MATLAWSIMULINKAND PSPICE AS MODELLING TOOLS FORPOWER SYSTEMS AND POWER ELECTRONICS Gilbert Sybille Hoang Le-Huy Power Networks Simulation Laboratory Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Qu&ec (IREQ) Varennes, Quhbec, Canada Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Universith Lava1 Ste-Foy, Qukbec, Canada ages and inductor currents. Simulation results are displayed on Simulink scopes while the simulation is running. The user can access a variety of MATLAB fknctions and toolboxes for processing and plotting of waveforms stored in the MATLAB workspace. I. MTLAB/SIMULINK AS MODELLING AND SIMULATION TOOL FOR POWER SYSTEM TRANSIENTS A. Presentation of the Power System Blockset in MATLAB/ Simulink environment B. Stmng points of the PSB in power systems simulation The Power System Blockset (PSB) simulation tool uses the MATLAB/Simulinkenvironment to represent common components and devices found in electrical power networks. It consists of a block library that includes electrical models such as RLC branches and loads, transformers, lines, surge arrester, electric machines, power electronics devices, etc. Diagrams can be assembled simply by using click and drag procedures in Simulink windows. The Power System Blockset uses the same drawing and interactive dialogue boxes to enter parameters as in the standard Simulinkblocks. In the PSB,the power system is represented in two parts: a state-space model for the linear circuit and a feedback model (using current injection) for the nonlinear elements. The differential equations of a linear circuit consisting of resistors, inductors, capacitors and mutually coupled inductors can be written in the form of two state equations.In the linear circuit., the state variables are capacitor voltages and inductor currents. Inputs are the voltage and current sources. Outputs are the measured voltages and currents. State variable formulation allows the use of a wide variety of futed step and variable step integration algorithms. For small and medium size systems, variable time steps algorithms are usually faster because the number of steps will be less than with a fixed-time step method. However, for large systems which contain many states of many non-linear blocks such as power electronic switches, it is advantageous to discretize the electrical system. Nonlinear elements such as transformer saturation branches, varistors, nonlinear inductances, switches and electric machines are modeled using nonlinear v-i relations. Initialization An initialization process is executed each time the simulation is started. It computes the state-space representation of the circuit and verifies if the circuit is consistent with electrical rules and builds the Simulink model of the electrical network. The PSB graphical interface also includes an interactive tool to set initial conditions of the capacitor volt- 0-7803-6420-1/00/$10.00(c) 2000 IEEE Simulink’s variable-step event-sensitive integration algorithms allow increased accuracy in zerocrossing detection of currents as compared with (non-interpolated) fixed-step algorithms. Simulation either with continuous variable time-step integration algorithms or with a discretized system is possible. For large systems which contain many states or many non-linear blocks such as power electronic switches, discretizationof the electrical system allows much faster simulation than variable time step methods. Simulink’s graphical interface provides a user-friendly environment where the power circuit and control system are represented in the same diagram. The results are displayed while the simulation is running. The processing power of MATLAB allows the designer to perform complex post-processing on simulation results. The SimulinWSB libraries offer a variety of models (machines,power electronic devices and control blocks, etc.) allowing fast development of models for drives, FACTS and custom power devices. C. Drawbacks of the PSB in power systems simulation Use of variable time step integration algorithms is limited to small and medium size systems (typically less than 30 electrical states and 12 switches) 11. PSPICE AS MODELLING AND SIMULATION TOOL FOR POWER SYSTEM TRANSIENTS A. The PSPice Program SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is a general-purpose circuit simulation program that was developed at the University of CalifomiaBerkeley in 1975. SPICE can perform nonlinear dc, nonlin- 766 Authorized licensed use limited to: BEIHANG UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on May 14,2022 at 10:00:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ear transient, and linear ac analyses. In addition to the standard R,L and C elements, models for transmission lines and several semiconductor devices types are also available In the time domain analysis, the circuit equations are formulated using modified nodal approach. Both dc and transient solutions are obtained by an iterative process which is terminated when the branch currents and node voltages converge to within a tolerance. The basic SPICE input and output interfaces are done through text files. The input file provides the description of the circuit and the output file contains the numerical results of the simulation and details on the simulation process. The SPICE code has been ported to different commercial packages with additional features such as model and subcircuit libraries, behavioral models, graphical pre-proms’ sor and post-processor, etc. The discussion here is specifically on PSpice A/D (from Orcad), one of the most popular versions of SPICE. Data input to PSpice AID is done through a graphical pre-processor (Orcad Capture) that allows the user to build circuit diagrams using element models and subcircuits from different libraries. The basic libraries include sources, analog, digital, and behavioral elements. There are also several libraries from semiconductor manufacturers that contain specific models of discrete components and ICs. A “Library Editor” allows the user to build his or her own libraries for the need of the application. For the simulation o f power converters, power semiconductor models (thyristors, MOSFETs, IGBTs,...) are available from manufacturers. Electric machine models are not available so that we have to develop the models by using standard machine models ( d q models) as subcircuits hidden behind icons that we can draw with the “Model Editor”. The circuit diagram can be on several interconnected pages and they can be divided into several f u n ~ t i ~ nlevels a l (subsystems). Before the simulation can start, Orcad Capture performs an electrical rule check and generates a circuit file containing the netlist and circuit description that will be processed by PSpice. The computation engine of PSpice is based on the SPICE algorithm. The dynamic elements (capacitors and inductors) are model by companion models. Thus the circuit equation system is algebraic and is solved at each simulation point using a particular algorithm based on trapezoidal and Gear integration methods. The time steps are automatically adjusted by the program based on the error estimation fonnulas. The user has no choice on the integration method. User specified options include maximum step size, relative and best accuracy of voltage and currents, best accuracy of electric charge, minimum conductance for any branch, DC and bias iteration limit, transient time point iteration limit, and nominal temperature. 0-7803-6420-1/00/$10.00 ( c ) 2000 IEEE PSpice can handle nonliearities in circuit elements (saturated transformer, MOV,...) and in control systems (limiter, hysteresis, nonlinear transfer characteristic,...). PSpice A/D can perform mixed-signal simulation of circuits containing both analog and digital components. The simulation results are stored in a data output file that is processed by a graphical post-processor (Probe) which permits data plotting in addition to supporting some data analysis functions. B. Strengths of PSpice in power system simulation These include: An User-friendly interface for data entry (schematic cap- ture) and output data processing. Detailed models of electronic components Abundant libraries of electronic components (including several power electronicdevices) and control ICs. Capability of simulating mixed-signal (analog and digital)systems. C. Drawbacks of PSpice in power systems simulation These include: The simulation is not interactive. The user has little control on the integration process Electric machine and power component models (in particular three-phase components) are not available. The development of such models may be take a large amount of time. 111. CONCLUSIONS The PSB is well suited to the simulation of medium size power systems and power electronics using variable or fixed step algorithms from Simulink. The PSB libraries contain basic elements as well as many ready-built sub-systems. Control systems using Simulink blocks can be naturally integrated into the power system model. The computation capabilities of MATLABKimulink can be advantageously exploited in post-processing of the simulation results. PSpice is a very popular circuit simulation program with many features such as ease of usage, large library of available device models and affordability. In the study of power systems, PSpice is well suited for device-level modeling of small size systems: study of voltages and currents in power converters, snubber circuit design, study of transformer transients, etc. Also, PSpice performs well for system-level modeling of small size power systems (less than 30 states and 6 switches) using ideal switch models instead of detailed semiconductor models. However, in the simulation of larger size power systems the execution time may be excessive. 767 Authorized licensed use limited to: BEIHANG UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on May 14,2022 at 10:00:36 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.