Sl No Particulars Dual Coil Suspension Gas Filled Suspension 1 Stiffness 27370 24160 2 Damping 327.552 233.966 3 Frequency 16.98 2.38 16.55 1.099 4 Resonance peak (db) 16 18 5 Max time res (m) 0.162 0.167 Damping ratio of Dual coil suspension is more when compared to Gas filled suspension. Hence it could be advised for vibration reduction in automobile components. The vibration response in dual coil suspension and gas filled suspension is valuated and the reduction in response is tabulated. The reduction of Response from the dual coil suspension is more compared to the counterpart say more than 3%. As more time is required for response to subside in the gas filled suspension system, the Dual coil suspension system could be advised for application.