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Opinion Essay Writing Guide: Structure & Tips

Your opinion essay should have an introduction, main body and conclusion.
Introduction. In the introductory paragraph, you need to present your subject and state
your opinion clearly. ...
Main Body. First paragraph is the body of your essay, you need to support your thesis statement.
Main body. Second paragraph use further points to support your claim or mention an opposing
Conclusion. Briefly summarise the essay again supporting the thesis statement and possibly
ending with a memorable point.
In the introductory paragraph, you need to present your subject and state your opinion clearly.
Make sure it contains a thesis statement – a sentence that summarizes the main point of your
Main Body
In the body of your essay, you need to support your thesis statement. Write several paragraphs,
each presenting a separate point of view supported by reasons. Start every paragraph with a topic
sentence – the main idea you will back up with arguments. Make sure you don't begin a new
paragraph because the one you are writing right now is too long. Begin a new paragraph only
when you want to discuss a new idea.
While writing, pay special attention to:
Tense – normally you should use present tenses in this type of essay.
Linking words – use different expressions for giving reasons (one reason for ... is / many
people believe that... / since... / due to...), expressions opinions (to my mind... / I am
convinced that... / from my point of view...), adding ideas (first of all.../ secondly... / what is
more, …/ finally... ), etc.
Formal vocabulary – do not use idioms, phrasal verbs or colloquial expressions.
Formal punctuation – do not use exclamation marks, parentheses and contractions.
To conclude your opinion essay, write a paragraph where you restate your opinion using different
words. You should avoid introducing a new idea or apologizing for your views. However, to make
your essay more engaging, you can end with a warning, ask a provocative question or suggest
2 rhetorical questions related to the question (e.g. How many of you buy locally grown products)
then give a general opinion (don’t include your points here! it’s only an intro e.g. In my opinion,
local products are better than imported)
To begin with, (3 points either for or against the question e.g. an advantage of locally grown
products is that they are fresh. For example, vegetables grown by local farmers can be delivered to
local shops fast). In addition, (2nd point) such as, (expand the point). then of course, (third point)
However, many people argue that (if you had 3 points for then this will be your point against / if
you had 3 points against, this is your point for). This may be true however this is not as important
compared to (e.g. freshness of the product)
In conclusion, (summarise what you have argued e.g. In my opinion, locally grown products are
better than imported products) and (Call for action e.g. We should promote locally grown
Have a title relating to the subject
Intro start off with a statement and rhetorical questions
Don’t forget to develop your points e.g. For example…, Such as…
3 Points for and 1 against OR 3 points against and 1 point for
Have a conclusion with your opinion and call for action
School times to be reviewed.
It is often thought that the vast majority of students have considerable difficulty getting to school
on time and this is mainly due to the fact that they rarely go to bed before midnight. It is for the
reason that we should seriously take into consideration whether or not early morning classes
should be moved to a later time.
Primarily, the most obvious reason we should stick to this morning school routine is because
it allows students to get used to waking up early. Moreover it will be of fundamental importance
when they leave school and start working. What is more, nobody can deny that getting up early
involves discipline and by doing so we become stronger.
Subsequently, other people might prefer starting school later however this would involve
having to forfeit after school clubs and sports which would be particularly difficult to practise in
the winter months when the days are shorter. Furthermore, without this valuable time, school
athletes would have less time for training and as a consequence would no longer be able to
compete with other schools.
On the other hand, many people believe that students are tired in the morning hence find it
difficult to stay concentrated in class. Therefore it seems necessary that the students become more
responsible and make sure they are getting enough sleep before an early start.
In conclusion, I strongly believe our school time should remain unchanged as getting up early
is an important life skill and one that we will surely need when we join the workforce. Admittedly
it is not an easy thing to do but becoming responsible for ourselves is both fundamental and