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Primary School Lesson Plan: Storytelling & Persuasive Writing

Learning Intention: Enjoying Our New World (Unit 1)
To listen to a story and talk about the characters, events and their feelings.
To share reasons for liking and disliking characters, events and feelings and connect it with something
in their lives.
To present a talk to classmates on a chosen book including a retell of the story which has a beginning,
middle and end.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
 Talk in front of my classmates
 Remember a beginning, middle and end of a story.
 Say “I like, I dislike because…..
 Say “this reminds me of when…..
 Use eye contact and a loud clear voice
 Speak in sentences that makes sense
 Know about the characters, what happens and how it makes me feel.
Year One
Learning Intention: Exploring how a story works (Unit 1)
To listen to a story and choose which is better
To explain my choice about which story is better
To draw pictures and write sentences about the beginning, middle and end of a story but also
thinking about characters and setting
To know about the characters and events in a story through pictures and text and then connecting
it with something in their lives.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
Explain the different reasons we read imaginative stories.
Write a story with a beginning middle and end.
Make connections to personal experiences
Pick out the main events of a story
Understand the characters
Understand setting
Form opinions and explain why I feel that way.
Share what makes a story entertaining
Use capitals and full stops in my writing
Year One
Learning Intention: Exploring Characters in Stories (Unit 2)
To write a description of the Rainbow fish
To explain how and why he has changed from the beginning of the story.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
Sentences with capitals and full stops.
Spells common words accurately and some with regular spelling patterns.
Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and pronouns.
Structure of a Description.
Use pictures to make inferences
Use images to help with description.
To make inferences (use clues from the text to gain more information)
Upper and lower case letters (handwriting)
Character traits and actions
Describing settings and events.
Year Two
Learning Intention: Reading, Writing and Performing Poetry (Unit 1)
To recreate a familiar poem and present it to your teacher and your peers
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
Understand and use sound patterns and rhythmic sound patterns.
Use everyday language
Create a poem
Use your imagination
Topic specific vocabulary
Explain your preferences
Compare poems to other texts
Makes a presentation
Text features of a poem.
Structure of poetry
Language features (alliteration, rhyme and repetition)
Year Two
Learning Intention: Stories of Families and Friends (Unit 2)
To plan, draft and write a new story about the connection between family members or friends.
Publish your story using clear and legible writing.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
 Write using language features and vocabulary to describe characters and events
 Describe to the reader how a character feels (evaluative language) and behaves (e.g. very
lonely, happily play, began to worry, so scared)
 Write using expanded noun groups (using articles and adjectives) to give details about the
characters, settings and events.
 Write with topic specific vocabulary
 Use a variety of simple and compound sentences.
 Write using Capital letters for beginning of sentences and names and full stops.
 Write a narrative with an orientation, complication and resolution
 Uses spelling patterns to spell regular words
 Create a new and interesting story
 Form upper case and lower case letters so they are easily read.
Year Three
Learning Intention: Analysing and Creating Persuasive (Unit 1)
To read a variety of persuasive texts.
To look at how writers use language to persuade and influence an audience.
To write a letter on a topic to persuade your audience.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
Use persuasive language devices in my writing
Create a written text that has a persuasive structure (5 paragraphs – Intro, 3 x arguments and concluding)
Demonstrate writing in paragraphs (Structure – OREO)
Use Rhetorical questions in my writing
Use a planning document to inform my writing
Use a variety of modal verbs to persuade the reader
Write with modal Adverbs
Choose vocabulary to make the reader feel a particular way (Evaluative language)
Decide and write using both Facts and exaggerations
Create topic sentences containing main idea
Use Question marks, full stops, exclamation marks and Capital letters in my writing correctly
Evaluate an argument
Explain my point of view
Write a variety of sentences including compound and simple sentences(cause and effect)
Understand the different conjunctions that create compound sentences FANBOYS
Identify point of view and supporting main reasons in a persuasive text
Respond to questions about the persuasive argument and its effect.
Read and mak3 meaning from letters to the editor, building literacy and inferential understanding to support responses to
comprehension questions, and composing additional paragraphs.
Year Three
Learning Intention: Investigating Characters (Unit 2)
In this unit, we are reading the narrative Matilda which is about friendship. We will look at how
characters relate to each other in the events of the story by learning about the characters
thoughts, feelings and actions and then write an original narrative based on friendship.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
Write paragraphs to sequence events
Use noun groups and extended noun groups to describe settings, events and characters.
Write sentences with doing thinking and saying verbs
Use a range of vocabulary
Write using words that express feelings and opinions (evaluative language)
Write sentences that have full stops, capitals, questions marks.
Create a narrative using the narrative text structure (orientation, complication and resolution)
Write with a variety of sentences (simple and compound)
Use past tense verbs
Create a story that flows (cohesive) – sequence your ideas into a logical order
Plan ideas for a narrative using a variety of mind maps
Re-read and edit my work including vocabulary, grammar, structure and meaning.
Year Four
Learning Intention: Investigating author’s language in a familiar narrative (Unit 1)
To read the story ‘The Twits and plan, write and edit a new chapter using the familiar characters.
To write a description for an illustration that is appropriate to the chapter.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
Write using pronouns and text connectives to link ideas and sequence the events of the plot.
Demonstrate the use of language features to add meaning to sentences.
Use nouns and noun groups to enrich sentences and describe characters and settings
Write verbs and verb groups to describe characters’ actions, behaviour, thoughts, feelings and speech
Use adverbs/adverb groups and prepositional phrases to provide inferred details of events and add
interest to the narrative.
Use language features to develop characters and plot tension
Write an art brief for an illustration that supports the new chapter.
Draft and publish an imaginative new chapter based on characters and settings
from a familiar novel.
use a range of sentence structures to express and combine ideas
incorporate narrative text structure
Develop a plot that follows a logical sequence of events.
Use direct speech to reveal characterisation
Punctuate using quotation marks for dialogue.
Edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words to improve narrative structure,
character development and plot tension
Proofread a draft to identify and fix incorrect spelling and punctuation.
Year Four
Learning Intention: Examining Humour in Poetry (Unit 2)
To interpret and evaluate a humorous poem for its characteristic features
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
Read a variety of poetry and understand its meaning
Understand how the structure of a poem suits its purpose.
Identify the verse and rhyme structure of a poem
Explain how the poem’s structure suits its purpose and audience.
Describe how images involve the reader and assist in understanding the meaning
Explain the effect of vocabulary choice.
Recognize examples of nonsense words, spoonerisms, neologisms and puns in a poem
Explain examples of word play in a poem
Experiment with rewriting a line of poetry to include word play.
State a preference for a particular type of poem and use examples from the poem to support
my preference
 Explain the literal and implied meanings of word play and how this creates humour in a poem.
Year Five
Learning Intention: Examining and Creating Fantasy Texts (Unit 1 & 3)
To create and examine fantasy texts.
To write a fantasy narrative with a ‘good’ and ‘evil’ character.
To establish fantasy settings when writing their fantasy novel.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
 Write a well-structured first chapter for a fantasy novel.
 Select language features such as figurative language, nouns and noun groups, and precise vocabulary
to provide rich descriptions of characters (good and evil), settings and events.
 Understand and apply knowledge of figurative language, for example: metaphor, simile and
personification to enhance the description of the characters, settings and events. .
 Edit the chapter for grammar, spelling, punctuation, spelling and cohesion, and to incorporate teacher
 Write a chapter that maintains a consistent narrative point of view.
 Use complex sentences (using main and subordinate clauses)
 Use a variety of sentence beginnings to develop the text and allow the reader to predict events.
 Use paragraphs to logically sequence the text
 Use pronoun referencing and text connectives to write a sequenced and cohesive text
 Use accurate spelling punctuation and grammar
 Editing for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words to improve the text structure, character
development and setting description
 Edit their draft narrative for cohesive structure and meaning
 Edit for correct spelling and punctuation
Year Six
Learning Intention: Short Stories (Unit 1)
To write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who
faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
 Read a range of short stories to help me create a conflict in my own short story
 Brainstorm and refine nouns and noun groups, and verb and adverb groups to describe characters,
depict thoughts and feelings, actions and events and relationships and interactions between characters.
 Understand language associated with short stories, for example: aesthetic, conflict, editorial choices, plot
profile, plot tension, narrative structure and rising action
 Write an imaginative sequenced and entertaining short story.
 Use nouns and noun groups, verbs and verb groups to describe characters, actions and events and
relationships between characters.
 Edit writing, incorporating feedback and compose explain and justify your editing choices.
 Select evaluative and figurative language features to create images in readers’ minds and express shades
of meaning.
 Use simple, compound and complex sentences with variation to engage the reader.
 Use punctuation such as full stops, commas to separate clauses, capital letters, quotation marks,
exclamation marks, question marks and apostrophes to create meaning.
Year Six
Learning Intention: (Unit 1)
To create a multimodal advertisement and explain how it persuades the viewer.
Success Criteria
I know I’m successful when I can
Plan and write a detailed advertisement
Understand and apply the text structure (eg: heading and images) to my own writing.
Use noun and noun groups to describe features of the advertisement.
Present my advertisement using digital technology (including recorded audio, images, headlines and text)
Write using topic specific vocabulary to persuade my audience
Explain my vocabulary choices and how they express feeling and opinion.
Elaborate on a central idea using language feature such as figurative language, imagery and modality,
Explain how I used language features in cohesion, emphasis and persuasion
Write using a narrative point of view
Edit my text using a checklist
Explain how my editing improved the text
Select appropriate images and sound for the advertisement