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Community Health Advocacy Final Exam - Medicare & Benefits

Northwest Vista College
CHLT 1340: Community Health Advocacy
Final Examination
Name: ____________________
The following examination is worth 100 points. Each question is
worth 2.5 points.
Multiple Choice. Select the correct response and place it in the space
1._____When is the general enrollment period for Medicare Part B
services available?
a. every year, January 1st to March 31st
b. 90 days before you reach age 65
c. when your employer provided insurance is terminated.
d. when an employer cancels COBRA coverage.
2._____Part A of the original Medicare pays for which of the
following expense?
a. doctor’s visits, diabetes supplies.
b. outpatient mental health visits.
c. artificial eyes and limbs.
d. hospital, home health, hospice and skilled nursing care.
3._____Which of the following Medicare programs provides support
for low income individuals who are eligible for Part A and Part B of
a. Medicare Prescription Plan D
b. Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance)
c. Medicare Specialty Plans
d. Special Needs Plans
4._____Which type of Medicare Advantage plan offers private fee-for
service plans?
a. Medicare Supplemental Insurance
b. Medicare Specialty Plans
c. Medicare Private Fee for Service
d. Medicare Preferred Provider Organization
5._____Which of the following resources are exempt when
determining the $2000 resource limit for a household applying for
Food Stamps?
a. resources of SSI/TANF recipients
b. vehicles worth more than $6000.
c. stocks, bonds, and investment income.
d. vacation homes
True or False. Place the correct response in the space provided.
6._____Individuals applying for Veterans educational benefits must
have a GED or HS diploma.
7._____The Department of Veteran Affairs offers paid on-the-job
programs to veterans enrolled at least ¾ time in school.
8._____The U.S. Immigration and Custom Service is the enforcement
arm of the Department of Homeland Security.
9._____Veterans with non-service-connected injuries or illnesses
have priority for health services over veterans with service-connected
injuries or illnesses.
10._____VA beneficiaries must typically serve 24 continuous months
to receive any health benefits.
Matching. Select the correct response in Column B that matches the
term in Column A.
Column A
Column B
11._____Supplemental Security
a. a period to enroll in Part B,
Medicare, after your employer’s
health insurance is cancelled or
you retire.
b. life insurance available to
Nutritional Assistance Program
active duty military personnel.
13._____Special Enrollment
c. benefits available to adults and
Period (Medicare)
children who have limited income
and are disabled/blind or over
age 65.
d. law that may allow you to keep
your employer provided health
insurance for a limited time after
you are no longer an employee.
15._____Servicemember’s Group e. provides additional nutritional
Life Insurance
support to low income families
and individuals.
True or False. Place the correct response in the space provided.
16._____Part B Medicare will pay for a second surgical opinion.
17._____Non-medical, non-religious health care will be paid for by
Part A Medicare.
18._____The maximum payment SSI will provide for an individual
living alone in 2020 is $771.
19.____Your “Welcome to Medicare” physical must be completed
within one year of enrolling in Part B, Medicare.
20._____Every Part D, Medicare drug plan will pay all the costs of
your prescription medications each year with only a small copayment.
21._____Most applicants for SSI typically will be eligible for Medicaid
and SNAP.
22._____Children of Vietnam veterans born with certain birth
defects may be eligible for a monthly allowance.
23. _____Veterans with a 30% or more disability with minor
dependents and a spouse are eligible for additional benefits.
24. _____The LoneStar card is an electronic benefit transfer card
used by the SNAP and TANF programs.
25._____The VA will reimburse travel expenses for veterans
traveling to receive health care at a VA facility.
26._____Veterans with a bad conduct discharge or dishonorable
discharge can never receive any VA benefits.
27._____ Periods of wartime service are defined by the Department
of Veterans Affairs.
28._____SNAP benefits can be used to purchase hot food items that
will be eaten in the store.
29._____Households with no disabled senior have resource limits
for SNAP of $2250.
30._____Adults receiving SNAP benefits and caring for a dependent
child less than six years of age do not have to register for work.
31._____You may lose your SSI benefits if you leave the United States
for more than 30 days.
32._____A no-fee passport is available to survivors of deceased
veterans to visit foreign countries where the veteran is buried.
33._____Income from grants and charity are counted as resources
when applying for SSI.
34._____All disabilities or injuries that may be compensation eligible
must have occurred during active military service (service connected)
and to be “in the line of duty”.
35._____Families and individuals whose income is over 130% of the
FPL are typically not eligible for SNAP.
Using the Medicare website (www.medicare.gov) compare
Methodist Hospital, Baptist Medical Center, and University Health
System using the link “Find Hospitals” then use Zip Code 78237 for
location. Then select the above three hospitals for comparison.
36. Which hospital(s) had the highest percentage of patients who
would definitely recommend the hospital? ___________.
37. If patients had a stroke, which hospital had the highest
percentage of patients who came to the emergency department with
stroke symptoms who received brain scan results within 45 minutes
of arrival? __________
38. Which hospital had the highest methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) blood infections? __________.
39. Which hospital had the highest Medicare payments for heart
attack patients? __________.