Minimills Optimisation of EAF operating practice using iCSMelt An optimisation tool developed by CSM for the EAF has been implemented at Duferco La Louvière where in different configurations a reduction of close to 1% in total specific energy consumption and of 3.25% in specific electrical power consumption has been obtained depending on charge mix and optimisation strategies used. By P Frittella*, A Lucarelli*, B Poizot** & M Legrand** THE iCSMelt® – ‘Intelligent Care Steel Melting’ is a tool developed by Centro Sviluppo Materiali (CSM) of Italy with the aim of optimising EAF operating practices (OOP) in terms of selected objective functions (OF), such as power-on time, heat cost and energy consumption. The need to reduce energy consumption (and consequently specific CO2 emissions) as well as enhancing productivity are the main goals for today’s electric steelmakers. However the increase in the price of scrap forces steelmakers to use lower quality scrap or scrap substitutes to reduce production cost. Therefore attention must be put on reliability and flexibility of the process and on repeatability of performance in terms of yield, tap to tap time, energy consumption (both electrical and chemical), composition and temperature of the liquid steel at tapping. Recently several R&D projects[1–3] have focused on individual processes by monitoring and control through combinations of: – Hardware sensors, commercially available, for process monitoring (such as off-gas analyser, liquid bath temperature measurement, slag level, etc)[4–6]; – Software sensors for generating information not directly available from measurements (eg a metallurgical model to estimate slag and steel composition and temperature)[7–9]. However the definition of operating practices for steel production in the EAF is neces*Centro Sviluppo Materiali SpA, Italy, **Duferco La Louviere S.A., Belgium Panel temperature sary as target for each control system in use (yellow blocks in Fig 1). The iCSMelt tool has been developed by CSM coupling static mass and energy balance with an optimisation tool. This article describes the customisation of iCSMelt for the DC electric arc furnace at Duferco La Louvière (DLL) in Belgium and presents results of its application in the frame of the project ‘Control and optimisation of scrap charging strategies and melting operations to increase steel recycling ratio’ (CONOPT-SCRAP) which has been carried out with the help of a financial grant from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel of the European Community. The iCSMelt tool has the aim of obtaining optimised operating practices (OOP), starting from standard operating practices (SOP) in use on the specified EAF, following selected objective functions (OF). The iCSMelt tool includes different modules (Fig 2): – iCSMelt Process Model (iCSMelt-PM), the process simulator; – iCSMelt Calibrator (iCSMelt-Cal) the tool, based on Genetic Algorithm (GAs), for automatic tuning of calibration parameters of the iCSMelt-PM; – iCSMelt Optimiser (iCSMelt-Opt), the optimisation tool based on the GAs. In the specific case of Duferco La Louvière, the iCSMelt modules have been integrated with an on-line data acquisition system (DAS) and a process data analyser (iCSMelt-PDA), the plant data viewer and inputs generator for the process model. Presently the relevant data for each heat are recorded in a dedicated database that can be read by iCSMelt-PDA. iCSMelt Process Model The iCSMelt-PM can be classified as a pseudodynamic mass and energy balance. Each heat is represented by several charge baskets (two for DLL), each subdivided into several phases (four and six respectively for DLL), (Fig 3). The end of each phase is defined by a fixed level of a particular process parameters, or their combinations, following specific plant customisation. Each phase is divided in time steps (⌬t) for which static mass and energy bal- Off-gas: Electrical variables -Composition - Mass flow -Temperature Melting sensor Charge material mix recipes Electrode Burners Different options are available in iCSMelt-PM: By Plant Data: iCSMelt works using SOP acquired by iCSMelt-DAS and converted by iCSMelt-PDA in input for iCSMelt-PM. By Model Strategy: heat simulation is performed following a SOP defined by process engineer; two strategies for definition of end of phases are possible: – Technological strategy: phases end is granted by technological steps as in Fig 3; – Operator strategy: phases end is set by specific electrical energy consumption levels. End of simulation: defines the condition of termination of the simulation according to: – End Point Temperature: termination corresponds to desired steel target temperature. – Until Last Data: heat simulation terminates at the end of defined SOP. Free board model - energy model Dynamic evaluation of: - Bath T - Bath & slag comp. Carbon injectors Energy demand Static energy & Mass balance The output of the iCSMelt-PM simulation are: – Steel bath at tapping: temperature, composition, tapping weight; – Slag bath at tapping: temperature, composition, weight, basicity index (IB); – Off gas: temperature, flow rate, composition at IV hole and in the duct after Postcombustion; – Consumptions: electrical energy, methane, oxygen, carbon; – Energy Balance: energy inputs (electrical, natural gas, oxidations, post combustion) and energy outputs (losses by cooling water panels, by furnace bottom and by off-gases); and – Duration of each phases. Metallurgical model - slag & bath composition Harmonics Charge mix composition ance is calculated (Fig 4). Terms included are: – Material inputs and their energies (white in Fig 4): basket charge, EAF additions, previous heat residuals. – Process outputs (green): steel, slag and off gas. – Terms from the SOP managed/exchanged between iCSMelt-PM and iCSMelt-Opt (red): electrical voltage, current, total natural gas flow rate, total oxygen flow rate, total carbon flow rate. – Undesired/uncontrolled terms in input and output from the process (cyan). Optimisation tool Oxygen injection Post-Combustion injectors operating patterns for each individual heat Charge monitoring system Fluxes additions Process data (L1) Steel target T and bath composition (L2) Expert system (L3) Fig 1 Example of the global approach of EAF process management November/December 2009 – Steel Times International Fig 2 Architecture of iCSMelt environment Minimills Information Flux Start Plant geometry Charge mix Elaboration SOP Sett 1 EAF Total heat I Basket Sett 2 Tapping Boring Molten metall formation Sett 3 Main Melting Period Sett 4 % off I baskett Melting Sett 5 .. Basket Output Phases / Global EAF process model Boring Sett 6 Molten metall formation Sett 7 Main Melting Period Sett 8 Slag Foaming Sett 9 Totall Melting Sett 10 Tapping Aim e and d Composition off tapped steell and Weight Temperature d slag - Global Consumptions – Global Losses - Time Input Fig 5 Scheme of interaction between iCSMelt-Opt and iCSMelt-PM Fig 3 Flux of information in iCSMelt and evolution of calculations iCSMeltt Customization n Site On iCSMelt® iCSMelt® Calibratorr installation Process Data Analyzer Definition n off n parameters calibration iCSMelt® iCSMelt® Optimizer iCSMelt® iCSMelt® s Modell Process Heatt Data a Manual - Improved Operating Practice Electrical/Chemicall Parameters Automatic Optimized Operating Practice y Losses Energy Data a n Acquisition System OOP/IOP P Implementation EAF Technology Engineers Fig 6 General configuration of iCSMelt 0.8 k_O_Inj %FeO slag Weight K_O_Inj - Average = 0.76 - Std Dev = 0.043 K_O_Inj 35 30 0.7 25 0.6 0.5 20 0.4 15 0.3 10 0.2 5 0.1 0 50589 40 % FeO in slag, Slag Weight (ton) 1 0.9 50590 50591 50592 50593 50594 0 50595 Heat Fig 4 Mass and energy balance for iCSMelt Fig 7 Variability of K_O_Inj for Charge Mix 70 iCSMelt Optimiser iCSMelt-Calibrator iCSMelt-Opt is based on the GAs (Genetic Algorithms) method. The objective functions (variables yi ) are: – power on; – specific total cost; – specific electrode consumption; – specific coal powder consumption; – specific total energy consumption; and – specific electrical energy consumption. At each iteration of the optimisation process iCSMelt-Opt receives as input: – indications of phases to be optimised (Phase Optimised Selection); – range of variability of the SOP parameters for each phases (SOP Constraints); – mathematical parameters for the GAs management (GAs Management Parameters); – value reachable for specific targets of interest (heat aims). Calibration parameters are available in iCSMeltPM to reach the best fitness with process data at the end of the heat. Manual calibration is also possible. However data available in DAS also allows the automatic re-calibration of the parameters, treating a higher number of calibration data in a limited time, in case of changes of process management or the charge mix used. Terms of the Operating Practice (OP) managed by iCSMelt-Opt are: – electrical current intensity; – electric voltage; – total natural gas flow rate; – total oxygen flow rate; and – total injected carbon. These are depicted in Fig 5. iCSMelt-Opt evaluates results of proposed OP through the iCSMelt-PM. If the target is not reached the sub-module, named ‘GAs practices generator’, calculates a new OP to obtain better results with respect to the previous calculated simulation. The formula for The ‘End of Simulation/last data’ is used in a calibration procedure when model parameters are set to reach the target tapping temperature, while the ‘End of Simulation/End Point Temperature’ is used during the optimisation procedure when it is necessary to evaluate the duration of the heat to reach the tapping temperature target. Steel Times International – November/December 2009 Minimills Equation 1 Equation 2 The constraint regions are implemented as an extension of the target function evaluation: if the GAs practices generator builds a new OP that contains one or more variables that are outside of constraints, the output of the EAF model is forced to a very high value (equation 2). where: – V is the set of valid operating practice values; – uk is each of m specific component of OP. The optimisation process ends when convergence occurs or when the time limit of the procedure is reached. Since the aim of the optimiser is to find a good solution in a reasonable time, the control of genetics algorithms is included in the GAs practices generator. Two parameters, configurable by the user, allow the management of the GAs practices generator: 1) size of population 2) number of generations. Implementation at Duferco La Louvière The main characteristics of the EAF at Duferco La Louvière (DLL) are given in Table 1. Five main steps have been taken during the installation of iCSMelt at DLL. These correspond to the implementation of the main modules (Fig 6). Step 1 Acquisition: The iCSMelt tool has been integrated at DLL for data interchange with level 1 automation. As per today, EAF process signals corresponding to relevant heat data are recorded in a database, DAS, that can be read by the iCSMelt-PDA and transferred to iCSMelt. Bottom; 1 Roof; 9 specific oxygen consumption, without significant variation of specific electrical energy consumption and with a small decreasing of specific total energy consumption (–0.25%). IOP3 (Fig 10) has been defined with the scope of achieving a reduction of specific electrical energy consumption to respond at a lower production scenario. Therefore, the increase of power-on time is considered acceptable in a range of plus 5% with respect to DLL standards. The iCSMelt simulation shows a reduction of specific electrical energy consumption of -3.1%, and as expected, an increase in the power on time of+3.2% as indicated in Table 2. Step 5 Definition of Optimised Operating Practices (OOP): In the automatic definition of the OOP, to optimise the objective function (OF) selected by the process engineer, the modules iCSMelt-PM and iCSMelt-Opt are involved. At DLL, OOP has been generated for charge Menu 47 (OOP47) and subsequently the procedure has been adapted to the other two charging mix (OOP30 and OOP70). The target of OOP47 has been to minimise the total specific energy consumption. Simulation of OOP47 has achieved a reduction of 2.4% of specific total energy input (Fig 11, Table 3). Furthermore iCSMelt-Opt has been used to define OOP for charging mix 70 for other objectives functions: minimisation of specific coal consumption and minimisation of specific total cost. Step 4 Definition of Improved Operating Practice (IOP): in this step iCSMelt-PM is used alone as support to evaluate the effects of OP modifications. In particular at DLL two main optimisation scopes have been pursued: – IOP 2: reduction of specific carbon consumption, at least by 10%; – IOP 3: reduction of specific electrical energy consumption. Industrial test of iCSmelt at Duferco La Louvière Fig 9 shows the results of simulations performed at different levels of oxygen flow rate used to define IOP2 characterised by a reduction of 10% of the carbon flow rate and 2.5% of oxygen flow rate at each step with respect to the previous standard practice (SOP). The IOP2 gives a reduction of 9.97% in specific carbon consumption and 1.73% of Test with IOP3 Electrical Losses; 11 Energy Unbalance; Off Gas; 109 10 Lateral panels; 65 CH4 NmC Specific EE_Cons kWh/ton Diff%CinTapSteel/10 Specific Oxygen Nmc/ton 5.00 Electrical Energy; 312 Slag; 28 Burners; 53 Oxidations; 95 Steel; 393 Charge; 62 Post Combustion; 104 The new OPs obtained with iCSMelt for different charge mixes and different objective functions (minimising specific consumption of total energy, minimising specific total cost of the heat, minimising specific total coal consumption) have been tested at DLL. Two example are reported here. Starting from the total oxygen, natural gas and carbon calculated by iCSMelt for IOP3, the sets for each of the injectors have been obtained following the DLL indication. Comparison of data for heats with SOP and heats performed with IOP3 (Table 4) shows a 3.24% reduction of specific electrical energy P On Min Specific Tot En Cons.kWh/ton Spec C Cons. kg/ton Definition IOP Target Red Carbon Cons Reducing 10 % Flow of Carbon 20.00 4.00 15.00 3.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00 -5.00 -2.00 -10.00 -3.00 -15.00 -4.00 SOP 50594 - 10% C Flow - 10% C Flow - 10% O2 - 10% C Flow - 5% O2 Flow - 10% C Flow - 2.5% O2 -20.00 -5.00 Cases Fig 8 Typical energy balance at DLL evaluated by iCSMelt for charging mix 70 November/December 2009 – Steel Times International Fig 9 Results of simulation performed with modification of standard practice for the test case IOP2 Variation % - Sp C Cons, Sp O2 Cons, %C in Ste e l/1 0 where: – T is the target function value; – yi are main output of heat simulation for objective functions and steel melt composition; – yi* are quantities (n) of model output fixed for objective functions as aims of heat; – wi are weights of single model output fixed as objective function. Step 2 Calibration: The calibration parameters of iCSMelt-PM to obtain the best fitness with the results of real heats are defined for the EAF. Since the off-gas measurements are not available at DLL, typical values for EAF process are assumed. The charge mixes typically used at DLL are named ‘Menu 30’, ‘47’, and ‘70’. The definition of calibration parameters has been performed for homogeneous groups of heats. Fig 7 shows, as an example, the variability of the calibration parameter K_O_Inj, related to the efficiency of oxygen injection on the steel/slag bath, for charge mix 70. Moreover different calibration procedures have been performed to obtain a sensitivity analysis of the effect of the different calibration parameters to simulations results. Step 3 Simulation: the simulation of the heat by iCSMelt-PM. This step requires general inputs such as plant configuration data, different scrap grades in use (to be filled in the available data base) and a description of the heat phases in addition to a SOP. Criteria for phase transition has been customised based on specific process practices at DLL. In Fig 8, an example of energy balance for menu 70 is shown where: – Electrical energy is 55% of total energy input while chemical energy is 45%. – Energy to the steel/slag bath is 68% of total energy while 32% are energy losses. Variation % - SpEE, CH4, Power On, Sp Tot En the target function which results in minimisation is given in Equation 1. Minimills 2 Charge weight ton 96/98 Liquid steel capacity ton 110 Heat size ton 89/91 Shell diameter m 6800 Yield % 93 Electrode diameter mm 711 Active power MW 61 (ave.) Transformer MVA 99 Power on min 30/32 Max power MW 80 Power off (no delays) min 10/12 Tapping temperature ºC 1620 Tap to tap (no delays) min 40/44 Carbon content at tapping % 0.05 Electrical Energy kWh/ton 360–380 Number of buckets U 2 Electrode consumption Kg/ton 1.1–1.2 Average scrap yield % 93 Total Oxygen Nm3/ton 43–45 Total Gas natural Nm3/ton 5–6 30 Scraps % 90 Total Carbon Kg/ton Pig Iron % 10 Productivity max. ton/hour 130/140 SOP Difference % ºC 1657 1658 –0.1 Coal Consumption kg 1240 1318 –5.9 Nmc 558 589 –5.3 min 32 31 3.2 kWh/ton 316 326 –3.1 Total Energy In Input (EE+CH) kWh 66847 67449 –0.9 Electrical Energy Consumptions kWh 31131 32165 –3.2 Table 2 Schematic view of comparison between simulation of IOP3 and SOP by iCSMelt A test of the implementation of OOP47 has been made by DLL at heat 56293 with some adaptation for distributing iCSMelt total flow rates for each lance and having the proper balance of flows in various EAF zones. In particular, modifications were: – adjust the ratio between oxygen and gas flow rate in the step 3 of first basket; – in phases 5 and 6 of basket 2 the carbon flow rate was left at the same value as in step 4 In detail, simulation of the original OOP47 showed a reduction of 2.9% in total energy consumption corresponding to 2.4% in terms of total specific energy consumption. Using the adjusted OOP47 the reduction of total specific energy consumption results in a 1.2% reduction (Table 3). Heat 56293 performed with an adjusted OOP47 results with a reduction in total specific total energy consumption of 0.7% while the power-on time remained in the range of traditional DLL practice (33.5 minutes) and very close to the predicted 34.07 minutes. Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to Mrs E Malfa and Mr V Volponi, for 140 30 180 160 Gas Present SOP Gas New SOP Carbon New SOP IOP - Target Red EE Sp Cons Chem Param IOP VS SOP Basket 2 12000 120 10000 100 8000 80 6000 60 4000 40 2000 20 0 0 0 50 100 150 EEsp (kWh/ton) 200 250 Fig 10 Comparison between SOP and IOP3 for the electrical and chemical parameters Tension SOP Current SOP References Tension OOP47 Current OOP47 CH4 SOP Oxi SOP Carbon SOP Basket 1 120000 900 500 60000 400 300 40000 Current (A) 80000 Basket 1 200 180 7000 100000 700 600 CH4 OOP47 Oxi OOP47 Carbon OOP47 8000 800 [1] 9th European Electric Steelmaking Conference, 19-21 May 2008, Krakow, Poland [2] P Clerici et others, Innovation in EAF and Steelmaking Processes, Italy, Milan, 27-28 May 2009 [3] B Kleimt et others, 8th European Electric Steelmaking Conference, Birmingham 2005 [4] H D Goodfellow, M Pozzi, J Maiolo, AISTech Proceeding 2006 [5] BFI – Direct Optical measurement [6] J van Wky and others, Agellis group [7] A Di Donato et others, 2nd European Oxygen Steelmaking Congress, EOSC ‘97, Taranto, Italy, 13-14-15 October 1997 [8] P Nyssen et others, 7th EESC, Venice, Italy, 26-29 May 2009 [9] JG Bekker, IK Craig and PC Pistorius, ISIJ International, Vol 39, No 1, January 1999, pp 23-32 120 200 20000 100 160 6000 140 5000 120 100 4000 80 3000 60 2000 40 1000 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tension OOP47 Current OOP47 0 0 Phase Tension SOP Current SOP 20 0 4 Phase CH4 OOP47 Oxi OOP47 Carbon OOP47 5 6 Basket 2 14000 200 180 100000 12000 700 80000 500 60000 400 40000 300 3 120000 800 600 2 CH4 SOP Oxi SOP Carbon SOP Basket 2 900 1 Oxigen - CH4 (Nmc/h) Test with OOP47 100 Oxygen - CH4 and a 2.83% increase in power-on time, values very close to those estimated by iCSMelt in Table 2 (3.1% and 3.2% respectively). The decrease in natural gas and carbon consumption is also in line with the iCSMelt evaluation. 80 Current (A) Special Electrical Energy 60 Current (A) Power On 40 Tension (V) Methane Consumption 20 Specific electrical energy (kWh/ton) Tension (V) UM 50 40 Oxygen Present SOP Oxy New SOP Carbon Present Oxygen, Methane (Nmc/h) IOP3 Tapping Temperature 70 60 Tension (V) Parameter 90 80 0 Table 1 Main characteristics of EAF at Duferco La Louvière Comparison between heat simulation with IOP3 and SOP by iCSMelt 110 100 200 20000 Oxigen - CH4 (Nmc/h) Charges 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Carbon Flow Rate (kg/min) No 90 Definition IOP - Target Red. Sp EE Cons Electrical Param. IOP VS SOP - Basket 1 Carbon (kg/min) Carbon (kg/min) Scraps buckets ton kA_New_SOP Carbon (kg/min) Carbon (kg(min) EBT–DC Tapped steel V_New_SOP kA_Present_SOP Oxigen (Nmc/h) - CH4 (Nmc/h) Furnace type V_Present_SOP Current (kA) Operation Data Tension (V) General Data 160 10000 140 120 8000 100 6000 80 60 4000 40 2000 100 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Phase 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 Phase 4 5 6 Fig 11 Comparison between SOP used and OOP47 defined Power on min Electrical Energy kWh Average of heat values for heats with SOP 0:31:09 33963 3935 591 1248 Average of heat values for heats with IOP3 0:32:02 32856 3868 591 1055 Differences of heats values with IOP3 vs SOP 0:00:53 –3.26% –1.69% –0.05% –15.48% Test of Implementation of “OOP47” to DLL EAF Specific differences of heat values with IOP3 vs SOP (kWh/ton) Oxygen Nm3 Methane Nm3 Carbon kg –3.24% Table 4 Comparison between heat data with actual standard operation (SOP) and that predicted by IOP3 their useful collaboration in preparing this paper. Test of Implementation of “OOP47” to DLL EAF Power on min Electrical Energy kWh Methane Oxygen Carbon Nm3 Nm3 kg Sp. Total Energy in Input kWh/ton “SOP” iCSMelt simulation 32.0 31223 567 4292 1231 628 “OOP47 modified” Simulation results 43.0 34987 356 3625 1085 621 33.5 35300 337 3663 1085 simulated by iCSMelt Difference VS SOP Heat results after application of “OOP47 modified” Heat values Difference VS SOP –1.2% 624 –0.7% Contact Centro Sviluppo Materiali SpA, Via di Castel Romano, 100-00128 Rome - Italy - P.IVA 00903541001 Tel. +39 06 50551 Fax. +39 06 5050250 Web. Table 3 Comparison between ‘SOP’, ‘OOP47’, ‘OOP47 adjusted’ simulated and heat results Steel Times International – November/December 2009