DatTo:e: 01/17/2020 D & L LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN, LLC PO BOX 11721 TEMPE, AZ 85284-0029 CERT I F I C ATE OF I N SURANCE NewThis ceHamprtificsathierei:s is ued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This corerpoltifiiccatiees doerefesrenotnceamend, e.xtend, or alter the coverage, terms, exclusions, and conditions afforded by the policy d her e i n AlThicelrtsOtifceichaterrtiefStidoescatateesinots: isafufedirmasativaelmaty ortenegatr of inivfeolrymamend, at i o n onl y and conf e r s no r i g ht s upon t h e cer t i f i c at e hol d er . Thi s ex t e nd or al t e r t h e cov e r a ge, t e r m s , ex c l u s i o ns , c o ndi t i o ns orIn otthheeervprenotvitshieonspolaficfyoridsedcabyncelthleedpolpricioyrrteofetrheencexedpiheratrieoinn.date, notice wil be delivered in accordance with the, polPOLicIyCYHOLprovDisER:ions. POLICY NUMBER: ISSUED BY: POLICY TYPE: LOCATION ADDRESS: ADDITIONAL INTEREST #1: ADDITIONAL INTEREST #2: D & L LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN, LLC 381-5003344337-01 EF ECTIVE DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: UNIT COVERED (MH ONLY): SERIAL NUMBER (MH ONLY): LOAN NUMBER: LOAN NUMBER: 01/17/2020 01/17/2021 Foremost Insurance Company Grand Rapids, Michigan NAIC# 11185 Dwelling 601 W MONTEREY ST, CHANDLER, AZ 85225-7212 CovDwelelirnag.ge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Limit For FlThioods document Verificatiosen-rvCheck i f appl i c abl e : e s as v e r i f i c at i o n t h at t h e pol i c y l i s t e d i n cl u des t h e per i l of f l o od. Liability: CPLPL LLCGL (TX).. $ For Gol f Car t Li a bi l i t y Ver i f i c at i o n: MediDeduccatlibPayle:m$ents. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ AlvsetalhitStec'slaeftleinasancibi: lTheitaylpolrreesfiecpryonseandncedibiwil tpolyl lnotaicwsymeeisfonotrtoperyaourmotatioonr ofNogolrftmotchaCartolrriaovbileinhiliatcy: covPeonretrpublhaegeteconlrmhisygofapplhwaythei spols. ificthye, Total Annual Premium: $ Twitheetxhtaefsa:rmIsfisofntgushteactheegoldipolvfofitrciecgolasyr,t.fihisnerusg.eids noin connec coveragetionper To obtAgTelaeeinnpthaddiNaonmetieoNu:nalmbepolri:cy information, please contact: Forin LoCeruistiifaicnaat:es is ued LA DeptLDI. of Ins. CertCOI. of Ins. Assigned LDI No. Date (mm/year) $179,000 ✔ $300,000 $1,000 1,000 1,160.00 OSUNA,ANTHONY, FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP 602-560-0922 74514 04/1 N/A N/A