Lecture 2 ERRORS OF MEASUREMENTS. Lecture aim: understand, how probability theory can be applicable for the result of measurements’ evaluation Measurement errors. When we conduct measurements our aims are: 1. to gain numerical value of definite physical parameter 2. to define degree of belief of the measurement result. It is clear that the result of measurement is a variate, because if we measure the same value several times with instrument of high accuracy, each time we have the result with some difference (reasons- influence of electric and magnetic fields, temperature, humidity, vibrations and so on). Because we deal with variates, we must use probability theory. Error is a result of measurement deflection from ideal value of measuring parameter. We distinguish absolute error and relative error. Absolute error Δ is equal to the difference between the result of measurement A and ideal value of measuring parameter X: Δ=A-X. It is expressed in the same unit as measuring parameter. Relative error δ is a ratio (in per cents) of absolute error and ideal value of measuring parameter: δ=Δ/X. It has no unit (%). Errors of measurement have accidental and systematic components (errors). Component of error, which changes accidentally at repeated measurements of the same parameter, is called accidental error. It is defined by factors, which exist irregularly with different intensity. Value of accidental component of error is unpredictable, so it is unavoidable. Influence of accidental error can be decreased by application of multiple measurements. Systematic error is such one, which is the same during multiple measurements or change according to definite law. Systematic errors can be classified: 1. error of method- component of error because of applicable method 2. instrument error- component of error, which is defined by error of instrument 3. environmental error- component of error, which can be explained by influence of external conditions on process of measurement 4. operator’s bias – component of error because of individual peculiarities of the operator. 2 Error, which is substantially higher than expectant one, is called gross error. Systematic errors may be constant and alternating. Constant error has the same value and sign. Alternating error can change its value in monotonic manner or in periodic manner. We use very often notion of measurement accuracy. It characterizes quality of measurement and reflects vicinity of measurement result to ideal value of measuring parameter. High measurement accuracy is corresponded to low errors of all types. Evaluation of accidental errors. Because of influence of different accidental factors, result of each measurement Ai will differ from ideal value of measuring parameter X: Ai –X=ΔXi. This difference is called accidental error of this definite measurement. Ideal value X is unknown. But, conducting a lot of measurements of parameter X, we can define the next regularities. 1. If we conduct a lot of measurements of X and define average value, positive and negative deflections of some measurement results from average value have approximately the same probability. This is a reason of the fact that there is an equal probability (frequency) of measurement results deflection from ideal value to decrease or to increase in the case, when systematic error is equal to 0. Average of the value, calculated on the basis of a set of measurements, is the truest value, which can be applicable to measuring value. If we calculate average of a set of measurements, errors of individual measurements, which have different signs, are compensated. 2. Probability (frequency) of appearance of high deflections from the true value is substantially less than probability (frequency) of appearance of low deflections. These statistic regularities are fair in case of multiple measurements. After generalization of measurement results we have not absolute true result, but result of maximum probability, and the result is average of set of measurements: Ā=(A1+A2+…An )/n=(∑Ai)/n, where n- number of measurements. These statistic regularities set up a question about a law, according to which distribution of accidental errors takes place. For electric measurements, as a rule, we use Gaussian law. Analytically it is described as: P(ΔX)=(1/σ√2π)*e-(Δx)2/2σ2, where p(Δx) is probability density of accidental error ΔX=A-X, σ (Sx) – quadratic mean (rms) (standard) deviation of accidental error of measurement. This parameter characterizes extent of accidental straggling results of singular measurements respectively ideal value X. The sense of probability density is ratio of hitting probability of accidental value into interval ΔX to length of the interval, when this length tends to 0. 3 σ=√[∑(Ai-X)2]/n-1=√[∑(∆Xi)2]/n-1 With probability of 0.997 accidental error is in limits of ±3σ. It means that only 3 measurements from 1000 may give us error higher than 3σ. This expression is called three-sigma equation. To define accidental error ΔXi=Ai-X it needs to know ideal value of measuring parameter, but X is unknown. But average Ā is the value of the highest accuracy for ideal value. So, for evaluation of ideal value X we can use its average. In this case deviations of singular measurements must be taken respectively average: Ai-Ā=vi. According to proofs of theory of errors the average Ā is satisfied to the next conditions: 1) algebraic sum of accidental deviations of singular measurements from the average equals to 0 if number of measurements is high. ∑(Ai- Ā)=∑ vi =0; 2) sum of deviations from the average squared ∑(Ai- Ā)2= ∑ vi 2 has minimum value. If instead of the average we take some other value, the sum of deviation squared will be higher than one for the average. Expressions p(ΔX)=(1/σ√2π)*e-1/2 (ΔX/σ)2 and σ=√[∑(∆Xi)2]/n-1 are taken for n→∞. In practice number of measurements is finite, so it needs to use corrections. Role of corrections is not very important if number of measurements increases because in this case Ā tends to X and if n→∞ Ā=X. It means that all conclusions about ΔX(accidental errors)-Gaussian law- can be applicable to deviations from the average. As a rule, there are no more than several tens of measurements in practice, so appearance of error, which is equal to ±3σ is of low probability. So error of ±3σ is taken as maximum possible. Errors which are higher than ±3σ are discarded. 4 In practice (if n is low) it needs to evaluate accuracy and reliability of the results obtained for the average and rms deviations. For this purpose they use confidence probability and confidence interval. Confidence probability is probability of appearance of such error, which is inside of definite limits (inside interval). This interval is called confidence one, and probability, which characterizes it, is confidence one. If we use Gaussian law according to the probability integral table, we can define the value of confidence intervals. If confidence intervals increase, value of confidence probability increases, tends to its limit 1. You know that for interval ±3σ p=0.9973. (For confidence interval -3σ to +3σ confidence probability is 0.9973). To evaluate error of a singular measurement we use probable error ρ. It is such value, which divides all accidental errors of a set of n measurements into 2 equal parts. In one part there are n/2 accidental errors, which are more than ρ, in other part there are n/2 accidental errors, which are less than ρ. It means that probability of the fact that some accidental error is in limits – ρ to + ρ must be equal to 0.5. Probable error for Gaussian law is equal to: ρ=2σ/3=(2/3)√[∑(vi)2]/n-1. Above mentioned expressions for confidence intervals are fair only if number of measurement n>20….30. If n<20 the formulae give us low value of confidence interval. It means that evaluation of measurement accuracy is too high. For exactness of confidence interval it need to use Student’s coefficients tn, which are function of definite confidence probability and number of measurements n. For definition of the confidence interval it needs to multiply rms error to Student’s coefficient. Final result must be taken as A=Ā±tn*σĀ, 5 where σĀ=σ/√n=√[∑(vi)2]/n(n-1). Student’s coefficients must be taken from a special table. Glossary Variate- случайная величина Probability density- плотность вероятности Accidental straggling- случайный разброс Confidence probability- доверительная вероятность Theory of errors- теория ошибок 6 Hitting probability- вероятность попадания Quadratic mean- среднеквадратичное 1. 2. 3. 4. Self-assessment questions. What types of measurement errors do you know? Prepare the algorithm of accidental errors evaluation. Show the normal distribution curve and demonstrate entrance data behavior for ±1 standard deviation, ±2 standard deviations, ± 3 standard deviations. Explain why probability theory is applicable for measurements’ results evaluation. Literature [1]. Ch.1, pp.7-16,Ch.10, pp.517-545 EXAMPLE Given p=0.95 Number of measurements n Capacitance Ci (µF) 1 5.02 2 5.04 3 5.10 4 5.07 5 4.98 6 5.02 7 4.98 8 5.05 9 5.04 10 5.01 Ā=Caver=5.03 µF Number of measurements n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Capacitance Ci (µF) 5.02 5.04 5.10 5.07 4.98 5.02 4.98 5.05 Ci - Caver (µF) - 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.04 - 0.05 - 0.01 - 0.05 0.02 7 9 10 Number of measurements n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.04 5.01 Capacitance Ci (µF) 5.02 5.04 5.10 5.07 4.98 5.02 4.98 5.05 5.04 5.01 0.01 - 0.02 Ci - Caver (µF) (Ci - Caver )2 - 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.04 - 0.05 - 0.01 - 0.05 0.02 0.01 - 0.02 ∑( Ci - Caver)2=0.0127 σ(Sx)=√ (∑( Ci - Caver)2/n-1)= √127*10-4/9=0.03756 µF σ (Caver)=σ/√n=0.03756/√10=0.03756/3.162=1.19*10-2 µF at p=0.95 tn=1.81 (use the table above) C= Caver± tn* σ (Caver)=5.03±1.81*1.19*10-2 = 5.03±0.02 µF Probable error ρ=2 σ/3=2*0.03756/3=0.025=0.03 µF 0.0001 0.0001 0.0049 0.0016 0.0025 0.0001 0.0025 0.0004 0.0001 0.0004