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Monopoly & Deadweight Loss: Economics Lecture Notes

Case 1: Upward slopping MC curve
Pm= Price charged by the monopolist
Qm= Quantity produced under monopoly
Qc= Quantity produced under perfect competition
MC(m)= MC for the monopolistâž” MC@ Qm
CS(under monopoly)= area under the demand curve, above the price (Pm) to the left of quantity
supplied (Qm).
PS(under monopoly)= area above the supply curve( MC curve), under the price (Pm) to the left
of the quantity supplied (Qm).
DWL caused by the monopoly= area between Qc and Qm, under the demand curve and above
the Supply curve (MC curve).
Dead weight loss caused by the monopoly = [(Pm-MC(m))* (Qc-Qm)]*1/2
Case 2: Flat MC curve
In this case, since the MC curve is a horizontal line, the MC(m) is equal to the Price charged under
perfect competition.
CS(under monopoly)= red area
PS(under monopoly= blue area
DWL caused by the monopoly= orange area