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Cell Phones in Schools: Why They Shouldn't Be Allowed

Reasons Why Cell Phones Should not be Allowed in
Cell phones shouldn't be allowed in school because, it keeps students from performing at their
fullest potential by distracting them while they are in class. Nowadays you need to go to college
and have an education to ‘’succeed’’ in life. With the cost of college and the requirements to
get into college it is so hard to get a scholarship when most of the time students aren't retaining
the information, they will need to pass. You need good grades, and if students are on their
phones throughout the school day, they’re losing their education.
In other words, if students are on their phones at night, they will be so distracted that they will
not get enough sleep and more than likely be late to school, then just going right back on their
phones when they get to school. Cell phones are ruining student's education, which is the only
thing they need right now to be successful later in life. Cell phones are destroying our ability to
learn, and we have no other but to use them because of school districts wanting school lessons
to be more tech savvy. Cell phones are making us lazy, and we don’t even know what to do
with them. I think that it is a good idea for parents to teach their kids how to use technology
more responsibly, it will discipline the kids to listen to their parents' instructions on when it is a
right and wrong time to use their phones.
In addition, teenagers should be mature enough to handle their cell phone usage. They should
be able to manage time spent on their phones, these are high school kids who are the ages
15-18, cell phones shouldn’t be a problem for any students, but sometimes habits are hard to
break. There are some kids in school who have no clue about when cell phones are appropriate
at certain times, that is the group of kids who bring down percentages as of grades etc.
Although cell phones result more on the negative side, this generation of kids have grown
attached to technology and use it to do their school work, student now rely on technology more
than themselves, and yes it may make things easier for students but it gives them the desire to
access things that have nothing to do with school work. This is a real debatable subject
because you must look at facts and data before you can side with one more than the other and
decide if students should have the privilege to use cell phones in school.
In conclusion to cell phones negatively inflicting high school students, cell phones should not be
allowed in school.
Works Cited
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1. Ferrell, Finessa. “Ask an expert”: Should students have cell phones at school?
Chalkbeat.org; published January 24, 2012, found February 2, 2019.
2. Nohar, Vanika. Should cell phones be allowed in school? ; Stabreaknews.com;
published July 12, 2012. Found February 4, 2019.
3. Freed, Richard. Why phones don’t belong in school; M.huffpost.com; published April 13,
2013; found February 4, 2019.
4. Vitelli, Amie. 10 reasons why cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in school;
Middleboroughtv.com; published December 5, 2018; found February 5, 2019.
5. Martinko, Katherine. Why kids shouldn’t take their phones to school; Treehugger.com;
published September 6, 2016; found February 5, 2019.
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