Uploaded by Michelle Puckeridge

Unfamiliar Text Analysis: Lesson Plans & Resources

Unfamiliar Text Level 2 – Lessons
Lesson 1
Introduce the PIT using the PPT
Handout cheat sheet for unfamiliar and discuss
Introduce list of Aspects to be explored
POV/ Narration
Handout language feature glossary – or provide online
Then begin a refresher of Point of View/Narration using the point of view explanation sheet and
Finish with kahoot revision of language techniques - https://create.kahoot.it/details/bf660a51-f9424616-b58e-69ccd56e9c90
Lesson 2
Starter: https://quizlet.com/13297492/ncea-english-level-3-language-terms-revised-flash-cards/
The starter above my take 10 to 15 minutes. Students learn using the flashcards and then complete
the test.
Explain how semantics or diction play a role in the influencing and shaping of the audiences
response to a text. How this contributes to tone/mood etc.
1. Students often ask what it means to analyse. Analyse means to look at
something very closely and the parts that make it up and the effect it has on
other things. Another way to think of analysing is to think of polishing a word,
image or phrase to find its true value. Think of it of stripping away the layers to
show how each works to create the beauty of language. Students should use the
activity below to practice their word analysis.
Make the following notes:
Connotation is the meaning that we as a society attach to words. This begins with simply a
negative or positive connotation and can be developed further to show the links that are
made to other words or 'things'
Eg A pig - negative connotation. Links to dirty, smelly etc.
Denotation is the actual meaning of the word.
Eg A pig - a four legged animal with a snout.
Deliberate choice of words:
The New Plymouth Boys' High School Year 13 attracted the NPGHS Year 13 to his house for a
The NPBHS year 13 lured the NPGHS year 13 to his house for a meal.
Clearly the words chosen in the above sentences have been used to have a different effect.
Handout Diction worksheet or provide as assignment on teams.
Lesson 3
Starter: Use quizlet again for starter - https://quizlet.com/91201487/unfamiliar-text-ncea-level-3flash-cards/?i=3t1wqs&x=1jqU
This one is slightly shorter so should take only 10 mins.
Recap Diction/semantics and what they can remember from last lesson.
Today add imagery to yesterday’s learning – Handout or upload as assignment the Imagery task.
Lesson 4
Starter: Use Tone quizlet again for starter - https://quizlet.com/2792970/tone-words-flash-cards/
This one is quite long and gives them words for describing tone. Make sure you remind then that
diction/semantics and imagery contribute to tone.
Show the Tone PPT and work through discussing as a class (suggested answers are supplied in the
Handout worksheets using the PDF for homework and the Huxley piece for class.
Students can now work through unfamiliar book.