Networking Tools TOOLS TO TROUBLESHOOT THE NETWORK AND GETTING CRUCIAL NETWORK STATISTICS. MATHEW ABISAI Basic network tools 1. ipconfig | A tool used to check the IP configuration for the current device. To see the IP address of this device. ipconfig and ipconfig /all 2. ping | a tool used to check the connectivity between this device and any other device on a network or the internet. Its also used to test for broken connectivity. Answers the question to whether this PC is connected to the outside world. ping and ping 3. tracert | Traces the route a packet is travelling over the internet to the destination. tracert Try pathping for a more detailed result 4. nslookup | you may want to know the ip address of a certain hostname. Example what is the ip address for nslookup 5. whois | the reverse of nslookup, given an IP address, we need to know the host name for that ip address and many other important information like the geographical location where that server is. This requires the installation of whois locally or using the online version of whois. whois Other Important Tools 6. | Tests the speed of your internet connectivity 7. Logging into | Allows you to configure your router. To see all the devices connected to the router and perform further actions like limiting their bandwidth or blocking them.