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UnitPlanLullabiesforLittleCriminalsbyHeatherONeill-1 (1)

Unit Plan
1 For Teachers – Unit Plan Layout Hello and thank you for purchasing my unit plan on Lullabies for Little Criminals!!! This
is a fantastic novel for young adults, dealing with many heavy topics in an approachable
and relatable way. I personally teach at risk youth and they always find the story
extremely poignant. I hope you enjoy the novel and that this unit plan assists you and
your class.
Contract – At the beginning of the unit plan you will find a student contract. While not
essential, I always have students sign the contract, promising not to read ahead.
Starting the Package - I usually read pg 1-12 aloud with the students to have an initial
discussion of the characters/plot/structure of the novel. The first assignment can be found
on pg 4 of the enclosed booklet. Students complete this for class or homework and then
we discuss the answers together. Starting with pg. 4 (Life With Jules, part 2), students
read alone and answer the questions individually.
Read and React – These are quick reports on the novel which kids can work on alone, as
opposed to the other pages, which has them working more as a group (at least the way I
do it). Students complete these when they are assigned a chapter reading. This allows
me to verify they are up to date with the reading and assess their level of comprehension.
Students are expected to cover the major literary elements. Handouts on literary elements
can be found online.
There are also a few scattered homework assignments, typically things that compliment
the Read and React sections. They are typically questions that deal with vocabulary
words and comprehension.
Short Answer Questions – There are list of questions specifically corresponding to each
chapter. A teachers answer sheet is at the back of the unit plan. I typically have students
complete these in class and then discuss them as a group.
Final Assignment – A one page writing assignment. Students learn about the author’s
life and are asked to reflect on whether this changes their view of the book.
Test – A test comprised of 5 larger thematic questions. Students are to write a 1 page
response to each question (they choose 4 out of 5).
2 Student Contract In English class, we will be reading the novel “Lullabies for Little Criminals” I promise: 1. I will keep up with the assigned reading
3. I will bring my book to class and not lose or
lend it.
Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ 3 LULLABIES FOR LITTLE CRIMINALS
Read and React This novel is divided into 8 main chapters:
Life With Jules
The last Time We Were Children
Napoleon Street
Going to War
The Devil In a Track Suit
The Milky Way
Playing Grown-Up
pg. 1-22
pg 23-44
pg 45-88
pg 88-141
pg 141-184
pg. 185-199
pg 200-285
pg 286-330
YOUR TASK is to write a Read and React after each chapter (or in the case of the
really long chapters, sub chapters if you so choose).
You need to talk about what you have read (plot), the characters (describe who they are,
how they have changed, etc), your opinion and feelings about what is happening and any
predictions or advice for the characters you might have.
Read the literary elements and literary techniques and include as many of these words
as you can. Underline in red pen when you have used a word from the list. You should
be able to find examples of every one of these in the book.
Discuss the theme of each chapter (e.g. “the man against self”) and example how it fits
what you have read.
Don’t forget to write about Heather O’ Neill’s writing style, and feel free to quote or
include phrases or passages which you really like (or dislike). Include the page number!
Each “Read and React” should be approximately 2 pages long.
There will be a test when you have completed the book.
This counts towards English marks!!! Do your best
List of Literary Elements and Techniques may be found here:
Answer in full sentences that paraphrase the question
As you read this chapter, look for the best example you can find of descriptive
writing, and quote it and the page number and explain why it’s effective
Where do Jules and Baby live at the beginning of the novel? (setting of the
In the passage you have read, identify the following: (2 pts each)
Minor character
Which point of view is used
LIFE WITH JULES PT 2 12-22 A. “The moon was out already and looked like a melting bit of ice in a glass
of water. A few big snowflakes starting falling here and there, all slowly,
like spiders on their invisible webs coming down.” (pg. 12)
B. “My breath in the cold air was bleach that accidentally spilled on a black
T-shirt” (pg. 17)
A is an example of ____________________________________
B is an example of ____________________________________
“People give you a hard time about being a kid at twelve. They didn’t want to
give you Halloween candy anymore. They said things like “If this were the
Middle Ages, you’d be married and you’d own a farm with a million chickens on
it”. They were trying to kick you out of childhood. Once you were gone, there
was no going back, so you had to hold on as long as you could. Marika was
beckoning from the other side” (p. 17)
“Home was something that you could fit into a suitcase and move in a taxi for
ten dollars. Home was wherever Jules and I were together” (pg. 17)
Write a composition (approx. 1 page, 3 paragraphs) which explains
ONE of the above quotations and gives your opinion on it. Give
your work a title, check grammar, etc.
Answer in complete sentences, except for True/False answers
1. As you read this chapter, look for TWO examples of exceptional (poetic,
descriptive, unusual….) writing. Quote them, citing the page number.
/4 pts
2. Why is Baby going to Val des
3. Why did Baby start wearing makeup and cursing?
4. Heather O’Neill uses many similes
and metaphors to compare things
to unlike things, e.g on p. 25:
“people….looking….like dogs
without owners” (a simile, uses
“like” or “as”) and “the houses
reminded me of milk cartons”
(metaphor). Find an example of a
simile and of a metaphor in the first paragraph of p. 26. /4 pts
5. What advice does Isabelle give the kids in her group home (p. 27) /1pt
6. Tell 3 “special” things about Linus which make him different from the other
kids. /6 pts
7. True or False? Isabelle’s sister loved the group home kids /1pt
8. What is a masochist? (vocabulary) (Page 36)
9. What was Baby’s solution to how to act in a difficult situation?
7 a. To cry b. To act fearless c. To ignore the situation/people
True or False? The other kids protected Linus from the gang. /1pt
True or False? Linus’ uncle blamed Linus for what had happened /1pt
In your view, was what happened to Linus his own fault? Explain in a
short paragraph. /6 pts
True or False? (Your opinion) Linus’ uncle had really wanted him to
come live with him in Montreal /1pt
True or False? Zachary’s mother had abandoned him /1pt
True or False? (your opinion) Zachary was naïve
Why, in Baby’s opinion, was Zachary still so warm to the touch? /1pt
What does Baby think about mothers? (your own words/opinion) /2pts
How realistic do you think this description of life in a group home is?
/4 pts
Try to explain (predict) the title of the chapter: “The last time we were
children”/4 pts
In a paragraph, explain whether or not you find this chapter realistic.
What parts do (or don’t) make it ring true? /6pts
8 Lullabies for Little Criminals English Homework Write a definition for each of the words below.
Use each of the following words from this chapter in a sentence
which shows you understand the meaning. You can combine
several words into one sentence and/or use these words, where
appropriate, in your answer for #2.
2. Write a short essay (250 words) which responds to the following questions
A. Explain what happened to Linus Lucas in the park.
B. Tell the reactions of Baby, the other children in the foster home, and
Linus’ uncle.
C. Give your opinion of this incident and the reactions of the people
Answer in full sentences, short paragraph answers N APOLEON STREET
Part 1 45-54
1. Why does Baby leave
the group home?
How does she feel
about that? /3 pts
2. Do you think this is
realistic? Explain.
3. P. 52 “You get very
religious about the
idea of parents in a
foster home”.
Explain. /5pts
/25 pts
Part 2 54-65 1. Explain why Jules was arrested.
/2 pts
2. Discuss how Jules related to other people and to women.
/4 pts
3. “Of you want to get a child to love you, then you should just go and hide in
the closet for three or four hours. They get down on their knees and pray
for you to return. That child will turn you into God. Lonely children
probably wrote the Bible” (pg. 59).
4. Discuss this quote in the context of the novel. What does it mean? Do you
/8 pts
5. Describe Felix and Johnny. Which would you prefer as a friend? Why?
6. Why was living at Mary’s house more difficult for Baby than living at
Isabelle’s ? From your experience, do you think this is likely to be accurate?
/7 pts
Part 3 65-87 1. How did Baby feel about seeing Jules in
rehab? Describe her emotional state,
making reference to details in the story.
2. Why does Baby not like Oliver? Explain in
detail, citing at least three reasons.
3. Why does Baby wish that Felix would crash the car? /2 pts
4. Does this chapter seem realistic to you? Explain. /3 pts
5. Why does Baby decide she wants to become a drug addict? /1 pt
6. (pg. 77). Why does Baby feel she has been turned away at the door of the
adult world? Do you agree with the statement “Childhood is the most
valuable thing that’s taken away from you in life?” Explain what this means.
7. According to the description one gets in the story, what kind of person was
Jean-Michel? Why does Baby deliberately change her opinion of him? (pg.
78) /3pts
8. What favour does Baby ask of Jean-Michel? Why does he do it? /1 pt
9. Reread the last paragraph on page 87. What is Baby saying about drugs (in
your own words)? /2 pts
Total: /25 pts
1. How has Jules changed: physically, his relationship with Baby, his relationship
with the neighbours? /5 pts
2. If you had been in Baby’s place and a situation like the one with Lauren’s
dinner occurred, what would you have done? Rewrite the scene with a
different ending. You can use dialogue or write, as Heather O’Neill has, in
the 3rd person (Minimum ½ page; 10 pts)
3. Where does Baby meet Theo? What is Theo like? /2 pts
4. P. 116 “The sight of (Theo) made me feel as if the world was a terrible and
creepy place”. Why? /3 pts
5. Why does Baby let Theo’s mother hug her? Why does she scrub herself so
hard afterwards? /5 pts
6. /25 pts
7. Why does Baby let Theo’s mother hug her? Why does she scrub herself so
hard afterwards?
/25 pts
PART 2 122-140 1. Baby and Theo do something “bad”. In your opinion, what is Baby’s
motivation? What are Theo’s reasons for what he does? /4 pts
2. Read the last paragraph on pg. 138 (“And I closed my eyes…. Other people
would also feel the pain along with me”). Explain
/3 pts
3. Explain the title of this chapter (use your imagination!)
/3 pts
/ 10 pts
1. Who is Alphonse and how does Baby meet him? (pg 148) / 2 pts
2. Baby has changed quite a bit since the beginning of the novel. What role has
Jules had to play in her choices about her behaviour, etc? /5 pts
3. In what way was Jules protective of Baby? (150-151) / 2 pts
4. Do you agree
with this way
of parenting?
Explain ( ½
page; 6 pts)
/ 15 pts
1. What do you think it was about Baby that attracted Alphonse? (pg. 154)
Include at least two possible traits. /2 pts
2. What was special about
the gift and the
comment that Peaches
brought Baby? /3 pts
3. Who is Leelee and what
does her relationship to
Alphonse seem to be?
How do you know (give
a detail to back up your
answer) /4 pts
4. Why do you think Baby
feels that adults are starting to give her disapproving looks?
/2 pts
5. (pg. 179) “ I smiled. I thought he had put all his cards on the table for me. I
thought that he trusted me with his life. I was twelve” Explain what is
happening to Baby, and explain this quote.
/4 pts
6. (pg. 180) “Jules always told me not to tell people your business…. I wanted
to be taken advantage of”. Explain the meaning of this paragraph. /2 pts
7. List the new experiences Baby has had. /4 pts
8. Predict the future: what do you think will happen next? Why? /4 pts
/ 25 pts
1. How is Alphonse like a mother to
Baby? /3pts
2. Where is Baby sent to? Why?
3. (p. 189-196) In your experience, are
these descriptions realistic or
ridiculous? Do you think the
author (Heather O’Neill) knows
what she is talking/writing about
or not? Explain, giving examples
to back up your point of view. /10pts
1. How does Baby feel about social workers?
2. What has changed about her home and
her school and her clothes? Why?
3. Why do you think Baby is attracted to
being with Alphonse? /3pts
4. Why do you think Alphonse is attracted to being with Baby? /2pts
5. How has Baby’s relationship with Jules changed? /5pts
6. Does Baby know what is likely going to happen to her? (pg. 215). How does
she feel about it? /5pts
7. What does Leeelee tell Baby, and how has Baby changed her opinion of her?
1. What future plans does Alphonse entice Baby with? /2pts
2. What does Baby do? (pg. 221). How? Why? How does she feel? What she
throw down the sewer? Why? /5pts
3. How does Baby feel with the man who cries? /3pts
4. What does she do with the money? Why? (in your opinion) /5pts
5. Why does Baby change schools? /5pts
Why is Alphonse angry with Baby? /2pts
What is the “new and wonderful thing”? /3pts
(pg 247) Baby is angry with Jules for many reasons. Explain. Do you
think this is justified? /5pts
(pg. 253) What is Baby’s opinion of children and prostitution? Do you
agree or not? Explain. /5pts
Why would Alphonse have been jealous of Xavier, and what made this
relationship “different”? /5pts
How has Baby changed in the way she feels about Alphonse? /2pts
What does Alphonse do to try to win back her attention and affection?
1. (pg 270) “ I just want to be a good kid” Explain. /5pts
2. How does Baby feel about backup? Why? What is your opinion of these
observations? /5pts
3. Who rejects Baby
in this chapter?
How/Why? /5pts
4. Who does she turn
to in the end?
What is offered
to her? /5pts
1. According to Baby, in what way are she and Jules now the same, and what is
the reason that applies to both of them? /2pts
2. How does Alphonse treat
Baby? How is this different
from Jules? /5pts
3. Does it seem to you like
Alphonse and Baby love
each other? Back up your
answer with examples from
the story. /5pts
4. How does Baby feel about
her dad now? (pg 296-7)
/2 pts
5. Why hasn’t Baby seen Xavier
lately? /2 pts
6. (pg 303) What does she say all street kids want? Do you agree? Explain the
reasons for your answer (1/2 page) /9 pts
1. Who does Baby seek out? Where is he living? What does he suggest? What
do they do? /5pts
2. What story does Jules tell Baby, and what makes it unique? /5pts
3. Why is Baby excited? (pg. 328). /5pts
4. How do you interpret the last paragraph of the book? Do you think it ends
with a message of despair, of hope, or is it neutral? Why? /10pts
Total: /25pts
Read the story of Heather O’ Neill’s life at the end of the book. What are your
thoughts on this section? Is she inspirational in any way, or do you see her as a
phony? Why?
Did you like the book? Would you recommend it, and if so, to whom? What
were the best/worst parts? How realistic is it or do you think it is all makebelieve? Give details to back up your points.
(1 page of your opinion; 25 pts)
24 LULLABIES FOR LITTLE CRIMINALS FINAL TEST Answer 4 of the 5 questions with a maximum one page complete and
detailed answer. Use quotes from the text wherever possible (and cite the
page number). Your effort on this assignment will play a role in your term
English mark!
1. Discuss Jules. Mention his age, occupation, personality, interests and in
what ways he is a good father and in what ways he could be considered a
bad father.
2. Baby spends some time in a group home (with Isabelle in Val des Loups), in a
foster family (with Mary in Montreal) and some time with her dad in various
different apartments in Montreal. Discuss the good aspects and the
negative aspects (from your point of view) of each of these placements.
Conclude with your opinion on which was the best environment for Baby
and justify your answer.
3. How and why does Baby get involved with Alphonse? Describe how their
relationship began and evolves (changes as time progresses). Do you think
at any time that they were in love or were they both using each other? (and
if so, for what, and how?)
4. Baby’s life spirals downwards during the course of this novel. Discuss and
give details of the many ways in which she changes from the beginning to
the end of the book (before she reunites with Jules). Do you think anything
could have changed her mind about making some of the bad decisions she
did – (and if so, what?) or were some of her decisions inevitable?
5. How realistic do you think this story is? Describe several events which take
place in the novel and evaluate whether in your opinion they seem real or
made-up. If you could change something in this story, what would it be,
and why?
4 questions @ 25 pts=/100
Answer in full sentences that paraphrase the question
1. As you read this chapter, look for the best example you can find of
descriptive writing, and quote it and the page number and explain why its
effective (4 pts)
There are many possible answers for this.
E.g. : Pg. 16 “there was something inhuman about her… nails and screws”
Pg. 21 “The smoke came out of his mouth like ribbons being pulled off a
O’Neill’s writing incorporates all the senses, the reader can see, smell, feel the
images she presents. The writing style throughout the novel has poetic
2. Where do Jules and Baby live at the beginning of the novel? (setting of
the story) (2pts)
In East End Montreal, they have just moved to a room in hotel Austriche, a run
down rooming house on St. Laurent and St. Catherine Street.
In the passage you have read, identify the following:
Plot - Young girl, Baby, living an unsettled life with drug addicted dad
whom she loves in East end Montreal
Subplot - Jules, Baby's dad, sells guitars Kent is storing with him and must
now try to hide from Kent as he has neither the guitars nor the money he
got from pawning them
Flashback - Jules talks about his life in Val des Loups, Baby's past
misadventures with Marika (prank phonecalls, "wedding" and kiss with her
26 •
Conflict - Jules and Kent
Protagonist - Baby, a 12 year old girl
Antagonist - Jules, her 27 year old father
Minor character - Kent, Lester, Marika
Setting - Montreal, present day, winter time
Theme - (many possible answers) - the struggle to survive, being on the
cusp of adolescence and what that implies
Which point of view is used - 1st person (Baby is the narrator)
Style - very poetic and expressive writing style
LIFE WITH JULES PT 2 12-22 A. “The moon was out already and looked like a melting bit of ice in a glass of
water. A few big snowflakes starting falling here and there, all slowly, like
spiders on their invisible webs coming down.” (pg. 12)
B. “My breath in the cold air was bleach that accidentally spilled on a black Tshirt” (pg. 17)
A is an example of __________SIMILE
B is an example of ___________METAPHOR
“People give you a hard time about being a kid at twelve. They didn’t want to
give you Halloween candy anymore. They said things like “If this were the
Middle Ages, you’d be married and you’d own a farm with a million chickens on
it”. They were trying to kick you out of childhood. Once you were gone, there
was no going back, so you had to hold on as long as you could. Marika was
beckoning from the other side” (p. 17)
27 “Home was something that you could fit into a suitcase and move in a taxi for
ten dollars. Home was wherever Jules and I were together” (pg. 17)
Write a composition (approx. 1 page, 3 paragraphs) which explains
ONE of the above quotations and gives your opinion on it. Give
your work a title, check grammar, etc. PERSONAL RESPONSES.
1. As you read this chapter, look for TWO examples of exceptional (poetic,
descriptive, unusual….) writing. Quote them, citing the page number. (4 pts)
(personal responses......for example, p. 32: "I closed my eyes and the roof was
gone. I could see the stars while the piano tinkled" - very evocative, unusual
turn of phrase.
p. 37: "They (the attacking boys) looked like old women going through a bag
of clothes at a community center" (simile),
p. 43: "the ground was silvery, as if some stars had fallen there".
2.Why is Baby going to Val des Loups? (2 pts)
Jules is diagnosed with tuberculosis and is sent to hospital. Baby is alone and
comes to the attention of social services
3.Why did Baby start wearing make-up and cursing? (3 pts)
She realises that Jules will not be picking her up to go home any time soon.
She begins rebelling against what her life has become.
4. Heather O’Neill uses many similes and metaphors to compare things to
unlike things, e.g on p. 25: “people….looking….like dogs without owners” (a
simile, uses “like” or “as”) and ”the houses reminded me of milk cartons”
(metaphor). Find an example of a simile and of a metaphor in the first
paragraph of p. 26. (4 pts)
• simile: the trees looked like garbage...like a pile of old fences and car parts
28 leaned up against the other
• metaphor: the sky had the feeling of cold wet underwear on a clothesline
5. What advice does Isabelle give the kids in her group home (p. 27)? (1 pt)
"It's good to remember if you try anything new. That you're unlucky". Very
6. Tell 3 “special” things about Linus which make him different from the other
kids. (6 pts)
He is older than the others (14), he was used to being in foster care (since the
age of 7), he is mixed race (white mother, Black father)
7.True or False? Isabelle’s sister loved the group home kids (1 pt)
8.What is a masochist? (Page 36) (1 pt)
Someone who hurts him/her self
9. What was Baby’s solution to how to act in a difficult situation? (1 pt)
a. To cry
b. To act fearless
c. To ignore the situation/people
10. True or False? The other kids protected Linus from the gang? (1 pt)
11. True or False? Linus’ uncle blamed Linus for what had happened (1 pt)
12. In your view, was what happened to Linus his own fault? Explain in a short
paragraph (6 pts)
personal responses, but probably not his fault. He was being bullied and his
group home “friends” did not help him in any way. He did nothing to provoke
his attackers, was minding his own business.
29 13. True or False? (your opinion) Linus’ uncle had really wanted him to come
live with him in Montreal (1 pt)
false; personal responses.....but it seems that Linus' uncle was looking for an
excuse not to allow Linus to live with him. He blames Linus for being bullied
and "taxed" and he criticizes him for "allowing" himself to get beaten up.
14. True or False? Zachary’s mother had abandoned him (1 pt)
15. True or False? (your opinion) Zachary was naïve (1 pt)
16. Why, in Baby’s opinion, was Zachary still so warm to the touch? (1 pt)
p. 41 "he was warm like that because he still had his mother's love in him"
17. What does Baby think about mothers? (your own words/opinion) (2 pts)
You could not trust what mothers told you, they had their own, often incorrect,
views about what was right for their children
18. How realistic do you think this description of life in a group home is?
Explain. (4 pts)
personal responses
19. Try to explain (predict) the title of the chapter: “The last time we were
children” (4 pts)
loss of innocence on its way
• In a paragraph, explain whether or not you find this chapter realistic. What
parts do (or don’t) make it ring true? (4 pts)
personal responses; look for justification for students' answers
Lullabies for Little Criminals English Homework • Abstain: to hold oneself back voluntarily
• Ambiguous: open to having several possible meanings or answers.
• Amiable: having or showing good natured qualities.
30 •
Clandestine: executed with secrecy or concealment
Demure: characterized by shyness or modesty
Emulate: to try and equal or excel. To imitate
Maturation: the act of maturing
Meticulous: taking or showing extreme care to minute details
Therapeutic: of or relating to the treating of a disease
a. Linus is attacked by a group of children and waten up and his walkman (a
gift from his uncle) is taken.
b. Baby and the other children do not help Linus. He loses his status in the
group after this incident. His uncle, who seems not to care much for Linus
anyway, blamed him for the incident.
c. Personal opinions: It seems sad, undeserved and illustrates the isolation and
loneliness of children in a group home.
P. 45-54
1. Why does Baby leave the group home? How does she feel about that? (3
Jules is back home and (eventually) comes to pick her up. Baby has
mixed feelings, even though she won't admit it to herself, as Isabelle had been
a dependable and structured mother figure to her. She had been able to sleep
soundly knowing that her life was predictable and safe.
2.Do you think this is realistic? Explain. (2 pts)
personal opinion
3.P. 52 “You get very religious about the idea of parents in a foster home”.
Explain. (5 pts)
Parents seem fragile; when you are in foster care it feels that they can come
and go, at any moment they can decide to support or abandon you. The child,
with a type of almost religious fervour, wants the parent to be there forever
and to be reliable
1.Explain why Jules was arrested (2 pts)
Jules had a syringe in his pocket and it stuck the police officer in the hand
2. Discuss how Jules related to other people and to women (4 pts)
Jules was not interested in women when he was using hard drugs. He called
everyone "brother" even though he was not really close to the people he met
3. “If you want to get a child to love you, then you should just go and hide in
the closet for three or four hours. They get down on their knees and pray
for you to return. That child will turn you into God. Lonely children
probably wrote the Bible” (pg. 59). (8 pts)
Discuss this quote in the context of the novel. What does it mean? Do you
Personal opinion. O'Neill is implying that children want and need their parents
and feel guilt, remorse and sadness when they are removed from them
4. Describe Felix and Johnny. Which would you prefer as a friend? Why? (4
Personal opinion. Felix, while exhibiting strange behaviour, is closer in age and
temperament to Baby. Johnny seems narcissistic, rough and generally
5. Why was living at Mary’s house more difficult for Baby than living at
Isabelle’s? From your experience, do you think this is likely to be
accurate? Explain. (7 pts)
At Isabelle's, none of the children were biologically hers and all were there
temporarily, removed from a difficult family situation, so they developed a
bond as "outsiders". At Mary's, Baby had moved in with a family which was
already established as well as biologically related, so she felt isolated, the only
outsider. Re accuracy: personal opinion
32 1. How did Baby feel about seeing Jules in rehab? Describe her emotional
state, making reference to details in the story. (5 pts)
Baby feels like Jules has become a stranger and connects better with his
new friend Oliver than he does with her. She sees he has adopted habits sitting quietly, exercise, making crafts - that seem foreign to her. Baby
feels she has nothing to talk to him about and her self esteem dips.
2. Why does Baby not like Oliver? Explain in detail, citing at least three
reasons (3 pts)
She is jealous of him. She instinctively does not like him nor the way he is
copying Jules' mannerisms. Oliver spends more time with Jules, seems to
interest Jules more than Baby currently does, Oliver has copied Jules’
3. Why does Baby wish that Felix would crash the car? (2 pts)
She feels she has nothing in life - no rights with this new family, no relationship
with her dad, no future.
4. Does this chapter seem realistic to you? Explain. (3 pts)
Personal opinion
5. Why does Baby decide she wants to become a drug addict?
Baby feels she is losing her connection with Jules and is jealous of his new
rehab friend Oliver. She thinks that maybe if she was more like Oliver, Jules
will pay more attention to her.
6. (pg. 77). Why does Baby feel she has been turned away at the door of the
adult world? Do you agree with the statement “Childhood is the most
valuable thing that’s taken away from you in life?” Explain what this means
in a well considered 1 page essay. (5 pts)
Baby asks Johnny for magic mushrooms and he turns her down, scorning her
age and appearance. She feels humiliated. She has tried to buy drugs - to her,
an adult act- but is proving unable to do so. In the novel, we see Baby slowly
evolving from being a relatively naive little girl to become an unhappy preadolescent losing her innocence as she becomes more aware of her
circumstances. Essays should reflect this evolution/
33 7. According to the description one gets in the story, what kind of person
was Jean- Michel? Why does Baby deliberately change her opinion of him?
(pg. 78) (3 pts)
He is described as a street person, however Mary does not seem to notice
this despite his clothes, general appearance etc. Baby resolves to change
her opinion of Jean-Michel. She values Mary's judgment and believes that
if Mary's estimation of people is inaccurate then she, Baby, might also be
less valuable than Mary makes her feel.
8.What favour does Baby ask of Jean-Michel? Why does he do it? (1 pt)
Baby asks him to buy her magic mushrooms. He does so without question
because his lifestyle is so removed from that of general society that he does
not realize that it is frowned upon to buy drugs for a 12 year old.
9. Reread the last paragraph on p. 87. What is Baby saying about drugs (in
your own words)? (2 pts)
Drugs dull her senses, not only towards the negative in her life, but also
towards the positive. She realizes that this state of calm is not for her, it is too
GOING TO WAR Part 1 p. 88-122
How has Jules changed: physically, his relationship with Baby, his
relationship with the neighbours? /5 pts
Jules looks older, had lost weight and was coughing, had hallucinations. He
argues irrationally with everyone around, including the neighbours. His
relationship with Baby is very bad and he accuses her -inaccurately- of
being on drugs. Jules would scream at and threaten the neighbourhood
kids, he rode a pink girl's bike, he cut the cords of appliances lying in the
street, he stole from the school lost and found box.
2. If you had been in Baby’s place and a situation like the one with Lauren’s
dinner occurred, what would you have done? Rewrite the scene with a
different ending. You can use dialogue or write, as Heather O’Neill has, in the
3rd person (Minimum ½ page; 10 pts)
34 Personal response: background: Lauren is invited for dinner, and at first Jules
behaves relatively rationally. After a time however he acts very strangely. He
lights money on fire, shouts and swears at Baby and makes irrational demands
of her - telling her to go to bed, to "comb her teeth" etc.
3. Where does Baby meet Theo? What is Theo like? /2 pts
Baby meets Theo at the community centre. She had first met him a year earlier
at the swimming pool. He is a bully who kills a pigeon and physically attacks
4. P. 116 “The sight of (Theo) made me feel as if the world was a terrible and
creepy place”. Why? /3 pts
Baby has conflicting feelings about Theo. She knows he can be a vicious bully
but also sees evidence of his mother's kisses on his face and she has spent
some enjoyable quality time with him.
5. Why does Baby let Theo’s mother hug her? Why does she scrub herself so
hard afterwards? /5 pts
At first Baby allows the hugs to placate Theo's mother, but Baby yearns to be
held and hugged by a mother figure. Unfortunately Theo's mother is not the
person she's like to be having hold her, and so she feels dirty and the need to
cleanse herself afterwards.
PART 2. 122-140
1. Baby and Theo do something “bad”. In your opinion, what is Baby’s
motivation? What are Theo’s reasons for what he does? /4 pts
Baby and Theo break into Lauren's home, trash and steal from it. Baby hates
being humiliated by Lauren and her friends because of Jules' behaviour at
supper. Theo wants to help Baby and redeem himself in her eyes after having
dislocated her arm.
2. Read the last paragraph on pg. 138 (“And I closed my eyes…. Other people
would also feel the pain along with me”). Explain /3 pts
Baby has just done something she would never have considered doing before.
She hurts, feeling unloved by her dad, by society, rejected by her schoolmates,
accepted only by Theo, who is someone else seen as an outsider with complex
35 emotional issues. She wants the world to feel the pain that she is internalizing.
3. Explain the title of this chapter (use your imagination!) /3 pts
Baby has changed. She is no longer the passive little girl who accepts what
goes on around her and tries to be good. She is going to war with society and
those people, institutions and things she can most easily lash out at.
/ 10 pts
36 THE DEVIL IN A TRACK SUIT Part 1 141-154
Who is Alphonse and how does Baby meet him? / 2 pts
Alphonse is the cousin of Peaches (Benjamin) and appears to be a pimp.
Initially he has no interest in Baby, but once he sees her dressed up, high, and
dancing wildly on the street, he makes eye contact and eventually sends her a
Baby has changed quite a bit since the beginning of the novel. What
role has Jules had to play in her choices about her behaviour, etc? /5 pts
Once an innocent young girl trying to find her way in life feeling supported by
her drug addicted parent, Baby has now evolved into someone who smokes
cigarettes, does drugs, and is flirting with adult and risky behaviours. Because
of his addictions, physical illness (tuberculosis) and absence from the home
trying to make money etc., Jules is less support for Baby. She is looking for
love and belonging wherever she can find it.
In what way was Jules protective of Baby? (150-151) / 2 pts
Despite his personal demons, Jules still demonstrates caring and concern for
Baby. He is trying to keep her away from negative influences, even if he
expresses this inappropriately. He hits her when he finds the socks which are a
gift from Alphonse, eventually calls social services when he sees further
evidence of their relationship (the photos). He tries to help her in school and
with life choices, even if his advice is very off-kilter.
Do you agree with this way of parenting? Explain ( ½ page; 6 pts)
Personal responses
/ 15 pts
1. What do you think it was about Baby that attracted Alphonse? (pg. 154)
Include at least two possible traits. /2 pts
37 It was likely Baby’s youth and innocence as well as the potential to use her for
prostitution. When she was dancing unselfconsciously on the street “like a
stripper” while stoned and dressed in Jules’ suit and a fur coat she attracted
Alphonse’s attention.
2. What was special about the gift and the comment that Peaches brought
Baby? /3 pts
Peaches brings Baby a pair of white knee socks from Alphonse. This is the first
new present she has ever received and Baby revels in the softness of the socks.
Peaches tells her that Alphonse thinks she is “a hot tamale”.
3. Who is Leelee and what does her relationship to Alphonse seem to be?
How do you know (give a detail to back up your answer) /4 pts
Leelee is a prostitute who works for Alphonse. The neighbours on the street
address disparaging remarks to her and “everyone” knows this is what she
does for a living.
4. Why do you think Baby feels that adults are starting to give her
disapproving looks? /2 pts
Baby feels a little guilty about her new life, and feels that adults can tell what
she is up to. She is no longer the sweet innocent child and people are
beginning to become suspicious and critical of her.
5. pg. 179) “ I smiled. I thought he had put all his cards on the table for me. I
thought that he trusted me with his life. I was twelve” Explain
what is happening to Baby, and explain this quote. /4 pts
Baby thought that Alphonse was opening himself up to her because their
relationship was special and he really cared for her. She is naive (and so very
young) and wants to believe that she matters to someone.
6. (pg. 180) “Jules always told me not to tell people your business…. I wanted
to be taken advantage of”. Explain the meaning of this paragraph. /2 pts
Jules had always told Baby to hold back and not tell people all her “business”
as they could and would later use this information against her. He wanted her
to protect herself. At this point Baby does not care about self protection; she
is so needy she actually wants to be used and abused if she can interpret that
as a form of caring.
7. List the new experiences Baby has had. /4 pts
38 Baby has been involved in smoking pot, telling lies, wearing makeup, smoking
cigarettes, early sexual experiences, getting friendly with people who clearly
do not have her best interests in mind.
8. Predict the future: what do you think will happen next? Why? /4 pts
Personal response. It looks like Alphonse will try to seduce her and eventually
recruit her for prostitution.
/ 25 pts
1. How is Alphonse like a mother to Baby? /3pts
Alphonse is showing interest and caring for Baby. He buys her gifts, takes her
out, takes photos of her (all of these are actions which Basby associates with
mothering) and he makes sure she does not miss school and her “normal” life.
2. Where is Baby sent to? Why? /2pts
When Jules finds photos of Baby and Alphonse he is concerned since he knows
Alphonse is a pimp. He calls Social Services and Baby is sent to a detention
centre in the countryside.
3. (p. 189-196) In your experience, are these descriptions realistic or ridiculous?
Do you think the author (Heather O’Neill) knows what she is talking/writing
about or not? Explain, giving examples to back up your point of view. /10pts
Personal response. It seems that O’Neill knows what she is talking about as
the descriptions and characters portrayed ring true. When her autobiography
(at the back of the novel) is read, it will be seen that she does have personal
experience with these places and issues.
How does Baby feel about social workers? /3pts
39 At first Baby believes that her social worker cares about and loves her, but
after she goes through a quick succession of different workers, none of whom
even say goodbye to her, she realizes it is just a job and she means nothing to
them. She thinks it is unfair that she is being so harshly judged for what she
has done and she resents them.
What has changed about her home and her school and her clothes?
Why? /2pts
Jules has moved again to an area of town which Baby considers to be even
worse (“lower class”) than where they had originally lived. He has thrown away
her clothes so she has to wear second hand clothes brought by the social
worker. She is expelled from her original school, where she had been on the
honour roll, and sent to Regent High (“Bobo Academy”), an alternative school
with very low functioning students.
Why do you think Baby is attracted to being with Alphonse? /3pts
She is looking for love, affection, caring.
Why do you think Alphonse is attracted to being with Baby? /2pts
He is looking for sex, thrills with a young girl and an eventual prostitute for his
How has Baby’s relationship with Jules changed? /5pts
They are both emotionally distant with each other. Jules has physical and
psychiatric health problems and is not there for Baby when she most needs
Does Baby know what is likely going to happen to her? (pg. 215). How
does she feel about it? /5pts
She now understands what a pimp is and knows that eventually she will be
drawn into prostitution. She does not care, she sees it as inevitable and the
price she has to pay to have Alphonse in her life. Her self esteem is so low at
this point that she does not question this.
What does Leeelee tell Baby, and how has Baby changed her opinion of
her? /5pts
Leelee is jealous of Baby because Baby is now Alphonse’s favourite and he no
longer cares to even have sex with her. She would love to get rid of Baby –
40 help her move away, even poison her – and tells Baby this. Once Baby had
found Leelee fascinating; now she just sees her as an object of pity and
1. What future plans does Alphonse entice Baby with? /2pts
Alphonse tells Baby they can move to Europe, do exotic things (flamenco
dancing); they will have a great future together.
2. What does Baby do? (pg. 221). How? Why? How does she feel? What she
throw down the sewer? Why? /5pts
Unexpectedly, Alphonse forces Baby to enter a car where a man is expecting
to have sex with her for money. Despite her initial resistance, Baby eventually
pulls up her school gym uniform and engages in intercourse. She takes the
man’s money. She is too shell shocked to use the condom Alphonse had given
her but throws it down a sewer so he will not know.
3. How does Baby feel with the man who cries? /3pts
The man cries because of Baby’s age and wants to help her because he too
had a troubled youth. She does not enjoy the sex and feels dirty. She feels
uncomfortable during the encounter and hollow afterwards.
4. What does she do with the money? Why? (in your opinion) /5pts
Baby gives almost all the money to Alphonse as she is doing this for him, not
because she personally cares about the financial aspects of what she is doing.
She wants to keep Alphonse; the money is not important. She just keeps a little
to buy cigarettes.
5. Why does Baby change schools? /5pts
Baby has got a 96% average and is transferred from the alternative to the
regular stream of school. She had not expected or requested this.
41 /20pts
1. Why is Alphonse angry with Baby? /2pts
Alphonse is angry because Baby is making friends at school and starting to
emotionally move away from him.
2. What is the “new and wonderful thing”? /3pts
Xavier and Baby start to get to know each other. They hold hands and she
realizes that he is her first boyfriend. This is a new and wonderful thing for her,
despite all her recent sexual and other experiences.
3. (pg 247) Baby is angry with Jules for many reasons. Explain. Do you think
this is justified? /5pts
It probably is justified. Baby feels that if Jules had taken better care of himself
and maintained the relationship with her that he had at the beginning of the
novel, she would not have been so willing to get involved with Alphonse and
make so many decisions which involve self harm. She resents Jules for his
absence and lack of parenting.
4. (pg. 253) What is Baby’s opinion of children and prostitution? Do you agree
or not? Explain. /5pts
Personal opinion. Baby believes that children don’t take experiences as
seriously and intensely as adults, so even acts like prostitution don’t resonate
that deeply. “It’s nasty while it’s happening, but you forget about it soon
Why would Alphonse have been jealous of Xavier, and what made this
relationship “different”? /5pts
Alphonse would have been jealous of Xavier because Baby cared about him
much more deeply. With Xavier she felt happy and did not even mind being
motherless. Being a child, she says, she prefers the company of another child.
How has Baby changed in the way she feels about Alphonse? /2pts
She had initially been thrilled by him. Now Baby finds Alphonse annoying,
scaring, unattractive. The relationship has become one-sided and she no
42 longer wants to continue with him.
What does Alphonse do to try to win back her attention and affection?
He has spray painted “I love Baby” in the lobby of his apartment building. He
“abducts” her, brings her to his apartment, apologizes, professes his love and
gives her a gift (a butterfly knife).
(pg 270) “ I just want to be a good kid” Explain. /5pts
Meeting Xavier has given Baby a taste of normalcy. She realizes that she does
not want to be with teenagers who were underachievers and “losers”. She
aspires to better things.
How does Baby feel about backup? Why? What is your opinion of these
observations? /5pts
Personal opinion. Backup makes Baby feel very lonely and alone. It seems
unjust to her that people can be put into isolation for complaining too loud or
other acts which she seems as trivial. The child in backup was supposed to
reflect on his/her behaviour, but Baby never thought about her actual life when
she was in this situation.
3. Who rejects Baby in this chapter? How/Why? /5pts
Baby is desperate and turns to Xavier at the end of a long difficult night. He
rejects her because he is just a child himself and his parents do not approve of
Baby and her perceived lifestyle.
4. Who does she turn to in the end? What is offered to her? /5pts
Having no one else, Baby goes to Alphonse. She is feeling very vulnerable. He
offers her heroin and she takes it.
According to Baby, in what way are she and Jules now the same, and
what is the reason that applies to both of them? /2pts
Baby felt “we both did it (drugs) for the same reason…because we were both
fools who were too fragile to be sad, and because no one was prepared to give
us a good enough reason not to do it”. (p. 287) She felt drugs made her happy,
just like they did Jules.
How does Alphonse treat Baby? How is this different from Jules? /5pts
Alphonse has many more rules for Baby than had Jules, and whereas Jules was
always questioning himself as to whether he was doing the right thing to and
for Baby, Alphonse did not care. Alphonse had begun hitting Baby and clearly
the relationship was all about his needs. There is no evidence of love between
3. Does it seem to you like Alphonse and Baby love each other? Back up your
answer with examples from the story. /5pts
No! Alphonse uses Baby to make money to buy drugs for himself and to get
her hooked and dependent, he does not care about Baby’s health or security,
hits her when he is displeased. He is exploiting her in every way. Baby does
not love him either. She had initially been attracted to the security he
represented, but now (when she is not too stoned to care) she realizes that
there are other, better options in life. She can’t easily get out of the situation
she is now in.
4. (pg 296-7) How does Baby feel about her dad now? /2 pts
Baby feels guilty but afraid to go see Jules. She misses him intensely but every
day makes it harder for her to seek him out. She knows he will really
disapprove of what she has done. She misses his kisses and love.
5. Why hasn’t Baby seen Xavier lately? /2 pts
Xavier has tried to get in touch with Baby but her phone has been
disconnected, she (with Alphonse) has moved, and his parents disapprove of
their contact and have informed the school. Baby lies to Xavier about where
she has been because she is ashamed
44 6. (pg 303) What does she say all street kids want? Do you agree? Explain the
reasons for your answer (1/2 page) /9 pts
Personal opinion. Baby says all street kids want babies, so they have someone
to belong to.
PART 2 310-330
Who does Baby seek out? Where is he living? What does he suggest?
What do they do? /5pts
Baby goes to the Mission to find Jules. The fact he is there suggests he is
homeless. Despite his living situation, Jules is psychologically in good shape.
Baby wants to feel his love, and does when he takes her in his arms and hugs
What story does Jules tell Baby, and what makes it unique? /5pts
Jules talks about Baby’s mother Manon, and for the first time the story rings of
truth (p. 325-8). He tells her that Manon had loved Jules and Baby very much.
This story is very comforting for Baby.
(pg. 328). Why is Baby excited? /5pts
It is the first time she has been told that her mother loved her. It is a story that
gives her reassurance and hope.
How do you interpret the last paragraph of the book? Do you think it
ends with a message of despair, of hope, or is it neutral? Why? /10pts
Personal opinion. Probably a message of hope: Baby feels fine when Janine
hugs her, and notices that her eyes are like Jules’ and hers too. There is
promise of a “normal” life and a new beginning for Jules and Baby.
45 Final Assignment
Read the story of Heather O’ Neill’s life at the end of the book.
What are your thoughts on this section? Is she inspirational in any
way, or do you see her as a phony? Why?
Did you like the book? Would you recommend it, and if so, to
whom? What were the best/worst parts? How realistic is it or do
you think it is all make-believe? Give details to back up your points.
(1 page of your opinion; 25 pts)
Personal opinion. Mention O’Neill’s experience of feeling she was
an unwanted child, her feelings of alienation, her relationship with
her neighbourhood, The book seems aimed at young adult
Answer 4 of the 5 questions with a maximum one page
complete and detailed answer. Use quotes from the text
wherever possible (and cite the page number). Your
effort on this assignment will play a role in your term
English mark!
1. Discuss Jules. Mention his age, occupation, personality, interests and in
what ways he is a good father and in what ways he could be considered a
bad father.
Jules is 27, has no real profession (begs, sells quilts etc.), is relatively quiet and
a caring father to Baby, his 12 year old daughter, except for the times when he
gets too involved in drug taking (heroin). He tries to help her in school, weaves
fantastical stories, gets her gifts he think appropriate and shows affection and
love. In his bad moments he can be absent from home and Baby’s life, behave
erratically and irresponsibly, and lose touch with reality.
2. Baby spends some time in a group home (with Isabelle in Val des Loups), in a
foster family (with Mary in Montreal) and some time with her dad in various
different apartments in Montreal. Discuss the good aspects and the
negative aspects (from your point of view) of each of these placements.
Conclude with your opinion on which was the best environment for Baby
and justify your answer.
Baby was happiest living with Jules: home was wherever she and he could be
together. As she moved from various placements she came to realize that
certain things were missing from her life: stability, predictability, the nurturing
of a mother. The happiest placement for her was probably at Isabelle’s where
she felt part of a group (even if they were all outcasts) and she felt stability in
her life.
3. How and why does Baby get involved with Alphonse? Describe how their
relationship began and evolves (changes as time progresses). Do you think
at any time that they were in love or were they both using each other? (and
47 if so, for what, and how?)
Baby is looking for any kind of attachment, Alphonse sees her as a potential
meal ticket. Baby’s vulnerability and lack of parental controls become evident
to Alphonse and he sweeps in to play on her neediness. Although Baby
thought at one point she loved Alphonse, this period did not last long. They
were both using each other.
4. Baby’s life spirals downwards during the course of this novel. Discuss and
give details of the many ways in which she changes from the beginning to
the end of the book (before she reunites with Jules). Do you think anything
could have changed her mind about making some of the bad decisions she
did – (and if so, what?) or were some of her decisions inevitable?
Many of Baby’s choices are products of her unhappiness and loneliness due to
Jules’ shortcomings as a single parent. Baby is introduced to make up,
cigarettes, lying, drug taking, delinquent acting out, sexual activity,
prostitution, and street life. Perhaps if other people in the novel had acted
differently towards her (Xavier’s parents, for example), some decisions could
have been averted.
5. How realistic do you think this story is? Describe several events which take
place in the novel and evaluate whether in your opinion they seem real or
made-up. If you could change something in this story, what would it be,
and why?
Possible topics of discussion: life in the group home, experiences with
Alphonse, how things end with Alphonse, the return to Val des Loups.