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Delivering Negative News template

December 1, 2021
Mr. Carson Tampo
Manager of Project Department
JAC Properties Company
100 Park Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R1B 1G2
Dear Carson,
This letter informs you about the Star Hotel project at Donald Avenue. We regret to inform you that
we need more time to complete the project. Due to the delay of deck tiles, the project has fallen
behind schedule by 15 days.
The commencement of the Star Hotel project was planned for the start of February 2022. We designed
the timelines of all the different activities accordingly. However, the work progression depended on
the availability of raw materials ordered from China and expected at the end of December 2021.
Unfortunately, the container will only reach late due to a delay in clearance at customs. Customs was
not satisfied as we did not submit all the required documents. There was a change in one of the raw
materials, and we need to have new certificates from our supplier in China. We communicated with
the customs immediately and provided all missing certificates. Due to this situation, the delivery of
the raw materials will only be available until the mid of January 2022. We expect the revised start day
of the project will be early March 2022.
The shipment delay affected the project onset and automatically delayed all the subsequent activities.
We work closely with all sub-contractors to minimize additional financial costs with a revised
schedule. The updated plan will ensure all subsequent activities will be completed accordingly
without increasing the planned expenses. The only increment in the cost will be time overall. I
understand that time is money, which might also change your work schedule. I noticed there will be a
ground-breaking ceremony scheduled in February 2022. Our company will do everything possible to
minimize the inconvenience caused. We will have two additional project managers involved to ensure
everything runs smoothly. We will also submit our progress reports twice a week instead of once a
week to keep you informed. We shall not charge any of our extra workforces.
On behalf of SEEC Company, I would like to apologize for your inconvenience personally.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the delay, the new schedule, or anything
Yours Sincerely,
Mary Queens
Project Manager
SEEC Company
238 Mary Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R5B 0G2