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Automatic Hydraulic Jack Research Paper

© June 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002 IJIRT 144634 INTERNATIONAL
JACK R. Sudarsan1 , Salin Sasankan2 and P. Nicholas Niranjan3 1,2,3 Student, Mechanical
Department, GCEM, Karnataka, India. Abstract—There are many types of jacks available in the
market to lift an automobile to access the underbelly of the vehicle. However these jacks are too
huge to carry around or require the vehicle to be taken to some garage. The dependency of an
individual on garage or other services increases. During emergencies or in places where the
probability of finding a service station is very low such as hilly regions, rural areas, forest areas
and etc, it becomes extremely hard to replace a punctured tire or temporarily fix a broken axle on
one’s own. The time taken for a support system to reach is tiresome. The service provided in high
demand areas such as hilly regions or forests is also expensive. This project focuses on helping
individuals to change a punctured tire. As most of the civilians out there are not trained to place
a mechanical jack properly and lift a car, this project helps them to lift the vehicle in a push of a
button.This incorporated hydraulic jack helps the user to be self dependent. Index Terms—
Automation, hydraulic jack, automobile, jacks. I. INTRODUCTION The term Hydraulic stands for
operations performed using fluid. The selection of a fluid depends upon the purpose of use. This
project is focused on lifting the automobile to a distance enough to change the tires easily. The
project consists of a hydraulic system, power pack unit, actuators, valves and a reservoir tank.
The hydraulic system is incorporated in the automobile itself. It is connected to the reservoir tank
using pressure lines. The reservoir tank holds the viscous oil which flows to the hydraulic system
when it is actuated. The incorporated hydraulic jack reduces the dependency on service stations
to help us in changing tires during an event of puncture. The system is very compact and fit in the
chassis itself. The pistons protrude upon activation and help lift the automobile over the ground
level. The maximum weight of the complete system i around 15kgs and pose a threat to the
mileage of the automobile. This may look like a disadvantage but it helps us to save valuable time
and makes one self dependent. The system lets the user to handle the situation himself and thus
giving them a sense of satisfaction and oneness with their automobile. This system is also helpful
to elder people and specially challenged person who can lift the automobile using this system and
easily remove the damaged tire with help of a passerby. This project does not add excessively to
the total cost of the automobile compared to the advantages it provides II. LITRATURE REVIEW
2.1 Background Systematic literature review of Automatic hydraulic jack: Automatic hydraulic jack
for automobile. 2.2 Methods  Searched from the following terms: a. Jacks available in the
market, b. Different hydraulic jacks, c. Automatic hydraulic jack.  Limited literature review to: a.
4 wheelers b. Car type Sedan c. Published in English language  Not including articles unrelated
to hydraulic jacks.  Yielded 2 unique results for in depth review (all studies). 2.3 Results 
Automatic hydraulic jack for automobiles: a. Design done in NX CAD b. There is no imbalance in
the vehicle due to the system. c. No hindrance in the road clearance. 2.4 Mechanism: This project
consists of hydraulic cylinders fit into the vehicle chassis. The oil piping run through the chassis
itself to the reservoirs and the oil pump. The power source for the pump to give force to oil is taken
from the automobile battery itself. The system is actuated by pressing the button on the
dashboard. When the © June 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002 IJIRT 144625
pressed the power source from battery is given to run the pump. The driver needs to operate the
vehicle by bringing it to neutral gear and accelerating the vehicle gradually. The engine runs and
charges the batter which in turn runs the pump at a constant speed. The oil is sucked by the pump
from the reservoir and channelled into the pressure lines at 5lpm. This flow is directed to the
cylinder and piston setup. The pressure builds as the oil accumulates in the cylinders. Once
minimum pressure has been reached, further accumulation of oil starts to push the piston
outwards. This piston goes downwards and pushes the vehicle upwards after it contacts the
ground. This setup can be converted as individual actuation mechanism or over all actuation
mechanism. In overall actuation the oil flows to all the 4 cylinders present at each wheel. The time
and energy taken to actuate all the 4 cylinders is higher than the time taken to actuate particular
cylinder individually. Once the vehicle is lifted to the desired level the pump is shut down. The
valves present help in holding the pressure in the cylinders. After the tires are replaced the engine
is started. This time the rotation of pump is reversed using an idle gear mechanism and oil flow is
reversed. The oil from the cylinders flows back to the reservoir through the pump. The engine is
shut off after complete retraction of the pistons. The process is completed now. III. PROCEDURE
The setup has 4 cylinder- pistons setup with sealants, pressure oil piping, a 5lpm oil pump, a
reservoir to store the oil for hydraulic actuation. The energy required by the pump to run at
constant rpm is produced by the automobile battery. The automobile is made to run at Neutral
gear to supply power to the battery through dynamo. This power is utilised by the pump for the
actuation of the hydraulic systems. The time required for the piston to lift the automobile depends
upon the ground clearance provided by the manufacturer of the automobile. Considering ALTO
800 as an example, it has a ground clearance of about 160mm. The distance travelled by the
piston from the chassis level is equal to 160mm. The full loaded velocity of 1m/sec. Then the total
time taken will be 16secs. The total operation will be under 1minute and may vary depending on
the load put on the vehicle. Fig-1: The jack point provided in sedan class car 3.1 Advantages The
system is compact; the moving parts of this system are cooled by the oil used itself. Thus this
project does not require any cooling arrangements. Manual power not required & repairing and
replacement of parts is easy. There is no requirement of manual labour other than for changing
the tyre. Fig-2: The distance present above the jack point and into the automobile shell that is
hollow. © June 2017 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002 IJIRT 144625
design showing the placement of cylinderpistons in the chassis shown in red. Fig-4: The enlarged
section sowing the cylinder-piston with inlet cum outlet port for oil. Fig-5: A bent jack point due to
misplaced jack IV. CONCLUSION This paper concludes that automatic hydraulic jack is an
additional benefit to the automobile as it reduces the dependency of the owner on external support
system. It also helps the elderly men and women, female drivers, and etc, the project does not
hinder with the stability of the vehicle or defer the performance of the engine.
AKNOWLEDGEMENTS The design concept for Automatic hydraulic jack was initiated during
watching the working of a bull dozer. The bull dozer uses the hind hydraulic systems to lift the
rear wheels in order to avoid excess load falling on them during operations. This idea helps people
https://www.google.com/patents/US2449296 [ 2 ] https://www.google.com/patents/US2194594 [
3 ] 2017 IJEDR | Volume 5, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321- 9939 [ 4 ] International Journal Of Scientific &
Technology Research Volume 5, Issue 08, August 2016 Biographies Student, R. Sudarsan
Mechanical Department,pursuing B.E Gopalan College of Engineering and Management,
Karnataka, India. Student, Salin Sasankan, Mechanical Department,pursuing B.E in Gopalan
College of Engineering and Management, Karnataka, India Student, P. Nicholas Niranjan
MechanicalDepartment,pursuing B.E Gopalan College of Engineering and Management,
Karnataka, India