OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LIMITED FACE TO FACE LEARNING MODALITY DepEd-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular N0. 01, s. 2021 Scope The policy provides guidance on the mechanisms and standards on the resumption of face to face classes. Covers the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders across governance levels to ensure effective, efficient and safe implementation Policy statement The joint Memorandum circular is established to guide the safe implementation of the limited face to face classes and to improve learning outcomes during the COVID 19 pandemic. Specifically, it aimed to: 1. Deliver quality basic education in a safe learning environment to learners in low-to-minimal-risk areas; 2. Address the teaching and learning gaps encountered in the distance learning modalities; and 3. Strengthen the school-community health and safety support system for all children. Operational Framework Eligibility Requirements 1. Is located in minimal risk areas based on the criteria set by DOH; 2. Has passed the school safety assessment using the school safety assessment tool; 3. Has expressed support from LGUs in the form of a resolution or letter of support allowing them to participate; 4. Has secured expressed support from and consent of parents of students who shall participate in the reopening of face to face classes; 5. A minimum of 5 learners in a class; Requirement for Private School: Prior to RD’s approval Submission of formal letter addressed to RD expressing: Interest to implement limited F2F Willingness to submit a monthly report on lessons and recommendations during the pilot implementation and A quarterly report for the expanded implementation Attachment of the letter Implementation plan of F2F classes Class program & schedule Health and safety protocols Testing capacity and arrangements for all students and personnel attending school Clear protocols for medical isolation, school re-closures and reopening in the event of detected cases among students and school personnel Teachers and Employees F2F Eligibility Requirements 65 years old and below No diagnosed comorbidities; PWDs, pregnant and lactating(if services is indispensable) Regardless Voluntary of the vaccination status for teachers & employees with comorbidities Learners Voluntary participation with signed parents/guardian’s written consent Only the learners within the city/municipality where the school/learning center is located Can walk going to school, or with regulated public transportation or with available private transport Without existing comorbidities Participating schools shall prioritize learners according but not limited to: Children who require childcare, such as those whose parents must work outside the home, or who have no directly available and immediately responsible adults/guardian at home Learners heavily dependent on face to face learning interventions Struggling learners SHS students enrolled in TVL track requiring workshop equipment Learners that are documented to affected by mental health concerns that maybe eased by face to face classes Parents shall be encouraged to be up-todate with the routine immunizations of their young children such as but not limited to poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus Safe Operations 1. Preparation for school opening 1. Setting up of WASH facilities & supplies, PPEs, health and safety protocols, learning materials, class programs and human resource requirements 2. Involving the community in the school reopening to shape the perceptions of risks and effectively respond to the health crises 3. Adjusting class programs for Alternative Work Arrangements (AWA) 4. Orienting teachers on possible changes of AWA 5. Ensuring availability of teachers for face to face classes and distance learning modalities 6. Orienting learners, parents, teachers, non-teaching personnel, external stakeholders and LGU of the eligibility of participation, existing protocols, mechanisms and procedures needed in face to face classes at least one week prior to the reopening of school Safe Operations 1.The school shall screened vaccination records of children(routine immunizations) to ensure the learners are protected 2.The school conducts simulation activities among school personnel regarding protocols and routines to replicate and discuss possible scenarios during the actual face to face classes 3.Wearing of well-fitted facemasks and PPE especially in public and enclosed spaces Classroom layout structure Physical distancing of chairs and other furniture 1-2 meters apart for occupied seats; Not seated to be marked “X” Number of Learners per class Kindergarten: max of 12 learners G1-3: max of 16 learners G4-6: max of 20 learners G7-10: max of 20 learners G11-12: TVL max of 20 learners workshop & science Lab: max of 12 learners If the classroom cannot comply the 1-2 meters distance of seats, larger spaces may be used e.g. gymnasium, school ground, or available space in the community near the school. Use of microphone and sound system is possible. Increased heating, ventilation and air conditioning system s should be in working order All classrooms must have a functional electric fans, windows, doors that are open at all times Outdoor: Indoor: maximize natural airflow install appropriate ventilation equipment School traffic management Designated Safe entrance and exits Contact tracing procedures for those entering school premises Drop-off and pick-up points shall be clearly identified and marked Only private vehicles or regulated public vehicles shall be allowed to fetch the learners Appropriate and accurate signages and markers in local languages are in place School map at the front gate Designated waiting area with strict observance of minimum health protocols Filling in the form(name, address, contact number, date and time of visit and purpose) Protective measures, hygiene and sanitation practices and respiratory etiquette With proper and hygiene and sanitation facilities (DO 10, s. 2016) Adequate water supply Handwashing station/sink Antibacterial soap 70% Isopropyl/ethyl alcohol All with facemasks, toothbrush, toothpaste, bar soap With Emergency health Kits, PPEs for COVID 19 DRRM team members, security guards, health personnel, maintenance, etc. Surgical masks shall be stored at the school clinic and available at the school entrances for symptomatic individuals, health care providers and learners without facemasks Individuals with symptoms recorded through the daily health checks conducted by the teachers int eh classroom shall immediately be provided with a facemask and brought to the school clinic for dedicated isolation area for medical assessment testing and referral to appropriate authorities With child-friendly information and education campaign materials on hygiene practices and respiratory etiquette posted in common areas in local languages Provides daily health monitoring tool for learners and school staff Mobilizes school COVID 19 DRRM team School disinfection, sanitation and waste management (DOH Memorandum No. 2020-0157) Proper disposal of infectious wastes Regular Disinfection or spraying Available Thrash cans Waste segregation and management Approved Disinfectants preparation and availability Communication strategy Proactive COVID 19 local hotline/help desk or any similar mechanism Advisers shall keep contact details of parents/guardians (cp number, address, etc.) Contingency plan Prepare Contingency plan for closing and reopening the school in case of COVID 19 resurgence Contents: Decision points for school lockdown Distance learning modalities during lockdown Strategies for the reopening of school after lockdown Continuity of learning while the school is closed School lockdown and reopening Depends on the assessment and decision of local IATF When there is a suspect, probable or confirmed COVID-19 case Dependent on community transmission and quarantine risk identified by IATF Violations/instances of not complying with minimum public health standards All learners shall revert to distance learning Contact tracing by school management School reopening after lockdown requirements Completed contact tracing Completed disinfection activities 14 days without confirmed cases in the school School is located in areas with low to no community transmission or minimal risk Conduct of reorientation on current measures Home-school coordination Coordinates ensures Daily with the barangay preventive alert system in school(PASS) Physical presence of health personnel Orientation on drop-off an pick-up points of learners & safety precautions & preventive measures Regular Handwashing at home and in school Class scheduling Class One straight week limited face to face classes Class A Half day (preferably morning) face to face classes in one straight week The other half day is allotted for distance learning One straight week of pure distance learning Class B Other notes The classes shall alternately attend face to face classes every week for the whole duration of the pilot implementation Class hours Half-day; 4.5 hours except for kindergarten (max of 3 hrs) ; morning is preferred. Learning 1. Core areas priority: learning areas 2. Learning areas that would need the use of laboratory/workshop 3. Any combination in which the school finds the learners would need the most instructional support Ensuring teaching & learning delivery Sufficient blended learning Maximizing the use of resources and optimizing time for learners’ engagement, collaboration, and socialization while observing minimum health protocols Textbooks as primary learning resource but to be supplemented with SLMs and activity sheets Observe academic ease (Memo OUCI-2020-307) Equitable and fair teaching loads; max of 6 hours teaching per day Closed In monitoring of attendance case learners cannot participate in face to face, they are reverted to distance learning Instructional Time Explicitly teach the least learned/mastered content & performance standards Conduct authentic classroom assessment of learning Provide Group remediation/intervention work that requires physical interaction is NOT allowed. Teachers: After face to face lessons Consultation with the parents/guardians Provision of feedback and instructional support for learners Checking & preparing formative assessment Collaborating WHLP Doing with fellow teachers in preparing other tasks Provision of appropriate learning & development assistance for teachers Coaching Mentoring Training SLAC sessions NO physical or face to face large gatherings and activities that will require close contact or where physical distancing may not be possible (school activities, field trip, sports festivals, flag ceremony, etc.) Psycho-social support The school shall provide psychological support to the learners, teachers and parents. First 5 school days; first hour for discussion/facilitation of modules related to mental health, facilitated by their respective class adviser or designated teachers. Psycho-social support topics COVID 10 preventive measures, WASH, physical distancing, etc. Validating Calming and normalizing emotions down and controlling one’s emotions Identifying Sources Other and addressing needs of strengths relevant topics (social stigma, VAWC) Roles of the school Ensure the strict implementation of health and safety protocols during face to face classes Submit the result of school safety assessment to the SDO Orient parents, community, barangay officials, stakeholders, etc. about pilot face to face classes, process, standards, roles and responsibilities Secure written support from LGU Secure written consent from the parents/guardians Develop contingency plan Mobilize resources and support from the community stakeholders Establish coordination mechanisms Establish psycho-social support mechanisms to learners and school personnel For Other details and clarification, Read DepEd-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular N0. 01, s. 2021 Keep safe everyone!