Uploaded by Mario Biorri


OBJECTIVE: raise awareness for a new Dove moisturizer in 2
CHANNEL: Youtube & Instagram
COMMUNITY: Mostly Girls and Women 18-35 but it goes to
every women I every age that want to care of their beauty.
RELEVANT TOPICS: beauty I improving skin I beauty equal for
everyone I empowering yourself
The story of a young girl in the '80 who
wants to be a football player and her
struggle to become on.
KEY MESSAGE: embrace your beauty
in eveything you want to be
TYPE OF CONTENT: video I pictures
PLATFORM: Youtube I Instagram
FREQUENCY: Once a week
There is a 12 suburban girl the '80s who dream to
be a football player, she goes to several groups of
boys but they refuse to let her play with them,
they don't want girls. She then decides to cut her
feminine side, hiding her hair with a hat and look
like a boy. She gets accepted and she starts to
play. The day before a match with another boys
team she eventually get discovered by one the
boys that mocks her. She ran home, she knows
that he will be telling other boys, she cries but
then the next day she decides to not give a damn.
She stop hiding herself and she shows herself for
who really is, she plays, scores and get cheered.
1 SCENE: Suburban town: Lizzie a 13 girl is playing with an old and messed up football ball
2 SCENE:She's staring dreamy at a poster in her room of a football team.
3 SCENE: Her father gives a present, presumably for her birthday she wraps it and she finds a Rhythmic gymnastics
ribbon. She's disappointed.
4 SCENE: She keeps practising with the old ball.
5 SCENE: She goes to a group go boys plaiting football we see her asking for something be she gets rejected and
they mock her
6 SCENE: She goes to another boys group but she gets moked again
7 SCENE: She changes her clothes , hide her breasts and she dress more like a boy she hides her hair on a hat. We
se her looking at a mirror a little sad.
8 SCENE: We see her playing football with a group of boys, her face almost covered by the hat. they think it's a boy
too. She looks well happy and we see her scoring.
9 SCENE: We see her practising the day before a match, she remains alone to practice with a boy, they seem
getting along well. But she get discovered and the boy understand she's a girl. He lloks at her astonished. She
10 SCENE. Lizzie she's cryinh in her room. Looking at the mirror. She cut and destroy her football ball. She looks
herself into the mirror. The next morning she's still ther in front of the mirror, tears till of her face. But her look is
more confident. She throws her hat away, she takes a shower, she comb hair, she use the Dove moisturizer, she's
wearing her clothes again. She looks happy and she decides to go to the match anyway.
11 SCENE: She arrives at the match her self. The boys look at her. The they hurry her up. She's surprised of their
behavior. Then we see her playing, happy, scoring and get cheered.