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Accounting Topics List

1. Accounting for Intangible Assets
2. Accounting for capital, funds and financial results
3. Accounting for cash and settlements
4. Accounting for Financial Assets
5. Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets
6. Accounting for Inventories
7. Accounting for labor and wages
8. Accounting for materials
9. Accounting for products, goods (works, services) and their sale
10.Accounting for Shareholders’ Equity ( Owners' Equity )
11.Accounting for taxes and other obligatory payments
12.Accruals and prepayments
13.Acquisition of intangibles
15.Balance Sheet
16.Business Transactions and the Accounting Equation
17.Capital and Revenue Expenditure
18.Cost Accounting
19.Depreciable Assets
20.Depreciation Methods
21.Disposal Account
22.Double entry bookkeeping
23.Financial statements
25.IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment
26.IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
27.IAS38 Treatment of Research and Development costs
28.Impact of Business Transactions on the Accounting Equation
29.Income Statement
30.Initial Recognition and Measurement of Intangible Assets
31.Intangible Assets
33.Inventory Accounting – IAS 2
34.Inventory valuation methods
35.Investment Accounting
36.Main disclosure requirements of IAS38
37.Main disclosure requirements of IFRS3
38.Marginal Costing vs Absorption Costing
39.Material Accounting
40.Nature of Business and Accounting
41.Non-Depreciable Asset
42. Overheads
43.Retained Earnings
45.Revaluation of non-current assets
46.Role of Accounting in Business
47.State the accounting equation and define each element of the equation.
48.Statement of Cash Flows
49.The Accounting Equation Elements or Classifications
50.The statement of financial position and statement of profit or loss