Uploaded by Ruhi Şafakhan Çalışkan

Transgender Rights & Discrimination Laws Essay

Name: Ruhi Şafakhan Çalışkan
Number: 20192305005
1-Was it wrong for Winn-Dixie to fire Peter Oiler?
It was completely wrong for Winn-Dixie to fire Peter Oiler because he was fired for being
transgender. Even though he was a great employee but because of the way he dress he got
fired. It shouldn't be like that. Nobody should be fired just because they are transgender or
they dress differently.
2-Should discrimination laws apply to transgendered people?
Discrimination laws should definitely apply to transgendered people because they are being
discriminated against because of who they are. According to Laura Quilter, the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioner, gender identity is a protected
characteristic in discrimination laws. According to Quilter, "The EEOC does consider
transgender status as being covered under Title VII's prohibition on sex discrimination." This
means that all American companies must allow their transgender employees the right of using
the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity. This is something that was not always
accepted, but it has now become a rule. According to the EEOC website, "Individuals have
long used different names and pronouns at work in order to reflect their gender identity, and
courts have recognized this as a legitimate reason for an employer to permit an employee to
use a name or pronoun other than the name or pronoun on his/her birth certificate."