John Carlo V. Go Lim Tai BT602 May 2, 2022 Information Assurance & Security (Data Privacy) Midterm Task Performance 1. Choose a product/tool from the list below to evaluate. I choose the CCleaner product/tool. 2. In your evaluation, use; a. The explanation provided by the producer of the product; A program that cleans a computer of possibly undesirable files and invalid Windows Registry entries. It was first released in 2004 and is one of the most well-known system cleaners. It was initially exclusively available for Microsoft Windows, but a macOS version was published in 2012. b. At least two (2) positive reviews from independent sources; and CCleaner is a registry cleaner that does a lot more. It's perhaps better referred to as a system cleaner because it cleans much more than your registry. One of the greatest free registry cleaning apps for Windows is CCleaner. For clearing disk space and eliminating invalid registry entries from your Windows PC, it is one of the most popular junk temporary files remover and free registry cleaning applications. c. At least two (2) negative reviews from independent sources. The standard download page is unclear and gives the impression that the program is expensive, while it is not. Unless you expressly decline it, the standard installer will install another program on your computer. 3. After viewing what these sources say about the product or method, answer the following questions. a. Explain in your own words how the product/tool works. CCleaner has two primary functions. For starters, it looks for and deletes unnecessary files to save up space. Two, it deletes personal information like as your surfing history and a list of the most recently opened files in different programs. b. Describe at least one (1) strength and one (1) weakness of the tool. 1-Click Updates All Your Software Apps that are outdated pose a security concern. Vulnerabilities in older software can be rapidly found and disseminated among cyber attackers. CCleaner automatically upgrades your software to patch security gaps before they are discovered. Its capacity to reduce the number of startup applications loaded on bootup, allowing your computer to start faster. The program displays all of the apps that are set to execute when your computer wakes up and gives you the option to disable or delete them. The truth is that CCleaner is just a duplicate of a software that comes standard with Windows 10. You can readily see which programs are set to run when your computer boots up. c. How is this product supposed to decrease the chances of your identity might be exposed if you were trying to interact anonymously online? A default clean with CCleaner will clear your browsing history and cookies, but this does not mean that your passwords will be deleted. Because all cleans are customizable, you can save your passwords if you own the system. CCleaner also deletes superfluous files, which speeds up your computer and frees up storage space that was previously filled by rubbish. It's also safe to use on all your devices because it won't erase anything that's required for basic operation. d. What are some circumstances where you might be identified anyway? If you purposely didn’t protect your web browsing privacy leaks about your data might be hacked and they can track you easily. If you have failed to remove information about yourself or activity when using certain apps. Skilled criminals can recover deleted files, whether it is sensitive data or photos.