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Pilot License Training: LAPL vs PPL(A) Requirements & Costs

Here is a short information about the training ( sorry I had to translate it from the german
one )
First of all you have to decide what type of licence you want to ask for. There's a choice of
LAPL or PPL(A). the theoretical requirement are the some for booth types
at least 30h of flight time
at least 10h fligth time after you have your licence till you're allowed to carry
NOT ICAO conform, only accpted in EASA country (europe, but not Great Britain )
only valid for planes below 2t take off weight
only valid for planes up to 3 passengers
hardly extendable (night flight is possible)
at least 45h of flight time
you're allowed to carry passenger as soon as you have your licence
ICAO conform, Your licence may become validated in all ICAO countries (eg. USA,
GB, SouthAfrica)
extendible to bigger airplanes
no passenger or weigth limitation
I strongly recomend the PPL(A). It is a little more expensive, but not much, and gives you
much more flexibility.
The main training consists of 3 main parts :
1. Paperwork
There's plenty of paper work to be done. We help you with this, so please don't
worry. Most important is the medical. You need to go to a special doctor and ask for
a medical „class 2“. I suggest
Dr. med. Matthias Elser
Raiherwiesenstraße 21
76227 Karlsruhe Durlach
Tel. 0173-5131746
Fax 0721-9439920
Mail: drelser@web.de
but you can choose any other as you like. I can assist you in making an
appointment with Matthias, if you like. Please be aware that you need to go to an
eye doctor as well. Matthias will provide the right forms you'll need for the doctor.
2. Theorie
You need to finish a standardized theoretical tutorial. It'l take you about 100h+ time
to finisch it. We do it as a self study course. You get learning material ( printed or
eBook or booth ), to learn at home. Between the lesson you do have to pass some
tests. After you finished it we have to make 10 hour of pressence learning. (usualy it
is 1 day, and some briefing before and after training flights). You may have the
training material in german or english, whatever you like, After you finish it you can
go to the theoretical exam. This is also possible in englisch or german and consist
of some multiple choice questions.
Please guess about 1500 … 2000.-€ for the first two points
3. Flying :-)
This is the most fun. We fly from Speyer or Mosbach, you can choose. For Speyer
we have a C150, in Mosbach we have a C150 and a PA28 as well.
First is learning how to takeof and land an airplane. If you doing well, some day
your teacher will leave the plane an you do your first solo. A day you'll never forget,
I promisse.
After that we doing some cross country flights, first together, later on you on your
own. You have to fly at least 10 hours solo. One of the flights have to be at least
270km to at least 2 different airports. Don't worry, this part is fun. If you doin well
you need to pass a practical exam. This is a fligth of about 90 min. You have to
demonstrate the examinier that you're able to handle the plan in a safe matter.
Please guess about 9000.-€ (C150) or 12.000.-€ (PA28) for flying and about 1000.€ for landing fee's.
So the average price for PPL(A) is about 12.000.-€ for the C150 or about 15.000.-€ für the
PA 28. Most of our students need between 8 month and 1 year for the training.