PERSONAL LIFELONG LEARNING PLAN 21st Century Literacies (1) Arts and Creativity literacy Level of Competency (2) Weak Developing Developing Ecoliteracy Good Good Target KSAV (3) Self-Learning Activities (4) Apply the elements and principles of art in teaching Participate in creative and artistic activities in the school and community Develop special Involve in extra talents and co-curricular interests activities in the school/ local activities Write story Read scholarly books reading materials Help Participate in implement programs and policies on activities on Solid Waste environmental Management in protection such the school as clean-up drive in the school and community Conduct tree Set schedules planting for tree activities and planting, other vegetable and Time Framework (5) September 2019 onwards Support Resources Needed (6) Technical support from expert artist Barriers/ Challenges (7) Lack of skills in arts forms ((dance, music, visual arts) Solution/Action points (8) Attend trainingworkshops on creative arts Peer tutoring September 2019 onwards MOOE/ School funds Time constraints in participating creative and artistic activities October 2019 onwards MOOE/ School funds Lack of time September 2019 onwards Policy implementation support October 2019 onwards Science Club Officers Stakeholders Proper time management Prioritize the completion of the tasks Organize school Strict compliance policy mechanism on on environmental Solid Waste laws/ policies Management Conflict with intervening tasks in school and at home Prioritize the completion of the tasks Developing Cyberliteracy (Computer and ICT) environment conservation/ protection activities. Sustain school organic garden Good Use of ICT in the classroom Weak Learn advanced ICT skills Weak Use ICT as a tool to process assessment and evaluation of ornamental planting activities. Utilize PTA and stakeholders in sustaining school organic garden together with the science club officers Hands on activities during classroom instruction September 2019 onwards September 2019 onwards Personal funds Loptop Internet connection Tap the expertise of colleagues who can coach and mentor me in improving advanced ICT skills October 2019 onwards MOOE/ School funds Internet surfing October 2019 onwards Practice hands on activities on Human resources Commitment or dedication to sustain the practice Proper time management and budget of work Lack of access in downloading instructional materials such as videos, powerpoint which can be used in teaching and learning process due to poor internet connection in the school Time availability of ICT experts Request for additional internet connectivity in the school MOOE fund Seek the available time of colleagues with ICT skills ICT experts Attend training on advanced ICT Personal fund MOOE Limited slots for ICT Request for trainings trainings and workshops on electronic systems Financial Literacy Media Literacy data and other school reports data recording, etc. Good Manage personal fund effectively Attend trainings/semin ars on financial management September 2019 onwards Personal fund Financial support Lack of material and other resources for financial support Developing Achieve financial stability Read books/articles about financial management. September 2019 onwards Personal fund Lack of skill for financial investment Developing Manage personal credit Read journals, magazines, newspapers Developing Help students to become digital learner Attend September continuous 2019 improvement onwards programs on teachers’ role as learning facilitator Ask an ICT expert to coach October 2019 on wards Personal fund Time constraint Professional advancement Limited slots for seminars/trainings of data storage and management including those which are workrelated such as (SIP, APP, AIP, WFP). Partner with friends who have common goals with me on financial literacy. Save a fixed percentage of income Attend training on financial literacy Proper time management Seek support from school heads Request for training-workshop in the national. regional and/or division level or SLAC Session Social/ Emotional Literacy Developing Access the needed information effectively and efficiently Good Use information and communication technologies in teaching Developing Keep positive attitude at work Good Increase selfmanagement Developing Handle challenging situations constructively and ethically me on media literacy Evaluate information critically through task analysis October 2019 onwards Web surfing Personal fund Poor internet connection Seek reliable human resources Download and modify useful instructional materials September 2019 onwards Personal fund Lack of time due to intervening tasks in the school and at home Proper budgeting of time Attend seminars and read scholarly articles on stress management Engage in ancillary tasks in the school September 2019 onwards Membership support from civic /community organization Time constraint Sustaining long-term membership in civic/community organization Seek professional advice on stress management September 2019 onwards Membership support from the school head Time constraint Seek support from the school head for proper budgeting of assigned tasks Teach by example September 2019 onwards School heads Collleagues Family Conflict with intervening tasks in the school Prioritize the completion of tasks Keep positive attitude towards work Globalization and Multicultural Literacy Developing Learn new things from others Good Maintain mutual respectful relationship with students and parents Weak Work with colleagues with different background September 2019 onwards Human resources and Internet connection Poor internet connection Involve students and parents in engaging and fruitful activities in and outside the school Integrate a Involve variety of students equal cultural context opportunity in into lessons and participating activities school activities aligned with their talents and interests. September 2019 onwards Human resources Stakeholders Donations Time constraint and negative attitudes of some students and parents in participating school activities due to financial problem October 2019 on wards MOOE School fund Lack of interest in engaging global and multicultural activities Learner’s Signature: JULIET B. ALAN Access with other forms of media such as radio, television and prints/reading materials Coordinate harmoniously with students, parents and stakeholders and seek financial assistance to stakeholders Initiate or draft plans for multicultural activities and seek approval of authorities Reviewed/Approved by: ELMER J. NARAG, Ph.D Principal IV