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The Abbasid Dynasty Presentation

The Abbasid
Done by: Nour Hisham- Jana HossamNoor Mohamed- Mariam Mohamed
The Abbasid
The Abbasids chose Baghdad to
relocate the capital of the
caliphate, in what is now
Iraq. In the new capital, the
rulers lived in a
magnificence level.
Persian Influence
Arabs taking control was marked after the movement to
Baghdad. The Abbasids took a Persian government style were
they cut themselves from people. For example, the caliph
would be hidden in a throne room behind a beautiful screen,
so he won’t be seen. The Abbasids also relied on Persians
government officials. A minister oversaw affairs of state.
A Changing Culture
Under the Abbasid rules the natural of Islam changed. The Islam is a religion that
belongs to Arabs. The Abbasid invited all people to join the Islam religion and at
this time the Islam turned into universal religion that attracts everyone from
different cultures. Trade was one way that Islam spread. Muslims exchanged goods
and information’s and this exchanging helped to bring Islam in many places such as
West Africa and Southeast Asia. Caliph Harun al-Rashid was the most prominent
caliph in Abbasid. He helped bring Muslims culture to great heights during his
region from 786 to 809. And his supporting of scholarship helped produce
achievements of Islamic arts and sciences.
The End of Unity
Though Muslim culture thrived under Abbasid
rule, Abbasid political power began to weaken
as early as the 800s. By the 900s, a growing
number of small, independent states broke
away from the caliphate. Increasingly, the
caliph became at powerless figurehead.
Challenges from Europe
In some areas, European Christians weakened Muslim rule. Although Umayyads had kept
control of Spain until the 1000s, Christian armies began to drive out Muslims at about that
Further east, European Christians went to war against Muslims in and around Jerusalem. The
Europeans wanted to make the region, which they called the Holy Land, Christian.
Although the Europeans won at first and ruled Jerusalem for a while, Muslim forces eventually
retook the city. The wars to retake the Holy Land were called the Crusades.
Problems From Egypt
A serious threat to the Abbasids emerged in 969
when a splinter group established the Fatimid
dynasty in Dept. The Fatimids claimed descent from
Muhammad's daughter Fatimah.
Baghdad’s meticulous and
authentic design as a round
city was a great
achievement in urban
design in the 8th century.
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