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Civics & Ethics Education: Promoting Democracy in Ethiopia

Short research on civics and ethical education in 2014 E.c
BY: Teacher zekarias Duma
The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Civics and Ethical Education in building the
good behavior of citizens and making them active participants for the development of democratic
culture in layma Tsala kebele to achieve the socioeconomic and cultural development.To this
purpose, the research employed qualitative method. Accordingly, secondary sources like books,
journal article, documents, and report were used. To substantiate the data gathered through
secondary sources, the researcher also used primary sources where data were collected through
key informant interview. The finding of the study showed that present Civic and Ethical
Education is progressive as compared to its predecessors. The researcher concluded that the
factors are improper method of delivery, lack of role of model teachers and lack of democratic
school administration. Thus, for the practical realization of words on the course, the researcher
recommended that calls for the strong commitment of all stakeholders and there to be a role
model to others and create a conducive to practically build the behavioral and skills shall be
needed in the subject.
Table of Contents
ChapterNE........................................................................................................................... ..................................1
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Back ground of the Study .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3.1 General Objective of the Study ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Research Questions .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1. 5 Significance of the Study .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Limitation of the Study ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.8 Organization of the Study .................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Concepts of Civics and Ethical Education ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Historical Development of Civic and Ethical Education in Ethiopia ................................................................... 5
2.3 The Rational for Providing Civics and Ethical Education ................................................................................... 7
2.4 Role of Civic and Ethical Education in Promoting Democratic Culture ............................................................. 7
2. 5 Achievement of Civic and Ethical Education in Promoting Democratic Culture ............................................... 8
2. 6 Challenges of Civic and Ethical Education in Promoting Democratic Culture .................................................. 8
CHAPTER THREE ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
RESEARCH METHOD AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................... 9
3 .1 Description of the Study Area ............................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Research Method ................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Research Design ................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.4. Sources of Data ................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.5 Method of Data Collection ................................................................................................................................ 10
3. 6 Target Population .............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.7 Sample Technique and Size ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.8 Method of Data Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.9 Ethical Consideration......................................................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION ............................................................................................................ 12
4.1 The Contribution of Civic and Ethical Education in Promoting Democratic Culture in the Study Area ........... 12
4.2 Levels and Status of Civic and Ethical Education in Promoting Democratic Culture in the Study Area .......... 14
4.3. Challenges of Civic and Ethical Education to Promote Democratic Culture.................................................... 15
CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................................... 16
5.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................. 16
5.2 RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................................................................................... 17
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
1.1 Back ground of the Study
It is obvious that democracy cannot be achieved in the absence of Citizens’ participation. As a
remedy for these problems, all the democracies have been convinced of the importance of having
active and informed citizens, who will sustain democracy (Deth, 2013). Creating active
citizenship is instrument for the flourishing of democracy (Ibid). Citizens to be active and there
by undertake these activities they need to have necessary knowledge, skills, attitude and values
(Ibid). To this end Civics and Ethical Education have been provided in many country of the
world. Through the help of civic education, people’s participation will bring and sustain
democracy. After all, democracy cannot deserve its name without citizen’s participation (Ibid).
The reason for the need of Civics and Ethical Education is to prepare rational, competent,
responsible and participating citizens who committed to the values and virtue of democracy. The
rational of creating such citizens is further justified by the fact that Ethiopia had experienced
decline in public trust of government. Hence the need faces and address such pessimism become
an immediate task to be accomplished (Girma, 2006)
In Ethiopia, the beginning of 1990 was formative period for civic and ethical education. This was
due to major social and political development that took place in the countries. In 1991, the
socialist military dictatorship was overthrown by armed political group of Ethiopia people
revolutionary democratic front meanwhile this political group established transitional
government (Ibid].
Even though the subject has been given in Ethiopia at different levels of schools with the
intention of creating good citizens, who are equipped with virtue character and active
participants in the overall affairs of their country, there is no comprehensive study conducted on
the role of civic and ethical education in achieving such objectives (Ibid).
Therefore, this research would attempt to study the role of Civic and Ethical Education in
promotion of democratic culture in the study area (politically, economically and socially). Civic
and Ethical Education is a viable mechanism to promote democratic culture. Generally, the
research would be committed to study the general trends of democratic culture by exploring both
challenges and opportunities in the study area.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Civics and Ethical Education plays key role to build democracy by creating good and ethical
behavior among the society. However, lack of popular participation in democratic and
development process, weak democracy, lack of democratic school administration and awareness
of community for the socio-political development and absence of practical learning about rights
and duties of citizens are reduce the effective role of Civic and Ethical Education in promoting
democratic culture ( Swartz, 2007 ).
Civics and Ethical education was addressed many challenges which are engaged to reduce
democratic culture, in relation to negative attitude and Perception of community towards
democratic culture like harmful cultural practices, social discrimination and lack of awareness of
the society.
In Ethiopia context, Deth J [2013] mentioned that, the existence of Civic and Ethical Education
to overcome the ineffectiveness of democratic culture and creating active participants. However,
as woube Kassaye [2005] argues, prevailing culture of tolerance and diversity of the country
among the others shaped the democratic culture in Ethiopia. Thus there is little studied about the
role of civic and ethical studies concern with democratic culture in the study area.
Thus substantiate such limited studies, the researcher undertaken this research by explain and
examine genuinely the context in the study area with the intention of creating good citizens who
are equipped with virtue character and active participants. Generally, the research was expected
to fill the gap in practicing and promoting democratic culture in layma Tsala kebele as there is no
any exact and accurate study conducted previously under the motive of the role of civic and
ethical education in promoting democratic culture in the study area.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.3.1 General Objective of the Study
The main objective of the research is to describe the role of civic and ethical education in
promotion of democratic culture in the study area.
Specific Objective
Specifically, this research is designed:
 To describe the contribution of civic and ethical education in promoting democratic culture in
the study area.
 To explain the levels of civic and ethical education in promoting democratic culture in the
study area.
 To identify possible ways for civic and ethical education in promoting democratic culture in
the study area.
1.4 Research Questions
The researcher would asked
the following questions
1. What is the contribution of civics and ethical education to promote democratic culture in
the study area?
2. What are the levels and status of civics and ethical education in promoting democratic
What are the factors that impede civic and ethical education in promoting democratic
Culture in the study area?
1. 5 Significances of the Study
This research would helpful in the following ways
Enhancing the contribution of civics and ethical education for the development of democratic
culture, the research is important to create competent and responsible citizens to know moral
norms in the society and also the finding has significance to regional and local governments in
showing the importance of Civics and Ethical Education in uplifting democratic culture.
Additionally, the research is serving as a point of reference for other related researches under the
theme as well as the study would bring guide lines about how Civic and Ethical Education can
involve in upgrading democratic culture in the study area.
Scope of the Study
Taking into consideration time and budget constraints, the scope of this study is specifically
focused on assessment of the role of civic and ethical education in promoting democratic culture
in layma Tsala kebele.
Limitation of the Study
While conducting this research, the researcher faced many challenges. It was difficult to get
numerous professionals to collect data and interview respondents. Further, some participants
were unwilling to participate on research and hence, it is difficult to provide real and accurate
information. Lack of relevant documents in the library also challenged the researcher while the
researcher conducted these research.
1.8 Organization of the Study
This study is consists of five chapters. The first chapter contains introduction part of the study
which includes background of the study, Statement of the problem, objective of the study,
research questions, and significance of the study. Chapter two contains an overview of related
literature review that include relevant concept related with democratic culture and civic and
ethical education. Chapter three emphasized on the research methodology which comprises
description of the study area, source of data, target population, sampling technique, sampling
size, data collection instrument, method of data analysis and ethical considerations. Chapter four
contains analysis, presentation and discussion of the collected data. Chapter five contains
conclusion and recommendation of the study.
2.1 Concepts of Civics and Ethical Education
Civics and ethical education is the study of the theoretical, political and practical aspects of
citizenship as well as rights and duties: the duties of citizens to each other as members of
apolitical body and to the government. Civics can be defined as the study or science of the
privileges and obligation of citizens. This definition of civic lays more streams social life of
citizens (Meron, 2006).
Civics was the study of governance and area of administrating public trust or theory of governs
applied public trust or theory of governs as applied institution with respect to their relations to
the public (Ibid). Democratic culture designates the set of attitudes and behaviors required to
make democratic institutions and democratic laws function in practices. Democratic culture are
therefore, essential for building the kind of society in which we like to live and in which we
would like our children and grandchildren to live. The purpose of development of competences
for democratic culture is to describe the main competences citizens required in order to
participate effectively in democratic society (Branson, 2006).
2.2 Historical Development of Civics and Ethical Education in Ethiopia
Civic education has similar development to that of democracy. Civic education in ancient
Athenian time considers being apolitical engagement. In ancient Greece to be action means to be
political. In direct and active participation in public affairs of Greece city state through time, this
enable to develop modern civic educational, social revolution which took place in western
countries (Meron, 2006).
The name, contents and method of civics education have been changing from regime to regime
being influenced by the deep roots religious and cultural values of the country and nature
orientation of the political philosophy of particular political system (Ibid).
Ethiopia is a country of great history, culture and diverse people with distinctive Ethiopian
values such as truthfulness obedience and fairness. Some sources indicate that the attempt to
introduce civic and ethical education was made in the 1990. During the imperial regime, the
subject of moral education was given formally in schools. To obedience and sense of
subservience in the younger generation, so that there could remain docile to the prevailing
political, social, economic order (Girma, 2006).
Derg which overthrown the imperial regime assumed power in line with social political
philosophy. The government declared Marxism as its official ideology and education in the
country are towards the inoculation (Woube, 2005). The aim of socialist education would citizens
who have all rounded personality by including the inter society with socialist ideology, thus
arming the required knowledge for social construction. For this purpose, a sort of civics
education called political education was designed and launched in school curriculum of the
country (Akalewold, 2005).
Given that the government was totalitarian and single party system. It has no place for the
teaching of various democratic idea and essential citizenship value due to anti- democratic nature
of the military governments, one way perhaps not expected that political education. It was helps
to be students understanding and exercise their right and responsibility. Instead it was used by the
government as a weapon in its efforts to indoctrinate the socialist ideology in the minds of the
students and to intensify anti- feudal imperialists and capitalists struggle (Girma, 2006).
Generally, the emperor used the subject as a means to sustain his power but later suspended with
the collapse of the regime.
The time of Ethiopian people's revolutionary democratic front seized power in may 1991. This
charter States equal rights and freedom to the people. It also stipulates equality between nation
and nationality of the country. The transitional government was then replaced by the federal
government (Alemire, 2005).
The Rational for Providing Civics and Ethical Education
The rational for providing civic and ethical education was to maintain and civic knowledge, skill
and their democratic culture. Civics skill refers to the ability that citizens require to put the
theory in to action beings as active member of community.
However, Civics virtue refers to disposition commitment and attitude that citizens posses which
was essential to carry out responsibility (Akalewold, 2005).
The ultimate purpose of civic and ethical education is creating good citizens who has an
intellectual capacity to critically analyze ideas, actively participates in civic life, including
political life has an admirable character and genuinely cares about the well being of other
citizens ( Shon , 2015 ).
Role of Civics and Ethical Education in Promoting Democratic
It is obvious that, civics and ethical education is aimed at creating active and participants
citizens. In line with this idea, it is asserted that civics and ethical education aimed at creating
individuals with the capacity to go beyond citizens, who are passive subjects of the state to those
who are well informed and responsible. This shows that civic and ethical education has a
prominent role in the development of Democratic government through promoting popular
participation democratic and development process ( Tovomasyan and Thoma, 2008).
The major role of civics and ethical education is to produce good citizens. There is no
government in the world without the intention of shaping citizens according to its Constitution
Among educational mission of civics and ethical education. Good citizens in liberal view were
one who adopted certain rules and standard of public real (Branson, 2007).
In participatory democracy, society has common bond mutual interest in which both collective
and individual rights are considered. It involves the creation obligatory demands, social sense,
interdependent and recognition of political responsibility. In general the most important aim of
teaching civic was to produce the ideal citizens which are respect value and defense basic right
and realize the necessary connection of education and democracy (Dawit, 2006).
2. 5 Achievement of Civics and Ethical Education in Promoting Democratic
As some literature argue civic and ethical education has been contributing in creating good
citizens as it is working with other countries in the world (Gaso and Desta , 2014).
Some studies conducted at the university levels showed that civic developing and promoting
civic skills, knowledge and disposition to affirm both changes in behavioral and attitudes of the
learners. It has contributed to the Creation of good and ethical behavior among citizens. The
study conducted on the area affirmed that the subject is also creating favorable environment to
the co-exist with other socio-cultural group (Ibid).
The subject is creating perhaps the notable contributions on the citizens as to their rights duties
as well as the overall political life of the state. Besides, civic and ethical education contributes to
introduce the youth with the value democracy and human rights which never existed in the
country modern history. Thus shows that the subject is playing a role in informing citizens with
having quality good governance contrasting the previous undemocratic tradition.
2.6 Challenges of Civics and Ethical Education in Promoting Democratic
Despite positive contribution in building good behavior and creating active citizens, the large bro
ought are not satisfactory. There are a number of factors which limits the proper realization of the
purpose of civic and ethical education. The following are some of the major factors; lack of civil
society engagement, lack of democratic school administration, improper mode of delivery,
external environment, weak democracy, and lack of role of model teachers.
It is difficult to
achieve the objective of civics education in the school that is dominated by a culture that does
not promote dialogue, tolerance, acceptance ( Abdulhamed, nd).
3 .1 Description of the Study Area
Bule Hora Town is located in southwest Oromia regional state at the distance of 467km away
from Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia and the seat of Oromia regional state
administration. Astronomically, the coordination of Bule Hora town is founded between
longitude 38014' East and latitude 5038' north. BULE Hora town was bordered on North by
Gadab district, on East by Melka Soda, on North East by Kercha, on South by Dudga Dawa, on
West by Burji and Arero.
The 2007 national census reported a total population in Bule Horas districts has 141,579 of
whom 78,030 were men and 63,549 were women, 35,245 of its population were dwellers. The
majority of the inhabitant were protestant with 74, 42% of its population.
The climate condition of Bule Hora districts is characterized by high lands of 11%, lowland 55%
and desert 34%. The total temperature ranges between 20-35 with a mean annual rainfall 900 to
1100mm with big rain in spring and small rain in autumn (Bule Hora Administration office,
Bule Hora districts are the home of nation nationality that every nation live together. They have various languages.
Those languages are Afan Oromo, Amharic, Sidama, and Gedeo. The dominant speakers are Afan Oromo speakers
in the area.
3.2 Research Method
This research would employ qualitative research method. Qualitative research is the inquiry
which makes knowledge claims based primarily on constructivist perspectives where the
multiple meanings of individual experience and communal experience constructed socially
among others.
This approach would allow the researchers to flexible collect open ended and emerging data
with the primary intent of developing themes from multiple sources (Creswell, 2003). This
research approach also promotes the subjective analysis of data which in turn allow the
researchers to consider several perspectives in data analysis process.
. Generally, as qualitative research focus on the context and meaning of human live and
experience. It is systematic and rigorous form inquiry that uses methods of data collection such
as interviews, observation and review of documents.
3.3 Research Design
The research was explanatory qualitative research; the choice of research design is depending on
the type of research being conducted and the research questions to be answered. The explanatory
research was helps to determine the research design, data collection method and selection of
subjects. The research would follow social constructivism assumption that hold seek for
understanding the area in which community live and work. As individuals develop subjective
meanings of their experience. The basic generation of meaning is social arising in and out of
interaction with human community (Creswell, 2003).
3.4. Sources of Data
This research employs both primary and secondary data. Primary data would be collected
through key informant interview and focus group discussion. Secondary data would be collected
from the existing literature under the research theme: journals, books, documents, report, and
other related sources.
3.5 Method of Data Collection
The researchers would develop instrument of data collection which is helpful to collect primary
data like interview and focus group discussion. Semi-structured interview would be conducted
with flexibility of questioning approach where the interviewer is allowed much greater freedom
to ask in case of need, supplementary questions.
On the other hand, focus group discussion would be conducted by providing a discussion for
necessary stakeholders under the theme of the research in the selected study areas. Thus, the
maximum of 10 peoples would be interviewed together at each sample based on the convenience
of the selected areas.
3.6 Target Population
Under the motive of promoting democratic culture, there are groups must be identified and work
jointly to ensure the success of democratic culture. Those include non government organization,
women association, teacher’s association and business organizations which can be used as source
of data for the study.
Sample Technique and Size
The research would employ purposive sample technique due to diverse population as well as
skills or knowledge of the key informants about the phenomenal being studied. It enables the
researchers to obtain adequate information from those selected key informants. Consequently,
key informant would be selected by researchers from teachers association (4) key informants,
from women association (3) key informants, and from business Organization (3) informants
would be selected.
The key informants are both Male and females.
3.8 Method of Data Analysis
The data would be analyzed qualitatively by employing content and thematic analysis methods.
The researchers would build patterns, category and themes by organizing the data in to unit of
information working back and forth between the themes and data until comprehensive set of
themes established. Thus, the theme emerge from the data are not imposed upon it by the
Ethical Consideration
Some of the expected tenets of ethical behavior that would be used within the study area as
follows: for the purpose of data collection through interview, key informant would be assured,
voluntary participation, informant consent. The study would also follow code of conduct not to
engage in ethical violations such as plagiarism and falsification of data. Generally, the study
would be conducted within the confines of the necessary regulation.
This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data collection from the selected key
informants of teachers’ association and women association. Therefore, the interpretation was
made based upon the majority of the response in terms of interviews items. The researchers
prepared both interview and focus group discussion which are leading for key informants to get
relevant information about the contribution of Civics and Ethical education for the development
of democratic culture and levels of Civics Ethical Education to promote democratic culture in the
study area as well as to investigate the challenges of Civics Ethical Education in promoting
democratic culture.
4.1 The Contribution of Civics and Ethical Education in Promoting
Democratic Culture in the Study Area
The key informants from woman association replied that, the discipline of Civics and Ethical
education has pivotal contribution to promote democratic culture in the study area. From this
views of key informants, the researchers can conclude that Civics and Ethical Education had
great role in providing good ethical behavior. When democratic culture is developed within the
community, there is equality, justice, peace, and security between societies. In this regard, Civics
and Ethical Education has crucial contribution in the society set the chance to learn the
principles, values, and norms of democracy by creating tolerance among the community.
Furthermore, majority of the key informants answered that Civics and Ethical Education has
great contribution in changing the unethical behavior of society by providing the essential values,
principles, and practice of democratic culture in the study area. From these views, it helps to
distinguish what is a moral or immoral and ethical or unethical action which leads to negative
In addition to the above, most of the key informants answered that, Civics and Ethical Education
is important to bring deep understanding of rule of law, constitution and constitutionalism. From
view of the respondents, the researchers concluded that civics and ethical education had great
contribution in upgrading democratic culture in Bule Hora town by synthesizing institutional
opportunities for the promotion and protection of human rights.
The key informants from teachers association added that a good civics education enable
community to enjoy their rights and duties. In lined with this Civics and Ethical Education is
important to cultivate the attitude of community with democratic culture. As a result, they can
properly exercise their rights and discharge their responsibility, so that contributed for
democratic governance in the study area
As the views of key informants, Civics and Ethical Education has its own role for the
establishment of good administration. This is mainly because it has individuals to make them to
respect the law and regulations. For instance, most of the key informants explained about the
contribution of Civics and Ethical education for the practice of good administration that plays
great role in ensuring democratic culture to the country laws.
Also key informants from the participants of focus group discussion of women association added
that, it is quite Significance to follow the principles of code of conduct to create good
administration that asserts democratic culture in the study area. On the other hand, some of key
informants suggested that Civics and Ethical Education contribute a lot for the promoting
country with coordination and existence of democratic culture.
Besides to the above, the majority of key informants replied that Civics and Ethical Education
play vital role in changing the negative behavior of the students about the essence, values,
principles, and practice of democratic culture. In lined with this Civics and Ethical Education
helps the community enable to distinguish what is moral or immoral actions which leads to
negative consequences.
From views of key informants, the researchers can have concluded that giving Civics and Ethical
Education as a subject is helpful to fulfill the principles of code of conduct and to follow the
right way of living. Furthermore, most of key informants explained that Civics and Ethical
Education is playing a key role in building up democratic culture, and encouraging community to
respect the customs, cultures, and Perception among the community.
Most of the key informants explained that the awareness of society is the building blocks for the
development of democratic culture. In lined with this view, Civics and Ethical Education is
important to prepare competent, responsible and participating citizens who are committed to the
values and virtue of the democracy in the study area.
The key informants from teachers’ association added that civics and ethical education is
important to bring forth the historical and cultural awareness of the society. It enables citizens to
share mutual concerns and provide knowledge for safe adaptation of the society.
From the key informant’s point of view, the researchers can conclude that, civics and ethical
education is helps to provide practical learning about right and duties of the citizens.
In addition to the above data were collected from interview of Bule Hora town association of
women and teachers’ association. The data are analyzed under the following ways:
As key informants are replies, the benefit of society from Civics and Ethical Education in the
study area, as providing the awareness of community about gender and minority equality in
economics and political lives. From this view, the researchers concluded that Civics and Ethical
Education can play key role in promoting democratic culture in the study area through providing
societal awareness.
4.3 Levels and Status of Civics and Ethical Education in Promoting
Democratic Culture in the Study Area
The key informants from business Organization and woman's association replied that Civics and
Ethical Education plays active role and be exemplary in community participation. Majority of
them are replied that, civics and ethical education is the precondition for the development of the
democratic culture in the study area. From this, the researchers can conclude that, Civics and
Ethical Education has Significance to regional and local government in uplifting democratic
culture in the study area.
As the key informants from focus group discussion explained for the researchers Civics and
Ethical Education has its own status and levels to create a harmony and tolerance among the
society, and also it helps to create competent and responsible citizens, know the values and moral
norm in the study area. The majority of key informants replied that Civics and Ethical
Educations are playing more roles in promoting democratic culture through upgrading awareness
among the society. Besides to this, they explained that Civics and Ethical Education helps to
ensure values and principles of democracy in the study area by making society being rational and
moral conduct among each other.
The key informants from teacher’s association added that, civics and ethical education had high
status to solve the problem of society through bringing ethical behavior in the study area. In lined
with the view of the key informants, the researchers can concluded that Civics and Ethical
Education play a key role to secured and realized the presence of democratic culture by
accomplishing different tasks, particularly in relation to upgrading popular participation among
the society of Bule Hora town.
4.4. Challenges of Civics and Ethical Education to Promote Democratic
Most of the key informants replied that Civics and Ethical Education has challenges in
promoting democratic in Bule Hora town. The key informants explained the challenges of Civic
and Ethical Education in promoting Democratic Culture in the study area in the following ways.
The majority of key informants answered that improper mode of delivery of Civics and Ethical
Education as well as lack of strong commitment of non-government organization like civil
society organization is the main challenges of Civic and Ethical Education to develop democratic
Based up on the views of key informants, the researchers can understand that the ineffectiveness
of teaching Civics and Ethical Education by non-government organization is the main factor that
impedes the effort of building good behavior as well as creating active and participant citizens.
As the view of key informants educating Civics and Ethical Education by government
institutions alone will not be sufficient to create good citizens equipped with ethical values and
democratic culture. From the respondent’s point of view, the researchers can decided that, it
should be corroborated by the teaching of other stakeholders, namely the family, religious
institutions and civil society organizations. Therefore, civil society organizations should be given
the opportunity to propagate Civics and Ethical Education for the subject to serve its purpose in
the study area.
The study is attempted to examine the role of Civics and Ethical Education in promoting
democratic culture, and also it explain the levels and status of the role of civics and ethical
education in Bule Hora town. Describing the past change and features of civic and ethical
education in promoting democratic culture in the study area. This study concluded that civic and
ethical education has an essential role of democratic culture and good ethical behavior.
The results of the study indicated that the major factors those obstacles in the role of Civics and
Ethical Education in promoting democratic culture in the study area: lack of civil society
engagements, improper mode of delivery, and lack of role of model teachers. The study also
showed the society has benefited from civics and ethical education as civic and ethical education
bring challenges in behavior and attitudes of the society and creating good and ethical behavior
in the study area.
Based upon the finding, the following recommendation is forwarded:
 Educating civics and ethical education by government institutions alone cannot be
sufficient to promote democratic culture and good ethical behavior in the study area.
Hence, civil society organizations should be involved in teaching civics and ethical
 Civic and Ethical Education is ongoing process that needs a joint of effort of the
community and other stakeholders;
 There should be awareness among the society to produce the desire outcome;
 The government should be responsible to prevent lack of practical realization and lack of
models teachers that impede the role of civics and ethical education in promoting
democratic culture and also the government should evaluate the society attitude towards
civic and ethical education.
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Leading Questions for interview
The interview is provided with the objective of relevant information concerning with the role of
civic and ethical education in promoting democratic culture.
 Title: Role of civics and Ethical Education in promoting Democratic Culture in Bule
Hora town.
 Type of interview: semi-structured interview
 Place: Bule Hora town
 Interviewer:
 and note taker: Gemechu
 Interviewee: Bariso
 Date: 15/9/2010
 Duration: One month
 Guarantee for interviewee: confidentiality of interviewee will be kept
 To describe the contribution of Civics and ethical education in promoting democratic
 To explain the levels and status of civic and ethical education in promoting democratic
 To identify the possible ways for civic and ethical education in promoting democratic
 To assess the awareness of Society to promote democratic culture.
Question for Interview
Contribution of civic and ethical education in promoting democratic culture
1. What is the contribution of civic and ethical education in promoting democratic culture?
2. How do you suggest about the contribution of civics and ethical education in promoting
democratic culture?
3. How do you understand about the role of civics and ethical education for the behavioral
Levels and Status of Civics and Ethical Education in promoting democratic culture
4. How do you estimate the levels of civic and ethical education in promoting democratic
5. What is your suggestion about the levels of civics and ethical to create active participants?
7. How do you think that the role of civics and ethical education in promoting democratic
Factors that impede civics and ethical education in promoting democratic
8. What are the factors that hinder civic and ethical education in promoting democratic culture?
9. How do you explain the Challenges of civics and ethical education in promoting democratic
Interview for the participants of focus group discussion from women association and teachers
What is the possible opportunities for civics and ethical education in promoting democratic
1. How civics and ethical education is helps to avoid negative attitude towards democratic
2. How do you feel lack of awareness of community for the development of democratic