Green University of Bangladesh Department of Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) Faculty of Sciences and Engineering Semester: (Spring, Year:2021), B.Sc. in CSE (Day) Group Assignment Course Title: Web Programming Course Code: CSE 301 Section:C Student Details Name ID 01. MD. Jaddal Hasan 201902052 02. Asif Mahmud 201902049 Submission Date Course Teacher’s Name : 15-05-2022 : Abu Rafe Md. jamil 01. What does this do? document.getElementById("main").appendChild(document.createElement("p").appendChild(doc umentCreateTextNode("Hey, I'm walking here!") ) ); Ans: It creates a new text node that says, "Hey, I'm walking here!", inserts it in a newly created p element, and puts the new p element in the element with the id "main". 02. What will each of these alert messages say? a. var foo = 5; foo += 5; alert( foo ); Ans: 10 b. i = 5; i++; alert( i ); Ans: 6 c. var foo = 2; alert( foo + " " + "remaining"); Ans: "2 remaining" d. var foo = "Mat"; var bar = "Jennifer"; if( foo.length > bar.length ) { alert( foo + " is longer." ); } else { alert( bar + " is longer." ); } Ans: "Jennifer is longer" e. alert( 10 === "10" ); Ans: false 03. What will the be the output of the following php code<?php $value = 5; echo $value; echo "<br />"; echo $value+++$value++; echo "<br />"; echo $value; echo "<br />"; echo $value---$value--; echo "<br />"; echo $value; ?> Ans: 5 11 7 1 5