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Chemistry Binder Check Worksheet

RMHS College Prep Chemistry
Name ________________________
Ms. Nitu, Room 306
Binder Check
March 17, 2020
In preparation for your binder check, please make sure you have the following (check them off as you go along).
It would be helpful (for you and for me) if they appear in your binder in order.
I have it!
My teacher
It is complete
checked it
Bill Nye Chemical Reactions Worksheet
Stoichiometry Made Easy Worksheet
Stoichiometry with Mass Worksheet
Bling Zinger Graphic Organizer
Mole Hidden Picture Activity
Stoichiometry Practice Mass-Mass Stations
Five States of Matter Graphic Organizer and Worksheet
Measuring Gas Pressure
Yellow Periodic Table
Each handout or worksheet is worth two points.