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R911329780 02

Electric Drives
and Controls
Linear Motion and
Assembly Technologies
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Rexroth IndraMotion
Type of Documentation
Document Typecode
Internal File Reference
Purpose of Documentation
Record of Revision
Commissioning Manual
This manual describes steps required for commissioning and performing serv‐
ice on the IndraMotion MLC system. It includes checklists for tasks frequently
performed and a detailed description of the steps.
Release Date
120-2850-B361/EN -01
First edition
120-2850-B361/EN -02
Modifications and sup‐
© Bosch Rexroth AG, 2010
Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the
contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable
for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of
a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN 34-1).
Published by
The specified data is for product description purposes only and may not be
deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract. All rights
are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and the availa‐
bility of the product.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 ■ 97816 Lohr a. Main, Germany
Phone +49 (0)93 52/ 40-0 ■ Fax +49 (0)93 52/ 40-48 85
System Development Automation Motion Logic Control, HoS (EgWi)
This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction and Overview............................................................................................. 7
Purpose of this Document...................................................................................................................... 7
Document Structure................................................................................................................................ 7
Important Instructions on Use........................................................................................ 9
Appropriate Use...................................................................................................................................... 9
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Areas of Use and Application.............................................................................................................. 9
Inappropriate Use................................................................................................................................. 10
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls .................................................... 11
Definitions of Terms.............................................................................................................................. 11
General Information.............................................................................................................................. 12
Using the Safety Instructions and Passing Them on to Others......................................................... 12
Requirements for Safe Use............................................................................................................... 12
Hazards by Improper Use.................................................................................................................. 13
Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers....................................................................................... 14
Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings......................................................... 14
Protective Extra-Low Voltage as Protection Against Electric Shock ................................................ 15
Protection Against Dangerous Movements....................................................................................... 15
Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Operation and Mounting.............. 17
Protection Against Contact With Hot Parts........................................................................................ 17
Protection During Handling and Mounting......................................................................................... 17
Battery Safety.................................................................................................................................... 18
Protection Against Pressurized Systems........................................................................................... 18
Explanation of Signal Words and the Safety Alert Symbol................................................................... 19
Checklists..................................................................................................................... 21
Commissioning..................................................................................................................................... 21
IndraWorks Installation...................................................................................................................... 21
Creating a Machine Project for Commissioning................................................................................ 21
Initial System Commissioning............................................................................................................ 22
System Commissioning..................................................................................................................... 22
Exchanging Hardware.......................................................................................................................... 24
Firmware Update for MLC and Drives .............................................................................................. 24
Exchanging the Drive Control Unit Using the Multimedia Card (MMC)............................................. 25
Exchanging the Drive Control Unit without a Multimedia Card (MMC).............................................. 25
Exchanging the MLC with an Existing Compact Flash Card............................................................. 26
Exchanging the MLC without a Compact Flash Card........................................................................ 26
Exchanging an MLC Function Module............................................................................................... 27
Exchanging a Profibus Participant..................................................................................................... 27
Exchanging an Inline Module............................................................................................................ 28
Exchanging a DTM Device................................................................................................................ 28
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Table of Contents
Diagnostics........................................................................................................................................... 28
MLC Diagnostics............................................................................................................................... 28
IndraDrive Diagnostics...................................................................................................................... 29
Cross Link Diagnostics...................................................................................................................... 30
Fieldbus Diagnostics......................................................................................................................... 30
Reading out the PLC Logbook.......................................................................................................... 31
Behavior during a Control SysErr...................................................................................................... 31
Step Description........................................................................................................... 33
Installing Rexroth IndraWorks............................................................................................................... 33
Administrator Rights.......................................................................................................................... 33
General........................................................................................................................................... 33
Credentials..................................................................................................................................... 33
Logging in as an administrator....................................................................................................... 33
Licensing the Installation................................................................................................................... 33
Initial Installation of IndraWorks......................................................................................................... 33
DVD................................................................................................................................................ 33
Installing the hard drive.................................................................................................................. 34
Installing IndraWorks...................................................................................................................... 34
Parallel Installation............................................................................................................................ 42
Performing an Update of IndraWorks................................................................................................ 42
Deinstalling IndraWorks..................................................................................................................... 45
Complete Data Backup (only IndraMotion MLC).................................................................................. 46
General.............................................................................................................................................. 46
Complete Backup Procedure............................................................................................................. 46
Complete Project Restoration............................................................................................................ 51
IndraMotion MLC - Setting the IP Address........................................................................................... 55
Exchanging Firmware........................................................................................................................... 58
IndraMotion MLC - Memory Deletion.................................................................................................... 61
Go online.............................................................................................................................................. 62
Uploading and Starting the PLC program............................................................................................. 65
Exporting Parameters........................................................................................................................... 67
Importing Parameters........................................................................................................................... 68
Switching IndraMotion MLC into BB..................................................................................................... 71
Device Data.......................................................................................................................................... 72
Archiving Device Data....................................................................................................................... 72
Restoring Device Data....................................................................................................................... 75
Display of the IndraMotion MLC........................................................................................................... 79
Basic Master Communication Functions.............................................................................................. 79
Short Description............................................................................................................................... 79
General........................................................................................................................................... 79
Characteristics................................................................................................................................ 79
Parameters involved....................................................................................................................... 80
Participating diagnostics................................................................................................................. 81
Setting the Axis Address................................................................................................................... 81
Overview......................................................................................................................................... 81
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Table of Contents
Setting the address using the standard operating unit................................................................... 82
Setting the address using parameter access................................................................................. 83
System Command Processing.......................................................................................................... 83
Overview......................................................................................................................................... 83
System command execution.......................................................................................................... 84
System command change bit......................................................................................................... 85
Device Control and State Machines.................................................................................................. 86
Overview......................................................................................................................................... 86
Internal device state machine......................................................................................................... 87
Master communication state machine............................................................................................ 89
Communication phases of master communication......................................................................... 91
Master communication control and status words........................................................................... 93
Timing diagram for device control.................................................................................................. 94
Commands and diagnostics for mode and phase switchover........................................................ 96
Control Panel of the Standard Operating Unit...................................................................................... 99
Functional Description....................................................................................................................... 99
Commissioning Notes...................................................................................................................... 113
Firmware Exchange............................................................................................................................ 114
General Notes on Firmware Exchange........................................................................................... 114
Basics........................................................................................................................................... 114
Preparations and conditions for the firmware exchange.............................................................. 114
Firmware Release Update............................................................................................................... 115
General......................................................................................................................................... 115
Loading new firmware on the MMC.............................................................................................. 116
Alternative 1: Release update with MMC..................................................................................... 116
Alternative 2: Release update with IndraWorks............................................................................ 117
Firmware Version Upgrade.............................................................................................................. 123
General......................................................................................................................................... 123
Saving parameter values.............................................................................................................. 124
Loading new firmware on the MMC.............................................................................................. 125
Alternative 1: Version upgrade with MMC (with safety technology)............................................. 125
Alternative 2: Version upgrade with MMC (without safety technology)........................................ 126
Alternative 3: Version upgrade with IndraWorks.......................................................................... 127
Possible Problems with Firmware Exchange.................................................................................. 133
Loading Basic Parameters onto IndraDrive ....................................................................................... 134
Drive-integrated Safety Technology................................................................................................... 135
General............................................................................................................................................ 135
Setup............................................................................................................................................... 136
Activating Safety Technology.......................................................................................................... 142
Loading of the Defaults Procedure for Drive-integrated Safety Technology................................... 143
Firmware Update with Drive-integrated Safety Technology............................................................ 145
Importing Safety Technology Parameters of a Drive into Other Drives........................................... 146
Configuration of the Link and the Link Participants............................................................................ 148
Using the FDT Container to Integrate DTMs...................................................................................... 151
General............................................................................................................................................ 151
Installing a DTM and Initial Commissioning..................................................................................... 151
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Table of Contents
Procedure for DTM Device Exchange............................................................................................. 157
Special Situations when Archiving and Restoring Projects with DTMs........................................... 159
Diagnostic Options.......................................................................................................................... 159
Diagnostics................................................................................................................ 161
Diagnostic Numbers and Diagnostic Texts as Display for the IndraMotion MLC L25/L45/L65 Display....
Diagnostics with IndraWorks.............................................................................................................. 162
Device Status.................................................................................................................................. 162
Extended Properties........................................................................................................................ 163
Clear Errors..................................................................................................................................... 163
Error Memory / Diagnostics Memory............................................................................................... 164
Invalid Parameters........................................................................................................................... 166
Cross Link Diagnostics....................................................................................................................... 168
Diagnostic and Status Displays for the Control and Inline Modules with LEDs.................................. 171
General............................................................................................................................................ 171
Displays on the IndraControl L45/65............................................................................................... 171
Displays at the Supply Terminals.................................................................................................... 173
Displays on the Input/Output Modules............................................................................................. 174
LED Displays and Diagnostics on the SERCOS Bus Coupler........................................................ 175
Diagnostic and status displays..................................................................................................... 175
Seven segment display "H1" on the SERCOS bus coupler......................................................... 176
Displays on the power supply terminals on input and output modules......................................... 177
Displays on Other Inline Modules.................................................................................................... 177
Diagnostic Options for Fieldbusses.................................................................................................... 177
General Diagnostics for All Fieldbusses.......................................................................................... 177
Diagnostics: Profibus DP Master..................................................................................................... 178
Diagnostics: Profibus DP Slave....................................................................................................... 182
Diagnostics: Profinet I/O Controller................................................................................................. 183
Diagnostics: Profinet I/O Device...................................................................................................... 186
Diagnostics: Sercos III I/O............................................................................................................... 187
Reading Out Hardware Information.................................................................................................... 188
MLC Hardware Information............................................................................................................. 188
IndraDrive Hardware Information.................................................................................................... 189
PLC Diagnostics................................................................................................................................. 191
PLC Status...................................................................................................................................... 191
Reading Out PLC Variables............................................................................................................ 193
Status of the Onboard I/Os.............................................................................................................. 193
Diagnostics with IMST............................................................................................... 195
General .............................................................................................................................................. 195
Logging In and Reading Out Firmware............................................................................................... 195
Reading Out Diagnostic Data............................................................................................................. 197
Saving, Restoring and Comparing Device Parameters...................................................................... 199
Setting Absolute Value....................................................................................................................... 202
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Table of Contents
Reading Out and Modifying PLC Variables........................................................................................ 202
Editing Parameters............................................................................................................................. 203
Custom Parameter List....................................................................................................................... 204
Displaying and Saving Hardware Details............................................................................................ 206
Service and Support.................................................................................................. 209
Index.......................................................................................................................... 211
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Introduction and Overview
Introduction and Overview
Purpose of this Document
This document addresses those who commission systems. It describes the
work that is frequently carried out during the commissioning of a machine. Later,
the document addresses exchanging hardware and the diagnostic possibilities
on the system.
This document is not to designed for project planning or develop‐
Document Structure
The first part of the document, "Checklists", starting on page 21, contains a
list of the work frequently performed during commissioning and service.
The checklists are categorized as follows:
Exchanging hardware
Each of these checklists is described based on the prerequisites and a list of
steps. For purposes of clarity, the lists of steps have been kept short. For most
of the steps there are references to the second section of the document. The
exact procedure is described there.
The second section of the document, "Step Description", starting on page
33, contains a precise description of the individual steps in the procedure and
additional information and boundary conditions. This section can also be used
as a general informational reference for commissioning.
The third section of the document presents diagnostic possibilities using
IndraWorks, "Diagnostics", starting on page 161, hardware diagnostics (e.g.
using the control display or LEDs,...) and the web-based diagnostic tool IMST
"Diagnostics in the IMST", starting on page 195. This section of the documen‐
tation describes the various possibilities for localizing and diagnosing errors
that occur for those involved in commissioning.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Important Instructions on Use
Important Instructions on Use
Appropriate Use
Bosch Rexroth products represent state-of-the-art developments and manu‐
facturing. They are tested prior to delivery to ensure operating safety and
The products may only be used in the manner that is defined as appropriate. If
they are used in an inappropriate manner, then situations can develop that may
lead to property damage or injury of personnel.
Bosch Rexroth, as manufacturer, is not liable for any damages re‐
sulting from inappropriate use.
Before using Bosch Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for
appropriate use of the products are satisfied:
Personnel that in a way, shape or form uses our products must first read
and understand the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with ap‐
propriate use.
If the product takes the form of hardware, then they must remain in the
original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted. It its not
permitted to decompile software products or alter source codes.
Do not mount damaged or faulty products or use them in operation.
Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner described
in the relevant documentation.
Areas of Use and Application
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX
The Rexroth IndraMotion MTX control is used to
Programming contour and machining technology (feedrate, spindle
speed, tool change) or a workpiece.
Guiding a machining tool along a programmed path.
Feed drives, spindles and auxiliary axes of a machine tool are activated via
SERCOS interface.
This additionally requires I/O components for the integrated PLC
which, in combination with the actual CNC, controls the machining
process as a whole and also monitors this process with regard to
technical safety.
The unit may be operated only with the explicitly specified hardware
component configurations and combinations and only with the soft‐
ware and firmware specified in the appropriate documentations and
functional descriptions.
The Rexroth IndraMotion MTX has been developed for control tasks in multiaxis installations.
Typical applications are:
milling machines
machining centers
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Important Instructions on Use
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC/MLP
The Rexroth IndraMotion MLC/MLP control can be used for the
motion as well as for the logic applications
The Rexroth IndraMotion MLP control or the MLC control and their
function modules may only be used with the accessories and at‐
tachments described in this documentation. Components that are
not specified may neither be attached nor connected. The same
applies to cables and wires.
The unit may be operated only with the explicitly specified hardware
component configurations and combinations and only with the soft‐
ware and firmware specified in the appropriate documentations and
functional descriptions.
The Rexroth IndraMotion MLP or MLC and their function modules were devel‐
oped for single-axis as well as multi-axis drive and control tasks.
Device types with a different equipment and different interfaces are provided
for the application-specific use of the machine operator and visualization ter‐
Typical areas of application of the IndraMotion MLP or MLC and their function
modules are:
[Handling systems and assembly systems]
[Packaging and processing machines]
[Printing machines and paper processing machines]
[Machine tools]
The Rexroth IndraMotion MLP or MLC and their function modules may only be
operated under the assembly conditions and installation conditions, in the
specified position of application and under the specified ambient conditions
(temperature, degree of protection, humidity, EMC etc.) given in this documen‐
Inappropriate Use
The application of the Rexroth IndraMotion MTX or the Rexroth IndraMotion
MLP or MLC that are not within the specified areas of application or under op‐
erating conditions deviating from the operating conditions and technical data
specified in the documentation are considered as "inappropriate".
The Rexroth IndraMotion MTX or the IndraMotion MLC/MLP may not be used
they are exposed to operating conditions that do not fulfill the ambient
conditions specified. Operation under water, under extreme temperature
fluctuations or extreme maximum temperatures is not allowed for exam‐
Furthermore, the Rexroth IndraMotion MTX or the IndraMotion MLC/MLP
may not be used for applications that were not explicitly released by Bosch
Rexroth. Also note the general statements in the general safety-related
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Definitions of Terms
Application Documentation
Application documentation comprises the entire documentation used to inform
the user of the product about the use and safety-relevant features for config‐
uring, integrating, installing, mounting, commissioning, operating, maintaining,
repairing and decommissioning the product. The following terms are also used
for this kind of documentation: User Guide, Operation Manual, Commissioning
Manual, Instruction Manual, Project Planning Manual, Application Manual, etc.
A component is a combination of elements with a specified function, which are
part of a piece of equipment, device or system. Components of the electric drive
and control system are, for example, supply units, drive controllers, mains
choke, mains filter, motors, cables, etc.
Control System
A control system comprises several interconnected control components placed
on the market as a single functional unit.
A device is a finished product with a defined function, intended for users and
placed on the market as an individual piece of merchandise.
Electrical Equipment
Electrical equipment encompasses all devices used to generate, convert, trans‐
mit, distribute or apply electrical energy, such as electric motors, transformers,
switching devices, cables, lines, power-consuming devices, circuit board as‐
semblies, plug-in units, control cabinets, etc.
Electric Drive System
An electric drive system comprises all components from mains supply to motor
shaft; this includes, for example, electric motor(s), motor encoder(s), supply
units and drive controllers, as well as auxiliary and additional components, such
as mains filter, mains choke and the corresponding lines and cables.
An installation consists of several devices or systems interconnected for a de‐
fined purpose and on a defined site which, however, are not intended to be
placed on the market as a single functional unit.
A machine is the entirety of interconnected parts or units at least one of which
is movable. Thus, a machine consists of the appropriate machine drive ele‐
ments, as well as control and power circuits, which have been assembled for
a specific application. A machine is, for example, intended for processing,
treatment, movement or packaging of a material. The term "machine" also cov‐
ers a combination of machines which are arranged and controlled in such a way
that they function as a unified whole.
The manufacturer is an individual or legal entity bearing responsibility for the
design and manufacture of a product which is placed on the market in the in‐
dividual's or legal entity's name. The manufacturer can use finished products,
finished parts or finished elements, or contract out work to subcontractors.
However, the manufacturer must always have overall control and possess the
required authority to take responsibility for the product.
Examples of a product: Device, component, part, system, software, firmware,
among other things.
Project Planning Manual
A project planning manual is part of the application documentation used to
support the sizing and planning of systems, machines or installations.
Qualified Persons
In terms of this application documentation, qualified persons are those persons
who are familiar with the installation, mounting, commissioning and operation
of the components of the electric drive and control system, as well as with the
hazards this implies, and who possess the qualifications their work requires. To
comply with these qualifications, it is necessary, among other things,
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
1) to be trained, instructed or authorized to switch electric circuits and devices
safely on and off, to ground them and to mark them
2) to be trained or instructed to maintain and use adequate safety equipment
3) to attend a course of instruction in first aid
A user is a person installing, commissioning or using a product which has been
placed on the market.
General Information
Using the Safety Instructions and Passing Them on to Others
Do not attempt to install and operate the components of the electric drive and
control system without first reading all documentation provided with the product.
Read and understand these safety instructions and all user documentation prior
to working with these components. If you do not have the user documentation
for the components, contact your responsible Bosch Rexroth sales partner. Ask
for these documents to be sent immediately to the person or persons respon‐
sible for the safe operation of the components.
If the component is resold, rented and/or passed on to others in any other form,
these safety instructions must be delivered with the component in the official
language of the user's country.
Improper use of these components, failure to follow the safety instructions in
this document or tampering with the product, including disabling of safety de‐
vices, could result in property damage, injury, electric shock or even death.
Requirements for Safe Use
Read the following instructions before initial commissioning of the components
of the electric drive and control system in order to eliminate the risk of injury
and/or property damage. You must follow these safety instructions.
Bosch Rexroth is not liable for damages resulting from failure to observe
the safety instructions.
Read the operating, maintenance and safety instructions in your language
before commissioning. If you find that you cannot completely understand
the application documentation in the available language, please ask your
supplier to clarify.
Proper and correct transport, storage, mounting and installation, as well
as care in operation and maintenance, are prerequisites for optimal and
safe operation of the component.
Only qualified persons may work with components of the electric drive and
control system or within its proximity.
Only use accessories and spare parts approved by Bosch Rexroth.
Follow the safety regulations and requirements of the country in which the
components of the electric drive and control system are operated.
Only use the components of the electric drive and control system in the
manner that is defined as appropriate. See chapter "Appropriate Use".
The ambient and operating conditions given in the available application
documentation must be observed.
Applications for functional safety are only allowed if clearly and explicitly
specified in the application documentation "Integrated Safety Technolo‐
gy". If this is not the case, they are excluded. Functional safety is a safety
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
concept in which measures of risk reduction for personal safety depend
on electrical, electronic or programmable control systems.
The information given in the application documentation with regard to the
use of the delivered components contains only examples of applications
and suggestions.
The machine and installation manufacturers must
make sure that the delivered components are suited for their individ‐
ual application and check the information given in this application
documentation with regard to the use of the components,
make sure that their individual application complies with the appli‐
cable safety regulations and standards and carry out the required
measures, modifications and complements.
Commissioning of the delivered components is only allowed once it is sure
that the machine or installation in which the components are installed
complies with the national regulations, safety specifications and standards
of the application.
Operation is only allowed if the national EMC regulations for the applica‐
tion are met.
The instructions for installation in accordance with EMC requirements can
be found in the section on EMC in the respective application documenta‐
The machine or installation manufacturer is responsible for compliance
with the limit values as prescribed in the national regulations.
The technical data, connection and installation conditions of the compo‐
nents are specified in the respective application documentations and must
be followed at all times.
National regulations which the user must take into account
European countries: In accordance with European EN standards
United States of America (USA):
National Electrical Code (NEC)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), as well as
local engineering regulations
Regulations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Canada: Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
Other countries:
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Hazards by Improper Use
High electrical voltage and high working current! Danger to life or serious
injury by electric shock!
High electrical voltage by incorrect connection! Danger to life or injury by
electric shock!
Dangerous movements! Danger to life, serious injury or property damage
by unintended motor movements!
Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and
hearing aids in proximity to electric drive systems!
Risk of burns by hot housing surfaces!
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Risk of injury by improper handling! Injury by crushing, shearing, cutting,
Risk of injury by improper handling of batteries!
Risk of injury by improper handling of pressurized lines!
Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers
Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings
This section concerns components of the electric drive and control
system with voltages of more than 50 volts.
Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 volts can cause personal
danger and electric shock. When operating components of the electric drive
and control system, it is unavoidable that some parts of these components
conduct dangerous voltage.
High electrical voltage! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock or serious
Only qualified persons are allowed to operate, maintain and/or repair the
components of the electric drive and control system.
Follow the general installation and safety regulations when working on
power installations.
Before switching on, the equipment grounding conductor must have been
permanently connected to all electric components in accordance with the
connection diagram.
Even for brief measurements or tests, operation is only allowed if the
equipment grounding conductor has been permanently connected to the
points of the components provided for this purpose.
Before accessing electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than 50 V,
you must disconnect electric components from the mains or from the pow‐
er supply unit. Secure the electric component from reconnection.
With electric components, observe the following aspects:
Always wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow live capacitors
to discharge before accessing an electric component. Measure the elec‐
trical voltage of live parts before beginning to work to make sure that the
equipment is safe to touch.
Install the covers and guards provided for this purpose before switching
Never touch electrical connection points of the components while power
is turned on.
Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component has been pow‐
Under specific conditions, electric drive systems can be operated at mains
protected by residual-current-operated circuit-breakers sensitive to uni‐
versal current (RCDs/RCMs).
Secure built-in devices from penetrating foreign objects and water, as well
as from direct contact, by providing an external housing, for example a
control cabinet.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
High housing voltage and high leakage current! Danger to life, risk of injury by
electric shock!
Before switching on and before commissioning, ground or connect the
components of the electric drive and control system to the equipment
grounding conductor at the grounding points.
Connect the equipment grounding conductor of the components of the
electric drive and control system permanently to the main power supply at
all times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA.
Establish an equipment grounding connection with a copper wire of a
cross section of at least 10 mm2 (8 AWG) or additionally run a second
equipment grounding conductor of the same cross section as the original
equipment grounding conductor.
Protective Extra-Low Voltage as Protection Against Electric Shock
Protective extra-low voltage is used to allow connecting devices with basic in‐
sulation to extra-low voltage circuits.
On components of an electric drive and control system provided by Bosch
Rexroth, all connections and terminals with voltages between 5 and 50 volts
are PELV ("Protective Extra-Low Voltage") systems. It is allowed to connect
devices equipped with basic insulation (such as programming devices, PCs,
notebooks, display units) to these connections.
Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock! High electrical voltage by incorrect
If extra-low voltage circuits of devices containing voltages and circuits of more
than 50 volts (e.g., the mains connection) are connected to Bosch Rexroth
products, the connected extra-low voltage circuits must comply with the re‐
quirements for PELV ("Protective Extra-Low Voltage").
Protection Against Dangerous Movements
Dangerous movements can be caused by faulty control of connected motors.
Some common examples are:
Improper or wrong wiring or cable connection
Operator errors
Wrong input of parameters before commissioning
Malfunction of sensors and encoders
Defective components
Software or firmware errors
These errors can occur immediately after equipment is switched on or even
after an unspecified time of trouble-free operation.
The monitoring functions in the components of the electric drive and control
system will normally be sufficient to avoid malfunction in the connected drives.
Regarding personal safety, especially the danger of injury and/or property dam‐
age, this alone cannot be relied upon to ensure complete safety. Until the
integrated monitoring functions become effective, it must be assumed in any
case that faulty drive movements will occur. The extent of faulty drive move‐
ments depends upon the type of control and the state of operation.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, serious injury or property
A risk assessment must be prepared for the installation or machine, with its
specific conditions, in which the components of the electric drive and control
system are installed.
As a result of the risk assessment, the user must provide for monitoring func‐
tions and higher-level measures on the installation side for personal safety. The
safety regulations applicable to the installation or machine must be taken into
consideration. Unintended machine movements or other malfunctions are pos‐
sible if safety devices are disabled, bypassed or not activated.
To avoid accidents, injury and/or property damage:
Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion and moving machine
parts. Prevent personnel from accidentally entering the machine’s range
of motion by using, for example:
Safety fences
Safety guards
Protective coverings
Light barriers
Make sure the safety fences and protective coverings are strong enough
to resist maximum possible kinetic energy.
Mount emergency stopping switches in the immediate reach of the oper‐
ator. Before commissioning, verify that the emergency stopping equip‐
ment works. Do not operate the machine if the emergency stopping switch
is not working.
Prevent unintended start-up. Isolate the drive power connection by means
of OFF switches/OFF buttons or use a safe starting lockout.
Make sure that the drives are brought to safe standstill before accessing
or entering the danger zone.
Additionally secure vertical axes against falling or dropping after switching
off the motor power by, for example,
mechanically securing the vertical axes,
adding an external braking/arrester/clamping mechanism or
ensuring sufficient counterbalancing of the vertical axes.
The standard equipment motor holding brake or an external holding brake
controlled by the drive controller is not sufficient to guarantee personal
Disconnect electrical power to the components of the electric drive and
control system using the master switch and secure them from reconnec‐
tion ("lock out") for:
Maintenance and repair work
Cleaning of equipment
Long periods of discontinued equipment use
Prevent the operation of high-frequency, remote control and radio equip‐
ment near components of the electric drive and control system and their
supply leads. If the use of these devices cannot be avoided, check the
machine or installation, at initial commissioning of the electric drive and
control system, for possible malfunctions when operating such high-fre‐
quency, remote control and radio equipment in its possible positions of
normal use. It might possibly be necessary to perform a special electro‐
magnetic compatibility (EMC) test.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Oper‐
ation and Mounting
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors
or permanent magnets of electric motors represent a serious danger to persons
with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids.
Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing
aids in proximity to electric components!
Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not allowed to
enter the following areas:
Areas in which components of the electric drive and control systems
are mounted, commissioned and operated.
Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are stored,
repaired or mounted.
If it is necessary for somebody with a heart pacemaker to enter such an
area, a doctor must be consulted prior to doing so. The noise immunity of
implanted heart pacemakers differs so greatly that no general rules can
be given.
Those with metal implants or metal pieces, as well as with hearing aids,
must consult a doctor before they enter the areas described above.
Protection Against Contact With Hot Parts
Hot surfaces of components of the electric drive and control system. Risk of
Do not touch hot surfaces of, for example, braking resistors, heat sinks,
supply units and drive controllers, motors, windings and laminated cores!
According to the operating conditions, temperatures of the surfaces can
be higher than 60 °C (140 °F) during or after operation.
Before touching motors after having switched them off, let them cool down
for a sufficient period of time. Cooling down can require up to 140 mi‐
nutes! The time required for cooling down is approximately five times the
thermal time constant specified in the technical data.
After switching chokes, supply units and drive controllers off, wait 15 mi‐
nutes to allow them to cool down before touching them.
Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces.
For certain applications, and in accordance with the respective safety reg‐
ulations, the manufacturer of the machine or installation must take meas‐
ures to avoid injuries caused by burns in the final application. These
measures can be, for example: Warnings at the machine or installation,
guards (shieldings or barriers) or safety instructions in the application
Protection During Handling and Mounting
Risk of injury by improper handling! Injury by crushing, shearing, cutting, hitting!
Observe the relevant statutory regulations of accident prevention.
Use suitable equipment for mounting and transport.
Avoid jamming and crushing by appropriate measures.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Always use suitable tools. Use special tools if specified.
Use lifting equipment and tools in the correct manner.
Use suitable protective equipment (hard hat, safety goggles, safety shoes,
safety gloves, for example).
Do not stand under hanging loads.
Immediately clean up any spilled liquids from the floor due to the risk of
Battery Safety
Batteries consist of active chemicals in a solid housing. Therefore, improper
handling can cause injury or property damage.
Risk of injury by improper handling!
Do not attempt to reactivate low batteries by heating or other methods (risk
of explosion and cauterization).
Do not attempt to recharge the batteries as this may cause leakage or
Do not throw batteries into open flames.
Do not dismantle batteries.
When replacing the battery/batteries, do not damage the electrical parts
installed in the devices.
Only use the battery types specified for the product.
Environmental protection and disposal! The batteries contained in
the product are considered dangerous goods during land, air, and
sea transport (risk of explosion) in the sense of the legal regulations.
Dispose of used batteries separately from other waste. Observe the
national regulations of your country.
Protection Against Pressurized Systems
According to the information given in the Project Planning Manuals, motors and
components cooled with liquids and compressed air can be partially supplied
with externally fed, pressurized media, such as compressed air, hydraulics oil,
cooling liquids and cooling lubricants. Improper handling of the connected sup‐
ply systems, supply lines or connections can cause injuries or property damage.
Risk of injury by improper handling of pressurized lines!
Do not attempt to disconnect, open or cut pressurized lines (risk of explo‐
Observe the respective manufacturer's operating instructions.
Before dismounting lines, relieve pressure and empty medium.
Use suitable protective equipment (safety goggles, safety shoes, safety
gloves, for example).
Immediately clean up any spilled liquids from the floor due to the risk of
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
Environmental protection and disposal! The agents (e.g., fluids)
used to operate the product might not be environmentally friendly.
Dispose of agents harmful to the environment separately from other
waste. Observe the national regulations of your country.
Explanation of Signal Words and the Safety Alert Symbol
The Safety Instructions in the available application documentation contain spe‐
cific signal words (DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION or NOTICE) and, where
required, a safety alert symbol (in accordance with ANSI Z535.6-2006).
The signal word is meant to draw the reader's attention to the safety instruction
and identifies the hazard severity.
The safety alert symbol (a triangle with an exclamation point), which precedes
the signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION, is used to alert the
reader to personal injury hazards.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury
will occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury
could occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, minor or moderate injury
could occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, property damage could
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Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraWorks Installation
This section describes installation and updating for IndraWorks.
Hardware requirements
Required files
Computer with 2 GB available memory on the target drive
Installation DVD
IndraWorks license
IndraWorks installation
Case 1:
IndraWorks new installation
5.1.3 Initial Installation of IndraWorks (page 33)
Case 2:
IndraWorks update
5.1.5 Performing an Update of IndraWorks (page 42)
Creating a Machine Project for Commissioning
This section describes the creation of all the files required for the commissioning
process on a machine. It is assumed that a complete IndraWorks project al‐
ready exists and that the drive parameterization is known.
IndraWorks is installed.
Required files
IndraWorks project
Original parameter file
IP address of the control
SERCOS addresses of the drives
Parameterization of the drives
Required information
Steps in the procedure
The following steps are required to prepare a project for commissioning:
Open the project.
Activate the existing drives for the real machine; deactivate drives that are
not present.
Start offline parameterization.
Import the original parameter block for all drives.
5.9 Importing Parameters (page 68)
Parameterize the drives.
Export the parameters.
5.8 Exporting Parameters (page 67)
Go offline.
Archive the project.
5.2.2 Complete Backup Procedure (page 46)
Send the project archive and parameter file to the person responsible for
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Initial System Commissioning
This section describes the commissioning of a system. It is assumed that the
control and the drives are in an unknown condition; i.e. unknown firmware or
an unknown configuration is present on the control or drives. The system is in
brand new condition, for example.
Hardware requirements
Required files
Required information
Steps in the procedure
The control is installed and equipped with a compact flash card.
The drives are installed and equipped with a multimedia card (MMC).
Optional: the drives' safety technology is wired.
Optional: the cross link module is connected to the MLC.
Optional: inline modules are wired.
Optional: the Profibus is wired.
IndraWorks project archive
Parameter export file
IP address of the control
SERCOS addresses of the drives
Cross link address of the control
Carry out the following steps for initial commissioning:
Update the drive firmware to the current version.
5.15 Firmware Exchange (page 114)
Set the SERCOS addresses of the drives.
Setting the address using the standard operating unit (page 82)
Set the IP address, subnet mask and gateway on the control.
5.3 IndraMotion MLC - Setting the IP Address (page 55)
Start IndraWorks.
Import the project archive.
5.2.3 Complete Project Restoration (page 51)
Set the IP address for the control in IndraWorks and perform the connec‐
tion test.
Update the control firmware.
5.4 Exchanging Firmware (page 58)
Continue at 4.1.4 System Commissioning (page 22)
System Commissioning
This section describes the commissioning of a system. It is assumed that the
correct firmware is available on the control and the drives. For example, this is
the case following a successful initial commissioning.
The control is installed and equipped with a compact flash card.
The control has the correct firmware.
The drives are installed and equipped with a multimedia card (MMC).
The SERCOS addresses for the drives are set.
The drives have the correct version of the firmware.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Required files
Required information
Steps in the procedure
Optional: the drives' safety technology is wired.
Optional: the cross link module is connected to the MLC.
Optional: inline modules are wired.
Optional: the Profibus is wired.
Optional: a DTM device is wired.
The steps in 4.1.3 Initial System Commissioning (page 22) have already
been carried out.
IndraWorks project archive
Parameter export file
IP address of the control
SERCOS addresses of the drives
Cross link address of the control
Carry out the following steps for commissioning a system:
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If a project archive exists: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...
5.2.3 Complete Project Restoration (page 51)
Go online.
5.6 Go online (page 62)
Load the basic parameters onto all drives.
5.16 Loading Basic Parameters onto IndraDrive (page 134)
"Initial loading of safety technology" onto all drives with safety technology.
5.17.4 Loading of the Defaults Procedure for Drive-integrated Safety
Technology (page 143)
Import parameters.
(Control parameters and drive parameters)
5.9 Importing Parameters (page 68)
Switch to BB.
5.10 Switching IndraMotion MLC into BB (page 71)
Create and print out protocols for the safety technology.
Go offline.
(Save the drive parameters on the flash card).
Load the PLC program onto the control and start it.
5.7 Uploading and Starting the PLC program (page 65)
Set the reference value in the drives.
Install the DTM and write the parameters in the device.
DTM - restoration (page 159)
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Exchanging Hardware
Firmware Update for MLC and Drives
This section deals with updating the firmware for the drives and the control. It
is assumed that the system is running, i.e. 4.1.4 System Commissioning (page
22) has already been carried out.
Required files
Steps in the procedure
The system is running.
The steps as described in 4.1.4 System Commissioning (page 22) have
already been carried out.
IndraWorks project or IndraWorks project archive
Parameter export file (optional)
Carry out the following steps to update the firmware on the system:
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If there is an existing project archive: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...
5.2.3 Complete Project Restoration (page 51).
Go online.
5.6 Go online (page 62)
If there is no existing parameter file or if parameters were modified:
Save the control parameters and drive parameters (to restore the required
5.8 Exporting Parameters (page 67)
If the drive firmware is not to be updated: Continue with 7.
Carry out a firmware update on the drives.
5.15 Firmware Exchange (page 114)
"Load the basic parameters" on the drives.
5.16 Loading Basic Parameters onto IndraDrive (page 134)
"Initial loading of safety technology" onto all drives with safety technology.
5.17.4 Loading of the Defaults Procedure for Drive-integrated Safety
Technology (page 143)
If the control firmware is not to be updated: Continue with 9.
Update the control firmware.
5.4 Exchanging Firmware (page 58)
Import the existing or previously saved parameter file.
When updating drive firmware: S-, P-parameters
When updating control firmware: A-, C-parameters
5.9 Importing Parameters (page 68)
Switch to BB.
5.10 Switching IndraMotion MLC into BB (page 71)
Create and print out protocols for the safety technology.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Go offline.
(Save the drive parameters on the flash card.)
Upload the PLC program and start it.
5.7 Uploading and Starting the PLC program (page 65)
Set the reference value in the drives.
Exchanging the Drive Control Unit Using the Multimedia Card (MMC)
This section describes the exchange of a drive control unit with an existing
multimedia card (MMC) and a functioning display. It is assumed that the system
has already been put into operation.
Required files
Steps in the procedure
Defective control unit (IndraDrive M or IndraDrive Cs)
Existing multimedia card (MMC) (IndraDrive M)
Functioning display (IndraDrive Cs)
The steps as described in 4.1.4 System Commissioning (page 22) have
already been carried out.
Carry out the following steps to exchange a drive control unit on a system:
Deenergize the drive and the control unit.
For IndraDrive M:
Remove the multimedia card (MMC) from the control unit.
For IndraDrive Cs:
Remove the drive display.
Exchange the control unit.
For IndraDrive M:
Plug the multimedia card (MMC) you removed into the new control
For IndraDrive Cs:
Plug the display you removed into the new control unit.
Switch the system on again.
Exchanging the Drive Control Unit without a Multimedia Card (MMC)
This section describes the exchange of a drive control unit if the multimedia
card (MMC) and display are defective. It is assumed that the system has already
been put into operation.
Required files
Steps in the procedure
Defective control unit (IndraDrive M or IndraDrive Cs)
Parameter export file
The steps as described in System Commissioning (see page 22) have
already been carried out.
Carry out the following steps to exchange a drive control unit on a system:
Deenergize the drive and the control unit.
Exchange the control unit.
Switch the system on again.
Firmware update for the exchanged drive.
5.15 Firmware Exchange (page 114)
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Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Set the SERCOS address for the exchanged drive.
Setting the address using the standard operating unit (page 82)
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If a project archive exists: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...
5.2.3 Complete Project Restoration (page 51)
Go online.
5.6 Go online (page 62)
"Load the basic parameters" on the exchanged drive.
5.16 Loading Basic Parameters onto IndraDrive (page 134)
"Initial loading of safety technology" on the exchanged drive.
5.17.4 Loading of the Defaults Procedure for Drive-integrated Safety
Technology (page 143)
Import the S and P parameters of the exchanged drive.
Switch to BB.
5.9 Importing Parameters (page 68)
5.10 Switching IndraMotion MLC into BB (page 71)
Create and print out protocols for the safety technology.
Set the reference value in the exchanged drive (optional).
Go offline.
(Save the drive parameters on the flash card).
Exchanging the MLC with an Existing Compact Flash Card
This section describes the exchange of an MLC with an existing compact flash
card. It is assumed that the system has already been put into operation.
Required files
Steps in the procedure
Defective MLC
Existing compact flash card in the MLC
The steps as described in 4.1.4 System Commissioning (page 22) have
already been carried out.
Carry out the following steps to exchange the MLC on a system:
Deenergize the MLC.
Remove the compact flash card from the MLC.
Exchange the MLC.
Plug the compact flash card you removed into the MLC.
Switch the system on again.
Exchanging the MLC without a Compact Flash Card
This section describes the exchange of an MLC without an existing compact
flash card or with a defective compact flash card. It is assumed that the system
has already been put into operation.
Defective MLC
Defective or missing compact flash card
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Required files
Steps in the procedure
The steps as described in System Commissioning (page 22) have already
been carried out.
Carry out the following steps to exchange the MLC on a system:
Deenergize the MLC.
Replace the defective MLC with an MLC with compact flash card (must
contain the corresponding firmware).
Switch the system on again.
Set the IP address, subnet mask and gateway on the control.
5.3 IndraMotion MLC - Setting the IP Address (page 55)
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If a project archive exists: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...
Update the control firmware.
Go online.
5.4 Exchanging Firmware (page 58)
5.6 Go online (page 62)
Import the A and C parameters of the MLC.
5.9 Importing Parameters (page 68)
Switch to BB.
5.10 Switching IndraMotion MLC into BB (page 71)
Go offline.
Upload the PLC program and start it.
(Save the drive parameters on the flash card).
Uploading and Starting the PLC program
Exchanging an MLC Function Module
This section describes the exchange of an MLC function module. It is assumed
that the system has already been put into operation.
Required files
Steps in the procedure
Defective MLC function module
The steps as described in 4.1.4 System Commissioning (page 22) have
already been carried out.
Carry out the following steps to exchange an MLC function module on a system:
Deenergize the MLC.
Exchange the function module.
Switch the system on again.
Exchanging a Profibus Participant
This section describes the exchange of a Profibus participant. It is assumed
that the system has already been put into operation.
Defective Profibus participant
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Required files
Steps in the procedure
The steps as described in 4.1.4 System Commissioning (page 22) have
already been carried out.
Carry out the following steps to exchange a Profibus participant:
Deenergize the Profibus participant.
Exchange the Profibus participant.
Set the address for the new Profibus participant.
Switch the system on again.
For Profibus participants with DTM, write the parameters in the device.
Writing the parameters into the device (page 158)
Exchanging an Inline Module
This section describes the exchange of an inline module that is connected to
an MLC or a Profibus coupler. It is assumed that the system has already been
put into operation.
Required files
Steps in the procedure
Defective inline module
The steps as described in 4.1.4 System Commissioning (page 22) have
already been carried out.
Carry out the following steps to exchange an inline module on an MLC or a
Profibus coupler:
Deenergize the MLC or Profibus coupler.
Exchange the inline module.
Switch the system on again.
Exchanging a DTM Device
This section describes the exchange of a DTM device.
It is assumed that the system has already been put into operation.
Required files
Steps in the procedure
Defective DTM device
The steps for System Commissioning (page 22) have already been carried
Carry out the following steps to exchange a DTM device (cf. chapter 5.19.3
"Procedure for DTM Device Exchange" on page 157):
Load the parameters from the device.
Deenergize the DTM device and MLC.
Exchange the DTM device.
Switch the system on again.
Write the parameters in the device.
MLC Diagnostics
This section describes the diagnostic possibilities for the MLC. The diagnostics
can be carried out using either the control display or the diagnostic memory in
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Diagnostics on the display
MLC diagnostic memory
The display shows the highest priority error message (see also 6.1 Diagnostic
Numbers and Diagnostic Texts as Display for the IndraMotion MLC L25/L45/
L65 Display, page 161). Use the <Esc> key on the display to delete all existing
errors. It is possible that new pending errors appear immediately. Other possi‐
bilities for MLC display operations are described in 5.12 Display of the
IndraMotion MLC (page 79).
The following steps are required to read out the MLC diagnostic memory:
Start IndraWorks.
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If a project archive exists: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...
5.2.3 Complete Project Restoration (page 51)
Go online.
5.6 Go online (page 62)
Display the diagnostic memory.
Right click on the control, then
Diagnostics ▶ Error/diagnostic memory.
6.2.4 Error Memory / Diagnostics Memory (page 164)
IndraDrive Diagnostics
This section describes the diagnostic possibilities for IndraDrive.
The diagnostics can be carried out using either the drive display or the diag‐
nostic memory in IndraWorks.
Diagnostics on the display
The display shows the highest priority error message (see also "Display prior‐
ities" on page 101). Use the <Esc> key on the display to delete all existing
errors. It is possible that new pending errors appear immediately. Other possi‐
bilities for MLC display operations are described in chapter 5.14 "Control Panel
of the Standard Operating Unit" on page 99.
Diagnostic memory
All drive error messages are also recorded in MLC diagnostic memory. The
following steps are required to read out the MLC diagnostic memory:
Start IndraWorks.
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or Project ▶ Restore...
See chapter 5.2.3 "Complete Project Restoration" on page 51
Go online.
See chapter 5.6 "Go online" on page 62
Display the diagnostic memory.
Right click on the control, then
Diagnostics ▶ Error/diagnostic memory
See chapter 6.2.4 "Error Memory / Diagnostics Memory" on page 164.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Cross Link Diagnostics
This section describes the diagnostic possibilities for the MLC cross link. The
diagnostics can be carried out using the LEDs on the cross link module, the
MLC display or the dialog box "Diagnostics for the MLC link" in IndraWorks.
Diagnostics on the cross link mod‐
Diagnostics on the MLC display
The LEDs on the cross link module display the current hardware status of the
link. The physical layer can be checked using both LEDs for the distortion dis‐
play (see also "Distortion displays" on page 169).
Cross link module diagnostic messages are shown on the MLC display.
"MLC link dialog - Status - CrossComm" on page 170 provides more detailed
information regarding this topic.
Diagnostic dialog in IndraWorks
The state of the cross link can be read using the IndraWorks dialog "Diagnostics
for the MLC link".
The following steps are required to open this dialog:
Start IndraWorks.
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If a project archive exists: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...
See chapter 5.2.3 "Complete Project Restoration" on page 51
Go online.
See chapter 5.6 "Go online" on page 62.
Display diagnostics dialog.
Right click on the CrossComm entry below the control, then select Diag‐
nostics for the MLC link... ,
See "MLC link dialog - Status - CrossComm" on page 170.
Fieldbus Diagnostics
Diagnostic dialog in IndraWorks
The state of the fieldbus participant can be read using the tree view and the
diagnostic window in IndraWorks.
The following steps are required to open both dialogs:
Start IndraWorks.
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If a project archive exists: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...
See chapter 5.2.3 "Complete Project Restoration" on page 51.
Go online.
See chapter 5.6 "Go online" on page 62
Display the diagnostic dialog using the tree view.
Double click on the fieldbus participant below the control, then select the
Status tab,
See "Diagnostics overview in the tree view" on page 177.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Open the diagnostic window.
Highlight the fieldbus participant in the tree view, then select Diagnos‐
tics ▶ Fieldbus diagnostics .
See "Fieldbus diagnostics in the diagnostics window" on page 178
Reading out the PLC Logbook
This section describes reading out the PLC logbook on the MLC. The read out
is performed in IndraWorks.
Reading out the PLC logbook
The following steps are required to read out the PLC logbook of the MLC:
Start IndraWorks.
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If a project archive exists: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...,
See chapter 5.2.3 "Complete Project Restoration" on page 51.
Double click on the control.
A dialog box opens.
Select the Log tab.
Click the Refresh button (
PLC logbook in IndraWorks
Behavior during a Control SysErr
This section describes system behavior after a "SysErr" on the control.
Bosch Rexroth AG
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In case of a fatal system error, "SysErr" ap‐
pears on the control display in alternation with
the error number.
In this state, the control is no longer ready for
operation and, in addition, it cannot communi‐
cate with IndraWorks.
If this occurs just once, disconnect the control from the power supply and then
reconnect it. If "SysErr" occurs repeatedly, it must be investigated.
Reading out the error memory
Carry out the following steps if a" SysErr" appears on the control display:
If "SysErr" occurs just once:
Restart the control by disconnecting it from the power supply, then
reconnecting it.
Continue with step 3.
If "SysErr" occurs repeatedly:
Continue with step 2.
Press the <∨>, <∧> and <Enter> keys on control display simultaneously.
"DEBUG" appears on the control display.
Start IndraWorks.
If the project is already on the computer: Open the project.
File ▶ Open ▶ Project...
- or If a project archive exists: Import the project archive.
Project ▶ Restore...,
See chapter 5.2.3 "Complete Project Restoration" on page 51.
Save the compact flash card data.
See chapter 5.11.1 "Archiving Device Data" on page 72.
Transfer the saved data to the DCC service.
Background information, such as actions performed previously or recent
changes to the system, is important.
If the error cannot be remedied, it may help to recommission the control.
To do this, perform the actions starting with step 8 in the checklist as described
in chapter 4.2.1 "Firmware Update for MLC and Drives " on page 24.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Step Description
Installing Rexroth IndraWorks
Administrator Rights
The installation of the user interface requires a working knowledge of PCs and
the operating system. Administrator rights are required for the installation.
An experience user with working knowledge of the operating sys‐
tem and administrator rights should perform the installation.
The preinstalled operator terminals supplied by the manufacturer include the
following credentials:
Windows XP:
User name: Rexroth
Password: Rexroth
Logging in as an administrator
Log in as an administrator:
Windows XP:
User name: Administrator
Password: - (no password)
Licensing the Installation
In order to perform an installation successfully, you must purchase a software
license (SWL) from Bosch Rexroth. With the purchase of the software license,
you receive an activation code, which you will be required to enter during in‐
Initial Installation of IndraWorks
Starting with version 08VRS, the IndraWorks software is only delivered on DVD.
For this reason, DVD drive or a network connection must be available for the
This can be
a local, internal DVD drive (some Bosch Rexroth industrial PCs (e.g. con‐
trol cabinet industrial PC) have a built-in DVD drive)
a local, external DVD drive ( for the installation, a portable DVD drive can
be connected to the USB port of a Bosch Rexroth industrial PC)
a DVD drive enabled in the network
Before installation, please see the information about the existing
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Step Description
Installing the hard drive
If it is possible to copy the data carrier (DVD) to the hard drive in order to install
it from there, proceed as follows:
1. Create a directory on the hard drive, e.g. "DVD"
2. Copy the contents of the IndraWorks DVD into the "DVD" directory.
3. Start SETUP.EXE from the hard drive from the "DVD" directory.
The installation runs automatically.
Installing IndraWorks
In this description it is assumed that a DVD drive, drive letter "E", will be used
for the installation.
1. Insert the DVD in the DVD drive.
If "Autorun" is running on your system and you wish to perform the
installation from a local DVD drive, the installation wizard starts au‐
tomatically and you can continue with step 5.
If "Autorun" is not running on your system, you can continue with
step 2 or 4.
If you wish to perform the installation from a DVD drive that is en‐
abled in the network, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the DVD
drive and double click "Setup.exe" to start it. Continue with step 5.
2. In the start menu, click Run .
3. To perform an installation from DVD, for example, type "E:\SET‐
Dialog box: Run (Start Setup.exe)
Then click OK or confirm with <Enter>
Continue with step 5.
4. Another possibility is to click on the DVD drive from Windows Explorer and
double click on the "setup.exe" file to run it:
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
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Step Description
List of DVD contents with setup.exe selected
Start the installation wizard with <Enter> or a double click.
5. Select the language in which you wish to install IndraWorks.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (language selection)
You will be guided through the installation. Use the Next > button to move
to the next dialog box, use < Back to return to the previous dialog box.
6. Select the systems that you wish to install by placing a check mark in the
"System" column.
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Step Description
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (selecting the systems to install)
If you have selected a system that requires a license, indicated by a ques‐
tion mark in the "License" column, the following dialog box opens auto‐
matically so you can enter an activation code.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (entering an activation code for the
selected system)
If the word "Valid" appears in place of the question mark when you click
Accept, the system activation code has been accepted. The check mark
is also placed at the beginning of the line.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (valid activation code entered)
When you click Next >, a list of tasks to be performed appears.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (list of tasks to be performed)
Click Next > to skip the next dialog box.
In this case, all of the online help for your installation is installed.
Click Options to move to the following dialog box.
Only use this dialog box if you think there will be space problems with
regard to the installation.
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Step Description
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (selecting/deselecting options)
Here you can deselect online help files or online help systems if your hard
drive does not have enough available capacity. The respective required
capacity is shown for your information.
You can also deselect desktop icons.
7. A message appears if there are release notes for the current version. If
you select "Show Release Notes", the respective PDF document opens
when you confirm with Next >.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (message regarding release notes)
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
8. After you read the release notes, close Acrobat Reader and following the
rest of the installation instructions.
9. Accept the terms of the license agreement.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (license agreement)
10. Confirm with Next > to move into the "Customer Information" dialog box.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (customer information)
11. Enter the name and the company for the legal user and click Next > to
move into the selection of the desired installation directory (destination
Bosch Rexroth AG
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Step Description
12. In the dialog box, select the drive and the destination path where
IndraWorks is to be installed.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (selecting the destination folder)
Click Next > to move into the start dialog box for the actual installation
13. Start the installation procedure with Install.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (starting the installation procedure)
The installation procedure starts. A progress bar shows the status of the
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
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Step Description
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (progress of the installation proce‐
14. When you are requested to do so, complete the installation with Finish.
After the installation procedure is complete, you will be requested to restart
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (end of the installation procedure)
Before you can work with the program, you must restart Windows
or the computer.
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Step Description
After the restart, system files are updated and the necessary registrations per‐
formed. This completes the installation.
Parallel Installation
Several different versions of the IndraWorks software can be installed at once.
If you wish to install another version in addition to the existing version, proceed
as follows:
1. Start the installation as described under chapter "Installing IndraWorks"
on page 34.
After the language selection a selection dialog appears.
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (selecting installation type)
2. Select "New Installation" and close the dialog box with Next >.
This starts the installation.
The rest of the installation sequence is the same as for an initial installation.
Performing an Update of IndraWorks
User data can be lost!
With some devices, user data may be lost. Therefore, it is recom‐
mended that the user data is archived before the software update
is carried out.
Start the installation program as described under chapter
IndraWorks" on page 34.
1. Proceed up to the following selection dialog:
A list appears that includes the existing installations.
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Step Description
2. ●
Selection dialog
From the list, select the version for which you wish to perform an
Select "Update Installation".
Close the dialog box with Next >.
3. If a previous version of IndraWorks must be deinstalled before an update,
the following message appears:
Message regarding the IndraWorks update
Respond to the question with Yes to move to display information for exe‐
cuting the update.
4. The rest of the sequence is the same as for an initial installation. Follow
the instructions on the screen.
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Step Description
Information screen regarding the IndraWorks update
5. When you are requested to do so, complete the installation with Finish.
After the update procedure is complete, you will be requested to restart
End of the update procedure
Before you can work with the program, you must restart Windows
or the computer.
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Step Description
After the restart, system files are updated and the necessary registrations
performed. This completes the installation.
Deinstalling IndraWorks
Deinstallation in case of parallel in‐
If several versions of the software are installed, deinstallation can be performed
using the Setup. After starting the Setup (see chapter "Installing IndraWorks"
on page 34), the selection dialog box appears.
Deinstallation using the operating
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (removing an installation)
From the list, select the version you wish to remove.
Select "Remove Installation".
Click Next > to continue with deinstallation.
Deinstallation of IndraWorks using the operating system is performed by se‐
lecting Start ▶ System control ▶ Software . Select "IndraWorks" as the program
to be removed. The installation DVD for IndraWorks software is not needed.
After the deinstallation is performed, you will be asked if you wish to move all
of the data below the installation folder that have not been removed to the re‐
cycling bin.
User data can be lost!
If you wish to access user data after deinstalling the software, save
it before the deinstallation.
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Step Description
Dialog box: IndraWorks Setup (end of the deinstallation procedure)
After the procedure is complete, you will be requested to restart Windows.
To update the system files, you must restart Windows or the com‐
After the restart, the system files are updated. This completes the deinstallation.
Complete Data Backup (only IndraMotion MLC)
The complete MLC data backup is carried out via the archiving process. The
backup is done in online mode.
Depending on the size of the project and the number of the axes
used, the data backup can take a few minutes.
The following data is archived:
Control parameters
Drive parameters
Kinematic data
Libraries, device descriptions
Compact Flash contents
If there are DTM devices, the DTM data must be downloaded from
the device before the archiving procedure.
If there are DTM devices, the DTM software must be installed before
the restoration is performed and after the restoration, the parame‐
ters must be written into the device again.
Complete Backup Procedure
The complete backup sequence is as follows:
1. If one or more DTMs are present, the DTM parameters must be downloa‐
ded from the device. Otherwise, continue with the 2nd step.
Refer to "DTM - archiving" on page 159.
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Step Description
Select the
icon in the IndraWorks toolbar.
3. Enter the name of the archive as well as an optional comment and / or
Enter the archive name
4. Select the storage location (file system and/or FTP server).
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Step Description
Select the storage location
5. Select the data to be archived. On the "General" tab, you can specify if
the control data should be backed up and which partitions of the MLC/MLP
should be backed up.
The three partitions contain the following data:
User partition:
Cam tables transferred to the control, Mo‐
tionProfile as well as any personal docu‐
OEM partition:
Archives saved on the device, compiled PLC
System partition:
Firmware, PLC retain data
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Selection of the components to be archived (1)
On the "Control data" tab you can specify the parameters to be saved and
whether or not the kinematic data should be saved.
You can only make an entry on this page if you selected "Create new
backup" on the "General" tab for "Control data". If not at least one kine‐
matic is configured in the control, the "Other data" area is not displayed.
Selection of the components to be archived (2)
6. Checking user entries.
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Step Description
Checking user entries
7. Archiving with progress bar.
During the archive creation, this additional dialog appears for saving drive
parameters in the non-volatile memory of the drive.
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Step Description
Dialog box for archiving drive data
8. Display of a summary.
Summary of the project backup
Complete Project Restoration
The project is restored as follows:
1. If there are DTMs, their software must be present on the computer or in‐
stalled. Otherwise, continue with the 2nd step.
Refer to "DTM - restoration" on page 159.
2. In the IndraWorks toolbar, select the
3. Specify the restoration type, i.e. the source of the project to be restored
(file system or FTP server):
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Step Description
Specifying the restoration type
4. Select the archive to be restored.
Select the archive to be restored
5. Select the directory in which the archive should be restored.
A folder with the project name is automatically created.
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Step Description
Selecting the directory...
6. Check the previous specifications.
Check the previous specifications
If a password was entered when the project was archived, a dialog box
for entering the password opens.
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Step Description
Input dialog for the password
7. A summary of the project restoration is displayed. The selected archive,
the target directory, the project directory and the archive size are dis‐
Display of a summary
8. The project was restored.
If device data is present in the project, the following message appears
when opening the project for the first time:
Restoring Device Data
Refer to chapter 5.11.2 "Restoring Device Data" on page 75.
9. If there are DTMs, the parameters must then be written into the device.
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Step Description
Refer to "DTM - restoration" on page 159.
IndraMotion MLC - Setting the IP Address
IP address - initial setting
Delivery status
Before the IndraMotion MLC can communicate with the programming device
(e.g. notebook) via Ethernet, it must be provided with an IP address admissible
for the network.
In the delivery status, the following addresses are adjusted in the control:
Initial value
IP address
Subnet mask
Standard gateway
Initial values
The IP and subnet mask of a control is set via the four keys of the control display
(see fig. 5-39 " IndraMotion MLC display with four operating keys" on page
55).. Afterwards, the control can be connected with the PC via the company
network or via cross-over cables. The cross-over connection requires no ad‐
dress change in the control. Only the programming device side must be
If the control is connected to the company network, the instructions
of the network administrator must be observed.
In the "BB STOP" state, the IP address and the subnet address can be read
and set and the current firmware status can be determined.
One level back; discarding a change
Navigating downward in menus or decrementing values
Navigating upward in menus or incrementing values
Calling the next menu level or confirming the entry
IndraMotion MLC display with four operating keys
The following figure shows the operating menu of the display based on the
standard display:
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Standard display
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Step Description
Standard menu overview on the operation of display and keyboard
1. From the standard display BB STOP use <Enter> to move to the
ETHERNET display.
2. Press <Enter> again to access IP address.
3. The preset address can be be changed block by block by using the
<Enter> key. (Numeric values can be changed using <Down> and <Up>
respectively; confirm and move forward with <Enter>).
4. After the fourth block, the ETHERNET display is shown after pressing
5. The subnet mask and, if necessary, the gateway address can be changed
in the same way.
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Step Description
Ethernet menu
An address change becomes effective only after the voltage has
been switched off and on again (boot).
As in the menu overview, the MAC address and the firmware version of
IndraMotion MLC can be determined.
After setting the IP address and the subnet mask, they should cor‐
respond to the requirements for future use.
Exchanging Firmware
The IndraMotion MLC firmware in the control is to be exchanged without losing
any data.
The assumed starting point is that the control is running in BB RUN with active
Read the release notes for the new firmware first.
In general, the scope of the parameters within a version remains
stable, so that you can work without deleting NVRAM.
To be on safe side, export all parameters (except the S parameters
and P parameters) first.
Complying with the following sequence is recommended:
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
1. Switch IndraMotion MLC to "Offline".
If you have not switched the MLC to offline, a message will appear
requiring you to switch the MLC to offline.
Confirm this dialog box.
2. Using the context menu entry "Firmware management" of the IndraMotion
MLC control to perform the firmware download.
"Firmware Management" dialog box
The window can be activated in the context menu of the respective control.
The available firmware versions are located in the left section. Select the
desired version and start the download using the Download... button.
The versions available for selection are located under:
<LW>:\Program Files\Rexroth\IndraMotion MLC\Firmware.
The new firmware becomes effective only after the control is re‐
3. Confirm the firmware download.
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Step Description
Confirmation of the firmware download
4. The PLC is running.
Confirm that the PLC should be stopped so that the firmware download
can be performed.
CAUTION! Stopping the PLC triggers an emergency stop of all of the
moving axes. Make sure that the control is in a secure state.
Stopping the PLC
5. Confirm the dialog box after you have established the secure state.
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Step Description
Secure state when stopping the control
6. Confirm the dialog box for switching the MLC to download mode (phase
Switching into phase 0
The firmware download is carried out and the control is rebooted auto‐
After the restart, the control runs up to P2 Stop or BB Stop depending on
the setting of "C-0-0450, Power up target motion mode".
Communication resumes.
A progress bar shows the status.
In a firmware version upgrade, the MLC memory deletion takes
place automatically.
In a firmware release update, manual memory deletion may be
necessary in the prototype phase (see chapter 5.5 "IndraMotion
MLC - Memory Deletion" on page 61).
IndraMotion MLC - Memory Deletion
From previous use, the control can contain old program components, param‐
eterizations and PLC data that are removed in this step by resetting the storage.
Starting with IndraWorks version 10V06, memory deletion takes
place automatically during a firmware upgrade.
In the prototype phase, manual memory deletion may be necessary
for a release update.
When using the function module as C2C interface (control link),
consider the note on parameter C-0-0040.
With brand-new controls, this step can be omitted.
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Step Description
Control start-up phase
1. After switching the control on, if BOOT 1.01 appears, press both of the
keys at the outside edges below the display: <Esc> and <Enter>.
BOOTSTOP is displayed.
2. Now press both keys in the middle.
CLEANUP is displayed and in case of an error-free run REBOOT is dis‐
played. The keys can now be released.
If an error occurs, CLEANERR is displayed.
If the memory deletion has failed several times, inform customer
support because no information regarding the cause will be dis‐
3. Now, the control runs up to BB STOP, the memory is cleared, the motion
components are ready for operation and the PLC components in process
are stopped.
Go online
This section describes "going online" with IndraWorks on a system. By going
online, the Motion project data are adjusted to match the control and a con‐
nection to the MLC is established.
After you are successfully online, you can parameterize axes and read out di‐
It is assumed that the correct firmware is available on the control and the drives.
For example, this is the case following a successful commissioning.
IndraWorks is started and the project is loaded.
1. Start the switch to online
Project ▶ Switch devices online... or
Right click on the control, then select Go online or
Click on
in the toolbar
2. Control selection
This step is only necessary if there are several controls in the project
and switching online has not been started using the control context
The "Switch devices online" dialog box appears.
In the dialog box, select the control that is to be switched online and con‐
firm with "OK".
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Dialog box: Switch device online
3. Cross link module
This step is only necessary if the function module "CrossComm
SERCOS II (CFL01.1-Q2)" is in the project but has not yet been
parameterized on the MLC.
In the dialog box, confirm the different function module with Yes.
Message: different function module
Then restart the control and in the dialog box, confirm the modified function
module configuration with OK.
Message: modified function module configuration
Start at step 1 again.
4. Adjusting the axis configuration
This step is only necessary if the axis configuration in the project
differs from the one on the machine.
The dialog box "Adjustment of the SERCOS Device Configuration" ap‐
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Step Description
Dialog box: Adjustment of the SERCOS Device Configuration
1. Check if all of the drives have the correct SERCOS address.
2. Check if all of the drives are connected to the SERCOS bus.
3. Click the Auto button to deactivate the drives that are not present in
the project.
The axis configuration in the device matches that in the project.
5. Parameter Adjustment Offline parameterization
This step is only necessary if an offline parameterization present in
the project differs from the parameterization in the system.
The dialog box "Parameter Adjustment Offline parameterization" appears.
Dialog box: Parameter Adjustment Offline parameterization
Click the Cancel button if you do not wish to adjust the parameters.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
6. Setting the link address
This step in only necessary if there is a cross link function module
(CrossComm) and it has not been parameterized.
The message "The address for the control link is 0" appears.
Confirm the message.
The dialog box "MLC link settings" appears.
Dialog box: MLC link settings
Set control address
Select Master or Slave
Set loop structure
Set loop cycle time and if necessary configure the link axes
Further information regarding link configuration can be found in chapter
5.18 "Configuration of the Link and the Link Participants" on page 148.
The control is now online.
Uploading and Starting the PLC program
This section describes the commissioning of the PLC. In this section, the PLC
program is loaded to the control and started.
After this step is completed, the PLC program and all of the connected field‐
busses are running.
It is assumed that the correct firmware is available on the control and the drives
and that the drives and the control are parameterized.
IndraWorks is started and the project is loaded.
1. Login to the PLC
Debug ▶ Login to 'Application'
- or ●
In the project tree, right click on the "Application" node, then select
Login in the context menu,
- or ●
Click on
in the toolbar
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Step Description
2. Loading the application onto the control
This step is only necessary if there is no application or another ap‐
plication on the control.
The message "Application does not exist on the control" appears.
Confirm with Yes.
Message: Application does not exist on the control
The PLC program is loaded on the control.
Display: Program loaded
3. Start PLC program
Debug ▶ Start 'Application' or
In the project tree, right click on the "Application" node, then select
Start in the context menu,
- or -
in the toolbar
Click on
The PLC program is running on the control.
Display: Program started
4. Log out of PLC
Debug ▶ Log out of 'Application'
- or -
In the project tree, right click on the "Application" node, then select
Log out in the context menu,
- or -
Click on
in the toolbar
The connection to the PLC has been terminated and the PLC program is
running on the control.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Exporting Parameters
The user can change the preset values using the dialog windows for the control,
axes and, if required, drives. These changed values must now be saved in a
file (exported) and read into the control or the drives from the file again, e.g.
after a firmware update (see chapter 5.9 "Importing Parameters" on page
In the "Offline parameterization" mode, the parameters of the selected offline
server (IndraMotion MLC, drives) - the offline parameters of the project - are
transferred into the xxx.par‑file.
In the "Online" mode, the parameters of the selected real devices (IndraMotion
MLC, drives) are transferred into the xxx.par file.
The target for the xxx.par‑files can be freely selected.
If the project directory is selected, the xxx.par‑file is automatically included for
The parameters for IndraMotion MLC (C‑parameters) can be selected in groups
(see figure), for each axis (A parameters) and each drive (S and P parameters)
(see fig. 5-59 " Parameter export: selecting the parameters" on page 68).
Open parameter export
Before starting the parameter export, the control should be switched
to P2. A parameter export in BB is possible, but takes up to four
times as long.
To open the parameter export dialog box, right click on the control. In the context
menu that appears, select the menu item Parameter ▶ Export... .
Starting the parameter export dialog box using the control context menu
in Project Explorer
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Step Description
Parameter export: selecting the parameters
"Save modified parameters"
only saves the parameters that were changed.
"Archive parameters required for restoring"
saves all parameters that can be written again on the respective object.
"Save all parameters"
saves the complete data record of the object, even the parameters that
cannot be written again, such as actual values.
"Quick store"
means that only the name and value of the parameter and a placeholder
for the min./max. value and measuring unit are stored.
To save the selected function packages as well during a drive firm‐
ware update and reload them following the firmware update by
importing the parameters, you must select "Archive parameters re‐
quired for restoring".
If you do not, after a firmware update, the function packages must
be manually selected and set.
Controls file C parameters; real/virtual/encoder/link axes file A pa‐
rameters and IndraDrive/HNC drives file S and P parameters.
If an axis / a drive is disabled, only the A parameters duplicated on
the control can be exported.
Start parameter export
The "Export" button starts the parameter export.
The export procedure can last several minutes. The result is collected param‐
eter by parameter and is stored as a readable file (xxx.par) that can be edited.
Importing Parameters
The user can change the preset values using the dialog windows for the control,
axes and, if required, drives. These changed values must now be saved in a
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
file (see chapter 5.8 "Exporting Parameters" on page 67) and read into the
control or the drives from the file again (imported), e.g. after a firmware update.
In the "Offline parameterization" mode, the parameters are transferred into the
selected offline server (IndraMotion MLC, drives) - or the offline parameters for
the project.
In the "Online" mode, the parameters are transferred to the selected real devi‐
ces (IndraMotion MLC, drives). For the parameters A, S and P, the assignment
of parameter -> device can be freely selected (see fig. 5-61 "Import preset‐
tings" on page 70).
The xxx.par file can be freely selected (even outside of the project directory).
The parameters for IndraMotion MLC (C parameters) can be selected in groups
(see figure), for each axis (A parameters) and each drive (S and P parameters)
(see fig. 5-61 "Import presettings" on page 70).
Before you start the parameter import, switch the control to P2 be‐
cause in BB some parameters are write-protected.
Open parameter import
To open the parameter import dialog box, right click on the control. In the context
menu that appears, select the menu item Parameter ▶ Import... .
Starting the parameter import dialog box using the control context menu
in Project Explorer
First, the parameter file to be imported is selected using the Windows "Open"
dialog for the import.
The following options can be set:
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Step Description
Import presettings
No import of name
Means that the names of the individual objects are not overwritten, e.g. for
multiple instances of identical machine components in one machine.
Source - Target
In the "Source" table are the names of objects whose parameters have been
In the "Target" table are the names of objects included into the current project.
Preselect an object from the "Source" table and assign one or more target ob‐
jects to it.
Create import list
Click on the "Create import list" button to generate the import list automatically.
This adjusts the parameters in the import file to match the existing hardware.
A, S and P parameters are adjusted to match based on the SERCOS address.
The type of parameters to be imported can also be selected. For example, just
the axis parameters for all active axes can be imported.
The parameters are imported only if the type and address match.
For this reason, please make sure that before the parameters are
imported, the control was assigned the correct link address. Oth‐
erwise the parameters to be imported must be mapped manually.
Import list
The import list is filled as follows:
Select the parameter block in the source list.
Highlight the target device in the "Import" column in the target list.
This accepts the selection into the import list.
Continue at step 1 until the import list contains all of the required parameter
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Step Description
An import procedure can also be carried out for axes of different
types (e.g. from real to virtual). However, only the parameters pres‐
ent for both types will be read in.
For deactivated axes, only the A parameters can be reached, not
the S parameters or P parameters!
Start parameter import
The "Import" button triggers the processing of the import list.
Switching IndraMotion MLC into BB
When switching into operating mode (BB), first the control configuration is ad‐
justed to match the drives. The the SERCOS bus is switched into phase 4 and
cyclical communication begins. Axis control is only possible when the control
is in BB.
The control must be online (5.6 Go online on page 62).
All parameters must be imported (5.9 Importing Parameters on page 68).
1. Start the switch to BB
In the toolbar, select Control name ▶ Device state ▶ Operating
mode ,
- or -
In the project tree, right click on the control, then select Device
state ▶ Operating mode in the context menu or
Click on
in the toolbar.
2. Error source 1: Wrong function package
After a previous update of the drive software, it might be that the incorrect
function package in the drive is activated. When switching to BB, this is
indicated by the "Error Message Axis Configuration" message.
Message: Incorrect axis configuration
In this case, the correct function package must be activated in the respec‐
tive drive. When operating the IndraMotion MLC, the "Synchroniza‐
tion" (SNC) function package is always required.
After remedying the cause, start again at step 1.
3. Error source 2: Invalid parameters
In exceptional cases it can happen that parameters are invalid following
a control firmware update. In this case, the "Invalid parameters" dialog box
opens. In general, you only need to confirm the parameters again. If this
is not the case, a parameter is not within the limit values. Then, depending
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Step Description
on the parameter, an investigation must be carried out using the help
function. After remedying the cause, start again at step 1.
Further information regarding invalid parameters can be found in section
6.2.5 Invalid Parameters (page 166).
After you have successfully switched into BB, the
icon is highlighted and
icon is not highlighted.
Device Data
Archiving Device Data
This menu item allows parameters and control data (parameters, kinematic
data) and the Compact Flash partitions of the control to be saved in the project
in order to restore them on a control with the same firmware version. This func‐
tion is only available if there is an existing online connection to the device.
To get to the function, select
Control name ▶ Device data ▶ Save
in the toolbar or in the project tree, right click on the control, then select
Device data ▶ Save
Data types
There are 4 data types. The prerequisite for saving is that the project is online.
The following overview shows which data is included in which data type.
Data type
Control da‐ User parti‐ OEM parti‐
tion data
tion data
Archive stored on the device
Control parameters
Drive parameters
PLC retain data
Compiled PLC programs
Kinematic parameters
RCL program transferred to the
RCL compiler transferred to the
Cam table transferred to the con‐
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Control da‐ User parti‐ OEM parti‐
tion data
tion data
Data type
Cam tables loaded into the drive
MotionProfiles transferred to the
Data types
Archive configuration
User interface
The data type to be saved can be specified on the "General" tab.
If a data type is already in the project, the archiving date is displayed in the
"Currently available backup" area.
If a data type is already in the project, it is overwritten when it is saved again.
If a backup of control data was selected, on the "Control data" tab you can
specify the parameters to be saved and whether or not the kinematic data
should be saved. The "Other data" group is only available if at least one kine‐
matic is configured in the project.
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Step Description
Archiving device data
Finally, the data to be archived are displayed for confirmation.
Checking the backup
Click on "Finish" to start the archiving procedure. Progress is displayed.
When the procedure concludes, a summary that contains the backup results is
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Step Description
Storage location
Summary of the backup
The archived data are located here:
The individual files have the following names:
Kinematic data:
User partition data:
OEM partition data:
System partition data:
Restoring Device Data
This menu item allows the restoration of the control data (parameters, kinematic
data) and the compact flash partitions on the control. This function is only avail‐
able if there is an existing online connection to the device.
To get to the function, select
Control name ▶ Device data ▶ Restore
in the toolbar or in the project tree, right click on the control, then select
Device data ▶ Restore
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Step Description
User interface
Restoration configuration
The data types to be restored can be specified on the "General" tab.
A a data type is in the project, the date of the last backup is displayed and the
data type can be selected. Data types that are not in the project cannot be
The restoration of the system partition overwrites the firmware cur‐
rently on the control. All data and firmware settings are lost.
The procedure may not be aborted. During the restoration of the
system partition, the control is restarted.
If a restoration of control data was selected, on the "Control data" tab you can
specify the parameters to be saved and whether or not the kinematic data
should be restored. The "Other data" group is only available if at least one kin‐
ematic is configured in the project.
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Step Description
Finally, the data to be restored are displayed for confirmation.
Checking the restoration
Click on "Finish" to start the restoration procedure. The progress is then dis‐
When the procedure concludes, a summary that contains the restoration results
is output.
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Step Description
Summary of the restoration
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Step Description
Display of the IndraMotion MLC
Diagnostics on the display of the IndraMotion MLC
Basic Master Communication Functions
Short Description
The basic master communication functions for IndraDrive drives apply to the
SERCOS Interface, SERCOS III, FieldbusInterface, Parallel Interface and An‐
alogInterface as well.
All of the varieties of master communication supported by IndraDrive have the
following common functional features:
Address assignment
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Step Description
→ communication address that can be parameterized as desired (using
master communication, serial and control panel) with parameter
"P‑0‑4025, Drive address of master communication"
Command processing
→ from externally activated drive commands (using master communica‐
tion, serial and control panel)
Device control (state machine)
→ a separate state machine for both the master communication and the
device, respectively
The master communication state machine has various functionalities
and complexity depending on the version of the master communica‐
tion. The specific communication state are differentiated and map‐
ped in the status words of the respective master communication (e.g.
for SERCOS: S‑0‑0014, S‑0‑0135).
The device state machine is dependent on the version of the master
communication and maps the device-specific states in the parameter
"S‑0‑0424, Status parameterization level". Operating mode (OM)
and parameterization mode (PM) are always differentiated.
Further control options
Signal control word (S‑0‑0145) and signal status word (S‑0‑0144)
Multiplex channel
See the section on "Control options/auxiliary functions" in the manual
"Rexroth IndraDrive Firmware for Drive Units MPH‑05, MPB-05,
The master communication state machine is only treated briefly in
this section. A detailed description can be found in the main section
for the respective master communication, including the individual
state transitions.
Parameters involved
The following parameters are used regardless of the version of the master
Parameters for state machine and
phase switching
Parameter modes
S‑0‑0011, Class 1 diagnostics
S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics
S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics
S‑0‑0014, Interface status
S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid data for parameterization levels
S‑0‑0424, Status parameterization level
P‑0‑4086, Master communication status
P‑0‑4088, Master communication: Drive configuration
S‑0‑0032, Primary operation mode
S‑0‑0033, Secondary operation mode 1
S‑0‑0034, Secondary operation mode 2
S‑0‑0035, Secondary operation mode 3
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Step Description
Device-specific control and status
SERCOS-specific parameters
Fieldbus-specific parameters
Specific parameters for the Paral‐
lel Interface/AnalogInterface
S‑0‑0284, Secondary operation mode 4
S‑0‑0285, Secondary operation mode 5
S‑0‑0286, Secondary operation mode 6
S‑0‑0287, Secondary operation mode 7
S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics
S‑0‑0144, Signal status word
S‑0‑0145, Signal control word
P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word
P‑0‑0116, Device control: Control word
P‑0‑4028, Device control word
With the "SERCOS Interface", the following additional parameters are used:
S‑0‑0021, IDN-list of invalid operation data for CP2
S‑0‑0022, IDN-list of invalid operation data for CP3
S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check
S‑0‑0134, Master control word
S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
With fieldbusses, the following additional parameters are used:
P‑0‑4068, Field bus: Control word IO
P‑0‑4077, Field bus: Control word
P‑0‑4078, Field bus: Status word
With the Parallel Interface/AnalogInterface, the following additional parameters
are used:
P‑0‑4028, Device control word
P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word
C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check
C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
Participating diagnostics
Setting the Axis Address
Every drive is identified by its own address.
Multiple addressing is not permitted, i.e. an address number may
only be assigned once in the link!
The drive address can be set in the following ways:
- or -
Direct description of the parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of master
communication" using the master communication.
Bosch Rexroth AG
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Step Description
Modifying the contents of "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of master
communication" using the control panel (see chapter "Setting the address
using the standard operating unit" on page 82)
The address entered in parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of
master communication" becomes effective at the transition
P0 → P1.
The address is also displayed in parameter "P‑0‑4031, Overview of
device addresses".
Delivery status
Upon delivery, the address "99" is set.
Setting the address using the standard operating unit
For IndraDrive controller devices, the drive address can be set using the control
panel of the standard operating unit on the front of the device.
Control panel of the standard operating unit (display example)
Setting the address with the control panel is done as follows:
1. Switch into "Commands/settings" mode.
Activating "Commands/settings" mode
2. Select the element "2.1 Drive address" by using the <Up>/<Down> keys
and confirm with the <Enter> key.
3. Set the drive address by using the <Up>/<Down> keys and confirm with
the <Enter> key:
First set the tens place.
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Step Description
→ "2.1.1 Drive address" appears in the display.
Then set the ones place.
→ "2.1.2 Drive address" appears in the display.
Press the <Enter> key to accept the tens and ones place settings,
respectively. Use the <Esc> key to return.
Selecting and setting the drive address
Setting the address using parameter access
The drive address can also be using the description of parameter "P‑0‑4025,
Drive address of master communication". This is particularly interesting if the
axis data are managed centrally in the control and if you wish to set address
from the control when a device is exchanged.
To do this, see the section on "Information regarding device exchange" in the
manual "Rexroth IndraDrive Firmware for Drive Units MPH‑05, MPB-05,
The address written in parameter "P‑0‑4025, Drive address of
master communication" only becomes effective after a reboot pro‐
cedure or, for SERCOS devices, after the transition P-1 → P1.
System Command Processing
System commands are used to control complex functions in the drive. For ex‐
ample, the functions "Drive-controlled homing procedure" and "Communication
phase 3 to 4 transition check" are defined as commands.
All of the commands available in the drive are stored in parameter
"S‑0‑0025, IDN-list of all procedure commands".
Types of commands
There are 3 different types of commands:
Drive control commands
Can activate automatic drive motion
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Step Description
Can only be started if the control is enabled
Deactivate the active operation mode when executed
Monitor commands
Activate or deactivate monitoring or functions in the drive
Management commands
Implement management tasks
Cannot be interrupted
System command execution
Basic information
Observe the following when system commands are executed:
A parameter with which the command execution can be controlled is as‐
sociated with each command.
The superordinate master can start, interrupt and delete commands.
During command execution, the diagnostic "Cx" appears on the display,
in which "x" stands for the number of the command.
Each command started by the master must be actively deleted again.
The internal memory (Flash) can be damaged
due to cyclical command execution ( write ac‐
cess to Flash)!
⇒ During the execution of some commands (see the description for the respec‐
tive command diagnostic, e.g. "C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics, error reset")
writing occurs on the internal memory (Flash), which nevertheless allows only
a limited number of write accesses. For this reason, make sure that this type of
write access is not carried out very often.
Control of the command execution
The control and monitoring of the command execution are carried out using
command specification and command acknowledgement. In the specification,
the drive is informed as to whether the command execution is to be started,
interrupted or ended. The specification is made using the operating date of the
associated parameter.
The starting or ending of a command is carried out by:
Directly describing the respective command parameter (e.g. "S‑0‑0099,
C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics" for command "C0500 Reset class 1
diagnostics, error reset") using a serial interface or master communication
- or ●
A 0-1 edge if the command was assigned to a digital input
See also the following sections in the manual "Rexroth IndraDrive Firm‐
ware for Drive Units MPH‑05, MPB-05, MPD‑05":
Possible command specifications
Configurable Signal Control Word
Parallel Interface
Digital Inputs / Outputs
When the command is executed, the following specifications are possible
(= contents of the parameter for command):
0: not set and not released
1: interrupted
3: set and released
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Step Description
Command acknowledgement
In the command acknowledgement, the drive provides information regarding
the current state of the command execution. This is in the data status of the
parameter for command.
You can access the command status by executing a write command
on the parameter element 1 (data status) of the parameter for com‐
Status of active command
The command status can be any of the following:
0x0: not set and not released
0x7: in preparation
0xF: error, command execution not possible
0x5: command execution interrupted
0x3: command executed properly
System command change bit
In SERCOS, in parameter "S‑0‑0135, Drive status word" there is a "change bit
command" for detecting a change in the command acknowledgement by the
The bit is set by the drive if the command acknowledgement switches from
the "In process (0x7)" state into one of the following states:
Error, command execution not possible (0xF)
- or –
Command executed properly (0x3)
The bit is deleted if the master deletes the specification (0x0), i.e. de‐
scribes the parameter associated with the command with "0".
The command change bit is only set if the command was activated
using the master communication.
Specification, acknowledgement and command change bit during prop‐
er execution
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Step Description
Specification, acknowledgement and command change bit during im‐
proper execution (with errors)
Device Control and State Machines
The drive state (e.g. drive halt, drive error) represents specific internal and ex‐
ternal drive behavior. It can be ended through defined events (e.g. drive
commands, switching operation modes). The events are assigned correspond‐
ing state transitions. The state transitions and the interaction of the control and
status bits are known together as a state machine.
It is distinguished between the following:
Internal device state machines (define device-specific states that deter‐
mine device behavior)
Master communication state machine
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check
C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
Master communication: Drive setup
Overview: state machines for master communication and device
Internal device state machine
Parameterization/operating mode
The following states are differentiated for internal device state machines:
Parameterization mode (PM)
→ Enables write access to all drive parameters that are not password pro‐
Operating mode (OM)
→ Enables write access only to the drive parameters that can be modified
during operation and that, preferably, can also be exchanged cyclically
The switch between these states is carried out using these commands:
S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
During switchover, observe the following:
In general, the switchover can be made by directly executing switch com‐
mand S‑0‑0420 or S‑0‑0422.
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Step Description
Control word and status word
For fieldbus devices, the switch can also be carried out in the freely con‐
figurable operating mode (P‑0‑4084 = 0xFFFE or 0xFFFD) by specifying
the desired mode using bit 1 in "P‑0‑4077, Field bus: Control word".
With the "SERCOS Interface", the master communication state machine
is connected with the internal device state machine. This means that when
the master communication is switched (communication phase 2 → com‐
munication phase 4 or vice versa), the internal device state machine is
switched along with it. This dependency can be deactivated using param‐
eter "P‑0‑4088, Master communication: Drive configuration".
In a master communication other than the SERCOS Interface, the internal
device state machine switches into operating mode after booting. This
behavior can also be specified using parameter "P‑0‑4088, Master
communication: Drive configuration".
The device-specific states are mapped in the following parameters:
S‑0‑0424, Status parameterization level
P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word
P‑0‑0116, Device control: Control word
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Step Description
Master communication state machine
Device control (general state machine)
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Step Description
Three versions of the master communication state machine can be differenti‐
ated with respect to functionality and complexity:
SERCOS state machine
Fieldbus state machine
Parallel/analog state machine
Only the most important states are presented in the following sec‐
tion. Detailed descriptions can be found in the section regarding the
respective master communication.
SERCOS state machine
For the "SERCOS Interface" master communication, the following states spe‐
cific to this type of communication are differentiated:
State machine for the communication phases of the drive in accordance
with the SERCOS specification
See the section on the "SERCOS Interface" in the manual "Rexroth IndraDrive
Firmware for Drive Units MPH‑05, MPB-05, MPD‑05".
The currently applicable communication phase can be found in pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0014, Interface status" (bit 0…2).
Fieldbus state machine
For the fieldbus master communication, the following states specific to this type
of communication are differentiated:
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Step Description
State machine for fieldbus interfaces
See also the sections regarding the respective versions of the fieldbus master
Communication phases of master communication
The supported communication phases and the handling of the switchover be‐
tween the communication phases (e.g. parameterization and operating mode)
are dependent on the master communication used.
The currently applicable communication phase can be found in pa‐
rameter "S‑0‑0014, Interface status" (bit 0…2) and for fieldbus
drive, also parameter "P‑0‑4078, Field bus: Status word" (bit 0, 1).
Communication phases in accord‐
ance with the SERCOS specifica‐
According to the SERCOS specification the individual communication phases
(states) mean the following:
After it is switched on, the drive goes into phase 1 and implements a
baud rate scan. As soon as the drive receives a valid SERCOS tele‐
gram from the master, it switches into phase 0.
The master checks the SERCOS ring by sending a synchronization
telegram. During phase 0, communication is not yet possible between
the master and the drive.
If the ring is closed, the master switches into phase 1 and scans the
slaves. In addition, it checks the configuration of the ring.
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Step Description
In phase 2, the entire parameterization of the drive can be carried out.
The following parameter types can only be modified in phase 2:
Communication parameters (in accordance with SERCOS)
Configuration of the axis control (scanning times)
All factory-specific settings (can only be modified using the
master password)
When switching from P2 → P3, the parameters that can only be modi‐
fied in phase 2 (see above) are checked.
In phase 3, the following parameters can still be modified:
Parameters for operation mode configuration
Error reaction settings
Motor configuration parameters, holding brake parameters
Encoder configuration parameters
Mechanical transmission elements (gears, feed constants)
Scaling and polarity parameters, format of the position data,
modulo value
Configuration of analog and digital inputs/outputs
Configuration of the controller enables switch on/switch off se‐
quence (waiting times, ...)
The parameterization mode is divided into phase 2 and 3 in ac‐
cordance with the SERCOS specification. The limit values for all
scaling dependent parameters are not yet known in phase 3. If
these parameters are written in phase 3, an extreme value check
is carried out for the first time during the switchover into phase 4.
In phase 4, the so-called "operating mode", only the cyclical data can
be modified, not the configuration parameters. The switch into oper‐
ating mode triggers a reinitialization of all of the functions present in
the drive.
Observe the following during phase switching:
After it is switched on, the drive controller does not automatically switch
into operating mode; instead, the master must be used to switch it over.
This switching of the drive controller into operating mode is closely linked
to establishing operational readiness.
There are a variety of steps in the sequence, which is controlled by the
master by specifying communication phase 1 through 4 and by starting
and terminating the following commands:
S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check
With a SERCOS device, all 5 communication phases (and phase –
1 → Baud rate scan) are supported. The switch is carried out in
accordance with the SERCOS specification by using the master to
specify the communication phase.
Communication phases with a field‐
bus interface
For devices that have a fieldbus interface, in addition to the basic initialization
there is only the "data exchange" state. In the "data exchange" state, the fol‐
lowing device states are differentiated:
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Communication phases with a par‐
allel or analog interface
Parameterization mode
Operating mode
In general, for devices that have an analog or parallel interface the same com‐
munication phases apply as for devices with a fieldbus interface.
The switchover is always carried out by executing the transition check com‐
After it is switched on, the drive controller switches automatically
into operating mode!
Master communication control and status words
The control word and the status word are significant components of the com‐
munication between the master communication master and the drive for the
respective master communication.
Depending on the master communication, various parameters are used:
SERCOS Interface
S‑0‑0134, Master control word
S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
Fieldbus interface (e.g. PROFIBUS)
P‑0‑4077, Field bus: Control word
- or P‑0‑4068, Field bus: Control word IO
P‑0‑4078, Field bus: Status word
- or S‑0‑0144, Signal status word
Analog/parallel interface (analog mode)
P‑0‑4028, Device control word
P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word
The following device-specific parameters are used internally in the drive:
P‑0‑0115, Device control: Status word
P‑0‑0116, Device control: Control word
The following graphic shows the interaction between the control word and sta‐
tus word:
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Step Description
Interaction between the existing control and status words
Timing diagram for device control
Bit sequence during switch on
Drive on delay time
Bit sequence during switch-on procedure
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Step Description
Bit sequence during switch off
Drive off delay time
C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics
Bit sequence during switch-off procedure
Bit sequence during error reaction
Bit sequence during error reaction
Bosch Rexroth AG
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Step Description
Bit sequence during switchover be‐
tween operation modes
Bit sequence during operation mode switch
Commands and diagnostics for mode and phase switchover
Differences in commands
Depending on the desired action, the commands are assigned to the following
Commands for switching between parameterization and operating mode:
S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure
S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
Commands for transition check to communication phases 3 and 4 (only
with SERCOS):
S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check
S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check
For SERCOS, during the execution of command C5200 (S‑0‑0128),
command C0200 (S‑0‑0422) is automatically called. For this rea‐
son, after command C5200 starts, a command diagnostic C02xx
can be displayed.
Transition check to communication
phase 3
With the execution of command "S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication phase 3
transition check", a group of checks and parameter conversions are made that
could be used for the command diagnostics listed:
Validity check of the parameters needed for switching into phase 3
If one of these parameters was not yet described or buffering is not im‐
plemented correctly, the error message "C0101 Invalid parameters (->
S-0-0021)" is generated. The Ident numbers for the missing parameters
are listed in parameter "S‑0‑0021, IDN-list of invalid operation data for
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
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Step Description
CP2". These parameters are to be made valid by describing them with the
correct values.
Check of the device configuration
C0101 Invalid parameters (-> S-0-0021)
C0132 Invalid settings for controller cycle times
Check of the telegram configuration, in particular for configured telegrams
This check concerns whether or not the selected parameters for the con‐
figurable data block in the cyclic command value channel (MDT) or the
actual value channel (AT) may be be configured and if the permitted length
of the configurable data blocks is maintained.
C0104 Config. IDN for MDT not configurable
C0105 Maximum length for MDT exceeded
C0106 Config. IDNs for AT not configurable
C0107 Maximum length for AT exceeded
If necessary, check of the timing parameters for the SERCOS communi‐
cation in phase 3 and 4 for plausibility and compliance with the boundary
C0108 Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle time
C0109 Telegram offset unsuitable
C0110 Length of MDT (S-0-0010) odd
C0111 ID9 + Record length - 1 > length MDT (S-0-0010)
C0112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc (S-0-0002) error
C0113 Relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to TScyc (S-0-0002) error
C0114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
C0115 T2 too small
C0116 T3 (S-0-0008) within MDT (S-0-0089 + S-0-0010)
C0139 T2 (S-0-0089)+length MDT (S-0-0010)>TScyc (S-0-0002)
Limit value check of the communication parameters and of the system
C0102 Limit error in parameter (-> S-0-0021)
C0103 Parameter conversion error (->S-0-0021)
Transition check to communication
phase 4 and "Exit parameterization
level procedure" command
With commands "S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check"
and "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command" the
following checks and initializations are made; these could lead to the command
errors listed:
Check if the function package selection was modified
C0299 Configuration changed. Restart
→ Drive must be rebooted before a switch can be made into operating
mode (OM)
Validity check of parameters required for the following initializations
C0201 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0423)
C0212 Invalid control section data (->S-0-0423)
Check of the device configuration
C0223 Invalid settings for controller cycle times
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Step Description
If necessary, check of the parameters for the fieldbus communication for
plausibility and compliance with the boundary conditions
C0229 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val. not configurable
C0230 Field bus: Max. length for cycl. command val. exceeded
C0231 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not configurable
C0232 Field bus: Length for cycl. actual values exceeded
C0233 Field bus: Tcyc (P-0-4076) incorrect
C0234 Field bus: P-0-4077 missing for cycl. command values
Check of the configuration of the multiplex channel
C0238 Order of cyclic command value configuration incorrect
C0239 IDN for command value data container not allowed
C0240 IDN for actual value data container not allowed
Check of the motor and encoder configuration
C0210 Feedback 2 required (->S-0-0423)
C0219 Max. travel range too large
C0270 Error when reading encoder data => motor encoder
C0271 Incorrect parameterization of motor encoder (hardware)
C0272 Incorr. parameteriz. of motor enc. (mechanical system)
C0273 Modulo value for motor encoder cannot be displayed
C0274 Motor encoder unknown
C0275 Error when reading encoder data => optional encoder
C0276 Incorrect parameterization of optional enc. (hardware)
C0277 Incorr. parameteriz. of opt. enc. (mechanical system)
C0278 Modulo value for optional encoder cannot be displayed
C0279 Optional encoder unknown
C0280 Maximum travel range cannot be displayed internally
C0284 Invalid motor data in encoder memory (->S-0-0423)
C0285 Type of construction of motor P-0-4014 incorrect
C0286 Several motor encoders connected
C0287 Error during initialization of motor data (->S-0-0423)
C0288 Rotary scaling not allowed
C0289 Error at init. of synchr. motor with reluctance torque
C0290 Error when reading encoder data => measuring encoder
C0291 Incorr. prarmeterization of measuring enc. (hardware)
C0292 Measuring encoder unknown
C0293 Modulo value for measuring encoder cannot be displayed
C0294 Incorrect measuring encoder configuration
Check of the modulo range
C0244 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range
Checks during encoder initialization
C0220 Error when initializing position of encoder 1
C0221 Initialization velocity encoder 1 too high
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
C0224 Error when initializing position of encoder 2
C0225 Initialization velocity encoder 2 too high
C0227 Error when initializing position of measuring encoder
C0228 Initialization velocity measuring encoder too high
Initialization of the optional auxiliary functions (digital I/O)
C0243 Brake check function not possible
C0250 Probe inputs incorrectly configured
Limit value check
C0202 Parameter limit error (->S-0-0423)
C0203 Parameter conversion error (->S-0-0423)
General system checks
Initialization of the fine interpolator
C0251 Error during synchronization to master communication
Check if a boot error is present or if a firmware download was performed
"Error-free" message
C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter (->S-0-0423)
Check of the master communication
C0258 Error in relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to fine interpol.
Check of the interface configuration
C0245 Operation mode configuration (->S-0-0423) not allowed
C0298 Impossible to exit parameterization level
If the drive reaches communication phase 4 without an error, "bb" appears in
the display. The associated diagnostic is
A0013 Ready for power on
Control Panel of the Standard Operating Unit
Functional Description
Standard displays
The displays are given priorities so that several messages are not displayed at
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Displays during phase switchover for the master communication
Displays during phase switchover for the master communication
Explanation of system command error displays
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Display priorities
Explanation of error and warning displays
The current drive state with the highest priority is displayed.
Priority sequence of the displays (with example displays)
In case of error messages, warnings and command errors, in addition to the
flashing diagnostic number, the diagnostic text is also displayed in running text
in the control panel of the standard operating unit (see also parameter descrip‐
tion "S‑0‑0095, Diagnostic message").
Activating the extended display,
command menu, Easy menu and
Service menu
The Easy menu can always be accessed (without being released) by pressing
the <Enter> key.
By pressing the <Enter> and <Esc> key simultaneously (hold for 8 seconds) in
addition to the extended display, the command and the Service menu can be
called in the standard display.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Activating the extended display, the command menu and the Service
Easy menu
Easy menu
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Control panel text:
Comment / note:
This submenu shows the current fieldbus protocol and can be
changed, if necessary.
This submenu shows the current drive address. It can be
changed, if necessary.
In this menu you can access and set the Ethernet connection.
The menu structure below "Ethernet" can vary, depending on the
hardware (see "Easy menu" on page 102).
This submenu shows information about the hardware used, e.g.
firmware string ( S‑0‑0030 ).
In this submenu, no settings can be made.
Submenu for "Comm.___" "Protocol"
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Submenu for "Slave___" "_Address"
Submenu for "Ethernet" "Ethernet"
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Example for setting the IP address for "master communication - Eng."
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Easy menu, structure under "Device__" "____Info"
Assigning the entries in the "Device__""____Info" menu to the parameters used
Parameter used
Text from "S‑0‑0142, Application type"
Firmware ver‐
Text from "S‑0‑0030, Manufacturer version"
Text from "S‑0‑0140, Controller type"
Serial Number
"P‑0‑1519, Module code of power section", 5th element
Hardware Index "P‑0‑1519, Module code of power section", 7th element
Text from "P‑0‑1520, Control section type"
Serial Number
"P‑0‑1518, Module code of control section", 5th element
Hardware Index "P‑0‑1518, Module code of control section", 7th element
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Parameter used
Text from "S‑0‑0141, Motor type"
Serial Number
"P‑0‑3000, Module code of motor, type plate", 5th ele‐
Hardware Index "P‑0‑3000, Module code of motor, type plate", 7th ele‐
Extended display
Using the extended display, additional contents for certain parameters can be
Error memory
Diagnostic memory
Operating hours counter control unit
Operating hours counter power unit
Type code for the active firmware in the device
Safety technology identification, safety technology modification counter
and operating hours counter since last modification (with existing safety
technology option)
Fieldbus diagnostic (P‑0‑4073)
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Activating the extended displays
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
For more information about the diagnostics, error messages and operating
hours counter, see the relevant sections in this documentation.
System command menu
From the extended display, you can press the "Up" key to activate the command
menu. A variety of settings can be made in this menu.
Setting for the drive address (drive number in the bus system of the master
Further communication settings (IP address, gateway addresses and sub‐
net masks)
Activating the Easy master communication mode "Easy startup"
Activating "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" (load
controller parameters and basic parameters)
Switching the communication phases between operating mode (OM) and
parameterization mode (PM)
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Activating commands/settings that can be accessed using the control
panel (commands 2.1 through c.6)
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Settings for the "load defaults pro‐
cedure" command
Activating commands/settings that can be accessed using the control
panel (commands 2.7 through c.12)
The parameter "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" can also
be activated using the standard control panel. Depending on the configuration
in parameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading default values" various basic
parameter blocks are loaded in the device internally. Using the standard control
panel, the following configuration are possible in parameter P‑0‑4090, in which
the final two places of the hexadecimal parameter value are shown in the
standard display.
Load motor-specific control loop parameter values → 0x0000
Load basic parameter values, without exception → 0x0001
Load basic parameter values with the exception of master communica‐
tions parameters → 0x0011
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
After executing command C07_x, parameter P‑0‑4090 is automat‐
ically reset to the default value (0x0000)!
Switching the communication pha‐
Setting for parameter P‑0‑4090 for "load defaults procedure" using the
standard control panel
Switching the communication phases between operating mode (OM) and pa‐
rameterization mode (PM) using the control panel is possible with all master
communications except for the SERCOS Interface. With the SERCOS Inter‐
face, the control panel controlled phase switch can only be carried out when
"Easy startup" mode is active!
To execute "C07_1 Load defaults procedure command (load basic
parameters)", parameterization mode (PM) must be active.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Activating parameterization mode using the control panel
Switching back from parameterization mode into operating mode using
the control panel
Commissioning Notes
Material damage may be caused by command
required activation of motors and moving ele‐
⇒ Move axes and moving elements into a secure starting position; limit travel
range and drive power!
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
If you press the <Esc> key several times, the standard display ap‐
pears again.
Key entries are queried in an 8 ms cycle; the display is also re‐
freshed in an 8 ms cycle.
Firmware Exchange
General Notes on Firmware Exchange
Term definition
The following terms are used with regard to firmware exchange:
Release update
An old firmware release in the device (e.g. MPH07V04) is replaced by a
newer firmware release (e.g. MPH07V06).
Version upgrade
The old firmware version in the device (e.g. MPH06V12) is replaced by a
new firmware version (e.g. MPH07V06).
The recommended options for firmware exchange for newer relea‐
ses ("Update") or versions ("Upgrade") are described below.
The same conditions and procedural sequences apply for firmware
exchanges to a previous release or previous firmware version.
For IndraDrive, a firmware exchange is carried out using the following hardware
and software:
MultiMediaCard (MMC)
PC with IndraWorks software
Preparations and conditions for the firmware exchange
Preparing for the firmware ex‐
The following preparation must be made for a firmware exchange:
1. The drive controller must be switched on (24V power supply).
2. Before a firmware version upgrade, make absolutely sure that the param‐
eter values are saved (this is recommended for a release update as well);
otherwise, completely new recommissioning is required (cf. chapter 5.8
"Exporting Parameters" on page 67).
To save the selected function packages as well during a drive firm‐
ware update and reload them following the firmware update by
importing the parameters, you must select "Archive parameters re‐
quired for restoring".
If you do not, after a firmware update, the function packages must
be manually selected and set.
3. The drive controller may not be in operating mode (communication
phase 4) (cf. P‑0‑0115).
General notes on implementation
Observe the following when carrying out the firmware exchange:
The 24V power supply voltage may not be switched off during the firmware
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
The firmware exchange must always be completely implemented, i.e. the
firmware on the optional safety technology module must also be ex‐
With regard to a firmware exchange, Release updates and Version up‐
grades are differentiated.
A firmware exchange in connection with the "Safe Torque Off" (L2)
option does not require any special measures, i.e. the following ad‐
ditional measures apply only when using option "S2"!
Firmware Release Update
If a firmware exchange is made on a drive controller including firmware with a
newer release status, this is called a firmware release update (e.g.
FWA‑INDRV*‑MPH‑07V04‑D5 replaced by FWA‑INDRV*‑MPH‑07V06‑D5).
The procedures described for the firmware release update depend on the con‐
figuration of the control unit and the hardware used for the update (MMC or
PC). The following illustration shows the generally recommended procedure for
the firmware release update:
Flowchart for firmware release update
The instructions highlighted with a dark background are described
in the following sections.
Depending on the control unit, a version of the release update may already be
specified. For a BASIC single axis control unit (not configurable) "CSB0x.xN",
the release update must be performed with the PC.
For the following control units, the release update can be performed with either
an MMC card or with the PC:
ADVANCED single axis control unit "CSH0x.x"
BASIC double axis control unit "CDB0x.x"
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
BASIC single axis control unit (configurable) "CSB0x.xC"
Loading new firmware on the MMC
Loading firmware on the MMC
The following requirements must be met in order for firmware to be loaded on
the MMC of the drive:
New firmware must be present (ibf file)
PC with MMC reader
MMC with old firmware in the drive
The following steps are required to load the firmware on the MMC:
Switch off the drive and remove the MMC!
Insert the MMC into the MMC reader and open the "Firmware" folder on
the MMC!
Delete the old firmware (e.g. FWA-INDRV_-MPH-07V04-D5.ibf)!
Copy the new firmware (e.g. FWA-INDRV_-MPH-07V06-D5.ibf) into the
"Firmware" folder!
Only one firmware file may ever be stored in the "Firmware" folder
on the MMC.
If several firmware files are present, the message "MMC not cor‐
rect" appears in the drive display after it is booted.
Remove the MMC from the MMC reader after the write procedure is com‐
Alternative 1: Release update with MMC
Selection criteria
Performing a firmware release update with MMC makes sense when the con‐
troller device is not equipped with a BASIC single axis control unit of type
Firmware update with MMC
Using the optional MultiMediaCard (MMC) makes it possible to transfer drive
firmware quickly and easily into the drive controller.
Because the MMC is a storage medium that is easily writable (e.g.
using a PC), testing the MMC contents before the firmware down‐
load is recommended. Make sure that the MMC actually contains
the suitable firmware type.
An MMC that has the current release status of the required firmware can be
obtained from one of our customer service areas.
The following steps are required for performing a firmware release update with
Load the firmware
⇒ Switch off the drive!
⇒ Insert the MMC with the new firmware into the corresponding slot on the
controller device!
⇒ Restart the drive with the MMC inserted!
After the drive is booted, the following message appears:
"Firmware update?"
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
⇒ Acknowledge this message with <Enter> on the control panel. The firm‐
ware is loaded from the inserted MMC into the drive.
Depending on the drive operating state, one of the following messages
"Load Param from MMC" or "Load new param?"
"Activate new MMC?"
"F2120 MMC: Defective or missing, replace"
⇒ Switch off the drive, remove the MMC (if the drive was operated without
an MMC inserted) and restart the drive!
Set the machine into an operational state
⇒ Reset the machine to an operational state according to the instructions
of the machine manufacturer!
⇒ Check the drive functions!
Check the safety technology parameters (only if the safety technology is
activated in the drive)
The safety technology parameters remain intact in a release update. If the
safety technology is activated, the following additional steps are required:
⇒ Check if the correct safety technology parameter settings for the drive
are still present!
To do this, check the following:
Specifications in parameter "P‑0‑3205, Safety technology device
Status of the safety technology regarding parameter "P‑0‑3207,
Safety technology password level" (for active and locked safety tech‐
nology, Level is on 2)
Change counter of safety technology memory (parameter "P‑0‑3201,
Change counter of safety technology memory")
Operating hours at last change of memory (parameter "P‑0‑3202,
Operating hours at last change of memory")
If the integrated safety technology is used and a firmware release
update is performed using a firmware status before MPx02V20, an
acceptance test of the safety technology must be repeated.
After the firmware release update, an acceptance test of the safety
technology must be repeated!
Alternative 2: Release update with IndraWorks
IndraWorks can be used to perform a firmware release update starting with the
MLC firmware version 10V06. In this way, connecting directly with the related
drive (e.g. with a serial interface or Ethernet) is no longer necessary; instead,
the MLC can be used to transfer the firmware to all of the subordinate drives.
IndraWorks can be used to perform the firmware release update in the following
Controller device is operated without MMC.
- or ●
Controller device is equipped with a BASIC single axis control unit of type
- or ●
The firmware release update is to be performed using the PC.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
The following requirements must be met for a firmware release update using
Engineering PC with IndraWorks MLC 10V06 or higher
MLC with firmware 10V06 or higher
IndraDrive connected with master communication SERCOS III
Engineering PC and MLC are in the same subnet
Saving the parameters before the firmware release update is rec‐
ommended (cf. chapter 5.8 "Exporting Parameters" on page 67).
Firmware update with IndraWorks
The following steps are required for performing a firmware release update with
Open the IndraWorks project.
Switch the project online.
Call "Firmware management..." in the drive context menu below the
SERCOS node.
Calling firmware management
The following information dialog box will appear:
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Information dialog box and creating the standard routine entry
The control and the engineering PC have to be in the same subnet.
This is necessary for the PC to connect to the drive directly using IP com‐
To do this, IndraWorks can generate a standard routine entry on the PC.
This causes all IP packets with the drive IP address as a target to be
redirected using the MLC. For this reason, it is recommended to generate
the standard routine entry.
Administrator rights are required for writing the routine entry!
Create the secure operating state.
For the firmware download, the control is switched into a secure operating
state. To do this, first the PLC is stopped and the SERCOS master com‐
munication is switched into phase 0.
A security prompt appears.
Stopping the control
Perform the firmware download.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
If all prerequisites are met, the dialog box for the firmware download
Selecting the firmware
The current firmware is displayed in the firmware code field. The firmware
file, which contains the new firmware, can be selected in the File name
Data loss - aborted firmware download
During the firmware download, neither the power supply voltage nor
the Ethernet connection to the drive may be interrupted.
After you select the correct firmware, start the download.
If no device is found at this IP address, check the communication
settings ("Problematic situation: no device found at this IP ad‐
dress" on page 122).
Download the firmware
The firmware download takes place automatically. The progress is dis‐
played in the dialog box with a progress bar.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Firmware download
Data loss - aborted firmware download
During the firmware download, neither the power supply voltage nor
the Ethernet connection to the drive may be interrupted.
Successful completion of the download
End of the download
⇒ After the firmware download is complete, close the "Firmware Manage‐
ment" window!
Set the machine into an operational state
⇒ Reset the machine to an operational state according to the instructions
of the machine manufacturer!
⇒ Check the drive functions!
Check the safety technology parameters (only if the safety technology is
activated in the drive).
The safety technology parameters remain intact in a firmware release up‐
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
If the safety technology is activated, the following additional steps are re‐
⇒ Check if the correct safety technology parameter settings for the drive
are still present!
To do this, check the following:
Problematic situation: no device
found at this IP address
Specifications in parameter "P‑0‑3205, Safety technology device
Status of the safety technology regarding parameter "P‑0‑3207,
Safety technology password level" (for active and locked safety tech‐
nology, Level is on 2)
Change counter of safety technology memory (parameter "P‑0‑3201,
Change counter of safety technology memory")
Operating hours at last change of memory (parameter "P‑0‑3202,
Operating hours at last change of memory")
In the dialog box for the firmware download (step 6), there is no device found
at this IP address. This may be due to faulty communication settings. For de‐
tailed information, see the "Rexroth MLC Functional Description"
DOK-IM*ML*-SYSTEM**V10-RE03-EN-P in the section IP Communication
No device found at this IP address!
First make sure that the engineering PC and the control are in the
same subnet.
If the engineering PC and control are in the same subnet, check the commu‐
nication settings in the control context menu. To do this, open Context menu
control name ▶ Communication ▶ Interfaces. Open the Bridge tab and complete
the command configuration.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Now open the IP settings in the drive context menu below the SERCOS node.
Confirm Engineering using IP and open the tab Engineering using IP. Check
the status of the IP configuration and, if necessary, activate the IP settings.
Then restart the drive to accept the settings.
Repeat the firmware release update.
Firmware Version Upgrade
Hazardous motions possible!
Life-threatening danger, risk of injury, severe
bodily harm or material damage!
In order to guarantee the correct function and to prevent the risk of personal
injury, carry out a complete acceptance test after performing a firmware version
upgrade on drive controller devices with an optional safety technology module
If a firmware exchange is made on a drive controller device including firmware
with a newer version, this is called a firmware version upgrade (e.g.
FWA‑INDRV*‑MPH‑06V12‑D5 replaced by FWA‑INDRV*‑MPH-07V06‑D5).
Before carrying out a firmware version upgrade, all parameters
must be saved (e.g. with "IndraWorks").
After the firmware exchange, the parameters must be restored be‐
cause the command "C07_1 Load defaults procedure command" is
automatically executed. After loading the desired parameter file, the
drive controller device is ready for use again.
The firmware version upgrade procedures described depend on the configu‐
ration of the control unit and the firmware used. The following illustration shows
the generally recommended procedure for the firmware version upgrade:
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Flowchart for firmware version upgrade
The instructions highlighted with a dark background are described
in the following sections.
Depending on the control unit, a version of the firmware version upgrade may
already be specified. For a BASIC single axis control unit (not configurable)
"CSB0x.xN", the firmware version upgrade must be performed with the PC. For
the following control units, the firmware version upgrade can be performed with
either an MMC card or with the PC:
ADVANCED single axis control unit "CSH0x.x"
BASIC double axis control unit "CDB0x.x"
BASIC single axis control unit (configurable) "CSB0x.xC"
Saving parameter values
Before the firmware upgrade, all application-specific parameter values must be
saved on a data carrier. The parameters can be saved using:
→ chapter 5.8 "Exporting Parameters" on page 67
To save the selected function packages as well during a drive firm‐
ware update and reload them following the firmware update by
importing the parameters, you must select "Archive parameters re‐
quired for restoring".
If you do not, after a firmware update, the function packages must
be manually selected and set.
- or ●
Control master:
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
→ save the parameter values to the master-side data carrier
Saving the parameters to the MMC present on the drive has no
effect because this backup is deleted during the firmware upgrade!
Loading new firmware on the MMC
Loading firmware on the MMC
The following requirements must be met in order for firmware to be loaded on
the MMC of the drive:
New firmware must be present (ibf file)
PC with MMC reader
MMC with old firmware in the drive
The following steps are required to load the firmware on the MMC:
1. Switch off the drive and remove the MMC!
2. Insert the MMC into the MMC reader and open the "Firmware" folder on
the MMC!
3. Delete the old firmware (e.g. FWA-INDRV*-MPH-06V12-D5.ibf)!
4. Copy the new firmware (e.g. FWA-INDRV*-MPH-07V06-D5.ibf) into the
"Firmware" folder!
Note: Only one firmware file may ever be stored in the "Firmware" folder
on the MMC. If several firmware files are present, the message
"MMC not correct" appears in the drive display after it is booted.
5. Remove the MMC from the MMC reader after the write procedure is com‐
Alternative 1: Version upgrade with MMC (with safety technology)
Selection criteria
Firmware upgrade with MMC (with
safety technology)
The following prerequisites must be met so that performed a firmware version
upgrade with MMC makes sense (with safety technology):
Controller device is not equipped with a BASIC single axis control unit.
The optional area for safety technology is equipped with the optional "Safe
Motion" module (S2).
The current axis parameters have been backed up.
The following steps are required for performing a firmware version upgrade with
MMC (with safety technology):
1. Load the firmware
⇒ Switch off the drive!
⇒ Insert the MMC with the new firmware into the corresponding slot on the
controller device!
⇒ Restart the drive with the MMC inserted!
After the drive is booted, the following message appears:
"Firmware update?"
⇒ Acknowledge this message with "Enter" on the control panel. The firm‐
ware is loaded from the inserted MMC into the drive.
Depending on the drive operating state, one of the following messages
"Load Param from MMC" or "Load new param?"
"Activate new MMC?"
"F2120 MMC: Defective or missing, replace"
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
⇒ Switch off the drive, remove the MMC (if the drive was operated without
an MMC inserted) and restart the drive!
2. Set the drive into an operational state
⇒ After the drive is restarted, the error message "F8201" is generated
(F8201 Safety command for basic initialization incorrect).
⇒ Delete all pending error messages and start the execution of "C07_2
Load defaults procedure command (Initial loading of safety technology)"!
⇒ Because the number of parameters that need to be buffered has
changed, "C07_1 Load defaults procedure command (load basic param‐
eters)" must then be activated. This sets all buffered parameters to their
default values.
3. Load parameter values
⇒ Load the saved parameter file!
⇒ Switch off the drive and restart it again to reactivate the parameteriza‐
4. Complete commissioning of the integrated safety technology
⇒ Switch the drive into operating mode (communication phase 4)!
Now the error message "F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology
data" appears because the safety technology parameter block has
changed among the firmware version 02, 03, 04 and 05.
⇒ Delete the error message!
⇒ Activate system command "Synchronize and save safety technology
parameters"! (C3000 Synchronize and store safety technology IDN)
⇒ Activate the safety technology by assigning the safety technology pass‐
word (P‑0‑3206, Safety technology password)!
⇒ Carry out a new acceptance test!
See the section on "Activating the Safety Technology" and "Accept‐
ance Test" in the separate documentation "Integrated Safety Technology
According to IEC61508" (DOK-INDRV*-SI2-**VRS**-AW**-EN-P;
⇒ Perform a backup of the safety technology parameters and create an
acceptance protocol and add it to the machine's safety-relevant docu‐
5. Set the machine into an operational state
⇒ Reset the machine to an operational state according to the instructions
of the machine manufacturer!
⇒ Check the drive functions!
Alternative 2: Version upgrade with MMC (without safety technology)
Selection criteria
The following prerequisites must be met so that performed a firmware version
upgrade with MMC makes sense (without safety technology):
Controller device is not equipped with a BASIC single axis control unit of
type CSB0x.xN.
The optional area for safety technology is not equipped with the optional
"Safe Motion" module (S2).
The current axis parameters have been backed up.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Firmware upgrade with MMC
(without safety technology)
The following steps are required for performing a firmware version upgrade with
MMC (without safety technology):
Load the firmware
⇒ Switch off the drive!
⇒ Insert the MMC with the new firmware into the corresponding slot on the
controller device!
⇒ Restart the drive with the MMC inserted!
After the drive is booted, the following message appears:
"Firmware update?"
⇒ Acknowledge this message with "Enter" on the control panel. The firm‐
ware is loaded from the inserted MMC into the drive.
Depending on the drive operating state, one of the following messages
"Load Param from MMC" or "Load new param?"
"Activate new MMC?"
"F2120 MMC: Defective or missing, replace"
⇒ Switch off the drive, remove the MMC (if the drive was operated without
an MMC inserted) and restart the drive!
Set the drive into the operational state
⇒ Because the number of parameters that need to be buffered has
changed, "PL" appears in the display (any pending errors must first be
eliminated!) Press the "Esc" key to set all buffered parameters to their
default values. During this time, the message "C07 Load default param‐
eters" appears in the display. Any pending errors must first be eliminated
and command C07_1 must be activated manually!
Load parameter values
⇒ Load the saved parameter file!
⇒ Switch off the drive and restart it again to reactivate the parameteriza‐
Set the machine into an operational state
⇒ Reset the machine to an operational state according to the instructions
of the machine manufacturer!
⇒ Check the drive functions!
Alternative 3: Version upgrade with IndraWorks
IndraWorks can be used to perform a firmware version upgrade starting with
the MLC firmware version 10V06. In this way, connecting directly with the re‐
lated drive (e.g. with a serial interface or Ethernet) is no longer necessary;
instead, the MLC can be used to transfer the firmware to all of the subordinate
IndraWorks can be used to perform the firmware version upgrade in the fol‐
lowing cases:
Controller device is operated without MMC.
- or ●
Controller device is equipped with a BASIC single axis control unit of type
- or ●
The firmware version upgrade is to be performed using the PC.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
The following requirements must be met for a firmware version upgrade using
Engineering PC with IndraWorks MLC 10V06 or higher
MLC with firmware 10V06 or higher
IndraDrive connected with master communication SERCOS III
Engineering PC and MLC are in the same subnet
All parameters must be saved before the firmware version upgrade
(cf. chapter 5.8 "Exporting Parameters" on page 67.
Firmware upgrade with IndraWorks
The following steps are required for performing a firmware version upgrade with
Open the IndraWorks project.
Switch the project online.
Call "Firmware management..." in the drive context menu below the
SERCOS node.
Calling firmware management
The following information dialog box will appear:
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Information dialog box and creating the standard routine entry
The control and the engineering PC have to be in the same subnet. This
is necessary for the PC to connect to the drive directly using IP commu‐
nication. To do this, IndraWorks can generate a standard routine entry on
the PC. This causes all IP packets with the drive IP address as a target to
be redirected using the MLC. For this reason, it is recommended to gen‐
erate the standard routine entry.
Administrator rights are required for writing the routine entry!
Create the secure operating state:
For the firmware download, the control is switched into a secure operating
state. To do this, first the PLC is stopped and the SERCOS master com‐
munication is switched into phase 0. A security prompt appears.
Stopping the control
Perform the firmware download:
If all prerequisites are met, the dialog box for the firmware download
Bosch Rexroth AG
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Step Description
Selecting the firmware
The current firmware is displayed in the firmware code field. The firmware
file, which contains the new firmware, can be selected in the File name
Data loss - aborted firmware download
During the firmware download, neither the power supply voltage nor
the Ethernet connection to the drive may be interrupted.
After you select the correct firmware, start the download.
If no device is found at this IP address, check the communication
settings ("Problematic situation: no device found at this IP ad‐
dress" on page 122).
Download the firmware:
The firmware download takes place automatically. The progress is dis‐
played in the dialog box with a progress bar.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Firmware download
Data loss - aborted firmware download
During the firmware download, neither the power supply voltage nor
the Ethernet connection to the drive may be interrupted.
Successful completion of the download:
End of the download
⇒ After the firmware download is complete, close the "Firmware Manage‐
ment" window!
Load basic parameters:
⇒ Because the number of parameters that need to be buffered has
changed, "PL" appears in the control display (any pending errors must first
be eliminated!) Press the <Esc> key to set all buffered parameters to their
default values. During this time, the message "C07 Load default param‐
eters" appears in the display.
If the basic parameters do not load using the control display, the user must
do this manually afterwards (cf. chapter 5.16 "Loading Basic Parameters
onto IndraDrive " on page 134).
Update the firmware version in the project:
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Step Description
Because of the firmware version upgrade, the firmware versions in the
drive and in the project no longer match. For this reason, you must select
"Change drive/firmware..." from the drive Motion node.
Exchange the drive firmware in the project
The drive with the new firmware can be recognized online and can be
added to the project in place of the drive with the new firmware.
If safety technology was not activated, skip the next step.
Only if safety technology is used: Loading of the defaults procedure for
safety technology
Carry out the loading of the defaults procedure for safety technology in
order to deactivate the safety technology and to reset it to its default set‐
chapter 5.17.4 "Loading of the Defaults Procedure for Drive-integrated
Safety Technology" on page 143
Load parameter values
⇒ Load the saved parameter file!
chapter 5.9 "Importing Parameters" on page 68
⇒ Switch off the drive and restart it again to reactivate the parameteriza‐
If you are using drive-integrated safety technology, continue with step 12.
⇒ If you are not using safety technology, you can reset the machine to an
operational state according to the instructions of the machine manufac‐
⇒ Check drive function.
⇒ The firmware version upgrade was performed successfully.
Carry out a complete activation of the safety technology
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Save and synchronize the safety technology parameters by selected
"Synchronize/save safety technology parameters" in the context menu of
the dialog box Drive-integrated safety technology ▶ Diagnostics.
Activate the safety technology by entering a password in IndraWorks in
this window: Drive-integrated safety technology ▶ Password .
Carry out an acceptance test:
See the section on "Activating the Safety Technology" and "Accept‐
ance Test" in the separate documentation "Integrated Safety Technology
According to IEC61508" (DOK-INDRV*-SI2-**VRS**-AW**-EN-P;
⇒ Perform a backup of the safety technology parameters and create an
acceptance protocol and add it to the machine's safety-relevant docu‐
⇒ Reset the machine to an operational state according to the instructions
of the machine manufacturer!
⇒ Check the drive functions!
Possible Problems with Firmware Exchange
Problematic situations
The firmware exchange is not completely executed if one of the following sit‐
uations occurs during the firmware exchange procedure:
24V power supply for the control unit is switched off
Connection to the drive is interrupted (e.g. defective interface cable)
Software crash
In this case, the drive controller device may no longer be operable because the
firmware contained in the components is not longer compatible.
If no valid firmware is found in the control unit in this case, the loader is started.
The drive message "LOADER" appears in the display. The loader can only be
used to perform an update of the control unit firmware. Optional modules such
as "Safe Motion" (S2) or "Cross communication" (CCD) cannot be programmed
in this state. This must be done after a successful firmware exchange in the
control unit in a second pass based on the descriptions of the versions of the
firmware exchange.
In this situation, the exchange of the control unit firmware is only supported by
After the successful firmware exchange in the control unit, a restart
must be carried out. Then all existing components must also be
Requirements for loading the firm‐
Firmware exchange in the control
unit in case of error
The following requirements must be met in order for firmware to be loaded on
the drive:
Serial connection to drive must be present
The drive message "LOADER" appears in the display.
To load the firmware into the control unit in case of error, the following steps
are required:
Call "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD"!
Call Firmware management in the menu under "Extras Drive → Firmware
Select the device and COM interface.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
A new window opens in which the firmware present in the current firmware
directory is displayed on the left side.
Highlight the new firmware (*.ibf file) on the left side and start the firmware
download using the "Download" button!
The firmware download proceeds automatically and all necessary firm‐
ware components are loaded into the drive.
After the firmware download is complete, close the "Firmware Manage‐
ment" window!
Restart the drive!
If there are no optional modules such as "Safe Motion" (S2) or "Cross commu‐
nication" (CCD), follow the instructions for the release update or version up‐
grade! Otherwise, carry out the release update or version upgrade again in
order to program the optional modules.
Loading Basic Parameters onto IndraDrive
This section describes "loading basic parameters" for the drives with
IndraWorks on a system. By loading the basic parameters, the drives are reset
to their condition upon delivery. The parameters for the drive-integrated safety
technology are not affected.
Loading the basic parameters must be done for each axis.
The correct firmware must be on the control and the drives.
IndraWorks is online on the control (see 5.6 Go online, page 62)
IndraWorks is started, the project is loaded and online on the control
1. Make the axis visible in Project Explorer
In Project Explorer below the control (in this case "print unit"), select the
folder Motion ▶ Real axes . Then select the corresponding axis (here
Selection of an axis in Project Explorer
"Select Load basic parameters" in the context menu
Right click on the axis and then in the context menu of the entry Param‐
eter ▶ Load basic parameters... .
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Context menu for "Load basic parameters"
"Execute Load basic parameters"
The "Load basic parameters..." query appears.
"Load basic parameters..." query
Click the Load basic parameters button to start the procedure.
A confirmation appears indicating that the basic parameter were loaded
Acknowledge the dialog box with OK.
Drive-integrated Safety Technology
This section includes the frequently used steps when safety technology is used.
These demonstrate a few recommended procedures.
For a detailed description of safety technology, please refer to the
respective documentation:
gy" (DOK‑INDRV*‑SI2-**VRS**‑AW**‑EN‑P; R911327663).
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
This section describes the setup of the drive-integrated safety technology with
IndraWorks on system.
The drive-integrated safety technology must be set up individually for each axis.
However, you can import parameters into other drives (cf. chapter 5.17.6
"Importing Safety Technology Parameters of a Drive into Other Drives" on page
The correct firmware must be on the control and the drives
IndraWorks is online on the control (cf. 5.6 Go online, page 62)
The safety technology was not yet configured or is deactivated (cf.
5.17.4 Loading of the Defaults Procedure for Drive-integrated Safety
Technology, page 143).
IndraWorks is started, the project is loaded and online on the control
1. Make the axis visible in Project Explorer
In Project Explorer below the control (in this case "MLC1"), select the
folder Motion ▶ Real axes .
Then select the corresponding axis (here "MyRealAxis1").
Selection of an axis in Project Explorer
Display Setup dialog box
Click on the plus sign to the left of the axis name to display the axis dialog.
In the dialog Drive-integrated safety technology open the dialog Setup...
by double-clicking on the entry.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Drive-integrated safety technology in Project Explorer
Perform the setup
Now a safety technology wizard will guide you through the setup of the
integrated safety technology.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Safety technology wizard
Enter an unambiguous safety technology device identification.
Parameterize the integrated safety technology in accordance with your
machine configuration. The safety technology wizard will lead you step by
step through the individual entries. Each entry must be confirmed.
Export parameters
Export parameters before clicking "Finish".
Before completing the procedure you can export the parameters. This is
recommended anyway because you will then have a backup copy and you
can import these parameters into drives with identical safety settings. You
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
can also select if you wish to include the control signal configuration for
channel 1 in the backup. Click the "Export" button.
If you select "Include control signal configuration (channel 1)", in
addition to the safety technology parameters (P‑0‑32xx), the pa‐
rameters P‑0‑0300, P‑0‑0301 and P‑0‑0302 will be saved, which
contain the configuration of the digital inputs/outputs of the control
Perform the export
Select the path and file name under which the integrated safety technology
parameters are to be saved.
Selection the storage location
Phase switching
Click "Finish".
This opens the dialog box where you must switch into operating mode.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Phase switching
Confirm this dialog with "Yes".
The safety technology parameters are synchronized.
WARNING! Life-threatening danger, risk of injury, severe bodily harm or
material damage are possible!
First perform a parameter verification before you use the axis safety func‐
Do not enter the danger zones until you have carried out the parameter
Warning: Dangerous movements
Confirm this warning.
After a successful setup and commissioning, perform the parameter
Password administration
In order to activate and unlock the safety technology, enter a password
which you must then confirm.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Password administration
This activates the safety technology.
Carry out an acceptance test!
See the section on "Activating the Safety Technology" and "Accept‐
ance Test" in the separate documentation "Integrated Safety Technology
According to IEC61508" (DOK-INDRV*-SI2-**VRS**-AW**-EN-P;
WARNING! Hazardous motions possible! Life-threatening danger, risk of
injury, severe bodily harm or material damage!
In order to guarantee the correct function and to prevent the risk of per‐
sonal injury, carry out a complete acceptance test after performing the
setup on drive controller devices with an optional safety technology mod‐
ule (S2).
⇒Create an acceptance protocol and add it to the machine's safety-rele‐
vant documentation!
Parameterize the other drives
If there are other drives, repeat the procedures for parameterizing the in‐
tegrated safety technology for each other drive.
Note that you can import the parameters from a drive that has already
been parameterized.
chapter 5.17.6 "Importing Safety Technology Parameters of a Drive into
Other Drives" on page 146
Set the machine into an operational state
⇒ Reset the machine to an operational state according to the instructions
of the machine manufacturer!
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
⇒ Check the drive functions!
Activating Safety Technology
The drive-integrated safety technology can be activated using the password
administration of the drive-integrated safety technology. This dialog box can be
accessed in one of the following ways:
In the project tree under <Control name> ▶ Drive-integrated safety tech‐
nology ▶ Password.... Here, the dialog box can be opened with a doubleclick.
In the project tree under <Control name> ▶ Drive-integrated safety tech‐
nology ▶ Diagnostics in the context menu on the left side of the dialog box
under Password administration.
Activating and unlocking safety
Password administration
You can activate the safety technology by entering the safety technology pass‐
word (P‑0‑3206, Safety technology password) in the menu item "Activate and
unlock safety technology" and confirm it with the "Apply" button.
The safety technology is now activated and unlocked.
In this state you can modify the safety technology parameters without entering
a password.
Each time a change is made, the command "P‑0‑3204, C3000 Synchronize and
save safety technology parameters" must be executed in order to apply the
Activating and locking safety tech‐
In the safety technology password administration you can now write protect the
safety parameters using the "Activate and lock safety technology" field.
When the drive is switched off, the safety technology is automati‐
cally locked.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Change safety technology pass‐
Use the "Change safety technology password" to change the password for
safety technology.
Loading of the Defaults Procedure for Drive-integrated Safety Technol‐
This section describes "loading of the defaults procedure" for the drive-inte‐
grated safety technology with IndraWorks on a system. During the loading of
the defaults procedure for the safety technology, it is deactivated. With a sub‐
sequent parameter import you can reparameterized and activate the safety
The loading of the defaults procedure for the drive-integrated safety technology
must be performed individually for each axis.
The correct firmware must be on the control and the drives
IndraWorks is online on the control (see 5.6 Go online, page 62)
IndraWorks is started, the project is loaded and online on the control
1. Make the axis visible in Project Explorer
In Project Explorer below the control (in this case "print unit"), select the
folder Motion ▶ Real axes . Then select the corresponding axis (here
Selection of an axis in Project Explorer
Display the Safety Technology Diagnostics dialog box
Click on the plus sign to the left of the axis name to display the axis dialog.
In the dialog Drive-integrated safety technology open the dialog Diagnos‐
tics by double-clicking on the entry.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Drive-integrated safety technology in Project Explorer
Start the command "Load defaults procedure for safety technology"
On the left side of the entry, select a signal or safety technology status.
Right click to open the context menu and select the entry Load defaults
procedure for safety technology .
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Execute the command "Load defaults procedure for safety tech‐
"Implement Load defaults procedure for safety technology"
The Safety technology warning appears.
"Load defaults procedure for safety technology warning"
Click the Yes button to start the procedure.
The safety technology is reset and can then be reparameterized.
Firmware Update with Drive-integrated Safety Technology
The firmware release update with drive-integrated safety technology is descri‐
bed in the section chapter 5.15.2 "Firmware Release Update" on page 115.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
The firmware version upgrade with drive-integrated safety technology is de‐
scribed in the section chapter 5.15.3 "Firmware Version Upgrade" on page
Importing Safety Technology Parameters of a Drive into Other Drives
This section describes how to transfer the safety technology parameters for a
drive for which safety technology has already been configured to other drives.
The correct firmware must be on the control and the drives
IndraWorks is online on the control (cf. 5.6 Go online, page 62)
The safety technology was set up and commissioned on a drive.
chapter 5.17.2 "Setup" on page 136
IndraWorks is started, the project is loaded and online on the control
1. Export the parameters of the configured drive
In Project Explorer below the control (in this case "MLC1"), select the
folder Motion ▶ Real axes ▶ <Axis names> ▶ Drive-integrated safety tech‐
nology ▶ Diagnostics .
In the context menu on the left side of the dialog box, select "Export safety
technology parameters". You can also select if you wish to include the
control signal configuration for channel 1 in the backup.
Exporting safety technology parameters
Now enter the path and file name for the backup of the safety technology
Loading of the defaults procedure for safety technology
In the drive in which the parameters are to be imported, the safety tech‐
nology must be deactivated. If no safety technology is active here, you can
skip to step 3; otherwise, you must load the defaults procedure for safety
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Refer to chapter 5.17.4 "Loading of the Defaults Procedure for Driveintegrated Safety Technology" on page 143.
Import parameters.
In the control context menu select Parameter ▶ Import... .
Now select the path and the file name under which you saved the safety
technology parameters.
Import parameters.
In this example, the safety parameters from "MyRealAxis1" are imported
into the second axis "MyRealAxis2".
Select the axes that are to receive this safety parameter block and confirm
the selection with "Import".
A message appears regarding the successful execution of the import.
Phase switching
Now switch the drive into phase 4.
Save/synchronize safety technology parameters
Save and synchronize the safety technology parameters by selected
"Synchronize/save safety technology parameters" in the context menu of
the dialog box Drive-integrated safety technology ▶ Diagnostics.
Activating Safety Technology
Activate the safety technology by entering a password in IndraWorks in
this window: Drive-integrated safety technology ▶ Password .
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Carry out an acceptance test!
See the section on "Activating the Safety Technology" and "Accept‐
ance Test" in the separate documentation "Integrated Safety Technology
According to IEC61508" (DOK-INDRV*-SI2-**VRS**-AW**-EN-P;
WARNING! Hazardous motions possible! Life-threatening danger, risk of
injury, severe bodily harm or material damage!
In order to guarantee the correct function and to prevent the risk of per‐
sonal injury, carry out a complete acceptance test after performing the
setup on drive controller devices with an optional safety technology mod‐
ule (S2).
⇒Create an acceptance protocol and add it to the machine's safety-rele‐
vant documentation!
Parameterize other drives
If there are other drives which have the same parameterization of the
drive-integrated safety technology, repeat this import procedure for the
safety parameters for these other drives.
Set the machine into an operational state
⇒ Reset the machine to an operational state according to the instructions
of the machine manufacturer!
⇒ Check the drive functions!
Configuration of the Link and the Link Participants
In online mode, the link must be configured in the "Settings of the MLC
link ..." dialog box.
Calling the settings for the MLC link using Project Explorer
Logically, the settings on the link master are defined first.
You must switch to the project for the respective slave MLC.
Assuming that the controls are connected via Ethernet, you can apply the basic
settings (ring structure and cycle time) from the link master. These settings can
also be defined separately on the respective slave MLCs.
This procedure is the same for further link participants.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Settings for the MLC link in IndraWorks
This MLC participates in the MLC
The green display for "This MLC participates in the MLC link" indicates that this
MLC participates in the link.
Identifier of the link
The link identifier is only an informative value that provides a logical description
of the link to differentiate it from others.
Control address
Each link participant receives a control address.
The address set is read in once, each time the IndraMotion MLC switches to
operating mode. It must be unique within the link and defines the positions of
the master positions within the link MDTs.
The control address must be in the range from 1 to 64.
Gaps between addresses are allowed.
With regard to its function in the cross communication, the IndraMotion MLC
control acts as a
Link master [data producer (provider) and consumer (user), message
monitoring and management]
Link slave [(data producer (provider) and consumer (user)]
Stand-alone participant (does not participate in link)
Link master
The link master controls the cross communication. It specifies the timing (cycle
time) in the link in in the drive rings for all IndraMotion MLCs participating in the
link. The link master collects and cyclically distributes the master axis positions
of all slaves in the link.
Link slave
A link slave forms a connection to the optical fiber cable ring of the MLC link. It
synchronizes the telegram processing for its drive ring with the cross commu‐
Bosch Rexroth AG
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Step Description
Standalone participant
Participants integrated into the optical fiber cable ring but that have not been
parameterized in the MLC link, just ensure that link telegrams are forwarded.
This means that it only forwards the signal that arrives at its input to its output
(repeater function). It does not participate in the cross communication.
The MLC link is a SERCOS ring in which exactly one participant
must be configured as master. Only this participant monitors and
manages all telegram traffic.
This causes a significantly greater processing load compared to a
link slave.
Ring structure
The CrossComm SERCOS II (CFL01.1-Q2) function module supports both the
double and single ring.
Single ring
For a single ring, only the primary ring is used. The secondary ring is not con‐
Double ring
For a double ring, both the primary and the secondary ring are used for cross
communication. The orientation of both rings run opposite to each other.
The ring structure setting must be identical on all participating con‐
Ring cycle time
In the MLC link, 2 ms, 4 ms or 8 ms are supported as cycle time. The set cycle
time determines the maximum number of supported link slaves, the permissible
link addresses and the cycle time in the drive ring.
The ring cycle time setting must be identical on all participating
Permissible control addresses and number of link slaves
The values are displayed in the following table:
Maximum number of
control addresses
link slaves
2 ms
4 ms
8 ms
Ring cycle time
Permissible control addresses for an MLC link with CrossComm
Because all link participants synchronize their telegram processing
on the link master, all drives in these drive rings work synchronous‐
ly. This also applies for the control algorithms in the drives.
If the ring cycle time for the link is changed and no longer matches with the
cycle time of the local drive ring, a message displaying the difference is output
and provides the option to automatically adjust the cycle time of the drive ring.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
Cycle times do not match - adjust automatically?
In addition, the cycle time of the drive ring can be adjusted via this button:
This button is only active if there are differences in the cycle times between both
rings. Furthermore, a difference is indicated by the red error icon in the ring
cycle time line.
A tool tip displays further information.
Using the FDT Container to Integrate DTMs
This section describes the use of FDT containers to integrate DTMs. First the
installation and setup of DTM is described. Then the configuration and the pro‐
cedure for device exchange are shown. Finally, examples of diagnostic options
for a DTM are given.
FDT (Field Device Tool) is a manufacturer independent concept for configuring,
parameterizing, diagnosing and managing field devices. The FDT functionality
of IndraWorks is called an FDT Container. The IW FDT Container is used to
integrate 3rd party engineering tools that are provided by the device manufac‐
turer as DTMs (device type managers). It is based on the FDT standards 1.2
and 1.2.1 of the FDT Group.
The FDT functionality is available in the IndraWorks library using
the "FDT Container" node.
Installing a DTM and Initial Commissioning
This section describes the installation and initial commissioning of a DTM.
The installation and commissioning are performed based on an ex‐
ample DTM, "digiClip DF30DP".
You can install and commission the DTMs by other manufacturers
in the same way. However, individual steps may have to be
Installing DTMs
The 3rd party engineering tools (DTMs) are provided by the device manufac‐
turer. The DTMs must be previously installed on the PC.
To do this, Windows applications should be closed and IndraWorks as well.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
The installed DTMs are listed under Start - System control - Soft‐
ware. If necessary, they can also be removed here.
Updating the DTM catalog in the li‐
Proceed as follows:
Start IndraWorks.
In the View menu, the "Library" function must be active so that the library
is shown.
In the menu Tools start the "DTM catalog" function.
Updating the DTM catalog
A progress display appears; the procedure can take a few minutes.
Activating FDT Container function‐
ality in the project
IndraWorks searches for installed DTMs in the Windows registry and
displays them in the library in the "DTM catalog" folder.
The DTMs are structured using subfolders. The subfolders corre‐
spond with the supported fieldbus protocols, e.g. "Profibus DP".
A GSD file is extracted from the DTMs for Profibus slaves and im‐
ported into the "periphery" of the library.
In the Library, in the "Drive and Control" folder, select the entry "FDT Con‐
tainer" .
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Step Description
FDT Container in the library
Drag it onto a node in Project Explorer (the Control node in this example).
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Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Step Description
Adding the FDT Container
The following nodes allow the "FDT Container" to be added:
Folders that are located in a direct sequence below the project node
Only the selected controls based on IndraLogic 2.G support the
FDT Container.
In order that the DTM has access to the fieldbus device below the
MLC, for MLC systems, the FDT Container must be dragged onto
the MLC.
FDT communication channel
If the "FDT Container" is located in the "Project Explorer" below a control, the
dialog box "FDT communication channel" is available in the context menu. The
FDT communication channel can be parameterized here.
The protocol and the hardware assembly can be selected in the "FDT commu‐
nication" field. For Profibus-DPV1 communication, select a Profibus master,
e.g. "Profibus, master index 0".
Setting the FDT communication channel
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Step Description
If "Profibus" is selected for FDT communication, only DTMs for Profibus DP
slaves (Profibus slave DTMs) can be added directly at the FDT container.
Inserting DTMs into the project
Use drag and drop or the DTM context menu to add the DTM to be inserted into
the project to the FDT Container.
Select the desired DTM in the "DTM catalog" folder in the library.
Drag the DTM into the project folder onto the "FDT Container" node.
Dragging the DTM onto the FDT Container
As an option, the DTM can also be dragged into subfolder of the
FDT Container or another DTM.
Setting the DTM address
The dialog box "Setting DTM address" appears when you are adding a Profibus
slave DTM to an FDT Container for which "Profibus" is parameterized as a FDT
communcations channel. The address for the Profibus slave DTM is entered
here for the first time.
Setting the DTM address
The Profibus address must match the device address below the DP
Going online
Then, in the context menu of the DTM, you can go online.
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Step Description
Going online in the DTM
The upper section (1) of the context menu depends on the DTM (is generated
by the DTM); the lower section (2) is specific to IndraWorks and is always there.
DTM configuration
After the DTM is switched to online, Online parameterization appears in the
context menu.
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Step Description
Online parameterization
Now you can parameterize the DTM by selecting this menu item.
Note that depending on the configuration, still only one DTM can be
switched into online mode. Switch the DTMs that you do not need
to offline.
The DTM dialog boxes appear depending on the DTM (integrated
or external application) in the IndraWorks window or in their own
Windows window.
Procedure for DTM Device Exchange
This section describes the exchange of a DTM. It is assumed that the system
has already been put into operation.
Loading the parameters from the
First, go into the context menu of the DTM that is to be exchanged.
Select "Upload parameters from the device".
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Step Description
Loading the parameters from the device
This reads out the data from the DTM device and saves it in the directory
of the IndraWorks project. When the project is archived, this data is then
also contained in the project archive.
The data is saved based on the DTM. For example, a progress bar may appear,
which disappears again after a successful upload.
Exchanging the DTM device
Writing the parameters into the de‐
Save your data and then go offline.
Now deenergize the DTM device and the MLC.
Then exchange the device.
After a successful exchange you can switch on the system again and go
To restore the original configuration of your device, you must write the saved
parameters into the device again.
Writing (downloading) the parameters into the device
Depending on the DTM, a progress bar appears, which disappears again after
the parameters have been successfully downloaded into the device. Now the
original situation has been restored. Now you can use the DTM again, go online
and make changes.
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Step Description
Special Situations when Archiving and Restoring Projects with DTMs
DTM - archiving
The archiving of projects is described in chapter 5.2.2 "Complete Backup Pro‐
cedure" on page 46. If DTMs are present in a project, the following additional
steps must be carried out.
Before creating an archive, each DTM must be selected.
Go online with the first DTM.
Select "Upload parameters from the device".
(see fig. 5-151 "Loading the parameters from the device" on page 158)
DTM - restoration
After downloading the parameters to the device, switch this DTM offline
Repeat this procedure, starting with step 2, for each DTM.
When the parameters for each DTM are uploaded from the device, you
can archive your project.
Restoring projects is described in 5.2.3 Complete Project Restoration, page
51) .
If additional DTMs are present in a project, the following additional steps must
be carried out.
The DTM installations are not contained in the archive.
If you carry out the restoration of your project on another PC
where the DTMs are not yet installed, you must first install the
DTMs on your PC in order to work with the DTMs after the
restoration is complete.
If the DTMs are already installed on the PC, skip to step 2. Otherwise, you
must carry out the DTM installation(s).
(see "Installing DTMs" on page 151)
Carry out the restoration of your project.
Go online with the first DTM.
Select "Download parameters into the device".
(see fig. 5-152 "Writing (downloading) the parameters into the device" on
page 158)
After downloading the parameters to the device, switch this DTM offline
Repeat this procedure, starting with step 3, for each DTM.
In your project, you can work with the most recently performed parame‐
Diagnostic Options
Each DTM has the item "Properties" in its context menu.
Here you can find information regarding the instance and the type of the DTM.
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Step Description
Properties of a DTM
In the upper section of the context menu, DTM specific selection options are
provided. Depending on the DTM installed, further diagnostic options are avail‐
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Diagnostic Numbers and Diagnostic Texts as Display for the
IndraMotion MLC L25/L45/L65 Display
Diagnostic texts and diagnostic numbers are displayed via the IndraMotion
MLC L25/L45/L65 display of the control. They describe the startup of the con‐
trol, display the state of the control as well as the errors, flashing as an error
number or alternate with the drive number with drive errors.
The following figure shows the possibilities in the error display for the
IndraMotion MLC:
Standard display
Display of an IndraMotion MLC L25/L45/L65
If <Esc> + <Enter> are pressed during the boot process, it is aborted ("BOOT‐
If <Up> + <Down> are pressed within a certain period of time, the nvRAM is
deleted. That means that all nvRAM parameters as well as retain variables of
the PLC are reset to delivery state ("CLEANUP" then "REBOOT").
Additionally, all files belonging to a PLC program as well as the files belonging
to an MLC project are deleted on the compact flash.
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If the system is in the main menu and an error is pending, <Esc> is used to
clear the error.
In case of fatal errors, the error number and "SYS ERR" flash alternately
Diagnostics with IndraWorks
Device Status
The dialog window provides an overview on the essential properties of the cur‐
rent control.
Example: Device status dialog box of an IndraMotion MLC
With the button Clear error, all present errors of the control can be deleted. The
current status is displayed in the "System Diagnostics" field.
The display shows events according to priority, i.e. if several events are present,
the event with the highest priority is displayed.
Therefore, the following rule applies (descending priority):
Error class 9 ...⇒ ... Error class 0 ⇒ Warnings ⇒ Messages
Double click on the display field of the current system diagnostic, to open the
dialog box "Error / Diagnostic memory" (see page 164).
The button More details opens the window "Extended Properties" (see Exten‐
ded Properties, page 163).
The button Set system time transfers the system time of the PC into the control.
The list of all defined axes provides an overview on the current statuses of these
The axis number is displayed in the "Axis No." column.
The "Addr" column indicates the address of the drive set in the drive ring (e.g.
In the "Status Bits" column, the most important feedback of the axis are indi‐
cated in an abbreviated form.
The letters have the following meaning:
S - at standstill
P - in position
V - in velocity
R - in reference, homed
Y - synchronized
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Move the mouse pointer is moved across several lines and columns of the axis
list to show tool tips that give further explanation regarding individual cells.
Right click to open a context menu with additional functions in the axis list:
Additional functions
The bold entry corresponds to the double-click on the axis.
Extended Properties
The "Extended Properties" dialog box contains additional details regarding the
hardware and firmware of the control. This information is particularly valuable
for support in case service is required.
Example: "Properties" dialog box for an IndraMotion MLC
In the "Current Values" container, some additional status values of the control
are displayed. The temperature warning is switched on when 60 °C is reached
and switched off again if the temperature is lower than 55 °C. The "Maximum
temperature" value refers to the measuring period since the last reset or the
last switch-on of the control.
Clear Errors
The command "C‑0‑1030, Clear all control errors" is executed. All errors in the
drives are also deleted.
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Currently, warnings of the control are also deleted if this command
is executed.
Clear Error can be called from different locations:
in the context menu of the control via: Clear Diagnostics/Error
in Example: Device status dialog box of an IndraMotion MLC, see page
in the Error Memory / Diagnostics Memory dialog box, see page 164 and
in the toolbar using "Clear errors".
Error Memory / Diagnostics Memory
The "Error / Diagnostic memory" dialog box provides an overview of the error
states of the control and its drives. It evaluates the logbook of the control. Ac‐
cess via the parameters described below. Error memory / Logbook are organ‐
ized as a sequence. The current status is shown by the top message; it has the
highest index (top line, see fig. 6-7 " Startup, error-free" on page 165).
A maximum of 1000 status messages can be stored in the control (they are
automatically saved in NVRAM and and on the compact flash card).
Due to the great number, the display is limited.
Possible settings: 10/20/50/all.
Errors, warnings and messages are the different categories.
In case of errors and warnings, the arrival and the departure is stored. Mes‐
sages are contained only once in the logbook.
For reasons of storage space, the status messages which follow an error de‐
letion, for example, are not always indicated / registered completely if the
deletion procedure for BB RUN is carried out according to the plan.
Status information of message type
Error occurs, the error reaction is triggered, the error is active
Error passive, the error cause still exists, but the error was reset
Error disappears, the error cause does not exist any longer and the
error was reset
Warning occurs, the warning reaction is triggered, the warning is
Warning passive, the warning cause still exists, the warning was
Warning disappears, the warning cause does not exist any longer
and the warning was reset
Status information
Indicated are the category, the time of the log on/off, the source - information
received from the control or from which axis -, the status code and its explan‐
atory text.
The status code and the text are documented in the "Notes on
Troubleshooting" or in the online help.
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Error-free startup
For an error-free startup, take the diagnostics / error memory and the interpre‐
tation of its display into consideration first.
Startup, error-free
The startup is documented, starting with the bottom line:
"Message BOOT END, booting the application completed".
The control runs automatically up to BB STOP (5th line from the bottom).
The user switches the control from offline to online.
The control runs up to P2 STOP (7th line from the bottom). After a boot, pa‐
rameterizations are usual. However, this is not necessary now, so proceed in
the startup from P2 to BB. The control runs to BB STOP.
Diagnostics in case of an error
"F4034, E-Stop of the Drive of Axis 2" is considered as an error.
In the "E-Stop Function" dialog box, the "Evaluation via Digital In‐
put" must be enabled and the "Interpretation as an Error Message
F4034" must be selected.
The drive provides a function used to monitor an E-Stop input (connection of
an external hardware switch). The axis is set to standstill as described in
"P-0-0119, Optimum standstill procedure".
Error F4034 occurs
If the source of the warning or the error is located in a drive / its
supply, its original error (warning) is indicated in the text. The status
code consists of the original number, supplemented by the group
information "Drive": F4034 → F2004034.
In the toolbar, an active error is indicated. The axis reporting the error is high‐
lighted in the Project Explorer. If the error affects a drive directly, the latter can
- based on the severity of the error - be set to a standstill according to the chosen
Double click on the white cross on red background to activate the diagnostics
memory and error memory window in case it is not opened in the foreground.
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The drive display now indicates: 2 F4034,
SERCOS address 2, error F4034. Its electronics signals that the E-Stop input
has responded.
The control display indicates: F2004034, axis 2. For the control, this is an axis
error of severity "F2" which leads to the disabling of the individual axis.
The diagnostic and error memory window combines both information (see
"Error F4034 occurs", page 165).
Acknowledgment of the error
Remove the failure which has triggered the E-Stop and delete the error (reset
key or "Clear Error" command). Then switch on the power supply again and
clarify the cause that triggered the E-Stop.
Acknowledgement of the error after removal of the cause
The acknowledgment of the error on the drive triggers the first 3 diagnostic lines.
The diagnostic messages up to BB RUN are not required if the procedure runs
Invalid Parameters
The dialog window displays the current system diagnostics of the control and
lists all invalid parameters:
For the control, the parameters included in "C-0-0111, List of all invalid C
For each axis, the parameters included in "A-0-0011, List of all invalid A
parameters" or "A-0-0014, List of non-transferable A parameters"
For real axes and encoder axes, the parameters included in "S-0-0021,
IDN list of invalid operating data for phase 2" and "S-0-0022, IDN list of
invalid operating data for phase 3" are also evaluated
Using the dialog box
The user wants to increase the "Positive velocity limit value". In doing so, the
maximum admissible input value is exceeded.
The user is in the operating mode BB. The input is immediately transferred to
the drive that response with an error message.
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Incorrect input, value not within the permitted value range
If, however, the change is made in the parameterization mode P2, the transfer
does not take place before switching from P2 to BB. Since several incorrect
entries might have been made, it is advisable to list all these errors. Therefore,
the "Invalid Parameters" window is automatically opened.
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Invalid parameters when switching from P2 to BB
Now it is suggested that the user make the appropriate correction(s) - here in
lines 1 and 3 (position limit values) - and to repeat the attempt to switch from
P2 to BB.
Frequently, lines are listed which seem to be identical at first glance.
This is due to the fact that the S parameters and P parameters de‐
termined to be invalid are often overwritten with A parameters. In
this case, it is necessary to write the corresponding A parameter.
Writing on the S or P parameter would have no effect. Therefore,
the parameters to be changed are highlighted in red. In the com‐
ment column, this is described for each case.
Cross Link Diagnostics
This section describes the diagnostic options on the CrossComm SERCOS II
function module.
It is assumed that the correct firmware is available on the control and the drives
and that the drives and the control are parameterized.
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Front view
Front view of the CrossComm SERCOS II (CFL01.1-Q2)
Link displays
On the CrossComm SERCOS II (CFL01.1-Q2), the "Ma" LEDs (green) and the
"Sl" LEDs (yellow), master / slave indicate an active MLC link. If neither the
"Ma" nor the "safety technology" LED are lit, a cross link is not configured.
Distortion displays
The distortion displays for CrossComm SERCOS II (CFL01.1-Q2) (red LEDs
"Er-P" or "Er-S"), error primary/secondary ring can be used to check the quality
of the optical received signal. The LEDs are are lit if the incoming signal is too
strong or too weak. In the operating state, both distortion displays must not be
Diagnostic messages
Problems with the MLC link are reported by the diagnostics (errors / warnings /
messages) in IndraWorks, by binary status variables in PLC components and
on the plug-in module itself.
F0160035, Error during configuration of link communication
F0160036, Error during configuration of link communication
F0160037, Error during configuration of link communication
F0280004, Link ring - transmission distance broken
F0280005, Link ring - Master axis position incorrect MDT
F0280006, Link ring - Master axis position incorrect AT
Error messages for MLC link errors
In these cases, the "Ma", "Sl", "Er-P" and "Er-S" indicators on the CrossComm
SERCOS II (CFL01.1-Q2) function module can be used to search for causes.
Reasons may include
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incorrect parameterization of the MLC link (single ring, double ring, no
MLC link, several masters, PLC time slot too large)
incorrectly set transmitting power of the primary or secondary ring
defective optical fiber cables
defective hardware
for example.
MLC link dialog - Status - Cross‐
As for IndraMotion MLC and all of the axes, a diagnostic window in IndraWorks
can also be opened for the MLC link in the context menu of the CrossComm
function module.
Calling the diagnostic function - context menu of the CrossComm
(CFL01.1-Q2) function module
The most important link settings as well as a list of the MLCs in the link are
displayed. In addition, an error present in the function module is reported under
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Diagnostics of the MLC link from the perspective of participant Folder A
Diagnostic and Status Displays for the Control and Inline Mod‐
ules with LEDs
For local error diagnostics, both the IndraControl L45/65 and all modules are
equipped with diagnostics and status LEDs.
The diagnostic displays (red/green) provide information regarding the type and
location of the error. If all green LEDs are lit, a module is working flawlessly.
After the error is corrected, the displays immediately indicate the current state.
The status displays (yellow) indicate the status of the associated input/output
and the connected device.
The "function description" contains information regarding which di‐
agnostic and status displays are present on a specific module.
Displays on the IndraControl L45/65
The following is a summary regarding the LEDs on the IndraControl L45/65.
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Interface LEDs
A variety of LEDs are arranged on the left side of the IndraControl L45/65, which
indicate interface states, in particular.
LED "Stop"
Meaning (depends on firmware)
Normal state
STOP / System error
Red, flashing
Outputs are blocked
LED "Send" (optional)
LED on
IndraControl L45/65 is transferring data via PROFIBUS DP
Meaning of the Send LED
LED "Dist." (optional)
Normal state
The distortion is too high or the reception signal is missing
(SERCOS interface)
Meaning of the Dist. LED (Distortion display SERCOS interface)
LED "Ready" (optional)
Watchdog not started or ready contact opened by software
(the watchdog will be continue to be triggered, but internally)
Ready contact closed; watchdogs are triggered
Ready error; at least one watchdog has addressed it
LEDs at the power supply
Meaning of the STOP LED
Meaning of the Ready LED
The following LEDs are arranged on the terminal block for the power supply:
Main circuit supply is missing
24-V power supply UM for the main circuit present
Diagnostic LED for the infeed terminal
Segment circuit power supply is missing
24-V power supply US for the segment circuit present
Diagnostic LED for the segment terminal
Power supply ULS is missing
24-V power supply ULS present
Diagnostic LED for the power supply
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and "FN"
Currently without function
LEDs at the Onboard-I/Os
LEDs FS and FN
At the digital onboard I/Os, an LED is assigned to each input and output that
indicates the state of that respective input or output.
LEDs 1, 2, 3, 4
Corresponding input/output is not set.
Corresponding input/output is set.
Status LEDs for the input/output terminals
In addition, an LED labeled with D is present:
24 V missing
24 V present
Short circuit or overload
Displays at the Supply Terminals
Possible displays on supply terminals (here: segment terminals with and
without fuse)
The following states can be read out from the power supply terminals:
UM (1)
24-V power supply for the main circuit present
Main circuit supply not present
Description of the LED states
Diagnostic LED for the infeed terminal
US (1)
24-V power supply for the segment circuit present
Segment circuit supply not present
Description of the LED states
Diagnostic LED for the segment terminal
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E (2)
Description of the LED states
No fuse or fuse was triggered
Fuse OK
Diagnostic LED for the segment terminal
For modules with a fuse, the green LED indicates the presence of power up‐
stream from the fuse. That means that when the green LED is lit, there is power
upstream from the fuse. If the red LED is also lit, the power is not available on
the output side.
Displays on the Input/Output Modules
Displays on the input/output modules
The following states can be read out from input/output modules:
Description of the LED states
D (1)
Local bus active
Logic voltage present; local bus inactive
0.5 Hz
2 Hz
4 Hz
Logic voltage present; local bus active, periphery
error pending
Logic voltage present, module upstream from the
flashing module has failed or this module itself is
modules starting with the flashing module are no
longer contained within the frame of the configura‐
Logic voltage not present; local bus inactive
Diagnostic LED for input/output modules
The status of the input or output can be read out at the corresponding yellow
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1, 2, 3, 4
Corresponding input/output is set
Corresponding input/output is not set
Description of the LED states
Status LEDs for the input/output terminals
Assignment between status LED and input/output
The assignment between a status LED and the corresponding input/output is
indicated in the "function description".
LED Displays and Diagnostics on the SERCOS Bus Coupler
Diagnostic and status displays
Displays on the SERCOS bus coupler
The SERCOS bus coupler recognizes module errors. These errors are dis‐
played on bus coupler LEDs. The icons used here have the following meanings:
LED on
LED off
LED, flashing
LED combinations
Green UMain
State Description of the LED states
24-V power supply for the main circuit UM is
Main circuit supply UM not present
Green USegment
24-V power supply for the segment circuit US
is present
Segment circuit supply US not present
Green ULogicSupply
Failure Select
24-V power supply for logic ULS is present
Logic supply ULS not present
If FS lights up red, FN indicates the "error
If FS is not lit, FN indicates the "error num‐
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Failure Number
State Description of the LED states
Flash pulse for error number or error class.
No error
Diagnostic LEDs for the SERCOS Bus Coupler
Seven segment display "H1" on the SERCOS bus coupler
Taken together, any present errors, warnings and commands make up the cur‐
rent operating state of the bus couplers. In addition, it is also indicated if the
participants are in state of operational readiness or in parameterization mode.
A multiple place message is displayed successively on the single place seven
segment display.
For "Deactivation, double MST failure", "F", "4", "0", "1" are shown in succession
on the H1 display.
Then a short pause follows (display off) before the message is displayed again.
The following communication phases (Initialization) will run after the bus cou‐
pler is switched on and they are shown on the H1 display:
Communication phases
Communication phase
not ready
Communications phases of the SERCOS bus coupler
Communication phase 0
Communication phase 1
Communication phase 2
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Communication phase 3
Ready for operation
Communication phases
Displays on the power supply terminals on input and output modules
The displays on the power supply terminal and the input and output modules is
described in Displays on the power supply terminals, page 173 and in Displays
on the input/output modules, page 174.
Displays on Other Inline Modules
Diagnostic and status displays on other inline modules (e.g. function modules
or power modules) behave in a similar way. Differences that cannot be excluded
can be found in the "Rexroth MLC Function Description".
Diagnostic Options for Fieldbusses
General Diagnostics for All Fieldbusses
In this section, the diagnostic options for the tree view and the diagnostic win‐
dow that are available to all fieldbusses are discussed first.
Then details regarding specific diagnostic options for individual fieldbusses are
given, categorized by master and slave.
Installation and configuration descriptions can be found in the re‐
spective documentation.
Diagnostics overview in the tree
In this example, the Profibus master and the subordinate slaves are shown in
the IndraWorks project tree. This display of the diagnostic in the IndraWorks
project tree demonstrates the same behavior for all fieldbusses. The display
also contains a status display for the slave. If no errors are present, there are
no other icons, i.e. the display is identical to the logged out state (see Diagnostic
in the IndraWorks project tree (no error)).
Diagnostic in the IndraWorks project tree (no error)
If an error is present, a yellow exclamation point is displayed on the master and
the affected slaves to signal the error (see Profibus diagnostic (error on
Profibus diagnostic (error on slave)
The status of the master or slave can be seen using the "Status" tab in the
master or slave dialog box (accessible by double clicking on the master or slave
The status queries for the following fieldbusses are displayed:
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Fieldbus diagnostics in the diag‐
nostics window
Profibus DP master, page 178
Profibus DP slave, page 182
Profinet I/O controller, page 183
Profinet I/O device, page 186
Sercos III I/O, page 187
For fieldbusses, IndraWorks offers a detailed diagnostic of the participants. This
diagnostic is called from IndraWorks ▶ Diagnostics ▶ Fieldbus diagnostics .
Calling the fieldbus diagnostics, Profibus
In the current version, the extended fieldbus diagnostic is available
only for the Profibus DP master.
The window display always shows the fieldbus diagnostic for the node high‐
lighted in the project tree.
If no error is present, the message
"There are no diagnostic messages."
is output.
If an error is present, the diagnostic information is shown in a tree structure in
the display.
The diagnostic window of the Profibus DP master is described in "Profibus di‐
agnostics in the diagnostics window" on page 180.
Diagnostics: Profibus DP Master
The status of the Profibus DP master can be queried in the tree view (cf.
"Diagnostics overview in the tree view" on page 177).
Status of the Profibus master
The status of the master can be seen using the "Status" tab in the master dialog
box (accessible by double clicking on the Profibus master node). fig. 6-41
"Status dialog box for the DP master with no error" on page 179 shows the
status if no error is present.
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Status dialog box for the DP master with no error
In Status dialog box for the DP master with an error on a slave is an example
of a status display if a slave is missing. You can see that
3 slaves are configured
2 slaves are active
Status dialog box for the DP master with an error on a slave
Use the Acknowledge button to acknowledge an error after it has been correc‐
In addition, the diagnostics of all of the bus participants can be acknowledged
from the Profibus DP master context menu.
Status of a Profibus slave
Delete diagnostics for all bus participants
The status of a slave can be seen using the "Status" tab in the slave dialog box
(accessible by double clicking on the corresponding slave node).
Status dialog box of the Profibus slave with no error shows the device status of
a Profibus slave without an error.
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Status dialog of the Profibus slave with no error
If an error is present (e.g. slave reports an error), it is shown in Status dialog
box of the Profibus slave.
Status dialog box of the Profibus slave
Use the Acknowledge button to acknowledge errors after they have been cor‐
In addition, the diagnostic of a Profibus slave can be acknowledged using its
context menu.
Profibus diagnostics in the diagnos‐
tics window
Deleting the diagnostic of a Profibus slave
The diagnostics window (cf. "Fieldbus diagnostics in the diagnostics window"
on page 178) offers detailed diagnostics for the Profibus master.
In fig. 6-47 "Fieldbus diagnostic with diagnostic regarding a slave" on page
181, the Profibus diagnostic is shown in the diagnostic window using an ex‐
ample of a slave. The assumed situation is an error on a device with Profibus
address 2 (module 2) in which the second module on the bus coupler had a
short circuit at the output.
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Standard diagnostics
Fieldbus diagnostic with diagnostic regarding a slave
The standard diagnostic provides general Profibus error messages.
The following messages are possible:
"Configuration error"
The configuration data most recently received from the master does not
match that which the slave derived.
Most likely, the slave components are different that those set in the project.
"The bus participant is deactivated."
The slave is labeled as not active in the DP slave parameter block and
taken out of cyclic processing.
"A diagnostic is available."
Further diagnostic messages are present.
"Bus participant has too much diagnostic data"
There is more diagnostic data than the master or slave can process.
"Bus participant has received a freeze telegram"
This message is sent by the slave as soon as it has received the freeze
control command.
"Implausible response sent by bus participant"
An implausible response has been received from a slave that was ad‐
"Bus participant was parameterized by a different master"
The DP slave has been parameterized by a different master.
"Bus participant does not support the service"
"Error in parameter telegram"
The slave does not support a required function.
This message is send by a slave if the most recent parameter telegram
contained an error, e.g. incorrect length, incorrect Ident_Number, invalid
"Bus participant must be reparameterized and configured."
Slave must be reparameterized and configured. This message remains
until a parameterization is carried out.
"Bus participant has a static diagnostic (e.g. no valid user data)"
The slave sends this message if it cannot provide any valid user data, for
"Bus participant is inaccessible"
The slave cannot be accessed using the bus
"Bus participant is not ready for data exchange"
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The slave is not yet ready for data exchange.
"Bus participant has received a sync telegram"
The slave sends this message as soon as it has received the sync control
"Response monitoring is activated"
The response monitoring for the slave is activated.
Extended diagnostics
The extended diagnostics provide detailed information that does not depend
on a specific device. It is divided into the following blocks: device related diag‐
nostics, identification related (module) diagnostics and channel related diag‐
The extended diagnostics are not supported by every slave and not all of the
blocks must be sent.
Device related diagnostics
Provides further diagnostic information specific to the device. The possible
messages are defined in the GSD of the slave.
Identification related (module) diagnostics
Provides a list of indexes of I/O modules that deliver diagnostics.
Channel related diagnostics
Provides diagnostic information for individual channels. Contains the module
number, channel number, channel type and error type.
The channel type can have the following values:
2 bit
4 bit
2 words
The error type can be one of the following types:
Short circuit
Cable breakage
Upper limit value exceeded
Below lower limit value
Diagnostics: Profibus DP Slave
The status of the Profibus DP slave can be queried in the tree view (cf. "Diag‐
nostics overview in the tree view" on page 177).
Status of the Profibus slave
The status of the slave can be seen using the "Status" tab in the slave dialog
box (accessible by double clicking on the Profibus slave node). fig. 6-48 "Status
dialog box for the DP slave with no error" on page 183 shows the status if no
error is present.
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Status dialog box for the DP slave with no error
In Status dialog box for the DP slave with an error on a module is an example
of a status display if a bus connection is missing.
Status dialog box for the DP slave with an error on a module
Use the Acknowledge button to acknowledge an error after it has been correc‐
Diagnostics: Profinet I/O Controller
The status of the Profinet I/O controller can be queried in the tree view (cf.
"Diagnostics overview in the tree view" on page 177).
Status of the PROFINET I/O con‐
The status of the controller can be seen using the "Status" tab in the controller
dialog box (accessible by double clicking on the controller node). fig. 6-50
"Status dialog box for the controller with no error" on page 184 shows the status
if no error is present.
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Status dialog box for the controller with no error
In Status dialog box for the controller with an error on a device is an example
of a status display if a device is missing. You can see that
3 devices are configured
1 device is active
2 devices are present
for which there is a diagnostic.
Status dialog box of the controller with an error on a device
Use the Acknowledge button to acknowledge an error after it has been correc‐
Status of the PROFINET I/O device
The status of a device can be seen using the "Status" tab in the device dialog
box (accessible by double clicking on the corresponding device node). Status
dialog box for the PROFINET I/O device with no error, page 185 shows the
device status of a PROFINET I/O device with no error.
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Status dialog box of the PROFINET I/O device with no error
If there is an error (device reports an error), it is shown as in Status dialog box
of the PROFINET I/O device (example: missing network connection to de‐
Status dialog box of the PROFINET I/O device (example: missing net‐
work connection to device)
Use the Acknowledge button to acknowledge an error after it has been correc‐
The meaning of the flag (see Status dialog box of the PROFINET I/O device
(example: missing network connection to device)) is shown in the following ta‐
Bit no.
The device does not exist or does not respond to DCP ident
The device is not ready.
The device has a configuration error (e.g. its station name
or IP address is used more than once in the network).
The device sends invalid responses (invalid response), e.g.
DCP "Set IP" was not successful.
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Bit no.
The device has a parameterization error (e.g. at bus startup,
Connect_Request or Write_Record is rejected with an error
The device has been deactivated (by the user).
Diagnostic data are present.
The device sends the alarm "Diagnostic disappeared
The controller buffer for the diagnostic data was too small
for the amount of diagnostic data sent by the device.
The controller buffer for diagnostic data was overwritten with
new diagnostic data before the previous diagnostic data
were read out from the controller.
The diagnostic data requirement telegram is too small to ac‐
cept the device's diagnostic data.
The device reports the error "ModuleDiffBlock" while the
connection is being established.
Overview of diagnostic flags
In the example in Status dialog box of the PROFINET I/O device (example:
missing network connection to device), page 185 you can see that bit 0 is set
(flags: 1); this means that the device does not respond.
Diagnostics: Profinet I/O Device
The status of the Profinet I/O device can be queried in the tree view (cf. "Diag‐
nostics overview in the tree view" on page 177).
Status of the PROFINET I/O device
The status of the slave can be seen using the "Status" tab in the slave dialog
box (accessible by double clicking on the Profibus slave node). Status dialog
of the PNIO device with no error shows the status when no error is present.
Status dialog of the PNIO device without error
In Status dialog box for the PNI/O device with an error on a module is an
example of a status display if a bus connection is missing.
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Status dialog box for the PNI/O device with an error on a module
Use the Acknowledge button to acknowledge an error after it has been correc‐
Diagnostics: Sercos III I/O
Status of the SERCOS III master
The status of the master is shown using the standard control diagnostic. This
can be accessed using the context menu of the control.
In addition, the status of the SERCOS communication (operating mode, pa‐
rameterization mode and warning or error status) is shown in the toolbar.
Toolbar of the SERCOS III master with no error shows the status when no error
is present.
Toolbar of the SERCOS III master with no error
In Status dialog box for the controller with an error on a device is an example
of a status display if an error is present. Note that you cannot currently delete
I/O errors with the Clear Error button. You must use the dialog box for the re‐
spective slave device to delete these errors.
Status dialog box of the controller with an error on a device
Use the Clear Error button to acknowledge an error after it has been corrected.
Status of a SERCOS III I/O‑slave
The status of a slave can be seen using the "Status" tab in the slave dialog box
(accessible by double clicking on the corresponding I/O slave node). Status
dialog box for the SERCOS III I/O slave with no error, page 188 shows the
device status of a SERCOS III I/O slave with no error.
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Status dialog box of the SERCOS III I/O slave with no error
If there is an error (slave reports an error), it is shown as in Status dialog box
of the SERCOS III I/O slave (example: incorrect configuration).
Status dialog box of the SERCOS III I/O slave (example: incorrect con‐
Use the Acknowledge button to acknowledge an error after it has been correc‐
ted. However, restarting the SERCOS III communication is also often neces‐
sary. This can be done using the "bb" button or the PLC.
Reading Out Hardware Information
MLC Hardware Information
The hardware information regarding the control can be read out as follows:
1. Switch the control online.
2. Select Diagnostics ▶ Device status in the MLC context menu.
The firmware version and the system time can be read out in the "Device
status" tab.
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MLC device status
3. If you select "Advanced Properties", MLC hardware information appears,
including serial number, hardware version or hardware details, for exam‐
ple. This information can be copied to the clipboard for further processing
by using "Copy data to clipboard".
The "Advanced Properties" tab is also directly accessible from "Diagnos‐
tics" in the context menu in the control.
MLC hardware information
IndraDrive Hardware Information
To read out hardware information for the IndraDrive, you have to go online with
IndraWorks, with the control where the axis was configured. Select the
IndraDrive device under the SERCOS node in the project tree. Select "Prop‐
erties" in the context menu.
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Selecting properties in the IndraDrive Sercos node
In the "Extended" tab you can see the hardware information for the
IndraDrive. The Details button shows further information such as motor as‐
sembly or power unit assembly.
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PLC Diagnostics
PLC Status
IndraDrive hardware information
The status of the PLC can be read out from both the IndraWorks project tree
and at bottom right in the IndraWorks window.
The following states are differentiated here:
The user is not logged into the PLC.
The PLC is offline
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In the project tree, "Application" is shown in a black font on a white back‐
ground. At bottom right in the IndraWorks window there is no display of
PLC status because the user is offline.
To display PLC status, log onto the PLC
The user is logged onto the PLC and the application is stopped.
The PLC is stopped
In the project tree, "Application" is highlighted in red and the "STOP" in‐
dication appears in parentheses. At bottom right in the IndraWorks win‐
dow, "STOP" is also highlighted in red. To the right is an indication
regarding whether or not a program is on the PLC.
The user is logged onto the PLC and the application is running.
The PLC is running
In the project tree, "Application" is highlighted in green and the "RUN‐
NING" indication appears in parentheses. At bottom right in the
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IndraWorks window, "RUN" is also highlighted in green. To the right is an
indication that a program is loaded into the PLC.
Reading Out PLC Variables
In order to obtain a display of the current state of the PLC variables, you must
be logged onto the PLC. You can see this state in the declaration of the POU
or in a user-defined monitoring window.
In order to observe the current state of the PLC variables of a POU, the POU
must be opened in the IndraWorks project tree. Double click to open it.
PLC variables in the declaration
In the Value column is the current value of the variable. You can modify it in the
"Prepared value " column.
Monitoring window
For an overview of current variable status over a variety of POUs you can de‐
fined up to 4 monitoring windows. In this way you can see the relevant data at
a glance.
You can open the monitoring windows in the toolbar with Debug ▶ Watch‐
dog ▶ Monitor x . Click in the "Expression" field to select the respective variables
using a wizard.
PLC variables in the monitoring window
In the figure variables from a variety of POUs are being monitored in one mon‐
itoring window. The variables can also be modified using this monitoring win‐
Status of the Onboard I/Os
In order to see the current state of the onboard I/Os you have to log onto the
1. In the project tree below the control click on the node Onboard I/O.
2. Now extract the contents of both the "OnboardIn" and "OnboardOut" no‐
Now you can observe the current states of the I/Os and obtain information
regarding the mapping of the I/Os.
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Status of the Onboard I/Os
The status of the inline I/Os can be queried in the project tree below
the "Inline I/O" node in the same way.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Diagnostics with IMST
Diagnostics with IMST
The IndraMotion Service Tool (IMST) is a web-based diagnostic tool with which
an Ethernet connection can be established with an MLC L45 or L65 control
system. IMST enables OEMs, end users and service technicians to access the
above-mentioned control systems using a PC and Internet Explorer version 6,
7 or higher. IMST is suitable for use as a remote maintenance and diagnostic
This section describes IMST applications only. It is designed to give the person
responsible for commissioning an overview of the most frequent applications
for device exchange and diagnostic purposes. A more detailed description of
IMST can be found in the associated documentation.
The applications described may be subject to limited availability depending on
user authorizations. The default passwords set by Bosch Rexroth can be modi‐
fied by another user. Make sure that you have the proper user authorizations.
The system requirements and firmware versions required can be found in the
"IMST" documentation.
The IMST provides easy support for you in the following applications:
1. Device exchange:
"Saving, restoring and comparing device parameters," page 199 and
"Setting absolute value", page 202
2. Reading out diagnostics:
"Logging in and reading out firmware", page 195 and "Reading out diag‐
nostic data", page 197
3. Editing variables and parameters:
"Reading out and modifying PLC variables", page 202; "Editing parame‐
ters", page 203 and "Custom parameter list", page 204
4. Reading out and saving hardware details:
chapter 7.9 "Displaying and Saving Hardware Details" on page 206
Logging In and Reading Out Firmware
Logging in
Log into IMST by opening Internet Explorer and entering the IP address
of the control with which you want to establish a connection in the com‐
mand line.
The log in dialog box opens.
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Diagnostics with IMST
Logging into IMST
If the log in dialog box does not open, check your network settings
under Tools ▶ Internet options ▶ Connections ▶ Settings.
Make sure that you are not using an automatic configuration script
or a proxy server.
Log in with the user name and password. The default user name and
passwords are:
User name
No password required
Reading out firmware
Default user authorizations
Under Hardware you can read out the current firmware for the control and the
real axes.
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Diagnostics with IMST
Reading out the current firmware
Detailed information regarding hardware components for the control and the
real axes can be read out in the subfolders of Hardware .
Reading Out Diagnostic Data
Under Diagnostics the components configured in IndraWorks Project and loa‐
ded onto the control are listed.
The following components are supported:
IndraMotion control L45 or L65
Real axes
Virtual axes
Encoder axes
Link axes
Controller axes
In the MLC folder Mlc1 you can query the current diagnostics for the controls.
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Diagnostics with IMST
MLC diagnostic data
In this dialog box you can delete pending errors, hide the error and diagnostic
memory and set the system time.
Real axes
Under Real axes the axes configured in IndraWorks are displayed.
Diagnostic data for the real axes
Here you can delete axis errors, hide the error and diagnostic memory and
display drive status. Further details regarding drive status can be displayed.
Status display and direct link with
the diagnostics
The status display shows the current control phase. In addition, it shows if the
PLC is stopped or running.
If there is a current diagnostic message, the diagnostic button is lit up in red.
Click on the button to move into the view in which the diagnostic message is
displayed. Click several times to switch into all the views which display infor‐
mation regarding the pending error.
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Bosch Rexroth AG
Diagnostics with IMST
Status display with current diagnostic message
In the figure, the control is in operating mode and the PLC is running. You can
use the diagnostic button to call the existing diagnostics regarding the error in
Saving, Restoring and Comparing Device Parameters
In the Data file under Save the parameters for the control and real axes can be
saved, restored or compared with a current parameter block.
The following basic conditions must be taken into consideration:
The operations Save, Restore and Compare can be selected for each of
the respective devices.
The control must be in phase P2.
All parameters are saved on the control's memory card.
During the operations a progress bar is shown.
The following figure shows data being saved on the control's compact flash
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Diagnostics with IMST
Archiving data on the compact flash card
The data from the control, in this case C, M and O parameters, are saved on
the control's compact flash card. In addition, the parameters (S and P) of the
selected drives are saved on the control's compact flash card.
Note that the data are not saved on your PC, but on the control's
compact flash card.
Saving parameters
To save the parameters, select Backup. You can select the devices from
which the data is to be saved. To do this you can decide if you wish to
save device parameters, PLC retain data and/or hardware exchange data.
For hardware exchange data, for example, the parameters in the list of
parameter P‑0‑0195 are taken into consideration. The following figure lists
which parameter (lists) are relevant for which data.
Make your selection and Start the saving of the device data.
Parameters involved when saving and restoring data
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Diagnostics with IMST
Saving device data with IMST
The progress bar is displayed in the header.
The updated report appears in the lower half of the window.
After the data have been saved successfully, the parameters are stored
on the control's memory card.
Restoring parameters
If the device parameters saved on the MLC memory card are to be re‐
stored, select the Restore procedure. Here you must also specify to which
devices the data (device parameters, PLC retain data and hardware ex‐
change) are to be restored.
After starting the restoration you must confirm that you actually wish to
restore the data.
Confirming the restoration of data
Then a progress bar appears to inform you regarding the current status of
the restoration.
Progress bar regarding restoration
Following a successful restoration, a message regarding the data resto‐
ration appears in the message window.
Comparing parameters
In addition, you can use Compare to compare the saved parameters with those
that are currently on the device.
To do this, select the device that contains the parameters that are to be
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Diagnostics with IMST
When you start the comparison, the progress bar appears.
The result of the comparison appears in the message window.
Message window after comparing device parameters
The example described above differentiates the saved and current device
data in parameter S‑0‑0349.
Setting Absolute Value
When commissioning a system "Steps in the procedure" on page 23, during
hardware exchange "Steps in the procedure" on page 24, and during a firmware
update "Steps in the procedure" on page 25 the absolute value of the drive must
be set as the final step. This is easy to do using a dialog box in IMST.
Under Hardware ▶ Axis name ▶ Motor ▶ Reference Motor Encoder you can set
the absolute value of the drive.
Setting the absolute value of the drive
Reading Out and Modifying PLC Variables
The variable folder allows PLC variables that were created in the IndraWorks
symbol configuration and loaded into the control to be displayed and modified.
To configure PLC variables, you need the Rexroth IndraWorks de‐
velopment environment version 10 or greater.
1. Select a variable.
Its status and value are displayed. The value can be modified with a cor‐
responding entry.
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Diagnostics with IMST
Creating a symbol configuration
Reading and modifying a PLC variable
The following section described the creation and downloading of the symbol
configuration on the control:
Open the project by using IndraWorks, version 10 or greater.
Drag the Symbol Configuration into the IndraWorks library and drop it un‐
der Application.
Select the relevant variables and data types and download the project into
the control.
Creating a symbol configuration
In order to display the variables in IMST, they must be used in the
Editing Parameters
The parameter folder provides a parameter editor with which you can read and
modify the control and drive parameters. First, in the navigation structure, you
must select whether control or axis parameters are to be edited. After you make
your selection, the parameters can be searched for in a variety of ways:
Enter the parameter IDN
Searching with the toolbar icon
Search by entering a description
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Diagnostics with IMST
Entering a parameter IDN
To search for or modify a known parameter, you only have to enter the param‐
eter letter and the number in the IDN field (e.g. A‑0‑0005). You can omit the
leading zeroes in this entry. For example, for this parameter you only need to
enter "A5".
Searching with the toolbar icon
To select a parameter from a list, click the search toolbar icon
For a drive, you have to enter the respective parameter type to the
right next to the IDN field (A, S or P parameter).
A list of selected parameters appears, which can be selected using specific
Searching by entering a description
Enter a description in the Search text field to display the associated parameters
in the lower section of the page.
Parameter search
In the example listed above, the A parameters of the real axis MyRealAxis1
were searched for using the search toolbar icon. To limit search results, the
parameters were searched based on "drive". Then both parameters for the drive
address and the drive type were displayed. The user selected parameter
A‑0‑0005, the value of which ("1") is displayed in the parameter description in
the upper half of the tool display.
Custom Parameter List
The Custom folder allows you to create user-defined groups of PLC variables
and control and drive parameters. This user-defined view can be used to display
and modify the parameters it contains.
Note that in order to create and modify the custom parameter list,
you must have the appropriate user authorizations.
The following data types can be included in a custom parameter list:
PLC variables (PLC variables can only be used if they were created in the
symbol configuration, see "Creating a symbol configuration" on page
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Diagnostics with IMST
Creating a custom list or table
C parameters
M parameters
N parameters
O parameters
A, S and P parameters (here the associated axis must be selected)
You can create a custom list or table with the following procedure:
Right click on the Custom folder and select Add data group.
In the Add/Modify Custom Screen, enter a name first.
Creating a user-defined parameter list
Select the list or table format. A list is normally used for a display without
list parameters because it gives you a quick overview of the parameter
properties. A table is generally using for a display of list parameters.
Select the data type for the parameters to be displayed.
The parameters are selected from the Available data. You can either dou‐
ble click the parameters or highlight them and use the arrow keys (>>, <<).
Use the up/down arrow keys (↑, ↓) to change the parameter sequence.
When you have selected all of the parameters, click the OK button.
The new list or table appears below the Custom folder.
Modifying a list or table
To modify or remove a user-defined list or table that you have created, right
click in the navigation structure. Click on the name to open the list.
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Diagnostics with IMST
Editing user-defined lists
User-defined parameter list
Read and write permission for respective user groups can be assigned to the
lists you create. With the proper user authorization, the parameters in a userdefined parameter list can be modified by clicking on the Value field.
If the value can be changed in the current Sercos phase, a cursor appears with
which the parameter can be modified. For parameters that are read only, no
cursor appears.
Modifying a value of a parameter in a user-defined parameter list
Displaying and Saving Hardware Details
The hardware overview displays hardware components connected with the
control and created in the project.
The save button can be used to save the hardware information either in HTML
or XML format. In this way, the hardware data can be imported into a database
and managed.
Saving the hardware system information
After you select the format for saving the data, click OK to execute the save. A
browser opens, which displays the hardware information in the desired file for‐
mat. The data can now be saved to the PC by using the browser's save function.
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Diagnostics with IMST
Saved hardware configuration in HTML format
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Service and Support
Service and Support
Our service helpdesk at our headquarters in Lohr, Germany and our worldwide
service will assist you with all kinds of enquiries. You can reach us around the
clock - even on weekend and on holidays.
+49 (0) 9352 40 50 60
+49 (0) 9352 40 49 41
Service Hotline
Outwith Germany please con‐
tact our sales/service office in
your area first.
For hotline numbers refer to
the sales office addresses on
the Internet.
Preparing Information
You will also find additional notes regarding service, mainte‐
nance (e.g. delivery addresses) and training.
For quick and efficient help please have the following information ready:
Detailed description of the fault and the circumstances
Information on the type plate of the affected products, especially type co‐
des and serial numbers
Your phone, fax numbers and e-mail address so we can contact you in
case of questions.
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Address setting
Overview ...................................................... 81
Using parameter access .............................. 83
Using the standard operating unit ................ 82
Administrator....................................................... 33
Appropriate use
Areas of Application ....................................... 9
Introduction .................................................... 9
Use cases ...................................................... 9
Axis address setting............................................ 81
Basic master communication functions............... 79
Communication phases...................... 91, 176, 177
Complete backup procedure
Complete backup procedure ........................ 46
Complete data backup
General ........................................................ 46
Complete data backup (only IndraMotion MLC). 46
Complete project restoration
Complete project restoration ........................ 51
Configuration of the link and the link partici‐
pants................................................................. 148
Control panel
... of the standard operating unit .................. 99
Control SysErr..................................................... 31
Read out error memory ................................ 32
Creating a machine project, for commissioning. . 21
Credentials.......................................................... 33
CrossComm SERCOS II (CFL01.1-Q2)............ 169
Configuration of the link and the link par‐
ticipants ...................................................... 148
Distortion displays ...................................... 169
Cross link.................................................... 30, 168
Cross link diagnostics......................................... 30
CrossComm ............................................... 170
Diagnostic messages ................................. 169
Distortion displays ...................................... 169
in IndraWorks ............................................... 30
Link displays ............................................... 169
on the cross link module .............................. 30
Data types
Data types .................................................... 72
Deinstallation...................................................... 45
in case of parallel installations ..................... 45
using the operating system .......................... 45
Device control..................................................... 86
Device data......................................................... 72
Restore ......................................................... 75
...Device data
Save ............................................................. 72
Storage location ........................................... 75
Device status.................................................... 162
Diagnostic displays........................................... 171
IndraControl L45/65 ................................... 171
Input/Output modules ................................. 174
SERCOS bus coupler ................................ 175
Supply terminals ......................................... 173
Diagnostic LEDs for the SERCOS bus coupler 176
Diagnostics....................................................... 161
Cross link ................................................... 168
Diagnostic and status displays for the con‐
trol and inline modules with LEDs .............. 171
Diagnostic numbers and diagnostic texts
for the IndraMotion MLC L25/L45/L65 dis‐
play ............................................................. 161
Fieldbusses ................................................ 177
IMST ........................................................... 195
IndraWorks ................................................. 162
PLC ............................................................ 191
Profibus DP master .................................... 178
Profibus DP slave ....................................... 182
Profinet I/O controller ................................. 183
Profinet I/O device ...................................... 186
Sercos III I/O .............................................. 187
Diagnostics for the display of the IndraMotion
MLC.................................................................. 161
Diagnostics with IMST...................................... 195
Display of an IndraMotion MLC L25/L45/L65.... 161
Drive address...................................................... 81
Drive control commands..................................... 83
Drive system....................................................... 11
DTM.................................................................. 151
Archiving .................................................... 159
Commissioning ........................................... 152
Configuration .............................................. 156
Device exchange ................................ 157, 158
Diagnostics ................................................. 159
Going online ............................................... 155
Insert address ............................................ 155
Inserting into the project ............................. 155
Installation .................................................. 151
Loading the parameters from the device .... 157
Restoration ................................................. 159
Writing the parameters into the device ....... 158
Electric drive system........................................... 11
Exchange a DTM device..................................... 28
Exchange an inline module................................. 28
Exchange an MLC function module.................... 27
Exchange a Profibus participant......................... 27
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Exchange the drive control unit using the mul‐
timedia card (MMC)............................................. 25
Exchange the drive control unit without a mul‐
timedia card (MMC)............................................. 25
Exchanging a DTM device.................................. 28
Exchanging an inline module.............................. 28
Exchanging an MLC function module................. 27
Exchanging a Profibus participant...................... 27
Exchanging firmware.......................................... 58
Exchanging the drive control unit using the
multimedia card (MMC)....................................... 25
Exchanging the drive control unit without a
multimedia card (MMC)....................................... 25
Exchanging the MLC
Existing compact flash card ......................... 26
No compact flash card ................................. 26
Exchanging the MLC with an existing com‐
pact flash card..................................................... 26
Exchanging the MLC without a compact flash
card..................................................................... 26
FDT communication channel............................ 154
FDT container................................................... 151
Fieldbus diagnostics........................................... 30
in IndraWorks ............................................... 30
Diagnostics ................................................. 177
Firmware exchange.......................................... 114
Basic principles, terms ............................... 114
Possible problems ...................................... 133
Firmware release update.................................. 115
Firmware update......................................... 58, 114
Firmware update for MLC and drives ................. 24
Firmware upgrade............................................. 114
Firmware Version Upgrade............................... 123
H1 display (7 segment display)......................... 176
Hard drive installation......................................... 34
IMST................................................................. 195
Comparing device parameters ................... 201
Creating a custom parameter list ............... 205
Custom parameter list ................................ 204
Editing custom parameter lists ................... 206
Editing parameters ..................................... 203
Hardware details ........................................ 206
Logging in ................................................... 195
Modifying a custom parameter list ............. 205
Modifying PLC variables ............................ 202
Reading out diagnostic data ....................... 197
Reading out firmware ................................. 196
Reading out PLC variables ........................ 202
Restoring device parameters ..................... 201
Saving device parameters .......................... 200
Setting absolute value ................................ 202
Inappropriate use................................................ 10
Inappropriate Use
Consequences, non-liability ........................... 9
IndraDrive, hardware information...................... 189
IndraDrive diagnostics........................................ 29
Diagnostic memory ...................................... 29
on the display ............................................... 29
IndraDrive hardware information....................... 189
IndraMotion MLC control - Context menu
Diagnostics, clear errors ............................ 163
Diagnostics, device status .......................... 162
Diagnostics, error memory / diagnostics
memory ...................................................... 164
Diagnostics, extended properties ............... 163
Diagnostics, invalid parameters ................. 166
IndraMotion MLC - display and operating keys... 55
IndraMotion MLC - memory deletion................... 61
IndraMotion MLC - Menu overview on the op‐
eration of display and keyboard.......................... 57
IndraMotion MLC - setting the IP address.......... 55
Initial installation.................................................. 33
Initial system commissioning.............................. 22
Inline module
Diagnostic and status displays ................... 171
Diagnostic displays .................................... 171
Status displays ........................................... 171
Inline modules
Displays on other inline modules ............... 177
Input/output modules........................................ 174
Installation........................................................... 21
Files, required .............................................. 21
Hardware requirements ................................ 21
LED combinations............................................. 175
LED displays
SERCOS bus coupler ................................ 175
Licensing the installation..................................... 33
Loading basic parameters onto IndraDrive....... 134
Loading of the defaults procedure.................... 143
Loading of the defaults procedure for safety
technology......................................................... 143
Management commands.................................... 84
Master communication
Basic functions ............................................. 79
Control and status words ............................. 93
MLC diagnostics................................................. 28
Diagnostic memory ...................................... 29
on the display ......................................... 29, 30
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
MLC hardware information................................ 188
MLC link, CrossComm SERCOS II (CFL01.1-Q2)
Control address .......................................... 149
Link address ............................................... 149
Link master ................................................. 149
Link participants ......................................... 149
Link slave ................................................... 149
Standalone participant ............................... 150
Monitor commands............................................. 84
operating mode................................................... 92
Operating mode.................................................. 87
Parallel installation.............................................. 42
parameterization mode....................................... 92
Parameterization mode....................................... 87
Parameters - exporting....................................... 67
Parameters - importing....................................... 68
PELV................................................................... 15
Reading out variables ................................ 193
Status ......................................................... 191
Status, onboard I/Os .................................. 193
Power supply terminals
Displays ...................................................... 177
Protective extra-low voltage................................ 15
Reading out hardware information.................... 188
Reading out the PLC logbook............................. 31
Read out of hardware information..................... 188
Read out the PLC logbook.................................. 31
Rebooting the control.......................................... 61
Release update................................................. 114
Safety instructions for electric drives and con‐
trols..................................................................... 11
Safety technology..................................... 135, 145
Activating .................................................... 142
Setup .......................................................... 136
Several drives ............................................ 146
SERCOS bus coupler....................................... 175
Communication phases .............................. 176
Diagnostic and status displays ................... 175
Module error ............................................... 175
Seven segment display .............................. 176
Setting the axis address...................................... 81
Seven segment display..................................... 176
State machine..................................................... 86
Internal device .............................................. 87
Master communication ................................. 89
Supply terminals............................................... 173
Diagnostics ................................................. 173
see Service Hotline .................................... 209
System command change bit.............................. 85
System command execution............................... 84
System command processing............................. 83
System commissioning....................................... 22
Updating drive firmware...................................... 24
Updating the control............................................ 24
Version upgrade................................................ 114
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Rexroth IndraMotion MLC 10VRS Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
+49 (0)93 52-40-0
+49 (0)93 52-48 85
Printed in Germany