Uploaded by Lucmar Gomez

Spanish Art Vocabulary: Learn Key Terms

Me llamo ___________________.
La pintura = Painting
La imagen = Image
La foto = Photo
La escultura = Sculpture
El dibujo = Drawing
El óleo = Oil painting
La cerámica = Ceramics, pottery
La estatua = Statue
El mural = Mural
El lienzo = Canvas
El cuadro = Painting, picture
El retrato = Portrait
El autorretrato = Self-portrait
La obra maestra = Masterpiece
El grafiti, el arte callejero = Graffiti
El pintor / La pintora = Painter
El / La artista = Artist
La belleza = Beauty
La representación = Representation
El espectáculo = Show
El Renacimiento = Renaissance
El estilo = Style
El movimiento = Movement
El realismo = Realism
El cubismo = Cubism
El surrealismo = Surrealism
El agrandamiento = Enlargement (Estilo de Fernando Botero)
Crear = To create
Pintar = To paint
Dibujar = To draw
El museo = Museum
Se encuentra expuesto en El Prado. = It is exhibited at the Prado
©2016, www.sparkenthusiasm.com
Me llamo ___________________.
Artist =
Painter =
Beauty =
Painting, picture =
Photo =
Sculpture =
Ceramics, pottery =
Statue =
Mural =
Canvas =
Painting =
Drawing =
Oil painting =
Show =
Image =
Representation =
Portrait =
Self-portrait =
Masterpiece =
Style =
Renaissance =
Movement =
Realism =
Cubism =
Surrealism =
Enlargement (Estilo de Fernando Botero) =
To create =
To paint =
To draw =
Museum =
It is exhibited at the Prado Museum. =
©2016, www.sparkenthusiasm.com