools and policies among paople in the community Limited Strengthened on IEC activities GAD. Performance Indicators [Targets oe Activiy 5 4 1 B1 GAD MFO: OC1: Access ta Promotive and Preventive Health Care Services Improved - Public Health Program GAD 6 Elscironic bilboard advertisement, infomercials, Printing and dissemination of GAD IEC matedals Number of E-blllboard Budget Source of Budget 7 Ad- 1 acvertisement (30 seconder per viawing x 15 views per day) on either of the following topics per month x 12 months: Gender Equality. CARAGA CHD Responsible fotfice 8 GAA 483,175.00 Unit g CARAGA Center for Health and Development Violence Against Women and Children, RA 8710, Human Trafficking, HIV and AIDS, Family Planning, and COVID 19. - Jan.-December 2021 2 63 Lack of awareness and knowledge on Gender and Development among DOH Central office empioyses Inadequate information Violence against women remains & mejor global public health &nd women's health threal during emergencies, 'VAW tends lo increase during avery type of emergency, Including epidemics. Wemen who are displaced, refugess, and living in conflict-afected areas are particularly vulnerable. Stress, the disruption of social and protective networks, and decreased ‘access to sarvices all can ‘exacerbata the risk of violence for women. materigls on GAD due absence of physica! and online platforms. to Increase knowledge of DOH employees cn GAD Ensure access of women and children lo health services which addresses GBY and VAWC MFO: 001: Access to Promotive and Preventive Health Cars Services Improve MFO: 002: Access to Curative and Rehablitative Health Care Services Improved Health Operation Conduct qualitative survey on GAD among ‘employees and develop GAD IECs In various. patton $500,000.00 GAA DOH Health Promotion Bureau 15,143,846.48 GAA DOH Hospitals 14,792,888,473.00 GAA DOH Health Human Resource GAD IEC materials Establshment/ Meintananca Children Protection Unit of Woman and No, of WCPU estabishedimaintained Facilities Program ATTRIBUTED PROGRAM DOH Daployment ProgramHGDG Secor: 18% GAD Attribution: 905<Total Program Budget: 16.438,554,570.00 64 GAD Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey of Development Bureau and Centers for Health and Development / Phiippos Commisson on Women tw THIS IS TO CERTIFY THA "THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS FRANCES ROSE FRANC, ELGO-MAMARIL, MP] "DUQUE 111, MD, OIC-DIRECTOR TV, HEA MSC POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND SECRA{JRY OF HEALTH PLANNING BUREAU T REPORT GENERATED: 04/21/2021 PAGE22 OF 24 GAD Result Gender lasue GAD Manda Cause of Gondor Issue Peri . 1 2 3 Performance Relevant Organization MFO/PAP or PPA GAD 4 ; Activity 2 Yoder 5 5 66 67 GAD 6 Budget Sourcs of Budget Responsible fico 8 7 Unit 9 National HIV, AIDS and STI Prevention end Control ProgramHGDG Score: 16.34% of GAD Attribution: 96.7% otal Program Budgat: Php715,700,480.21 692,082,364.35 Adolescent Health and Development ProgramHGDG Score: 13.33Percentage of Attribution: §1.65%Tolal Program Budgst: 520,500,100.00 477,038,341.65 GAA DOH Disease Prevention and Control Bureau and Centers for Health and Development 1,084,420,819.90 GAA DOH Diseasa Prevention and Control Bureau and Centers for Health and GAA DOH Disease Prevention and Control Bureau and Centers Health and Development for GAD Nalional Family Planning ProgramHGDG Score: 19.51% of GAD Attribution: 87.55%Totel Program Budget: 1,121,907.555.00 Development 6 6 ROSE 0IC-Director Rio EgJ Waren GAA DOH Disease Prevention and Control Bureau Woman and Chilcren Protection ProgramHGDG Scare: 17% of GAD Atribution: 65.00%Total Program Budget: 9,000,009.00 7,650,000 00 GAA DOH 1V, ELGO-MAMARIL, FRANCISCZ MPH Control Bureau SUB-TOTAL 19,754,408,968.26 TOTAL GAD BUDGET 18,754,408,348.26 THAT GAA T. DUQUE Ill, MD, MSc 03/18/2021 Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau ‘IHS IS TO CERTIFY Disease Prevanton and Date Sécretary of Health ol Kl "on 8,934,000.00 Approved By: Prepared By: FRANCES National Safe Motherhood ProgramHGDG Score: 14.99% of GAD Attribution: 74,95%Total Program Budget: 12,000,000.00 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND ENDORSED THROUGH THE GMMS . ROSE ARI ERANCHCRRY MEE, POLICY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING BUREAU AND TOQUE, MD, i SECRAUNRY OF HEALTH = 0421/2021 REPORT GENERATED: PAGE230F 4 Annex B Expenses which CAN and CANNOT be charged/ attributed to the GAD Budget Expenses that CAN be charged to the GAD budget 7 i,\ ) £ \ J \ LA ( | y PAPs included in the PCW-endorsed GAD plan, includingrelevant expenses such as supplies, travel, food, board and lodging, professional fees among others; Capacity development on GAD and service-specific trainings with clear and explicit gender dimension; Activities related to the establishment and strengthening of enabling mechanisms that support the GAD efforts of agencies (e.g. GAD Focal Point System, WCPU); Salaries of agency personnel assigned to plan, implement and monitor GAD PAPs on a full-time basis, following government rules in hiring and creating positions; \ £5) AGENCIES MAY COST THE TIME SPENT BY GFPS MEMBERS AND OF AGENCY PERSONNEL DOING GAD -RELATED WORK (e.g. attendance to GAD trainings) and charge this to the GAD budget. Overtime work rendered in doing GAD related PAPs may be compensated through a compensatory time off (CTO), following government accounting and auditing rules and regulations; ) ( f( amd \\ - ) Q £ { pe?’ Salaries of hospital workers assigned to WCPU; Agency programs to address women's practical and strategic needs (e.g. child-minding center, breastfeeding rooms, crisis or counseling rooms for abused women and HIV/AIDS clients); Consultations conducted by agencies to gather inputs for and/or to disseminate the GAD plan and budget; Payment of professional fees, honoraria and other services for gender experts or gender specialists engaged by agencies for GAD-related trainings and activities; and IEC activities (development, printing and dissemination) that support the GAD PAPs and objectives of the agency. Expenses that CANNOT be charged to the GAD budget PAPs that are not in the agency's PCWendorsed GAD plan; PS of vulnerable/highrisk employees who areon a WEFH arrangement UNLESS they are working full time or part time on GAD PAPs; Honoraria for agency GAD Focal Point System members or other employees working on their agency GAD-programs; O0OO0000 Salaries of casual or emergency employees UNLESS they are hired to assist in GAD related PAPs; Provision for contingency funds or "other services" of PAPs; Car-pooling, gas masks for traffic/ environment enforcers, among others; Purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and vehicles for the general use of the office. The following expenses may NOT be charged to the GAD budget UNLESS they are justified as clearly addressing a specific gender issue: Physical, mental and health fitness of employees (e.g. Zumba, Meditations); - Social, rest and recreation activities; activities and Religious implementation of cultural projects (e.g. Prayer Meetings, Mother's day and Father's Day Celebration); and - Construction expenses with no clear gender dimensions - Annex C Process of Submission Flowchart : Retained Hospitals DOH = Feb. 14 TRCs 12 CHDs == | Metro Manila Hospitals Bureaus/ Services/ [ Review and consolidate * GMMS Feb. 21 Encode > HPDPB Feb. 21 DOH CO Technical Offices oi PCW v Review, consolidate and formulate the 2021 GAD AR Review, Return/ Authenticate