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Chapter 038 Activity and Exercie

Chapter 38
Activity and Exercise
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 Physical
Elevates mood and attitude.
Enables physical fitness.
Helps one to quit smoking and stay
Boosts energy levels.
Helps in the management of stress.
Promotes a better quality of sleep.
Improves self-image and self-confidence.
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Scientific Knowledge Base
 Nature
of movement
Body mechanics
 Alignment
Body alignment
 Gravity
and balance
and friction
Unsteady patients fall if their center of
gravity becomes unbalanced
Friction is a force that occurs in a direction
to oppose movement.
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Case Study (1 of 7)
Mr. Indelicato is a 72-year-old AfricanAmerican who is hospitalized for surgery on his
right knee. He relates the problem with his
knee to previous sports injuries. He first sought
medical advice and treatment 6 years ago.
He has tried various treatments, including
physical therapy, rest, and pain medication.
His only preoperative medication is ibuprofen
600 mg every 6 to 8 hours. He and his wife are
very active.
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Case Study (2 of 7)
Marilyn Sweeney is a 40-year-old nursing
student. She has just finished rotating through
a general surgical unit and is spending the
remaining 6 weeks in the
orthopedic/rehabilitation division of the
agency. Her assignment is to follow Mr.
Indelicato through his surgery and
As Marilyn prepares to assess Mr. Indelicato,
she reviews musculoskeletal anatomy and
physiology and exercise physiology.
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Regulation of Movement
 Skeletal
Ligaments, tendons, and cartilage
 Skeletal
Muscles concerned with movement
Muscles concerned with posture
 Nervous
Balance and alignment
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Activity and Exercise
Physical activity (PA) is any movement
produced by skeletal muscles that results in
energy expenditure.
Physical exercise is a subset of PA that is
planned, structured, and repetitive and has a
final or an intermediate objective, such as the
improvement or maintenance of physical
Active lifestyle
Resistive isometric exercise
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Principles for Transfer and
Pathological influences on body alignment,
mobility, and activity
Using the principles of balance and alignment
aids in safe patient transfer and positioning
during routine care activities
Congenital defects
Disorders of bones, joints, and muscles
Central nervous system damage
Musculoskeletal trauma
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Nursing Knowledge Base
 Safe
patient handling and mobility (SPHM)
Involves improved assessment, the use of
mechanical equipment, and safety
procedures to lift and move patients
SPHM programs
The use of SPHM techniques is a standard
for best practices in the moving, handling,
and transfer of patients.
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Factors Influencing Activity
and Exercise (1 of 2)
 Developmental
Infants through school-age children
Young to middle-age adults
Older adults
 Behavioral
Patients are more likely to incorporate an
exercise program if those around them are
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Factors Influencing Activity
and Exercise (2 of 2)
 Cultural
 Environmental issues
Work site
 Family
and social support
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Critical Thinking
 Successful
critical thinking
Requires a synthesis of knowledge, experience,
information gathered from patients, critical thinking
attitudes, and intellectual and professional standards
Consider the relationship among a variety of
concepts to provide the best outcome for your
 Professional
standards provide valuable guidelines
for exercise and physical fitness.
 Encouragement, support, commitment, and
perseverance are important critical thinking
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Nursing Process: Assessment (1
of 2)
 Must
be comprehensive, considering:
Physical condition
Activity history
Socioeconomic resources
Readiness to exercise
 Consider
normal physiological growth
 Observe posture
 Use critical thinking
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Nursing Process: Assessment (2
of 2)
Through the patient’s eyes
Readiness to exercise
Socioeconomic factors
Physical health
Body alignment
 Range of motion
 Gait
 Exercise
Activity tolerance
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Case Study (3 of 7)
Mr. Indelicato is hesitant to ambulate or use
his continuous positive motion machine. He
rates his pain as 6-7 on a scale of 0 to 10 and
is using a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
His degree of knee flexion is now 70 degrees.
He can ambulate 10 feet with a walker. He
describes the muscle in his right leg as feeling
weak and tired after walking a short distance.
Marilyn observes Mr. Indelicato using the
walker incorrectly.
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Nursing Diagnosis
 Activity
 Risk for injury
 Impaired mobility in bed
 Impaired mobility
 Acute or chronic pain
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 Goals
and outcomes
Goal: improve or maintain the patient’s motor
function and independence
 Setting
Take into account the patient’s most immediate
 Teamwork
and collaboration
Physical and occupational therapists
Discharge planning
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Case Study (4 of 7)
Mr. Indelicato will attain a tolerable level of pain
during ambulation.
Mr. Indelicato will gain optimal functioning of the
right knee with independent, purposeful movement.
Mr. Indelicato’s pain will be a 2 to 3 on a scale of 0 to 10
during ambulation.
Mr. Indelicato will ambulate 50 to 75 feet with the aid of
a walker without reports of increasing fatigue.
Mr. Indelicato will gain a minimum of 90-degree flexion in
the right knee by the time of discharge.
Mr. Indelicato will demonstrate proper use of a
walker while ambulating.
Mr. Indelicato will perform a return demonstration of
proper use of a walker.
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Implementation (1 of 3)
Health promotion
Use patient-centered approach
Teach patients to calculate maximum heart
Body mechanics
Acute care
Early mobility
Isometric exercises
Range of motion exercises
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Quick Quiz 1
1. A patient with a long history of arthritis complains
of sensitivity and warmth in the knees. To
determine the degree of limitation, the nurse
should assess:
A. posture.
B. activity tolerance.
C. body mechanics.
D. range of joint motion.
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Implementation (2 of 3)
Helping a patient walk
Assess patient’s ability to walk safely
Evaluate environment for safety
Assist patient to sitting position, dangle patient’s
legs over the side of the bed 1 to 2 minutes
before standing
Provide support at the waist so the patient’s center
of gravity remains midline (gait belt)
Restorative and continuing care
Implement strategies to assist patient with ADLs
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Implementation (3 of 3)
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Case Study (5 of 7)
Marilyn wants to help Mr. Indelicato with
ambulation and strength training. To
implement her plan of care, she:
Encourages Mr. Indelicato to use a PCA pump
before ambulation.
Explains why he should sit in bed and dangle his
legs before standing to ambulate.
Establishes realistic increments for Mr. Indelicato
to increase walking distance during ambulation.
Talks with him about exercise tolerance.
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Case Study (6 of 7)
 As
part of the teaching process, Marilyn
consults with a physical therapist on
proper use of the walker. She and the
physical therapist instruct Mr. Indelicato
and family caregivers on the proper use
of a walker, and Marilyn provides written
material that reinforces these verbal
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Assistive Devices for Walking
 Walkers
 Canes
 Crutches
 Measuring
 Crutch
 Ascend and
descend stairs
 Sitting in a chair
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Crutch Gait
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Restoration of Activity and
Chronic Illness
 Coronary
 Hypertension
 Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
 Diabetes mellitus
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 Through
Are the patient’s expectations being met?
 Patient
the patient’s eyes
Make comparisons with baseline measures
Consider standards for physical activity performance
Compare actual outcomes with expected outcomes.
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Case Study (7 of 7)
Marilyn evaluates how effective her plan of
care has been. She asks Mr. Indelicato to rate
his level of pain from 0 to 10, observes his
range of motion and use of the continuous
passive motion (CPM) machine, and observes
his ambulation with a walker.
Mr. Indelicato rates his pain as a 3 and is able
to perform range of motion (ROM) exercises
and use the CPM machine. He has a steady
gait with the aid of the walker.
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Safety Guidelines for Nursing
Know patient’s level of mobility
Assess patient’s risks for activity intolerance
Mentally review transfer steps before
Stand on unaffected side
Determine transfer equipment needed
Raise bed’s side rail on opposite side
Arrange equipment
Evaluate for correct body alignment
Understand equipment before starting
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