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The blind box developed in Japan as a method of toy sales, and it is hard to determine the
contents of the box until it is unpacked. It is a very unpredictable revenue feedback system that
promotes a game mindset in customers, resulting in dependent repeat purchases in a relatively
short amount of time, and has therefore been a significant success in the consumer industry. In
recent years, the range of blind box items has increased, as has the consumer market for these
products, which are becoming increasingly worldwide.
Consumers prefer to acquire more products based on their impressions and instincts rather than
thinking and planning when making purchases.
方面与消费理念方面没有做进一步的约束,通过进一步的 nuding 使得为该领域提供更多预
首先给受试者每人分发 1 张价值 5 磅的代金券,仅可以用于购买本次物品。要求为一次都用
a.价值 1 磅的纯色笔记本 b.价值为 4 磅的纯色笔记本 c.价值介于 1 磅-5 磅的笔记本组合盲
盒(看不到内容),并告知所有受试者有机率在盲盒中得到限定珍藏款。使 20 位受试者(10
位男生,10 位女生)依次进行消费,消费过程与其他受试者全程隔离,其余消费者无法观
察前位受试者的行为与买到的所有物品。并观察记录数据。剩余的 20 人为治疗组在测试前
都被治疗—告知本次获得珍藏版的概率为 5%,之后进行消费决策。实验的人数分配原则使
In this section, you should explain
your experimental design and methodology in detail. It is up to you how to organise this section.
You should aim to connect it well to the methods and concepts taught in the module, and
demonstrate critical thinking in their application. The following content should
be covered (not necessarily
in this order):
(i) present your basic experimental design [you should explain the situation/game, sample
size calculation, randomisation methods, treatments (if any)],
present behavioural
(iii) present your empirical methodology [you should explain the variable(s) of interest
and control variables, the statistical tests you would use]. You should cover
any other issues you find necessary to explain your design/methodology in detail
as well as any issues that help to justify your choices for your design/methodology.
分由你决定。你的目标应该是将它与模块中教授的方法和概念很 好地联系起来,并在它们
的应用中展示批判性思维。应涵盖以下内容(不一定按 此顺序):
涵盖你认为有必要详细解释你的设计/方法的任何 其他问题,以及有助于证明你的设计/方
的设计/方法的潜在限制(如果相关,你也可以讨论解决限制和道德问题的潜在 扩展)。对于
(ii),您应该关注与您的特定设计/方法相关的限制,并且您应该 再次尝试将其与本模块中教
授的方法和概念很好地联系起来,并在它们的应用 中展示批判性思维。
(i) present a general overview of the research topic around your research question, and
briefly explain why it is relevant
(ii) put forward and explain your well-defined RQ
(iii) explain why it is important to “answer” (or bring new evidence on) your RQ. To justify
(ii)提出并解释您定义明确的 RQ
In this section, you should
(i) briefly summarisewhat you have proposed, and
(ii) discuss potential limitations of your design/methodology (you can also discuss potential
extensions to address limitations and ethical issues, if relevant).
(ii), you should focus on limitations that are relevant to your specific design/methodology, and
you should once again try to connect it well to the methods and concepts taught in the module,
and demonstrate critical thinking in their application.