GALLINAS WATERSHED THINNING MONITORING Final Report Prepared by Surface Water Quality Bureau New Mexico Environment Department June 2010 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 2 Acknowledgements Study Lead: Scott Hopkins Field Crew Water Chemistry: Scott Hopkins, Chris Cudia Biology/Habitat: Seva Joseph Watershed Protection: Chris Cudia Report Author: Scott Hopkins GIS/Map: Bill Skinner Cover: Gallinas River below the USGS gage at Montezuma, NM 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................ 5 LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF PHOTOS........................................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................... 6 1.0 Executive Summary................................................................................................................... 7 2.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 8 3.0 Water Quality Standards ........................................................................................................ 11 4.0 Methods ................................................................................................................................... 12 5.0 Sampling Summary ................................................................................................................. 13 6.0 Water Quality Assessment ...................................................................................................... 14 6.1 Water Quality Standards Exceedences................................................................................... 14 6.1.1 Physicochemical Data .................................................................................................. 15 6.1.2 Data from Continuous Monitoring Devices.................................................................... 15 6.1.3 Macroinvertebrate Data................................................................................................. 19 6.1.4 Physical Habitat............................................................................................................ 20 7.0 Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 23 8.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 26 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Summary of water quality assessment from the 2010 Integrated List (NMED/SWQB, 2010).............................................................................................................................................. 12 Table 2. Approved TMDLs for the Gallinas Watershed. .............................................................. 12 Table 3. Survey Stations and STORET Codes............................................................................ 13 Table 4. Sampling Summary......................................................................................................... 14 Table 5. Summary of Thermograph Data. ................................................................................... 16 Table 6a. Summary of pH Data Collected from Sondes.............................................................. 17 Table 6b. Summary of DO Data Collected from Sondes............................................................. 18 Table 7. Biological Integrity Attainment Matrix using M-SCI1 for AZ/NM Mountain Sites ........... 19 Table 8. Macroinvertebrate evaluations for the Gallinas River and El Porvenir Creek watersheds ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 Table 9. Watershed Characteristics of Reference and Study Sites............................................. 20 Table 10. Substrate Composition Data from the Gallinas River .................................................. 21 Table 11. Geomorphic Data for the Gallinas River ...................................................................... 22 Table 12. Riparian Cover and Qualitative Scores for the Gallinas River ..................................... 22 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Map of Study Area.......................................................................................................... 9 Figure 2. Mean monthly discharge of the Gallinas River in cfs (cubic feet per second). The graph compares the long-term historical average with values from water years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Data are from USGS Gage 08380500, Gallinas Creek near Montezuma, NM.................. 10 Figure 3. Comparison of water temperature in the Gallinas River above and below Burro Creek. ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 LIST OF PHOTOS Photo 1. Thinned ponderosa forest above the Gallinas River...................................................... 10 Photo 2. Thinning adjacent to the riparian. A number of spruce trees in this area have apparently drowned, possibly due to rising ground water from downstream beaver activity.......................... 11 LIST OF ACRONYMS AP C cfs CWA CWAL ELS DO GIS HQCWAL NMAC NMED OLS QAPP SoC STORET SWQB USEPA USGS WQS WUI Assessment Protocol Celsius cubic feet per second Clean Water Act Coldwater Aquatic Life Early Life Stage Dissolved Oxygen Geographic Information Systems High Quality Cold Water Aquatic Life New Mexico Administrative Code New Mexico Environment Department Other Life Stage Quality Assurance Project Plan Species of Concern EPA’s Storage and Retrieval System Surface Water Quality Bureau United States Environmental Protection Agency United States Geological Survey Water Quality Standards Wildland – Urban Interface 6 1.0 Executive Summary The Gallinas River watershed, located near Las Vegas New Mexico, is currently the focus of a wildland/urban interface (WUI) forest thinning project undertaken by the Santa Fe National Forest and the City of Las Vegas. During 2007 the Monitoring and Assessment Section of the Surface Water Quality Bureau of the New Mexico Environment Department conducted a water quality and biological assessment survey designed to capture the impacts, if any, of thinning activities in the watershed. This effort was continued in 2008 and 2009 in anticipation of forest thinning activities. Initially four study sites were established; three stations on the Gallinas River proper and one station on El Porvenir Creek. In 2008 two additional stations were added: Gallinas River at forest boundary and El Porvenir Creek at Christian Camp. Both are stations used during past SWQB water quality surveys, allowing comparison of past and present data. Both also provide separation of federal and private land uses. Sampling at stream stations was conducted on a monthly basis from May through September during 2007. Sampling was reduced to five events in 2008 due to SWQB resource limitations. During 2009 sampling was further reduced to three events due to an apparent lack of significant forest thinning activity in the watershed. Water chemistry sampling at survey stations included total nutrients, and major anions and cations. Temperature was monitored by six water-deployed and four air-deployed recording thermographs. In addition, biological and geomorphological assessments were conducted at selected stations. All sampling methods were in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures for Data collection (NMED, 2007a) Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Management Programs (NMED, 2007b, 2008 and 2009a). Examination of chemical, biological and hydrological data over the course of three years found no indications of damage to water quality in either the Gallinas River or El Porvenir Creek as a result of this watershed rehabilitation project. Those parameters that were seen to exceed criteria, temperature and turbidity, are known to have been problems prior to the start of forest thinning projects. This project was funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 7 2.0 Introduction The Gallinas watershed affords a relatively cool summer climate and snowy winter conditions supporting activities such as hiking, mountain biking, camping, fishing, and hunting as well as cross country skiing and other winter sports. Ranching and irrigated agriculture are additional water uses and contributors to the local economies. The City of Las Vegas, NM, relies heavily on the Gallinas River for its drinking water supply. Due to the risk of wildfire, the City of Las Vegas and the Santa Fe National Forest, Pecos / Las Vegas Ranger District, have embarked on programs of forest rehabilitation. These projects involve extensive programs of thinning, burning and logging which have the potential to impact water quality. In an effort to monitor these impacts, if any, the Surface Water Quality Bureau (SWQB) of the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has undertaken a multiyear effort to assess the condition of the Gallinas River within and below the treatment areas. The upper Gallinas watershed (US Geological Survey [USGS] Hydrologic Unit Code 13060001) is located in San Miguel County, NM on the east slopes of the Sangre de Christo Mountains (Figure 1). The upper Gallinas watershed encompasses approximately 84 square miles (218 km2). The Gallinas River originates at about 9800 ft (or ~3,000 m) on the southeast slopes of Elk Mountain. The upper Gallinas watershed includes three smaller, perennial, sub-watersheds, Burro, Trout Springs and El Porvenir Creeks. The Burro and El Porvenir sub-watersheds join the Gallinas from the northwest and are planned receive varying degrees of treatment as part of the overall thinning project. Trout Springs joins the Gallinas on private land from the south just below the village of Gallinas. Flows (stream discharge) of the Gallinas River during the survey period are derived from USGS gage number 08380500 (Gallinas Creek near Montezuma, NM), and are graphically represented and compared to long-term mean flows in Figure 2, below. The upper Gallinas watershed is contained within the Southern Rockies Level III Ecoregion 21; it contains the following Level IV Ecoregions: 21b-Crystalline Subalpine Forests, 21c-Crystalline Mid-Elevation Forests, 21e-Sedimentary Subalpine Forests and 21f-Sedimentary Mid-Elevation Forests (Griffith, G.E. et al., 2006). Several species within this watershed are listed as threatened or endangered by State or Federal agencies, or identified as species of concern by non-governmental conservation groups. 8 Figure 1. Map of Study Area 9 Photo 1. Thinned ponderosa forest above the Gallinas River. Figure 2. Mean monthly discharge of the Gallinas River in cfs (cubic feet per second). The graph compares the long-term historical average with values from water years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Data are from USGS Gage 08380500, Gallinas Creek near Montezuma, NM. 10 Photo 2. Thinning adjacent to the riparian. A number of spruce trees in this area have apparently drowned, possibly due to rising ground water from downstream beaver activity. 3.0 Water Quality Standards The water quality standards for the upper Gallinas watershed fall within segment NMAC (NMAC, 2007). For this segment, the WQS state: PECOS RIVER BASIN - Perennial reaches of the Gallinas river and all its tributaries above the diversion for the Las Vegas municipal reservoir and perennial reaches of Tecolote creek and its perennial tributaries. A. Designated Uses: domestic water supply, high quality coldwater aquatic life, irrigation, livestock watering, wildlife habitat, municipal and industrial water supply and secondary contact. B. Criteria: (1) In any single sample: specific conductance 300 μmhos/cm or less except specific conductance 450 μmhos/cm or less in Wright Canyon creek, pH within the range of 6.6 to 8.8 and temperature 20°C (68°F) or less. The use-specific numeric criteria set forth in 11 NMAC are applicable to the designated uses listed above in Subsection A of this section. (2) The monthly geometric mean of E. coli bacteria 126 cfu/100 mL or less; single sample 235 cfu/100 mL or less (see Subsection B of NMAC). [ NMAC - Rp 20 NMAC 6.1.2212, 10-12-00; A, 05-23-05] A summary of the current status of support or non-support of the designated uses for this watershed is provided in Table 1. Presently the only approved TMDL within the Gallinas River watershed is for temperature (Table 2). The TMDL may be found at: Table 1. Summary of water quality assessment from the 2010 Integrated List (NMED/SWQB, 2010) Livestock Watering Municipal Water Supply Secondary Contact Wildlife Habitat Gallinas River (Las Vegas FS NS Diversion to SFNF boundary) Gallinas River (SFNF boundary to FS FS headwaters) Porvenir Creek (Gallinas River to FS NS SFNF boundary) Porvenir Creek (SFNF boundary to NA NA headwaters) FS: Full Support; NS: Non-Support; NA: Not Assessed. Irrigation H Q Cold Water Aquatic Life Domestic Water Supply Assessment Unit FS FS FS NA FS FS FS NA NA FS FS FS FS NA FS NA NA NA NA NA Table 2. Approved TMDLs for the Gallinas Watershed. Waterbody Watershed Pollutant TMDL Gallinas River Pecos Headwaters Temperature 4.0 Methods All water quality sampling, benthic macroinvertebrate collection, riparian habitat analysis, and fluvial geomorphologic measurements were in accordance with relevant portions of the SWQB’s Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Management Programs (QAPP) (NMED/SWQB, 2007b, 2008, 2009a) and Standard Operating Procedures for Data Collection (NMED/SWQB, 2007a). The macroinvertebrate and habitat methods employed are the same as the USEPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (Peck et al., 2003). 12 5.0 Sampling Summary In 2007 samples were collected at four stations, three on the Gallinas and one on El Porvenir in 2007 (stations 1, 2, 5 and 6). During 2008 and 2009, samples were collected at six sampling sites during the survey period, four stations on the Gallinas River and two stations on El Porvenir Creek. The STORET identification codes and location descriptions of sampling stations selected for this survey are provided in Table 3. Sampling at stream stations was conducted on a monthly basis from May through September in 2007, in May, June, July and October in 2008, and seasonally (spring, summer and fall) in 2009. The start of sampling was delayed until May by snow in the upper watershed. Table 3. Survey Stations and STORET Codes SITE # STATION 1 GALLINAS RIVER AT THE END OF FOREST ROUTE 263 2 Gallinas River below Burro Creek 3 Gallinas @ NF boundary 4 El Porvenir @ Christian Camp 5 El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas 6 Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 LATITUDE 35.722139 35.716600 35° 41.905 35° 42.649 35.690000 35.651944 LONGITUDE -105.497333 -105.487400 -105°25.094 -105°24.854 -105.375833 -105.318333 STORET_ID RATIONALE 50Gallin141.9 Upstream reference. Below uppermost area of treatment 50Gallin140.8 Burro Cr. (No Access) will receive extensive treatment. Station monitors potential impacts. 50Gallin131.8 Provides comparison between USFS and private lands. 50ElPorv004.8 Upstream reference. Provides comparison between USFS and private lands 50ElPorv000.1 Subject to treatment on Forest Service lands and logging on private land. 50Gallin119.7 Monitors water quality immediately above the Las Vegas municipal diversion. A listing of parameter suites sampled at each station in the various assessment units can be found in Table 4. The number of times each parameter (or suite of parameters) was sampled is indicated. Field data include temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. In the case of stream discharge, some of the data may be estimated 13 or calculated. Due to the volume of data collected during this survey, it will not be included in this report. Those persons requiring a complete dataset or data from a specific site should contact the Surface Water Quality Bureau or search EPA’s STORET database at: Table 4. Sampling Summary. 13 13 7 x x* 13 x x 13 x* 7 1 13 13 x x* 13 2 7 7 x 13 13 x x* 13 Field Data EMAP 13 13 7 Sonde Deployment Discharge Thermograph Macroinvertebrates Nutrients Gallinas River (SFNF Boundary to Headwaters) GALLINAS RIVER AT THE END OF FOREST ROUTE 263 Gallinas River below Burro Creek Gallinas @ NF bnd Gallinas River (Las Vegas Diversion to SFNF Boundary) Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 El Porvenir Cr (SFNF boundary to headwaters) El Porvenir @ Christian Camp El Porvenir Cr (Gallinas R. to SFNF boundary) El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas* Water plus air thermographs. Ions Assessment Units / Stations 13 13 7 x 7 13 7 1 x 13 6.0 Water Quality Assessment 6.1 Water Quality Standards Exceedences The following discussion includes information pertaining to all exceedences of water quality standards (NMAC, 2007) found during the watershed survey. The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with information on where within the watershed current water quality standards are not being met. For many water quality parameters, the State of New Mexico has adopted numeric water quality criteria. However, for some parameters (e.g., plant nutrients, stream bottom deposits) only narrative standards exist. Water quality criteria exceedences are evaluated to determine if the waterbody is impaired, that is to say, not-supporting its designated use. It should be noted that a single sample that exceeds a given criterion may or may not generate a violation of standards, triggering an impairment listing. In New Mexico, surface water data are assessed for designated use attainment status for both numeric and narrative water quality standards according to the SWQB Assessment Protocol (AP) (NMED/SWQB 2009). The purpose of the AP is to detail the decision process that the SWQB employs to determine whether or not designated uses are being attained in surface waters of the state. Thus, the AP covers the decision making process for both listing and de-listing. The AP is an evolving 14 document and the current protocol may vary from the procedures in place at the time these assessments were performed. Final assessment determinations depend on the overall amount and type of data available during the assessment process (Refer to the Assessment Protocol NMED/SWQB, 2009) for additional information on the assessment process). When available, outside sources of data that meet quality assurance requirements are combined with data collected by SWQB during watershed surveys to determine final impairment status. Final designated use impairment status is housed in the Assessment Database (ADB) and is reported in the biennial State of New Mexico Integrated Clean Water Act §303(d)/ §305(b) Report (“Integrated Report”) (NMED/SWQB 2010). 6.1.1 Physicochemical Data Physicochemical water quality samples and sampling frequencies are provided in Table 3. When a survey is completed, all data are checked against Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) measures identified in the QAPP before assessing to determine if designated uses are being met. Extensive sampling for major ions, nutrients, and field parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity and specific conductance) found exceedences of only the HQCWAL temperature criterion (20° C) at stations Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 and El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas. These exceedences of criteria associated with the high quality aquatic life designated use are consistent with the historical finding of non-support of that use in these assessment units. There were no exceedences of any kind on Santa Fe National Forest lands. Details are discussed in section 7.0. 6.1.2 Data from Continuous Monitoring Devices Large data sets generated from continuous monitoring devices attached to data loggers (e.g., sondes and thermographs) are assessed according to protocols developed specifically for such datasets. This is because, unlike grab sample data, it is not reasonable to list as not supporting on the basis of one or a few exceedences out of several hundred or thousand data points. The pH and temperature assessment protocols are tied to the criteria in the State of New Mexico Standards for Interstate and Intrastate Surface Waters (NMAC, 2007). Dissolved oxygen assessment criteria are linked to season (i.e., if early life stages of fish are likely present) and designated use (coldwater or warmwater aquatic life use). Further details of large data set assessment procedures are available in the appendices of the Assessment Protocol. (NMED/SWQB 2009) Temperature data loggers (thermographs) were deployed at four stations in the upper Gallinas watershed in 2007 and six stations in 2008 and 2009. Additionally, four 15 thermographs were deployed in the air to determine the effect of air temperature on water temperature. The thermographs were programmed to record hourly. The water thermograph at station El Porvenir @ Christian Camp and the air thermograph at station Gallinas @ NF bnd were stolen in 2009. Table 5 summarizes these datasets. In addition, a single multi-parameter data logger (sonde) was deployed at station Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 in 2007 and two more at stations Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 and El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas in 2009 to evaluate pH and DO. Tables 6a and 6b summarize these data. Table 5. Summary of Thermograph Data. Assessment Unit / Station Name Data Collection Interval WQS Temperature Criterion (°C) Gallinas River (SFNF Boundary to Headwaters) GALLINAS RIVER AT THE END OF FOREST ROUTE 263 2007 07/03/2007 – 11/01/2007 ≤ 20 15.915 2014 0 / 0% 2008 06/19/2008 – 9/18/2008 ≤ 20 14.697 2185 0 / 0% 2009 06/19/2009 – 10/9/200 ≤ 20 17.106 2688 0 / 0% Gallinas River (SFNF Boundary to Headwaters) Gallinas R. below Burro Creek 2007 07/03/2007 – 11/01/2007 ≤ 20 19.508 2015 0 / 0% 2008 06/19/2008 – 9/18/2008 ≤ 20 17.748 2185 0 / 0% 2009 06/19/2009 – 10/9/2009 ≤ 20 19.651 2687 0 / 0% 06/19/2008 – 9/18/2008 ≤ 20 19.674 2184 0 / 0% 2009 06/19/2009 – 10/9/2009 ≤ 20 22.058 10754 95 / 0.9% Gallinas River (Las Vegas Diversion to SFNF Boundary) Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 2007 07/03/2007 – 11/01/2007 ≤ 20 26.207 2927 16 / 0.6% Gallinas River (SFNF Boundary to Headwaters) Gallinas @ NF bnd 2008 16 Maximum Total # Recorded of Data Temperatu Points (°C) # / % of Exceedences Table 5. Summary of Thermograph Data, cont. Assessment Unit / Station Name Data Collection Interval WQS Temperature Criterion (°C) Maximum Recorded Temperature (°C) Total # of Data Points # / % of Exceedences Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 2008 06/19/2008 – 9/18/2008 ≤ 20 23.833 2333 160 / 6.9% 2009 06/19/2009 – 10/9/200 ≤ 20 25.744 2691 426 / 15.86% 06/19/2008 – 9/18/2008 ≤ 20 19.008 2183 0 / 0% El Porvenir Cr. (Gallinas R. to SFNF boundary) / El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas 2007 07/03/2007 – 11/01/2007 ≤ 20 24.581 2014 10 / 0.5% 2008 06/19/2008 – 9/18/2008 ≤ 20 23.761 2184 84 / 3.85% 2009 06/19/2009 – 10/9/200 ≤ 20 24.146 2689 158 / 5.88% El Porvenir Cr. (SFNF boundary to headwaters) / El Porvenir Cr. @ Christian Camp 2008 Assessment Unit Station Name Designated Use Criterion SU Deployment Dates Min/Max SU Number/% Exceedences Magnitude Violation Frequency Violation Table 6a. Summary of pH Data Collected from Sondes. Gallinas River (Las Vegas Diversion to SFNF Boundary) / Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 2007 HQCW AL 6.6 – 8.8 8/16 – 8/23 8.23 – 8.90 0/0 0 0 17 Table 6a. Summary of pH Data Collected from Sondes, cont. Criterion SU Deployment Dates Min/Max SU Number/% Exceedences Magnitude Violation Frequency Violation Gallinas River (Las Vegas Diversion to SFNF Boundary) / Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 2009 El Porvenir Cr (Gallinas R. to SFNF Boundary) El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas 2009 Designated Use Assessment Unit Station Name HQCW AL 6.6 – 8.8 9/2 – 9/9 7.89 – 8.4 0/0 0 0 HQCW AL 6.6 – 8.8 9/2 – 9/9 7.96 – 8.61 0/0 0 0 Table 6b. Summary of DO Data Collected from Sondes. WQS Criterion (mg/L) Deployment Dates Min/Max Conc. (mg/L) Min Sat. (% local) Combined Conc./Sat. Exceedences (# / % / >3 hrs) % Sat Exceedences (# / % / >3 hrs) Gallinas River (Las Vegas Diversion to SFNF Boundary ) / Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 2007 Gallinas River (Las Vegas Diversion to SFNF Boundary) / Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 2009 El Porvenir Cr (Gallinas R to SFNF Boundary) El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas 2009 Designated Use Assessment Unit Station Name HQC WAL 6.0 8/16 – 8/23 7.18 / 9.44 103.2% 0/0/0 0/0/0 HQC WAL 6.0 9/2 – 9/9 6.99 – 9.31 93.6% 0/0/0 0/0/0 HQC WAL 6.0 9/2 – 9/9 7.29 – 9.56 96.4% 0/0/0 0/0/0 18 6.1.3 Macroinvertebrate Data The macroinvertebrate community is generally the first to show a response to certain stressors such as the fine sediment that settles to the bottom of the channel. By collecting data on the macroinvertebrate communities that are present in a stream reach SWQB can identify changes that indicate stress on the community. Depending on the ecoregion of the study site, this can be done by utilizing either the Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP) or Mountain Stream Condition Index (M-SCI) as described in SWQB’s main assessment protocol. Application of the biological assessment or degree of impairment is a percentage comparison of the sum of selected metric scores at the study site compared to a reference site or condition. For example, when the macroinvertebrate community at a study site in ecoregion 23 (AZ/NM Mountains) has an M-SCI score less than 56.70% of the reference condition, it can be concluded that there is stress on that community and it would be deemed impaired (i.e. non-support) (Table 7). Table 7. Biological Integrity Attainment Matrix using M-SCI1 for AZ/NM Mountain Sites Biological Condition Category2 1. 2. > 78.36% Very Good (Full Support) 78.35 – 56.70% Good (Full Support) 56.69 – 37.20% Fair (Non-Support) 37.19 – 18.90% Poor (Non-Support) < 18.89% Very Poor (Non-Support) M-SCI Index and percentages based on Jacobi, et al. (2006) New Mexico has combined the “very good” and “good” categories into “Full Support,” while the remaining categories define “Non-Support.” Macroinvertebrate and were collected at 3 sites during the course of this study and one addition site in the watershed in 2004. Three out of the four study sites had biological assessment scores in the “very good” to “good” range whereas one site was in the “fair” range indicating the biological community in that reach is stressed.(Table 8). 19 Table 8. Macroinvertebrate evaluations for the Gallinas River and El Porvenir Creek watersheds Collection Biological Stations Date Index Score Gallinas River below Burro Creek 15 Aug 2007 70.08* Gallinas @ NF boundary Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas 27 Sept 2004 84.29* 1 Sept 2009 67.66* 2 Sept 2009 52.51* * Mountain – Stream Condition Index (M-SCI) is used to assess AZ/NM Mountain sites. + Raw percent values of ≤20% fines at a study site should be evaluated as “Full Support.” FS = Fully Supporting 6.1.4 Physical Habitat It is essential to characterize the physical habitat in order to relate stream biological condition to land use impacts and potential anthropogenic disturbances. The physical habitat components most directly impacting aquatic communities are the stream geomorphology (physical structure), the riparian corridor that supports and protects aquatic life, and the composition of the substrate where the aquatic communities live. Streams existing in similar landscapes express similar compositions of these three attributes and can be compared to a reference site within that group. A reference site is a stream reach that has been exposed to the least amount of human disturbance within a certain landscape. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP; Peck et al. 2006) surveys were conducted to collect data for sedimentation/siltation impairment determinations. Table 9 describes the watershed size, elevation, and ecoregion of each station where an EMAP survey was conducted. These are the minimal data necessary to categorize the sites by landscape. Table 9. Watershed Characteristics of Study Sites Watershed Area in km2 (mi2) Elevation in meters (feet) Omernick Ecoregion Gallinas River below Burro Creek 36 (14) 2564 (8412) Southern Rockies Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 197 (76) 2132 (6995) Southern Rockies El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas 67 (26) 2216 (7270) Southern Rockies Station Name 20 Substrate Composition The size of sediment within a stream system is one of the most important physical attributes in determining the health of aquatic communities. There are two components to sediment load that impact aquatic life: suspended load and bed load. Suspended load is quantified through the measurement of turbidity and total suspended solids. Bed load describes the particles that settle to or roll along the bottom (saltation) of the channel. Larger bed load particles provide increased interstitial space between particles, thus allowing for different aquatic communities than those found among small particles with little or no space. The size of sediment within a stream has a natural progression from course, large particles in sections at high elevation with smaller watershed size gradually decreasing to sand in low elevation streams with large watersheds. Therefore, to determine whether a stream exhibits an unnaturally fine bed load, knowledge of the location of the stream segment within the watershed is necessary. Particles smaller than 2 millimeters are considered “fines”, and “percent fines” are considered for assessment of New Mexico’s narrative sediment standard (see NMAC). Percent fines is calculated by adding the % sand and % silt-clay fractions (Table 10). Other metrics in Table 10 describe the size classes found in the reach, the size of the median of the cumulative frequency distribution (D50), and the mean embeddedness, which is how much of the particles were surrounded by fines. Table 10. Substrate Composition Data from the Gallinas River D50 (mm) D84 (mm) % Fines (>2mm) Mean % Embeddedness Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 – 2007 106 211 6% 46 Gallinas River below Burro Creek 40* 566* 20%* 50 Station Name Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 – 2009 74 161 4% 40 El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas118 256 5% 44 * Data from this site was collected from multiple habitats whereas the other sites were sampled from only riffles, as such the data from this site should not be directly compared to the other sites in this study. This site also exhibits a significant number of large boulders which were likely added to the stream bed through non-fluvial processes (e.g. road construction and mechanical erosion) and explain the large D84 value. Geomorphology Quantitatively identifying the current structure of a stream channel allows for a determination of the amount and variation of habitat available for aquatic communities. A natural, undisturbed stream system maintains equilibrium with the amount of water and sediment that it transports, allowing that system to remain stable. Human impacts may alter the equilibrium of a stream, causing the stream to actively attempt to restore this balance. As the stream attempts to restore equilibrium, it may cause damage to the adjacent riparian habitat or the aquatic communities within the channel. Table 11 21 provides a comparison of the geomorphic parameters collected at the reference reaches and study reaches during the EMAP surveys. Riparian Health The riparian area is the corridor of vegetation surrounding the stream that provides many beneficial functions to the stream channel. Although there are many benefits to a diverse and healthy riparian area, the most direct effects are shade, soil stability, and organic inputs providing food for the aquatic communities. Two qualitative assessments were performed to provide general information on the health of the habitat and structure of the stream: the Rapid Geomorphic Assessment (RGA) and the Rapid Habitat Assessment (RHA). These observational assessments combined with the quantitative canopy measurements (Table 12) provide an indication of riparian health. Table 11. Geomorphic Data for the Gallinas River Slope (%) Bankfull Width (m) Bankfull Height (m) WidthDepth Ratio Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 – 2007 1.55 7.9 0.7 11.6 Gallinas River below Burro Creek 3.62 4.6 0.4 10.4 1.5 7.1 0.4 17.9 1.07 5.7 0.3 19.2 Station Name Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 - 2009 El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas Table 12. Riparian Cover and Qualitative Scores for the Gallinas River Riparian Canopy Cover (% cover) RGA1 Stability Score (0-36) RHA2 Habitat Score (0-200) Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 - 2007 50 n/a 181 Gallinas River below Burro Creek 72 n/a/ 187 58 3 171 88 2 153 Station Name Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 - 2009 El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas 1. The Rapid Geomorphic Assessment is used to identify stable reaches and the destabilizing processes that are active in the reach. A channel stability score is determined by observing a number of channel characteristics and the stage of channel evolution based on the National Sedimentation Lab empirical model (Simon 1989). Lower scores indicate a more stable channel. 2. The Rapid Habitat Assessment (Barbour, et al. 1999) provides a qualitative aquatic habitat score that is based primarily on observation of the quality and diversity of in stream habitats. Higher scores indicate better habitat quality. 22 7.0 Discussion As noted above, extensive sampling for major ions, nutrients, biological indicators (aquatic invertebrates, and algae/periphyton) and field parameters found exceedences only for temperature and turbidity (discussed below). Elevated water temperature not only stresses aquatic communities directly by decreasing dissolved oxygen concentration in the water but indirectly by increasing the metabolic rates of fish, particularly salmonids, thereby increasing food and oxygen requirements. Stations El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65 above the Gallinas and Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 consistently exceeded the temperature criterion. This finding is consistent with historical data and a previous assessment of non-support of the high quality cold water aquatic life designated use due to elevated temperature (Hopkins, 2004). A TMDL for temperature was approved by EPA for these assessment units in September of 2005 (see Table 4). Assessment of temperature data from 2007 and 2008 resulted in the Assessment Units for the Gallinas River and El Porvenir Creek being split at the Santa Fe National Forest boundary to reflect the lack of temperature exceedences on Forest lands (NMED/SWQB 2010). While neither station Gallinas River at end of Forest Road 263 or Gallinas River below Burro Creek exceeded the HQCWAL temperature criterion of 20˚ C, a noticeable and consistent increase in temperature was observed below Burro Creek (Figure 3). These stations are only 1.5 miles apart. This increase was 2.10˚ C or 14.75% of the average temperature and 3.59˚ C or 22.60% of the maximum temperature). This increase in temperature is, probably, due to the fact that Burro Creek and the Gallinas River above their confluence both pass through a series of small, shallow impoundments (including those related to a beaver colony on the Gallinas) where long retention times and a lack of shade allows for increased solar heating. The diurnal swing in water temperature from coldest (early morning) to warmest (mid afternoon) at the two stations demonstrates the sensitivity of streams to inputs of solar energy. Excessive thinning of riparian areas could trigger temperature exceedences that would impair the aquatic life use. Reestablishment of woody riparian vegetation in areas where it has been removed and implementation of measures to lower the width / depth ratio, narrowing and deepening the channel, would improve the temperature regime in both watersheds. 23 20 19 18 17 16 Temperature (C) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Gallinas abv Burro 6 Gallinas blw Burro 25 -S ep 15 -S ep 1S ep 15 -A ug 1A ug 15 -J ul 3Ju l 5 Date Figure 3. Comparison of water temperature in the Gallinas River above and below Burro Creek. In general, concentrations of selected parameters that were found at concentrations above the level of detection e.g. total phosphorus (TP), total Kjehldal nitrogen (TKN), total suspended solids (TSS) and total dissolved solids (TDS), increased in a down stream direction. There were slight increases of nutrient indicators (TKN and TP) over time (2007 to 2009). TDS and TSS remained flat or declined slightly over time. All stations returned a spike in TP on July 17 2008, apparently in response to a precipitation event. There were two minor detections of ammonia at stations Gallinas River at SFNF boundary (0.14 mg/l SDL = 0.1 mg/l) and Gallinas River at Montezuma (0.15 mg/l, SDL = 0.1 mg/l). While these detections were two orders of magnitude below their respective criteria, the fact that they occurred at these locations given the low nitrate, TP and TKN and high dissolved oxygen levels is anomalous. In general, ammonia should not be found under these conditions. Instantaneous sampling of field parameters found three exceedences of the turbidity criterion (10 NTU) at station Gallinas River at Montezuma, USGS Gage 08380500 and one at station El Porvenir Creek at HWY 65. While two exceedences of a criterion can trigger a listing, examination of macroinvertebrate data collected in 2007 as required by the Interim Turbidity Assessment Protocol (Appendix H of NMED/SWQB 2009) indicate Full Support despite these exceedences at Montezuma. Potential sources of turbidity are numerous, but in the Gallinas watershed unimproved roads, both public and private, and erosion of unprotected stream banks are the principal causes. Runoff from trails can also be a factor. Proper implementation of Best Management Practices could alleviate or even eliminate turbidity issues. Examination of chemical, biological and hydrological data over the course of three years found no indications of damage to water quality in either the Gallinas River or El 24 Porvenir Creek as a result of this watershed rehabilitation project. Those parameters that were seen to exceed criteria, temperature and turbidity, are known to have been problems prior to the start of forest thinning projects. 25 8.0 REFERENCES Barbour, M. T., J. Gerritsen, B. D. Snyder, and J. B. Stribling. 1999. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish, Second Edition. EPA 841-B-99-002. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Water; Washington, D. C. Griffith, G.E. et al., 2006. Ecoregions of New Mexico. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. Hopkins, J. Scott, 2004. Water Quality Assessment of the Gallinas River and Tecolote Creek, 2001. New Mexico Environment Department – Surface Water Quality Bureau. New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC). 2007. State of New Mexico Standards for Interstate and Intrastate Streams. 20.6.4. New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission. August 1. 2007 New Mexico Environment Department - Surface Water Quality Bureau (NMED/SWQB). Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Management Programs, 2007b (QAPP). New Mexico Environment Department - Surface Water Quality Bureau (NMED/SWQB). Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Management Programs, 2008 (QAPP). New Mexico Environment Department - Surface Water Quality Bureau (NMED/SWQB). Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Management Programs, 2009a (QAPP). New Mexico Environment Department - Surface Water Quality Bureau (NMED/SWQB). 2007a. Standard Operating Procedures for Data collection. Santa Fe, NM. New Mexico Environment Department - Surface Water Quality Bureau (NMED/SWQB). 2009b. 2008-2010 State of New Mexico CWA §303(d)/§305(b) Integrated Report. Santa Fe, NM. New Mexico Environment Department - Surface Water Quality Bureau (NMED/SWQB)2010. Procedures for Assessing Use Attainment for the State of New Mexico Integrated Clean Water Act §303(d) /§305(b) Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report: Assessment Protocol. 26