Operation Manual XSEL MSEL SSEL ASEL PSEL Twenty Sixth Edition TT TTA SCON-C E-Con RCS-C Please Read Before Use Thank you for purchasing our product. This Operation Manual explains the handling methods, structure and maintenance of this product, among others, providing the information you need to know to use the product safely. Before using the product, be sure to read this manual and fully understand the contents explained herein to ensure safe use of the product. The DVD that comes with the product contains operation manuals for IAI products. When using the product, refer to the necessary portions of the applicable operation manual by printing them out or displaying them on a PC. After reading the Operation Manual, keep it in a convenient place so that whoever is handling this product can reference it quickly when necessary. [Important] This Operation Manual is original. The product cannot be operated in any way unless expressly specified in this Operation Manual. IAI shall assume no responsibility for the outcome of any operation not specified herein. Information contained in this Operation Manual is subject to change without notice for the purpose of product improvement. If you have any question or comment regarding the content of this manual, please contact the IAI sales office near you. Using or copying all or part of this Operation Manual without permission is prohibited. The company names, names of products and trademarks of each company shown in the sentences are registered trademarks. Caution: The following functions are described in the separate operation manual. Title of operation manual/Overview Control number CC-Link Operation Manual 1 Refer to this operation manual if you are using an ACON, DCON, PCON or SCON (excluding SCON-C) controller(s). ME0254 Table of Contents Safety Guide ··································································································· 1 1. Overview ··································································································· 8 2. Interface Specifications ················································································ 9 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX······································································ 10 3.1 Remote device station············································································ 10 3.1.1 Models ··························································································· 10 (1) Compact type (J type) ········································································ 11 (2) General type (K type)········································································· 12 (3) P/Q type··························································································13 3.1.2 CC-Link board ·················································································· 14 (1) Names of each part ···········································································14 (2) Rotary switches ················································································15 (3) Display of monitor LEDs ····································································· 16 3.1.3 Setting of I/O parameters (assignment of I/O ports) ··································· 17 (1) Board installation positions (slots) and parameter numbers ························· 17 (2) Factory-configured parameters (standard setting)······································ 19 (3) Factory-configured parameters of P/Q type·············································· 20 3.1.4 J/K type controller parameter setting examples········································· 22 (1) CC-Link connection of standard I/O ports ················································ 22 (2) Combined use of CC-Link board and I/O board········································· 24 3.1.5 P/Q type controller setting examples ······················································ 28 (1) Setting examples when only CC-Link is used ··········································· 28 (2) Setting examples when CC-Link board and I/O board are used in combination 31 3.1.6 XSEL I/O port numbers ······································································· 37 3.1.7 Correspondence between XSEL I/O port number and PLC address ·············· 38 (1) When the number of I/O points is set to 96 or less: ···································· 38 (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: ············ 38 (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 256 or less: ············ 39 3.1.8 Data in remote registers ······································································ 40 (1) XSEL remote I/O areas and remote register areas····································· 40 (2) Transmission and receipt of signals in remote I/O areas ····························· 41 (3) Transmission and receipt of signals in remote register areas ······················· 42 3.1.9 CSP file ··························································································· 47 3.2 Remote I/O station ················································································· 48 3.2.1 Models ···························································································· 48 3.2.2 CC-Link board ··············································································· 51 (1) Names of each part ······································································· 51 (2) Rotary switches ············································································ 52 (3) Display of monitor LEDs ································································· 53 3.2.3 Setting of I/O parameters (assignment ofI/O ports) ······························· 54 (1) Board installation positions (slots) and parameter numbers ···················· 54 (2) Factory-configured parameters ························································· 55 (3) CC-Link connection withstandard I/Oports ·········································· 56 (4) General I/O connectionof CC-Link boards············································ 59 (5) XSEL I/O port numbers ·································································· 61 3.3 Troubleshooting ···················································································· 63 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD······················································ 64 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Model (not set) ····················································································· 64 CC-Link Interface ·················································································· 64 Parameter Settings ················································································ 65 Setting example ···················································································· 69 (1) Example for when using only CC-Link ··············································· 69 (2) Example for when using CC-Link and I/O Board 1 together ···················· 72 (3) Example for when using CC-Link and I/O Board 1 together ···················· 75 4.5 Standard I/O Ports of XSEL Controller ······················································· 78 4.6 How to Handle XSEL I/O Port Numbers and PLC Addresses ·························· 79 (1) In the case that the I/O Point Setting is up to 96 points ······························79 (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less ······· 79 (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 256 or less ······· 80 (4) Assignment of System Area Signals ·················································· 81 4.7 Troubleshooting···················································································· 84 5. MSEL ··········································································································· 87 5.1 Models ································································································ 87 5.2 CC-Link Interfacer················································································· 88 (1) Communication Connector ····························································· 88 (2) Status LED indications ··································································· 88 5.3 Parameter Settings ··············································································· 89 5.4 Setting Example ··················································································· 92 (1) Example for when using only CC-Link (I/O2) ······································· 92 (2) Example for when using CC-Link and I/O Board 1 together ···················· 94 5.5 I/O Ports of the MSEL ············································································ 96 5.6 How to Handle MSEL I/O Port Numbers and PLC Addresses ························· 98 (1) In the case that the I/O Point Setting is up to 96 points (No. of Occupied Stations: One Station) ············································· 98 (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less (two stations are occupied) ······························································ 98 (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 240 or less (three stations are occupied) ···························································· 99 (4) Assignment of System Domain Signals ·············································· 99 5.7 Troubleshooting ···················································································101 6. Tabletop Robot TTA··························································································103 6.1 Models ·································································································103 6.2 CC-Link Interface··················································································· 104 (1) Name of Each Part ·········································································104 (2) Monitor LED indications··································································· 104 6.3 Parameter Settings ················································································ 105 6.4 Setting Example ··················································································· 109 (1) Example for when using only CC-Link (I/O2) ········································ 109 (2) Example for when using CC-Link and I/O Board 1 together ····················· 111 (3) Example for when using CC-Link (I/O2 and I/O3) together ····················· 113 6.5 I/O Ports of the TTA ················································································115 6.6 How to Handle TTA I/O Port Numbers and PLC Addresses····························· 117 (1) In the case that the I/O Point Setting is up to 96 points (No. of Occupied Stations: One Station) ··············································117 (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less (two stations are occupied) ·······························································117 (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 240 or less (three stations are occupied)······························································118 (4) Assignment of System Domain Signals················································118 6.7 Troubleshooting ·····················································································120 7. Tabletop Robot TT····························································································122 7.1 Models ·································································································122 7.2 CC-Link board ······················································································ 123 (1) Names of each part ·······································································123 (2) Rotary switches ············································································ 124 (3) Display of monitor LEDs ·································································· 125 7.3 Setting of I/O parameters (assignment of I/O ports) ·······································126 (1) Board installation positions (slots) and parameter numbers ·····················126 (2) Factory-configured parameters of TT type ···········································127 (3) Parameter setting examples of tabletop robot TT ··································128 7.4 I/O port numbers of TT ············································································130 7.5 Correspondence between I/O port numbers and PLC addresses of TT ·············131 (1) When the number of I/O points is set to 96 or less: ································131 (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: ········131 (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 256 or less:········132 7.6 Data in remote registers ··········································································133 (1) TT remote I/O areas andremote register areas ····································· 133 (2) Transmission and receipt of signals in remoteI/O areas ························· 134 (3) Transmission and receipt of signals in remote register areas ·················· 135 7.7 CSP file································································································140 7.8 Troubleshooting ·····················································································141 8. RCS-C and E-Con····························································································142 8.1 Models ·································································································142 (1) RCS-C·························································································142 (2) E-Con··························································································142 8.2 CC-Link interface ···················································································143 (1) Names of each part ········································································143 (2) Rotary switches ·············································································144 (3) Display of monitor LEDs ··································································145 8.3 Input and Output (I/O) ·············································································146 (1) RCS-C signal assignment ································································146 (2) E-Con signal assignment ·································································147 8.4 Troubleshooting ·····················································································149 9. SCON-C ········································································································150 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Models ·································································································150 CC-Link interface ···················································································151 I/O signal assignment··············································································154 CC-Link address assignation ····································································156 Troubleshooting ·····················································································158 10. ASEL , PSEL , SSEL ························································································159 10.1 Model No.·····························································································159 10.1.1 ASEL, PSEL ··················································································159 10.1.2 SSEL····························································································160 10.2 CC-Link Interface ·················································································· 161 (1) Names of the Parts········································································ 161 (2) Status LED Indication······································································161 10.3 I/O Parameter Setting ············································································ 162 10.4 I/O Port Nos. and Corresponding PLC Addresses ········································ 165 10.5 Troubleshooting··················································································· 173 11. Communications with Master station ·····································································175 11.1 Remote I/O····························································································175 11.2 Remote register ·····················································································176 (1) Master station ← XSEL (Remote device station)····································176 (2) Master station → XSEL (Remote device station)····································177 12. Common Items and Others ·················································································179 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Communications cable ··········································································· 179 Connection of communications cable connector ·········································· 179 Terminators··························································································179 Useful functions for XSEL controller adjustment ··········································180 CSP + File ···························································································180 Change History····································································································· 181 CC-Link and GX Configurator-CC are trademarks of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Corporate and products names in the textare trade names or trademarks of each company. Safety Guide “Safety Guide” has been written to use the machine safely and so prevent personal injury or property damage beforehand. Make sure to read it before the operation of this product. Safety Precautions for Our Products The common safety precautions for the use of any of our robots in each operation. No. 1 Operation Description Model Selection Description ● This product has not been planned and designed for the application where high level of safety is required, so the guarantee of the protection of human life is impossible. Accordingly, do not use it in any of the following applications. 1) Medical equipment used to maintain, control or otherwise affect human life or physical health. 2) Mechanisms and machinery designed for the purpose of moving or transporting people (For vehicle, railway facility or air navigation facility) 3) Important safety parts of machinery (Safety device, etc.) ● Do not use the product outside the specifications. Failure to do so may considerably shorten the life of the product. ● Do not use it in any of the following environments. 1) Location where there is any inflammable gas, inflammable object or explosive 2) Place with potential exposure to radiation 3) Location with the ambient temperature or relative humidity exceeding the specification range 4) Location where radiant heat is added from direct sunlight or other large heat source 5) Location where condensation occurs due to abrupt temperature changes 6) Location where there is any corrosive gas (sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid) 7) Location exposed to significant amount of dust, salt or iron powder 8) Location subject to direct vibration or impact ● For an actuator used in vertical orientation, select a model which is equipped with a brake. If selecting a model with no brake, the moving part may drop when the power is turned OFF and may cause an accident such as an injury or damage on the work piece. 1 No. 2 2 Operation Description Transportation 3 Storage and Preservation 4 Installation and Start Description ● When carrying a heavy object, do the work with two or more persons or utilize equipment such as crane. ● When the work is carried out with 2 or more persons, make it clear who is to be the leader and who to be the follower(s) and communicate well with each other to ensure the safety of the workers. ● When in transportation, consider well about the positions to hold, weight and weight balance and pay special attention to the carried object so it would not get hit or dropped. ● Transport it using an appropriate transportation measure. The actuators available for transportation with a crane have eyebolts attached or there are tapped holes to attach bolts. Follow the instructions in the operation manual for each model. ● Do not step or sit on the package. ● Do not put any heavy thing that can deform the package, on it. ● When using a crane capable of 1t or more of weight, have an operator who has qualifications for crane operation and sling work. ● When using a crane or equivalent equipments, make sure not to hang a load that weighs more than the equipment’s capability limit. ● Use a hook that is suitable for the load. Consider the safety factor of the hook in such factors as shear strength. ● Do not get on the load that is hung on a crane. ● Do not leave a load hung up with a crane. ● Do not stand under the load that is hung up with a crane. ● The storage and preservation environment conforms to the installation environment. However, especially give consideration to the prevention of condensation. ● Store the products with a consideration not to fall them over or drop due to an act of God such as earthquake. (1) Installation of Robot Main Body and Controller, etc. ● Make sure to securely hold and fix the product (including the work part). A fall, drop or abnormal motion of the product may cause a damage or injury. Also, be equipped for a fall-over or drop due to an act of God such as earthquake. ● Do not get on or put anything on the product. Failure to do so may cause an accidental fall, injury or damage to the product due to a drop of anything, malfunction of the product, performance degradation, or shortening of its life. ● When using the product in any of the places specified below, provide a sufficient shield. 1) Location where electric noise is generated 2) Location where high electrical or magnetic field is present 3) Location with the mains or power lines passing nearby 4) Location where the product may come in contact with water, oil or chemical droplets No. 4 Operation Description Installation and Start Description (2) Cable Wiring ● Use our company’s genuine cables for connecting between the actuator and controller, and for the teaching tool. ● Do not scratch on the cable. Do not bend it forcibly. Do not pull it. Do not coil it around. Do not insert it. Do not put any heavy thing on it. Failure to do so may cause a fire, electric shock or malfunction due to leakage or continuity error. ● Perform the wiring for the product, after turning OFF the power to the unit, so that there is no wiring error. ● When the direct current power (+24V) is connected, take the great care of the directions of positive and negative poles. If the connection direction is not correct, it might cause a fire, product breakdown or malfunction. ● Connect the cable connector securely so that there is no disconnection or looseness. Failure to do so may cause a fire, electric shock or malfunction of the product. ● Never cut and/or reconnect the cables supplied with the product for the purpose of extending or shortening the cable length. Failure to do so may cause the product to malfunction or cause fire. (3) Grounding ● The grounding operation should be performed to prevent an electric shock or electrostatic charge, enhance the noise-resistance ability and control the unnecessary electromagnetic radiation. ● For the ground terminal on the AC power cable of the controller and the grounding plate in the control panel, make sure to use a twisted pair cable with wire thickness 0.5mm2 (AWG20 or equivalent) or more for grounding work. For security grounding, it is necessary to select an appropriate wire thickness suitable for the load. Perform wiring that satisfies the specifications (electrical equipment technical standards). ● Perform Class D Grounding (former Class 3 Grounding with ground resistance 100Ω or below). 3 No. 4 5 4 Operation Description Installation and Start Teaching Description (4) Safety Measures ● When the work is carried out with 2 or more persons, make it clear who is to be the leader and who to be the follower(s) and communicate well with each other to ensure the safety of the workers. ● When the product is under operation or in the ready mode, take the safety measures (such as the installation of safety and protection fence) so that nobody can enter the area within the robot’s movable range. When the robot under operation is touched, it may result in death or serious injury. ● Make sure to install the emergency stop circuit so that the unit can be stopped immediately in an emergency during the unit operation. ● Take the safety measure not to start up the unit only with the power turning ON. Failure to do so may start up the machine suddenly and cause an injury or damage to the product. ● Take the safety measure not to start up the machine only with the emergency stop cancellation or recovery after the power failure. Failure to do so may result in an electric shock or injury due to unexpected power input. ● When the installation or adjustment operation is to be performed, give clear warnings such as “Under Operation; Do not turn ON the power!” etc. Sudden power input may cause an electric shock or injury. ● Take the measure so that the work part is not dropped in power failure or emergency stop. ● Wear protection gloves, goggle or safety shoes, as necessary, to secure safety. ● Do not insert a finger or object in the openings in the product. Failure to do so may cause an injury, electric shock, damage to the product or fire. ● When releasing the brake on a vertically oriented actuator, exercise precaution not to pinch your hand or damage the work parts with the actuator dropped by gravity. ● When the work is carried out with 2 or more persons, make it clear who is to be the leader and who to be the follower(s) and communicate well with each other to ensure the safety of the workers. ● Perform the teaching operation from outside the safety protection fence, if possible. In the case that the operation is to be performed unavoidably inside the safety protection fence, prepare the “Stipulations for the Operation” and make sure that all the workers acknowledge and understand them well. ● When the operation is to be performed inside the safety protection fence, the worker should have an emergency stop switch at hand with him so that the unit can be stopped any time in an emergency. ● When the operation is to be performed inside the safety protection fence, in addition to the workers, arrange a watchman so that the machine can be stopped any time in an emergency. Also, keep watch on the operation so that any third person can not operate the switches carelessly. ● Place a sign “Under Operation” at the position easy to see. ● When releasing the brake on a vertically oriented actuator, exercise precaution not to pinch your hand or damage the work parts with the actuator dropped by gravity. * Safety protection Fence : In the case that there is no safety protection fence, the movable range should be indicated. No. 6 7 Operation Description Trial Operation Automatic Operation Description ● When the work is carried out with 2 or more persons, make it clear who is to be the leader and who to be the follower(s) and communicate well with each other to ensure the safety of the workers. ● After the teaching or programming operation, perform the check operation one step by one step and then shift to the automatic operation. ● When the check operation is to be performed inside the safety protection fence, perform the check operation using the previously specified work procedure like the teaching operation. ● Make sure to perform the programmed operation check at the safety speed. Failure to do so may result in an accident due to unexpected motion caused by a program error, etc. ● Do not touch the terminal block or any of the various setting switches in the power ON mode. Failure to do so may result in an electric shock or malfunction. ● Check before starting the automatic operation or rebooting after operation stop that there is nobody in the safety protection fence. ● Before starting automatic operation, make sure that all peripheral equipment is in an automatic-operation-ready state and there is no alarm indication. ● Make sure to operate automatic operation start from outside of the safety protection fence. ● In the case that there is any abnormal heating, smoke, offensive smell, or abnormal noise in the product, immediately stop the machine and turn OFF the power switch. Failure to do so may result in a fire or damage to the product. ● When a power failure occurs, turn OFF the power switch. Failure to do so may cause an injury or damage to the product, due to a sudden motion of the product in the recovery operation from the power failure. 5 No. 8 9 6 Operation Description Maintenance and Inspection 10 Modification and Dismantle Disposal 11 Other Description ● When the work is carried out with 2 or more persons, make it clear who is to be the leader and who to be the follower(s) and communicate well with each other to ensure the safety of the workers. ● Perform the work out of the safety protection fence, if possible. In the case that the operation is to be performed unavoidably inside the safety protection fence, prepare the “Stipulations for the Operation” and make sure that all the workers acknowledge and understand them well. ● When the work is to be performed inside the safety protection fence, basically turn OFF the power switch. ● When the operation is to be performed inside the safety protection fence, the worker should have an emergency stop switch at hand with him so that the unit can be stopped any time in an emergency. ● When the operation is to be performed inside the safety protection fence, in addition to the workers, arrange a watchman so that the machine can be stopped any time in an emergency. Also, keep watch on the operation so that any third person can not operate the switches carelessly. ● Place a sign “Under Operation” at the position easy to see. ● For the grease for the guide or ball screw, use appropriate grease according to the operation Manual for each model. ● Do not perform the dielectric strength test. Failure to do so may result in a damage to the product. ● When releasing the brake on a vertically oriented actuator, exercise precaution not to pinch your hand or damage the work parts with the actuator dropped by gravity. ● The slider or rod may get misaligned OFF the stop position if the servo is turned OFF. Be careful not to get injured or damaged due to an unnecessary operation. ● Pay attention not to lose the cover or untightened screws, and make sure to put the product back to the original condition after maintenance and inspection works. Use in incomplete condition may cause damage to the product or an injury. * Safety protection Fence : In the case that there is no safety protection fence, the movable range should be indicated. ● Do not modify, disassemble, assemble or use of maintenance parts not specified based at your own discretion. ● When the product becomes no longer usable or necessary, dispose of it properly as an industrial waste. ● When removing the actuator for disposal, pay attention to drop of components when detaching screws. ● Do not put the product in a fire when disposing of it. The product may burst or generate toxic gases. ● Do not come close to the product or the harnesses if you are a person who requires a support of medical devices such as a pacemaker. Doing so may affect the performance of your medical device. ● See Overseas Specifications Compliance Manual to check whether complies if necessary. ● For the handling of actuators and controllers, follow the dedicated operation manual of each unit to ensure the safety. Alert Indication The safety precautions are divided into “Danger”, “Warning”, “Caution” and “Notice” according to the warning level, as follows, and described in the Operation Manual for each model. Level Degree of Danger and Damage Danger This indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if the product is not handled correctly, will result in death or serious injury. Danger Warning This indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if the product is not handled correctly, could result in death or serious injury. Warning This indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if the product Caution is not handled correctly, may result in minor injury or property damage. Caution Notice This indicates lower possibility for the injury, but should be kept to use this product properly. Symbol Notice 7 1. Overview 1. Overview CC-Link is an abbreviation of Control & Communication Link and is one of the open field network standards. IAI controllers shown below are available for the connection to CC-Link. Model Type Characteristics XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/ Remote device station The I/O data can be processed as bit data or word data. PX/QX/R(A)/S(A)/ For each of input and output points, max. 256 points are R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD available. S(A)XD XSEL-K Remote I/O This is the remote I/O module with 16 I/O points. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL Remote device station It can be operated as the same as the control with PIO. MSEL, TTA, TT Remote device station RCS-C, E-Con, SCON-C ACON, PCON, SCON (excluding SCON-C) Remote I/O Remote device station The I/O data can be procesed as bit data or word data. For each of input and output points, max. 240 points are available. It can be operated as the same as the control with PIO. Reference destination Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 3 Chapter 10 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 In addition to the processing as the sameas the operation with (Note 1) PIO, it can be operated with the target position, speed and acceleration/deceleration speed directly setup using the values. Note 1 See the other booklet ME0254 CC-Link for more details. Example for Network Construction PLC XSEL-P/Q PCON ACON XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X SCON PSEL TT/TTA MSEL ASEL SSEL Note For the details of CC-Link, refer to the instruction manuals of Master Unit and Programmable Controller (hereafter, described as the host or PLC). When reading this Operation Manual, also refer to the Operation Manuals for the ACON and PCON controller you are using CC-Link cannot be used for any method other than those described as possible in this Operation Manual. 8 2. Interface Specifications Communication Cable Length Baud rate [Mbps] (Note 1) Total Cable Length [m] Connector (Controller side) (Note 2) Manufactured by Phoenix Contact Note 1 Note 2 Specification CC-Link Ver1.10 10 / 5 / 2.5 / 0.625 / 0.156 Broadcast Polling System Frame synchronization system NRZI Bus format (EIA RS485 conformance) HDLC conformance CRC(X16+X12+X5+1) XSEL(except for K Type), ASEL, PSEL, SSEL, TT*, MSEL : Remote device station 1 to 3 station XSEL-K : Remote I/O station 1 station RCS-C, E-Con, SCON-C : Remote I/O station 1 station 10 5 2.5 0.625 0.156 100 160 400 900 1200 2. Interface Specifications Item Communication Protocol Baud rate [Mbps] Communication System Synchronization system Encoding system Transmission Path Format Transmission format Error control system Number of occupied stations XSEL-R(A)*/S(A)*, TTA, MSEL : MSTB2.5/5-GF-5.08AU XSEL-J*/K*/P*/Q*, TT : MSTBA2.5/5-G-5.08AU ASEL, PSEL, SSEL, SCON-C, E-Con, RCS-C : MC1.5/5-G-3.81 For T branch communication, refer to the Instruction Manuals for the master unit and PLC to be mounted. The cable-side connector is a standard accessory. Manufactured by Phoenix Contact • • • • • XSEL-RA*/SA XSEL-R*/S*, TTA, MSEL XSEL-J*/K*, ASEL, PSEL, SSEL XSEL-P*/Q*, TT SCON-C, E-Con, RCS-C : : : : : SMSTB2.5/5-STF-5.08AU MSTB2.5/5-STF-5.08AU SMSTB2.5/5-ST-5.08AU MSTB2.5/5-ST-5.08AU MC1.5-ST-3.81 9 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX The CC-Link compatible XSEL controller has the following two types: a: Remote device station: Number of I/O points = Max. 256 points each 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX b: Remote I/O station: Number of I/O points = 16 points each 3.1 Remote device station 3.1.1 Models The CC-link compatible XSEL controller is handled as a remote device station has one type each of J/K/P/Q for Cartesian and JX, KX, PX, and QX for SCARA as follows: ● CC-Link board installation position 1 ● K type 256/256 JX type KX type 256/256 256/256 P type 256/256 Q type PX type 256/256 Field network board installation position QX type 256/256 XSEL-J-1-□-CC-□-□-□ XSEL-J-2-□-□-CC-□-□-□ XSEL-J-3-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□ XSEL-J-4-□-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□ XSEL-K-1-□-CC-□-□-□ For four axes For single axis XSEL-K-4-□-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□ XSEL-JX-□□□□□□□-CC-□□□-□-□ XSEL-KX-□□□□□□□-CC-□□□-□-□ XSEL-P-1-□-CC-□-□-□-3 For six axes For single axis XSEL-P-6-□-□-□-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-Q-1-□-CC-□-□-□-3 For six axes For four axes For five axes XSEL-Q-6-□-□-□-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-PX4-□□□□□□□-CCXSEL-PX5-□□□□□□□-CCXSEL-PX6-□□□□□□□-□□□□□-□ □□□□□-CCXSEL-QX4-□□□□□□□-CCXSEL-QX5-□□□□□□□-□□□□□ -CCXSEL-QX6-□□□□□□□-□□□□□-□ □□□□-CC- ● ● 256/256 7 For single axis For two axes For three axes For four axes For single axis ● Field network board installation position 6 XSEL model Expansion slot 3 (I/O 4) 256/256 2 4 5 Expansion slot 2 (I/O 3) ● J type 3 Expansion slot 1 (I/O 2) No. Standard slot (I/O 1) Board installation position Number of I/O points in Controller network type (Max input/output) For six axes For four axes For five axes For six axes 10 I/O slot arrangement Fig. 3-1-1 Fig. 3-1-2 *1 *2 Fig. 3-1-3 *3 *3 *3 11 (*1) The CC-Link board installation position is the same as Fig. 3-1-1 for four axes specifications. (*2) The CC-Link board installation position is the same as Fig. 3-1-2. (*3) The CC-Link board installation position is the same as Fig. 3-1-3. The CC-Link board installation position for five axes and six axes specifications are the same as the four axes specification. (Note): 16 points each for input and output among I/O points are in the system area of the remote device station, therefore, these 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX points cannot be used. For details, please refer to “3.1.7 Correspondence between XSEL I/O port number and PLC address.” (1) Compact type (J type) For single axis CC-Link board Note: For two axes CC-Link board For three and four axes Expansion slot CC-Link board For items of single axis and two axes, a PIO board cannot be installed. For those of three and four axes, an expansion I/O board (*1) can be inserted into the expansion slot. Fig. 3-1-1 12 11 (2) General type (K type) ● The CC-link board is inserted into the standard slot (I/O 1: leftmost). ● Either of an expansion I/O board (*1) or SIO board (*2) can be inserted into the expansion slot. ● When an expansion I/O board (*1) is not used, it is not required to supply 24V DC to the I/O 24V power 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX connector. CC-Link board Expansion slot Fig. 3-1-2 (*1) Expansion I/O board Model (1): IA-103-X-32 (Input: 32 points, Output: 16 points in NPN specification) Model (2): IA-103-X-32-P (Input: 32 points, Output: 16 points in PNP specification) Model (3): IA-103-X-16 (Input: 16 points, Output: 32 points in NPN specification) Model (4): IA-103-X-16-P (Input: 16 points, Output: 32 points in PNP specification) Model (5): IA-IO-3204-NP (Input: 48 points, Output: 48 points in NPN specification) Model (6): IA-IO-3204-PN (Input: 48 points, Output: 48 points in PNP specification) Model (7): IA-IO-3205-NP (Input: 48 points, Output: 48 points in NPN specification) Model (8): IA-IO-3205-PN (Input: 48 points, Output: 48 points in PNP specification) (Note) (5) and (6) models are dedicated for K type, and (7) and (8) models are dedicated for J type. For further information on specifications, refer to the XSEL Controller Operation Manual. (*2) SIO board Model (1): IA-105-X-MW-A (for RS232C) Model (2): IA-105-X-MW-B (for RS422) Model (3): IA-105-X-MW-C (for RS485) Any single board above is 2-channel compatible. 12 13 (3) P/Q type ● A CC-Link board is mounted on the field network board installation position. Expansion I/O provided Standard I/O CC-Link board Expansion I/O Standard I/O XSEL-P-1- □-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-P-2- □-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-P-3- □-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-P-4- □-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-P-5- □-□-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-P-6- □-□-□-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-Q-1- □-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-Q-2- □-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-Q-3- □-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-Q-4- □-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-Q-5- □-□-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 XSEL-Q-6- □-□-□-□-□-□-CC-□-□-□-3 Fig. 3-1-3 14 13 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX CC-Link board Expansion I/O not provided 3.1.2 CC-Link board (1) Names of each part 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX J/K/JX/KX type P/Q/PX/QX type Monitor LED CC-Link communications connector Station number setting rotary switch Communications speed setting rotary switch Communications speed setting rotary switch Station number setting rotary switch CC-Link communications connector Monitor LED 14 15 (2) Rotary switches The following can be carried out by rotary switches: a. Setting of station number b. Setting of communications speed Setting of station number 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX a. In the CC-Link, a maximum of 64 stations can be connected. The station number is set in the 1 to 64 range by the two rotary switches. SA 10: Sets the tens place. SA 1: Sets the ones place. Rotary switch selection number Station number SA 10 SA 1 0 0 0 1 10 1 2 20 2 3 30 3 4 40 4 5 50 5 6 60 6 7 - 7 8 - 8 9 - 9 (Example)When setting the station number to 12: Set the rotary switch SA 10 to 1. Set the rotary switch SA 1 to 2. Note: The CC-Link first I/O address in PLC is determined according to the master unit installation position and the number of I/O occupied points of the unit installed prior to that. The I/O addresses in PLC are assigned from the first I/O address above in order of station number. For further information regarding setting of the station number and setting of the I/O address in the PLC, refer to the Operation Manuals for the master unit and PLC to be mounted. 16 15 b. Setting of communications speed 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX The communications speed is set by the rotary switch BR. (3) Rotary switch selection number Communications speed 0 156 kbps 1 625 kbps 2 2.5 Mbps 3 5 Mbps 4 10 Mbps Setting to 5 or more prohibited Error Display of monitor LEDs The four LEDs mounted on the front of the board can indicate the board operating state and network condition. LED Color Display condition Display details (display indication) RUN Green Lighting Lights when communications start and turns off when communications are interrupted for a fixed time or longer. SD Green Lighting Lights during data transmission RD Green Lighting Lights during data reception Lighting Local station address receiving data has an error. Flashing Setting by the communications speed setting rotary switch was changed during communications. Setting by the station number setting rotary switch was changed during communications. ERR 16 Red 17 3.1.3 Setting of I/O parameters (assignment of I/O ports) The XSEL I/O ports used in the CC-LINK are set. XSEL allows a variety of settings of different I/O ports with I/O parameters. (For further information, refer to the XSEL Controller Operation Manual.) The typical setting methods are shown below in this Manual. Basically, the I/O parameter No. 1 sets the I/O port assignment type to fixed assignment, and sets the I/O port (1) Board installation positions (slots) and parameter numbers a. J type (Three- and four-axes specifications) Parameter No. 4 No. 5 No. 11 Parameter No. 2 No. 3 No. 10 Note: With no slots, parameters No. 6 to No. 9 are all set to “-1” and parameters No. 12 and No. 13 are set to “0.” For the single-axis and two-axes specifications, parameters No. 4 and No. 5 are set to “-1” and parameter No. 11 is set to “0.” b. K type Parameter No. 8 No. 9 No. 13 Parameter No. 6 No. 7 No. 12 Parameter No. 2 No. 3 No. 10 18 Parameter No. 4 No. 5 No. 11 17 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX address for each I/O slot. C. P/Q type 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX CC-Link Parameter No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 18 Standard I/O Parameter No. 2 No. 3 No. 10 CC-Link Standard I/O Expansion I/O Parameter No. 16 Parameter No. 2 No. 17 No. 3 No. 18 No. 10 Parameter No. 6 No. 7 No. 12 11 Parameter No. 4 Parameter No. 8 No. 5 No. 9 No. 11 No. 13 19 (2) Factory-configured parameters of J/K type (standard setting) No. 1 Parameter name I/O port assignment type Input range Set value 0 – 20 1 Remarks * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 – 299 000 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 300 300 + (multiples of 8) Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 4 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: Output port start No. (I/O 1) 300 – 599 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 – 299 (Invalid for negative values) -1 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 6 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) (Slot next to the standard I/O) -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 300 – 599 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 8 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 300 – 599 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 10 Standard I/O error monitoring (I/O 1) (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 0–5 2 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring 11 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring (I/O 0–5 0 2) 12 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring (I/O 0 0–5 0 0 – 256 64 Multiples of 16 0 – 256 64 Multiples of 16 4) 14 Network I/F card remote: related errors) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 0–5 3) 13 Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring (I/O 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) Number of ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 122 Network attribute 3 0H – Optional Bits 0 to 11: "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" FFFFFFFFH added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (XSEL-J/K: Main application of Ver.1.16 or later XSEL-JX/KX: Main application of Ver.0.51 or later) (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 19 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 0: Fixed assignment 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: slot 1 – ) (3) Factory-configured parameters of P/Q type No. 1 Parameter name I/O port assignment type Input range Set value 0 – 20 1 Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: Network I/F 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX module → slot 1 (Standard I/O) -, * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment 300 – 599 -1 – 299 (Invalid for negative values) -1 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 6 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) (Slot next to the standard I/O) Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 300 – 599 -1 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 – 299 -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 8 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 300 – 599 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 300 – 599 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 (Invalid for negative values) 10 Standard I/O error monitoring (I/O 1) 0–5 0 0: Non-monitoring 11 0–5 0 1: Monitoring Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring (I/O 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power 2) 12 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring (I/O 0–5 0 13 Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring (I/O related errors) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 3) 0–5 0 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) 4) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 14 Network I/F card remote: 0 – 256 64 Multiples of 16 0 – 256 64 Multiples of 16 -1– 299 0 -1 300 Number of ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 16 Network I/F module fixed assignment 0+ (multiple of 16) (Invalid for negative values) time: Number of ports used for input 17 Network I/F module fixed assignment time: Number of ports used for output 18 Network I/F module error monitoring (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 20 300+ (multiple of 16) (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 0-5 1 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring * Some exceptions included. No. Parameter name Input range Set value Remarks 0H – Optional Bits 16 to 27: FFFFFFFFH Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) (XSEL-P/Q: Main application of Ver.1.28 or later XSEL-PX/QX: Main application of Ver.0.60 or later) 122 Network attribute 3 0H – Optional Bits 0 to 11: FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (XSEL-P/Q: Main application of Ver.1.28 or later XSEL-PX/QX: Main application of Ver.0.60 or later) 21 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 121 Network attribute 2 3.1.4 J/K type controller parameter setting examples (1) CC-Link connection of standard I/O ports This is a setting for the case where 16 points for each I/O port from the head of the XSEL standard I/O port are 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX used other than I/O ports. XSEL (J type) Not used (None for single axis and two axes) Input port No. 000 – 015 Output port No. 300 – 315 XSEL (K type) Input port No. 000 – 015 Not used Output port No. 300 – 315 (The above are cases where the installation conditions as shown in Fig. 3-1-1 and Fig. 3-1-2 in section 3.1.1 are applied.) 22 22 XSEL J/K type controller I/O parameter No. 1 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value 1 0 – 20 1 I/O port assignment type Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: slot 1 – ) * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment 000 -1 – 299 000 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 300 -1 300 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 -1 – 299 (Invalid for negative values) -1 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment (Slot next to the standard I/O) -1 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 6 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 – 299 -1 -1 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 8 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 10 Standard I/O error monitoring (I/O 2 0–5 (Invalid for negative values) 2 1) 11 1: Monitoring Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring 0 0–5 0 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring 0–5 0 0 0–5 0 64 0 – 256 64 Multiples of 16 64 0 – 256 64 Multiples of 16 Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring (I/O 4) 14 Network I/F card remote: (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 0 (I/O 3) 13 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) (I/O 2) 12 0: Non-monitoring 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) Number of ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 122 Network attribute 3 14H Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (XSEL-J/K: Main application of Ver.1.16 or later XSEL-JX/KX: Main application of Ver.0.51 or later) (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 23 (2) Combined use of CC-Link board and I/O board a. The following is the setting in the case where automatic assignment allocates 256 points each for input and output to the CC-Link board as the standard I/O ports as well as 32 points for input and 16 points for output to the expansion I/O board IA-103-X-32 from the subsequent I/O port numbers. 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX The J type has the same setting. Input port No. 256 – 287 Output port No. 556 – 571 Input port No. 000 – 255 Output port No. 300 – 555 24 24 XSEL J/K type controller I/O parameter No. 1 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value 1 0 – 20 1 I/O port assignment type Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: slot 1 – ) * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment 000 -1 – 299 000 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 300 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment 300 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 -1 – 299 (Invalid for negative values) -1 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 6 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) (Slot next to the standard I/O) -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 – 299 -1 -1 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 8 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 – 299 -1 -1 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 10 Standard I/O error monitoring 2 0–5 2 (I/O 1) 11 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring 1 0–5 1 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 0 0–5 0 0 0–5 0 64 0 – 256 256 Multiples of 16 64 0 – 256 256 Multiples of 16 (I/O 3) 13 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring (I/O 2) 12 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) (I/O 4) 14 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 122 Network attribute 3 14H Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (XSEL-J/K: Main application of Ver.1.16 or later XSEL-JX/KX: Main application of Ver.0.51 or later) (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 25 b. The following is the setting in the case where fixed assignment makes the expansion I/O board IA-103-X-32 (input: 32 points, output: 16 points) used as the standard I/O ports and 256 points each for input and output assigned to the CC-Link board as the general I/O ports. 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX The J type has the same setting. Input port No. 000 – 031 Output port No. 300 – 315 Input port No. 032 – 287 Output port No. 316 – 571 26 26 XSEL J/K type controller I/O parameter No. 1 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value 1 0 – 20 0 I/O port assignment type Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: slot 1 – ) * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment 000 -1 – 299 032 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 316 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment 300 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 -1 – 299 (Invalid for negative values) 000 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 300 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 6 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) (Slot next to the standard I/O) -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 – 299 -1 -1 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 8 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 10 Standard I/O error monitoring 2 0–5 (Invalid for negative values) 2 (I/O 1) 11 1: Monitoring Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring 1 0–5 1 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring 0–5 0 0 0–5 0 64 0 – 256 256 Multiples of 16 64 0 – 256 256 Multiples of 16 Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring (I/O 4) 14 Network I/F card remote: (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 0 (I/O 3) 13 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) (I/O 2) 12 0: Non-monitoring 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) Number of ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 122 Network attribute 3 14H Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (XSEL-J/K: Main application of Ver.1.16 or later XSEL-JX/KX: Main application of Ver.0.51 or later) (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 27 3.1.5 P/Q type controller setting examples (1) Setting examples when only CC-Link is used 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX The following is the setting in the case where only 16 ports for each input and output from the first of the I/O port are used for the CC-Link board and other input and output ports are not used as the same as the case of the XSEL standard I/O board (50-pin connector). Not used Input port No. 000 – 015 Output port No. 300 – 315 28 28 XSEL P/Q type controller I/O parameter No. 1 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value 0 0 – 20 0 I/O port assignment type Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 -1 – 299 -1 -1 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 300 – 599 Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 -1 – 299 -1 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) (Slot next to the standard I/O) -1 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 6 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 300 – 599 -1 -1 – 299 -1 -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 8 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) 0 0: Non-monitoring time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 10 Standard I/O error monitoring 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 0 0–5 (Invalid for negative values) (I/O 1) 11 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring 12 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring 1: Monitoring 0 0–5 0 0 0–5 0 related errors) (I/O 2) Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring 14 Network I/F card remote: 15 Network I/F card remote: (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power (I/O 3) 13 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) 0 0–5 0 64 0 – 256 16 Multiples of 16 64 0 – 256 16 Multiples of 16 0 -1 – 299 0 -1 300 (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) (I/O 4) Number of ports used for input Number of ports used for output 16 Network I/F module fixed 0+ (multiple of 8) (Invalid for negative values) assignment time: Number of ports used for input 17 Network I/F module fixed 300 assignment time: Number of ports 300+ (multiple of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 used for output 18 Network I/F module error monitoring 1 0-5 1 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring * Some exceptions included. (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 29 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: Network I/F module → slot 1 (Standard I/O) -, * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX No. 30 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value Remarks 121 Network attribute 2 C80000H Optional Bits 16 to 27: 0H – FFFFFFFFH Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) (XSEL-P/Q: Main application of Ver.1.28 or later XSEL-PX/QX: Main application of Ver.0.60 or later) (Example) The initial value C80000H is bit 16 to 27 = C8H = 200 (in 100ms unit) 200 × 100ms = 20sec It waits for communication to be established for 20sec at the maximum from the startup. 122 Network attribute 3 1CH Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (XSEL-P/Q: Main application of Ver.1.28 or later XSEL-PX/QX: Main application of Ver.0.60 or later) (2) Setting examples when CC-Link board and I/O board are used in combination a. The following is the setting in the case where automatic assignment allocates 256 points each for input and output to the CC-Link board from the first standard I/O port to the standard I/O board from the subsequent I/O port No. 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX Input port No. 256 – 287 Output port No. 556 – 571 Input port No. 000 – 255 Output port No. 300 – 555 30 31 XSEL P/Q type Controller I/O Parameter No. 1 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value 0 0 – 20 0 I/O port assignment type Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: Network I/F 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX module → slot 1 (Standard I/O) -, * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 -1 – 299 256 -1 556 0 + (multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative values) Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 300 – 599 Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 -1 – 299 -1 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) (Slot next to the standard I/O) -1 -1 -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 6 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 – 299 -1 -1 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 8 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) 1 0: Non-monitoring time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 10 Standard I/O error monitoring 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 0 0–5 (Invalid for negative values) (I/O 1) 11 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring 12 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring 1: Monitoring 0 0–5 0 0 0–5 0 related errors) (I/O 2) Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring 14 Network I/F card remote: 15 Network I/F card remote: (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power (I/O 3) 13 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) 0 0–5 0 64 0 – 256 256 Multiples of 16 64 0 – 256 256 Multiples of 16 0 -1 – 299 0 -1 300 (I/O 4) Number of ports used for input Number of ports used for output 16 Network I/F module fixed 0+ (multiple of 8) (Invalid for negative values) assignment time: Number of ports used for input 17 Network I/F module fixed 300 assignment time: Number of ports 300+ (multiple of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 used for output 18 Network I/F module error monitoring 1 0–5 1 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring * Some exceptions included. (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 32 No. Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value Remarks C80000H Optional Bits 16 to 27: 0H – FFFFFFFFH Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) (XSEL-P/Q: Main application of Ver.1.28 or later XSEL-PX/QX: Main application of Ver.0.60 or later) (Example) The initial value C80000H is bit 16 to 27 = C8H = 200 (in 100ms unit) 200 × 100ms = 20sec It waits for communication to be established for 20sec at the maximum from the startup. 122 Network attribute 3 1CH Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (XSEL-P/Q: Main application of Ver.1.28 or later XSEL-PX/QX: Main application of Ver.0.60 or later) 33 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 121 Network attribute 2 b. The following is the setting in the case where the standard I/O board IA-103-X32 (input: 32 points, output: 16 points) is used as the standard I/O ports and 256 points each for input and output is assigned to the 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX CC-Link board as the general I/O ports. Input port No. 000 – 031 Output port No. 300 – 315 Input port No. 032 – 287 Output port No. 316 – 571 34 32 XSEL P/Q type Controller I/O Parameter No. 1 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value 0 0 – 20 0 I/O port assignment type Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: Network I/F * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 -1 – 299 0 -1 300 300 + (multiples of 8) -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 300 – 599 Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 -1 – 299 (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment (Slot next to the standard I/O) -1 6 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) -1 (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 8 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) 1 0: Non-monitoring time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 10 Standard I/O error monitoring 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 0 0–5 (Invalid for negative values) (I/O 1) 11 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring 1: Monitoring 0 0 –5 0 related errors) (I/O 2) 12 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring 0 0 –5 0 0 0 –5 0 (I/O 3) 13 Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring (I/O 4) 14 Network I/F card remote: 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 64 0 – 256 256 Multiples of 16 64 0 – 256 256 Multiples of 16 0 -1 – 299 032 0+ (multiple of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 316 300+ (multiple of 8) (Invalid for negative values) Number of ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 16 Network I/F module fixed assignment time: Number of ports used for input 17 Network I/F module fixed 300 300 – 599 assignment time: Number of ports used for output 18 Network I/F module error monitoring 1 0–5 1 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring * Some exceptions included. (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 35 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX module → slot 1 (Standard I/O) -, 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX No. 36 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value Remarks 121 Network attribute 2 C80000H Optional Bits 16 to 27: 0H – FFFFFFFFH Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) (XSEL-P/Q: Main application of Ver.1.28 or later XSEL-PX/QX: Main application of Ver.0.60 or later) (Example) The initial value C80000H is bit 16 to 27 = C8H = 200 (in 100ms unit) 200 × 100ms = 20sec It waits for communication to be established for 20sec at the maximum from the startup. 122 Network attribute 3 1CH Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (XSEL-P/Q: Main application of Ver.1.28 or later XSEL-PX/QX: Main application of Ver.0.60 or later) 3.1.6 XSEL I/O port numbers The standard I/O port numbers of XSEL are shown below. The XSEL port numbers and functional assignment can be changed with I/O parameters. (For further information, refer to the XSEL Controller Operation Manual.) Input Port No. Function Function 000 Program start 300 Alarm output 001 General input 301 Ready output 002 General input 302 Emergency stop output 003 General input 303 General output 004 General input 304 General output 005 General input 305 General output 006 General input 306 General output 007 Program designation (PRG No. 1) 307 General output 008 Program designation (PRG No. 2) 308 General output 009 Program designation (PRG No. 4) 309 General output 010 Program designation (PRG No. 8) 310 General output 011 Program designation (PRG No. 10) 311 General output 012 Program designation (PRG No. 20) 312 General output 013 Program designation (PRG No. 40) 313 General output 014 General input 314 General output 015 General input 315 General output Output 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX Port No. … … … … Note: The number of I/O ports is as follows: Input 000 to 299 (Max, 300 points) Output 300 to 599 (Max, 300 points) When the CC-Link board is used in combination with the expansion I/O board, pay attention to the number of I/O ports. 34 37 3.1.7 Correspondence between XSEL I/O port number and PLC address PLC sets the XSEL CC-Link board as a remote device. The number of occupied stations of the remote device varies according to the setting of the number of I/O points on the XSEL side. 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX The table below indicates the correspondence between the I/O port number and PLC address according to the settings of I/O parameters No. 14 and No. 15. (The following is a case where the I/O parameters No. 2 and No. 3 have standard settings [defaults].) Note: For the I/O parameters No. 14 and No. 15, set the same points according to the larger number of points. (1) When the number of I/O points is set to 96 or less: Configured as one remote device. (One station occupied) I/O parameter No. 14 No. 15 XSEL side DI (Port No.) 16 16 000 – 015 RY 0– F 300 – 315 RX 0– F 32 32 016 – 031 RY 10 – 1F 316 – 331 RX 10 – 1F 48 48 032 – 047 RWw 0 332 – 347 RWr 0 64 64 048 – 063 RWw 1 348 – 363 RWr 1 80 80 064 – 079 RWw 2 364 – 379 RWr 2 96 96 080 – 095 RWw 3 380 – 395 RWr 3 * PLC side XSEL side DO (Port No.) PLC side Since the shaded portions are the system areas for the remote device station on the PLC side, they cannot be used as I/O. (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: Configured as two remote devices. (Two stations occupied) I/O parameter No. 14 No. 15 XSEL side DI (Port No.) (16) (16) 000 – 015 RY 0– F 300 – 315 RX 0– F (32) (32) 016 – 031 RY 10 – 1F 316 – 331 RX 10 – 1F (48) (48) 032 – 047 RY 20 – 2F 332 – 347 RX 20 – 2F (64) (64) 048 – 063 RY 30 – 3F 348 – 363 RX 30 – 3F (80) (80) 064 – 079 RWw 0 364 – 379 RWr 0 (96) (96) 080 – 095 RWw 1 380 – 395 RWr 1 112 112 096 – 111 RWw 2 396 – 411 RWr 2 128 128 112 – 127 RWw 3 412 – 427 RWr 3 144 144 128 – 143 RWw 4 428 – 443 RWr 4 160 160 144 – 159 RWw 5 444 – 459 RWr 5 176 176 160 – 175 RWw 6 460 – 475 RWr 6 192 192 176 – 191 RWw 7 476 – 491 RWr 7 * XSEL side DO (Port No.) PLC side Since the shaded portions are the system areas for the remote device station on the PLC side, they cannot be used as I/O. 38 36 PLC side (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 256 or less: Configured as three remote devices. (Three stations occupied) I/O parameter No. 14 No. 15 XSEL side DI (Port No.) (16) (16) 000 – 015 RY 0– F 300 – 315 RX 0– F (32) (32) 016 – 031 RY 10 – 1F 316 – 331 RX 10 – 1F (48) (48) 032 – 047 RY 20 – 2F 332 – 347 RX 20 – 2F (64) (64) 048 – 063 RY 30 – 3F 348 – 363 RX 30 – 3F (80) (80) 064 – 079 RY 40 – 4F 364 – 379 RX 40 – 4F (96) (96) 080 – 095 RY 50 – 5F 380 – 395 RX 50 – 5F (112) (112) 096 – 111 RWw 0 396 – 411 RWr 0 (128) (128) 112 – 127 RWw 1 412 – 427 RWr 1 (144) (144) 128 – 143 RWw 2 428 – 443 RWr 2 (160) (160) 144 – 159 RWw 3 444 – 459 RWr 3 (176) (176) 160 – 175 RWw 4 460 – 475 RWr 4 (192) (192) 176 – 191 RWw 5 476 – 491 RWr 5 208 208 192 – 207 RWw 6 492 – 507 RWr 6 224 224 208 – 223 RWw 7 508 – 523 RWr 7 240 240 224 – 239 RWw 8 524 – 539 RWr 8 256 256 240 – 255 RWw 9 540 – 555 RWr 9 Not be set - RWw A - RWr A Not be set - RWw B - RWr B XSEL side DO (Port No.) PLC side 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX * PLC side Since the shaded portions are the system areas for the remote device station on the PLC side, they cannot be used as I/O. * In the case of three stations being occupied, twelve words (ten words for XSEL) are assigned for each input and output in the data register on the PLC side. Be careful about overlapping of data register on the PLC side. 39 37 3.1.8 Data in remote registers Addresses in PLC are assigned to the remote I/O addresses and remote register areas that correspond to the station number set on the CC-Link board and the number of occupied stations set by the PLC parameter, in steps of 16 points (one word) in order of XSEL port number. 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX Setting the I/O parameter No. 120 to “0” allows the data in one word to be transmitted by reversing the order of the higher-order byte (higher-order 8 bits) and the lower-order byte (lower-order 8 bits) in the communications area with the PLC remote register. (Remote I/O areas are not changed.) I/O parameters No. Parameter name 120 Network attribute 1 Default (reference) 1 Input range Remarks 0H – FFFFFFFFH CC-Link remote register area H/L byte SWAP selection 0: XSEL side: H byte ⇔ PLC side: L byte XSEL side: L byte ⇔ PLC side: H byte 1: XSEL side: H byte ⇔ PLC side: H byte XSEL side: L byte ⇔ PLC side: L byte (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) The relationships between I/O signals are shown below by taking s case where the number of I/O points of XSEL is set to 112 or more and 192 or less (two stations occupied) for example. (1) XSEL remote I/O areas and remote register areas Remote input: Port No. 0 to No. 63 Remote output: Port No. 300 to No. 363 Remote address (input): Port No. 64 to No. 191 Remote address (output): Port No. 364 to No. 491 Note: Since ports No. 48 to No. 63 and No. 348 to No. 363 are the system areas for the remote device stations on the PLC side, they cannot be used. 40 38 (2) Transmission and receipt of signals in remote I/O areas The transmission and receipt of signals in remote I/O areas are irrelevant to the setting of the I/O parameter No. 120. ●: On, ○: OFF ON/OFF 015 014 013 012 011 010 009 008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001 000 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RYnn (Output) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data XSEL port No. (Output) ON/OFF F 0 8 1 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RXnn (Input) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX XSEL port No. (Input) F 0 8 1 41 39 (3) Transmission and receipt of signals in remote register areas The I/O parameter No. 120 allows the data in one word (16 bits) to be transmitted by reversing the order of the higher-order byte (higher-order 8 bits) and the lower-order byte (lower-order 8 bits). (a) When the I/O parameter No. 120 is set to “1” 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX ●: On, ○: OFF XSEL port No. (Input) ON/OFF 079 078 077 076 075 074 073 072 071 070 069 068 067 066 065 064 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RWwn (Output) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data XSEL port No. (Output) ON/OFF F 0 8 1 379 378 377 376 375 374 373 372 371 370 369 368 367 366 365 364 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RWrn (Input) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data 42 40 ● F 0 8 1 (b) When the I/O parameter No. 120 is set to “0” ●: On, ○: OFF XSEL port No. (Input) ● ○ Hexadecimal data ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● ● ● 1 ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ 0 PLC: RWwn (Output) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data XSEL port No. (Output) ON/OFF F 0 8 1 379 378 377 376 375 374 373 372 371 370 369 368 367 366 365 364 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RWrn (Input) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ Hexadecimal data 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX ON/OFF 079 078 077 076 075 074 073 072 071 070 069 068 067 066 065 064 8 1 F 0 43 41 Reference ■ When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: two stations are occupied Addresses in PLC are assigned to the remote I/O addresses and remote register areas that correspond to the station number set by the rotary switch and the number of occupied stations set by the PLC parameter, in 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX order of port number. (1) Remote I/O PLC (Output) (Input) XSEL (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. Xnn and Ynn are the remote I/O addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number. The addresses of the remote I/O in PLC (RX and RY) are set to Xnn and Ynn. (Refer to “Section 11. Communication with Master Station.”) 44 42 Reference (2) Remote register a. When the I/O parameter No. 120 is set to “1” PLC 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX (Input) (Output) XSEL (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. RWrn and RWwn are the remote register addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number N. 45 43 Reference b. When the I/O parameter No. 120 is set to “0” PLC (Output) 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX (Input) XSEL (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. Station No. N Station No. N+1 RWrm and RWwm are the remote register addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number. The remote register is comprised of one word (16 bits), but the data order of the higher-order 8 bits (higher-order byte) and the lower-order 8 bits (lower-order byte) is reversed under this setting. Take caution. Example PLC XSEL PLC Register D100 15 ● 14 ● 13 ● 12 ● 11 ○ 10 ○ 9 ○ 8 ○ 7 ● 6 ○ 5 ○ 4 ○ 3 ○ 2 ○ 1 ○ 0 ● Data F 0 8 1 Ports No. 064 079 078 077 076 075 074 073 072 071 070 069 068 067 066 065 064 XSEL to No. 079 ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ Data 8 1 F 0 46 44 3.1.9 CSP file When using the GX Configurator-CC (manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), download the CSP file from our Web site shown below if required. Web site: http://www.iai-robot.co.jp 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX The CSP file to be used is different according to the number of ports used (number of I/O ports) set by the I/O parameters No. 14 and No. 15 of XSEL. File name Number of ports used in XSEL Description HMS-ABS-CCL_1.csp For one remote device (one station) HMS-ABS-CCL_2.csp For two remote devices (two stations) HMS-ABS-CCL_3.csp For two remote devices (three stations) (Number of I/O points) 96 points or less each 112 points or more and 192 points or less each 208 points or more and 256 points or less each For the setting method of the remote station (XSEL) information to the master station, refer to the Operation Manuals for the master station, PLC to be mounted, and peripherals. 47 45 3.2 Remote I/O station 3.2.1 Models The CC-Link compatible XSEL controller handled as the remote I/O station has three types as shown below. 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX The single CC-Link board allows communications through 16 points each for input and output. The model of XSEL varies according to the installation positions and number of boards. ● CC-Link board, ○ Standard I/O board No. Board installation position Number of I/O points in Controller network type (Max input/ Standard Expansio Expansio Expansio output) slot n slot 1 n slot 2 n slot 3 (I/O 1) (I/O 2) (I/O 3) (I/O 4) 1 2 3 K type 16/16 ○ 32/32 (16/16 ×2) ○ 48/48 (16/16 ×3) ○ ● XSEL model I/O slot arrangement ● XSEL-K-□-□ ~ □-NI-EEC-□-□ Fig. 3-2-1 ● ● XSEL-K-□-□ ~ □-NI-ECC-□-□ Fig. 3-2-2 ● ● XSEL-K-□-□ ~ □-NI-CCC-□-□ Fig. 3-2-3 ● For the standard slot (I/O 1, leftmost), a standard I/O board is required. ● For expansion slots, either of an expansion I/O board (*2) or SIO board (*3) is installable in addition to the CC-Link board (*1). Standard I/O board Fig. 3-2-1 48 46 CC-Link board Expansion slots 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX Standard I/O board CC-Link board Expansion slots Fig. 3-2-2 Standard I/O board CC-Link board Fig. 3-2-3 49 47 (*1) CC-Link board Model: IANT-3204-CC16 (*2) Expansion I/O board 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX Model (1): IA-103-X-32 (Input: 32 points, Output: 16 points, NPN specification) Model (2): IA-103-X-32-P (Input: 32 points, Output: 16 points, PNP specification) Model (3): IA-103-X-16 (Input: 16 points, Output: 32 points, NPN specification) Model (4): IA-103-X-32-P (Input: 16 points, Output: 32 points, PNP specification) Model (5): IA-IO-3204-NP (Input: 48 points, Output: 48 points, NPN specification) Model (6): IA-IO-3204-PN (Input: 48 points, Output: 48 points, PNP specification) Model (7): IA-IO-3205-NP (Input: 48 points, Output: 48 points, NPN specification) Model (8): IA-IO-3205-PN (Input: 48 points, Output: 48 points, PNP specification) (Note) (5) and (6) models are dedicated for K type, and (7) and (8) models are dedicated for J type. For further information on specifications, refer to the XSEL Controller Operation Manual. (*3) SIO board Model (1) IA-105-X-MW-A (for RS232C) Model (2) IA-105-X-MW-B (for RS422) Model (3) IA-105-X-MW-C (for RS485) Any single board above is 2-channel compatible. 50 48 3.2.2 CC-Link board (1) Names of each part CC-Link communications connector 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX Monitor LED Station number setting rotary switch Communications speed setting rotary switch 51 (2) Rotary switches The following can be carried out by rotary switches: a. Setting of station number 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX b. Setting of communications speed a. Setting of station number In the CC-Link only with remote I/O stations, up to 64 units can be connected. The station number is set in the 1 to 64 range by the two rotary switches. SA ×10: Sets the tens place. SA ×1: Sets the ones place. Rotary switch selection number Station number SA ×10 SA ×1 0 0 0 1 10 1 2 20 2 3 30 3 4 40 4 5 50 5 6 60 6 7 ― 7 8 ― 8 9 ― 9 (Example) When setting the station number to 12: Set the rotary switch SA ×10 to 1. Set the rotary switch SA ×1 to 2. Note: The CC-Link first I/O address in PLC is determined according to the master unit installation position and the number of I/O occupied points of the unit installed prior to that. The I/O addresses in PLC are assigned from the first I/O address above in order of station number. When two or more CC-Link boards are used in XSEL, it is recommended to set station numbers in order of installation position so that measures can be taken smoothly in the event of trouble. For further information regarding setting of the station number and setting of the I/O address in the PLC, refer to the Operation Manuals for the master unit and PLC to be mounted. 52 50 b. Setting of communications speed The communications speed is set by the rotary switch BR. Communications speed 0 156 kbps 1 625 kbps 2 2.5 Mbps 3 5 Mbps 4 10 Mbps Setting to 5 or more prohibited Error Display of monitor LEDs The four LEDs mounted on the front of the board can indicate the board operating state and network condition. LED Color Display condition Display details (display indication) RUN Green Lighting Lights when communications start and turns off when communications are interrupted for a fixed time or longer. SD Green Lighting Lights during data transmission RD Green Lighting Lights during data reception Lighting Local station address receiving data has an error. Flashing Setting by the communications speed setting rotary switch was changed during communications. Setting by the station number setting rotary switch was changed during communications. ERR Red 53 51 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX (3) Rotary switch selection number 3.2.3 Setting of I/O parameters (assignment of I/O ports) The XSEL I/O ports used in the CC-Link are set. XSEL allows a variety of settings of different I/O ports with I/O parameters. (For further information, refer to the XSEL Controller Operation Manual.) The typical setting methods are shown below in this Manual. Basically, the I/O parameter No. 1 sets the I/O port assignment type to fixed assignment by setting the I/O port 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX address for each I/O slot. (1) Board installation positions (slots) and parameter numbers Parameter No. 2 No. 3 No. 10 Parameter No. 6 No. 7 No. 12 Parameter No. 4 No. 5 No. 11 54 Parameter No. 8 No. 9 No. 13 (2) Factory-configured parameters A: XSEL-K - -CC1- B: XSEL-K - -CC2- C: XSEL-K - -CC3Set value 1 Parameter name I/O port assignment type Input range A B C 0 – 20 0 0 0 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX No. Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: slot 1 – ) * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 – 299 -1 -1 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 -1 -1 300 + (multiples of 8) Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment 300 – 599 -1 – 299 (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 032 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 6 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) (Slot next to the standard I/O) Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment -1 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 300 – 599 -1 -1 332 300 + (multiples of 8) Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 – 299 -1 016 016 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 -1 316 316 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 300 – 599 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 – 299 0 0 0 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment -1 300 300 300 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 300 – 599 (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 8 (Invalid for negative values) 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 10 Standard I/O error monitoring 0–5 (Invalid for negative values) 0 0 0 (I/O 1) 11 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring 0–5 0 0 2 Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring Network I/F card remote: Number of related errors) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 0 2 2 0–5 2 2 2 0 – 256 0 0 0 Multiples of 8 0 – 256 0 0 0 Multiples of 8 (I/O 4) 14 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power 0–5 (I/O 3) 13 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring (I/O 2) 12 300 + (multiples of 8) 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 122 Network attribute 3 Optional Optional Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (Main application of Ver.1.16 or later) (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. (Note) When a standard I/O board is not used, it is not required to supply 24V DC to the I/O 24V power connector. In this case, set the parameter No. 10 to “0.” 55 (3) a. CC-Link connection with standard I/O ports When only three CC-link boards are used The following is the setting of a case where standard I/O ports are assigned to the CC-Link boards from the 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX first port without using a standard I/O board. Input port No. 000 – 015 Output port No. 300 – 315 Input port No. 016 – 031 Output port No. 316 – 331 Input port No. 032 – 047 Output port No. 332 – 347 Not used (The above is a case where the installation condition as shown in Fig. 3-2-3 in section 3.2.1 is applied.) 56 54 XSEL I/O parameter No. Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value Remarks I/O port assignment type 1 0 – 20 01 0: Fixed assignment 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: slot 1 – ) * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 -1 – 299 -1 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 300 – 599 Output port start No. (I/O 1) 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment 032 -1 – 299 032 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 332 -1 332 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment (Slot next to the standard I/O) 300 – 599 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 6 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 016 (Invalid for negative values) -1 – 299 016 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 316 300 + (multiples of 8) -1 – 299 000 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 300 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment 316 time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 8 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 000 time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 300 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 10 Standard I/O error monitoring (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 0 0–5 0 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring 2 0–5 2 2 0–5 2 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 2 0–5 2 0 0 – 256 0 Multiples of 8 0 0 – 256 0 Multiples of 8 (I/O 1) 11 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring (I/O 2) 12 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring (I/O 3) 13 Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring (I/O 4) 14 Network I/F card remote: 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) Number of ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 122 Network attribute 3 Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (Main application of Ver.1.16 or later) (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. b. c. When only two CC-Link boards are used The I/O 2 (expansion I/O 1) slot becomes empty. Accordingly, both the default and set value become “-1” for the I/O parameter No. 4 and No. 5 and “0” for No. 11 in the table above. (The above is a case where the installation condition as shown in Fig. 3-2-2 in section 3.2.1 is applied.) When only one CC-Link board is used The I/O 2 (expansion I/O 1) and I/O 3 (expansion I/O 2) slots become empty. Accordingly, both the default and set value become “-1” for the I/O parameters No. 4 to No. 7 and “0” for No. 11 and No. 12 in the table above. (The above is a case where the installation condition as shown in Fig. 3-2-1 in section 3.2.1 is applied.) (Note) When no I/O board is used, it is not required to supply 24V DC to the I/O 24V power connector. In any case of a, b, and c above, set the I/O parameter No. 10 to “0.” 57 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 1 d. When a standard I/O board is used as general I/O When a standard I/O board is used as general I/O (input: 32 points, output: 16 points) with the setting of a, the number becomes 048 for the I/O parameter No. 2, 348 for No. 3, and 1 for No. 10 in the table on the 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX previous page for the following assignments: Input port No. 000 – 015 Output port No. 300 – 315 Input port No. 016 – 031 Output port No. 316 – 331 Input port No. 032 – 047 Output port No. 332 – 347 Input port No. 048 – 079 Output port No. 348 – 363 (The above is a case where the installation condition as shown in Fig. 3-2-3 in section 3.2.1 is applied.) 58 56 (4) General I/O connection of CC-Link boards The following is a case where a standard I/O board is used as standard I/O ports and 48 points each for input and output are assigned to three CC-link boards as general I/O ports: 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX Input port No. 064 – 079 Output port No. 348 – 363 Input port No. 048 – 063 Output port No. 332 – 347 Input port No. 032 – 047 Output port No. 316 – 331 Standard I/O board Input port No. 000 – 031 Output port No. 300 – 315 (The above is a case where the installation condition as shown in Fig. 3-2-3 in section 3.2.1 is applied.) 59 XSEL I/O parameter No. 1 Parameter name Default (reference) Input range Set value 0 0 – 20 0 I/O port assignment type Remarks 0: Fixed assignment 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX 1: Automatic assignment (Priority: slot 1 – ) * The ports only in the continuous installation range from slot 1 are assigned for safety.) 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: -1 -1 – 299 000 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 300 300 + (multiples of 8) 032 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) Input port start No. (I/O 1) 3 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: 4 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 Output port start No. (I/O 1) 032 -1 – 299 time: Input port start No. (I/O 2) 5 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment (Slot next to the standard I/O) 332 time: Output port start No. (I/O 2) 6 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment -1 316 300 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 016 -1 – 299 048 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 316 -1 332 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 3) 7 Expansion I/O 2 fixed assignment time: Output port start No. (I/O 3) 8 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 000 -1 – 299 064 0 + (multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) -1 348 300 + (multiples of 8) time: Input port start No. (I/O 4) 9 Expansion I/O 3 fixed assignment 300 time: Output port start No. (I/O 4) 10 (Invalid for negative values) 300 – 599 Standard I/O error monitoring (I/O 0 0–5 1 1) 11 1: Monitoring Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring 2 0–5 2 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring Expansion I/O 3 error monitoring 0–5 2 2 0–5 2 0 0 – 256 0 Multiples of 8 0 0 – 256 0 Multiples of 8 (I/O 4) 14 Network I/F card remote: (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) 2 (I/O 3) 13 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) (I/O 2) 12 0: Non-monitoring 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) (Main application of Ver. 0.55 or later) Number of ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 122 Network attribute 3 14H (I/O 1) to (I/O 4) indicate the slot numbers. 60 Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H – FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (Main application of Ver.1.16 or later) (5) XSEL I/O port numbers The standard I/O port numbers of XSEL are shown below. The XSEL port numbers and functional assignment can be changed with I/O parameters. (For further information, refer to the XSEL Controller Operation Manual.) Function Program start 300 Alarm output 001 General input 301 Ready output 002 General input 302 Emergency stop output 003 General input 303 General output 004 General input 304 General output 005 General input 305 General output 006 General input 306 General output 007 Program designation (PRG No. 1) 307 General output 008 Program designation (PRG No. 2) 308 General output 009 Program designation (PRG No. 4) 309 General output 010 Program designation (PRG No. 8) 310 General output 011 Program designation (PRG No. 10) 311 General output 012 Program designation (PRG No. 20) 312 General output 013 Program designation (PRG No. 40) 313 General output 014 General input 314 General output 015 General input 315 General output … … … 000 … Input Port No. Function Output 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX Port No. Note: The number of I/O ports is as follows: Input 000 to 299 (Max, 300 points) Output 300 to 599 (Max, 300 points) When the CC-Link board is used in combination with the expansion I/O board, pay attention to the number of I/O ports. 60 61 Reference Addresses in PLC are assigned to the remote I/O addresses that correspond to the station number set by the 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX rotary switch and the station number set by the PLC parameter, in steps of 16 points in order of port number. (Input) (Output) XSEL (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. Station No. N Station No. N+1 Xnn and Ynn+1 are the addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number N. Since 2-word (32-point) pr ocessing is made per station in PLC, the PLC remote I/O (RX/RY) addresses are set to Xnn/Ynn+1. Refer to “Section 11. Communications with Master Station.” 62 61 3.3 Troubleshooting When a problem occurs in the CC-Link, check the operating condition with the table below. When the ERR LED lights or flashes, or when the green LED turns off abnormally during communications, check (or reset) connections of the power and communications cables, setting of rotary switches, and setting of parameters before turning on the power to the controller main unit again. 3. XSEL-J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX ○: ON, ●: OFF, ◎: Flashing RUN (Green) ERR (Red) SD RD (Green) (Green) ○ ◎ ◎ ○ There is normal communications, but a CRC* error sometimes occurs with noise. ○ 0.4s◎ ◎ ○ Resetting of the baud rate or station number has changed the rate or number. ○ ◎ ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ○ ◎ ● ○ With the received data having a CRC* error, there can be no response. ○ ◎ ● ● (Impossible condition) ○ ● ◎ ○ Normal communications ○ ● ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ○ ● ● ○ Local station address receiving data has not arrived. ○ ● ● ● (Impossible condition) ● ◎ ◎ ○ There is the polling response, but refresh receiving has a CRC* error. ● ◎ ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ● ◎ ● ○ Local station address receiving data has a CRC* error. ● ◎ ● ● (Impossible condition) ● ● ◎ ○ There is no link start-up. ● ● ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ● ● ● ○ There is no local station address receiving data or it is impossible to receive such data with noise. ● ● ● ● It is impossible to receive data as a result of disconnection, etc. There is power interruption or H/W setting is being made. ● ○ ● ○ The baud rate or station number is invalid. ● ○ ● ● The baud rate or station number is invalid. Operating condition *CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Data error detection method frequently used in the case of synchronous transmission is adopted. 62 63 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD XSEL-P8/Q8/PX8/QX8 (Named temporarily) The I/O data is handled as either bit data or word data. The fieldbus I/O data is mapped to input and output ports in the XSEL controller. XSEL-P8/Q8/PX8/QX8, which are applicable for CC-Link, deal the I/O data as the bit data or word data, Note Set the Station Data for the Master Station to “ver 1, Remote Device Station”. and operate while reflecting the data. Note Model Set the Station Data for the Master Station to “ver 1, Remote Device Station”. 4.1 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD The model code(not of each of XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD applicable for CC-Link is 4.1 Model set) as shown The modelbelow. code of each of XSEL-P8/Q8/PX8/QX8 applicable for CC-Link is as shown below. • XSEL-P8-□-CC-□ XSEL-R/S Series XSEL-RA/SA Series • XSEL-Q8-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-R-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-RA-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-S-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-SA-□-CC-□ • XSEL-PX8-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-RX-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-RAX-□-CC-□ • XSEL-QX8-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-SX-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-SAX-□-CC-□ • ● XSEL-RXD-□-CC-□ ● XSEL-RAXD-□-CC-□ • ● XSEL-SXD-□-CC-□ 4.2 ● XSEL-SAXD-□-CC-□ CC-Link Interface CC-Link board 1) Names of the Parts Monitor LEDs (XSEL-R/S Series) Monitor LEDs Signal name ○ S1 ○ S0 FG ○ ○ SLD ○ DG DB DA Details Frame Ground FG (It is connected to SLD and the main frame.) Shield SLD (It is connected to FG and the main frame.) DG Digital Ground DB communication Communications CC-Link connectorLine B DA Communications Line A Monitor LEDs (XSEL-RA/SA Series) CC-Link Communication Connector 64 2) Monitor LED indications The board operation status and network condition are obtained with the two LEDs located in the front of the communication board. LLED ED ○ : Illuminating Color × : OFF Illumination Status ○ Orange orange × STATUS0 L RUN (S0) 4.3 Green green ○ Indication Description (Detailed Explanation) • Data reception error • Communication Setting Error (Station Number Setting/ Baud rate setting, etc.) • The station No. and baud rate set values are changed from ones set at the time of reset cancellation (0.4 sec flashing) • Communication in normal condition • Turns on when communication is started, and turns OFF when communication is disconnected for the specified time Parameter Settings Set to the I/O parameters in the controller by using a teaching tool. Place the controller's AUTO/MANU switch in the MANU position. The teaching tool version applicable for this controller check the instruction manual of each teaching tool. * The figure shown below is XSEL-R/S series. The setting should be the same for XSEL-RA/SA series. (Except for I/O Parameter No. 225) I/O board 2 <Setting Parameter> I/O Parameter No.4 I/O Parameter No.5 I/O Parameter No.11 CC-Link board < Setting Parameter > I/O Parameter No.225 I/O Parameter No.231 I/O Parameter No.232 I/O Parameter No.233 I/O Parameter No.234 I/O Parameter No.237 I/O Parameter No.238 I/O board 1 <Setting Parameter > I/O Parameter No.2 I/O Parameter No.3 I/O Parameter No.10 65 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD STATUS1 L ERR (S1) : Flashing [1] Network Setting Check • For XSEL-R/S Series Confirm that the 2nd digit of I/O Parameter No. 225 Network I/F Module Control setting is showing “1” (CC-Link). No. 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD 225 Parameter name Network I/F Module Control Default Input Range (Reference) 1* Unit 10H to 1FH Remarks bits 4-7(2nd digit): Network I/F Module 2type 0: Not Mounted 1: CC-Link 2: DeviceNet 3: PROFIBUS - • For XSEL-RA/SA Series Confirm that the 3rd digit of I/O Parameter No. 225 Network I/F Module Control setting is showing “1” (CC-Link). No. 225 Parameter name Network I/F Module Control Default Input Range (Reference) 1** Unit 100H to 1FFH Remarks bits 8-15(3rd and 4th digit): Network I/F Module 2type 0: Not Mounted 1: CC-Link 2: DeviceNet 3: PROFIBUS - [2] I/O Port Allocation Type Setting I/O Parameter No.1 Set I/O Port Assignment Classification. No. 1 Note 66 Parameter name I/O Port Assignment Classification Setting (Note) Default Input Range (Reference) 1 0 to 1 Unit Remarks - 0: Fixed Allocation 1: Automatic Allocation • Reference 1 Priority of I/O Port Assignment when automatically assigned Port Number (No.0 to 299/No.300 to 599) 1) Network I/F Module1 2) I/O slot 1 (I/O1) Mounting board 3) I/O slot 2 (I/O2) Mounting board * I/O slot 1 (I/O1) Assigned for the continuously mounted range from mounting board • Reference 2 Priority of extension I/O ports at automatic assignment Port Number (No.1000 to 3999/No.4000 to 6999) 1) Network I/F Module 2 2) Expansion I/O unit 3) IA Net * 2) and 3) are for XSEL-R/S Series only If the automatic assignment is selected, the input port is assigned to an extension input port area (No. 1000 to 3999). The output port is assigned to an extension output port area (No. 4000 to 6999). If the fixed assignment is selected, the user will manually assign the input to either of the standard input port area (No. 0 to 299) or extension input port area (No. 1000 to 3999). For the output port, the user will manually assign the output to either the standard output port area (No. 300 to 599) or the extension output port area (No. 4000 to 6999). [3] CC-Link Board Use Setting Set “1” (Monitoring: use CC-Link board) to I/O Parameter No. 235. No. Parameter name Network I/F Module 2 Error Error 235 Monitoring Default Input Range (Reference) 1 0 to 5 Unit - Remarks 0: No Monitoring (Not to monitor condition of link to PLC (master)) 1: Monitoring No. Parameter name 237 Network I/F Module 2 Node Address Note Default Input Range (Reference) 0 0 to 64 Unit - Remarks CC-Link node address range: 1 to 64 If a number out of the settable range is selected, “D75: Fieldbus Parameter Error” will occur. Rate Setting Speed Setting [5] Baud Communication Set the communication speed in I/O Parameter No. 238. Match the setting to the communication speed of the master unit. No. 238 Note Parameter name Network I/F Module 2 Baud rate Rate Default Input Range (Reference) 0 0 to 4 Unit - Remarks 0: 156Kbps 1: 625Kbps 2: 2.5Mbps 3: 5Mbps 4: 10Mbps If a number out of the settable range is selected, “D75: Fieldbus Parameter Error” will occur. [6] Number of I/O Port Setting Set the number of ports to be used for I/O Parameters No. 231 to 232. Note Set a number that is a multiple of 8. No. Parameter name Network I/F Module 2 No. of Network I/F Module 2 Remote Input Ports No. of Network I/F Module 2 Network I/F Module 2 232 Remote Output Ports 231 Default Input Range (Reference) Unit 0 0 to 256 - 0 0 to 256 - Remarks 8 port unit 8 port unit 67 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD [4] Node Node address Addresssetting Setting Set the node address to I/O Parameter No. 237 [7] I/O Port Top Number Setting Set the top port number of the port range used in I/O Parameters No. 233 to 234. Note The port numbers assigned here are the starting input and output port numbers. Add the number of ports assigned in parameters 231 and 232 to determine the I/O range. The values entered into these parameters must be evenly divisible by 8 (EX: 300). 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD No. Parameter name (Extension) (Note 1) Input Port 233 Start No. at Network I/F Module 2 Fixed Assignment (Extension) (Note 1) Output 234 Port Start No. at Network I/F Module 2 Fixed Assignment Default Input Range (Reference) Unit -1 -1 to 299 1000 to 3999 - -1 -1 300 to 599 4000 to 6999 - Remarks 0+ (Multiples of 8) or 1000+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+ (Multiples of 8) or 4000+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] Note 1: The commands with “Extended” in the parameter name should only be applied for XSEL-R/S. [8] Time Setting to Wait for CC-Link Communication Establishment To I/O Parameter No. 121, set the maximum allowable time to establish CC-Link communication at the start. Change this setting when XSEL starts faster than the master unit, which results in a generation of D5D or A6B. No. Parameter name 121 Network attribute 2 Default Input Range (Reference) C80000H 0 to FFFFFFFFH Unit Remarks 100ms Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (Example) The initial value C80000H is bit 16 to 27 = C8H = 200 (in 100ms unit) 200×100ms = 20sec Check in 20sec after startup [9] Data Retaining Setting at CC-Link Communication Error Set in I/O Parameter No. 120 and 121 whether to clear the input port data to 0 or to retain it at a communication error. No. 68 Parameter name Default Input Range (Reference) Unit 120 Network attribute 1 640001H 0 to FFFFFFFFH - 121 Network attribute 2 0 to C80000H FFFFFFFFH - Remarks Bits 28 to 31: Input port data selected at Network I/F Module 1 link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained Bits 8 to 11: Input port data selected at Network I/F Module 2 link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained 4.4 Setting example (1) Example for when using only CC-Link It is how to establish the setting when using using CC-Link CC-Link to to 16 16 points ports of ofeach eachinput inputand andoutput output from from the the top top of the standard I/O ports, and no other I/O port (for I/O board, etc.) is to be used. * The figure shown below is XSEL-R/S series. The setting should be the same for XSEL-RA/SA series. (Except for I/O Parameter No. 225) Not Applicable (I/O board) ● I/O Parameters No. 1 2 3 Parameter name I/O Port Allocation Type Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Input Port Start No No. Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Output Port Start No. Input Port Start No Default Input (Reference) Range Set value 1 0 to 1 0 0 -1 to 299 -1 300 -1 300 to 599 -1 Remarks 0: Fixed Allocation 1: Automatic Allocation ● Reference 1 Priority of I/O Port Priority of I/O when Port Assignment Assignment automatically when automatically assigned assigned Port 1) to Number Port Number (No.0 to 299/No.300 to 599) (No.0 to 299/No.300 to 599) 1) Network I/F Module 1 2) No. of Network I/F Module 1 2) I/O slot1(I/O1) 1 (I/O1)Mounting Mountingboard board 3) I/Oslot 3) I/O slot2(I/O2) 2 (I/O2)Mounting Mountingboard board 4) I/Oslot * I/O slot 1(I/O1) 1 (I/O1)Assigned Assignedfor forthe the I/Oslot continuously continuously mounted mounted range range from from mounting mounting board board ● Reference 21 Priority of I/O Port Priority of extension I/O ports at Assignment when automatically automatic assigned assignment Port 1) to Number Port Number (No.1000 to 3999/No.4000 to 6999) (No.1000 to 3999/No.4000 to 1) Network I/F Module 2 6999) 2) No. of Network I/F Module 2 2) Expansion I/O I/O unit unit 3) Expansion 3) IA Net Net 4) IA * 2) and 3) are for XSEL-R/S Series only 0+(Multiples 0+ (Multiplesof of8) 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) 300+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 69 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD Standard Input Port No.0 to 15 Standard Output Port No.300 to 315 (CC-Link board) No. 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD 10 14 15 16 Parameter name Standard I/O Error Monitoring (I/O1) No. of Network I/F Module 1 Remote Input Ports No. of Network I/F Module 1 Remote Output Ports Input Port Start No. in Network I/F Module Fix-Allocated Default Input (Reference) Range Set value Remarks 1 0 to 5 0 0: No Monitoring (Not to use I/O board) 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Not to monitor 24V I/O power related error) 3: Monitoring (To monitor only 24V I/O power related error) 0 0 to 256 0 8 port unit 0 0 to 256 0 8 port unit -1 0+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] -1 300+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] -1 17 Output Port Start No. in Network I/F Module Fix-Allocated -1 18 Network I/F Module 1 Error Monitoring 1 -1 to 299 -1 300 to 599 0 to 5 0 0H to FFFFFF Optional FFH 120 Network attribute 1 640001H 121 Network attribute 2 0H to C80000H FFFFFF Optional FFH 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring Bits 28 to 31: Input port data selected at Network I/F Module 1 link error (0: Clear, 1: Hold) Bits 8 to 11: Input port data selected at Network I/F Module 2 link error (0: Clear, 1: Hold) Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) Bits 0 to 3: (Bits 0 to 7:) Network I/F Module 1 type Bits 4 to 7: (Bits 8 to 15:) Network I/F Module 2 type 0: Not Mounted 1: CC-Link 2: DeviceNet 3: PROFIBUS 1* (1**) 1* (1**) Those stated in brackets ( ) are for XSEL-RA/SA Series No. of Network I/F Module 2 231 Remote Input Ports No. of Network I/F Module 2 232 Remote Output Ports 10H to 1FH (100H to 1FFH) 0 0 to 256 16 8 port unit 0 0 to 256 16 8 port unit (Extension) (Note 1) Input Port 233 Start No. at Network I/F Module 2 Fixed Assignment -1 0 0+ (Multiples of 8) or 1000+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300 300+ (Multiples of 8) or 4000+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] Network I/F 225 Module Control (Extension) (Note 1) Output 234 Port Start No. at Network I/F Module 2 Fixed Assignment -1 -1 to 299 1000 to 3999 -1 300 to 599 4000 to 6999 Note 1: The commands with “Extended” in the parameter name should only be applied for XSEL-R/S. 70 0: No Monitoring (Not to monitor condition Remarks of link to PLC (master)) 1: Monitoring 0: No Monitoring (Not to monitor CC-Link nodeofaddress range: 0 to 5 1 condition link to PLC (master)) 0 to 64 Optional 1 toMonitoring 64 1: 0: 156Kbps CC-Link node address range: Follow 0 to 64 Optional 1:to 625Kbps 1 64 master 2: 2.5Mbps 0 to 4 0: 156Kbps unit Follow 3: 5Mbps 1: 625Kbps setting master 4: 10Mbps 2: 2.5Mbps 0 to 4 unit 3: 5Mbps setting 4: 10Mbps Default Input 1 0 to 5 (Reference) Range 1 0 0 0 0 Set 1 value 71 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD I/F Module 2 No. Network Parameter name 235 Error Monitoring Network I/F Module 2 235 Network I/F Module 2 237 Error Monitoring Node Address Network I/F Module 2 237 Node Address Network I/F Module 2 238 Communication Speed Network I/F Module 2 238 Baud Rate 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD (2) Example for when using CC-Link and I/O Board 1 together It is how to establish the setting when when using using CC-Link CC-Link to to 256 256 ports pointsofofeach eachinput inputand andoutput outputfrom fromthe thetop topthe of the extended ports andassigning assigningthe theI/O I/Oboard board (48 (48 points for each each input and of extended I/OI/O ports and ports for and output) output)totothe the standard I/O ports. * The figure shown below is XSEL-R/S series. The setting should be the same for XSEL-RA/SA series. (Except for I/O Parameter No. 225) Extended Input Ports No.1000 to 1255 Standard Input Port No.0 to 47 Extended Output Ports No.4000 to 4255 Standard Output Port No.300 to 347 (CC-Link board) (I/O board) ● I/O Parameters ● I/O Parameters No. No. 1 1 2 23 3 72 Parameter name Parameter name I/O Port Allocation Type I/O Port Allocation Type Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Input Port Start No Standard Standard I/O I/O Fix-Allocated Fix-Allocated Input No. Input Port Port Start Start No No Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Output Port Start No. Input Port Start No Default Input (Reference) Range Default Input (Reference) Range Unit Set value 1 1 0 to 1 0 to 1 0 0 0 -1 to 599 0 0 300 299 -1 to 599 0 300 300 -1 300 to 599 300 Remarks Remarks 0: Fixed Allocation 1:Fixed Automatic Allocation 0: Allocation Automatic1Allocation •1:Reference Priority of I/O Port Assignment when automatically 1 Priority ● Reference of I/O Port assigned Priority of I/O when Port Assignment Assignment automatically when automatically 1) to Port Number assigned assigned Port (No.0Number to 299/No.300 to 599) 1) to Number Port (No.0 toof299/No.300 599) 2) No. Network I/FtoModule 1 (No.0 to 299/No.300 to 599) 3)No. I/Oslot 1(I/O1) Mounting board 1) Network I/F Module 1 2) of Network I/F Module 1 4)I/Oslot I/Oslot 2(I/O2) Mounting board 2) I/O slot1(I/O1) 1 (I/O1)Mounting Mountingboard board 3) 3) I/O slot1(I/O1) 2 (I/O2)Assigned Mountingfor board the * I/Oslot 4) I/Oslot 2(I/O2) Mounting board * I/O slot 1(I/O1) 1 (I/O1)mounted Assigned forthe the continuously range from I/Oslot Assigned for continuously mounted mounting board continuously mounted range range from from mounting board mounting boardof I/O Port • Reference 1 Priority Assignment when automatically ● Reference 1 Priority of I/O Port 2 Priority of extension I/O ports at assigned Assignment when automatically automatic assignment 1) to Port Number assigned Port (No.1000 to 3999/No.4000 to 1) to Number Port Number (No.1000 to 6999) 6999)to 3999/No.4000 (No.1000 to 3999/No.4000 to 1) Network I/F Module 2 2)No. No. ofNetwork Network I/FModule Module 6999) 2) of I/F 22 2) Expansion I/O unit 3)Expansion ExpansionI/O I/Ounit unit 3) 3) IA Net 4)IA IANet Net 4) * 2) and 3) 0+(Multiples ofare 8) for XSEL-R/S Series only [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0+(Multiples 0+ (Multiplesof of8) 8) 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective [Ineffectivewhen when-1 -1isisselected] selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) 300+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] [Ineffective when -1 is selected] No. 10 15 16 Standard I/O Error Monitoring (I/O1) No. of Network I/F Module 1 Remote Input Ports No. of Network I/F Module 1 Remote Output Ports Input Port Start No. in Network I/F Module Fix-Allocated Default Input (Reference) Range Set value Remarks 1 0 to 5 1 0: No Monitoring (Not to use I/O board) 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Not to monitor 24V I/O power related error) 3: Monitoring (To monitor only 24V I/O power related error) 0 0 to 256 0 8 port unit 0 0 to 256 0 8 port unit -1 0+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] -1 300+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] -1 17 Output Port Start No. in Network I/F Module Fix-Allocated -1 18 Network I/F Module 1 Error Monitoring 1 -1 to 299 -1 300 to 599 0 to 5 0 0H to FFFFFF Optional FFH 120 Network attribute 1 640001H 121 Network attribute 2 0H to C80000H FFFFFF Optional FFH 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring Bits 28 to 31: Input port data selected at Network I/F Module 1 link error (0: Clear, 1: Hold) Bits 8 to 11: Input port data selected at Network I/F Module 2 link error (0: Clear, 1: Hold) Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) Bits 0 to 3: (Bits 0 to 7:) Network I/F Module 1 type Bits 4 to 7: (Bits 8 to 15:) Network I/F Module 2 type 0: Not Mounted 1: CC-Link 2: DeviceNet 3: PROFIBUS 1* (1**) 1* (1**) Those stated in brackets ( ) are for XSEL-RA/SA Series No. of Network I/F Module 2 231 Remote Input Ports No. of Network I/F Module 2 232 Remote Output Ports 10H to 1FH (100H to 1FFH) 0 0 to 256 256 8 port unit 0 0 to 256 256 8 port unit (Extension) (Note 1) Input Port 233 Start No. at Network I/F Module 2 Fixed Assignment -1 1000 0+ (Multiples of 8) or 1000+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 4000 300+ (Multiples of 8) or 4000+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] Network I/F 225 Module Control (Extension) (Note 1) Output 234 Port Start No. at Network I/F Module 2 Fixed Assignment -1 -1 to 299 1000 to 3999 -1 300 to 599 4000 to 6999 Note 1: The commands with “Extended” in the parameter name should only be applied for XSEL-R/S. 73 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD 14 Parameter name 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD No. 74 Parameter name Default Input (Reference) Range 235 Network I/F Module 2 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 237 Network I/F Module 2 Node Address 0 0 to 4 238 Network I/F Module 2 Baud Rate 0 0 to 4 Set value Remarks 0: No Monitoring (Not to monitor condition of link to PLC (master)) 1: Monitoring CC-Link node address range: Optional 1 to 64 0: 156Kbps Follow 1: 625Kbps master 2: 2.5Mbps unit 3: 5Mbps setting 4: 10Mbps 1 (3) Example for when using CC-Link and I/O Board 1 together ItIt is 192 ports pointsofofeach eachinput inputand andoutput outputfrom fromthe thetop is how how to to establish establish the the setting setting when when using using CC-Link CC-Link to to 192 top of the extended ports andassigning assigningthe theI/O I/O board board (48 (48 points for each of the extended I/OI/O ports and ports for each input input and andoutput) output)totothe the standard standard I/O I/O ports. ports. * The figure shown below is XSEL-R/S series. The setting should be the same for XSEL-RA/SA series. (Except for I/O Parameter No. 225) ● I/O Parameters ● I/O Parameters No. No. 11 2 2 3 3 Parameter name Parameter name I/OPort PortAllocation Allocation Type I/O Type Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Input PortI/O Start No Standard Fix-Allocated Standard Fix-Allocated Input Port I/O Start No. No Input PortI/O Start No Standard Fix-Allocated Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Output Port Start No. Input Port Start No Default Input Default Input (Reference) Range (Reference) Range 11 0 to to 1 1 0 Set Unit value 00 0 -1 to 599 192 0 300 -1 to 299 -1 to 599 -1 300 to 599 192 492 300 492 Standard Input Port No.192 to 239 Standard Output Port No.492 to 539 (I/O board) Remarks Remarks 0: Fixed Allocation 0: Fixed Allocation 1: Automatic Allocation 1: Automatic Allocation • Reference11 Priority of I/O Port ● Reference Priority of I/O Port Assignment whenAssignment automatically Priority of I/O when Port Assignment automatically assigned when automatically assigned assigned 1)to toNumber PortNumber Number Port 1) Port (No.0 to299/No.300 299/No.300 to599) 599) (No.0 to 299/No.300 to 599) (No.0 to to 2) No. of Network I/F Module 1) Network I/F Module 1 2) No. of Network I/F Module 11 3)I/Oslot I/Oslot 1(I/O1) Mounting board 2) I/O slot1(I/O1) 1 (I/O1)Mounting Mountingboard board 3) 4)I/Oslot I/Oslot 2(I/O2) Mounting board 3) I/O slot2(I/O2) 2 (I/O2)Mounting Mountingboard board 4) Assigned for the I/Oslot 1(I/O1) **I/O slot 1 (I/O1) Assigned for the I/Oslot 1(I/O1) Assigned for the continuouslymounted mountedrange rangefrom from continuously continuously mounted range from mounting board mounting board mounting board Reference2 Priorityof ofI/O I/OPort Port ●• Reference 11Priority Assignment whenautomatically automatically Priority of extension I/O ports at Assignment when assignedassignment automatic assigned 1) toNumber PortNumber Number Port 1) to Port (No.1000 to3999/No.4000 3999/No.4000 to (No.1000 to 3999/No.4000 to 6999) (No.1000 to to 6999) 1) Network I/F Module 2 6999) 2) No. of Network I/F Module 2 2) Expansion No. of Network I/F Module 2 2) I/O unit unit 3) Expansion I/O 3) Expansion I/O unit 3) IA Net Net 4) IA Net3) are for XSEL-R/S Series *4)2)IAand 0+(Multiples of 8) only [Ineffective when 0+(Multiples 0+ (Multiplesof of8) 8) -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples [Ineffective whenof-18)is selected] [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) 300+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 75 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD Standard Input Ports No.0 to 191 Standard Output Ports No.300 to 491 (CC-Link board) No. 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD 10 14 15 16 Parameter name Standard I/O Error Monitoring (I/O1) No. of Network I/F Module 1 Remote Input Ports No. of Network I/F Module 1 Remote Output Ports Input Port Start No. in Network I/F Module Fix-Allocated Default Input (Reference) Range Set value Remarks 1 0 to 5 1 0: No Monitoring (Not to use I/O board) 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Not to monitor 24V I/O power related error) 3: Monitoring (To monitor only 24V I/O power related error) 0 0 to 256 0 8 port unit 0 0 to 256 0 8 port unit -1 0+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] -1 300+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] -1 17 Output Port Start No. in Network I/F Module Fix-Allocated -1 18 Network I/F Module 1 Error Monitoring 1 -1 to 299 -1 300 to 599 0 to 5 0 0H to FFFFFF Optional FFH 120 Network attribute 1 640001H 121 Network attribute 2 0H to C80000H FFFFFF Optional FFH 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring Bits 28 to 31: Input port data selected at Network I/F Module 1 link error (0: Clear, 1: Hold) Bits 8 to 11: Input port data selected at Network I/F Module 2 link error (0: Clear, 1: Hold) Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) Bits 0 to 3: (Bits 0 to 7:) Network I/F Module 1 type Bits 4 to 7: (Bits 8 to 15:) Network I/F Module 2 type 0: Not Mounted 1: CC-Link 2: DeviceNet 3: PROFIBUS 1* (1**) 1* (1**) Those stated in brackets ( ) are for XSEL-RA/SA Series No. of Network I/F Module 2 231 Remote Input Ports No. of Network I/F Module 2 232 Remote Output Ports 10H to 1FH (100H to 1FFH) 0 0 to 256 192 8 port unit 0 0 to 256 192 8 port unit (Extension) (Note 1) Input Port 233 Start No. at Network I/F Module 2 Fixed Assignment -1 Network I/F 225 Module Control (Extension) (Note 1) Output 234 Port Start No. at Network I/F Module 2 Fixed Assignment -1 -1 to 299 1000 to 3999 -1 300 to 599 4000 to 6999 0 0+ (Multiples of 8) or 1000+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300 300+ (Multiples of 8) or 4000+ (Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] Note 1: The commands with “Extended” in the parameter name should only be applied for XSEL-R/S. 76 0: No Monitoring (Not to monitor condition Remarks of link to PLC (master)) 1: Monitoring 0: No Monitoring (Not to monitor 0 to 5 1 condition link to PLC (master)) CC-Link nodeofaddress range: 0 to 64 Optional 1: 1 toMonitoring 64 0: 156Kbps CC-Link node address range: Follow 0 to 64 Optional 1 64 1:to 625Kbps master 2: 2.5Mbps 0 to 4 0: 156Kbps unit Follow 3: 5Mbps 1: 625Kbps setting master 4: 10Mbps 2: 2.5Mbps 0 to 4 unit 3: 5Mbps setting 4: 10Mbps Default Input (Reference) 1 0Range to 5 1 0 0 0 0 Set value 1 77 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD No. Network Parameter name I/F Module 2 235 Error Monitoring Network I/F Module 2 235 Network I/F Module 2 237 Error Monitoring Node Address Network I/F Module 2 237 Node Address Network I/F Module 2 238 Communication Speed Network I/F Module 2 238 Baud Rate 4.5 Standard I/O Ports of XSEL Controller For the standard I/O ports of XSEL controller, controller, itit is is possible possible to to change change the the specified specified functions functions except except for for the general-purposed I/O with the the I/O I/O parameters. parameters. [Refer [Refer to to the theinstruction instructionmanual manualfor forthe theXSEL-P8/Q8 XSEL-R/S/ controller for morecontroller information.] RX/SX/RXD/SXD or XSEL-RA/SA/RAX/SAX/RAXD/SAXD controller for more information.] ●Settings of Standard I/O Ports at Delivery 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD Input InputPort Port Port PortNo. No. Function Function 000 Program 000 ProgramStart Start Universal Input Input 001 Universal Universal Input Input 002 Universal 003 Universal Input Input 003 Universal 004 Universal Input Input 004 Universal 005 Universal Input Input 005 Universal 006 Universal Input 006 Universal Input 007 Program 007 Program Specification Specification 008 Program 008 Program Specification Specification 009 Program 009 Program Specification Specification 010 Program 010 Program Specification Specification 011 Program Specification 011 Program 012 Program Specification Specification 012 Program 013 Program Specification Specification 013 Program 014 Universal Input Specification 015 Universal Input 014 Universal Input ・ ・ 015 Universal Input ・ ・ ・ ・ · · · · · · Note Note 78 (LSB) (LSB) Startup Startup program to program to be indicated be withindicated binary with binary (MSB) (MSB) Output OutputPort Port Port Function PortNo. No. Function 300 Alarm 300 AlarmOutput Output 301 Ready Output Output 301 Ready 302 Emergency Stop Stop Output 302 Emergency 303 Universal Output Output 303 Universal 304 Universal Output Output 304 Universal 305 Universal Output Output 305 Universal 306 Universal Output 306 Universal Output 307 Universal Output 307 Universal Output 308 308 Universal Output Universal Output 309 309 310 310 311 311 312 312 313 Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output 313 314 315 314 ・ 315 ・ ・ · · · Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output Universal Output ・ Universal Output ・ ・ · · · The number of standard I/O ports is; The number of 299 standard is;) Input 000 to (MAXI/O 300ports points ● ● Output Input 000 300toto299 599(MAX (MAX300 300points) points) ● Outputof 300 599 (MAX 300 points) Be●careful thetonumber of I/O ports when using CC-Link and PIO together. Be careful of the number of I/O ports when using CC-Link and PIO together. 4.6 How to Handle XSEL I/O Port Numbers and PLC Addresses In the XSEL’s XSEL 'sCC-Link CC-Linkboard board remote device station. In PLC, PLC, the is is setset asas thethe remote device station. The number of occupied remote device stations varies, depending point setting on the The number occupied remote device stations varies, depending onon thethe I/OI/O point setting on the XSEL side. XSEL side. Shown Shown below is a table table describing describing the the relation relation between between the theI/O I/Oport portnumbers numbersand andPLC PLCby bythe thenumber of I/O ports setting (total number of ports used for CC-Link). number of I/O ports setting (total number of ports used for CC-Link). is is upup to to 9696 points (one station is occupied) (1) In the (1) the case casethat thatthe theI/O I/OPoint PointSetting Setting points (No. of Occupied Stations: One Station) Input 000 Portto Number Output Number 015 on RY to F 300Port to 315 RX to F PLC0 Side PLC0 Side XSEL on XSEL 016 to 031 RY 10 to 1F 316 to 331 RX 10 to 1F 000 to to 047 015 RY 0 to F 300 to to 347 315 RX 0 to F 032 RWw0 332 RWr0 016 to 031 RY 10 to 1F 316 to 331 RX 10 to 1F 048 to 063 RWw1 348 to 363 RWr1 032 to 047 RWw0 332 to 347 RWr0 064 to 079 RWw2 364 to 379 RWr2 048 to 063 RWw1 348 to 363 RWr1 080 to 095 RWw3 380 to 395 RWr3 064 to 079 RWw2 364 to 379 RWr2 The show the system380 domain device 080ports to 095in gray column RWw3 to 395 for the remote RWr3 so column any of them not be used as the an I/O port.device station on Note station on the ThePLC portsside, in gray show can the system area for remote Refer to Section 4 ] [the PLC side, so any of them can not be used as an I/O port. [Refer to Section (4)] (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less (two stations are occupied) Output Port (two Number Input (2) When the number ofPort I/O Number points isonset to 112 or more and 192 or less stations are occupied) I/O Point I/O16 Point 32 16 48 32 64 48 80 64 96 80 96 112 128 112 144 128 160 144 160 176 176 192 XSEL Input Port Number on 000 to 015 XSEL 016 to 015 031 000 to 032 to 031 047 016 to 048 to 047 063 032 to 064 079 048 to 063 080 064 to 095 079 080 to 095 096 111 112 096 to to 127 111 128 143 112 to 127 144 159 128 to 143 144 to 159 160 175 160 to 175 176 191 176 to 191 PLC Side PLC0Side RY to F RY 10 to F 1F RY 0 to RY to 1F 2F RY 20 10 to RY to 2F 3F RY 30 20 to RYRWw0 30 to 3F RWw1 RWw0 RWw1 RWw2 RWw3 RWw2 RWw4 RWw3 RWw5 RWw4 RWw5 RWw6 RWw6 RWw7 on XSEL Output Port Number 300 to 315 on XSEL 316 to 315 331 300 to 332 to 331 347 316 to 348 to 347 363 332 to 364 379 348 to 363 380 395 364 to 379 380 to 395 396 411 412 396 to 427 411 428 443 412 to 427 444 459 428 to 443 444 to 459 460 475 460 to 475 476 491 476 to 491 PLC Side PLC0Side RX to F RX 10 to F1F RX 0 to RX to 1F 2F RX 20 10 to RX to 2F 3F RX 30 20 to RXRWr0 30 to 3F RWr1 RWr0 RWr1 RWr2 RWr3 RWr2 RWr4 RWr3 RWr5 RWr4 RWr5 RWr6 RWr6 RWr7 192 RWw7 RWr7 Note The ports in gray column show the system domain for the remote device so column any of them not be used as the an I/O port.device station on Note station on the ThePLC portsside, in gray show can the system area for remote Refer to side, Section 4] of them can not be used as an I/O port. [the PLC so any [Refer to Section (4)] 79 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD I/O 16 Point 32 16 48 32 64 48 80 64 96 80 Note 96 (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 256 or less (three stations are occupied) I/O I/O Point Point Input Input Port Port Number Number on on XSEL XSEL 000 to 015 000 to 015 016 to 031 016 to 031 032 to 047 032 to 047 048 to 063 048 to 063 064 079 064 to to 079 080 095 080 to to 095 096 111 096 to to 111 112 127 112 to to 127 128 143 128 to to 143 144 159 144 to to 159 160 to 175 160 175 176 to 191 176 191 192 to 207 192 207 208to 208 to 223 223 224 to 239 224 239 240 to 255 240 255 PLC PLC Side Side Output Port Port Number Number Output on XSEL on XSEL 300 to 315 300 to 315 316 to 331 316 to 331 332 to 347 332 to 347 348 to 363 348 to 363 364 379 364 to to 379 380 395 380 to to 395 396 411 396 to to 411 412 427 412 to to 427 428 443 428 to to 443 444 459 444 to to 459 460 to 475 460 475 476 to 491 476 491 492 to 507 492 507 508 to 523 508 523 524 to 539 524 539 540 to 555 540 555 PLC Side Side PLC 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD 16 RY 0 to F RX 0 to F 16 RY 0 to F RX 0 to F 32 RY 10 to 1F RX 10 to 1F 32 RY 10 to 1F RX 10 to 1F 48 RY 20 to 2F RX 20 to 2F 48 RY 20 to 2F RX 20 to 2F 64 RY 30 to 3F RX 30 to 3F 64 RY 30 to 3F RX 30 to 3F 80 RY 40 to 4F RX to 4F 4F 80 RY 40 to 4F RX 40 40 to 96 RY to 5F 5F RX to 5F 5F 96 RY 50 50 to RX 50 50 to 112 RWw0 RWr0 112 RWw0 RWr0 128 RWw1 RWr1 128 RWw1 RWr1 144 RWw2 RWr2 144 RWw2 RWr2 160 RWw3 RWr3 160 RWw3 RWr3 176 RWw4 RWr4 176 RWw4 RWr4 192 RWw5 RWr5 192 RWw5 RWr5 208 RWw6 RWr6 208 RWw6 RWr6 224 RWw7 RWr7 224 RWw7 RWr7 240 RWw8 RWr8 240 RWw8 RWr8 256 RWw9 RWr9 256 RWw9 RWr9 Applicable - RWwA - RWrA Unavailable ─ RWwA ─ RWrA Applicable - RWwB - RWrB for Setting Unavailable Note The ports in gray column show the system domain for the remote device ─ RWwB ─ RWrB for Setting station on the PLC side, so any of them can not be used as an I/O port. 4] in gray column show the system area for the remote device Note [Refer to Section The ports station on the PLC so anystations, of them can not befor used as input an I/Oand port.output are allocated In the case of threeside, occupied 12 words each [Refer to Section (4)] for the data register on the PLC side (10 words for XSEL). Take care of the duplicated In the of three occupied stations, 12 words for each input and output are allocated use of case the data registers on the PLC side. for the data register on the PLC side (10 words for XSEL). Take care of the duplicated use of the data registers on the PLC side. 80 (4) Assignment of System Area Signals It is only Remote Station Ready that is used in the system area. When set to occupy one station n = 1, when set to occupy two stations n = 3, when set to occupy three stations n = 5 PLC Side Signal assignment PLC Side RX n0 RY n1 RX n1 RY n2 RX n2 RY n3 RX n3 RY n4 RX n4 RY n5 RX n5 RY n6 RX n6 RY n7 RX n7 RY n8 RY n9 RY nA Unavailable Signal assignment 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD RY n0 Unavailable RX n8 RX n9 RX nA RY nB RX nB RY nC RX nC RY nD RX nD RY nE RX nE RY nF RX nF Remote station Ready It turns on when the startup of XSEL controller is complete, and informs PLC (master). Unavailable 81 Reference ■ When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: two stations are occupied Addresses in PLC are assigned to t he remote I/O addresses and remote regist er areas that correspond to the station number set by the rotary switch and the number of occupied stations set by the PLC parameter, in order of port number. (1) Remote I/O 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD PLC (Output) (Input) XSEL (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. Xnn and Ynn are the remote I/O addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number. The addresses of the remote I/O in PLC (RX and RY) are set to Xnn and Ynn. (Refer to “Section 11. Communication with Master Station.”) 82 Reference (2) Remote register PLC (Input) (Output) 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD XSEL (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. RWrn and RWwn are the remote register addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number N. 83 4.7 Troubleshooting 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD 1) In case it is not possible to connect the network, check the current condition on the display of monitoring LEDs of CC-Link Board. [Refer to Section Section 1.10] 4.2] Check the settings of the XSEL controller and the settings of the master unit referring to the instruction manuals of the master unit. 2) When an alarm is issued, an alarm code gets output to the panel window. (1) Find the alarm code that you see on the window from the alarm code list shown below. Deal with it based on the description for the alarm code in question. (2) In case the alarm code is not found in the following list, search in the alarm contents list contained in XSEL Controller Instruction Manual. Deal with it based on the description for the alarm code in question. Alarm Code (Fieldbus related items are chosen below) No. 56A UseUse Error CC-Link System Area Domain Error 678 Extended I/O Port Assignment Parameter Error 679 67A 84 Error name Extended I/O Port Assignment Number Overflow Error Extended I/O Port Duplicated Assignment Error D56 Fieldbus error (MinACK Timeout) D59 Fieldbus error (DPRAM writing and reading) D5A Fieldbus error (TOGGLE Timeout) D5B Fieldbus error (Access right retry over) Contents and Treatment It is considered that duplication is being occurred in the settings in between CC-Link system domain system area andand thethe system inputs and outputs described below. Check the following parameter settings. (Since some dedicated functions are to I/O parameter settings. (Since some dedicated functions be to CC-Link systemsystem domain, it is itnot available to areassigned to be assigned to CC-Link area, is not use them to optionally.) available use them optionally.) [Refer to the following for the examples of system input and output ports] 1) Selection of I/O port specified specified function 2) Zone output 3) Simple simple contact contact check check zone zone 4) Tracking System Imageoutput Capturing CapturingVision command physical of theCommand vision system Physical Input I/F or tracking 5) Pulse I/O board control output There is an error in a parameter related to the extended I/O port assignment. The number of extended I/O port assignment exceeded the specification range. Extended I/O port assignment has duplicated. An error was detected in the communication board. Check the condition of PLC, and reboot the XSEL controller unless there is an error. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. The writing and reading error was detected in the internal memory. XSEL Controller reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. A communication board error was detected. XSEL Controller reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. A communication board error was detected. XSEL Controller reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. Reference No. Error name (2) Remote register D5D Fieldbus error PLC (FBRS link error) (Input) Fieldbus error (Mail BOX response) D5F Network I/F Module Class Mismatch Error D75 Fieldbus Parameter Error D77 Fieldbus error (Exception) E1F I/O Assignment Parameter Error XSEL (Input) Port No. E20 I/O Duplication Assignment Error E21 I/O Assignment Number Overflow Error E8F Fieldbus logic error RWrn and RWwn are the remote register addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number N. 85 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD D5E Contents and Treatment This occurs when the network connection is not established. 1) Check the station number, the parameters for communication speed and parameters on PLC side. 2) It is concerned the startup of XSEL is faster than that of PLC. Change the settings in I/O Parameter No. 120. Oufor tputhe t) details.] [Refer to Section 4.3 ((8) A communication board error was detected. Reboot the XSEL controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. The setting of I/O Parameter No. 225 Network I/F Module Class does not match with that of the communication board currently mounted to XSEL. Check the contents of the settings in I/O Parameter No. 225, and in case no doubt is found, please contact us. There is an error in a parameter. Check I/O Parameter No. 226 to 227 and 237 to 238. Example) • A node address out of the range was set. • A communication speed out of the range is set. A communication board error was detected. Reboot the XSEL controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. It is a parameter setting error. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to XSEL(Output) Controller Instruction Manual.] I/O assignmentPort is No. duplicated. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to XSEL Controller Instruction Manual.] Check the number of the ports that I/O boards are mounted. I/O assignment has exceeded the specified range. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to XSEL Controller Instruction Manual.] Check the number of the ports that I/O boards are mounted. It is a logic error at the Fieldbus initializing. 86 4. XSEL-R(A)/S(A)/R(A)X/S(A)X/R(A)XD/S(A)XD 5. MSEL MSEL, which are applicable for CC-Link, deal the I/O data as the bit data or word data, and operate while reflecting the data. Note Set the Station Data for the Master Station to “ver 1.1, Remote Device Station”. 5.1 Models • MSEL-PCX□-□-□-□-CC • MSEL-PGX□-□-□-□-CC 5. MSEL The model codes are as shown below: • MSEL-PC(F) -□-□-□-□-CC • MSEL-PG(F)-□-□-□-□-CC Status LED CC-Link communication connector 87 5.2 5. MSEL CC-Link Interface (1) Communication Connector Signal name DA DB DG SLD FG SLD DG DB Details Communications Line A Communications Line B Digital Ground SLD Shield (It is connected to FG and the main frame.) Frame Ground (It is connected to SLD and the main frame.) DA FG (2) Status LED indications The board operation status and network condition are obtained with the two LEDs located in the front of the communication board. LED Color Illumination Status RUN green ○ ○ ERR orange × 88 ○ : Illuminating × : OFF : Flashing Indication Description (Detailed Explanation) • Turns on when communication is started, and turns OFF when communication is disconnected for the specified time • Data reception error • Communication Setting Error (Station Number Setting/ Baud rate setting, etc.) • The station No. and baud rate set values are changed from ones set at the time of reset cancellation (0.4 sec flashing) • Communication in normal condition 5.3 Parameter Settings No. Parameter name 225 Extension I/O Control Default *1 Input Range 1H Unit - 5. MSEL Set to the I/O parameters in the controller by using a teaching tool. Set the mode switchover switch on the front panel to MANU side. The teaching tool version applicable for MSEL is as shown below: • XSEL PC software : V10.00.09.00 to • TB-01 [MSEL-PCX/PGX] : V1.02 to • TB-01 [MSEL-PC(F)/PG(F)] : V1.10 to • TB-02 : V1.00 to㻌 㻌 [1] Network Setting Check Confirm that the I/O Parameter No. 225 Network I/F Module Control setting is showing “1” (CC-Link). (The setting of this parameter is to be established before delivery) Remarks Bits 0-3(First digit): I/O2 module type 0: Not Mounted 1:CC-Link 2:DeviceNet 3:PROFIBUS [2] CC-Link Board Use Setting Have I/O Parameter No. 18 set to “1” (Monitor: use CC-Link board). No. Parameter name 18 I/O2 Error Monitoring Default Input Range (Reference) 1 0 to 5 Unit - Remarks 0: No Monitoring (Not to use CC-Link board) 1: Monitoring [3] Node address setting Have the node address set in I/O Parameter No. 226. No. 226 Note Parameter name I/O2 Fieldbus Node Address Default Input Range (Reference) 0 0 to 64 Unit - Remarks CC-Link node address range: 1 to 64 If a number out of the settable range is selected, “D75: Fieldbus Parameter Error” will occur. 89 [4] Communication Speed Setting Have the baud rate set in I/O Parameter No. 227. Match the setting to the communication speed of the master unit. No. Parameter name 227 I/O2 Fieldbus Baud Rate Default Input Range (Reference) 0 0 to 4 Unit - Remarks 0: 156Kbps 1: 625Kbps 2: 2.5Mbps 3: 5Mbps 4: 10Mbps Note If a number out of the settable range is selected, “D75: Fieldbus Parameter Error” will occur. 5. MSEL [5] Number of I/O Port Setting Have the port numbers to be used set in I/O Parameter No. 14 and 15. Note Set a number that is a multiple of 8. No. 14 15 Parameter name I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Input Ports I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Output Ports Default Input Range (Reference) Unit Remarks 0 0 to 240 - 8 port unit 0 0 to 240 - 8 port unit [6] I/O Port Top Number Setting Have the top port number in the port range to be used set in I/O Parameter No. 16 and 17. Note No. 16 17 The values entered into these parameters must be evenly divisible by 8. Parameter name I/O2 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O2 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number Default Input Range (Reference) Unit 48 -1 to 299 - 348 -1 300 to 599 - Remarks 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] [7] Time Setting to Wait for CC-Link Communication Establishment In I/O Parameter No. 121, set the time until check is to be held to see if the CC-Link communication is established at the startup. Change the parameter in case D5D or A6B error occurs due to a faster startup of MSEL than the master unit. No. Parameter name 121 Network Attribute 2 90 Default Input Range (Reference) C80000H 0 to FFFFFFFFH Unit Remarks 100ms Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (Example) The initial value C80000H is bit 16 to 27 = C8H = 200 (in 100ms unit) 200×100ms = 20sec Check in 20sec after startup [8] Data Retaining Setting at CC-Link Communication Error Have the setting established in I/O Parameter No. 120 whether to clear the input port data at 0 or to remain the data when a communication error is occurred. No. Parameter name 120 Network Attribute 1 Default Input Range (Reference) 640001H 0 to FFFFFFFFH Unit - Remarks Bits 28 to 31: Input port data selected at I/O2 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained 5. MSEL 91 5.4 Setting Example (1) Example for when using only CC-Link (I/O2) It is how to establish the setting when using CC-Link (I/O2) to 16 ports of each input and output from the top of the standard I/O ports, and no other I/O port (for I/O board, etc.) is to be used. 䢢 䢢 䢢 5. MSEL 䢢 Not Applicable (I/O board) Input Port No.48 to 63 Output Port No.348 to 363 (CC-Link board (I/O2)) O ● I/O Parameters No. 2 3 I/O1 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O1 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number Default Input Range Set value (Reference) 0 -1 to 299 0 300 -1 300 to 599 300 Remarks 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use I/O board) 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Not to monitor 24V I/O power related error) 3: Monitoring (To monitor only 24V I/O power related error) 10 I/O1 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 0 14 I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Input Ports 0 0 to 240 16 8 port unit 0 0 to 240 16 8 port unit 48 -1 to 299 48 348 -1 300 to 599 348 1 0 to 5 1 15 16 17 18 92 Parameter name I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Output Ports I/O2 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O2 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number I/O2 Error Monitoring 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring No. Parameter name Default Input Range Set value (Reference) 120 Network Attribute 1 640001H 121 Network Attribute 2 C80000H 1 226 I/O2 Fieldbus Node Address 0 227 I/O2 Fieldbus Baud Rate 0 Bits 28 to 31: Input port data selected at I/O2 0 to Optional Fieldbus link error FFFFFFFFH 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained Bits 16 to 27: 0 to Optional Value of Link Timeout at initializing FFFFFFFFH of the Fieldbus (100ms) Bits 0-3(First digit): I/O2 module type 0: Not Mounted 1 1H (Confirmation) 1: CC-Link 2: DeviceNet 3: PROFIBUS CC-Link node address range: 0 to 64 Optional 1 to 64 0: 156Kbps Follow 1: 625Kbps master 2: 2.5Mbps 0 to 4 unit 3: 5Mbps setting 4: 10Mbps 93 5. MSEL 225 Extension I/O Control Remarks (2) Example for when using CC-Link and I/O Board 1 together This is a setting to use I/O board (16 points each for input and output) and CC-Link on I/O port (I/O2) at 240 points of ports each for input and output on the ports. 䢢 䢢 䢢 5. MSEL 䢢 Input Port No.16 to 31 Output Port No.316 to 331 (I/O board (I/O1)) Input Ports No.48 to 271 Output Ports No.348 to 571 (CC-Link board (I/O2)) ● I/O Parameters No. 2 3 I/O1 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O1 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number Default Input Range (Reference) Set value 0 -1 to 299 0 300 -1 300 to 599 300 Remarks 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use I/O board) 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Not to monitor 24V I/O power related error) 3: Monitoring (To monitor only 24V I/O power related error) 10 I/O1 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 1 14 I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Input Ports 0 0 to 240 224 8 port unit 0 0 to 240 224 8 port unit 48 -1 to 299 48 348 -1 300 to 599 348 1 0 to 5 1 15 16 17 18 94 Parameter name I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Output Ports I/O2 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O2 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number I/O2 Error Monitoring 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring No. Parameter name Default Input Range (Reference) Network Attribute 1 640001H 0 to FFFFFFFFH 121 Network Attribute 2 C80000H 0 to FFFFFFFFH 225 Extension I/O Control 1 1H 226 I/O2 Fieldbus Node Address 0 0 to 64 227 I/O2 Fieldbus Baud Rate 0 0 to 4 Remarks Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus Bits 28 to 31: Optional Input port data selected at I/O2 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained Bits 16 to 27: Optional Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) Bits 0-3(First digit): I/O2 module type 0: Not Mounted 1 (Confirmation) 1:CC-Link 2:DeviceNet 3:PROFIBUS CC-Link node address range: Optional 1 to 64 0: 156Kbps Follow 1: 625Kbps master unit 2: 2.5Mbps 3: 5Mbps setting 4: 10Mbps 95 5. MSEL 120 Set value 5.5 I/O Ports of the MSEL It is available to add special functions beside the general-purposed input and output in the I/O ports. [Refer to MSEL Controller Operation Manual 2.2.5 PIO Circuit, Chapter 5 Parameter for the details.] 5. MSEL ● I/O Port Setting at Delivery Internal DI (I/O1) External DI (I/O1) Internal DI (I/O1) Port No. 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 to 031 For future expansion General-purpose input Internal DO (I/O1) External DO (I/O1) Port No. 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 to 331 032 332 033 333 034 035 036 037 334 335 336 337 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 96 Function For future expansion Internal DO (I/O1) 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 Function ALM (LED on the front panel) RDY (LED on the front panel) EMG (LED on the front panel) For future expansion HPS (LED on the front panel) For future expansion General-purpose output 7-segment user display digit specification 7-segment user display digit specification For future expansion 7-segment display refresh 7-segment user/system alternate display 7-segment user display specification DT0 (7-segment user display bit) DT1 (7-segment user display bit) DT2 (7-segment user display bit) DT3 (7-segment user display bit) DT4 (7-segment user display bit) DT5 (7-segment user display bit) DT6 (7-segment user display bit) For future expansion Port No. 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 to 287 Port No. 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 General-purpose input Program number specification (BCD:1 / BIN:1) * Program number specification (BCD:2 / BIN:2) * Program number specification (BCD:4 / BIN:4) * Program number specification (BCD:8 / BIN:8) * Program number specification (BCD:10 / BIN:16) * Program number specification (BCD:20 / BIN:32) * Program number specification (BCD:40 / BIN:64) * General-purpose input General-purpose input Function Alarm output READY output Emergency-stop output 355 External DO (CCLink) 5. MSEL External DI (CCLink) Function Program start 356 357 General-purpose output 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 to 587 General-purpose output * Switching over between BCD and BIN in Program Number Indication should be conducted in IO Parameter No. 30 Input Function Select 000. (1: Program Start BCD, 2: Program Start Binary (BIN)) 97 5.6 How to Handle MSEL I/O Port Numbers and PLC Addresses In PLC, the MSEL's CC-Link board is set as the remote device station. The number of occupied remote device stations varies, depending on the I/O point setting. Shown below is a table describing the relation between the I/O port numbers and PLC by the number of I/O ports setting (total number of ports used for CC-Link). (1) In the case that the I/O Point Setting is up to 96 points (No. of Occupied Stations: One Station) I/O Point 5. MSEL 16 32 48 64 80 96 Note Input Port Number on MSEL 048 to 063 064 to 079 080 to 095 096 to 111 112 to 127 128 to 143 PLC Side RY 0 to F RY 10 to 1F RWw0 RWw1 RWw2 RWw3 Output Port Number on MSEL 348 to 363 364 to 379 380 to 395 396 to 411 412 to 427 428 to 443 PLC Side RX 0 to F RX 10 to 1F RWr0 RWr1 RWr2 RWr3 The ports in gray column show the system domain for the remote device station on the PLC side, so any of them can not be used as an I/O port. 㻌 (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less (two stations are occupied) I/O Point 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 Note 㻌 98 Input Port Number on MSEL 048 to 063 064 to 079 080 to 095 096 to 111 112 to 127 128 to 143 144 to 159 160 to 175 176 to 191 192 to 207 208 to 223 224 to 239 PLC Side RY 0 to F RY 10 to 1F RY 20 to 2F RY 30 to 3F RWw0 RWw1 RWw2 RWw3 RWw4 RWw5 RWw6 RWw7 Output Port Number on MSEL 348 to 363 364 to 379 380 to 395 396 to 411 412 to 427 428 to 443 444 to 459 460 to 475 476 to 491 492 to 507 508 to 523 524 to 539 PLC Side RX 0 to F RX 10 to 1F RX 20 to 2F RX 30 to 3F RWr0 RWr1 RWr2 RWr3 RWr4 RWr5 RWr6 RWr7 The ports in gray column show the system domain for the remote device station on the PLC side, so any of them can not be used as an I/O port. (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 240 or less (three stations are occupied) Input Port Number on MSEL PLC Side Output Port Number on MSEL PLC Side 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 Applicable Applicable Applicable 048 to 063 064 to 079 080 to 095 096 to 111 112 to 127 128 to 143 144 to 159 160 to 175 176 to 191 192 to 207 208 to 223 224 to 239 240 to 255 256 to 271 272 to 287 - RY 0 to F RY 10 to 1F RY 20 to 2F RY 30 to 3F RY 40 to 4F RY 50 to 5F RWw0 RWw1 RWw2 RWw3 RWw4 RWw5 RWw6 RWw7 RWw8 RWw9 RWwA RWwB 348 to 363 364 to 379 380 to 395 396 to 411 412 to 427 428 to 443 444 to 459 460 to 475 476 to 491 492 to 507 508 to 523 524 to 539 540 to 555 556 to 571 572 to 587 - RX 0 to F RX 10 to 1F RX 20 to 2F RX 30 to 3F RX 40 to 4F RX 50 to 5F RWr0 RWr1 RWr2 RWr3 RWr4 RWr5 RWr6 RWr7 RWr8 RWr9 RWrA RWrB Note 㻌 5. MSEL I/O Point The ports in gray column show the system domain for the remote device station on the PLC side, so any of them can not be used as an I/O port. In the case of three occupied stations, 12 words for each input and output are allocated for the data register on the PLC side (9 words for MSEL). Take care of the duplicated use of the data registers on the PLC side.㻌 (4) Assignment of System Domain Signals It is only Remote Station Ready that is used in the system domain. When set to occupy one station n = 1, when set to occupy two stations n = 3, when set to occupy three stations n = 5 PLC Side Signal assignment PLC Side RY n0 RX n0 RY n1 RX n1 RY n2 RX n2 RY n3 RX n3 RY n4 RX n4 RY n5 RX n5 RY n6 RX n6 RY n7 RX n7 RY n8 RY n9 RY nA Unavailable Signal assignment Unavailable RX n8 RX n9 RX nA RY nB RX nB RY nC RX nC RY nD RX nD RY nE RX nE RY nF RX nF Remote station Ready It turns ON when the startup of MSEL is complete, and informs higher-order (master). Unavailable 99 Reference ■ When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: two stations are occupied Addresses in PLC are assigned to t he remote I/O addresses and remote regist er areas that correspond to the station number set by the rotary switch and the number of occupied stations set by the PLC parameter, in order of port number. (1) Remote I/O PLC (Output) 5. MSEL (Input) MSEL (Input) Port No. 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 (Output) Port No. 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 Xnn and Ynn are the remote I/O addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number. The addresses of the remode I/O in PLC (RX and RY) are set to Xnn and Ynn. (Refer to “Section 11. Communication with Master Station.”) 㻌 100 5.7 Troubleshooting Alarm Code (Fieldbus related items are chosen below) No. Error name A6B Fieldbus error (FBRS link error) 56A CC-Link System Domain Use Error D56 Fieldbus error (MinACK Timeout) D59 Fieldbus error (DPRAM writing and reading) D5A Fieldbus error (TOGGLE Timeout) D5B Fieldbus error (Access right retry over) D5D Fieldbus error (FBRS link error) D5E Fieldbus error (Mail BOX response) D5F Network I/F Module Class Mismatch Error Contents and Treatment MSEL starts up faster than the host (master unit). Change the setting in I/O Parameter No. 121 Bit 16 to23 to have the time extended before timeout. CC-Link system domain cannot be used as the system input and output port for MSEL. It can be concerned the case that the functions listed below have been trying to use the system domain as the system output. Check such settings as I/O parameters. 1) Input and output function select port number 2) Zone output port number, etc. A communication error was detected. Check the condition of PLC, and reboot the MSEL unless there is an error. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. The writing and reading error was detected in the internal memory. MSEL reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. A communication error was detected. MSEL reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. A communication board error was detected. MSEL reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. This occurs when the network connection is not established. 1) Check the station number, the parameters for communication speed and parameters on higher-order side. 2) It is concerned the startup of MSEL is faster than that of PLC. Change the settings in I/O Parameter No. 121. [Refer to Section 5.3 (7) for the details.] A communication error was detected. Reboot the MSEL. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. The setting of I/O Parameter No. 225 Network I/F Module Class does not match with that of the communication board mounted. Check the contents of the settings in I/O Parameter No. 225, and in case no doubt is found, please contact us. 101 5. MSEL 1) In case it is not possible to connect the network, check the current condition on the display of monitoring LEDs of CC-Link Board. [Refer to Section 5.2] Check the settings of the MSEL and the settings of the master unit referring to the instruction manuals of the master unit. 2) When an alarm is issued, an alarm code gets output to the panel window of the XSEL controller. (1) Find the alarm code that you see on the window from the alarm code list shown below. Deal with it based on the description for the alarm code in question. (2) In case the alarm code is not found in the following list, search in the alarm contents list contained in MSEL Instruction Manual. Deal with it based on the description for the alarm code in question. 5. MSEL No. 102 Error name D75 Fieldbus Parameter Error D76 Fieldbus Module Unmounted Error D77 Fieldbus error (Exception) E1F I/O Assignment Parameter Error E20 I/O Duplication Assignment Error E21 I/O Assignment Number Overflow Error E8F Fieldbus logic error Contents and Treatment There is an error in a parameter. Check I/O Parameter No. 226 to 227. Example) • A node address out of the range was set. • A communication speed out of the range is set. CC-Link board is not mounted. A communication board error was detected. Reboot the MSEL. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. It is a parameter setting error. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to MSEL Instruction Manual.] I/O assignment is duplicated. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to MSEL Instruction Manual.] Check the number of the ports that I/O boards are mounted. I/O assignment has exceeded the specified range. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to MSEL Instruction Manual.] Check the number of the ports that I/O boards are mounted. It is a logic error at the Fieldbus initializing. 6. Tabletop Robot TTA Tabletop Robot TTA, which are applicable for CC-Link, deal the I/O data as the bit data or word data, and operate while reflecting the data. Note Set the Station Data for the Master Station to “ver 1, Remote Device Station”. 6.1 Models 6. Tabletop Robot TTA The model codes are as shown below: • TTA-A□(SL/SH) (G)-WA-□-□-□-□-CC • TTA-C□(SL/SH) (G)-WA-□-□-□-□-CC • TTA-A□(SL/SH) (G)-WA-□-□-□-□-□-CC • TTA-C□(SL/SH) (G)-WA-□-□-□-□-□-CC • TTA-A□(SL/SH) (G)-WA-□-□-□-□-CC-CC • TTA-C□(SL/SH) (G)-WA-□-□-□-□-CC-CC Rear side Extension I/O slot 2 (I/O3) Extension I/O slot 1 (I/O2) Extension I/O slot 1 (I/O2) Status LE D Status LE D Extension I/O slot 2 (I /O3) 103 6. Tabletop Robot TTA 6.2 CC-Link Interface Two pieces of CC-Link board can be mounted at the maximum. (1) Name of Each Part CC-Link communication connector (I/O2) Monitor LED (I/O2) Monitor LED (I/O3) CC-Link communication connector (I/O3) Signal Details name DA Communications Line A DB Communications Line B DG Digital Ground DA DB DG SLD FG SLD SLD Shield (It is connected to FG and the main frame.) FG Frame Ground (It is connected to SLD and the main frame.) (2) Monitor LED indications The board operation status and network condition are obtained with the two LEDs located in the front of the communication board. LED ○ : Illuminating Color × : OFF Illumination Status ○ ERR orange × RUN 104 green ○ : Flashing Indication Description (Detailed Explanation) • Data reception error • Communication Setting Error (Station Number Setting/ Baud rate setting, etc.) • The station No. and baud rate set values are changed from ones set at the time of reset cancellation (0.4 sec flashing) • Communication in normal condition • Turns on when communication is started, and turns OFF when communication is disconnected for the specified time 6.3 Parameter Settings Set to the I/O parameters in the controller by using a teaching tool. Note The setting parameter number will differ depending on the slot number (I/O2 or I/O3) mounting CC-Link. Check on which slot the CC-Link board is mounted in your TTA before starting the setting work. 6. Tabletop Robot TTA Set the mode switchover switch on the front panel to MANU side. The teaching tool version applicable for TTA is as shown below: • XSEL PC software : V10.00.00.00 to • SEL-T/TD : V1.17 to • TB-01 : V1.00 to • TB-02 : V1.00 to㻌 㻌 㻌 CC-Link board (I/O3) CC-Link board (I/O2) < Setting Parameter > < Setting Parameter > I/O Parameter No.14 I/O Parameter No.225 I/O Parameter No.15 I/O Parameter No.231 I/O Parameter No.16 I/O Parameter No.232 I/O Parameter No.17 I/O Parameter No.233 I/O Parameter No.18 I/O Parameter No.234 I/O Parameter No.225 I/O Parameter No.235 I/O Parameter No.226 I/O Parameter No.237 I/O Parameter No.227 I/O Parameter No.238 I/O board 1 (I/O1) < Setting Parameter > I/O Parameter No.2 I/O Parameter No.3 I/O Parameter No.10 105 [1] Network Setting Check Confirm that the I/O Parameter No. 225 Network I/F Module Control setting is showing “1” (CC-Link). (The setting of this parameter is to be established before delivery) Note The digit to check will differ depending on the position to mount CC-Link (Mounted on I/O2: 1st digit, mounted on I/O3: 2nd digit) No. Parameter name 6. Tabletop Robot TTA 225 Extension I/O Control Default *1 1* 11 Input Range 01H to 11H Unit - Remarks Bits 0-3(First digit): I/O2 module type Bits 4-7(2nd digit): I/O3 module type 0: Not Mounted 1:CC-Link 2:DeviceNet 3:PROFIBUS [2] CC-Link Board Use Setting Have I/O Parameter No. 18 and 235 set to “1” (Monitor: use CC-Link board) in accordance with the position to mount CC-Link board. No. Parameter name Default Input Range (Reference) Unit 18 I/O2 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 - 235 I/O3 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 - Remarks 0: No Monitoring (Not to use CC-Link board) 1: Monitoring 0: No Monitoring (Not to use CC-Link board) 1: Monitoring [3] Node address setting Have the node address set in I/O Parameter No. 226 and 237 in accordance with the position to mount CC-Link board. No. Parameter name I/O2 Fieldbus Node Address I/O2 Fieldbus Node 237 Address 226 Note 106 Default Input Range (Reference) Unit 0 0 to 64 - 0 0 to 64 - Remarks CC-Link node address range: 1 to 64 CC-Link node address range: 1 to 64 If a number out of the settable range is selected, “D75: Fieldbus Parameter Error” will occur. [4] Communication Speed Setting Have the baud rate set in I/O Parameter No. 227 and 238 in accordance with the position to mount CC-Link board. Match the setting to the communication speed of the master unit. No. Parameter name Default Input Range (Reference) Unit 227 I/O2 Fieldbus Baud Rate 0 0 to 4 - 238 I/O3 Fieldbus Baud Rate 0 0 to 4 - Remarks Note If a number out of the settable range is selected, “D75: Fieldbus Parameter Error” will occur. [5] Number of I/O Port Setting Have the port numbers to be used set in I/O Parameter No. 14, 15, 231 and 232 in accordance with the position to mount CC-Link board. Note Set a number that is a multiple of 8. No. Parameter name I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Input Ports I/O2 Fieldbus 15 Remote Output Ports I/O3 Fieldbus 231 Remote Input Ports I/O3 Fieldbus 232 Remote Output Ports 14 Default Input Range (Reference) Unit 0 0 to 240 - 0 0 to 240 - 0 0 to 240 - 0 0 to 240 - Remarks 8 port unit 8 port unit 8 port unit 8 port unit Caution The available number of ports to be used is 240 at the maximum no matter if the number of mounted CC-Link board is 1 piece or 2 pieces. 107 6. Tabletop Robot TTA 0: 156Kbps 1: 625Kbps 2: 2.5Mbps 3: 5Mbps 4: 10Mbps 0: 156Kbps 1: 625Kbps 2: 2.5Mbps 3: 5Mbps 4: 10Mbps [6] I/O Port Top Number Setting Have the top port number in the port range to be used set in I/O Parameter No. 16, 17, 233 and 234 in accordance with the position to mount CC-Link board. Note No. The values entered into these parameters must be evenly divisible by 8. Parameter name I/O2 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O2 Fixed Assignment 17 Output Port Start Number I/O3 Fixed Assignment Input 233 Port Start Number I/O3 Fixed Assignment 234 Output Port Start Number 6. Tabletop Robot TTA 16 Default Input Range (Reference) Unit -1 -1 to 299 - -1 -1 300 to 599 - -1 -1 to 299 - -1 -1 300 to 599 - Remarks 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] [7] Time Setting to Wait for CC-Link Communication Establishment In I/O Parameter No. 121, set the time until check is to be held to see if the CC-Link communication is established at the startup. Change the parameter in case D5D or A6B error occurs due to a faster startup of TTA than the master unit. No. Parameter name 121 Network Attribute 2 Default Input Range (Reference) C80000H 0 to FFFFFFFFH Unit Remarks 100ms Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (Example) The initial value C80000H is bit 16 to 27 = C8H = 200 (in 100ms unit) 200×100ms = 20sec Check in 20sec after startup [8] Data Retaining Setting at CC-Link Communication Error Have the setting established in I/O Parameter No. 120 and 121 whether to clear the input port data at 0 or to remain the data when a communication error is occurred in accordance with the position to mount CC-Link. No. 108 Parameter name Default Input Range (Reference) Unit 120 Network Attribute 1 640001H 0 to FFFFFFFFH - 121 Network Attribute 2 C80000H 0 to FFFFFFFFH - Remarks Bits 28 to 31: Input port data selected at I/O2 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained Bits 8 to 11: Input port data selected at I/O3 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained 6.4 Setting Example (1) Example for when using only CC-Link (I/O2) It is how to establish the setting when using CC-Link (I/O2) to 16 ports of each input and output from the top of the standard I/O ports, and no other I/O port (for I/O board, etc.) is to be used. 䢢 䢢 䢢 䢢 6. Tabletop Robot TTA Input Port No.48 to 63 Output Port No.348 to 363 (CC-Link board (I/O2)) Not Applicable (I/O board) ● I/O Parameters No. 2 3 Parameter name I/O1 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O1 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number Default Input Range Set value (Reference) 0 -1 to 299 0 300 -1 300 to 599 300 Remarks 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use I/O board) 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Not to monitor 24V I/O power related error) 3: Monitoring (To monitor only 24V I/O power related error) 10 I/O1 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 1 14 I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Input Ports 0 0 to 240 16 8 port unit 8 port unit 15 16 17 18 I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Output Ports I/O2 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O2 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number 0 0 to 240 16 -1 -1 to 299 48 -1 -1 300 to 599 348 I/O2 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 1 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring 109 6. Tabletop Robot TTA No. 110 Parameter name Default Input Range Set value (Reference) 120 Network Attribute 1 640001H 0 to Optional FFFFFFFFH 121 Network Attribute 2 C80000H 0 to Optional FFFFFFFFH 225 Extension I/O Control 01 01H to 11H - 226 I/O2 Fieldbus Node Address 0 0 to 64 Optional 227 I/O2 Fieldbus Baud Rate 0 0 to 4 Follow master unit setting 235 I/O2 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 - Remarks Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus Bits 28 to 31: Input port data selected at I/O3 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained Bits 8 to 11: Input port data selected at I/O3 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) Bits 0-3(First digit): I/O2 module type Bits 4-7(2nd digit): I/O3 module type 0: Not Mounted 1:CC-Link 2:DeviceNet 3:PROFIBUS CC-Link node address range: 1 to 64 0: 156Kbps 1: 625Kbps 2: 2.5Mbps 3: 5Mbps 4: 10Mbps 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring (2) Example for when using CC-Link and I/O Board 1 together This is a setting to use I/O board (16 points each for input and output) and CC-Link on I/O port (I/O2) at 240 points of ports each for input and output on the ports. 䢢 䢢 䢢 䢢 Extended Input Ports No.48 to 271 Extended Output Ports No.348 to 571 (CC-Link board (I/O2)) Standard Input Port No.16 to 31 Standard Output Port No.316 to 331 (I/O board (I/O1)) ● I/O Parameters No. 2 3 Parameter name I/O1 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O1 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number Default Input Range (Reference) Set value 0 -1 to 299 0 300 -1 300 to 599 300 Remarks 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use I/O board) 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Not to monitor 24V I/O power related error) 3: Monitoring (To monitor only 24V I/O power related error) 10 I/O1 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 1 14 I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Input Ports 0 0 to 240 224 8 port unit 8 port unit 15 16 17 18 I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Output Ports I/O2 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O2 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number 0 0 to 240 224 -1 -1 to 299 48 -1 -1 300 to 599 348 I/O2 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 1 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring 111 6. Tabletop Robot TTA 6. Tabletop Robot TTA No. Parameter name 120 Network Attribute 1 640001H 0 to FFFFFFFFH 121 Network Attribute 2 C80000H 0 to FFFFFFFFH 225 Extension I/O Control 01 01H to 11H 226 I/O2 Fieldbus Node Address 0 0 to 64 227 0 0 to 4 1 0 to 5 I/O2 Fieldbus Baud Rate 235 I/O3 Error Monitoring 112 Default Input Range (Reference) Set value Remarks Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus Bits 28 to 31: Optional Input port data selected at I/O3 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained Bits 8 to 11: Input port data selected at I/O3 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear Optional 1: Input port data retained Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) Bits 0-3(First digit): I/O2 module type Bits 4-7(2nd digit): I/O3 module type 0: Not Mounted 1:CC-Link 2:DeviceNet 3:PROFIBUS CC-Link node address range: Optional 1 to 64 0: 156Kbps 1: 625Kbps Follow master unit 2: 2.5Mbps 3: 5Mbps setting 4: 10Mbps 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring (3) Example for when using CC-Link (I/O2 and I/O3) together This is a setting to mount two pieces of CC-Link and use 120 points on each port. 䢢 䢢 䢢 䢢 Extended Input Ports No.48 to 167 Extended Output Ports No.348 to 467 (CC-Link board (I/O2)) Standard Input Port No.168 to 287 Standard Output Port No.468 to 587 (CC-Link board (I/O3)) ● I/O Parameters No. 2 3 Parameter name I/O1 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O1 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number Default Input Range (Reference) Set value 0 -1 to 299 0 300 -1 300 to 599 300 Remarks 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use I/O board) 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Not to monitor 24V I/O power related error) 3: Monitoring (To monitor only 24V I/O power related error) 10 I/O1 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 1 14 I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Input Ports 0 0 to 240 224 8 port unit 8 port unit 15 16 17 18 I/O2 Fieldbus Remote Output Ports I/O2 Fixed Assignment Input Port Start Number I/O2 Fixed Assignment Output Port Start Number 0 0 to 240 224 -1 -1 to 299 48 -1 -1 300 to 599 348 I/O2 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 1 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use Network I/F Module 1) 1: Monitoring 113 6. Tabletop Robot TTA 6. Tabletop Robot TTA No. Parameter name Set value Remarks Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus Bits 28 to 31: Optional Input port data selected at I/O3 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear 1: Input port data retained Bits 8 to 11: Input port data selected at I/O3 Fieldbus link error 0: Input port data clear Optional 1: Input port data retained Bits 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100ms) Bits 0-3(First digit): I/O2 module type Bits 4-7(2nd digit): I/O3 module type 0: Not Mounted 1:CC-Link 2:DeviceNet 3:PROFIBUS CC-Link node address range: Optional 1 to 64 0: 156Kbps 1: 625Kbps Follow master unit 2: 2.5Mbps 3: 5Mbps setting 4: 10Mbps 120 Network Attribute 1 640001H 0 to FFFFFFFFH 121 Network Attribute 2 C80000H 0 to FFFFFFFFH 225 Extension I/O Control 11 01H to 11H 226 I/O2 Fieldbus Node Address 0 0 to 64 227 I/O2 Fieldbus Baud Rate 0 0 to 4 I/O3 Fieldbus Remote Input Ports I/O3 Fieldbus 232 Remote Output Ports I/O3 Fixed Assignment Input Port 233 Start Number I/O3 Fixed Assignment Output 234 Port Start Number 0 0 to 240 120 8 port unit 0 0 to 240 120 8 port unit -1 -1 to 299 -1 -1 300 to 599 235 I/O3 Error Monitoring 1 0 to 5 237 I/O3 Fieldbus Node Address 0 0 to 64 238 I/O3 Fieldbus Baud Rate 0 0 to 4 231 114 Default Input Range (Reference) 0+(Multiples of 8) [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 300+(Multiples of 8) 468 [Ineffective when -1 is selected] 0: No Monitoring (Not to use CC-Link board) 1 1: Monitoring CC-Link node address range: Optional 1 to 64 0: 156Kbps Follow 1: 625Kbps master unit 2: 2.5Mbps setting 3: 5Mbps 4: 10Mbps 168 6.5 I/O Ports of the TTA It is available to add special functions beside the general-purposed input and output in the I/O ports. [Refer to TTA Controller Operation Manual 4.6 How to Use Internal DIO, Chapter 5 Parameter for the details.] ● I/O Port Setting at Delivery Port No. 000 001 Function Start Switch No.1 (Additional Switch) 002 003 005 Internal DI (I/O1) External DI (I/O1) Internal DI (I/O1) 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 Switch No.2 (Additional Switch) Switch No.3 (Additional Switch) Program number specification Ones place of the digital switch 015 Program number specification Tens place of the digital switch Switch No.4 (Additional Switch) 016 to 031 General-purpose input (I/O connector on the rear panel) Function ALM (LED on the front panel) 301 RDY (LED on the front panel) 302 EMG (LED on the front panel) 303 304 305 Internal DO (I/O1) External DO (I/O1) 306 Internal DI No. 001 ON/OFF Internal DI No. 002 ON/OFF Internal DI No. 003 ON/OFF Internal DI No. 004 ON/OFF Internal DI No. 005 ON/OFF Internal DI No. 006 ON/OFF For future expansion 315 Internal DI No. 015 ON/OFF 316 to 331 General-purpose output (I/O connector on the rear panel) 7-segment user display digit specification 7-segment user display digit specification 332 033 333 034 035 036 037 334 335 336 337 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 For future expansion Internal DO (I/O1) For future expansion 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 032 038 Automatic operation mode (start switch LED) HPS (LED on the front panel) 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 For future expansion 7-segment display refresh 7-segment user/system alternate display 7-segment user display specification DT0 (7-segment user display bit) DT1 (7-segment user display bit) DT2 (7-segment user display bit) DT3 (7-segment user display bit) DT4 (7-segment user display bit) DT5 (7-segment user display bit) DT6 (7-segment user display bit) For future expansion 115 6. Tabletop Robot TTA 004 For future expansion Port No. 300 6. Tabletop Robot TTA External DI (CCLink) Port No. 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 to 287 Function General-purpose input (Software reset) (Servo ON) (Auto program start) (Software interlock) (Pause reset) (Pause) General-purpose input (Home return) General-purpose input External DO (CCLink) Port No. 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 to 587 Function Alarm output Ready output Emergency stop output General-purpose output General-purpose output In this table, shows the settings when CC-Link Connection Board is installed in “I/O2”. For when the board is installed in “I/O3”, refer to Instruction Manual of TTA. 116 6.6 How to Handle TTA I/O Port Numbers and PLC Addresses In PLC, theTTA's CC-Link board is set as the remote device station. The number of occupied remote device stations varies, depending on the I/O point setting. Shown below is a table describing the relation between the I/O port numbers and PLC by the number of I/O ports setting (total number of ports used for CC-Link). (1) In the case that the I/O Point Setting is up to 96 points (No. of Occupied Stations: One Station) I/O Point Note PLC Side RY 0 to F RY 10 to 1F RWw0 RWw1 RWw2 RWw3 Output Port Number on TTA 348 to 363 364 to 379 380 to 395 396 to 411 412 to 427 428 to 443 PLC Side RX 0 to F RX 10 to 1F RWr0 RWr1 RWr2 RWr3 The ports in gray column show the system domain for the remote device station on the PLC side, so any of them can not be used as an I/O port. 㻌 (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less (two stations are occupied) I/O Point 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 Note Input Port Number on TTA 048 to 063 016 to 031 032 to 047 048 to 063 064 to 079 080 to 095 096 to 111 112 to 127 128 to 143 144 to 159 160 to 175 176 to 191 PLC Side RY 0 to F RY 10 to 1F RY 20 to 2F RY 30 to 3F RWw0 RWw1 RWw2 RWw3 RWw4 RWw5 RWw6 RWw7 Output Port Number on TTA 300 to 315 316 to 331 332 to 347 348 to 363 364 to 379 380 to 395 396 to 411 412 to 427 428 to 443 444 to 459 460 to 475 476 to 491 PLC Side RX 0 to F RX 10 to 1F RX 20 to 2F RX 30 to 3F RWr0 RWr1 RWr2 RWr3 RWr4 RWr5 RWr6 RWr7 The ports in gray column show the system domain for the remote device station on the PLC side, so any of them can not be used as an I/O port. 㻌 117 6. Tabletop Robot TTA 16 32 48 64 80 96 Input Port Number on TTA 048 to 063 064 to 079 080 to 095 096 to 111 112 to 127 128 to 143 6. Tabletop Robot TTA (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 240 or less (three stations are occupied) I/O Point Input Port Number on TTA PLC Side Output Port Number on TTA PLC Side 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 Applicable Applicable Applicable 048 to 063 064 to 079 080 to 095 096 to 111 112 to 127 128 to 143 144 to 159 160 to 175 176 to 191 192 to 207 208 to 223 224 to 239 240 to 255 256 to 271 272 to 287 - RY 0 to F RY 10 to 1F RY 20 to 2F RY 30 to 3F RY 40 to 4F RY 50 to 5F RWw0 RWw1 RWw2 RWw3 RWw4 RWw5 RWw6 RWw7 RWw8 RWw9 RWwA RWwB 300 to 315 316 to 331 332 to 347 348 to 363 364 to 379 380 to 395 396 to 411 412 to 427 428 to 443 444 to 459 460 to 475 476 to 491 492 to 507 508 to 523 524 to 539 - RX 0 to F RX 10 to 1F RX 20 to 2F RX 30 to 3F RX 40 to 4F RX 50 to 5F RWr0 RWr1 RWr2 RWr3 RWr4 RWr5 RWr6 RWr7 RWr8 RWr9 RWrA RWrB Note 㻌 The ports in gray column show the system domain for the remote device station on the PLC side, so any of them can not be used as an I/O port. In the case of three occupied stations, 12 words for each input and output are allocated for the data register on the PLC side (9 words for TTA). Take care of the duplicated use of the data registers on the PLC side.㻌 (4) Assignment of System Domain Signals It is only Remote Station Ready that is used in the system domain. When set to occupy one station n = 1, when set to occupy two stations n = 3, when set to occupy three stations n = 5 PLC Side PLC Side RX n0 RY n1 RX n1 RY n2 RX n2 RY n3 RX n3 RY n4 RX n4 RY n5 RX n5 RY n6 RX n6 RY n7 RX n7 RY n8 RY n9 RY nA 118 Signal assignment RY n0 Unavailable Signal assignment Unavailable RX n8 RX n9 RX nA RY nB RX nB RY nC RX nC RY nD RX nD RY nE RX nE RY nF RX nF Remote station Ready It turns on when the startup of TTA is complete, and informs higher-order (master). Unavailable Reference ■ When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: two stations are occupied Addresses in PLC are assigned to t he remote I/O addresses and remote regist er areas that correspond to the station number set by the rotary switch and the number of occupied stations set by the PLC parameter, in order of port number. (1) Remote I/O PLC (Output) (Input) 6. Tabletop Robot TTA TT (Input) Port No. 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 (Output) Port No. 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 Xnn and Ynn are the remote I/O addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number. The addresses of the remode I/O in PLC (RX and RY) are set to Xnn and Ynn. (Refer to “Section 11. Communication with Master Station.”) 㻌 119 6.7 Troubleshooting 1) In case it is not possible to connect the network, check the current condition on the display of monitoring LEDs of CC-Link Board. [Refer to Section 5.2] Check the settings of the TTA and the settings of the master unit referring to the instruction manuals of the master unit. 2) When an alarm is issued, an alarm code gets output to the panel window of the XSEL controller. (1) Find the alarm code that you see on the window from the alarm code list shown below. Deal with it based on the description for the alarm code in question. (2) In case the alarm code is not found in the following list, search in the alarm contents list contained in Tabletop Robot TTA Instruction Manual. Deal with it based on the description for the alarm code in question. Alarm Code (Fieldbus related items are chosen below) 6. Tabletop Robot TTA No. 120 Error name A6B Fieldbus error (FBRS link error) 56A CC-Link System Domain Use Error D56 Fieldbus error (MinACK Timeout) D59 Fieldbus error (DPRAM writing and reading) D5A Fieldbus error (TOGGLE Timeout) D5B Fieldbus error (Access right retry over) D5D Fieldbus error (FBRS link error) D5E Fieldbus error (Mail BOX response) D5F Network I/F Module Class Mismatch Error Contents and Treatment TTA starts up faster than the host (master unit). Change the setting in I/O Parameter No. 121 Bit 16 to23 to have the time extended before timeout. CC-Link system domain cannot be used as the system input and output port for TTA. It can be concerned the case that the functions listed below have been trying to use the system domain as the system output. Check such settings as I/O parameters. 1) Input and output function select port number 2) Zone output port number 3) Vision System I/F image-capturing indication physical output port number, etc. A communication error was detected. Check the condition of PLC, and reboot the TTA unless there is an error. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. The writing and reading error was detected in the internal memory. TTA reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. A communication error was detected. TTA reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. A communication board error was detected. TTA reboot the controller. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. This occurs when the network connection is not established. 1) Check the station number, the parameters for communication speed and parameters on higher-order side. 2) It is concerned the startup of TTA is faster than that of PLC. Change the settings in I/O Parameter No. 121. [Refer to Section 6.3 (7) for the details.] A communication error was detected. Reboot the TTA. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. The setting of I/O Parameter No. 225 Network I/F Module Class does not match with that of the communication board mounted. Check the contents of the settings in I/O Parameter No. 225, and in case no doubt is found, please contact us. No. Error name Fieldbus Parameter Error D76 Fieldbus Module Unmounted Error D77 Fieldbus error (Exception) E1F I/O Assignment Parameter Error E20 I/O Duplication Assignment Error E21 I/O Assignment Number Overflow Error E8F Fieldbus logic error 121 6. Tabletop Robot TTA D75 Contents and Treatment There is an error in a parameter. Check I/O Parameter No. 226 to 227 and 237 to 238. Example) • A node address out of the range was set. • A communication speed out of the range is set. CC-Link board is not mounted. A communication board error was detected. Reboot the TTA. If the same error occurs again, please contact us. It is a parameter setting error. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to TTA Instruction Manual.] I/O assignment is duplicated. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to TTA Instruction Manual.] Check the number of the ports that I/O boards are mounted. I/O assignment has exceeded the specified range. Check to see that a number out of the I/O port number (except for -1) is not set to I/O Parameters No. 2 to 9, a number out of indication is not input to I/O port start number, or a number out of indication is not input to I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17. [Refer to TTA Instruction Manual.] Check the number of the ports that I/O boards are mounted. It is a logic error at the Fieldbus initializing. 4. 7 Tabletop Robot TT TT is handled as a remote device station. 7 4.1 Models Model: TT-□-I-□-CC 7. Tabletop Robot TT Number of Network I/O points MAX: 240/240 CC-Link Standard I/O CC-Link board is installed on the field network board installation position. (Note) 16 points each for input and output among I/O points are in the system area, therefore, these points cannot be used. For further information, please refer to “Section 4.5 7.5 Correspondence between the TT I/O port No. and PLC addresses.” 122 63 74.2 CC-Link board (1) Names of each part TT type Monitor LED Communications speed CC-Link communications setting rotary setting rotary switch connector 7. Tabletop Robot TT 64 Station number 123 (2) Rotary switches The following can be carried out by rotary switches: a. Setting of station number b. Setting of communications speed a. Setting of station number In the CC-Link only with remote I/O stations, up to 64 units can be connected. The station number is set in the 1 to 64 range by the two rotary switches. SA 10: Sets the tens place. SA 1: Sets the ones place. 7. Tabletop Robot TT Rotary switch selection number Station number SA 10 SA 1 0 0 0 1 10 1 2 20 2 3 30 3 4 40 4 5 50 5 6 60 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 (Example) When setting the station number to 12: Set the rotary switch SA 10 to 1. Set the rotary switch SA 1 to 2. (Note) The CC-Link first I/O address in PLC is determined according to the master unit installation position and the number of I/O occupied points of the unit installed prior to that. The I/O addresses in PLC are assigned from the first I/O address above in order of station number. For further information regarding setting of the station number and setting of the I/O address in the PLC, refer to the Operation Manuals for the master unit and PLC to be mounted. 124 65 b. Setting of communications speed The communications speed is set by the rotary switch BR. Communications speed 0 156 kbps 1 625 kbps 2 2.5 Mbps 3 5 Mbps 4 10 Mbps Setting to 5 or more prohibited Error Display of monitor LEDs The four LEDs mounted on the front of the board can indicate the board operating state and network condition. LED Color Display condition Display details (display indication) RUN Green Lighting Lights when communications start and turns off when communications are interrupted for a certain time or longer. SD Green Lighting Lights during data transmission RD Green Lighting Lights during data reception Lighting Local station address receiving data has an error. Flashing Setting by the communications speed setting rotary switch was changed during communications. Setting by the station number setting rotary switch was changed during communications. ERR 66 Red 125 7. Tabletop Robot TT (3) Rotary switch selection number 74.3 Setting of I/O parameters (assignment of I/O ports) The TT I/O ports used in the CC-Link are set. 7. Tabletop Robot TT (1) Board installation positions (slots) and parameter numbers Standard I/O CC-Link Parameter No. 14 No. 15 The factory-configured number for each input port and output port used in the CC-Link is set to 64 points. 126 67 (2) No. Factory-configured parameters of TT type Parameter name 1 I/O port assignment type 2 Default (reference) Input range Remarks 0 Reference only 0: Fixed assignment Standard I/O fixed assignment time: Input port start No. 000 Reference only 0+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative values) 3 Standard I/O 1 fixed assignment time: Output port start No. 300 Reference only 300+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative values) 4 Standard I/O 2 fixed assignment time: Input port start No. 32 Reference only 0+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative values) 5 Standard I/O 2 fixed assignment time: Output port start No. 316 Reference only 300+(multiples of 8)(I nvalid for negative values) 6 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment time: Input port start No. (Network I/F module) 48 -1-299 7 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment time: Output port start No. (Network I/F module) 348 -1 300 to 599 8 0+(multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative values) 300+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative values) -1 -1 - 599 System reservation -1 -1 - 599 10 Standard I/O 1 error monitoring 0 0–5 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) * Some exceptions included. 11 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring 0 0-5 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) * Some exceptions included. 12 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring (Network I/F module) 1 0-5 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring * Some exceptions included. 13 System reservation 1 0-5 14 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for input 64 0 - 240 Multiples of 16 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 64 0 - 240 Multiples of 16 122 Network attribute 3 14H 0H to Bits 0 to 11: FFFFFFFFH "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (Main application of Ver.0.31 or later) In the case of TT, the number of ports used in the CC-Link can be changed by parameter setting. The I/O port start No. of the CC-Link is fixed. CC-Link input port start No. 48 CC-Link output port start No. 348 The I/O port No. of the standard I/O (rear panel I/O connector) is fixed. Standard input port No. 16 to 31. Standard output port No. 316 to 331. 127 7. Tabletop Robot TT System reservation 9 (3) Parameter setting examples of tabletop robot TT This is the setting in a case where 240 points for each input and output is assigned to the CC-Link board as the general I/O port. The I/O port start No. of the TT is fixed. Input port start No. 48 Output port start No. 348 The number of ports used is set every 16 points. In addition, the port start No. is predetermined, therefore, the maximum number of ports for each input and output is 240 points. 7. Tabletop Robot TT 240 is set to the I/O parameter No. 14 and No. 15. Standard I/O CC-Link Parameter No. 14 No. 15 128 69 TT type I/O parameters No. 1 Parameter name I/O port assignment type Default (reference) Input range Set value 0 Reference 0 Remarks 0: Fixed assignment only 2 Standard I/O fixed assignment time: 000 Input port start No. 3 Standard I/O 1 fixed assignment time: 4 Standard I/O 2 fixed assignment time: 5 Standard I/O 2 fixed assignment time: 6 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment time: Reference 000 0+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative 300 300+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative 32 0+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative only values) 300 Reference 32 Reference 316 Reference only 316 300+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative 48 -1 - 299 48 0+(multiples of 8) (Invalid for negative Output port start No. only Input port start No. values) only Output port start No. values) values) values) 7. Tabletop Robot TT Input port start No. (Network I/F module) 7 Expansion I/O 1 fixed assignment time: 348 Output port start No. -1 348 300+(multiples of 8)(Invalid for negative values) 300 - 599 (Network I/F module) 8 System reservation -1 -1 - 599 -1 9 System reservation -1 -1 - 599 -1 10 Standard I/O 1 error monitoring 0 0–5 0 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) * Some exceptions included. 11 Expansion I/O 2 error monitoring 0 0-5 0 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring 2: Monitoring (Non-monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors) 3: Monitoring (Monitoring of 24V I/O power related errors only) * Some exceptions included. 12 Expansion I/O 1 error monitoring 1 0-5 1 (Network I/F module) 0: Non-monitoring 1: Monitoring * Some exceptions included. 13 System reservation 1 0-5 1 14 Network I/F card remote: Number of 64 0 - 240 240 Multiples of 16 64 0 - 240 240 Multiples of 16 ports used for input 15 Network I/F card remote: Number of ports used for output 122 Network attribute 3 14H Optional Bits 0 to 11: 0H "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software FFFFFFFFH Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (Main application of Ver.0.31 or later) 129 74.4 I/O port numbers of TT The following table shows I/O port numbers of TT. (For further information, please refer to the “Operation Manual of Tabletop Robot TT.”) 7. Tabletop Robot TT Port No. Port No. Function Function 000 Start 300 ALM (Front panel LED) 001 (Soft reset) 301 RDY (Front panel LED) 002 (Servo ON) 302 EMG (Front panel LED) 003 (Auto start activation) 303 Under automatic operation 004 (Soft interlock) 304 HPS (Front panel LED) 005 (Suspend release) 305 System reservation 006 (Suspend) 306 System reservation Internal 307 System reservation DO 308 Internal DI-No. 001 for ON/OFF 309 Internal DI-No. 002 for ON/OFF 310 Internal DI-No. 003 for ON/OFF 311 Internal DI-No. 004 for ON/OFF 312 Internal DI-No. 005 for ON/OFF 313 Internal DI-No. 006 for ON/OFF Internal 007 DI 008 Designation of program No. 009 for ones-place digital switch 010 011 012 013 Designation of program No. for tens-place digital switch 014 (Drive power release input) 314 Internal DI-No. 014 for ON/OFF 015 (Return to origin, etc.) 315 Internal DI-No. 015 for ON/OFF External 016 - General input External 316 - General output DI 031 DO 331 (Rear panel I/O connector) 332 7 seg user display digit designation (Rear panel I/O connector) 032 033 333 7 seg user display digit designation 034 334 System reservation 035 335 System reservation 036 336 System reservation 037 337 7 seg refresh 038 Internal DI 338 7 seg user system alternating display Internal 339 7 seg user display designation DO 340 DT0 (7 seg user display bit) 041 341 DT1 (7 seg user display bit) 042 342 DT2 (7 seg user display bit) 043 343 DT3 (7 seg user display bit) 044 344 DT4 (7 seg user display bit) 045 345 DT5 (7 seg user display bit) 046 346 DT6 (7 seg user display bit) 047 347 System reservation 039 040 External 048 - DI 287 130 System reservation For CC-Link External 348 - DO 587 For CC-Link 71 4.5 Correspondence between I/O port numbers and PLC addresses of TT 7 In the PLC, the CC-Link board of TT is set as a remote device. The number of occupied stations of the remote device according to the setting of the I/O points on the TT side changes. The following table shows the relationships between I/O port numbers and addresses of the PLC according to the setting of the I/O parameter No. 14 and No. 15. Note: (1) For I/O parameter No. 14 and No. 15, set the same point for whichever the number is larger. When the number of I/O points is set to 96 or less: Configured as one remote device. (One station occupied) I/O parameter No. 14 No. 15 TT side DI (Port No.) 16 16 048 - 063 RY 0– F 348 - 363 RX 0– F 32 32 064 - 079 RY 10 – 1F 364 - 379 RX 10 – 1F 48 48 080 - 095 RWw 0 380 - 395 RWr 0 64 64 096 - 111 RWw 1 396 - 411 RWr 1 80 80 112 - 127 RWw 2 412 - 427 RWr 2 96 96 128 - 143 RWw 3 428 - 443 RWr 3 TT side DO (Port No.) PLC side Since the shaded portions are the system areas for the remote device station on the PLC side, they cannot be used as I/O. (2) When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: Configured as two remote devices. (Two stations occupied) I/O parameter No. 14 No. 15 TT side DI (Port No.) (16) (16) 048 - 063 RY 0– F 348 - 363 RX 0– F (32) (32) 064 - 079 RY 10 – 1F 364 - 379 RX 10 – 1F (48) (48) 080 - 095 RY 20 – 2F 380 - 395 RX 20 – 2F (64) (64) 096 - 111 RY 30 – 3F 396 - 411 RX 30 – 3F (80) (80) 112 - 127 RWw 0 412 - 427 RWr 0 (96) (96) 128 - 143 RWw 1 428 - 443 RWr 1 112 112 144 - 159 RWw 2 444 - 459 RWr 2 128 128 160 - 175 RWw 3 460 - 475 RWr 3 144 144 176 - 191 RWw 4 476 - 491 RWr 4 160 160 192 - 207 RWw 5 492 - 507 RWr 5 176 176 208 - 223 RWw 6 508 - 523 RWr 6 192 224 - 239 RWw 7 524 - 539 RWr 7 192 * PLC side TT side DO (Port No.) PLC side Since the shaded portions are the system areas for the remote device station on the PLC side, they cannot be used as I/O. 131 73 7. Tabletop Robot TT * PLC side (3) When the number of I/O points is set to 208 or more and 256 or less: Configured as three remote devices. (Three stations occupied) I/O parameter No. 15 (16) (16) 048-063 RY 0– F 348 - 363 RX 0– F (32) (32) 064-079 RY 10 – 1F 364 - 379 RX 10 – 1F (48) (48) 080-095 RY 20 – 2F 380 - 395 RX 20 – 2F (64) (64) 096-111 RY 30 – 3F 396 - 411 RX 30 – 3F (80) (80) 112-127 RY 40 – 4F 412 - 427 RX 40 – 4F (96) (96) 128-143 RY 50 – 5F 428 - 443 RX 50 – 5F (112) (112) 144-159 RWw 0 444 - 459 RWr 0 (128) (128) 160-175 RWw 1 460 - 475 RWr 1 (144) (144) 176-191 RWw 2 476 - 491 RWr 2 (160) (160) 192-207 RWw 3 492 - 507 RWr 3 (176) (176) 208-223 RWw 4 508 - 523 RWr 4 (192) (192) 224-239 RWw 5 524 - 539 RWr 5 208 208 240-255 RWw 6 540 - 555 RWr 6 224 224 256-271 RWw 7 556 - 571 RWr 7 240 240 272-287 RWw 8 572 - 587 RWr 8 Not be set - RWw 9 - RWr 9 Not be set - RWw A - RWr A Not be set - RWw B - RWr B 7. Tabletop Robot TT No. 14 TT side DI (Port No.) * PLC side TT side DO (Port No.) PLC side Since the shaded portions are the system areas for the remote device station on the PLC side, they cannot be used as I/O. * In the case of three stations being occupied, twelve words (nine words for TT) are assigned for each input and output in the data register on the PLC side. Be careful about overlapping of data register on the PLC side. 13274 7.6 Data in remote registers Addresses in PLC are assigned to the remote I/O addresses and remote register areas that correspond to the station number set on the CC-Link board and the number of occupied stations set by the PLC parameter, in steps of 16 points (one word) in order of TT port number. Setting the I/O parameter No. 120 to “0” allows the data in one word to be transmitted by reversing the order of the higher-order byte (higher-order 8 bits) and the lower-order byte (lower-order 8 bits) in the communications area with the PLC remote register. (Remote I/O areas are not changed.) I/O parameters No. Parameter name 120 Network attribute 1 Default (reference) Input range 1 Remarks 0H – FFFFFFFFH Bit 0-3: CC-Link remote register area H/L byte SWAP selection (0: No SWAP, 1: SWAP) The relationships between I/O signals are shown below by taking s case where the number of I/O points of TT is set to 112 or more and 192 or less (two stations occupied) for example. (1) TT remote I/O areas and remote register areas Remote input: Port No. 48 to No. 111 Remote output: Port No. 348 to No. 411 Remote address (input): Port No. 112 to No. 239 Remote address (output): Port No. 412 to No. 539 (Note) Since ports No. 128 to No. 143 and No. 428 to No. 443 are the system areas for the remote device stations on the PLC side, they cannot be used. 133 7. Tabletop Robot TT * There should not be inconsistencies between the port numbers of I/O parameters No. 14 and No. 15 and the number of occupied stations. (2) Transmission and receipt of signals in remote I/O areas The transmission and receipt of signals in remote I/O areas are irrelevant to the setting of the I/O parameter No. 120. ●: On, ○: OFF TT port No. (Input) ON/OFF 063 062 061 060 059 058 057 056 055 054 053 052 051 050 049 048 ● ● 7. Tabletop Robot TT Hexadecimal data ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RYnn (Output) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data TT port No. (Output) ON/OFF F 0 8 1 363 362 361 360 359 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RXnn (Input) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data 13476 ● F 0 8 1 (3) Transmission and receipt of signals in remote register areas The I/O parameter No. 120 allows the data in one word (16 bits) to be transmitted by reversing the order of the higher-order byte (higher-order 8 bits) and the lower-order byte (lower-order 8 bits). (a) When the I/O parameter No. 120 is set to “1” ●: On, ○: OFF TT port No. (Input) ON/OFF 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data TT port No. (Output) ON/OFF F 0 8 1 427 426 425 424 423 422 421 420 419 418 417 416 415 414 413 412 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RWrn (Input) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data 7. Tabletop Robot TT PLC: RWwn (Output) F 0 8 1 135 77 (b) When the I/O parameter No. 120 is set to “0” ●: On, ○: OFF TT port No. (Input) ON/OFF 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 ● ○ 7. Tabletop Robot TT Hexadecimal data ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● ● ● 1 ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ 0 PLC: RWwn (Output) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Hexadecimal data TT port No. (Output) ON/OFF F 0 8 1 427 426 425 424 423 422 421 420 419 418 417 416 415 414 413 412 ● ● Hexadecimal data ● ● ○ ○ F ○ ○ ● ○ 0 ○ ○ ○ ○ 8 ○ ● 1 PLC: RWrn (Input) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ON/OFF ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ Hexadecimal data 13678 ○ 8 1 F 0 Reference ■ When the number of I/O points is set to 112 or more and 192 or less: two stations are occupied Addresses in PLC are assigned to the remote I/O addresses and remote register areas that correspond to the station number set by the rotary switch and the number of occupied stations set by the PLC parameter, in order of port number. (1) Remote I/O (Output) (Input) 7. Tabletop Robot TT (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. Xnn and Ynn are the remote I/O addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number. The addresses of the remote I/O in PLC (RX and RY) are set to Xnn and Ynn. (Refer to “Section 11. Communication with Master Station.”) 137 Reference (2) Remote register a. When the I/O parameter No. 120 is set to “1” (Output) 7. Tabletop Robot TT (Input) (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. RWrn and RWwn are the remote register addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number N. 13880 Reference b. When the I/O parameter No. 120 is set to “0” (Input) (Output) 7. Tabletop Robot TT (Output) Port No. (Input) Port No. Station No. N Station No. N+1 RWrm and RWwm are the remote register addresses in PLC that correspond to the station number. The remote register is comprised of one word (16 bits), but the data order of the higher-order 8 bits (higher-order byte) and the lower-order 8 bits (lower-order byte) is reversed under this setting. Take caution. Example PLC TT PLC TT Register D100 15 ● 14 ● 13 ● 12 ● 11 ○ 10 ○ 9 ○ 8 ○ 7 ● 6 ○ 5 ○ 4 ○ 3 ○ 2 ○ 1 ○ 0 ● Data F 0 8 1 Ports No. 112 to 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 No. 127 ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ Data 8 1 F 0 139 81 74.7 CSP file When using the GX Configurator-CC (manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), download the CSP file from our Web site shown below if required. Web site: http://www.iai-robot.co.jp The CSP file to be used is different according to the number of ports used (number of I/O ports) set by the I/O parameters No. 14 and No. 15 of TT. 7. Tabletop Robot TT File name Description HMS-ABS-CCL_1.csp For one remote device (one station) HMS-ABS-CCL_2.csp For one remote device (two stations) HMS-ABS-CCL_3.csp For one remote device (three stations) Number of ports used in TT (Number of I/O points) 96 points or less each 112 points or more and 192 points or less each 208 points or more and 256 points or less each For the setting method of the remote station (TT) information to the master station, refer to the Operation Manuals for the master station, PLC to be mounted, and peripherals. 14082 74.8 Troubleshooting When a problem occurs in the CC-Link, check the operating condition with the table below and remove the cause. When the ERR LED lights or flashes, or when the green LED turns off abnormally during communications, check (or reset) connections of the power and communications cable, and setting of rotary switches before turning on the power to the controller main unit again. ○: ON, ●: OFF, ◎: Flashing RUN (Green) ERR (Red) SD RD (Green) (Green) ○ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ 0.4S◎ ◎ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ○ ◎ ● ○ With the received data having a CRC* error, there can be no response. ○ ◎ ● ● (Impossible condition) ○ ● ◎ ○ Normal communications ○ ● ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ○ ● ● ○ Local station address receiving data has not arrived. ○ ● ● ● (Impossible condition) ● ◎ ◎ ○ There is the polling response, but refresh receiving has a CRC* error. ● ◎ ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ● ◎ ● ○ Local station address receiving data has a CRC* error. ● ◎ ● ● (Impossible condition) ● ● ◎ ○ There is no link start-up. ● ● ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ● ● ● ○ There is no local station address receiving data or it is impossible to receive such data with noise. ● ● ● ● It is impossible to receive data as a result of disconnection, etc. The power is being shut off or H/W is being set. ● ○ ● ○ The power is being shut off or H/W is being set. ● ○ ● ● The power is being shut off or H/W is being set. Operating condition There is normal communications, but a CRC* error sometimes occurs with noise. Band rate or station number was changed from the band rate/station number setting for reset cancellation. 7. Tabletop Robot TT *CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Data error detection method frequently used in the case of synchronous transmission is adopted. 141 83 8. RCS-C and E-Con 8.1 Models The following shows the CC-Link compatible RCS-C and E-Con, (1) RCS-C Model: RCS-C- -□□-CC-□-□-□ 8. RCS-C and E-Con I/O numbers: Input only: 8 points, Output only: 10 points 100V and 200V type 24V type (2) E-Con Model: Econ- -□-CC-□-□-□ I/O numbers: Input only: 10 points, Output only: 12 points 14284 8 5.2 CC-Link interface (1) Names of each part Communications speed setting rotary switch Station number setting rotary switch 8. RCS-C and E-Con Monitor LED CC-Link communications connector 143 (2) Rotary switches The following can be carried out by rotary switches: a. Setting of station number b. Setting of communications speed a. Setting of station number In the CC-Link only with remote I/O stations, up to 64 units can be connected. The station number is set in the 1 to 64 range by the two rotary switches. SA × 10: Sets the tens place. SA × 1: Sets the ones place. 8. RCS-C and E-Con Rotary switch selection number Station number SA × 10 SA × 1 0 0 0 1 10 1 2 20 2 3 30 3 4 40 4 5 50 5 6 60 6 7 ― 7 8 ― 8 9 ― 9 (Example) When setting the station number to 12: Set the rotary switch SA × 10 to 1. Set the rotary switch SA × 1 to 2. (Note) The CC-Link first I/O address in PLC is determined according to the master unit installation position and the number of I/O occupied points of the unit installed prior to that. The I/O addresses in PLC are assigned from the first I/O address above in order of station number. For further information regarding setting of the station number and setting of the I/O address in the PLC, refer to the Operation Manuals for the master unit and PLC to be mounted. 14486 b. Setting of communications speed The communications speed is set by the rotary switch BR. (3) Rotary switch selection number Communications speed 0 156 kbps 1 625 kbps 2 2.5 Mbps 3 5 Mbps 4 10 Mbps Setting to 5 or more prohibited Error Display of monitor LEDs condition. LED Color Display condition Display details (display indication) RUN Green Lighting Lights when communications start and turns off when communications are interrupted for a fixed time or longer. SD Green Lighting Lights during data transmission RD Green Lighting Lights during data reception Lighting Local station address receiving data has an error. Flashing Setting by the communications speed setting rotary switch was changed during communications. Setting by the station number setting rotary switch was changed during communications. ERR Red 145 87 8. RCS-C and E-Con The four LEDs mounted on the front of the board can indicate the board operating state and network 85.3 Input and Output (I/O) Input and output points for each RCS-C and E-Con are (1) RCS-C Input only: 8 points, output only: 11 points (2) E-Con Input only: 10 points, output only 13 points For further information of each signal, please refer to the “Operation Manual of the RCS Series ROBO Cylinder Controller RCS-C type” and “Operation Manual of E-Con Controller.” (1) RCS-C signal assignment Signal name Output port No. Signal name 0 Command position 1 0 Completion position 1 1 Command position 2 1 Completion position 2 2 Command position 4 2 Completion position 4 3 Command position 8 3 Completion position 8 4 Start 4 Positioning completion 5 Reset 5 Return to origin completion 6 Servo No. 6 *Zone 7 * Suspend 7 *Alarm 8 Unused 8 *Emergency stop 9 Unused 9 Traveling 10 Unused 10 *Battery alarm (Note 1) 11 Unused 11 Unused (Note 2) 12 Unused 12 Unused (Note 2) 13 Unused 13 Unused (Note 2) 14 Unused 14 Unused (Note 2) 15 Unused 15 Unused (Note 2) 8. RCS-C and E-Con Input port No. * The asterisk indicates an always on signal. (Note 1) These signals correspond to only controllers of the main power sources 100V and 200V. In the case of 24V specification, ON/OFF is not determined. (Note 2) In the unused areas, ON/OFF is not determined. 14688 (2) E-Con signal assignment Signal name Output port No. Signal name 0 Command position 1 0 Completion position 1 1 Command position 2 1 Completion position 2 2 Command position 4 2 Completion position 4 3 Command position 8 3 Completion position 8 4 Command position 16 4 Completion position 16 5 Command position 32 5 Completion position 32 6 Unused 6 Unused (Note 2) 7 Unused 7 Unused (Note 2) 8 Start 8 Positioning completed 9 Reset 9 Return to origin completed 10 Servo ON 10 Zone 11 Suspend 11 *Alarm 12 Unused 12 *Emergency stop 13 Unused 13 Traveling 14 Unused 14 *Battery alarm (Note 1) 15 Unused 15 Unused (Note 2) 8. RCS-C and E-Con Input port No. * The asterisk indicates an always on signal. (Note 1) In the case of an incremental encoder, ON/OFF is not determined. (Note 2) In the unused areas, ON/OFF is not determined. 147 89 Reference For both RCS-C and E-Con, bit addresses in the PLC are assigned to the remote I/O addresses that correspond to the station number set by the rotary switch and the number of stations set by the PLC parameter, in order of port number. (Output) 8. RCS-C and E-Con (Input) (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. Station number Xnn and Ynn+1 are addresses in the PLC that correspond to the station number N. Since 2-word (32-point) processing is made per station in the PLC, the PLC remote I/O (RX/RY) addresses are set to Xnn/Ynn+1. (Refer to “Section 11. Communication with Master Station.”) 14890 85.4 Troubleshooting When a problem occurs in the CC-Link, check the operating condition with the table below to remove the cause. When the ERR LED lights or flashes, or when the green LED turns off abnormally during communications, check (or reset) connections of the power and communications cables, setting of rotary switches, and setting of parameters before turning on the power to the controller main unit again. ○: ON, ●: OFF, ◎: Flashing RUN (Green) ERR (Red) SD RD (Green) (Green) ○ ◎ ◎ ○ There is normal communications, but a CRC* error sometimes occurs with noise. ○ 0.5s◎ ◎ ○ There are normal communications, but the baud rate or station setting switch malfunctions. ○ ◎ ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ○ ◎ ● ○ With the received data having a CRC* error, there can be no response. ○ ◎ ● ● (Impossible condition) ○ ● ◎ ○ Normal communications ○ ● ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ○ ● ● ○ Local station address receiving data has not arrived. ○ ● ● ● (Impossible condition) ● ◎ ◎ ○ There is the polling response, but refresh receiving has a CRC* error. ● ◎ ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ● ◎ ● ○ Local station address receiving data has a CRC* error. ● ◎ ● ● (Impossible condition) ● ● ◎ ○ There is no link start-up. ● ● ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ● ● ● ○ There is no local station address receiving data or it is impossible to receive such data with noise. (Data volume is insufficient transmitted from the master station.) ● ● ● ● It is impossible to receive data as a result of disconnection, etc. ● ○ ● ○, ● ● ● ● ● Operating condition 8. RCS-C and E-Con The baud rate or station number is invalid. There is a power interruption or there is a breakdown with the remote station power supply part. *CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Data error detection method frequently used in the case of synchronous transmission is adopted. 149 91 9. SCON-C Caution: As SCON except for SCON-C is a remote device station, it is not possible to replace it with SCON-C which is a remote I/O station. 9.1 Models The following figure shows a CC-Link compatible SCON-C. SCON Model: SCON-C-□□-CC-□-□ 9. SCON-C Number of I/O points: Input only: 16 points/Output only: 16 points 15092 96.2 CC-Link interface (1) Names of each part Communications speed setting rotary switch Station number setting rotary switch Monitor LED 9. SCON-C CC-Link communications connector 151 93 (2) Rotary switches The following can be carried out by rotary switches: a. Setting of station number b. Setting of communications speed a. Setting of station number In the CC-Link only with remote I/O stations, up to 64 units can be connected. The station number is set in the 1 to 64 range by the two rotary switches. SA 10: Sets the tens place. SA 1: Sets the ones place. 9. SCON-C Rotary switch selection number Station number SA 10 SA 1 0 0 0 1 10 1 2 20 2 3 30 3 4 40 4 5 50 5 6 60 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 (Example) When setting the station number to 12: Set the rotary switch SA 10 to 1. Set the rotary switch SA 1 to 2. (Note) The CC-Link first I/O address in PLC is determined according to the master unit installation position and the number of I/O occupied points of the unit installed prior to that. The I/O addresses in PLC are assigned from the first I/O address above in order of station number. For further information regarding setting of the station number and setting of the I/O address in the PLC, refer to the Operation Manuals for the master unit and PLC to be mounted. 15294 b. Setting of communications speed The communications speed is set by the rotary switch BR. (3) Rotary switch selection number Communications speed 0 156 kbps 1 625 kbps 2 2.5 Mbps 3 5 Mbps 4 10 Mbps Setting to 5 or more prohibited Error Display of monitor LEDs The four LEDs mounted on the front of the board can indicate the board operating state and network condition. Color Display condition Display details (display indication) RUN Green Lighting Lights when communications start and turns off when communications are interrupted for a fixed time or longer. SD Green Lighting Lights during data transmission RD Green Lighting Lights during data reception Lighting Local station address receiving data has an error. Flashing Setting by the communications speed setting rotary switch was changed during communications. Setting by the station number setting rotary switch was changed during communications. ERR Red 9. SCON-C LED 153 95 9 6.3 I/O signal assignment Number of I/O points for SCON: Input only: 16 points, Output only: 16 points The following table shows the detailed contents. There are 6 patterns according to the setting of parameter No. 25 (PIO Pattern selection) of SCON. For additional, for further information on each signal, refer to the “Operation Manual for SCON Controller.” Parameter No. 25 setting Port Classification No. Positioning mode (Standard) Teaching mode (Teaching type) 256 point mode (256 point type) 0 1 2 Signal Names 9. SCON-C Symbol Symbol PC1 PC1 PC1 PC2 PC2 PC2 2 PC4 PC4 PC4 Command position No. PC8 Command position No. PC8 PC8 Command position No. 4 PC16 PC16 5 PC32 PC32 PC32 Teaching Mode Command (Operation Mode) MODE PC64 Jog/Inching selection JISL PC128 7 Unavailable 8 PC16 +Jog JOG+ Unavailable 9 Forced brake release BKRL -Jog JOG- Forced brake release BKRL 10 Operation mode RMOD Operation mode RMOD Operation mode RMOD 11 Return to origin HOME Return to origin HOME Return to origin HOME 12 *Suspend *STP Suspend *STP Suspend *STP CSTR Positioning Start Position Data Import Command CSTR/P WRT Positioning Start CSTR 13 Positioning Start 14 Reset RES Reset RES Reset RES 15 Servo ON Command SON Servo ON Command SON Servo ON Command SON 0 PM1 PM1 PM1 1 PM2 PM2 PM2 2 PM4 PM4 PM4 3 Completion position No. PM8 Command position No. PM8 4 PM16 PM16 5 PM32 PM32 Command position No. PM8 PM16 PM32 6 Moving Signal MOVE Moving Signal MOVE PM64 7 Zone 1 ZONE 1 Teaching mode Signal MODES PM128 8 Position zone status RMDS Position zone status RZONE Position zone status RZONE 9 Operation Mode Status RMOD Operation Mode Status RMDS Operation Mode Status RMDS 10 Return to origin end HEND Return to origin end HEND Return to origin end HEND PEND Positioning end Signal / Position Data Import Command PEND/ WEND Positioning end Signal PEND 11 Positioning end Signal 12 Operation preparation end SV Operation preparation end SV Operation preparation end SV 13 Emergency stop *EMGS Emergency stop *EMGS Emergency stop *EMGS 14 Alarm *ALM Alarm *ALM Alarm *ALM 15 Battery alarm *BALM Battery alarm *BALM Battery alarm *BALM The symbol with a * mark shows the ON signal in normal condition. The signal described as “Unavailable” is not controlled (ON/OFF is undefined). In the case of the incremental encoder, the battery alarm is turned ON (fixed). 15496 Signal Names 1 6 Output Signal Names 0 3 Input Symbol Parameter No. 25 setting 512 point mode Electromagnetic valve mode 1 Electromagnetic valve mode 2 4 5 3 Port Classification No. Symbo l Signal Names Symbol Signal Names Symbol 0 PC1 Start position 0 ST0 Start position 0 ST0 1 PC2 Start position 1 ST1 Start position 1 ST1 2 PC4 Start position 2 ST2 Start position 2 ST0 3 PC8 Start position 3 ST3 PC16 Start position 4 ST4 5 PC32 Start position 5 ST5 6 PC64 Start position 6 ST6 4 Input Command position No. 7 PC128 8 PC256 Unavailable - - Unavailable - - - 9 Forced brake release BKRL Forced brake release BKRL Forced brake release BKRL 10 Operation mode RMOD Operation mode RMOD Operation mode RMOD 11 Return to origin HOME Return to origin HOME 12 Suspend *STP Suspend *STP 13 Positioning Start CSTR Unavailable - 14 Reset RES Reset RES Reset RES 15 Servo ON Command SON Servo ON Command SON Servo ON Command SON 0 PM1 Command position 0 PE0 Limit switch 0 LS0 1 PM2 Completion position 1 PE1 Limit switch 1 LS1 2 PM4 Completion position 2 PE2 Limit switch 2 LS2 PM8 Completion position 3 PE3 4 PM16 Completion position 4 PE4 5 PM32 Completion position 5 PE5 6 PM64 Completion position 6 PE6 7 PM128 Zone 1 ZONE1 Completion position 8 Unavailable Unavailable - - - 9. SCON-C 3 Output Signal Names - - - - Zone 1 ZONE1 PM256 Position zone PZONE Position zone PZONE 9 Operation Mode Status RMDS Operation Mode Status RMDS Operation Mode Status RMDS 10 Return to origin end HOME Return to origin end HEND Return to origin end HEND 11 Positioning end Signal PEND Positioning end Signal PEND Unavailable - 12 Operation preparation end SV Operation preparation end SV Operation preparation end SV 13 Emergency stop *EMGS Emergency stop *EMGS Emergency stop *EMGS 14 Alarm *ALM Alarm *ALM Alarm *ALM 15 Battery alarm *BALM Battery alarm *BALM Battery alarm *BALM The symbol with a * mark shows the ON signal in normal condition. The signal described as “Unavailable” is not controlled (ON/OFF is undefined). In the case of the incremental encoder, the battery alarm is turned ON (fixed). 155 97 9 6.4 CC-Link address assignation SCON is a one remote I/O station (one station occupied) (two words for each input and output). To which master station number the I/O ports of SCON is assigned is set by the rotary switch for setting the station number of SCON. Additionally, to which internal devices or addresses of PLC-CPU the buffer memory of the master station is assigned is set by the PLC network parameter. (Device name and first address) I/O ports of SCON are assigned to the master station buffer memory of the set station number. These port numbers are assigned to the bit address of the master station buffer memory, respectively, in the order of the smallest first. Master station buffer memory SCON remote I/O station (one station occupied) Station number N Remote input Port No. 9. SCON-C Output Station number N Input Remote output Station number N 15698 Addresses RXn* and Ryn* of the remote I/O (RX/RY) of the PLC master station are addresses corresponding to the station number N. The following figures shows a case where the master station buffer memory is set to the station number 3, in which the input port 0 is RY50, input port 15 is RY5F, output port 0 is RX40, and output port 14 is RX4F. SCON remote I/O station PLC-CPU Master station buffer memory Internal device Remote input (One station exclusive) Output port No. Station No. 1 Station No. 2 Station No. 3 9. SCON-C Station No. 64 Internal device Remote output (RY) Input port No. Station No. 1 Station No. 2 Station No. 3 Station No. 64 157 99 9 6.5 Troubleshooting When a problem occurs in the CC-Link, check the operating condition with the table below to remove the cause. When the ERR LED lights or flashes, or when the green LED turns off abnormally during communications, check (or reset) connections of the power and communications cables, setting of rotary switches, and setting of parameters before turning on the power to the controller main unit again. ○: ON, ●: OFF, ◎: Flashing ERR (Red) ○ ◎ ◎ ○ There is normal communications, but a CRC* error sometimes occurs with noise. ○ 0.5s◎ ◎ ○ There are normal communications, but the baud rate or station setting switch malfunctions. ○ ◎ ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ○ ◎ ● ○ With the received data having a CRC* error, there can be no response. ○ ◎ ● ● (Impossible condition) ○ ● ◎ ○ Normal communications ○ ● ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ○ ● ● ○ Local station address receiving data has not arrived. ○ ● ● ● (Impossible condition) ● ◎ ◎ ○ There is the polling response, but refresh receiving has a CRC* error. ● ◎ ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ● ◎ ● ○ Local station address receiving data has a CRC* error. ● ◎ ● ● (Impossible condition) ● ● ◎ ○ There is no link start-up. ● ● ◎ ● (Impossible condition) ● ● ● ○ There is no local station address receiving data or it is impossible to receive such data with noise. (Data volume is insufficient transmitted from the master station.) ● ● ● ● It is impossible to receive data as a result of disconnection, etc. ● ○ ● ○, ● ● ● ● ● 9. SCON-C RUN (Green) SD RD (Green) (Green) Operating condition The baud rate or station number is invalid. There is a power interruption or there is a breakdown with the remote station power supply part. *CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Data error detection method frequently used in the case of synchronous transmission is adopted. 158100 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL There are the following types of ASEL, PSEL, SSEL applicable to CC-Link. Remote Device Station: No. of I/O points = Max. 256 points for each 10.1 Model No. 10.1.1 ASEL, PSEL Each model No. of ASEL or PSEL applicable to the CC-Link is described as follows. For 1-axis ASEL-C-1-□-CC-□ ASEL-CS-1-□-CC-□ PSEL-C-1-□-CC-□ PSEL-CS-1-□-CC-□ For 2-axis ASEL-C-2-□-CC-□ ASEL-CS-2-□-CC-□ PSEL-C-2-□-CC-□ PSEL-CS-2-□-CC-□ External Dimensions 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL Status LED CC-Link Communication Connector Printed Series Name •ASEL •PSEL Front Panel Color •ASEL : Dark Blue •PSEL : Dark Green 159 101 7.1.2 SSEL 10 There are the following types of SSEL applicable to CC-Link. For 1-axis SSEL-C-1-□-CC-□ SSEL-CS-1-□-CC-□ For 2-axis SSEL-CS-2-□-CC-□ SSEL-C-2-□-CC-□ 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL External Dimensions Status LED CC-Link Communication Connector Front Panel Color Dark Gray Printed Sealer Name 160102 107.2 CC-Link Interface (1) Names of the Parts ASEL、PSEL SSEL Status LED CC-Link Communication Connector Status LED Indication The CC-Link board operation status and network status can be obtained using the two LEDs located on the front surface of the controller. STATUS 0 LED: CC-Link Communication Status Indication STATUS 1 LED: CC-Link Communication Setting Error/Communication Error Indication LED Color Indication Status STATUS1 OR Illuminating Indication Description (Meaning) An error occurs. CRC Error/Station No. Setting Error/Baud Rate Setting Error OFF Flushing Normal Communication or Under Reset Operation The station No. and baud rate set values are changed from ones set at the time of reset cancellation (0.4 sec flashing) STATUS0 GN Illuminating Normal Refresh & Polling Signal Receipt or Normal Refresh Signal Receipt, after the Network Subscription. OFF Before Network Subscription, Channel Carrier Detection Error Timer Over or Under Reset Operation Flushing Note: When the power is injected, the STATUS 1 LED illuminates, which does not mean abnormal. When the CC-Link communication setting has been performed correctly, the STATUS 1 LED is turned OFF. 161 103 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL (2) 107.3 I/O Parameter Setting Using the I/O parameters, set the Station No., Communication Speed, and I/O port, etc., for ASEL, PSEL or SSEL used in the CC-Link. (1) Network Type Setting The I/O Parameter No. 225 “Network I/F Module Control” has been set to “1H” (CC-Link) when the unit is delivered. (The setting is not necessary) (2) Station No. Setting Using the I/O parameter No.226 "Network I/F Module Communication Attribute 1", set the station No. The setting range is from 1 to 64. (Already set in system delivery: 1) Note: When any of the already occupied stations is set to “No. 0” or “No. 65 or larger”, the “D75: Field Bus Parameter Error” occurs. (3) Communication Speed Setting By selecting one of "Bit 0"through "Bit 3" for the parameter No.227 "Network I/F Module Communication 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL Attribute 2", set the Communication Speed. The setting range is from 0H to 4H. I/O Parameter Communication No.227 Setting value Speed [bps] 0 156 K 1 625 K 2 2.5 M 3 5M 4 10 M (Already set in system delivery) (Note) Set the Communication Speed based on that set for the Master Station. 162104 (4) I/O Port Allocation Using the following I/O parameters, set the physical I/O port quantity and port allocation for ASEL, PSEL or SSEL, used on the CC-Link system. No. 1: I/O Port Allocation Type No. 14: No. of Network I/F Module Remote Input Ports No. 15: No. of Network I/F Module Remove Output Ports Refere to "7.4" Item. No. 16: Network I/F Module Fix-Allocated Input Port Start No. No. 17: Network I/F Module Fix-Allocated Output Port Start No. Refer to “ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Network Related I/O Parameter List” in the next page for more information. (Note) In the ASEL, PSEL and SSLE controller, the following I/O parameters are disabled during the use of the CC-Link module. Even the setting is performed for such parameters, there is no influence on the No. of ports to be used in the CC-Link or allocated Port No. No. 2: Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Input Port Start No. (1/O1) No. 3: Standard I/O Fix-Allocated Output Port Start No. (1/O1) No. 10: Standard I/O Error Monitoring (5) Network Error Monitoring The error confirmation time is set using the “Bit 4” through “Bit 11” for the I/O parameter No. 120 “Network Attribute 1”. When the network link error is continued more than the time set for parameter No. 120, it is regarded as a system error. Refer to “ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Network Related I/O Parameter List” in the next page for more information. 163 105 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL “Monitoring/Non monitoring” is set using the I/O parameter No. 18 “Network I/F Module Error Monitoring”. ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Network Related I/O Parameter List No. 1 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL I/O Port Allocation Type Set Value in Unit Delivery Input Range 0 0 – 20 0: Fixed Allocation 1: Automatic Allocation Remarks 14 No. of Network I/F Module Remote Input Ports 128 0 – 256 Multiples of 8 15 No. of Network I/F Module Remote Output Ports 128 0 – 256 Multiples of 8 16 Input Port Start No. in Network I/F Module Fix-Allocation 0 -1 – 299 0 + (Multiples of 8) (Unavailable when it is negative figure) 17 Output Port Start No. in Network I/F Module Fix-Allocation 300 -1 300 – 599 300 + (Multiples of 8) (Unavailable when it is negative figure) 18 Network I/F Module Error Monitoring 1 0–5 120 Network Attribute 1 1H 0H – FFFFFFFFH 121 Network Attribute 2 C80000H 0H – FFFFFFFFH 0: Non Monitoring 1: Monitoring * When a network link error continues for more than the network link error confirmation timer set value, it is regarded as a system error. (Refer to I/O parameter No. 120). * There are some exceptions Bit 0 to 3: System Reservation Bit 4 to 11: Network Link Error Confirmation Timer Value (Setting Units of 10 msec) Only when I/O Parameter No. 18 is set to “1H”, it is available. (Example) When the set value (Bit 4 to 11) is “05H”, the timer time value becomes “10 ms x 5 = 5ms”. Also, when the set value is “0H”, the network link error occurs and it is regarded as a system error. Bit 16 to 27: Value of Link Timeout at initializing of the Fieldbus (100msec) (ASEL/PSEL: Main application of Ver.0.36 or later SSEL: Main application of Ver.0.42 or later) (Example) The initial value C80000H is bit 16 to 27 = C8H = 200 (in 100ms unit) 200 × 100ms = 20sec It waits for communication to be established for 20sec at the maximum from the startup. Network Attribute 3 10H 0H – FFFFFFFFH Bits 0 to 11: "PC/TP Reconnection Latency at Software Reset" added time (sec) when fieldbus in use * Valid Values from 0 to 500 (sec) (ASEL/PSEL: Main application of Ver.0.36 or later SSEL: Main application of Ver.0.42 or later) 225 Network I/F Module Control 1H For reference only Bit 0 to 3: Network I/F Module Type (0: Not Mounted, 1: CC-Link Module, 2: DeviceNet Module) 226 Network I/F Module Communication Attribute 1 1 0 – 999 227 Network I/F Module Communication Attribute 2 4H 0H – FFFFFFFFH 122 164 Parameter Name Network I/F Module Node Address * In the case of CC-Link Module: 1 to 64 Bit 0 to 3: Network I/F Module Baud Rate Type * In the case of CC-Link Module: ( 0: 156Kbps, 1: 625Kbps, 2: 2.5Mbps, 3: 5Mbps, 4: 10Mbps) 107.4 I/O Port Nos. and Corresponding PLC Addresses ASEL, PSEL PSEL or or SSEL SSELCC-Link CC-Linkboard boardisisset setas asthe theremote remotedevice devicestation. station.The Thenumber numberofofoccupied occupiedremote remote In PLC, ASEL, device stations varies, depending on the I/O point setting on the ASEL, PSEL and SSEL side. when I/O I/O parameter parameter No. No. 11 is is set set to to “0”, “0”, No. No.16 16to to“0” “0”and andNo. No.17 17toto“300” “300”inin The following table shows the example when mode. This This shows shows the therelationship relationshipbetween betweenthe theI/O I/Oport portNos. Nos.decided decidedbybymeans means setting the program mode. of of thethe setting of of I/OI/O 14 and and No. No.15, 15,and andthe thePLC PLCaddresses. addresses.The Thelast lastone one word occupied remote shows parameter No 14 word forfor thethe occupied remote I/OI/O shows thethe domain remote device station, corresponding ports used ports. system area for for thethe remote device station, so so thethe corresponding ports cancan notnot be be used as as thethe I/OI/O ports. Note: I/O Parameter Parameter No. No. 14 14 and and No. No. 15 15 and and set set that that same same value value for for both both for for Take whichever is the larger of the point values for I/O No. 14 and No. 15. (1) In the case that the I/O Point Setting is up to 96 points: They are configured as a single remote device (No. of Occupied Stations: One Station) No.14 No.15 16 16 000 – 015 RY 0–F 300 – 315 RX 0–F 32 32 016 – 031 RY 10 – 1F 316 – 331 RX 10 – 1F 48 48 032 – 047 RWw0 332 – 347 RWr0 64 64 048 – 063 RWw1 348 – 363 RWr1 80 80 064 – 079 RWw2 364 – 379 RWr2 96 96 080 – 095 RWw3 380 – 395 RWr3 PLC Side PLC Side The ports in gray column show the system area domain remote device station on the side, so any of them for for thethe remote device station on the PLCPLC side, so any of them cancan not be used as an I/O port. (2) In the case that I/O Points setting is larger than 112 and smaller than 192 points: They are configured as two remote devices (No. of Occupied Stations: Two Stations) * DO on the ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Side (Port No.) No.14 No.15 DI on the ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Side (Port Nos.) (16) (16) 000 – 015 RY 0–F 300 – 315 RX 0–F (32) (32) 016 – 031 RY 10 – 1F 316 – 331 RX 10 – 1F (48) (48) 032 – 047 RY 20 – 2F 332 – 347 RX 20 – 2F (64) (64) 048 – 063 RY 30 – 3F 348 – 363 RX 30 – 3F (80) (80) 064 – 079 RWw0 364 – 379 RWr0 (96) (96) 080 – 095 RWw1 380 – 395 RWr1 112 112 096 – 111 RWw2 396 – 411 RWr2 128 128 112 – 127 RWw3 412 – 427 RWr3 144 144 128 – 143 RWw4 428 – 443 RWr4 160 160 144 – 159 RWw5 444 – 459 RWr5 176 176 160 – 175 RWw6 460 – 475 RWr6 192 192 176 – 191 RWw7 476 – 491 RWr7 I/O Parameter PLC Side PLC Side for for thethe remote device station on the PLCPLC side, so any of them cancan The ports in gray column show the system area domain remote device station on the side, so any of them not be used as an I/O port. 165 107 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL * DO on the ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Side (Port No.) DI on the ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Side (Port Nos.) I/O Parameter (3) In the case that I/O Points setting is larger than 208 and smaller than 256 points: They are configured as three remote devices (No. of Occupied Stations: Three Stations) No.14 No.15 DI on the ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Side (16) (16) 000 – 015 RY 0–F 300 – 315 RX 0–F (32) (32) 016 – 031 RY 10 – 1F 316 – 331 RX 10 – 1F (48) (48) 032 – 047 RY 20 – 2F 332 – 347 RX 20 – 2F (64) (64) 048 – 063 RY 30 – 3F 348 – 363 RX 30 – 3F (80) (80) 064 – 079 RY 40 – 4F 364 – 379 RY 40 – 4F (96) (96) 080 – 095 RY 50 – 5F 380 – 395 RY 50 – 5F (112) (112) 096 – 111 RWw0 396 – 411 RWr0 (128) (128) 112 – 127 RWw1 412 – 427 RWr1 (144) (144) 128 – 143 RWw2 428 – 443 RWr2 (160) (160) 144 – 159 RWw3 444 – 459 RWr3 (176) (176) 160 – 175 RWw4 460 – 475 RWr4 (192) (192) 176 – 191 RWw5 476 – 491 RWr5 208 208 192 – 207 RWw6 492 – 507 RWw6 224 224 208 – 223 RWw7 508 – 523 RWw7 240 240 224 – 239 RWw8 524 – 539 RWw8 256 256 240 – 255 RWw9 540 – 555 RWw9 Impossible setting RWwA RWrA Impossible setting RWwB RWwB 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL I/O Parameter PLC Side DO on the ASEL, PSEL and SSEL Side PLC Side * The ports in gray column show the system area for for the the remote device station on the PLCPLC side, so any of them cancan domain remote device station on the side, so any of them not be used as an I/O port. * In the case of three occupied stations, 12 words for each input and output are allocated for the data register on the PLC side (10 words for ASEL, PSEL and SSEL). Take care of the duplicated use of the data registers on the PLC side. 166108 (4) In the case of using it in the SSEL Positioner Mode: Regardless of the settings for the I/O parameter No. 1, No. 16 and No. 17, the Nos. starting from “0” are allocated to the physical input ports and Nos. starting from “300” to the physical output ports. Then, the Input Port No. 0 to No. 23 and Output Port No. 300 to No. 30 are used as in the I/O Port Table for Each Controller described from the next page. At that time, make sure to set the values for the I/O parameter No. 14 and No. 15 to “104” or larger. * When the values oror smaller, because thethe Input values for for the the I/O I/Oparameter parameterNo. No.14 14and andNo. No.15 15are areset settoto“96” “96” smaller, because Input Port No. 16 are within thethe remote device station system 16 to to No. No.31 31and andOutput OutputPort PortNo. No.316 316totoNo. No.331 331 are within remote device station system area as as shown in Item (1),(1), thethe positioner mode is not available. domain shown in Item positioner mode is not available. * When the values toto “104” or or larger, because thethe Input values for for the theI/O I/Oparameter parameterNo. No.14 14and andNo. No.1515are areset set “104” larger, because Input Port No. 16 to No. 23 are as shown in Items (2) and are not not within within the the remote remote device device station station system system area domain as shown in Items (2) and (3), the positioner mode is available. 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL 167 109 ASEL Positioner Mode I/O Port Table Port Classification Classification No. 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL Input Input Output Output Positioner Mode DC-S-C1 Compatible Mode Position No.1000 16 Position Input 10 Input 10 Position Input 7 First Axis Jog Input 17 Position Input 11 Input 11 Position Input 8 Second Axis Jog + 18 Position Position Input Input 12 12 Input 12 12 Position Input Input 9 9 Second Axis Axis Jog Jog - 18 Input Position Second 19 Position Position Input Input 13 13 Input 13 13 Position Input Input 10 10 Inching (0.01mm) (0.01mm) 19 Input Position Inching 20 Input 14 Position Input 11 Inching (0.1mm) 21 Input 15 Position Input 12 Inching (0.5mm) 22 Input 16 Position Input 13 Inching (1mm) 23 Error Error Error CPU 23 Error Error Reset Reset Error Reset Reset Error Reset Reset Error Reset Reset CPU Reset Reset Start Start Start First Axis Axis Start Start Start Start Current Position 00 Start Start First Start Writing 1 Return to origin Return to origin Return to origin Servo ON Suspend 1 Return to origin Return to origin Return to origin Servo ON Suspend 2 Servo ON Servo ON First Axis Servo ON * Suspend Cancel * First Axis Interpolation 33 Pressing Pressing Position * First Axis Interpolation Pressing Pressing Position Input Input 1 1 Suspend Setting Suspend Setting 4 * Suspend * Suspend * First Axis Cancel Position Input 2 Position No.1 Input Suspend Suspend * First Axis Position Input Input 3 2 Position No.2 No.1 Input Input 54 ** Cancel ** Cancel Second AxisCancel Start Position Position Second Axis return 65 Interpolation Interpolation Position Input 4 Position No.4 * Cancel * Cancel Second 3 No.2 Input to origin Axis Start Second Axis Servo Second Axis return Position Input 5 76 Position Input 1 Input 1 Position No.8 Interpolation Interpolation 4 No.4 Input ON to origin *Second SecondAxis AxisServo Position No.10 87 Position Input Position Position Input Input 2 1 Input 2 1 Position Input Input 6 5 Position No.8 Input Suspend Input ON ** Second Axis Position Second Axis Position No.20 No.10 98 Position Input Position Position Input Input 3 2 Input 3 2 Position Input Input 7 6 Cancel Input Suspend Input Position * SecondInput Axis 1 Position No.40 No.20 10 Input Position Position 9 Position Position Input Input 4 3 Input 4 3 Position Input Input 8 7 Input Cancel Input Position No.80 11 Position Input 5 Input 5 Position Input 2 Position Input 9 Position No.40 Input 10 Position Input 4 Input 4 Position Input 1 Position Input 8 Input Position No.100 12 Position Input 6 Input 6 Position Input 3 Position Input 10 Position No.80 Input 11 Position Input 5 Input 5 Position Input 2 Position Input 9 Input Position No.200 13 Position Input 7 Input 7 Position Input 4 Position Input 11 Position No.100 Input 12 Position Input 6 Input 6 Position Input 3 Position Input 10 Input Teaching Mode Position No.400 14 Position Input 8 Input 8 Position Input 5 Position No.200 setup Input 13 Position Input 7 Input 7 Position Input 4 Position Input 11 Input Position No.800 15 Position Input 9 Input 9 Position Input 6 First Axis Mode Jog + Teaching Position No.400 Input 14 Position Input 8 Input 8 Position Input 5 300 * Alarm * Alarm * Alarm *setup Alarm *Input Alarm Position No.800 15 Ready Position Input 9 Input 9 Position Input 6 First Axis Jog + 301 Ready Ready Ready Ready Input First Axis 302 end Positioning end Positioning end Positioning end 300 Positioning * Alarm * Alarm * Alarm * Alarm Alarm Positioning end 301 Ready Ready Ready Ready First Axis Return to Ready 303 Return to origin end Return to origin end Return to origin end origin end First Axis 302 Servo Positioning end Positioning end Positioning end Positioning 304 ON Output Servo ON Output First Axis Servo ON Servo ON Output end Positioning end Second Axis First Axis Return to 305 303 Pressing Return toend origin end Pressing Return toend origin end Positioning Return to origin end origin end end System Battery System Battery Second Axis Return System Battery System Battery 304 Servo ON Output Servo ON Output First Axis Servo ON Servo ON Output 306 Error Error to origin Axis end Error Error Second 305 Absolute Pressing Battery end Pressing end Absolute Battery Second Axisend Servo Absolute Battery Absolute Battery Positioning 307 Error Error ON Error Error System Battery System Battery Second Axis Return System Battery System Battery 306 Error Error to origin end Error Error * B Contact Absolute Battery Absolute Battery Second Axis Servo Absolute Battery Absolute Battery 307 Error Error ON Error Error Standard mode 2-axis Independent Type Change Mode Mode Teaching Mode * B Contact 168110 PSEL Positioner Mode I/O Port Table Classification Port No. Input Positioner Mode 16 Position Input 10 Input 10 Position Input 7 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Position Input 11 Position Input 12 Position Input 13 Error Reset Input 11 Input 12 Input 13 Input 14 Input 15 Input 16 Error Reset Position Input 8 Position Input 9 Position Input 10 Position Input 11 Position Input 12 Position Input 13 Error Reset DC-S-C1 Compatible Mode Position No.1000 First Axis Jog Input Second Axis Jog + Second Axis Jog Inching (0.01mm) Inching (0.1mm) Inching (0.5mm) Inching (1mm) Error Reset CPU Reset 0 Start Start First Axis Start Start Start 1 2 Return to origin Servo ON Return to origin Servo ON Servo ON * Suspend 3 Pressing Pressing 4 * Suspend * Suspend Return to origin First Axis Servo ON * First Axis Suspend * First Axis Cancel Position Input 2 Suspend Cancel Interpolation Setting Position No.1 Input 5 * Cancel * Cancel Position Input 3 Position No.2 Input 6 Interpolation Interpolation Position Input 4 Position No.4 Input 7 Position Input 1 Input 1 Position Input 5 Position No.8 Input 8 Position Input 2 Input 2 Position Input 6 9 Position Input 3 Input 3 Second Axis Start Second Axis return to origin Second Axis Servo ON * Second Axis Suspend * Second Axis Cancel 10 Position Input 4 Input 4 Position Input 1 Position Input 8 11 Position Input 5 Input 5 Position Input 2 Position Input 9 12 Position Input 6 Input 6 Position Input 3 Position Input 10 13 Position Input 7 Input 7 Position Input 4 Position Input 11 14 Position Input 8 Input 8 Position Input 5 Teaching Mode setup 15 Position Input 9 Input 9 Position Input 6 * Alarm Ready Position No.10 Input Position No.20 Input Position No.40 Input Position No.80 Input Position No.100 Input Position No.200 Input Position No.400 Input Position No.800 Input Alarm Ready Positioning end Positioning end Standard mode 302 303 Output 304 305 306 307 * Alarm Ready * Alarm Ready First Axis Positioning end Positioning end Positioning end Axis Return to Return to origin end Return to origin end First origin end Servo ON Output Servo ON Output First Axis Servo ON Second Axis Pressing end Pressing end Positioning end System Battery System Battery Second Axis Return Error Error to origin end Second Axis Servo ON Teaching Mode Position Input 1 Position Input 7 First Axis Jog + Return to origin end Servo ON Output System Battery Error System Battery Error * B Contact 169 111 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL 300 * Alarm 301 Ready Independent Type Change Mode 2-axis Mode SSEL Positioner Mode I/O Port Table Classification Port No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 1 2 3 Input 4 5 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 300 301 302 303 Output 304 305 306 307 Positioner Mode DC-S-C1 Compatible Mode Position No.1000 Position Input 10 Input 10 Position Input 7 First Axis Jog Input No.2000 Position Input 11 Input 11 Position Input 8 Second Axis Jog + Position Input No.4000 Position Input 12 Input 12 Position Input 9 Second Axis Jog - Position Input No.8000 Position Input 13 Input 13 Position Input 10 Inching (0.01mm) Position Input Position No.10000 Position Input 14 Input 14 Position Input 11 Inching (0.1mm) Input Position No.20000 Position Input 15 Input 15 Position Input 12 Inching (0.5mm) Input Position No.40000 Position Input 16 Input 16 Position Input 13 Inching (1mm) Input Error Reset Error Reset Error Reset Error Reset CPU Reset Start Start First Axis Start Start Start Return to origin Return to origin Return to origin Servo ON Suspend Servo ON Servo ON First Axis Servo ON * Suspend Cancel * First Axis Interpolation Pressing Pressing Position Input 1 Suspend Setting * Suspend * Suspend * First Axis Cancel Position Input 2 Position No.1 Input * Cancel * Cancel Second Axis Start Position Input 3 Position No.2 Input Second Axis return Interpolation Interpolation Position Input 4 Position No.4 Input to origin Second Axis Servo Position Input 1 Input 1 Position Input 5 Position No.8 Input ON * Second Axis Position No.10 Position Input 2 Input 2 Position Input 6 Suspend Input * Second Axis Position No.20 Position Input 3 Input 3 Position Input 7 Cancel Input Position No.40 Position Input 4 Input 4 Position Input 1 Position Input 8 Input Position No.80 Position Input 5 Input 5 Position Input 2 Position Input 9 Input Position No.100 Position Input 6 Input 6 Position Input 3 Position Input 10 Input Position No.200 Position Input 7 Input 7 Position Input 4 Position Input 11 Input Teaching Mode Position No.400 Position Input 8 Input 8 Position Input 5 setup Input Position No.800 Position Input 9 Input 9 Position Input 6 First Axis Jog + Input * Alarm * Alarm * Alarm * Alarm Alarm Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready First Axis Positioning end Positioning end Positioning end Positioning end Positioning end Axis Return to Return to origin end Return to origin end Return to origin end First origin end Servo ON Output Servo ON Output First Axis Servo ON Servo ON Output Second Axis Pressing end Pressing end Positioning end System Battery System Battery Second Axis Return System Battery System Battery Error Error to origin end Error Error Absolute Battery Absolute Battery Second Axis Servo Absolute Battery Absolute Battery Error Error ON Error Error Standard mode Independent Type Change Mode 2-axis Mode Teaching Mode * B Contact 170112 Reference ■In the case that the setting for the I/O Point is 112 points or larger and 192 points or smaller: The addresses in the PLC, are allocated in the order of port No., to the remote I/O addresses and remote register corresponding to the set station No. and the No. of occupied stations set using the PLC parameters. (1) Remote I/O (Input) (Output) 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL ASEL, PSEL, SSEL (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. Xnn/Ynn shows the remote I/O address in the PLC corresponding to the station No. The addresses for the PLC remote I/O (RX/RY) are set as Xnn/Ynn. (Refer to “11. Communication with the Master Station”). 171 113 Reference (2) Remote register 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL (Input) (Output) ASEL, PSEL, SSEL (Input) Port No. (Output) Port No. RWrn/RWwn shows the Remote register address in the PLC corresponding to the station No. N 172114 10.5 Troubleshooting With the Status LED (STATUS 0/1) on the front surface of the board, the CC-Link board operation status and network status can be obtained. When any CC-Link trouble occurs, confirm the operation status based on the Table in Item 10.2 (2) and remove the cause. 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL 173 174 10. ASEL, PSEL, SSEL 11. Communications with Master station The following is a case where XSEL I/O port addresses are assigned from the first one of each port. This is an example in which the two remote device stations occupied (XSEL) are used. 11.1 Remote I/O Two words are used for one station on the PLC side. RCS-C/E-Con/SCON/XSEL Remote I/O station (Station No. 1: one station Master station occupied) Buffer address Remote input XSEL Remote device station (Station No. 2: Two stations occupied) Output port No. For station 1 Output port No. For station 2 For station 3 For station 4 *1 In the case of XSEL (Remote I/O station) Output port: 300-315 For station 5 *2 Cannot be used because this is a system area. For station 6 For station 7 11. Communications with Master station For station 8 For station 9 Master station Buffer address Remote input Input port No. For station 1 Input port No. For station 2 For station 3 For station 4 For station 5 *3 In the case of XSEL (Remote I/O station) Input port: 000-015 *4 Cannot be used because this is a system area. For station 6 For station 7 For station 8 For station 9 116 175 11.2 8.2 Remote register (1) Master station ← XSEL (Remote device station) Four words are used for one station. Master station Buffer address RCS-C/E-Con/SCON/XSEL Remote I/O station (Station No. 1: one station occupied) XSEL Remote device station (Station No. 2: Two stations occupied) Remote register For station 1 Output port No. For station 2 For station 3 11. Communications with Master station For station 4 For station 5 For station 6 For station 7 For station 8 176118 (2) Master station → XSEL (Remote device station) Four words are used for one station. Master station Buffer address RCS-C/E-Con/SCON/XSEL Remote I/O station (Station No. 1: one station occupied) XSEL Remote device station (Station No. 2: Two stations occupied) Remote register For station 1 Input port No. For station 2 For station 3 For station 4 For station 5 11. Communications with Master station For station 6 For station 7 For station 8 177 119 178 11. Communications with Master station 12. Common Items and Others 12.1 Communications cable For CC-Link communications cable, CC-Link Ver.1.10 compatible dedicated cable (FANC-SBH, FANC-SB, etc.,) is used. 12.2 Connection of communications cable connector Connect the communications cable according to the following connector table: Pin No. Signal name Application 1 DA Communications line 2 DB Communications line 3 DG Ground 4 SLD Shield 5 FG Ground SLD and FG are internally connected. The communications cable is connected to pin No. 1 to No. 4. 12.3 Terminators It is required to connect a terminator to the units at each end of the CC-Link system. Connect it between DA and DB of the connector. 12. Common Items and Others Terminators are attached to each controller. The terminator varies according to the model name of the CC-Link compatible cable as follows: Cable FANC-SBH: 130 Ω 1/2W (CC-Link dedicated high performance cable) Cable FANC-SB: 110 Ω 1/2W (CC-Link dedicated cable) (Note) For further information, refer to the Operation Manual for the master unit. 120 179 12.4 Useful functions for XSEL controller adjustment (1) When a standard or expansion I/O board is installed onto the K-type controller, XSEL can individually be started up without connection of the 24V DC power for I/O. (2) When a CC-Link board is installed, XSEL can individually be started up without establishment of the network. In either case, set the relevant I/O parameters of No. 10 to No. 13 to “0: Non-monitoring.” (Note) After completing the required operation or adjustment, be sure to restore the parameters. Without doing so, an error check of the relevant slots of the boards will not be carried out. 12.5 CSP + File If it is necessary to use CSP+ file on the engineering tool in PLC, you can download it from our homepage. Model TTA MSEL File Name 0X0226_TTA_A_ia.cspp 0X0226_MSEL_A_ia.cspp 12. Common Items and Others For how to set up the remote device station information to the master station, refer to the instruction manual of a master unit and a programmable controller to be installed. 180 Change History Revision Date November 2011 Description of Revision Twenty first Edition ContentsACON changed in PCON. Safety Guide • Deleted and Caution notes added for when working with two or more persons • Deleted ACON and PCON. July 2012 September 2013 Twenty second Edition • Contents changed in Safety Guide • Part Number "J/K/P/Q/JX/KX/PX/QX" added on "3. XSEL" • 4. XSEL -R/S/RX/SX/RXD/SXD on added Twenty Third Edition • 5. Tabletop Robot TTA on added March 2014 Twenty Fourth Edition • Connector Model Code Changed June 2014 Twenty Fifth Edition • 5. MSEL on added • 12.5 CSP + File on added August 2014 Edition 25B • Made applicable for MSEL Cartesian Type Twenty Sixth Edition • XSEL-RA/SA series added April 2017 Edition 26B • Model code changed for applicable models • Descriptions revised for I/O Parameters No. 2 to 17, 120 to 122 and 223 to 225 Correction made to 4.6, 5.6 and 6.6 system domain signal assignment input • and output other way around • Correction made November 2017 May 2018 122 Edition 26C • Descriptions revised for I/O Parameters No. 14 to 17 • Description revised regarding 12.3 Terminal Resistors • Correction made Edition 26D • 5.5, 6.5 Contents revised in delivery setting table for I/O ports on MSEL and TTA 181 Change History July 2016 Manual No.: ME0123-26D (May 2018) Head Office: 577-1 Obane Shimizu-KU Shizuoka City Shizuoka 424-0103, Japan TEL +81-54-364-5105 FAX +81-54-364-2589 website: www.iai-robot.co.jp/ Technical Support available in USA, Europe and China Head Office: 2690 W. 237th Street, Torrance, CA 90505 TEL (310) 891-6015 FAX (310) 891-0815 Chicago Office: 110 East State Parkway, Schaumburg, IL 60173 TEL (847) 908-1400 FAX (847) 908-1399 Atlanta Office: 1220 Kennestone Circle, Suite 108, Marietta, GA 30066 TEL (678) 354-9470 FAX (678) 354-9471 website: www.intelligentactuator.com Ober der Röth 4, D-65824 Schwalbach am Taunus, Germany TEL 06196-88950 FAX 06196-889524 SHANGHAI JIAHUA BUSINESS CENTER A8-303, 808, Hongqiao Rd. Shanghai 200030, China TEL 021-6448-4753 FAX 021-6448-3992 website: www.iai-robot.com 825 PhairojKijja Tower 12th Floor, Bangna-Trad RD., Bangna, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand TEL +66-2-361-4458 FAX +66-2-361-4456 The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice for purposes of product improvement. Copyright © 2018. May. IAI Corporation. All rights reserved. 18.05.000