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The Outsiders Workbook: Year 9 English

“The Outsiders”
S.E Hinton
Year 9 English
Name: ________________
Chapter 1
1. Using the information in Chapter 1 fill out the following table.
Physical Traits
Ponyboy Curtis
Darry Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Two-bit Matthews
Steve Randle
Dallas Winston
Johnny Cade
2. What does Ponyboy say are the differences between the Greasers and the
3. What is the difference between ‘tough’ and ‘tuff’? Give examples.
Chapter 2
1. Using the information in Chapter 2 fill out the following table
Physical Traits
Cherry Valance
2. Using a dictionary, look up the meanings for the following words and put
them in the right sentence.
aloof, dumbfounded, contemptuous, gallant, stereotype
a) He wasn’t unfriendly, just a little ________________.
b) The soldiers ________________(ly) rode into battle to defend their homes.
c) He looked at the criminal ______________(ly). This guy deserved any
punishment he got.
d) I was __________________ when we found the treasure. I never thought we
e) Dally seems like the ___________________ of a greaser. Pony doesn't seem
like the type.
Chapter 3
1. Why does Ponyboy say the Socs and Greasers are separated?
2. Using a dictionary, look up the meanings for the following words and put
them in the right sentence.
gallant, contemptuous, aloof, stereotype, bleak, dumbfounded, nonchalant, savvy
a) "The Socs were always behind a wall of _______________(ness), careful not
to let their real selves show through."
b) "Two-Bit ________________(ly) offered to walk the girls home--the west
side of town was only about twenty miles away."
c) "'No...' Two-Bit said, _________________. 'No, Ponyboy, that ain't right...you
got it wrong...'"
d) "Mickey Mouse was a dark-gold buckskin, sassy and _______________, not
much more than a colt."
e) "'Okay,' Pony said ___________________(ly), 'might as well.'"
f) "'Who is it?' Two-Bit asked. 'The F.B.I.?'...'No,' Cherry said
______________(ly), 'it's Randy and Bob.'"
g) Dally spat _________________(ly) as he thought of what the Socs did to
h) Dally is the _________________(ical) greaser, but Pony is not.
Chapter 4
1. Describe the character Buck Merril
2. Using a dictionary, look up the meanings for the following words and put
them in the right sentence.
dogged, indignant, conducive, wistful, implore, subside, acquit
a) I ___________________(ed) my mom to let me go to the movies.
b) I was _____________________ when Dad blamed me for breaking the lamp
instead of my sister.
c) Pony was ______________________ when he thought of what life might be
like in the country.
d) She is known for her _____________________ determination. She never
gives up.
e) Listening to the stereo is not ______________________ to studying.
f) The jury ___________________(ed) the man, and he was set free.
g) The storm finally ___________________(ed), and the sun came out.
Chapter 5
1. Why is Ponyboy so reluctant to cut and bleach his hair?
2. On page 74 Ponyboy and Johnny talk about the poem ‘Nothing Gold Can
Stay’. What do you think the poem is about?
3. Using a dictionary, look up the meanings for the following words and put
them in the right sentence.
elude, ironic, credible, incredulous, facade, premonition
a) I tried to act cheerful, but it was just a ______________. I was really
depressed inside.
b) Pony had a ________________ that something bad might happen in the old
c) The criminal ran through the alley to ________________ the police.
d) Cherry was _________________ that Dally tried to bring her a Coke. She
couldn’t believe it!
e) My mom didn’t think my excuse was __________________. She didn’t
believe a word of it.
f) It was ____________________ that the police station was robbed.
Chapter 6
Using a dictionary, look up the meanings for the following words and put them in the
right sentence.
incredulous, premonition, credible, irony, elude, facade
a) Maybe Dally’s cold unfeeling exterior is simply a ____________ that hides
his true feelings.
b) Even after I read the poem three times, the meaning still
________________(ed) me.
c) As Pony entered the scary old church, he had a __________________ that
something bad might happen.
d) The boys ran away because they thought the police would not find their story
_______________; they thought the fuzz would believe the Socs, and not
some greasers.
e) Pony's jaw dropped __________________(ly) when Cherry said she might fall
in love with Dally.
f) It is very ________________(ic) that Cherry seems to have fallen for Dally.
g) The bank's _________________ was cracked and damaged by the wind, but
the inside was fine.
h) The Socs ran to _______________ responsibility for their actions.
Chapter 7
1. Using the information in Chapter 7 to fill out the following table
Physical Traits
Randy Adderson
Bob Sheldon
2. What does Ponyboy mean by ‘He ain’t a Soc, he’s just a guy’ when talking
about Randy?
Using a dictionary, look up the meanings for the following words and put them in the
right sentence.
wistful, rueful, indignant, acquit, implore, conducive
a) "You’re hungry?" he said _________________(ly), "I'm the one who hasn't
eaten all day!"
b) "If only I had a million dollars," I thought ________________(ly).
c) The students ________________(ed) the teacher to go easy on them.
d) Pony looked at Johnny _______________(ingly). "Please don't cut my hair!"
e) "It's not fair!" I cried _________________(ly).
f) Johnny would probably be ______________(ed) on the charge of murder.
g) A good attitude is very ________________ to doing well in school.
Chapter 8
Using a dictionary, look up the meanings for the following words and put them in the
right sentence.
illicit, elicit, discreet, worried, implore, nonchalant, indignant, patronize, smart
"Please, please, please, let me go to the party, Mom!" I said
(1)_____________________(ingly), but she was (2)___________________ about the
crowd I was hanging with. She thought they might influence me into some
(3)________________ activities. I told her that I would be (4)_________________,
and make good decisions, but that only (5)________________(ed) an angry response
from her. She said I was being too (6)_____________________ about the risks
involved, and that I ought to take her more seriously. I got (7)__________________
with her for treating me like a gullible little kid. I told her to quit
(8)____________________(ing) me, and that she had taught me enough
(9)____________________(ion) to make the right decisions. She liked that one, and
finally let me go.
Chapter 9
1. Using the information in Chapter 9 to fill out the following table
Physical Traits
Randy Adderson
Bob Sheldon
2. What does Johnny mean when he says, ‘Stay gold, Ponyboy’?
3. How does Johnny’s death affect Dally? Why?
4. Using a dictionary, look up the meanings for the following words and put
them in the right sentence.
discreet, vain, elicit, illicit, patronize
a) The gang tried to talk me into some ________ activities like vandalism.
b) Please be ________ when someone tells you a secret.
c) I did not want to be __________(ed); I felt I was old enough to make my own
d) The teacher tried to _______ the correct response from the students by giving
e) The process is made up of many _______ steps.
f) He is very _______ about his appearance. He is always checking himself out it
the mirror.
Chapter 10
1. What does the word gallant mean?
2. Do you think Dally died gallantly? Why/why not?
3. Do you think Johnny died gallantly? Why/why not?
Chapter 11
1. Why does Randy visit Ponyboy?
2. Why does Ponyboy tell Randy that he killed Bob?
Chapter 12
1. Why doesn’t the Judge ask Ponyboy about the night Bob was killed?
2. What does Ponyboy say the poem is about in his letter? Is this similar or
different to what you thought?