SECTION 7 | Word Construction Word Construction Placement Activity Preparation and Administration Script Regardless of the student’s enrolled grade level, tutors start a student in Word Construction by administering the placement test one time per student. Preparation and Introduction Tutor has a student and administrator copy of the placement test. The administrator copy could be in a plastic sleeve, for use with a dry erase marker, or tutors could mark on a paper copy. Tutor uses the administration script shown below and models the two practice items then proceeds to administer the Placement Test until the student gives two consecutive incorrect responses. Tutor places the student copy of the Placement Test in front of the student. Read: To begin, let's work together to find the lesson which is the best place for us to start. I am going to have you read some words as whole words. Let's practice together. Student Practice Word #1 Read: Say each word as a whole word. My turn. Tutor points at the first word to model on the student copy of Placement Test and says "mat". Read: Your turn. Tutor points at “mat”. Correct: Student says “mat”. Move to Practice Item #2 Incorrect: Student says sounds or sounds and blends. Read: Say each word as a whole word. My turn. Tutor points at the first word to model on the student copy of Placement Test and says "mat". Move to Practice Item #2 Student Practice Word #2 Read: Say each word as a whole word. My turn. Tutor points at the second word to model on the student copy of Placement Test and says "sat". Read: Your turn. Tutor points to “sat”. Correct: Student says “sat”. 222 Reading Corps Move to Test Items • 2021–2022 K–3 Member Workbook SECTION 7 | Word Construction Incorrect: Student says sounds or sounds and blends. Read: Say each word as a whole word. My turn. Tutor points at the second word to model on the student copy of Placement Test and says "sat". Move to Test Items Test Items: Tutor points to each word, and marks incorrect responses on the tutor copy. If at any time the student sounds out each letter and blends the sounds to read the word, then tutor: 1) Marks the response as an incorrect response, 2) Says: Please say each word as a whole word, 3) Proceeds to next word Discontinue Testing The tutor stops the Placement Testing after two consecutive incorrect responses. Read: Now we know the best place to begin our lessons. Scoring Directions Example of correct responses include the following: 1) saying the whole word correctly /mat/ immediately; 2) saying the whole word correctly within three seconds. Examples of incorrect responses include the following: 1) saying the sounds /m/ /a/ /t/ 2) saying the sounds /m/ /a/ /t/ then blending the word correctly /mat/ no matter how fluently 3) saying the word correctly /mat/ but after 3 seconds. If the student sounds out each letter and blends the sounds to read the word, then tutor: 1) Marks the response as an incorrect response, 2) Says: Please say each word as a whole word, 3) Proceeds to next word Discontinue rule: If the student gives two consecutive incorrect responses, the tutor stops the Placement Testing and marks the word where the student made the second consecutive error. Tutor begins with the lesson that corresponds with the first error. For example, if the student incorrectly reads "wig" and then incorrectly reads "lot" then student would start with lesson A3 because that is the lesson listed on the placement test beside the word "wig." Here’s another example: if the student incorrectly reads "mask" and then incorrectly reads "clap" then student would start with lesson B1 because that is the lesson listed on the placement test beside the word "mask." Reading Corps • 2021–2022 K–3 Member Workbook 223 SECTION 7 | Word Construction If student sounds out each letter, then blends the sounds to read the word, the tutor marks that student response as incorrect and says: "Please say each word as a whole word." Word Construction Placement Test Unit A (short vowels) Reminder: The student copy of the Placement Test is in front of the student. Tutor points to the first word and moves down the list. When the student reads a word incorrectly, mark that word. When two consecutive words are marked as incorrect, stop placement testing and begin with the lesson that corresponds with the first error. For example, if the student incorrectly reads "wig" and "lot" then student would start with lesson A3 because that is the lesson listed on the placement test beside the word "wig". short a rat A1 short a man A1 short a sad A2 short i hit A2 short i fit A2 short i wig A3 short o lot A4 short o pot A4 short o log A5 short u bug A6 short u hug A6 short u sun A7 short e wet A8 short e ten A9 short e fed A9 st blend stop A10 st blend fast A10 sp blend spin A10 sn blend snap B1 sk blend skin B1 sk blend mask B1 cl blend clap B2 fl blend flat B2 Unit B (blends) 224 Reading Corps • 2021–2022 K–3 Member Workbook SECTION 7 | Word Construction If student sounds out each letter, then blends the sounds to read the word, the tutor marks that student response as incorrect and says: "Please say each word as a whole word." B2 sl blend blot slam pl blend plug B3 gl blend glad B3 dr blend drop B4 tr blend trim B4 pr blend prop B4 br blend brag B5 cr blend crop B5 gr blend grin B5 nd blend bend B6 nd blend pond B6 nt blend mint B7 nt blend hunt B7 mp blend stamp B7 mp blend clamp B7 sh shop B8 sh shut B8 sh brush B8 ch chin C1 ch lunch C1 ch inch C1 th thin C2 th path C2 wh whip C2 wh when C2 ck luck C3 ck peck C3 ng hang C4 ng sing C4 bl blend B3 Unit C (digraph) Reading Corps • 2021–2022 K–3 Member Workbook 225 SECTION 7 | Word Construction If student sounds out each letter, then blends the sounds to read the word, the tutor marks that student response as incorrect and says: "Please say each word as a whole word." ng lung C4 nk pink C5 nk bank C5 nk honk C5 nk junk C5 long a cake C6 long a tape D1 long a late D2 long i fine D3 long i dime D4 long i nine D5 long i & soft "c" mice D6 long o hope D7 long o rose D8 long o note D9 long u cute D10 long u tube D11 ai rain D12 ai paid D12 ai stain D12 ee meet E1 ee seed E1 ee greed E2 oa coat E3 oa soak E3 oa float E4 ay day E5 ay say E5 ay play E6 Unit D (silent e) Unit E (common long vowels) 226 Reading Corps • 2021–2022 K–3 Member Workbook SECTION 7 | Word Construction If student sounds out each letter, then blends the sounds to read the word, the tutor marks that student response as incorrect and says: "Please say each word as a whole word." ow low E7 ow grow E7 ow snow E8 ea sea E9 ea lead E9 ea teach E9 igh high E10 igh light E10 igh bright E10 y my E11 y sky E11 y why E11 er her E12 er butter E12 er letter E12 ar art F1 ar yard F1 ar smart F1 or fork F2 or corn F2 or storm F2 ir dirt F3 ir first F3 ir squirt F3 ur fur F4 ur curl F4 ur burst F4 coin F5 Unit F (r-controlled) Unit G (vowel teams) oi Reading Corps • 2021–2022 K–3 Member Workbook 227 SECTION 7 | Word Construction If student sounds out each letter, then blends the sounds to read the word, the tutor marks that student response as incorrect and says: "Please say each word as a whole word." 228 oi foil F5 oi point F5 oo zoo G1 oo roof G1 oo smooth G1 ou ouch G2 ou round G2 ou mouth G2 oy toy G3 oy boy G3 oy joy G3 ue due G5 ue blue G5 ue true G5 aw law G6 aw hawk G6 aw straw G6 ow now G7 ow howl G7 ow crowd G7 ew new G8 ew chew G8 ew grew G8 oo cook G9 oo wood G9 oo shook G9 Reading Corps • 2021–2022 K–3 Member Workbook