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Spanish Automotive Industry: Strategic Analysis Case Study

Cases Wording
Strategic Management
Automotive Industry of Spain
T4: Competitive environment; Abell’s
diagram to define an industry; Porter’s
Read the accompanying text titled “Competitive Structure of the Spanish Automotive
Industry”. Discuss the following questions in group and provide a group’s response:
1. Bearing in mind that the case study is an industry analysis, what is the geographic
scope of the case study as showed in the text? Do you think the geographic scope is
appropriate or should it be widened/narrowed? Provide arguments in favour of what
the scope should be.
2. Using the Abell’s diagram, provide a definition of the automotive industry. Which of
the three dimensions define the industry? Does your diagram include a wide picture of
automotive industry? Do you think that aircraft makers are competitors for Ford or
Renault? Why?
3. Identify types of competitors in this industry. Which tool would you use? What
markets are serving the main competitors in this industry? Identify mobility barriers.
4. Perform an industry analysis with the information included in the text and the
information you may find somewhere else by using Dobb’s templates.
5. The case is about defining the attractiveness of this industry so firms’ behaviour and
strategies can be predicted. How do you think that any firm can improve this industry’s
attractiveness? Which strategic options would you consider?
6. The case was last updated in 2013. Since then, can you name some changes happened
in the competitive environment that are relevant for incumbent firms in this industry?
Prof. Miguel G. Loureiro