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Structural Design Assignment: Joists & Beams

Assignment No. 2 – due oct. 18 (in class)
CIVL 358 – fall 2017
1. Select required joist size (in suites, and corridor) for the 3rd floor of the
office bldg shown below. Assume all material is spf #2 light framing,
Floor Assembly: 12mm gyproc ceiling, joists @ 16” o.c., 0.25 kpa
M&E, 15mm plywood, 19mm concrete topping, carpet.
Use 2x4 interior bearing walls and 2x6 exterior bearing walls
*read clause carefully for corridor live load.
2. Design the drop beam on the far east side of the McCann building as separate simple span
beam. Pick the lightest option that works for each of the 4 beam types covered in class
(built-up, engineered, sawn timber –assume D.Fir grade 1, glulam-assume Spruce-pine).
Refer to the drawings for all required dimensions, but also assume the following:
a. The building will be used for a billiards hall.
b. Floor assembly includes TJI joists(assume same weight as a 2x12) and osb as listed
on drawings, plus hardwood flooring, 0.25 kpa Mech., and ½” drywall ceiling.
c. Assume that the telepost provides 4” long bearing to beams on either side of it (8”
total) and is the same width of the beam.
d. Arch. has limited the depth of the beam to be no more than 356mm deep.
3. Which beam option from question would be most economical? Which one do you think
looks best?
4. Sketch a cross-section of a drop beam supporting joists, vs a flush mount beam. Indicate
joist hangers if required.
Level, Floor: Joist
2 piece(s) 11 7/8" TJI® 560 @ 305mm OC
Overall Length: 16942mm
�;7�mm -f,
All locations are measured from the outside face of left support(or left cantilever end).AII dimensions are horizontal.
Deslan Results
Actual GI Location
Member Reaction(kN)
Live Load Defl. (mm)
Total Load Deft (mm)
TJ-Pro ™ Rating
System Vibration Control
Bare Joist Deflection (mm)
19.08 @ 10016mnf
10.63 @ 10060mm
-12.09 @ 10016mm
8.222 @ 13673mm
10.847 @ 3262mm
Load: Combination (Pattern)
1.00 1.25 D + 1.5 L {Adj Spans)
1.00 1.25 D + 1.5 L {Adj Spans)
Passed {34%)
1.00 1.25 D + 1.5 L(Adj Spans)
1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans)
1.0 D + 1.0 L(Alt Spans)
-- -Passed
Passed (58%)
System : Floor
Member Type : Joist
Budding Use : Residential
Building Code ; NBCC 2015
Design Methodology : LSD
-- ---
• Deflection criteria: LL (1./360) and TL (l/360).
• The Importance category considered for this design Is normal.
• Top Edge Bracing (Lu): Top compression edge must be braced at 2972mm o/c unless detailed otherwise.
• Bottom Edge Bracing (Lu): Bottom compression edge must be braced at 2946mm o/c unless detailed otherwise.
• A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed.
• The moment, shear, and member reaction values are based on factored loads (strength). Support reactions and deflections are based on unfactored loads
• Deflection analysis Is based on composite action with a single layer of 19/32" Weyerhaeuser Edge Gold'" Panel (20" Span Rating) that is glued and nailed
• Additional considerations for then-Pro'" Rating Include: 1/2" Gypsum ceiling.
Loads ID Supports
Bearing Length
4.38/(11m� � 82mm
1 - Stud wall - SPF
2 - Stud wall - SPF
3 - Stud wall - SPF
/11;;,, ,- 82mm
4 - Stud wall - SPF
• Rim Board is assumed to carry all loads ilmi[ied directly above It, bypassing the member being designed.
1 - Uniform (kPa)
Location (Side)
Floor Uve
0mm to 16942mm
1 1/8" Rim Board
1 1/8" Rim Board
Residential • Living Areas
Weyerhaeuser Notes
Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design critena and published design values.
Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design
professional as determined by the authority having Jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is
compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at
Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and
Installation details refer to www.weyerhaeuser.com/woodproducts/document-library.
The product application, Input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte software Operator
Forte Software Oparator
Job Nola&
11/612017 6:37 56 PM
Forte vS 3, Design Engine· V7 0 0.5
Page 1 of 1
Assignment No. 3 – due nov. 8 (in class)
CIVL 358 – fall 2017
May hand in as groups of 3 people max.
1. Select required joist size (in suites, and corridor) using TJI as a
continuous 3 span for the 2nd floor of the building below.
Floor Dead: 1.6 kpa, Floor Live: 4.8 kpa.
Use a 55 TJ pro rating, assuming 19/32” decking, glued and nailed, no
strapping or blocking, and ½” gypsum ceiling.
Use 2x4 interior bearing walls and 2x6 exterior bearing walls and 11
/8” rimboard.
Limit joist depth to 12” max.
Provide printout of report (one page is fine) from forte.
2. Design the interior bearing walls for the building, assuming joist depth as selected in
question 1. Use a separate stud spacing for all levels.
Assume interior walls do not support the roof trusses.
Ignore self-weight of the walls.
Use 2x4 spf #2, assuming adequate lateral bracing from drywall.
3. A door opening at the main floor along the interior wall is 4’0” wide, clear span. Select
the built-up lumber door header, and required jack studs on each side, assuming the same
opening occurs directly above on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Select the required number of king
studs required at each side, and sketch final solution showing header, jacks , and kings.
1. Dead=.85kpa, live = 2.4kpa
a. 2ply 2x8 @ 16” o.c. using a span of 4.15m. solution shown in class
b. P.21 floors of 2.4kpa or less live load – with 400 spacing, use 1F16
I know we usually round up (but in this table 400mm implies 16” o.c., 300 = 12”,
500=19.2” )
i. Left span = 10’6” – 3.5”/2 bearing on right side – 4.5” concrete on left side
(beyond beam pocket) – 3.5”/2 bearing on left side
Wf = 4.15m x [1.25(.85kpa)+1.5(2.4kpa)] = 19.34 kn/m
Mf = 19.34kn/m x (3m)2 / 8 = 21.8 kNm
Vf = 19.34 x 3m / 2 = 29 kN
EIreq = 360 x (4.15m x 2.4kpa) x (5/384) x (3m) 3
=1260 x 109 Nmm2 ---GOVERNS
=180 x (4.15m x 3.25kpa) x (5/384) x (3m) 3
=853 x 109 Nmm2
Pick 4ply 2x12 or 5ply 2x10 – either good without height or width restrictions
If 4ply 2x12
Mr = 24.2 > 21.8
Vr = 43 kN > 29 kN
EI = 2820 > 1260
Check bearing….qf = 29 kN/ 3.5” = 0.326KN/mm
qr = 0.161 kN/mm x 4ply = 0.644 kN/mm > 0.326 so its OK!
ii. Right span = 10’3.75” – 3.5”/2 bearing on left side = 3.1m (assumes telepost is
centered on bearing on the right side)
Same equations as above , but 3.1m span
Wf = 19.34 kN/m
Mf = 23.2 kNm
Vf = 30 kN
EIreq = 1390 x109 Nmm2
Pick 4ply 2x12. Mr = 24.2 >23.2 , Vr = 43 kN > 30 kN, EI = 2820 > 1390
Bearing qr = 0.644 kN/mm > qf = 30 kN / 3.5” = 0.337 kN/mm
d. Sawn timber span = 13’2.25” – 3.5”/2 bearing on right side = 3.98m
(assumes telepost centered on bearing on the left side)
Use all the same equations as for part c) but span is 3.98m
Wf = 19.34 kN/m
Mf = 38.3 kNm
Vf = 38.5kN
EIreq = 2943 x109 Nmm2
Pick 140 x 292 or 191 x 292
140x292 d.fir select
Mr = 38.4 > 38.3
Vr = 40.5 > 38.5
EI = 3490 > 2943
all Ok
Check bearing
qr = 0.784 kN/mm > qf = 38.5 kN / 3.5” = 0.433 kN/mm true so OK!
2. Wood shrinks because of moisture loss. When initially cut down its considered “green” and is
full of moisture, over time it slowly dries out until it reaches equilibrium with its environment
(the building its used for). Shrinkage is much more severe perpendicular to grain. Generally
shrinkage parallel to grain (eg. A wall stud) is so minimal its considered neglible.
3. Softwood is coniferous, hardwood is deciduous . Softwood is cheaper, more plentiful, easier to
work with so its used for structures.
4. Wood is stronger parallel to grain.
5. Sketch shown in class. Bending failure occurs at midspan, shear and bearing failure would occur
at the either end
6. Dimensional lumber, I-joists, parachord trusses, engineered wood (lsl, psl, lvl)
7. Nails, screws, bolts, simpson connectors
8. Stick frame – made up for many, repetitive smaller members.
Platform – the floor is built first, and the walls sit on top of the floor.
Assignment No. 1 – due sep. 27 (in class)
CIVL 358 – fall 2017
May be handed in in groups of up to 3 people max.
Choose osb decking and required joist size (in suites, and corridor) for
the 3rd floor of the condominium shown below. Assuming:
 all material is spf #2 light framing, joists @ 16” o.c.
 “building area” is less than 600m2
 No concrete topping on floors.
 Joists have no bridging, but have drywall ceiling attached below.
 Foundation wall is 8” thick.
 2x4 interior bearing walls and 2x6 exterior bearing walls
Calculate the total vertical shrinkage that will occur between top of
foundation wall and u/s of trusses. (assume same joist depths will be
used on main and 2nd floor as you selected in question 1, rimboard is
of the same material as the joists) EMC = 7%
Select osb roof decking if roof supports 1.1 kpa snow (trusses @ 24”)
and h-clips are not used.
Select the minimum required wall stud size and spacing for the main
floor exterior wall, and interior wall(those that are shown in sketch
below). Assume the attic is not accessible by a stairway. Assume the
interior walls support the floors and roof trusses.
When is a single wall top plate permitted? Reference the code.
What is the required size and spacing of common nails if used to
fasten the floor sheathing to the joists.
Per part 9, what is the permissible deflection limit for the roof trusses
if a drywall ceiling is attached to them. Is that limit for live load, dead,
or total?
4.5 m
Assignment No. 1 – Due Oct. 18 at beginning of class
CIVL 358 - Fall 2016
Assignments may be handed in as groups of 3 people max.
Instructor - Corwin Neufeld
Use the McCann house dwgs for this assignment.
1. Assume the house will be converted into a church with fixed seating. Floor assembly
consists of 5/8” drywall ceiling, 0.3 kPa M+E, dimensional lumber joists, 5/8” thick osb
subfloor, 20mm hardwood.
a. Contractor wants to use SPF #2 2x8 joists – select a joist spacing that will work to
satisfy uls and sls conditions. (options are 19.2”, 16”, 12”, or 2ply 19.2”, 2ply
16”, 2ply 12” – since these all work with standard 4x8’ osb panels)
b. Select the minimum required osb decking and its thickness.
c. Select a built-up sawn lumber beam for the drop beam on the two far left spans
(west side). Use the most cost effective beam for each span, but keep beam depths
the same. Assume 3.5” bearing length at the telepost
d. Select a sawn timber beam (douglas fir select) for the drop beam with the largest
span, East of the stairs. Assume 3.5” bearing length at the teleposts. Pick lightest
size possible.
2. Describe why would shrinks. Which direction relative to grain is shrinkage the most
3. Describe difference between softwood and hardwood –which one do we use for building
structure and why?
4. Which direction with respect to grain is wood strongest in compression?
5. Draw a side view of a joist from question 1 and sketch where it might fail in bending, shear,
and bearing.
6. List 4 different types(not sizes or species, but types) of wood products that could be used
for the joists or beams in a floor system.
7. List 4 types of connectors used in wood construction
8. Is the McCann house a stick frame building or timber frame? Is it platform framed or
balloon framed? How can we know?
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