NUR 363 Final Exam WORKSHEET **This is individual work and will go through SafeAssign. Do not work with other students.Copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade NAME: INSTRUCTIONS: Answer each of the 10 select-all-that-apply questions and create a brief rationale for every answer to each question, whether or not it is correct. Do not just repeat the answer. Provide a brief (1 - 2 sentence), original, accurate reason why the answer is correct or incorrect. Bold correct responses for each question. Answers can be found in the text, class slides and weekly readings. This is similar to an ATI practice assessment with questions/rationales except YOU are creating the rationales. Do not use a “Homework helper” site (such as Chegg) - this is exam prep and not homework. During the final exam class you will come to Zoom class and in Week 15 Module in BB enter your letter answers (A,B,C….) into the BB test and upload your completed copy of this Worksheet in SafeAssign. BOTH are required to receive credit. Note that copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade. Simple, original answers are required. Bold correct answer letters and answers - see example See example in BB for an example question to assist you with completing the Worksheet. NUR 363 Final Exam WORKSHEET **This is individual work and will go through SafeAssign. Do not work with other students.Copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade 1 Challenges integrating evidence-based practice into nursing care include: A No website where systematic reviews and other evidence is stored for nurses and other healthcare providers Rationale: there are many resources available as we’ve spent all semester learning how to use data bases such as CINAHL complete, the Cochrane Library and PubMed to conduct searches for evidence B Some nurses were not taught about how to perform an evidence-based practice project. Rationale: there was limited support in actually implementing evidence-based projects such as using research findings and executing certain protocells and guidelines C Evidence-based practice is new and was only proposed in healthcare in 1998. Rationale: although the movement started in the 90’s and that’s when nursing educating started getting on board with implementing it (the internet made it possible) pioneers such as Florence Nightingale used EBP to link infection of soldiers on the battlefield to the unsanitary conditions around them D Healthcare organizations sometimes do not support the EBP process Rationale: the EBP practice not only benefits the patients but also the nurse and the healthcare organization. It increases the patient’s chance for getting the best care, helps the nurse understand the effectiveness of certain treatments or protocols used in the clinical setting, and reduces expenses for organizations when there are better patient outcomes 2 Which statements are correct about the PICO acronym in evidence-based practice? A Elderly people at risk for falls is an example of ‘P’ Rationale: Patient (elderly) / Population / Problem (fall risk) NUR 363 Final Exam WORKSHEET **This is individual work and will go through SafeAssign. Do not work with other students.Copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade B Reduced falls with injury is an example of ‘I’ Rationale: Intervention would be the action taken (reduced falls with injury would be the outcome) C Education about healthy eating and weight management is an example of ‘O’ Rationale: Outcome would be what we’d want to see (education would be the intervention) D The Current Standard of Practice is an example of “C” Rationale: Also known as the comparison, it poses the question “what’s happening now?” 3 When reviewing research terminology, the nurse defines major terms. When a variable can be manipulated to cause an effect on the dependent variable, what is it called? A. Intervention Rationale: interventions in research is used to make a change on the potential outcomes of the study B Control Rationale: this group receives no intervention or treatment C Independent Variable Rationale: this is the manipulated variable or the one that can be controlled to some extent D Treatment Rationale: this could also be referred to as the experimental group, it’s the group that receives some form of treatment in the study E Outcome NUR 363 Final Exam WORKSHEET **This is individual work and will go through SafeAssign. Do not work with other students.Copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade Rationale: the end results of the study 4 As a member of an institutional review board, a nurse researcher uses the Belmont Report as a guide. What are the three primary ethical principles addressed by the Belmont Report? A Beneficence Rationale: this principle emphasizes that researchers must provide protection from exploitation and harm B Financial Benefit Rationale: this is not an ethical principle C Justice Rationale: this principle emphasizes the right to fair treatment and privacy D Respect for Persons Rationale: this principle emphasizes the right for self-determination and full disclosure E Confidentiality Rationale: this is an important ethical principle but it wasn’t included in the Belmont Report 5 A nurse studying evidence-based practice (EBP) reviews the formal definition. Which components are key to EBP? A Educational level of the clinician Rationale: clinical skill, experience and knowledge in their respect fields are more important B Clinician expertise NUR 363 Final Exam WORKSHEET **This is individual work and will go through SafeAssign. Do not work with other students.Copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade Rationale: the nurse or clinician must be competent, knowledgeable, and must be good at decision making C Client Preference Rationale: this is important and unique to the patient as it in turn provides the best care for the patient D Barriers to practice change Rationale: this is more of a barrier to the implementation of EBP in nursing E Current Research Evidence Rationale: the research evidence must be up to date as it pertains to care, treatment and prevention 6 Determine whether these statements about quantitative research are correct: A Results are narrative statements which can be analyzed statistically Rationale: narrative statements are data collection methods for qualitative B Data can be collected with self-reports such as questionnaires or surveys Rationale: This usually being numerical data that is measurable and analyzed C There is the possibility of generalizing the results to other populations Rationale: Quantitative research chooses populations from one study and applies it to other groups and settings. Qualitative research also seeks patterns, connections and themes D Researchers should have lengthy interactions with research participants Rationale: Qualitative research deals more with interviews, open ended questions, and narratives NUR 363 Final Exam WORKSHEET **This is individual work and will go through SafeAssign. Do not work with other students.Copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade 7 You are a nurse researcher at LIU and design a study to see how pregnant women who have lost a baby to SIDS are feeling about their current pregnancy. Which procedures will you take to protect your study participants: A Ensure you receive approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board before performing the research Rationale: the institution should have certain guidelines in place to protect those undergoing the tests like weather or not the research and practices are ethical B Obtain informed consent from the women in the study and their partner Rationale: this is a part of the 6 procedures for protecting study participants and it gives the patient free choice to participate or not after properly explaining the study and what it entails C Justify that the benefits of performing the research outweigh any potential risks to the study participants Rationale: this would be a part of informed consent when researchers would talk to the study participant about risks and benefits D If they choose to participate, offer the women a $500 Amazon gift card for participating in one 2-hour interview Rationale: this wouldn’t necessarily protect the study participants but would benefit them 8 Determine whether these statements about quantitative research are correct: A The literature review of a research report should explain the knowledge gap C Rationale: this allows the researcher to look for evidence in online databases, allowing us to find out what we know (and what we don’t) about a specific topic B Non-experimental research designs include control and intervention groups NUR 363 Final Exam WORKSHEET **This is individual work and will go through SafeAssign. Do not work with other students.Copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade I Rationale: non-experimental research does not involve a control or intervention group C Quasi-experimental designs include the manipulation of the IV C Rationale: quasi-experimental designs manipulates the independent variable D The null hypothesis states there is a statistical relationship between the IV and DV I Rationale: the null hypothesis states that there is no relationship between the two variables 9 Determine whether these statements about quantitative research are correct or incorrect: A Systematic review with meta-analysis is considered the highest level of research Rationale: (Correct)Systematic reviews are at the top of the traditional hierarchy chart B Nursing theories explain phenomena that patients or nurses experience Rationale: (Correct) they serve as scientific reasons as to nursing interventions and give knowledge-based care C Orem’s theory details how nurses progress from novice to expert in their profession Rationale: Benner’s theory details how nurses progress from novice nurses to experts in their field D Non-experimental research has little value in evidence-based practice Rationale: non experimental research has great value in EBP and is used in many types of research studies NUR 363 Final Exam WORKSHEET **This is individual work and will go through SafeAssign. Do not work with other students.Copied/shared/plagiarized content will result in a zero grade 10 You are designing a mixed methods study investigating what it is like to be a BSN student at LIU during Covid-19. During data collection you will ask the participants two questions/prompts: one quantitative and one qualitative. Your 1st question is “What is your anxiety level about your career choice on a scale of 1-10?” What are possible options for the 2nd question/prompt: A Name a practice area in nursing that would be your first-choice after graduation. Rationale: this question does not focus on being a BSN student during COVID B Please describe how Covid-19 has impacted your ability to complete coursework? Rationale: this question focuses on coursework being a stressor associated with being a BSN student C Explain what is causing some of your anxiety in the current environment. Rationale: this question can touch a lot more bases including coursework, clinicals, exam prep, ect D What clinical nursing courses are you currently taking in the SON curriculum? Rationale: this question doesn’t focus on COVID at all THE END… Good luck, Make sure to submit this worksheet with Final Assessment