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Into the Woods Movie Review & Analysis

Into the Woods: An Exploration into Musical Theater
Directions: During the film, write down notes on the following:
1. Your favorite musical number and why-The first on “I wish” because it
shows everyone and what they wish.
2. Your favorite character and why “cinderella” because she has to do
so much for everyone else and I like how that doesn’t stop her from
continuing to do the things she wants to do.
3. Your favorite actor/actress and why Anna Kendrick because she is
Cinderella in the story and I love cinderella and I love what she has to
go through to become the person she is and the challenges she has to
4. Your least favorite musical number and why The one that Rapunzel's
mom is singing to her because it is making her feel guilty about
wanting to leave the castle and go out into the woods. She makes her
stay looked up and this song shows that.
5. Your least favorite character and why The step mother because she is
rude to cinderella and she is rude to a lot of people. She keeps
Cinderella from getting to do the things she likes to do and keeps her
as a maid of the house.
6. Your least favorite actor/actress and why Christine Baranksi because
the role she plays makes her seem really bad and she is also kind of
annoying when she is acting and I don't really like it.
After the film, you will critique the musical Into the Woods. In your movie
review, you must dedicate one paragraph each to the following topics:
a. How does Into the Woods fit the musical theater genre? How is it
different from a play or a regular film? Did you think the ensemble cast
did a good job bringing the musical to life? Why or why not? Was the film
itself good or bad overall? Why?-Because they are singing and acting at
the same time the difference would be that they do not do as much acting
they do a lot more singing instead. It is also different because it is not all
acting there is different messages they are getting across in different
ways. Yes I think they did a really good job to bring the story to life and
they acted it out very well. I really enjoyed this film and I think it was
great overall. I would watch it again. I liked how it was updated to
become a better version of itself.
What was your favorite musical number? Why? How did the song
contribute to the plot of the film? I like the one where Cinderella was
singing about leaving one of her shoes behind so that he will have to
come and find her to return her shoe. It contributed to the story of
Cinderella where she leaves her shoe behind so that the prince can find
her and they can live happily together forever.
Who was your favorite actor or actress in the film? What character did he
or she play? What about his or her performance was good? What did he
or she do well as an actor or actress? What is at least one thing they could
do better?I really liked Anna Kendrick because she played her part really
well, sang very good, and made me feel intrigued to continue to watch.
She did a good job to play cinderella and show her struggles. She could do
better at making better facials.
What was your least favorite musical number? Why did you dislike it? Do
you think it helped move the plot along or was it unnecessary?
Explain.When repunzel’s mom is singing to her. I didn't really like this one
because it made me feel nervous in a way because of the way she was
singing and the way she was acting towards rapunzel.
Who was your least favorite actor or actress in the film? What character
did he or she play? Why did you dislike his or her performance? Do you
think his or her performance hindered the film in any way? Why or why
not? What could he or she improve about his or her performance?
Christine Baranksi because she is the evil stepmother and her acting is not
that great. She could do a better job to play the role of the evil
stepmother. She doesn’t really have a great singing voice either so that
did not intrigue me.
Rate the film out of five stars. One star means it was terrible; five stars mean it
was Oscar worthy. I would have to rate the film a 4 because the storyline was
really good and it showed all of the princesses and things in only one movie. I
love how they got each storyline to connect. The actors were really good and
played their parts very well. This helped the film to be really interesting to
watch. Overall I really liked this film and would probably watch it again. I
recommend it to people of all ages.