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Compare Writing Styles: Exam Prep

SAMPLE RESPONSE (This is a hypothetical
Compare the different ways that the writers
present their ideas (about any topic)
✓ This question requires you to give both
similarities and differences.
In text1, the writer uses direct address, “you
are responsible for saving the earth…” to
1. A response that touches on language address the reader directly and to provoke
them to take action. In text 2, the writer has
For example;
used rhetorical questions, for example, “do you
✓ Use of emotive language
think being a vegetarian is important?” to
✓ Direct address (using pronoun “you”
engage the reader.
✓ Use
of imagery
metaphors, Both writers have used subheadings to help
personification etc)
readers to navigate through the text.
✓ Use of personal pronouns to involve the
✓ Rhetorical questions to engage the reader
(Depending on the marks, give as many
differences and similarities as possible)
✓ Facts and statistics to validate or support
the writer’s point
✓ Use of direct speech or dialogue breaks the
monotony or boredom of narration.
2. Comment on how the text is structured
✓ Use of paragraphs to organise the text
✓ Title to inform the readers what the text is
✓ A tagline to give the reader background
✓ Subheadings to help the reader navigate
through the text
✓ Bullet points to list or enumerate important
✓ Use of parenthesis (words in brackets) to
provide the reader with extra information
This question requires you to explore the use
Explain, as fully as you can, how the writer of language as well as structure
The writer uses short sentences to show how
has made the extract interesting and Talk about, among others:
quickly the train crosses the bridge ‘And they
engaging for the reader.
✓ How the text is structured (consider passed over! It was like a flash.’
things like title, tagline, subheadings,
bullet points, parenthesis etc)
✓ Short sentences and long sentences,
what effect does it have?
✓ Language styles used (For example,
adjectives, adverbs, similes, metaphors,
personification, rule of three, paradox,
oxymoron etc)
NOTE: In order to be credited, these responses
must be securely related to evidence from the
text. Generic responses are not rewarded.
(Identify as many points as possible)