Manila * Cavite * Laguna * Cebu * Cagayan De Oro * Davao Since 1977 FAR FAR.3211-Impairment of Nonfinancial Assets OCAMPO/OCAMPO MAY 2022 DISCUSSION PROBLEMS 1. PAS 36 applies to which of the following assets? a. Financial assets within the scope of PFRS 9 b. Inventories c. Non-current assets held for sale d. Intangible assets 2. PAS 36 does not apply to which of the following assets? a. Investment in associate b. Investment property that is measured using the cost model c. Property, plant and equipment that is measured using the revaluation model d. Biological assets measured at fair value less costs to sell 3. In accordance with PAS 36, an asset is impaired a. When its carrying amount exceeds recoverable amount. b. When its carrying amount exceeds net realizable value. c. When its carrying amount exceeds fair value. d. When its carrying amount is less than the recoverable amount. 4. Recoverable amount is a. The amount at which an asset is recognized after deducting accumulated depreciation (amortization) and accumulated impairment losses thereon. b. The price that would be received to sell an asset in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date less incremental costs directly attributable to the disposal of an asset or cash-generating unit, excluding finance costs and income tax expense. c. The present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from an asset or cashgenerating unit. d. The higher of an asset's fair value less costs of disposal and its value in use. 5. Costs of disposal are incremental costs directly attributable to the disposal of an asset or cashgenerating unit. Examples of such costs include a. Finance costs b. Income tax expense c. Termination benefits (as defined in PAS 19) d. Direct incremental costs to bring an asset into condition for its sale 6. Costs of disposal do not include a. Legal costs b. Stamp duty and similar transaction taxes c. Costs of removing the asset d. Costs associated with reducing or reorganizing a business following the disposal of an asset Page 1 of 7 7. Which of the following is incorrect regarding identifying an asset that may be impaired? a. At the end of each reporting period, an entity is required to assess whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. b. If there is an indication that an asset may be impaired, then the asset's recoverable amount must be calculated. c. An indication that an asset may be impaired may indicate that the asset's useful life, depreciation method, or residual value may need to be reviewed and adjusted. d. Only internal indicators of impairment should be considered. 8. Internal sources of information indicating that an asset may be impaired include a. There are observable indications that the asset’s value has declined during the period significantly more than would be expected as a result of the passage of time or normal use. b. Significant changes with an adverse effect on the entity have taken place during the period, or will take place in the near future, in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in which the entity operates or in the market to which an asset is dedicated. c. Market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have increased during the period, and those increases are likely to affect the discount rate used in calculating an asset’s value in use and decrease the asset’s recoverable amount materially. d. Evidence is available of obsolescence or physical damage of an asset. 9. Riley acquired a non-current asset on Jan. 1, 2018 at a cost of P100,000 which had a useful economic life of ten years and a nil residual value. The asset had been correctly depreciated up to Dec. 31, 2022. At that date the asset was damaged and an impairment review was performed. On Dec. 31, 2022, the fair value of the asset less costs of disposal was P30,000 and the expected future cash flows were P8,500 per annum for the next five years. The appropriate discount rate is 10% and a five-year annuity of P1 per annum at 10% would have a present value of P3.79. What amount would be charged to profit or loss for the impairment of this asset for the year ended Dec. 31, 2022? a. P17,785 c. P30,000 b. P20,000 d. P32,215 FAR.3211 EXCEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. 10. Twinkle Corporation has one division that performs machining operations on parts that are sold to contractors. A group of machines have an aggregate cost and accumulated depreciation on Dec. 31, 2022 as follows: Machinery Accumulated depreciation P90,000,000 30,000,000 The machines have an average remaining life of 4 years. The fair value less costs of disposal of this group of machines in an active market is determined to be P45,000,000. The financial forecast for this group of machines reveals the following cash inflows and cash outflows for the next four years: 2023 2024 2025 2026 Cash inflows 30,000,000 32,000,000 26,000,000 16,000,000 Cash outflows 12,000,000 17,000,000 14,000,000 6,000,000 Compute for the impairment loss in 2022 assuming that the appropriate discount rate is 8%. a. P13,598,700 c. P15,000,000 b. P14,299,350 d. P 0 SOLUTION GUIDE: Net cash flows 2023 18,000,000 2024 15,000,000 2025 12,000,000 2026 10,000,000 Period 1 2 3 4 PVF@8% 0.9259 0.8573 0.7938 0.7350 PV, 12/31/22 16,666,200 12,859,500 9,525,600 7,350,000 46,401,300 11. Autobots Bottling purchased for P800,000 a trademark for a very successful soft drink it markets under the name OK!. The trademark was determined to have an indefinite life. A competitor recently introduced a product that is in direct competition with the OK! product, thus suggesting the need for an impairment test. Data gathered by Autobots suggests that the useful life of the trademark is still indefinite, but the cash flows expected to be generated by the trademark have been reduced either to P30,000 per year (with a probability of 80%) or to P60,000 per year (with 20% probability). The appropriate risk-free interest rate is 5%. The appropriate risk-adjusted interest rate is 10%. The loss on impairment of trademark is a. P440,000 c. P200,000 b. P320,000 d. P 80,000 12. When deciding on the discount rate that should be used, which factors should be taken into account? a. Pretax rates b. The time value of money c. Risks that relate to the asset for which future cash flow estimates have not been adjusted d. All of these. 13. When calculating the estimates of future cash flows, which of the following cash flows should not be included? a. Cash flows from the sale of assets produced by the asset b. Cash outflows on the maintenance of the asset c. Cash flows from disposal d. Income tax payment Page 2 of 7 14. An entity has an oil platform in the sea. The entity has to decommission the platform at the end of its useful life, and a provision was set up at the commencement of production. The carrying amount of the provision is P8 million. The entity has received an offer of P20 million (selling costs P1 million) for the rights to the oil platform, which reflects the fact that the owners have to decommission it at the end of its useful life. The value-in-use of the oil platform is P26 million ignoring decommissioning costs. The current carrying amount of the oil platform is P28 million. How much should be recognized as impairment loss? a. P10,000,000 c. P1,000,000 b. P 2,000,000 d. P 0 15. The recoverable amount of asset to be disposed of is a. Fair value less costs of disposal b. Value in use c. The higher of a and b d. The lower of a and b Use the following information for the next two questions. An entity has a building classified as investment property. The building was acquired on Jan. 1, 2018 at a cost of P50,000,000. The building has an estimated life of 25 years and nil residual value. The following information is available: Fair value Costs of disposal Value in use 12/31/21 P45,000,000 4,000,000 43,000,000 12/31/22 P42,000,000 3,500,000 39,500,000 16. If the entity used the cost model, the total expense to be recognized in 2022 profit or loss is a. P3,500,000 c. P2,000,000 b. P2,500,000 d. P 500,000 17. If the entity used the fair value model instead of cost model, the 2022 profit would have been a. The same c. Lower by P1,000,000 b. Higher by P500,000 d. Lower by P500,000 Use the following information for the next three questions. An entity is developing a new production process. During 2021, expenditure incurred was P1,000,000, of which P900,000 was incurred before Dec. 1, 2021 and P100,000 was incurred between Dec. 1, 2021 and Dec. 31, 2021. The entity is able to demonstrate that, at Dec. 1, 2021, the production process met the criteria for recognition as an intangible asset. The recoverable amount of the knowhow embodied in the process (including future cash outflows to complete the process before it is available for use) is estimated to be P500,000. During 2022, expenditure incurred is P2,000,000. At the end of 2022, the recoverable amount of the know-how embodied in the process (including future cash outflows to complete the process before it is available for use) is estimated to be P1,900,000. 18. The impairment loss to be recognized in 2021 is a. P1,000,000 c. P100,000 b. P 500,000 d. Nil 19. The impairment loss to be recognized in 2022 is a. P600,000 c. P100,000 b. P200,000 d. Nil FAR.3211 EXCEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. 20. The intangible asset shall be tested for impairment a. Annually, if there is any indication of impairment. b. Annually, irrespective of whether there is any indication of impairment. c. Annually, irrespective of whether there is any indication of impairment when the asset is already available for use. d. The intangible asset is not subject to impairment since it is not yet available for use. 21. Which statement is incorrect regarding recognition and measurement of an impairment loss? a. An impairment loss shall be recognized immediately in profit or loss, unless the asset is carried at revalued amount in accordance with another Standard. b. Any impairment loss of a revalued asset shall be treated as a revaluation decrease in accordance with that other Standard. c. After the recognition of an impairment loss, the depreciation (amortization) charge for the asset shall be adjusted in future periods to allocate the asset’s revised carrying amount, less its residual value (if any), on a systematic basis over its remaining useful life. d. None of these. 22. Skipton Co. bought land in 2013 at a cost of P300,000. In 2016 the land was revalued to P350,000 and in 2021 it was revalued again to P400,000. At the end of 2022 the land had a value in use of P270,000 and the fair value less costs of disposal was P285,000. How much of the impairment loss should be recognized in 2022 profit or loss? a. P115,000 c. P15,000 b. P 30,000 d. Nil 23. Recoverable amount is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does not generate cash inflows that are largely independent of those from other assets or groups of assets. If this is the case, a. Recoverable amount is determined for the cashgenerating unit to which the asset belongs. b. Recoverable amount is the value-in-use. c. Recoverable amount is the fair value less costs of disposal. d. Recoverable amount is the carrying value. 24. What is a ‘cash generating unit’ as defined in PAS 36? a. The smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. b. Operations and cash flows that can be clearly distinguished, operationally and for financial reporting purposes, from the rest of the entity. c. A group of assets to be disposed of, by sale or otherwise, together as a group in a single transaction, and liabilities directly associated with those assets that will be transferred in the transaction. d. Assets other than goodwill that contribute to the future cash flows of both the cash-generating unit under review and other cash-generating units. Page 3 of 7 25. Which statement is incorrect regarding impairment of goodwill in accordance with PAS 36? a. To test for impairment, goodwill must be allocated to each of the acquirer's cash-generating units, or groups of cash-generating units, that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. b. A cash-generating unit to which goodwill has been allocated shall be tested for impairment at least annually by comparing the carrying amount of the unit, including the goodwill, with the recoverable amount of the unit. c. Reversal of an impairment loss for goodwill is prohibited. d. None of these. 26. Los Company purchased Banos Company for P100,000,000. The net assets of Banos Company on the date of acquisition amounted to P80,000,000. Thus, there is a goodwill of P20,000,000. Banos Company has three segments, each of which is considered a cash generating unit. The goodwill is allocated respectively to segments One, Two and Three, P5,000,000, P6,000,000 and P9,000,000. On Dec. 31, 2022, Segment One suffered significant losses and its recoverable amount is P30,000,000. On Dec. 31, 2022, the carrying amounts are as follows: Segment One Segment Two Segment Three Goodwill P28,000,000 50,000,000 67,000,000 20,000,000 In its 2022 income statement, Los Company should report impairment loss at a. P3,000,000 c. P5,000,000 b. P2,000,000 d. P1,000,000 27. Which statement is incorrect regarding allocation of impairment loss in a cash-generating unit in accordance with PAS 36? a. First, reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit. b. Then, reduce the carrying amounts of the other assets of the unit pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset in the unit. c. The carrying amount of an asset should not be reduced below the highest of its fair value less costs of disposal (if determinable), its value in use (if determinable) and zero. d. None, all the statements are correct. 28. An entity has determined that one of its cashgenerating units has sustained an impairment loss of P450,000. The carrying amounts of the assets within the unit are as follows: Goodwill Asset 1 Asset 2 Asset 3 Total P 200,000 300,000 400,000 100,000 P1,000,000 The estimated fair value less costs of disposal of Asset 1 is P230,000. How much is the carrying amount of Asset 3 after impairment loss is recognized? a. P16,667 c. P64,000 b. P56,875 d. P68,750 FAR.3211 EXCEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. 29. Jenus owns a company called Klassic Kars. from Jenus' consolidated statement of position relating to Klassic Kars are: Goodwill Franchise costs Restored vehicles (at cost) Plant Other net assets Extracts financial P 80,000,000 50,000,000 90,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 P370,000,000 An impairment review has estimated that the value of Klassic Kars as a going concern is only P240 million. The franchise has a recoverable amount of P30 million. The restored vehicles have an estimated realizable value of P115 million. How much is the carrying amount of Plant after impairment loss is recognized? a. P66,666,667 c. P80,000,000 b. P75,000,000 d. P82,800,000 SOLUTION GUIDE: 30. As of Jan. 1, 2022, Entity A owns 80% of the shares of Entity B. Entity B is a (single) cash-generating unit. In accordance with PIC Q&A 2018-02, in which of the following does an entity need to gross up goodwill for any amount of goodwill not recognized due to a current or previously outstanding non-controlling interest when performing a goodwill impairment test related to the subsidiary at Dec. 31, 2022? a. On June 30, 2022, Entity A acquires the remaining 20% ownership interest in Entity B. Entity A previously measured the non-controlling interest at initial recognition at its proportionate interest in the net identifiable assets. b. On June 30, 2022, Entity A acquires 10% of the remaining ownership interest in Entity B, leaving a non-controlling interest of 10% as of December 31, 2022. Entity A previously measured the noncontrolling interest at initial recognition at its fair value. c. On June 30, 2022, Entity A sells 20% of the ownership interest in Entity B, resulting in a noncontrolling interest of 40% as of December 31, 2022. Entity A previously measured the noncontrolling interest at initial recognition at its fair value. d. None of these. 31. Which statement is incorrect regarding ‘corporate assets’? a. Corporate assets are assets other than goodwill that contribute to the future cash flows of both the cash-generating unit under review and other cashgenerating units. b. Corporate assets include group or divisional assets such as the building of a headquarters or a division of the entity, EDP equipment or a research center. Page 4 of 7 c. The distinctive characteristics of corporate assets are that they generate cash inflows independently of other assets or groups of assets and their carrying amount can be fully attributed to the cash-generating unit under review. d. If there is an indication that a corporate asset may be impaired, recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit or group of cashgenerating units to which the corporate asset belongs, and is compared with the carrying amount of this cash-generating unit or group of cash-generating units. 32. Which statement is incorrect regarding the reversal of an impairment loss? a. The increased carrying amount of asset other than goodwill attributable to a reversal of an impairment loss shall not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. b. Reversal of an impairment loss is recognized as income in profit or loss. c. Depreciation for future periods is adjusted. d. Reversal of an impairment loss is allowed when the recoverable amount of the asset becomes higher than its carrying amount because of the ‘unwinding’ of the discount. 33. Internal sources of information indicating that an impairment loss recognized in prior periods for an asset may no longer exist or may have decreased include a. There are observable indications that the asset’s value has increased significantly during the period. b. Significant changes with a favorable effect on the entity have taken place during the period, or will take place in the near future, in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in which the entity operates or in the market to which an asset is dedicated. c. Market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have decreased during the period, and those increases are likely to affect the discount rate used in calculating an asset’s value in use and increase the asset’s recoverable amount materially. d. Evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic performance of an asset is, or will be, better than expected. Use the following information for the next two questions. Twig Company reported an impairment loss of P4,000,000 in its income statement for the year 2021. This loss was related to an equipment which was acquired on Jan. 1, 2020 with cost of P25,000,000, useful life of 10 years and no residual value. The straight-line method is used in recording depreciation of this asset. On Dec. 31, 2021 statement of financial position, Twig reported this asset at P16,000,000 which is the recoverable amount on that date. On Dec. 31, 2022, Twig decided to measure the asset using revaluation model. This asset was then appraised at a fair value of P19,000,000. 34. The gain on impairment recovery to be recognized in 2022 profit or loss is a. P5,000,000 c. P3,500,000 b. P4,000,000 d. P 0 35. The revaluation increase to be recognized in 2022 other comprehensive income is a. P5,000,000 c. P1,500,000 b. P3,000,000 d. P 0 FAR.3211 EXCEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. Use the following information for the next two questions: One of the cash-generating units of Tweak Corporation is that associated with the manufacture of wine barrels. At Dec. 31, 2021, Tweak Corporation believed, based on an analysis of economic indicators, that the assets of the unit were impaired. The carrying amounts of the assets in the unit at Dec. 31, 2021 were: Buildings, net (Depreciated at P60,000 per annum) Machinery, net (Depreciated at P45,000 per annum) Goodwill Inventory Receivables, net (Allow. for doubtful debts of P5,000) Cash Total Computation of limit on reversal of impairment loss Buildings Buildings (P240T-P60T) Machinery (P180T-P45T) 180,000 15,000 80,000 CA, 12/31/22- w/ impairment 35,000 20,000 P570,000 During 2022, Tweak Corporation increased the depreciation charge on buildings to P65,000 per annum, and to P50,000 per annum for factory machinery. The inventory on hand at Dec. 31, 2021 was sold by the end of 2022. At Dec. 31, 2022, Tweak Corporation, due to a return in the market to the use of traditional barrels for wines and an increase in wine production, assessed the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to be P20,000 greater than the carrying amount of the unit. 36. How much is the carrying amount of buildings at Dec. 31, 2021 after allocating impairment loss? a. P230,400 c. P231,028 b. P224,300 d. P228,571 37. How much is the carrying amount of factory machinery at Dec. 31, 2022 after the reversal of impairment loss? a. P135,000 c. P131,322 b. P131,793 d. P123,271 SOLUTION for #36: CA before impairment Allocated loss CA after impairment Buildings P240,000 (P 9,600) P230,400 Machinery 180,000 ( 7,200) 172,800 Goodwill 15,000 (15,000) - Inventory 80,000 ( 3,200) 76,800 Receivables 35,000 - 35,000 Cash 20,000 - 20,000 Total P570,000 (35,000) P535,000 Machinery CA, 12/31/22- w/o impairment P240,000 Tweak Corporation determined the value in use of the unit to be P535,000. The receivables were considered to be collectible, except those considered doubtful. Page 5 of 7 SOLUTION for #37: Buildings (P230.4T-P65T) P180,000 P135,000 165,400 Machinery (P172.8T-P50T) Reversal limit . 122,800 P 14,600 P 12,200 Allocation of reversal of impairment loss CA before reversal Allocated reversal CA after reversal Buildings P165,400 P11,478 P176,878 Machinery 122,800 8,522 131,322 P288,200 P20,000 Total 38. An entity shall disclose the following for each class of assets: I. The amount of impairment losses recognized in profit or loss during the period and the line item(s) of the statement of comprehensive income in which those impairment losses are included. II. The amount of reversals of impairment losses recognized in profit or loss during the period and the line item(s) of the statement of comprehensive income in which those impairment losses are reversed. III. The amount of impairment losses on revalued assets recognized in other comprehensive income during the period. IV. The amount of reversals of impairment losses on revalued assets recognized in other comprehensive income during the period. a. b. I, II and IV only II, and IV only c. II, III and IV only d. I, II, III and IV - done - FAR.3211 EXCEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS PROBLEM NO. 1 – Assets subject to impairment in accordance with PAS 36 _____ 1. Inventory _____ 2. Biological asset measured at fair value less costs to sell _____ 3. Biological asset not measured at fair value less costs to sell _____ 4. Property, plant and equipment measured under the cost model _____ 5. Property, plant and equipment measured under the revaluation model _____ 6. Investment property measured under the cost model _____ 7. Investment property measured under the fair value model _____ 8. Intangible asset measured under the cost model _____ 9. Intangible asset measured under the revaluation model _____ 10. Exploration and evaluation asset measured under the cost model _____ 11. Exploration and evaluation asset measured under the revaluation model _____ 12. Non-current asset held for sale _____ 13. Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss _____ 14. Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income _____ 15. Financial asset at amortized cost _____ 16. Investment in associate _____ 17. Derivative asset _____ 18. Contract asset _____ 19. Deferred tax asset _____ 20. Pension asset REQUIRED: YES OR NO. Write YES if the asset is within the scope of PAS 36. If not, write NO. ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NO NO YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO Page 6 of 7 FAR.3211 EXCEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. PROBLEM NO. 2 – Indicators of impairment _____ 1. Evidence is available of obsolescence or physical damage of an asset. _____ 2. _____ 3. There are observable indications that the asset’s value has declined during the period significantly more than would be expected as a result of the passage of time or normal use. Market interest rates on investments have decreased during the period. _____ 4. The asset becomes idle. _____ 5. _____ 6. Significant changes with an adverse effect on the entity have taken place during the period, or will take place in the near future, in the technological, market, economic or legal environment in which the entity operates or in the market to which an asset is dedicated. Plans to discontinue or restructure the operation to which an asset belongs. _____ 7. Plans to dispose of an asset before the previously expected date. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. Market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have increased during the period, and those increases are likely to affect the discount rate used in calculating an asset’s value in use and decrease the asset’s recoverable amount materially. Operating losses or net cash outflows for the asset, when current period amounts are aggregated with budgeted amounts for the future. Reassessing the useful life of an asset as finite rather than indefinite. _____ 11. _____ 12. Evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic performance of the asset is, or will be, better than expected. The carrying amount of the net assets of the entity is more than its market capitalization. REQUIRED: YES OR NO. Write YES if the item is an impairment indicator. If not, write NO. If an impairment indicator, specify whether external or internal. ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. YES, YES, NO YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, NO YES, Internal External Internal External Internal Internal External Internal Internal External J - end of FAR.3211 - J Page 7 of 7 FAR.3211